Archive-name: atari-8-bit/faq Last-modified: July 8, 2024 Welcome to the comp.sys.atari.8bit newsgroup! Atari 8-Bit Computers Frequently Asked Questions List ___________ _______________ | ///////// | _____________ | ||||||||||| | |___________| | | | ||_______|| | |______/////| |____[---]____| | / _________ \ | |LLLLLLLLLLL| |LLLLLLLLLLL || | LLLLLLLLLLL L | |LLLLLLLLLLL| |LLLLLLLLLLL || | LLLLLLLLLLL L | |__[_____]__| |__[_____]____| |___[_____]_____| 130XE 800XL 800 ___________ __---------__ | ///////// | | / _____ \ | |___________| _____________ | / |_____| \ | |______/////| |____[---]____| | ___________ | |LLLLLLLLLLL| |LLLLLLLLLLL || | ========== =| |LLLLLLLLLLL| |LLLLLLLLLLL || | ========== =| |__[_____]__| |__[_____]____| |___[_____]___| 65XE 600XL 400 ___________ _____________ | ///////// | ___________ | | |___________| |/// / | | | |______/////| |// / | /\___________ |=============| |LLLLLLLLLLL| |/O\ |\/ |LLLLLLLLLLL| | LLLLLLLLLLL | |LLLLLLLLLLL| |-----------| |LLLLLLLLLLL| | LLLLLLLLLLL | |__[_____]__| |____O_O_O_O| |__[_____]__| |___[_____]___| 800XE XE game system 1200XL Additions/suggestions/comments/corrections are needed! Please send to: Michael Current, Copyright (c) 1992-2024 by Michael D. Current, and others where noted. Feel free to reproduce this file, in whole or in part, so long as the content of that portion reproduced is not modified, and so long as credit is given to this FAQ list or its Maintainer, or the author of that section reproduced when given. This document is in a constant state of development and comes with no guarantees. If you see any problems, I need to hear from you! Special thanks to Laurent Delsarte for his numerous suggestions/comments/ corrections for this FAQ list over many years. The latest version of this document is irregularly posted to these Usenet newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.8bit, comp.answers, news.answers It is also kept at: Enhanced versions (Text, A4 PDF, US Letter PDF): You may also request my latest working version at: UPDATES SINCE PREVIOUS POSTING: 2024.07.08 11.1 finished various revisions related to Atari UK revisit 2024.06.27 11.1 Atari UK revisit, including support, service and software 2024.06.21 1.3 fall 1982 units shipped with 48K, thanks Steven Posey 2024.06.21 11.1 revisit 400/800 prices/promotions fall 82, thanks Steven Posey 2024.06.12 11.1 tweaks including spring/77 arrivals, thanks Laurent Delsarte 2024.06.12 11.1 and others, batch of typos & similar, thanks Laurent Delsarte 2024.06.11 11.1 pounds -> £ 2024.06.07 6.11 completed thorough section overhaul 2024.06.07 6.2 Atari#: C070046-01, thanks John S 2024.06.06 7.3.3 SuperDOS and MachDOS DSDD 360KiB formats 2024.06.06 7.3.3 TOP-DOS disk allocation/filesystems, especially DSDD 360K 2024.06.06 7.3.3 DOS XLE revisit including credit, thanks Laurent Delsarte 2024.06.03 7.3.3 Turbo-DOS XL/XE revisit 2024.06.03 7.3.3 Bibo-DOS Quad format (DSDD 360K) 2024.05.04 5.2.3 added SIO2MIDI-S2 and MIDIcar 2024.04.14 8.16 added: Technical Difficulties 2024.03.14 11.1 Unimport Ibérica (Spain), thanks Laurent Delsarte 2024.03.13 7.3.3 SuperDOS official vs unofficial versions 2024.03.13 1.2 - 1.8 keyboard details, thanks Laurent Delsarte 2024.03.12 4.6 7.1.2 ROM-Wizard printer interface 2024.03.03 1.16 11.1 deep revisit, focusing on early software people and on the evolution of Candy to the 400 2024.02.10 1.7 1.8 C072018-009, thanks Laurent Delsarte 2024.02.10 latest typos, thanks Laurent Delsarte ------------------------------ Subject: 0.1) Table of contents 0.1) Table of contents Computers 1.1) What is an Atari 8-bit computer? 1.2) What is the Atari 400? 1.3) What is the Atari 800? 1.4) What is the Atari 1200XL? 1.5) What is the Atari 600XL? 1.6) What is the Atari 800XL? 1.7) What is the Atari 65XE? 1.8) What is the Atari 130XE? 1.9) What is the Atari XE game system? 1.10) What is the Atari 800XE? 1.11) What were the Atari 1400XL, 1450XLD, 65XEP, and 65XEM? 1.12) What are SALLY, ANTIC, CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA, POKEY, and FREDDIE? 1.13) What is the internal hardware arrangement of the 8-bit Atari? 1.14) What is the Atari memory map and how is banked memory managed? 1.15) What are the pinouts for the various connectors on the Atari? 1.16) Who designed the Atari 8-bit computers? 1.17) How do I use my Atari computer system? Televisions, Monitors, Speakers 2.1) What are analog TV broadcasting systems and composite video? 2.2) What kinds of TVs can display my Atari's RF output signal? 2.3) What kinds of computer monitors can I use with my Atari? 2.4) What were the Atari XC1411 and XM128 monitors? 2.5) What are composite video artifact colors, or artifacts? 2.6) What is HDTV display lag? Mass Storage: Compact Cassette Players/Recorders 3.1.1) What are the Atari 410, 1010, XC11, & XC12 Program Recorders? 3.1.2) What other cassette recorders can I use with my Atari? 3.1.3) What speed upgrades are there for Atari program recorders? Mass Storage: Floppy Disk Drives 3.2.1) What is the Atari 810 Disk Drive? 3.2.2) What is the Atari 1050 Disk Drive? 3.2.3) What is the Atari XF551 Disk Drive? 3.2.4) What were the Atari 815, XF521, and XF351 Disk Drives? 3.2.5) What other floppy disk drives were designed for my Atari? 3.2.6) What is the Percom configuration block? 3.2.7) How can I use an industry standard floppy disk drive? 3.2.8) Can I use modern storage media as emulated floppy drives? Mass Storage: High Capacity Disk Drives 3.3.1) What is the Corvus disk system? 3.3.2) How can I use an ST-506 interface hard disk (MFM or RLL)? 3.3.3) How can I use a SASI or SCSI interface hard disk/controller? 3.3.4) Can I use an IDE/CompactFlash device as a high capacity drive? 3.3.5) How can I use an SD card as a high capacity disk drive? Mass Storage: Modern Computers as File Servers for the Atari 3.4.1) How can my Atari utilize my other computer's mass storage? 3.4.2) How can my Atari use a TNFS networked file server? Printers 4.1) What are the Atari 820, 822, and 825 Printers? 4.2) What are the Atari 1020, 1025, 1027, and 1029 Printers? 4.3) What are the Atari XMM801 and XDM121 Printers? 4.4) What were the Atari XTM201 and XTC201 Printers? 4.5) What other printers were designed for my Atari? 4.6) How can I use a Centronics or IBM parallel interface printer? 4.7) How can my Atari utilize my other computer's printer? Modems 5.1.1) What are the Atari 830, 835, 1030, XM301, and SX212 Modems? 5.1.2) What other modems were marketed for use with my Atari? 5.1.3) How can I connect an RS-232 modem without using an interface? 5.1.4) How can my Atari use my PC's dial-up modem? 5.1.5) How can my Atari use a networked device as an Internet modem? Industry Standard Serial Interfaces 5.2.1) What is the Atari 850 Interface Module? 5.2.2) What other RS-232 serial interfaces are there for the Atari? 5.2.3) What MIDI interfaces are there for the Atari? 5.2.4) What general-purpose USB interfaces are there for the Atari? Local Networking, Classic 5.3.1) How can Atari computers share an SIO chain of peripherals? 5.3.2) How can I set up a local area network of Atari computers? 5.3.3) How do I transfer files between computers by null modem cable? Local Networking, Modern 5.4.1) How can I connect my Atari to an Ethernet network? 5.4.2) How can I pair my Atari with another device using Bluetooth? 5.4.3) How can I connect my Atari to a Wi-Fi network? Graphics Enhancements 6.1.1) What is the Atari XEP80 Interface Module? 6.1.2) What other graphics enhancements are there for the Atari? Hardware Upgrades and Accessories 6.2) What are the power requirements for my Atari components? 6.3) What accessories/controllers did Atari make for their computers? 6.4) What Kits/Add-A-Paks did Atari make for their 8-bit computers? 6.5) What graphics tablets were produced for the Atari? 6.6) What light pens were produced for the Atari? 6.7) What light guns were produced for the Atari? 6.8) Is there a computer mouse I can use with my Atari? 6.9) What voice/speech synthesis hardware is there for the Atari? 6.10) What sound digitizers/samplers were produced for the Atari? 6.11) What sound upgrades (stereo, 8-bit PCM, others) are there? 6.12) What types of memory upgrades are there for the Atari? 6.13) What personality boards were produced for the Atari 800? 6.14) How can I upgrade my Atari to run CP/M or MS-DOS software? 6.15) What were the Atari CP/M Module and 1090 XL Expansion System? Core Software: OS 7.1.1) What is the Atari Operating System? 7.1.2) What modified versions of the Atari OS were released? 7.1.3) What is the ATASCII (Atari ASCII) encoding standard? 7.1.4) How is the Input/Output subsystem of the Atari OS organized? 7.1.5) What is Attract mode? 7.1.6) What is the Atari cassette utilization/filesystem? 7.1.7) What programs run only on the 400/800 (not the XL/XE) and why? 7.1.8) Why do some programs run only on the XL/XE (not the 400/800)? 7.1.9) How can I run older programs using the Atari Translator? 7.1.10) How can software detect NTSC versus PAL/SECAM computer types? Core Software: BASIC 7.2.1) What is Atari BASIC? 7.2.2) How do I load/run or save an Atari BASIC program on cassette? Core Software: DOS 7.3.1) What is Atari DOS, and what versions did Atari release? 7.3.2) What is SpartaDOS X? 7.3.3) What other 3rd-party DOS versions were released for the Atari? 7.3.4) What are Micro-SpartaDOS, MyPicoDos, and LiteDOS? 7.3.5) What should I know about filenames and filename extensions? 7.3.6) What Atari programs can use MS-DOS 5.25" or 3.5" diskettes? Core Software: GUI 7.4) Are there Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for the Atari? Core Software: Modem Handlers and Usage 7.5) What should I know about R: and T: modem device handlers? 7.6) What should I know about using fast modems with the Atari? Software 8.1) How may a program behave on NTSC/PAL/SECAM computer versions? 8.2) What programming languages are available for the Atari? 8.3) What cartridges were released for the Right Slot of the 800? 8.4) What programs use paddle controllers? 8.5) What programs use Keyboard Controllers? 8.6) What programs are designed to use a light pen? 8.7) What programs include CX85 Numerical Keypad support? 8.8) What programs are designed for a true trackball controller? 8.9) What programs use: Touch Tablet or KoalaPad/Animation Station? 8.10) What programs are designed to use a light gun? 8.11) What programs use a computer mouse? 8.12) What programs use Driving Controllers? 8.13) What games support 4 or more simultaneous players? 8.14) What programs support Atari computer networking? 8.15) What noncommercial telecommunications programs are there? 8.16) What programs can I use to host a BBS on the Atari? 8.17) What games support online action via modem? 8.18) What Internet applications are there for the Atari? Atari Media Image Formats 9.1) What file formats for entire disks/tapes/cartridges are there? For Other Computers 10.1) How can my PC's internal floppy disk drive use Atari diskettes? 10.2) How can my PC with USB floppy disk drive use Atari diskettes? 10.3) How can my PC use Atari diskettes using my Atari disk drive? Timeline 11.1) What is the history of Atari's 8-bit computers platform? To do? list: - Atari Cartridge - Diagnostic cartridges, eg Star Raiders, Basketball - In his Antic Podcast interview, Crane calls bit 7 of the option byte the "Al Miller bit" - Boot cartridge/disk/cassette formats - DOS 2 binary file format - Commercial telecommunications programs - programs supporting Axlon or Mosaic banked memory Axlon list: OmniWriter, Mosaic list: RAMbrandt - RAM cartridges - Persistent RAM by Intra-Tech Computer Products - Intra-Tech Hyper Drive - - - - Hypercartridge by Chameleon Computing (1983) ------------------------------ Subject: 1.1) What is an Atari 8-bit computer? Atari, based in Sunnyvale California and already known for coin-operated and home video games, produced a line of computers from 1979 to 1992 often referred to collectively as the "Atari 8-bits," the "8-bit Ataris," the "400/800/XL/XE series," etc. The computers in the series eventually included the 400, 800, 1200XL, 600XL, 800XL, 65XE, 130XE, 800XE, and the XE game system. With the exception of the XE game system, Atari marketed these computers as personal computers or home computers. In the 1970s the product category of personal computers for the home, or home computers, emerged out of other product categories including terminals for accessing time-sharing mainframe and minicomputers; business, industrial, and scientific microcomputers; desktop and pocket programmable calculators; computer kits marketed to home hobbyists; home consumer video games; and handheld electronic games. Some notable examples include: 1968: Hewlett-Packard HP-9100A (desktop scientific calculator) 1971: Kenbak-1 (computer), Datapoint 2200 (computer) 1972: Magnavox Odyssey (home game console), Hewlett-Packard HP-35 (pocket calculator) 1973: Micral N (computer), Hewlett-Packard HP-9830A (programmable calculator), Wang 2200 (computer), TV Typewriter (Radio Electronics magazine project) 1974: Scelbi-8H (computer kit or assembled), Mark-8 (Radio Electronics magazine computer project), Micro Computer Machines MCM/70 (computer), Hewlett-Packard HP-65 (programmable pocket calculator) 1975: MITS Altair 8800 (computer kit or assembled), IMSAI 8080 (computer kit or assembled), IBM 5100 (computer), Sears Tele-Games Pong by Atari (home game console), Epoch TV Tennis Electrotennis (home game console), SWTPC 6800 (computer kit or assembled) 1976: Compucolor 8001 (computer kit for Intercolor 8001 terminal), Sol-20 (computer kit or assembled), Apple-1 (computer kit), MOS Technology KIM-1 (computer kit), Polymorphic Systems Micro-Altair (Poly 88) (computer), Ohio Scientific OSI Model 300 Computer Trainer, OSI Model 400 Superboard, Micral M (computer), Coleco Telstar (home game console), Fairchild Video Entertainment System (VES) (Channel F) (home game console), Mattel Auto Race (handheld game), Texas Instruments Little Professor (electronic educational toy) The mass-market personal computer for the home consumer, or home computer, arrived in 1977 in the form of products from Apple Computer, Commodore, and Tandy Radio Shack. Here is a brief presentation of release dates for the 8-bit Atari computers, listed alongside notable contemporary home computers, business oriented personal computers (which increasingly encroached on the home computer market over this time period), pocket/handheld computers, and home video game consoles (technologically very similar to home computers): 1977 Home computers: Apple II, Commodore PET (2001 / CBM 3000 series), Radio Shack TRS-80 (Model I), Heathkit H8 (kit or assembled), OSI Model 500 / Challenger II / Super Kit, OSI Challenger III, North Star Horizon (kit or assembled), Cromemco Z-2 (kit or assembled), VideoBrain, Nascom (kit), Science of Cambridge MK14 (kit) Video games: Nintendo Color TV-Game 6, RCA Studio II, Bally Astrocade, Atari Video Computer System (VCS 2600) 1978 Home computers: ARI Cybervision 2001, Exidy Sorcerer, Compucolor II, Heathkit H88 (kit), Rockwell AIM 65, Synertek VIM-1 (SYM-1), OSI Challenger 1P / Superboard II / Model 600 Business PCs: IBM 5110, Logabax LX500 series, Micral V Portable, Heathkit H11 (kit), Altos ACS-8000 Video games: APF MP1000, Interton VC 4000 1979 Home computers: Atari 400/800, Apple II Plus, Texas Instruments TI-99/4, Acorn Microcomputer, Interact, APF Imagination Machine Business PCs: Radio Shack TRS-80 Model II, Micral 8031 D, AVL Eagle, NEC PC-8000 series, Intertec SuperBrain, Heathkit H89 (Zenith Z-89) Video games: Bally Professional Arcade, Philips/Magnavox Odyssey 2/Videopac G7000 1980 Home computers: Radio Shack TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Color Computer, Sinclair ZX80, Acorn Atom, Elektor Junior Computer project, Commodore PET/CBM 4000 Series Business PCs: IBM 5120, Apple III, Commodore CBM 8000 series, R2E CCMC Portal, Hewlett-Packard HP-85 Video games: Mattel Intellivision 1981 Home computers: BBC Micro (by Acorn), Commodore VIC-20, Sinclair ZX81 (Timex Sinclair 1000), Texas Instruments TI-99/4A, NEC PC-6000 series, Sharp PC-1500, Panasonic HHC Business PCs: IBM 5150 (IBM PC), Osborne 1, Xerox 820, Sharp MZ-80B, Victor 9000 / ACT Sirius 1, Commodore SuperPET SP9000/MMF 9000, Fujitsu Micro 8 (FM-8), Zenith Z-90, Casio FX-9000P, Digilog Series 1000, Hewlett-Packard HP-125, Alspa Computer ACI-1, AVL Eagle II Video games: Epoch Cassette Vision 1982 Home computers: Commodore Max Machine, Commodore 64, Commodore CBM-II P series (500 series), Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Franklin Ace 1000, Pineapple, Hewlett-Packard HP-75, Dragon 32, Thomson TO 7 Business PCs: Kaypro II, CDP MPC 1600, DEC Rainbow 100, Olivetti M20, Wang PC, Sanyo MBC-550, Sanyo MBC-1000, Borroughs B21/B22, Leading Edge Model M, Zenith Z-100, North Star Advantage, Epson HX-20/HC-20, AVL Eagle IV, Commodore CBM-II B series (600/700 series), Hewlett-Packard HP-87, Hewlett-Packard HP-120, TeleVideo TS 802 Video games: VTech CreatiVision, Emerson Radio Arcadia 2001, ColecoVision, Atari 5200, Vectrex, SHG Black Point 1983 Home computers: Atari 1200XL, Atari 600XL/800XL, Acorn Electron, Apple IIe, Coleco Adam, MSX, Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 4, TRS-80 Color Computer 2, TRS-80 MC-10, Sega SC-3000, Mattel Aquarius, Spectravideo SV-318, Spectravideo SV-328, Syscom 2, Panasonic JR-200U, Texas Instruments CC-40, Oric-1, Matra & Hachette Alice, Dragon 64 Business PCs: IBM PC XT, Compaq Portable, Apple Lisa, Kaypro IV, Kaypro 10, Texas Instruments TIPC and TIPPC, Tulip PC, Olivetti M24 (AT&T PC 6300, Xerox 6060), Borroughs B25, Epson QX-10, ACT Apricot, Hewlett-Packard HP-150 Video games: Gakken Compact Vision TV Boy, Philips Videopac+ G7400, Nichibutsu My Vision, Sega SG-1000, Nintendo Family Computer (Famicom), Casio PV-1000 1984 Home Computers: Amstrad CPC, Apple IIc, Apple Macintosh, IBM PCjr, Sinclair QL, Commodore 16/116, Commodore Plus/4 Business PCs: IBM PC AT, Compaq Deskpro, Bull Micral 30, Borroughs B26, Wyse 1000, Tandy 1000, Apple Lisa 2 Video games: Epoch Super Cassette Vision 1985 Home computers: Atari 65XE/130XE, Atari 520ST, Commodore 128, Commodore Amiga (Amiga 1000) Business PCs: Hewlett-Packard HP Vectra, Hewlett-Packard HP-150II, PC's Limited Turbo PC, Leading Edge Model D, Amstrad PCW, Apple Macintosh XL Video games: Nintendo Entertainment System (Famicom), Sega Mark III 1986 Home computers: Atari 1040ST, Apple Macintosh Plus, Tandy Color Computer 3, Apple IIgs Business PCs: Compaq Deskpro 386, DEC VAXmate Video games: Atari 7800, Sega Master System 1987 Home computers: Atari 800XE, Acorn Archimedes, Apple Macintosh SE, Commodore Amiga 500, Cambridge Computer Z88 Business PCs: IBM PS/2, Apple Macintosh II, Atari Mega ST, Commodore Amiga 2000 Video games: Atari XE game system, Worlds of Wonder Action Max, NEC PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16) In marketing their computers to the public, Atari always had to contend with their company history and reputation as a maker of video games. While the 8- bit Atari computers in their heyday were technically quite comparable if not superior relative to contemporary home computers, they also live up to the name "Atari" with a huge library of video games which were often outstanding for their time. The 8-bit Atari computers do not use the same cartridges or floppy disks as any other Atari platforms, such as the 2600 Video Computer System (VCS), the 5200 SuperSystem, the 7800 ProSystem, or the ST/TT/Falcon computers. The controller ports of the 8-bit Atari computers are 100% compatible with the joystick ports of the 2600 VCS, allowing controllers designed for either system to be used interchangeably between the two platforms. The Atari 7800 and Atari ST/TT/Falcon also feature very similar controller ports, as do the Commodore VIC-20, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, Commodore CD32, Amstrad CPC, MSX, Sega Master System, and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. Simple controllers (single-button joysticks) may work across all of these systems, while more advanced controllers may work with only a subset of these systems. The Atari 5200 hardware platform is very closely related the 8-bit Atari computers, including use of the same custom chipset (SALLY/ANTIC/GTIA/POKEY). Differences in the 5200 include a fixed 16KiB of RAM, fixed 32KiB ROM cartridge size, physically different cartridge and controller ports, and a much smaller 2KiB operating system. Here are some of the hardware performance specifications of the 8-bit Atari computers: 6502 MICROPROCESSOR: MOS Technology MCS6502A or equivalent (most NTSC 400/800 machines) Atari SALLY (late NTSC 400/800, all PAL 400/800, and all XL/XE) 6502 CLOCK RATE: 1.789773MHz (NTSC machines; engineering target = 1/2 the standard NTSC color subcarrier frequency of 315/88 Hz, or 3.57954545MHz) 1.7734475MHz (PAL/SECAM machines; engineering target = 2/5 the PAL color subcarrier frequency of 4.43361875MHz COLOR CLOCKS per MACHINE CYCLE 2 MACHINE CYCLES per SCAN LINE 114 COLOR CLOCKS per SCAN LINE 228 (2 color clocks/machine cycle * 114 machine cycles/scan line) SCAN LINES per FRAME 262 (NTSC machines) 312 (PAL/SECAM machines) MACHINE CYCLES per FRAME: 29,868 (NTSC machines: 114 machine cycles/scan line * 262 lines/frame) 35,568 (PAL/SECAM machines: 114 cycles/scan line * 312 lines/frame) FRAME REFRESH RATE: 59.92Hz (NTSC machines) (1.789773MHz / 29,868 cycles/frame) 49.86Hz (PAL/SECAM machines) (1.7734475MHz / 35,568 cycles/frame) MAXIMUM RESOLUTION = GRAPHICS PIXEL 0.5 color clock (width) x 1 scan line (height) MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL FRAME RESOLUTION (Standard Playfield) 320 pixels (160 color clocks * 2 pixels/color clock) MAXIMUM VERTICAL FRAME RESOLUTION (Standard/Narrow/Wide Playfields) 192 pixels (192 scan lines) MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL FRAME RESOLUTION (Wide Playfield) 352 pixels (176 displayable color clocks * 2 pixels/color clock) MAXIMUM VERTICAL FRAME RESOLUTION (custom display list) 240 pixels (240 displayable scan lines) GRAPHICS MODES The ANTIC chip supports 14 graphics modes (2-F), and the GTIA/FGTIA chip supports 4 color interpretations for each mode (1 normal and 3 alternate), for a total of 56 combinations. However, only ANTIC modes 2, 3, and F are capable of fully expressing the color palettes of the alternate color interpretations, for a total of 23 distinct fully-functional graphics modes. (Atari marketing and consumer documentation often only acknowledged the 16 modes supported by the Operating System, referenced as 11 graphics modes and 5 text modes.) Explore all 56 modes: ANTIC GTIA Atari OS Display Resolution Colors Mode Mode + Mode Type screen / each char (Color Registers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0 Char 40 x 24 8x8 3 * 2 1 - Char 40 x 24 2x8 16 or 8 ** 2 2 - Char 40 x 24 2x8 9 2 3 - Char 40 x 24 2x8 16 *** 3 - Char 40 x 19 8x8 3 * 3 1 - Char 40 x 19 2x8 16 or 8 ** 3 2 - Char 40 x 19 2x8 9 3 3 - Char 40 x 19 2x8 16 *** 4 12 ++ Char 40 x 24 4x8 5 5 13 ++ Char 40 x 12 4x8 5 6 1 Char 20 x 24 8x8 5 7 2 Char 20 x 12 8x8 5 8 3 Map 40 x 24 4 9 4 Map 80 x 48 2 A 5 Map 80 x 48 4 B 6 Map 160 x 96 2 C 14 ++ Map 160 x 192 2 D 7 Map 160 x 96 4 E 15 ++ Map 160 x 192 4 F 8 Map 320 x 192 3 * F 1 9 Map 80 x 192 16 or 8 ** F 2 10 Map 80 x 192 9 F 3 11 Map 80 x 192 16 *** + GTIA Modes require GTIA chip or FGTIA chip (With CTIA these modes are considered valid by the OS but do not work.) ++ Supported by the XL OS (not supported by the 400/800 OS) * 2 of the 3 available color registers share the same color/hue in this mode * Modes capable of color artifacting on the NTSC Atari ** GTIA: 16 luminances of one color/hue FGTIA: 8 luminances of one color/hue *** 16 colors/hues all sharing the same luminance GRAPHICS INDIRECTION (COLOR REGISTERS AND CHARACTER SETS): Nine Color Registers are provided: - Background (used in all graphics modes) - Playfield 0-3 (at least one used in all graphics modes but GTIA 1&3) - Player-Missile 0-3 (used in GTIA Mode 2; Player-Missiles discussed below) Each color register holds both a color/hue setting and a luminance/brightness setting. In most graphics modes, each of the available color registers may hold any one of 16 colors/hues combined with any one of 8 luminance/brightness settings, for a total palette of 128 possible colors. In GTIA Mode 1 only, with the GTIA chip only, the 16 available colors/hues can each be combined with 16 different luminance/brightness settings, for a total palette of 256 possible colors. Character sets of 128 8x8 characters, each with a normal and an inverse video incarnation, are totally redefinable. PLAYER-MISSILE GRAPHICS: The Atari term for "sprites" where a sprite is a graphical video display object handled independently from the memory bitmap of the video display. Four 8-bit wide, 120 or 240 byte high single color Players, and four 2-bit wide, 120 or 240 byte high single color Missiles are available. A mode to combine the 4 Missiles into a 5th 8-bit wide Player is also available, as is a mode to OR colors or blacken out colors when Players overlap (good for making three colors out of two Players!) Players and Missiles have adjustable priority and collision detection. DISPLAY LIST: Screen modes can be mixed (by lines) down the screen using the Display List - a program which is executed by the ANTIC graphics chip every screen refresh. DISPLAY LIST INTERRUPTS (DLIs): Other screen attributes (color, player/missile horizontal position, screen width, player/missile/playfield priority, etc.) can be adjusted at any point down the screen via DLIs. SCROLLING: Fine scrolling (both vertical and horizontal) can be enabled on any line on the screen. SOUND: Up to 5 distinct sounds can be produced simultaneously: four main voices plus the Console Speaker. Sound output is monaural/monophonic/single channel, except for the 400/800 where Console Speaker sounds are output separately to a speaker inside the computer. The four main voices can be configured in one of the following three ways: - 4 voices, each with one of 256 unique frequencies/pitches - 2 voices, each with one of 65,536 unique frequencies/pitches - 1 voice with one of 65,536 frequencies/pitches and 2 voices with one of 256 frequencies/pitches each Each of the main voices may produce 8 types of tones: pure tones (square wave type), or tones produced with one of 7 types of "noise" which is known as "distortion" on the Atari. Each of the main voices may be produced at one of 16 volumes. Direct control of the position of the speaker cone, known today as pulse- code modulation or PCM, is available at a bit depth of 4 bits, for a volume resolution of 16 possible values (4-bit PCM). This is known as "Volume Control Only" or "Volume Only" sound on the Atari. The Console Speaker was intended only for system keyclick and buzzer, but it may also be programmed as 1-bit PCM. VERTICAL BLANK INTERRUPTS (VBIs): A software routine may be designed to execute as a VBI. There are two varieties of VBI: Immediate and Deferred. An Immediate VBI completes execution within the vertical blank time, which is the time allotted for a CRT display to shut the electron beam off at the lower-right of the display and reposition it back on the top-left of the display to commence drawing of the next frame. A Deferred VBI routine completes execution between the initiation of one vertical blank and the next. Atari 8-bit computers were supplied with the proprietary Atari Operating System contained in Read Only Memory (ROM) as an integral feature of the computer. The Atari OS is described elsewhere in this FAQ List. ------------------------------ Subject: 1.2) What is the Atari 400? Introduced at a New York news conference on December 14, 1978 alongside the Atari 800 and shipped the following fall, the Atari 400 was the reduced feature set version of the new Atari personal computer system. The 400 is the only 8-bit Atari with a membrane keyboard rather than a full- stroke keyboard, and is one of the few 8-bit Atari computers lacking a composite monitor port. Controller Jacks #1-3 on the 400 are the only ones on any 8-bit Atari that do not support a light pen / light gun. The 400 was originally released with just 8KiB RAM, but most were sold with 16KiB RAM. As of June 1983 Atari released the 48K RAM Expansion Kit for the 400, installed through Atari service centers or offered as a kit through the Atari Program Exchange (APX). Any internal plug-in RAM board for the 400 can also be used in the front RAM slot of the 800. Features unique to the 400/800 models relative to other Atari computers: - Four "function keys" found to the right of the main keyboard, from top to bottom: [SYSTEM RESET] [OPTION] [SELECT] [START] - Television (TV) connecting cable, not designed to be removable, emerges directly from center of rear of computer case - Four controller (joystick) ports - Internal speaker for keyclicks and system buzzer - Memo Pad / Blackboard mode - 12 volt supply on pin 12 of the SIO port - Internal plug-in 400/800 CPU Board (28/56 pin edge connector) - Internal "test points" 28/56 pin PCB edge for factory quality assurance and diagnostics System initialization types supported: - Memo Pad: Turn on computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Cartridge: Turn on computer with cartridge inserted. - Cassette boot: (boot cassette may or may not require cartridge inserted) 1. Hold down [START] while turning on the computer. (system buzzer sounds) 2. Press Play on the program recorder with boot cassette inserted. 3. Press [RETURN] on the computer. - Disk boot: (boot disk may or may not require cartridge inserted) Turn on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. Versions of the Atari 400: o Pre-production: outline "Atari" label, solid "400" label, "Model No. C7000" label o Domestic version ("DOM") for NTSC M television (North America) - 1979 "400A" demo units: 16KiB of RAM ( - 1979-1981 systems shipped with: - 8KiB of RAM - Atari BASIC Programming Language cartridge CXL4002 - Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide) book C014385 - Atari 400 Operator's Manual C014768 - 1981-1983 systems shipped with: - 16KiB of RAM - The Basic Computer Owner's Guide C017711 - Microprocessor - Most units: 6502 (MOS Technology MCS6502A or equivalent), C014377 - Late units: 6502 (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC NTSC version, C012296 - Early units: CTIA, C012295 Most units: GTIA NTSC version, C014805 - 10KiB Operating System ROM - 400/800 OS, C012399 Floating Point Package (FPP) + C012499 + C014599 - Early units: 400/800 OS Rev.A/NTSC - Most units: 400/800 OS Rev.B/NTSC - No Monitor port - Built-in TV connecting cable for TV antenna input - Switch (unlabeled) on back of computer selects TV output RF channel: 2 or 3 - TV Switch Box supplied with computer o "PAL"/"UK" versions for PAL B/G television (Western Europe) or PAL I television (United Kingdom), respectively - Most units (but not late units made in Hong Kong): Underside label marked "400 P" on PAL B/G units, or marked "400 U" on UK units - Shipped 1981-1983 - 16KiB RAM - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'A' version, C014887 - GTIA PAL version, C014889 - 10KiB Operating System ROM - 400/800 OS Rev.A/PAL, C012399 (FPP) + C015199 + C015299 - No Monitor port - Built-in TV connecting cable for TV antenna input - Switch (unlabeled) on back of computer selects TV output RF channel: - Some units: 36 (PAL/UK) or 4 (PAL) - Some units (Germany): 3 or 4 - Some units: Channel is fixed to either 36 or 4 - Manual: The Atari 400 Computer Owner's Guide C060200 o Peritel version (France) is the same as the "PAL" version (for PAL B/G television) but has a second built-in TV connecting cable for RGB TV input. - Apparently: Localized modification by Atari France - Visual tour: - Other links: - - - Rare! See L'Atarien #7 p33 for further reference. Technical manuals: - Atari 400/800 Personal Computer System Service Manual - August 1980 - April 1981, Revised May 1981 - Atari 400/800 Home Computer Field Service Manual FD100001 - June 1982 - Rev. 02 May 1983 - Atari 400/800 PAL-UK field service manual FD100002 Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA014748 power adapter or equivalent (such as the Atari CA017964). Power usage: 19W Atari marketing used the trademark, The Basic Computer, as an alternative name for the 400 from 1981-1982. The 400 was manufactured at Atari's plant at 1173 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale CA from November 1979 to May 1983, and was also made by Atari in Hong Kong from January to May 1983. Serial numbers: ------------------------------ Subject: 1.3) What is the Atari 800? Introduced at a New York news conference on December 14, 1978 alongside the Atari 400 and shipped the following fall, the Atari 800 was the full feature set version of the new Atari personal computer system. The 800 is the only 8-bit Atari with a Right Cartridge slot, in addition to the Left Cartridge slot as present on all 8-bit Ataris. The 800 was originally released with just 8KiB RAM, many were sold with 16KiB, and later on 48KiB was standard. The 800 is the only 8-bit Atari where the Operating System is contained in a plug-in Personality Module (Atari CX801 10K ROM or compatible), and where RAM is contained in one, two, or three plug-in Memory Modules (Atari CX852 8K RAM, Atari CX853 16K RAM, or compatibles). 800 RAM totals of 8KiB, 16KiB, 24KiB, 32KiB, 40KiB, or 48KiB were thus supported by Atari. Features unique to the 400/800 models relative to other Atari computers: - Four "function keys" found to the right of the main keyboard, from top to bottom: [SYSTEM RESET] [OPTION] [SELECT] [START] - Television (TV) connecting cable, not designed to be removable, emerges directly from center of rear of computer case - Four controller (joystick) ports - Internal speaker for keyclicks and system buzzer - Memo Pad / Blackboard mode - 12 volt supply on pin 12 of the SIO port - Internal plug-in 400/800 CPU Board (28/56 pin edge connector) - Internal "test points" 28/56 pin PCB edge for factory quality assurance and diagnostics System initialization types supported: - Memo Pad: Turn on computer with no cartridge(s) inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Cartridge: Turn on computer with cartridge(s) inserted. - Cassette boot: (boot cassette may or may not require cartridge(s) inserted) 1. Hold down [START] while turning on the computer. (system buzzer sounds) 2. Press the Play button on the program recorder with boot cassette inserted. 3. Press [RETURN] on the computer. - Disk boot: (boot disk may or may not require cartridge(s) inserted) Turn on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. Versions of the Atari 800: o Pre-production: Atari fuji logo includes "Atari", outline "Atari" label, solid "800" label, controller jacks panel colored black o Domestic version ("DOM") for NTSC M television (North America) - 1979-1980 systems shipped with: - 8KiB of RAM as one CX852 Memory Module - 410 Program Recorder - Educational System Master Cartridge CXL4001 - Atari BASIC Programming Language cartridge CXL4002 - Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide) book C014385 - Atari 800 Operator's Manual C014769 - 1980-1982 systems shipped with: - 16KiB of RAM as one CX853 Memory Module - On a promotional basis, fall 1982 systems shipped with two additional CX853 modules for 48KiB total. - Atari BASIC Programming Language cartridge CXL4002 - Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide) book C014385 - BASIC Reference Manual C015307 - The Atari 800 Home Computer Owner's Guide C060057 REV.1 (17 pages) - 1983 systems shipped with: - 48KiB of RAM as 3 CX853 Memory Modules (slot compartment screwed shut) - The Atari 800 Home Computer Owner's Guide C060057 REV.A (13 pages) - Microprocessor - Most units: 6502 (MOS Technology MCS6502A or equivalent), C014377 - Late units: 6502 (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC NTSC version, C012296 - Early units: CTIA, C012295 Most units: GTIA NTSC version, C014805 - CX801 10K ROM Personality Module - Detailed elsewhere in this FAQ List (800 personality boards) - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Channel switch on side of computer selects TV output RF channel: 2 or 3 - TV Switch Box supplied with computer o "PAL"/"UK" versions for PAL B/G television (Western Europe) or PAL I television (United Kingdom), respectively - Most units (but not late units made in Hong Kong): Underside label marked "800 P" on PAL B/G units, or marked "800 U" on UK units - Shipped 1981-1983 - 16KiB RAM (earlier units) or 48KiB RAM (later units) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'A' version, C014887 - GTIA PAL version, C014889 - CX801-P 10K ROM Personality Module - Detailed elsewhere in this FAQ List (800 personality boards) - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Built-in TV connecting cable for TV antenna input - Channel switch on side of computer selects TV output RF channel: 36 (PAL/UK) or 4 (PAL) - Manual: The Atari 800 Home Computer Owner's Guide C060497 o "PTL" version for Peritel television (France) is the same as the "PAL" version (for PAL B/G television), but with one of: - A second built-in TV connecting cable for RGB TV input. - An added RGB monitor port on the left side of the unit toward the rear (utilizing internal Peritel Adaptor board CA061034). - Apparently: Localized modifications by Atari France - Visual tour: - More pictures: - Rare! See L'Atarien #7 p33 for further reference - Discussions:;wap2 - Manual: Micro-Ordinateur Atari 800 Manuel D'instructions o "Collette" cost-reduced 1982 design (never shipped) was to incorporate the Mainboard, OS Board, CPU Board and 48KiB RAM into a single board 4 different types of 800 keyboards were nicely documented by ACML here: Technical manuals: - Atari 400/800 Personal Computer System Service Manual - August 1980 - April 1981, Revised May 1981 - Atari 400/800 Home Computer Field Service Manual FD100001 - June 1982 - Rev. 02 May 1983 - Atari 400/800 PAL-UK field service manual FD100002 Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA014748 power adapter or equivalent (such as the Atari CA017964). Power usage: 19W The 800 was manufactured at Atari's plant at 1173 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale CA from December 1979 to May 1983 (most units), and late units were made by Atari in Hong Kong in May-June 1983 (rare). Serial numbers: ------------------------------ Subject: 1.4) What is the Atari 1200XL? Introduced in December 1982 and shipped in March 1983, the Atari 1200XL was designed to replace the Atari 800 while maintaining compatibility with the earlier model. The project that led to the introduction of the 1200XL had been known inside Atari by names including: "Z800", "Sweet-16" / "S-16", "1000X", "1200X" Innovations relative to the 400/800 include a full 64KiB of RAM (62KiB usable) and a significantly revised XL Operating System (ROM expanded from 10KiB to 16KiB). The 1200XL is the only 8-bit Atari computer to feature two LED indicator lights (L1, L2). Normally they are both . L1 means the keyboard is disabled. L2 means the new International Character Set is selected. Keyboard enhancements introduced with the 1200XL include the new [HELP] key as well as four programmable functions keys ([F1], [F2], [F3], [F4]). The [Reverse] key ("Atari logo" key on the 400/800) and the [BREAK] key were moved from the main keyboard to be among the total of 11 "function keys" found along the top of the main keyboard. From left to right these are: [RESET] [START] [SELECT] [OPTION] [F1] [F2] [F3] [F4] [HELP] [Reverse] [BREAK] The labels on several of the 1200XL main keyboard keys differ slightly from those of the 400/800: 400/800 1200XL [CTRL] --> [CONTROL] [CAPS LOWR] --> [CAPS] [DELETE BACK S] --> [DELETE BACK SPACE] Console Speaker sounds (keyclicks and system beeps) output through the built-in speaker on the 400/800 are heard from the television or monitor speaker on the 1200XL. The toggle action of the [CAPS] key was altered compared to the 400/800. The key auto-repeat rate is user-alterable. The [RESET] key is directly wired to the SALLY 6502 reset line. 1200XL Function key effects, redefinable: [F1] Cursor up [SHIFT+F1] Cursor to upper-left corner (home) [F2] Cursor down [SHIFT+F2] Cursor to lower-left corner [F3] Cursor left [SHIFT+F3] Cursor to start of physical line [F4] Cursor right [SHIFT+F4] Cursor to end of physical line 1200XL Function key effects, non-redefinable: [CONTROL+F1] Keyboard enable/disable (console keys unaffected) [CONTROL+F2] Screen DMA (ANTIC) enable/disable [CONTROL+F3] Key click sound enable/disable [CONTROL+F4] Domestic/International character set toggle Additional 1200XL Operating System enhancements compared to the 400/800 OS: - Dynamic "ATARI" rainbow graphics demo screen - Self Test program - Automatic quick RAM/ROM integrity check on system start-up. If tests fail then the memory test routine of the Self Test program launches automatically. - Text screen fine scrolling is available - Universal OS for both NTSC and PAL systems (including independent values for cassette timings and for keyboard auto-repeat functions) Color frequencies generated by the 1200XL are user-adjustable via a variable resistor (VR1) accessible via a small hole in the bottom of the case (just below the FCC label, toward the front of the case). The audio carrier for the RF (television) output signal generated by the 1200XL is user-adjustable via an adjustable inductor (L11) accessible via a small hole in the bottom of the case (above the FCC label, toward the back of the case). See: The 1200XL is the only 8-bit Atari computer with an internal Option Jumper that, if removed, causes the Self Test program to launch at system start-up. (see: OS Manual XL Addendum p.15 and ) A few features from the 400/800 are lacking in the 1200XL. Most prominently, the 1200XL has only 2 controller ports, and no Memo Pad / Blackboard mode. With the 1200XL Atari made an apparent decision to preclude peripherals from drawing their power from the computer via the SIO bus: - SIO pin 12 is not connected (+12V on the 400/800) - SIO pin 10 is Ready (rather than +5V/Ready as on the 400/800) - "Fix" to convert pin 10 to +5V/Ready: Replace 100 Ohm resistor R63 with a 0 Ohm to 1 Ohm resistor, or a jumper wire System initialization types supported: - Dynamic "ATARI" rainbow graphics demo screen: Turn on computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Press [HELP] from the "ATARI" logo screen to access Self Test program. - Cartridge: Turn on computer with cartridge inserted. - Cassette boot: (boot cassette may or may not require cartridge inserted) 1. Hold down [START] while turning on the computer. (system buzzer sounds) 2. Press the Play button on the program recorder with boot cassette inserted. 3. Press [RETURN] on the computer. - Disk boot: (boot disk may or may not require cartridge inserted) Turn on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. Box: "A Step Into the Future" Single version of the Atari 1200XL: o Domestic version for NTSC M television (North America) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC NTSC version, C012296 - GTIA NTSC version, C014805 - 16KiB Operating System ROM: XL OS Rev.A, C060616A + C060617A - Floating Point Package (FPP) included, identical to the 400/800 FPP - From September 1983 service centers were authorized to upgrade the OS to: XL OS Rev.B, C060616B + C060617B (see Tech Tip 18A, 9/29/83) - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Pin 5 (chrominance on 800) is not connected - Switch Box jack for RF output for TV - Channel switch on back of computer selects TV output RF channel: 2 or 3 - TV Switch Box and TV connecting cable both supplied with computer - Manual: The Atari 1200XL Home Computer Owner's Guide C061418 Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA014748 power adapter or equivalent (such as the Atari CA017964). Power usage: 31VA (about 19W) Technical manual: - Atari 1200XL Home Computer Field Service Manual FD100217 1200XL visual tour: Scott Stilphen mentioned this 1200XL Easter egg on 10 Feb 2006: On 1200XLs, if you select 'all tests', when it gets to the keyboard test it'll type out the programmer's name. The 1200XL was manufactured at Atari's plant at 1215 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale CA from January 1983 to May 1983, and was also made by Atari Taiwan Manufacturing Corp. from April 1983 to July 1983. Serial numbers: ------------------------------ Subject: 1.5) What is the Atari 600XL? Introduced in June 1983 alongside the 800XL, 1400XL (never shipped), and 1450XLD (never shipped), and shipped that fall, the Atari 600XL was designed to replace the Atari 400 while maintaining compatibility with the earlier model. The project that led to the introduction of the 600XL had been known inside Atari by names including: "600", "Liz", "Crazy 8", "S-8" / "Sweet-8", "Surely" The 600XL/800XL include most of the features of the 1200XL, minus the 4 Function keys, the 2 LED lights, and the "ATARI" logo screen. But both the 600XL and 800XL have the Atari BASIC language built-in. In addition, these two systems offer the Parallel Bus Interface (PBI), providing fast parallel access to the heart of the computer. 600XL/800XL SIO pin 10 is +5V/Ready as on the 400/800, restoring compatibility with SIO devices designed to draw power from that line which would not work on the 1200XL. The 600XL contains 16KiB RAM. The Atari 1064 Memory Module expands the 600XL from 16KiB to 64KiB RAM (62KiB usable). Keyboard changes for the 600XL/800XL relative to the 1200XL: - The [BREAK] key was moved to the main part of the keyboard (at the upper- right, where it had been on the 400/800). - The [Reverse] key was moved to the main part of the keyboard (at the lower- right, to the right of the right [SHIFT] key.) (Note that on the 400/800 the equivalent "Atari Logo" key had been immediately to the _left_ of the right [SHIFT] key.) - Five "function keys" placed to the right of the main keyboard, from top to bottom: [RESET] [OPTION] [SELECT] [START] [HELP] - No function keys [F1][F2][F3][F4] as found on the 1200XL Color frequencies generated by the 600XL are user-adjustable via a variable resistor (R43) accessible via a small hole in the bottom of the case. System initialization types supported: - Atari BASIC: Turn on computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Self Test program: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on the computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Cartridge: Turn on computer with cartridge inserted. (disables BASIC) - Cassette boot: (boot cassette may or may not require BASIC or cartridge) 1. - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Hold down [START] while turning on the computer. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down both [START] and [OPTION] while turning on the computer. (system buzzer sounds) 2. Press the Play button on the program recorder with boot cassette inserted. 3. Press [RETURN] on the computer. - Disk boot: (boot disk may or may not require BASIC or cartridge inserted) - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Turn on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. Box: "Feature For Feature, Your Best Value" Versions of the Atari 600XL: o Domestic version for NTSC M television (North America) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC NTSC 'E' version, C021697 - Possibly some early units incorrectly shipped with ANTIC NTSC version C012296, see Tech Tip 20, 8/17/83. - GTIA NTSC version, C014805 - 16KiB Operating System ROM - Early units: XL OS Rev.1, C062024 - Standard as of October 1983 (FSM): XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Atari BASIC (8KiB ROM) - Most units: Atari BASIC Rev. B, C060302 - Late units: Atari BASIC Rev. C, C024947 - No Monitor port - Switch Box jack for RF output for TV - Channel switch on back of computer selects TV output RF channel: 2 or 3 - TV Switch Box and TV connecting cable both supplied with computer - Manuals: - The Atari 600XL Home Computer Owner's Guide C061530 (USA; 21 pages) - Atari Computer 600XL C061946 (international; 61 pages) - Connection Instructions for NTSC TV Systems C062228 (international) - Also included in KX7110 AtariWriter System All-In-One-Pak, 600XL + 1027 + AtariWriter + paper stock + One Way to Write Anything book. - A small number of 600XLs were sold in Canada with 64KiB RAM. The box had a round gold foil sticker reading: "64k Memory -- Now with a full 64k of memory built-in." The computer contains an internal memory upgrade daughterboard by BOT Engineering (based near Toronto). o PAL versions for PAL B/G television (Europe) or PAL I television (UK) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - First 24,000 units incorrectly shipped with ANTIC PAL 'A' version C014887, see Tech Tip 20, 8/17/83 - GTIA PAL version, C014889 - 16KiB Operating System ROM - Early units: XL OS Rev.1, C062024 - Standard as of October 1983 (FSM): XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Atari BASIC Rev. B (8KiB ROM), C060302 - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Pin 1 (luminance on 800) is not connected - Pin 5 (chrominance on 800) is Ground - T.V. jack for RF output for TV - No TV RF Channel select switch - TV output: RF channel 4 (PAL B version) or 36 (PAL G/PAL I versions). - RF Cable for TV connection supplied with computer - Manuals: - Atari Computer 600XL C061946 (international; 61 pages) - Connection Instructions for PAL TV Systems C061947 - Evidence of version localized for Finland: - Evidence of version localized for Sweden: o (A SECAM 600XL ("Pauline") for France was announced but never shipped.) 5 different types of 600XL/800XL keyboards were nicely documented by Beetle here: Power: Requires 1.5A at 5V DC as supplied by the Atari C061982 or C061763 power adapters or equivalent. Technical manual: - Atari 600XL Computer Field Service Manual FD100610 REV.1 October 1983 The 600XL was made for Atari by Chelco Sound (Hong Kong) Limited from July to December 1983 (NTSC units with "black label" 7YJ serial numbers) and by Atari in Hong Kong from September 1983 to April 1984 (most NTSC and all PAL units). A handful of NTSC units were remanufactured at Atari Taiwan Manufacturing Corp. (ATMC) between 1984 and 1986. The Atari 600XL was utilized by Exidy as an embedded system in their Max-A-Flex coin-operated arcade conversion system (configurable to play: Astro Chase, Boulder Dash, Bristles, or Flip and Flop). (See MyAtari Magazine, January 2003.) ------------------------------ Subject: 1.6) What is the Atari 800XL? Introduced in June 1983 alongside the 600XL, 1400XL (never shipped), and 1450XLD (never shipped), and first shipped late that year, the Atari 800XL was designed as the 64KiB RAM (62KiB usable) version of the low-end 600XL. Small quantities of 800XL computers shipped in the U.S. late in 1983, before mass shipments commenced worldwide late winter/early spring, 1984. The project that led to the introduction of the 800XL had been known inside Atari by names including: "600", "Liz", "Crazy 8", "S-8" / "Sweet-8", "Surely Plus" The 600XL/800XL include most of the features of the 1200XL, minus the 4 Function keys, the 2 LED lights, and the "ATARI" logo screen. But both the 600XL and 800XL have the Atari BASIC language built-in. In addition, these two systems offer the Parallel Bus Interface (PBI), providing fast parallel access to the heart of the computer. 600XL/800XL SIO pin 10 is +5V/Ready as on the 400/800, restoring compatibility with SIO devices designed to draw power from that line which would not work on the 1200XL. Keyboard changes for the 600XL/800XL relative to the 1200XL: - The [BREAK] key was moved to the main part of the keyboard (at the upper- right, where it had been on the 400/800). - The [Reverse] key was moved to the main part of the keyboard (at the lower- right, to the right of the right [SHIFT] key.) (Note that on the 400/800 the equivalent "Atari Logo" key had been immediately to the _left_ of the right [SHIFT] key.) - Five "function keys" placed to the right of the main keyboard, from top to bottom: [RESET] [OPTION] [SELECT] [START] [HELP] - No function keys [F1][F2][F3][F4] as found on the 1200XL Color frequencies generated by the 800XL are user-adjustable via a variable resistor (R38) accessible via a small hole in the bottom of the case. System initialization types supported: - Atari BASIC: Turn on computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Self Test program: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on the computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Cartridge: Turn on computer with cartridge inserted. (disables BASIC) - Cassette boot: (boot cassette may or may not require BASIC or cartridge) 1. - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Hold down [START] while turning on the computer. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down both [START] and [OPTION] while turning on the computer. (system buzzer sounds) 2. Press the Play button on the program recorder with boot cassette inserted. 3. Press [RETURN] on the computer. - Disk boot: (boot disk may or may not require BASIC or cartridge inserted) - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Turn on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. Box: "More Memory Means More Power" Versions of the Atari 800XL: o Domestic version for NTSC M television (North America) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC NTSC 'E' version, C021697 - Substituted in earlier units: ANTIC NTSC version, C012296 - GTIA NTSC version, C014805 - 16KiB Operating System ROM: XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Atari BASIC (8KiB ROM) - Most units: Atari BASIC Rev. B, C060302 - Late units: Atari BASIC Rev. C, C024947 - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Pin 5 (chrominance on 800) is not connected - Switch Box jack for RF output for TV - Channel switch on back of computer selects TV output RF channel: 2 or 3 - TV Switch Box and TV connecting cable both supplied with computer - Manuals: - The Atari 800XL Home Computer Owner's Guide C061589 (USA; 22 pages) - Atari Computer 800XL C024450 (international; 64 pages) - Connection Instructions for NTSC TV Systems C062228 (international) - PAL N version is NTSC version internally modified by Atari's distributor in Argentina, Skydata S.A., for 220V/50Hz power and for PAL N television/video output o PAL versions for PAL B/G television (Europe) or PAL I television (UK) - Later unit motherboards (9/84 revision): "800XLF" - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - Substituted in earlier units: ANTIC PAL 'A' version, C014887 - GTIA PAL version, C014889 - 16KiB Operating System ROM: XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Atari BASIC (8KiB ROM) - Most units: Atari BASIC Rev. B, C060302 - Late units: Atari BASIC Rev. C, C024947 - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Earlier units: Pin 5 (chrominance on 800) is not connected - Later/"800XLF" units: Pin 5 is chrominance video (as on the 800) - Switch Box jack for RF output for TV - No TV RF Channel select switch - TV output: RF channel 4 (PAL B version) or 36 (PAL G/PAL I versions) - RF Cable for TV connection supplied with computer - Manuals: - Atari Computer 800XL C024450 (international; 64 pages) - Connection Instructions for PAL TV Systems C061947 - Visual tour: - UK version also included in the 800XL 64K Personal Computer Pack: - 800XL + 1010 + CX4101 Invitation to Programming 1 cassette + TX8034 Pole Position/Atari Demo cassette - (see also Atari User #1 May 85 p19) o SECAM version (France) - Motherboard: "SECAM ROSE" - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - FGTIA, C020120 - Monitor port is Atari SECAM 6-pin - No Switch Box jack - No TV RF Channel select switch - Internal color/monochrome switch - TV cable (Monitor port to SCART/Peritel) supplied with computer - 16KiB Operating System ROM: XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Atari BASIC Rev. C (8KiB ROM), C024947 - Manuals: - Atari Computer 800XL C024450 (international; 64 pages) - Connection Instructions for SECAM Television Systems C025342 - Visual tour: 5 different types of 600XL/800XL keyboards were nicely documented by Beetle here: Power: Requires 1.5A at 5V DC as supplied by the Atari C061982 or C061763 power adapters or equivalent. Technical manuals: - Atari 800XL Computer Field Service Manual FD100740 - REV. 01 February 1984 - REV. 02 June 1985 The 800XL was made by Atari in Hong Kong from November 1983 to April 1984 (NTSC/PAL units), by Chelco Sound (Hong Kong) Limited for Atari from December 1983 to May 1984 (NTSC units with "black label" 7YJ serial numbers), and by Atari Taiwan Manufacturing Corp. (ATMC) from March 1984 to April 1985 (NTSC/PAL/SECAM units) and again from January 1987 to February 1987 (PAL units). A handful of units were remanufactured at ATMC between 1985 and 1987. Serial numbers: ------------------------------ Subject: 1.7) What is the Atari 65XE? Introduced in January 1985 alongside the 130XE, the Atari 65XE was the low-end machine in the new range of XE computers that would replace the Atari 600XL/800XL while maintaining compatibility with the earlier models. The 65XE does not include the PBI port as on the 600XL/800XL, but many 65XE machines include the similar (though physically incompatible) Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI). The 65XE offers 64KiB RAM (62KiB usable), and has the Atari XL OS and Atari BASIC on ROM. On the 65XE/130XE the five "function keys" are found along the top of the main keyboard, from left to right: [HELP] [START] [SELECT] [OPTION] [RESET] While 1200XL/600XL/800XL keyboard key labels used capital letters exclusively, on 65XE/130XE keyboards only the first letter of the word is capitalized. Also, the [DELETE BACK SPACE] key from the 1200XL/600XL/800XL is abbreviated as [DELETE BK SP] on the 65XE/130XE. Color frequencies generated by the 65XE are user-adjustable via a variable resistor (R38) accessible via a small hole in the bottom of the case. System initialization types supported: - Atari BASIC: Turn on computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Self Test program: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on the computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Cartridge: Turn on computer with cartridge inserted. (disables BASIC) - Cassette boot: (boot cassette may or may not require BASIC or cartridge) 1. - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Hold down [START] while turning on the computer. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down both [START] and [OPTION] while turning on the computer. (system buzzer sounds) 2. Press the Play button on the program recorder with boot cassette inserted. 3. Press [RETURN] on the computer. - Disk boot: (boot disk may or may not require BASIC or cartridge inserted) - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Turn on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. Versions of the Atari 65XE: o Domestic version for NTSC M television (North America) - Most units: No ECI Late units: NTSC 130XE motherboard (including ECI, but only 64KiB RAM) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC NTSC 'E' version, C021697 - GTIA NTSC version, C014805 - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Television Jack for RF output - TV Channel Select Switch on back of computer selects RF channel: 2 or 3 - TV Switch Box and TV Video Cable both supplied with computer - 16KiB Operating System ROM - Most units: XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Late units: XL OS Rev.3, C300717 - Atari BASIC Rev. C (8KiB ROM), C024947 - Manuals: - Atari 65XE Personal Computer Owner's Manual C072018-001 - REV. A (1984) or REV. B (1987) - NOM version ("Normas Oficiales Mexicanas") is the standard NTSC version, certified for sale in Mexico. Such units were distributed in a Spanish language box. - Manual: Manual Atari XE - Also sold in Chile by Coelsa (official Atari importer) as part of a 65XE game system package: 65XE + XG-1 Light Gun + CX40 Joystick - Box design #1: - Box design #2: - - - PAL N version is NTSC version internally modified by Atari's distributor in Argentina, Skydata S.A., for 220V/50Hz power and for PAL N television/video output o PAL versions for PAL B/G television (Europe) or PAL I television (UK) - Early units: No ECI Most units: PAL 130XE motherboard (including ECI, but only 64KiB RAM) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - GTIA PAL version, C014889 - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Television Jack for RF output - No TV Channel Select Switch - TV output: RF channel 4 (PAL B version) or 36 (PAL G/PAL I versions) - TV Video Cable supplied with computer - 16KiB Operating System ROM - Most units: XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Late units: XL OS Rev.3, C300717 - Atari BASIC Rev. C (8KiB ROM), C024947 - Manuals: - Atari XE Ordenador Personal Guia del Usuario C072018-007 - Atari Computer 65XE/130XE Instrukcje Obsługi C072018-009 (1991) o Najm ("Star") version for PAL television (Middle East) - "65XEN" motherboard - ECI port - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - GTIA PAL version, C014889 - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Television Jack for RF output - No TV Channel Select Switch - TV output: Unknown, likely either RF channel 4 (PAL B) or 36 (PAL G) - TV Video Cable supplied with computer - 16KiB Operating System ROM: XL OS Rev.3B (Arabic localized OS), C101700 - Atari BASIC Rev. C (8KiB ROM), C024947 - Manual: yes (Arabic language) - Sold/distributed exclusively by Atari distributor for the Middle East, aDawliah Universal Electronics APL (of Saudi Arabia), as part of the package: 65XE + (XC12 or NA-R25 Najm or NC-60 Najm) + (2 x CX40) - Visual tour: - Another analysis (Polish): - More info (Polish): - Prototype NTSC Arabic 65XE: Power: Requires 1.0A at 5V DC as supplied by the Atari C070042, C070045, or C070046 power adapters or equivalent (such as the Atari C061982 or C061763). The 65XE was made by Atari Taiwan Manufacturing Corp. (most units), by Sistemas Inteligentes, S.A. de C.V. (earlier name)/Atari (Mexico) Fabricante, S.A. de C.V. (later name) (units for Mexico), and in China (late production 1991 or 1992 units). The Atari 65XE was utilized by Medalist as an embedded system in their Dart Star coin-operated electronic dart boards (1988-1989 units only?). Details wanted! ------------------------------ Subject: 1.8) What is the Atari 130XE? Introduced in January 1985 alongside the 65XE, the Atari 130XE was the high- end machine in the new range of XE computers that would replace the Atari 600XL/800XL while maintaining compatibility with the earlier models. The 130XE does not include the PBI port as on the 600XL/800XL, but it does include the similar (though physically incompatible) Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI). The 130XE offers 128KiB RAM (126KiB usable), and has the Atari XL OS and Atari BASIC on ROM. On the 65XE/130XE the five "function keys" are found along the top of the main keyboard, from left to right: [HELP] [START] [SELECT] [OPTION] [RESET] While 1200XL/600XL/800XL keyboard key labels used capital letters exclusively, on 65XE/130XE keyboards only the first letter of the word is capitalized. Also, the [DELETE BACK SPACE] key from the 1200XL/600XL/800XL is abbreviated as [DELETE BK SP] on the 65XE/130XE. Color frequencies generated by the 130XE are user-adjustable via a variable resistor (R38) accessible via a small hole in the bottom of the case. System initialization types supported: - Atari BASIC: Turn on computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Self Test program: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on the computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Cartridge: Turn on computer with cartridge inserted. (disables BASIC) - Cassette boot: (boot cassette may or may not require BASIC or cartridge) 1. - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Hold down [START] while turning on the computer. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down both [START] and [OPTION] while turning on the computer. (system buzzer sounds) 2. Press the Play button on the program recorder with boot cassette inserted. 3. Press [RETURN] on the computer. - Disk boot: (boot disk may or may not require BASIC or cartridge inserted) - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Turn on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. Versions of the Atari 130XE: o Domestic version for NTSC M television (North America) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC NTSC 'E' version, C021697 - GTIA NTSC version, C014805 - 16KiB Operating System ROM - Most units: XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Late units: XL OS Rev.3, C300717 - Atari BASIC Rev. C (8KiB ROM), C024947 - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Television Jack for RF output - TV Channel Select Switch on back of computer selects RF channel: 2 or 3 - TV Switch Box and TV Video Cable both supplied with computer - Manual: Atari 130XE Personal Computer Owner's Manual C025951 REV.A 1985 - Manual: Atari 130XE Personal Computer Owner's Manual C025951 REV.A 1986 o PAL versions for PAL B/G television (Europe) or PAL I television (UK) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - GTIA PAL version, C014889 - 16KiB Operating System ROM - Most units: XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Late units: XL OS Rev.3, C300717 - Atari BASIC Rev. C (8KiB ROM), C024947 - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Television Jack for RF output - No TV Channel Select Switch - TV output: RF channel 4 (PAL B version) or 36 (PAL G/PAL I versions) - TV Video Cable supplied with computer - Manuals: - Atari 130XE Personal Computer Manuale d'Uso C026071 - Atari 130XE Personal Computer Gebruikershandleiding C026072 - Das 130XE Handbuch C026073, c1985 - Das Atari XE Handbuch (130XE/800XE) C072018-004, c1987 - Atari XE Ordenador Personal Guia del Usuario C072018-007 - Atari Computer 65XE/130XE Instrukcje Obsługi C072018-009 (1991) - UK version also included in the 130XE Starter Pack: - 130XE + XC12 + CX40 Joystick + TX9043 Compilation Tape (Typo Attack, Missile Command, Centipede, Tennis, Star Raiders) - o SECAM version (France) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - FGTIA, C020120 - 16KiB Operating System ROM - Most units: XL OS Rev.2, C061598 - Late units: XL OS Rev.3, C300717 - Atari BASIC Rev. C (8KiB ROM), C024947 - Monitor port is Atari SECAM 6-pin - No Television Jack - No TV Channel Select Switch - Color Mono switch on back of computer to affect video output - TV cable (Monitor port to SCART/Peritel) supplied with computer - Manual: Atari 130XE Ordinateur Personnel Manuel d'Utilisation C026059 - Also sold in a package with the 1050 disk drive: Power: Requires 1.0A at 5V DC as supplied by the Atari C070042, C070045, or C070046 power adapters or equivalent (such as the Atari C061982 or C061763). Technical manual: - Atari 130XE Reference Manual (field service manual) The 130XE was made by Atari Taiwan Manufacturing Corp. (most units) and in China (late production 1991 or 1992 units). ------------------------------ Subject: 1.9) What is the Atari XE game system? With the February 1987 introduction of the Atari XE game system, Atari both extended the established 65XE/130XE product line and also added a third game system to complement the established 2600 and 7800 product lines. Termed variously by Atari as the XE Video Game System, the XE Game System, or the XE System, the name was actually trademarked by Atari as simply: XE. (For clarity, this FAQ List will normally use "XE game system" or "XEgs".) The core component of the XEgs is the XE System console, which is essentially a complete 65XE but without a keyboard. A companion XE System Keyboard was produced and often sold with the console. The XE System console offers 64KiB RAM (62KiB usable) and has the Atari XL OS, Atari BASIC, and Missile Command on ROM. Distinctive hardware features of the XE System console: - Keyboard Port (for the separate XE System Keyboard) - Audio jack (phono) - Video jack (phono, providing composite video) 65XE/130XE features not present on the XE System console: - No Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI) - NTSC/PAL versions: No Monitor port - SECAM version: No Television jack System initialization types supported: - Cartridge: Press [POWER] on the console with cartridge inserted. (disables BASIC and Missile Command) - Atari BASIC, Missile Command, Self Test, Cassette boot, or Disk boot: (boot cassette or boot disk may or may not require BASIC or cartridge) Held down while Keyboard pressing [POWER]: Attached [OPTION][SELECT] [START] Result --------------------------------------------- N N N N Start Missile Command N N N Y Cassette boot, Missile Command enabled N N Y N Disk #1 boot if present, BASIC enabled N N Y Y Cassette boot, BASIC enabled N Y N N Disk #1 boot if present, else Self Test N Y N Y Cassette boot, BASIC/MC disabled N Y Y N Start Missile Command N Y Y Y Cassette boot, Missile Command enabled Y N N N Disk #1 boot if present, BASIC enabled Y N N Y Cassette boot, BASIC enabled Y N Y N Start Missile Command Y N Y Y Cassette boot, Missile Command enabled Y Y N N Disk #1 boot if present, else Self Test Y Y N Y Cassette boot, BASIC/MC disabled Y Y Y N Disk #1 boot if present, BASIC enabled Y Y Y Y Cassette boot, BASIC enabled (table adapted from AtariAge post by Tomasz Krasuski, May 2014) - Cassette boot further steps: (System buzzer sounds.) 2. Press the Play button on the program recorder with boot cassette inserted. 3. Press [RETURN] on the Keyboard if present, else press [START]. Versions of the XE System console: o Domestic version for NTSC M television (North America) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC NTSC 'E' version, C021697 - GTIA NTSC version, C014805 - 32KiB ROM, C101687: XL OS Rev.4 + Atari BASIC Rev. C + Missile Command - No Monitor port - Monitor Video Jack (phono) for composite video output - Television jack for RF output - TV Channel Selector switch on back of console selects RF channel 2 or 3 - TV Switch Box and TV Cable both supplied with console - XE 4001 package: XE System console + XE System Keyboard + XG-1 Light Gun + CX40 Joystick + Flight Simulator II + Bug Hunt - Console and Keyboard manuals: - Atari XE System Owner's Manual C100608 / C033514 (26 pages) - Atari XE System Keyboard Owner's Manual C100609 / C033513 (99 pages) - PAL N version is NTSC version internally modified by Atari's distributor in Argentina, Skydata S.A., for 220V/50Hz power and for PAL N television/video output o PAL versions for PAL B/G television (Europe) or PAL I television (UK) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - GTIA PAL version, C014889 - 32KiB ROM, C101687: XL OS Rev.4 + Atari BASIC Rev. C + Missile Command - No Monitor port - Monitor Video Jack (phono) for composite video output - Television jack for RF output - No TV Channel Selector switch - TV output: RF channel 4 (PAL B version) or 36 (PAL G/PAL I versions) - TV Cable supplied with console - XE 4001 package: (English) XE System console + XE System Keyboard + XG-1 Light Gun + CX40 Joystick + Flight Simulator II + Bug Hunt - XE 3001 package: (English/German/French/Italian/Spanish) XE System console + CX40 Joystick Unboxing - Benelux - XE 2002 package: (English/German/French/Italian/Spanish) XE System Keyboard + Flight Simulator II - Console manuals: - Atari XE System Owner's Manual C100608 / C033514 (26 pages) - Atari XE System Benutzerhandbuch C100608-004 - Atari XE System Manuale d'uso C100608 (26 pages) - Atari XE System Manual del usuario - Keyboard manuals: - Atari XE System Keyboard Owner's Manual C100609 / C033513 (99 pages) - Atari XE System Tastiera Manuale d'uso C100609 (103 pages) o SECAM version (France) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - FGTIA, C020120 - 32KiB ROM, C101687: XL OS Rev.4 + Atari BASIC Rev. C + Missile Command - Monitor port is Atari SECAM 6-pin - Monitor Video Jack (phono) for composite video output - No Television jack - No TV Channel Selector switch - TV cable (Monitor port to SCART/Peritel) supplied with console - XE 5001 package: XE System console + XG-1 Light Gun + Bug Hunt + CX40 Joystick - XE 2012 package: XE System Keyboard + XC12 + Flight Simulator II - Console and Keyboard manuals: - Atari XE System Console de jeu Manuel d'utilisation - Atari XE System Clavier XE Manuel d'utilisation C100609-003 - Power: Requires 1.0A at 5V DC as supplied by the Atari C070042, C070045, or C070046 power adapters or equivalent (such as the Atari C061982 or C061763). The XE System console and the XE System Keyboard were made by Atari Taiwan Manufacturing Corp. ------------------------------ Subject: 1.10) What is the Atari 800XE? The Atari 800XE was announced (not by name at the time) in March 1987 in West Germany, and shipped later that year as a regional (West Germany, Austria, Switzerland) complement to the Atari 65XE and 130XE. The 800XE name was selected in a marketing attempt to capitalize on the recent and surprisingly swift final sellout of available inventory of new 800XL units. (The 800XE was never introduced in the U.S.) The 800XE is identical to the common PAL B version of the 65XE, utilizing the same PAL 130XE motherboard with Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI). The 800XE offers 64KiB RAM (62KiB usable), and has the Atari XL OS and Atari BASIC on ROM. Color frequencies generated by the 800XE are user-adjustable via a variable resistor (R38) accessible via a small hole in the bottom of the case. System initialization types supported: - Atari BASIC: Turn on computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Self Test program: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on the computer with no cartridge inserted and no powered disk drive #1. - Cartridge: Turn on computer with cartridge inserted. (disables BASIC) - Cassette boot: (boot cassette may or may not require BASIC or cartridge) 1. - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Hold down [START] while turning on the computer. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down both [START] and [OPTION] while turning on the computer. (system buzzer sounds) 2. Press the Play button on the program recorder with boot cassette inserted. 3. Press [RETURN] on the computer. - Disk boot: (boot disk may or may not require BASIC or cartridge inserted) - With BASIC or with cartridge (cartridge disables BASIC): Turn on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. - With no cartridge and without BASIC: Hold down [OPTION] while turning on computer with boot disk inserted in powered disk drive #1. Versions of the Atari 800XE: o PAL versions for PAL B/G television (Europe) - PAL 130XE motherboard (including ECI, but only 64KiB RAM) - 6502 microprocessor (Atari SALLY), C014806 - ANTIC PAL 'B' version, C021698 - GTIA PAL version, C014889 - 16KiB Operating System ROM: XL OS Rev.3, C300717 - Atari BASIC Rev. C (8KiB ROM), C024947 - Monitor port is Atari 5-pin - Television Jack for RF output - TV Channel Select Switch: Either not present, or has no effect - TV output: RF channel 4 (PAL B version) or 36 (PAL G version) - TV Video Cable supplied with computer - Manuals: - Das Atari XE Handbuch (130XE/800XE) C072018-004, c1987 Some images of the 800XE: Power: Requires 1.0A at 5V DC as supplied by the Atari C061763 or C070045 power adapters or equivalent (such as the Atari C061763). Jindrich Kubec writes, "The problematic Chinese 800XEs with GTIA problems were manufactured in 1992." The 800XE was made by Atari Taiwan Manufacturing Corp. (most units) and in China (late production 1991 or 1992 units). ------------------------------ Subject: 1.11) What were the Atari 1400XL, 1450XLD, 65XEP, and 65XEM? Atari publicly introduced or announced several computers in the tradition of the 400/800/XL/XE series that ultimately never shipped. The Atari 1400XL was introduced in June 1983 alongside the 600XL, 800XL, and 1450XLD (never shipped), and was promised to ship in September 1983. Expected to replace the 1200XL, and resembling the 1200XL in appearance, the 1400XL was to provide the features of the 800XL plus a built-in 300 baud modem with ModemLink software and a built-in speech synthesizer (Votrax SC-01). Earlier internal names at Atari for the 1400XL: "1201", "1200XLT". Power jack is a female DIN-7 270 Socket: pins 1,6 +5V; pin 2 -5V; pin 4 +12V; pins 3,5,7 GND. Used with an external DC power supply such as the Atari C062023 ( or equivalent. Prototype units exist, but the 1400XL (and the C062023) never shipped. The Atari 1450XLD was introduced in June 1983 alongside the 600XL, 800XL, and 1400XL (never shipped), and was originally promised to ship in October 1983. As introduced, the 1450XLD was to provide the features of the 1400XL plus a built-in double-sided, dual/enhanced density 260KiB 5.25" floppy disk drive (connected directly to the computer's processor bus for high-speed operation), with expansion space for a second drive. Integral Disk Drives would be capable of operating either as a single logical drive ("large" mode) or as two logical drives (one per physical side of the disk; "small" mode). A revised 1984 design ("TONG" motherboard) would instead feature a double-sided, double density 360KiB 5.25" disk drive (also supporting both single and dual/enhanced densities), and would include the newer Silicon Systems SSI-263 (equivalent to the Votrax SC-02) speech synthesis chip. Atari continued to promote the 1450XLD by name through May 1984, and privately showed the 1984 design at the June 1984 CES. Earlier internal names at Atari for the 1450XLD: "6402", "1251", "1250", "1200XLD", "1250XLD". Also: "1450XL" (without internal disk drive). Power jack is a female DIN-8 270 Socket: pins 1,6 +5V; pin 2 -5V; pin 4 +12V; pins 3,5,7,8 GND. Used with an external DC power supply such as the Atari C062297 ( or equivalent. Prototype units exist, but the 1450XLD (and the C062297) never shipped. The Atari 65XEP was previewed concurrently with the introductions of the 65XE and 130XE in January 1985. The portable 65XEP was to provide the features of the 65XE, plus built-in 5" monochrome CRT display and 360KiB 3.5" disk drive. The 65XEP never shipped, and possibly only the single prototype unit ever existed. Image from CES: The Atari 65XEM was pre-announced in advance of the January 1985 introductions of the 65XE and 130XE but it was never introduced. The 65XEM was to provide the features of the 65XE, plus advanced sound/voice synthesis capabilities thanks to the addition of the AMY Sound Processor chip. Eight voices giving rich music giving the following features: (Page 6 #14 Mar/Apr 85; - Digital sample rate in excess of 30kHz - Over 60dB dynamic range - Fundamental Frequency Range of 4.8Hz to 7.8kHz (10 2/3 octave range) - Fundamental Frequency Resolution of 1/64 semitones (1.56 cents) - Precise control of harmonic amplitudes with 1/4dB - 64 harmonics - 8 voices maximum - Number of harmonics per voice is any multiple of two Earlier internal names at Atari for the 65XEM: "XL/M", "900XLA" No more than a handful of prototype 65XEM units may exist. ------------------------------ Subject: 1.12) What are SALLY, ANTIC, CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA, POKEY, and FREDDIE? Portions of this section derived from De Re Atari. The internal layout of the Atari 8-bit computer is very different from other systems. It of course has a microprocessor (a 6502), random-access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), and a peripheral interface adapter (PIA). However, it also has three special-purpose large-scale integration (LSI) chips known as ANTIC, one of CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA, and POKEY. These chips were designed by Atari engineers primarily to take much of the burden of housekeeping off of the 6502, thereby freeing the 6502 to concentrate on computations. While they were at it, they designed a great deal of power into these chips. Each of these chips is almost as big (in terms of silicon area) as a 6502, so the three of them together provide a tremendous amount of power. Mastering the Atari 8-bit computers is primarily a matter of mastering these three chips. 6502 -- MOS Technology MCS6502A or equivalent (400/800,most NTSC):C014377 ==== Atari SALLY (400/800,late NTSC & all PAL; XL/XE,all):C014806 The Atari 400/800 were designed around the MOS Technology MCS6502A (6502 rated for 2MHz) microprocessor, an 8-bit processor with a 16-bit address bus. The MCS6502 primary designers were Chuck Peddle (architecture) and Bill Mensch (engineering), and it was introduced by MOS Technology in September 1975. MOS Technology was acquired by Commodore (CBM) in November 1976, and would later operate as Commodore Semiconductor Group (CSG). Before appearing in the Atari 400/800, the 6502 had already gained wide market acceptance in products including the Apple II and Commodore PET microcomputers, and the derivative 6507 was used in the Atari Video Computer System (VCS). While the 6502 is not proprietary to Atari, the standard 6502 chips shipped in most Atari NTSC 400/800 computers were usually manufactured for Atari and have the Atari C014377 part number. Later production NTSC 400/800 computers, all PAL 400/800 computers, and all of the Atari XL/XE computer models contain Atari's proprietary version of the 6502 chip. This chip was originally named SALLY by Atari engineers, but Atari Customer Support documents (Field Services Manuals) variously described it as "6502 (Modified)", "6502 Modified", "Custom 6502", or "6502C". Field Service Manuals published by Atari, Corp./Atari Corporation reverted to using the chip's original name, SALLY, while Atari, Corp./Atari Corporation XE consumer owner's manuals (unfortunately) continued to use "6502C" in reference to the SALLY 6502. Several manufacturers produced the SALLY 6502 for Atari, including MOS Technology, Synertek, Rockwell, NCR, and United Microelectronics (UMC). It is important to note that chips marked "6502C" such as the MOS Technology MCS6502C, MOS Technology MPS6502C, Synertek SY6502C, Rockwell R6502C, or UMC UM6502C are NOT the Atari "6502C" but rather equivalents to the standard MCS6502 that are certified for 4MHz operation. Atari SALLY 6502 chips are never marked "6502C" but, other than the UMC UM6502I, always carry the Atari part number C014806. In contrast to the MCS6502 and equivalents, the SALLY 6502 has the addition of a /HALT signal on pin 35. The SALLY 6502 also has a second R/W signal on pin 36 (in addition to pin 34). Pins 35 and 36 are not connected on the MCS6502 and equivalents. The Atari's second microprocessor, ANTIC, must routinely interrupt the 6502 in order to utilize the processor bus for itself for direct memory access (DMA). /HALT on the SALLY 6502 facilitates this system design. Atari's earlier implementation of the same functionality in the 400/800 using the MCS6502 or equivalent requires a series of 4 additional chips that are unnecessary in computers designed for the SALLY 6502. Other systems utilizing the Atari SALLY 6502 chip: Atari 5200, Atari 7800 "the 6502 microprocessor resource": ANTIC -- ANTIC NTSC (pre-'E'):C012296 ANTIC PAL 'A':C014887 ===== ANTIC NTSC 'E':C021697 ANTIC PAL 'B':C021698 - C012296/C014887 shipped in the 400/800/1200XL and some 800XL units. - C021697/C021698 shipped in the 600XL, some 800XL, and all XE units. ANTIC ("AlphaNumeric Television Interface Controller" --FD100001 Rev.02 p.1-8) is a microprocessor dedicated to the television display. It is a true microprocessor; it has an instruction set, a program (called the display list), and data. The display list and the display data are written into RAM by the 6502. ANTIC retrieves this information from RAM using direct memory access (DMA). It processes the higher level instructions in the display list and translates these instructions into a real-time stream of simple instructions to CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA. Specific ANTIC functions include: - Object DMA (Direct Memory Access) control. Two types of display DMA (uses 6502 halt for "cycle stealing"): 1) Playfield DMA - Execution of display list instructions in RAM. 2) Player-Missile DMA - Automatic fetching of player-missile graphics data from RAM for CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA. The ANTIC chip also generates DMA addresses for the (entirely automatic) refresh of on-board dynamic memory RAM (DRAM). ANTIC versions C012296/ C014887 use an 8 bit refresh cycle counter, supporting DRAM chips including those requiring 128 cycle/2ms or 256 cycle/4ms refresh (standard 16KiB and 64KiB DRAM chips). The C021697/C021698 ANTIC versions use a 9 bit refresh cycle counter, supporting additional DRAM chips that require more refresh cycles (standard 256KiB DRAM chips). - NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt) control. 3 types of NMIs on the Atari are: 1) Display List Interrupt (DLI) 2) [RESET] key 3) Vertical Blank Interrupt (VBI) - Vertical and Horizontal fine scrolling - Vertical line counter (VCOUNT) - Light pen / light gun position registers - New values are stored when any one of the joystick trigger lines (except jacks 1-3 on the 400) is pulled low by the pen/gun, which happens when the light detector in the pen/gun detects the CRT electron beam. - Horizontal value is the color clock count (with offset/wraparound), yielding possible values from 0-227. - Vertical value is the vertical line counter (VCOUNT) value, or the number of scan lines divided by two, yielding possible values from 0-130 (NTSC ANTIC) or 0-155 (PAL ANTIC). - WSYNC (wait for horizontal sync) command -- allows the 6502 to synchronize itself to the TV horizontal line rate Another system utilizing the Atari ANTIC chip: Atari 5200 ANTIC C012296 (NTSC) REV. D technical documentation by Atari: CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA -- CTIA(NTSC):C012295 GTIA,PAL:C014889 =============== GTIA,NTSC:C014805 FGTIA(SECAM):C020120 CTIA = "Color Television Interface Adaptor" --FD100001 Rev.02 p.1-10 "Colleen Television Interface Adaptor" (probable original) GTIA = "Graphics Television Interface Adaptor" --FD100001 Rev.02 p.1-10 "George's Television Interface Adaptor" (probable original) FGTIA = "French Graphics Television Interface Adaptor" (probable) Early NTSC 400/800 units shipped with CTIA. Later NTSC 400/800 units, all PAL 400/800 units, and all NTSC XL/XE and PAL XL/XE systems include GTIA. SECAM 800XL, 130XE and XE System console units include FGTIA. The NTSC versions of CTIA/GTIA were designed to interface with the NTSC version of ANTIC. The PAL version of GTIA and the FGTIA were designed to interface with the PAL version of ANTIC. The CTIA, GTIA, or FGTIA is the television interface chip. ANTIC directly controls most of the operations of the CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA, although the 6502 can also be programmed to intercede and control some or all of the functions of the CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA. The CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA converts the digital commands from ANTIC (or the 6502) into the video signal output. In addition to its basic television/video interface function, the CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA performs color-luminance control for the entire video signal, player-missile control, and both priority control and collision detection among player-missiles and the background. The CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA also reads the controller port trigger inputs and the console keys (Start/Select/Option), and it generates Console Speaker sounds. In the XL/XE, the GTIA/FGTIA senses the presence of an active ROM cartridge, and in the XE System console the GTIA/FGTIA senses the presence of an XE Keyboard. The GTIA is backward compatible with the CTIA, with the GTIA simply making available three additional graphics modes (GTIA Modes 1-3). Notably, both the 400/800 OS Rev.A and Atari BASIC Rev. A were GTIA-ready from their 1979 release. By way of explanation, Robin Sherer of Santa Cruz Education Software was quoted in InfoWorld 3/15/82 regarding GTIA: "They had it designed before the computer even went to market. They had already ordered 100,000 of the CTIAs--that's the rumored number. Not wanting to throw away chips, they introduced [computers] in this country with the CTIA." The FGTIA is software compatible with the GTIA. However, in GTIA Mode 1 the FGTIA can only display 8 distinct luminances, compared to the 16 distinct luminances that can be displayed in GTIA Mode 1 by the GTIA. Whether CTIA or GTIA/FGTIA is installed can be determined by observing what happens as a result of trying to enter a GTIA graphics mode. In Atari BASIC, at the "READY" prompt, type POKE 623,64 [RETURN]. If the screen blackens, you have the GTIA or FGTIA chip. If it stays blue, you have the early CTIA chip. Bill Wilkinson offers a technique whereby software can determine whether a CTIA or a GTIA is installed in his "Insight: Atari" column in the January 1983 (#32) issue of Compute!, page 171, see: A substantial number of late-production Atari XE computer systems, especially later 800XE computers made in China, shipped with moderately defective GTIA chips. This page (in Polish) details the scope of the issue, including how to detect whether a given computer contains one of the faulty GTIA chips: Simius designed a GTIA Fixer in 2010: (Polish) Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh) offers the Simius-designed GTIA Fixer (2015): Pawel Rosowski published this detailed description of the highly-obscure temperature-dependent "Delayed GTIA Functions" ("DGF") phenomenon in 2013: Another system utilizing the Atari GTIA chip: Atari 5200 Technical documentation by Atari: GTIA (NTSC) C014805: FGTIA C020120: POKEY -- C012294 ===== POKEY (name derived from POtentiometer and KEYboard) is a digital input/output (I/O) chip. It handles such disparate tasks as the serial I/O bus (SIO), audio generation, keyboard scan, timers, and random number generation. It also digitizes the resistive paddle inputs (potentiometer or "pot" ports) and controls selected maskable interrupt (IRQ) requests from peripherals (other IRQs are handled by the PIA). - The 8 pot ports (pot input lines) are used to convert analog voltages to digital values by measuring internal dump resistor rise/charge times to logic "1" once per each video output scan line. Timing counters for each pot line increment once per color clock, and there are 228 color clocks per scan line, yielding possible counts/values from 1-228. - The POKEY two-tone mode is used to produce the sounds that comprise the digital track when saving data to cassette with an Atari program recorder. - The POKEY volume control only mode (4-bit PCM) is used to produce the tones for tone dialing by the Atari 1030 modem. Other systems utilizing the Atari POKEY chip: - 40 production coin-operated arcade games released by Atari or Atari Games, from Missile Command (June 1980) to Tetris and Vindicators Part II (both released February 1989). (Thanks to Laurent Delsarte for the list.) - Centuri Tunnel Hunt, coin-operated arcade game licensed from Atari - Atari 5200 - Atari Ballblazer and Commando cartridges for the Atari 7800 POKEY Technical documentation by Atari: FREDDIE -- 800XL("800XLF" and SECAM),XE(all):C061922/C061991 ======= According to Atari's design specification (C061922), the "Freddie RAM" Memory Control Unit is a custom LSI chip providing dynamic RAM (DRAM) control functions. It replaces a number of small-scale integration (SSI) and medium- scale integration (MSI) transistor-transistor logic (TTL) parts, including a custom delay line. FREDDIE multiplexes 16-bit RAM addresses from the processor bus into 8-bit row and 8-bit column addresses for direct use in the DRAM, and it generates row and column DRAM address timing strobes. Any functional difference between the C061922 and C061991 FREDDIE versions is not well established. It is theorized that the original C061922 was designed to work with the earlier C012296/C014887 ANTIC versions with 7 bit DRAM refresh address counter for 128 row addresses, while the later C061991 also supports an 8 bit counter for 256 row addresses as generated by the later C021697/C021698 ANTIC versions. Both versions carry the 1983 copyright date. "FREDDIE" or "FREDDY"? Atari technical documentation consistently uses "FREDDIE" while Atari consumer documentation (Owner's Manuals for all XE systems) consistently uses "FREDDY." This FAQ List adopts the convention from Atari's technical documentation: "FREDDIE" FREDDIE technical documentation by Atari: According to the preliminary Atari 600 product specification at an earlier name for the chip was "FRED", and it had the additional purpose to make possible a low-cost external 5200 adaptor for the upcoming Atari computers (600XL/800XL). 6520 PIA -- MOS Technology MCS6520A or equivalent: C012298/C014795/C014812 ======== The 8-bit Atari uses the MOS Technology MCS6520A (6520 rated for 2MHz) or equivalent as a peripheral interface adapter (PIA). Introduced in 1976, the MCS6520 was a direct pin-for-pin replacement, with identical electrical specifications, for the Motorola MC6820 PIA which had been introduced in 1974. 6820 principal designer at Motorola: Bill Mensch. Also in 1976, Motorola introduced the MC6821 PIA, a functionally equivalent replacement for the MC6820 with slightly different electrical specifications. While the 6520 is not proprietary to Atari, the PIA chips shipped in Atari computers were usually manufactured for Atari and have an Atari part number: C012298 = Synertek P6520A (early 400/800 units) C014795 = Any 2Mhz 6520 equivalent (replaced the C012298 part number) C014812 = 68B21 (Motorola MC6821 rated for 2 MHz) or equivalent. Hardware manuals from Atari: - Hardware Manual - (c)1980 edition, 10/80 - Section VI.C. Schematics is published single-sided. - Pages B-10 and B-11 (Memory Configurations) are hand-drawn. - BLUE line-printed title page. Included in: - "Atari Personal Computer System Operating System User's Manual and Hardware Manual" November 1980 C016555 with ORANGE cover page - "Atari Personal Computer System Operating System User's Manual and Hardware Manual" January 1982 C016555 with YELLOW cover page - BLUE title page (with Atari logo). Included in: - "Atari Personal Computer System Technical Reference Notes includes: Operating System User's Manual and Hardware Manual" C016555 REV. 1 (mid-1982) with GOLD title page - (c)1982 edition. Identical to the 10/80 edition except: - Section VI.C. Schematics is published double-sided. - Pages B-10 and B-11 (Memory Configurations) are machine-produced. - BEIGE title page (with Atari logo). Included in: - "Atari Home Computer System Technical Reference Notes includes: Operating System User's Manual, Operating System Source Listing and Hardware Manual" C016555 Rev. A (late 1982) with BLUE title page - De Re Atari: A Guide to Effective Programming - C060070, (c)1981 editions (early versions for registered developers) - APX-90008, (c)1982 edition (common version sold via APX) - Also published in German and French language editions ------------------------------ Subject: 1.13) What is the internal hardware arrangement of the 8-bit Atari? +---------+ +-+ +---------+ | 6502 | |p| | ANTIC |-<-+- Controller Ports: Triggers | +---+ +-----+ | | (Joystick/Driving/Trackball Triggers; +---------+ |r| +-+-------+ | Light Pen/Light Gun Detect) | | +->-+ +---<-+ +---------+ |o| +-----+-+-+-<--- Console Switches (Start/Select/Option) | RAM +---+ | |CTIA/GTIA+--->- Picture Output (to TV/Monitor) | | |c+-----+ /FGTIA +--->- Sound Output (to TV/Monitor) | | | | +-----+---+--->- Console Speaker | | |e| +->-+ | | | | +-+-------+ +---------+ |s| | POKEY +-<--- Keyboard | +-----+ +-<--- Controller Ports: Potentiometer Ports +---------+ |s| +-------+-+ (Paddles, Touch Tablet) | ROM +->-+ | +-+ Program Recorder +---------+ |o| +-------+-+ | + Disk Drives | OS | | | | 6520 | | + Printers | | |r+-----+ PIA | | + Modem |---------| | | +-------+-+ | + 850 Interface | BASIC | | | | +->- to Sound Output | (XL/XE) | |b| | |---------| | | +------+ Controller Ports: Data Bits (Joysticks, | Missile | |u| Paddle Triggers, Light Pen Button, | Command | | | Driving, Touch Tablet Buttons, | (XEgs) | |s| Trackballs, Light Gun Trigger, XEP80) |---------| +-+-----------+ 1064 Memory Module (600XL) |cartridge+-----------------------<--- Left Cartridge | +-----------------------<--- Right Cartridge +---------+ NOTES * Processor bus includes an 8-bit data bus and a 16-bit address bus * 6502: Most NTSC 400/800: MOS Technology MCS6502A or equivalent Late NTSC 400/800, all PAL 400/800, and all XL/XE: Atari SALLY * CTIA: Earlier NTSC 400/800 GTIA: Later NTSC 400/800 and all NTSC/PAL XL/XE FGTIA: SECAM XL/XE * Right Cartridge: 800 only * Controller Ports: 400/800 have 4; XL/XE have 2 * Controller Port Triggers: Not connected to ANTIC on jacks 1-3 on the 400 * Console Speaker: 400/800: An internal physical speaker XL/XE: Mixed into Sound Output to TV/Monitor * PBI: 600XL/800XL only * ECI: 130XE/65XE(later)/800XE only ------------------------------ Subject: 1.14) What is the Atari memory map and how is banked memory managed? The 8-bit 6502 and ANTIC processors can directly address 64KiB distinct memory locations, addressed as 0-65535 (decimal) or $0-$FFFF (hexadecimal). Bank-selection techniques allow the use of multiple banks of memory that share the same ranges of memory addresses. MEMORY MAP OVERVIEW =================== *PBI/ECI on XL/XE except 1200XL "top" Main | Banks (1)RAM in XL/XE except 600XL 64KiB 65535/$FFFF+---------+---------+ (2)BASIC in XL/XE except 1200XL | | | (3)Missile Command in XEgs only 52KiB 57344/$E000| OS ROM | 16KiB |_________ (L)8KiB Cartridge ROM ("Left") | | RAM(1) | PBI/ECI*|(R)8KiB Cartridge ROM (800) 48KiB 49152/$C000+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | 8KiB | Cart(L) | 16KiB | BASIC(2)|Missil(3)| 40KiB 40960/$A000| M -+---------+Cartridge+---------+---------+ | a 8KiB | Cart(R) |ROM(Left)| 32KiB 32768/$8000| i -+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | n 8KiB | 130XE extended RAM banks | 24KiB 24576/$6000| -+ 16KiB | 16KiB | 16KiB | 16KiB | | 8KiB | BANK #0 | BANK #1 | BANK #2 | BANK #3 | 16KiB 16384/$4000| R -+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | A 8KiB | 8KiB 8192/$2000| M -+ | 8KiB | <--- 1792-5377/$700-$1501 are used by Atari DOS "bottom" 0/ $0+---------+ <--- 0-1535/$0-$5FF are used by the Atari OS Available Main RAM: 400/800 with 8KiB: 0- 8191 / $0-$1FFF 400/800/600XL with 16KiB: 0-16383 / $0-$3FFF 800 with 24KiB: 0-24575 / $0-$5FFF 800 with 32KiB: 0-32767 / $0-$7FFF 800 with 40KiB: 0-40959 / $0-$9FFF 400/800 with 48KiB: 0-49151 / $0-$BFFF XL/XE with 64KiB: 0-49151 / $0-$BFFF 130XE with 128KiB: 0-49151 / $0-$BFFF 49152-65535/$C000-$FFFF (16KiB) detail: 400/800/XL/XE | XL/XE except 600XL (but including 64KiB 65535/$FFFF+---------------+---------------+ 600XL with 1064) | | | 62KiB 63488/$F800| | | | 10KiB | 10KiB | 60KiB 61440/$F000| | | | OS ROM | RAM | 58KiB 59392/$E800| | | XL/XE parallel | | | device memory 56KiB 57344/$E000+- -+ | +------------+ | FPP | | XL/XE | 2KiB ROM~ | 54KiB 55296/$D800+---------------+---------------+--------------+------------+ | Hardware registers |Self Test ROM^+-64B/device-+ 52KiB 53248/$D000+---------------+---------------+--------------+ |400/800:unused | | ^2KiB physically present, 50KiB 51200/$C800| XL/XE:4KiB | 4KiB RAM | but not accessed here | OS ROM | | ~full 2KiB ROM per device 48KiB 49152/$C000+---------------+---------------+ 53248-55295/$D000-$D7FF (2KiB) detail: This address space is used by hardware registers, or by XL/XE parallel device handlers and drivers, as follows: $D7C0-D7FF: Parallel device #7 RAM (64 bytes) $D780-D7BF: Parallel device #6 RAM (64 bytes) $D740-D77F: Parallel device #5 RAM (64 bytes) $D700-D73F: Parallel device #4 RAM (64 bytes) $D6C0-D6FF: Parallel device #3 RAM (64 bytes) $D680-D6BF: Parallel device #2 RAM (64 bytes) $D640-D67F: Parallel device #1 RAM (64 bytes) $D620-D63F: Parallel device #x RAM (32 bytes) meant for a modem device (One parallel device may utilize 96 bytes total.) $D600-D61F: Parallel device #0 RAM (32 bytes) $D6xx: 800 rear RAM slot device $D5xx: Cartridge device or 800 rear RAM slot device $D4xx: ANTIC $D3xx: PIA $D2xx: POKEY $D1xx: PBI/ECI Parallel Device (hardware registers) $D0xx: CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA BANKED MEMORY MANAGEMENT ======================== - In XL/XE computers (including XEgs with keyboard attached) except the 1200XL, the BASIC ROM is normally enabled at 40960-49151/$A000-$BFFF and RAM there is disabled. - In the XE System console, with no keyboard attached, the Missile Command ROM is normally enabled at 40960-49151/$A000-$BFFF and the BASIC and RAM there are disabled. - A Right Cartridge ROM, if present (800 only), disables any RAM at 32768- 40959/$8000-$9FFF. - An 8KiB Left Cartridge ROM, if present, disables any RAM or other ROM at 40960-49151/$A000-$BFFF. - A 16KiB Cartridge ROM, if present, disables any RAM or other ROM at 32768-49151/$8000-$BFFF. In XL/XE computers, memory location 54017/$D301, known as PIA Port B or PORTB, is used for banked memory management as follows: Bit Memory Control --- -------------- #0 OS ROM / RAM area (16KiB at 49152-65535/$C000-$FFFF) 1 = OS ROM enabled / RAM disabled 0 = RAM enabled / OS ROM disabled #1 BASIC / RAM area (8KiB at 40960-49151/$A000-$BFFF) 1 = RAM enabled / BASIC disabled 0 = BASIC enabled / RAM disabled #2 130XE bank selection least significant bit (LSB) Bits 2 and 3 together select 130XE extended RAM bank 0, 1, 2, or 3. #3 130XE bank selection most significant bit (MSB) Bits 2 and 3 together select 130XE extended RAM bank 0, 1, 2, or 3. #4 130XE 6502 Bank /Enable (CBE) at 16384-32767/$4000-$7FFF (16KiB) 1 = 6502 accesses main RAM 0 = 6502 accesses extended RAM bank selected with bits 2 and 3 #5 130XE Video Bank /Enable (VBE) at 16384-32767/$4000-$7FFF (16KiB) 1 = ANTIC accesses main RAM 0 = ANTIC accesses extended RAM bank selected with bits 2 and 3 #6 XE System console Missile Command (8KiB at 40960-49151/$A000-$BFFF) 1 = Missile Command disabled and defer to Bit 1 for BASIC/RAM control 0 = Missile Command enabled, if Bit 1 is set to 1. If bit 1 is also set to 0 then BASIC is enabled rather than Missile Command. #7 Self Test routine / RAM area (2KiB at 20480-22527/$5000-$57FF) 1 = RAM enabled / Self Test disabled 0 = Self Test enabled / RAM disabled - When the Self Test feature is invoked, the 2KiB physical ROM at 53248-55295/$D000-$D7FF is accessed at 20480-22527/$5000-$57FF. In XL/XE computers except the 1200XL, memory location 53759/$D1FF, known as the parallel device select hardware register or PDVS, is also used for banked memory management. Setting one of the bits (0-7) of PDVS to 1 de-selects the Floating Point Package (FPP) ROM at 55296-57343/$D800-$DFFF (2KiB) and selects the device (0-7) ROM in its place. Clearing all bits of PDVS re-enables the FPP ROM. (Note that, due to this memory banking, the FPP is not available to PBI/ECI parallel devices.) ------------------------------ Subject: 1.15) What are the pinouts for the various connectors on the Atari? Controller port 1 (all machines): 1 5 o o o o o DE-9 Plug - male o o o o 6 9 1. PIA Port A Input/Output Bit 0 - Joystick #1 Forward/Up - Driving Controller #1 Bit 0 (of 2-bit Gray code) - Trackball #1 X Direction (high=right low=left) - Touch Tablet #1 Stylus Button - Light Pen Button / Light Gun Trigger - XEP80 Data to 80 Column (serial output from computer) 2. PIA Port A Input/Output Bit 1 - Joystick #1 Back/Down - Driving Controller #1 Bit 1 (of 2-bit Gray code) - Trackball #1 X Motion (square wave) - XEP80 Data From 80 Column (serial input to computer) 3. PIA Port A Input/Output Bit 2 - Joystick #1 Left - Trackball #1 Y Direction (high=down low=up) - Touch Tablet #1 Left Button - Paddle #1 Trigger 4. PIA Port A Input/Output Bit 3 - Joystick #1 Right - Trackball #1 Y Motion (square wave) - Touch Tablet #1 Right Button - Paddle #2 Trigger 5. Potentiometer Port 1 (POKEY) (analog input, 0V-5V) - Paddle #2 Position - Touch Tablet #1 Vertical Position 6. Trigger 0 - Joystick/Driving/Trackball #1 Trigger (CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA) - 800/XL/XE (not 400): Light Pen/Light Gun Detect (ANTIC) 7. +5V 8. Ground 9. Potentiometer Port 0 (POKEY) (analog input, 0V-5V) - Paddle #1 Position - Touch Tablet #1 Horizontal Position Controller port 2 (all machines): 1 5 o o o o o DE-9 Plug - male o o o o 6 9 1. PIA Port A Input/Output Bit 4 - Joystick #2 Forward/Up - Driving Controller #2 Bit 0 (of 2-bit Gray code) - Trackball #2 X Direction (high=right low=left) - Touch Tablet #2 Stylus Button - Light Pen Button / Light Gun Trigger - XEP80 Data to 80 Column (serial output from computer) 2. PIA Port A Input/Output Bit 5 - Joystick #2 Back/Down - Driving Controller #2 Bit 1 (of 2-bit Gray code) - Trackball #2 X Motion (square wave) - XEP80 Data From 80 Column (serial input to computer) 3. PIA Port A Input/Output Bit 6 - Joystick #2 Left - Trackball #2 Y Direction (high=down low=up) - Touch Tablet #2 Left Button - Paddle #3 Trigger 4. PIA Port A Input/Output Bit 7 - Joystick #2 Right - Trackball #2 Y Motion (square wave) - Touch Tablet #2 Right Button - Paddle #4 Trigger 5. Potentiometer Port 3 (POKEY) (analog input, 0V-5V) - Paddle #4 Position - Touch Tablet #2 Vertical Position 6. Trigger 1 - Joystick/Driving/Trackball #2 Trigger (CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA) - 800/XL/XE (not 400): Light Pen/Light Gun Detect (ANTIC) 7. +5V 8. Ground 9. Potentiometer Port 2 (POKEY) (analog input, 0V-5V) - Paddle #3 Position - Touch Tablet #2 Horizontal Position Controller port 3 (400/800 only): 1 5 o o o o o DE-9 Plug - male o o o o 6 9 1. PIA Port B Input/Output Bit 0 - Joystick #3 Forward/Up - Driving Controller #3 Bit 0 (of 2-bit Gray code) - Trackball #3 X Direction (high=right low=left) - Touch Tablet #3 Stylus Button - Light Pen Button / Light Gun Trigger 2. PIA Port B Input/Output Bit 1 - Joystick #3 Back/Down - Driving Controller #3 Bit 1 (of 2-bit Gray code) - Trackball #3 X Motion (square wave) 3. PIA Port B Input/Output Bit 2 - Joystick #3 Left - Trackball #3 Y Direction (high=down low=up) - Touch Tablet #3 Left Button - Paddle #5 Trigger 4. PIA Port B Input/Output Bit 3 - Joystick #3 Right - Trackball #3 Y Motion (square wave) - Touch Tablet #3 Right Button - Paddle #6 Trigger 5. Potentiometer Port 5 (POKEY) (analog input, 0V-5V) - Paddle #6 Position - Touch Tablet #3 Vertical Position 6. Trigger 2 - Joystick/Driving/Trackball #3 Trigger (CTIA/GTIA) - 800 only (not 400): Light Pen/Light Gun Detect (ANTIC) 7. +5V 8. Ground 9. Potentiometer Port 4 (POKEY) (analog input, 0V-5V) - Paddle #5 Position - Touch Tablet #3 Horizontal Position Controller port 4 (400/800 only): 1 5 o o o o o DE-9 Plug - male o o o o 6 9 1. PIA Port B Input/Output Bit 4 - Joystick #4 Forward/Up - Driving Controller #4 Bit 0 (of 2-bit Gray code) - Trackball #4 X Direction (high=right low=left) - Touch Tablet #4 Stylus Button - Light Pen Button / Light Gun Trigger 2. PIA Port B Input/Output Bit 5 - Joystick #4 Back/Down - Driving Controller #4 Bit 1 (of 2-bit Gray code) - Trackball #4 X Motion (square wave) 3. PIA Port B Input/Output Bit 6 - Joystick #4 Left - Trackball #4 Y Direction (high=down low=up) - Touch Tablet #4 Left Button - Paddle #7 Trigger 4. PIA Port B Input/Output Bit 7 - Joystick #4 Right - Trackball #4 Y Motion (square wave) - Touch Tablet #4 Right Button - Paddle #8 Trigger 5. Potentiometer Port 7 (POKEY) (analog input, 0V-5V) - Paddle #8 Position - Touch Tablet #4 Vertical Position 6. Trigger 3 - Joystick/Driving/Trackball #4 Trigger (CTIA/GTIA) - Light Pen/Light Gun Detect (ANTIC) 7. +5V 8. Ground 9. Potentiometer Port 6 (POKEY) (analog input, 0V-5V) - Paddle #7 Position - Touch Tablet #4 Horizontal Position Serial I/O (SIO) / Peripheral port (all machines, also peripherals): 2 12 o o o o o o Atari proprietary plug - male o o o o o o o 1 13 1. Computer Clock Input (POKEY) 7. /Command (PIA) 2. Computer Clock Output (POKEY) 8. Motor Control (PIA) 3. Computer Data Input (POKEY) 9. /Proceed (PIA) 4. Ground (signal/shield) 10. All except 1200XL: +5V/Ready 5. Computer Data Output (POKEY) 1200XL: Ready (normally digital, but can 11. Audio Input (175mV) also be two-tone audio for 12. 400/800 only: +12V cassette data) XL/XE: Not Connected 6. Ground (signal/shield) 13. /Interrupt (PIA) Monitor port (all but 400, NTSC 600XL, SECAM 800XL/130XE/XEgs): 3 o o 1 o o DIN-5 180 Socket - female 5 o 4 2 1. PAL 600XL: Not Connected All others: Composite Luminance ("Y") 2. Ground 3. Audio Output 4. Composite Video (NTSC or PAL standard) 5. 1200XL/NTSC 800XL/earlier PAL 800XL: Not Connected PAL 600XL: Ground All others: Composite Chrominance ("C"; NTSC or PAL standard) Monitor port, Peritel (later? PAL 800 Peritel only): - Thanks Laurent Delsarte for cable verification 7 6 o 8 o 3 o o o 1 DIN-8 270 Socket - female o o 5 o 4 2 1. RGB Sync 2. Ground (for Peritel Video Ground) 3. [unknown, verification needed!!] 4. RGB Red 5. RGB Green 6. +12V (for Peritel Slow Switching AV Mode 4:3) 7. Audio 8. RGB Blue Monitor port (SECAM 800XL/130XE/XEgs): 5 1 o 6 o o DIN-6 240 Socket - female o o 4 o 2 3 1. +12V (5mA max, for Peritel Slow Switching AV Mode 4:3) 2. RF Modulator Audio (amplitude about 6x regular Audio) 3. Peritel Audio 4. Composite Video (SECAM standard) 5. Video Ground 6. +5V Mod (100mA max, power for an RF Modulator) Power jack (all but 400,800,1200XL): 7 6 o o 3 o o 1 DIN-7 270 Socket - female o o 5 o 4 2 1. +5V 5. Ground 2. Shield 6. +5V 3. Ground 7. Ground 4. +5V Cartridge slot (present on all machines; Left Cartridge/Cartridge A on 800): A B C D E F H J K L M N P R S Edge Connector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15/30 (15x2P 30P) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.100" contact pitch 1 15 1. /S4 Select $8000-$9FFF A. RD4 RAM Deselect $8000-$9FFF except 400: Not Connected 2. A3 Address bus line 3 B. Vss GND Ground 3. A2 Address bus line 2 C. A4 Address bus line 4 4. A1 Address bus line 1 D. A5 Address bus line 5 5. A0 Address bus line 0 E. A6 Address bus line 6 6. D4 Data bus line 4 F. A7 Address bus line 7 7. D5 Data bus line 5 H. A8 Address bus line 8 8. D2 Data bus line 2 J. A9 Address bus line 9 9. D1 Data bus line 1 K. A12 Address bus line 12 10. D0 Data bus line 0 L. D3 Data bus line 3 11. D6 Data bus line 6 M. D7 Data bus line 7 12. /S5 Select $A000-$BFFF N. A11 Address bus line 11 13. Vcc +5V P. A10 Address bus line 10 14. RD5 RAM Deselect $A000-$BFFF R. 400/800/1200XL: R/W Early except 400: Not Connected 600XL/800XL/XE: R/W Read/Write 15. /CCTL Cartridge Control $D5xx S. 400/800: RASTIME Row Address Strobe Time XL/XE: BPhi2 Buffered Phase 2 Clock Right Cartridge/Cartridge B slot (800 only): A B C D E F H J K L M N P R S Edge Connector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15/30 (15x2P 30P) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.100" contact pitch 1 15 1. R/W Late 1 - Read/Write Late 1 A. Phi2 Phase 2 clock 2. A3 Address bus line 3 B. Vss GND Ground 3. A2 Address bus line 2 C. A4 Address bus line 4 4. A1 Address bus line 1 D. A5 Address bus line 5 5. A0 Address bus line 0 E. A6 Address bus line 6 6. D4 Data bus line 4 F. A7 Address bus line 7 7. D5 Data bus line 5 H. A8 Address bus line 8 8. D2 Data bus line 2 J. A9 Address bus line 9 9. D1 Data bus line 1 K. A12 Address bus line 12 10. D0 Data bus line 0 L. D3 Data bus line 3 11. D6 Data bus line 6 M. D7 Data bus line 7 12. /S4 Select $8000-$9FFF N. A11 Address bus line 11 13. Vcc +5V P. A10 Address bus line 10 14. RD4 RAM Deselect $8000-$9FFF R. R/W Early 15. /CCTL Cartridge Control $D5xx S. RASTIME Row Address Strobe Time ROM Module/Personality Module slot (800 only): A B C D E F H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z Edge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Connector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22/44 1 22 1. D0 Data bus line 0 A. D1 Data bus line 1 2. D2 Data bus line 2 B. D4 Data bus line 4 3. D3 Data bus line 3 C. D5 Data bus line 5 4. D7 Data bus line 7 D. D6 Data bus line 6 5. A0 Address bus line 0 E. A2 Address bus line 2 6. A7 Address bus line 7 F. A9 Address bus line 9 7. A1 Address bus line 1 H. /S7 Select $E000-$FFFF (OS) 8. A8 Address bus line 8 J. A6 Address bus line 6 9. A5 Address bus line 5 K. A4 Address bus line 4 10. A3 Address bus line 3 L. A11 Address bus line 11 11. A10 Address bus line 10 M. /S6 Select $C000-$DFFF (hardware I/O decodes; FPP) 12. A12 Address bus line 12 N. /S5 Select $A000-$BFFF (Cart) 13. CTIA/GTIA /CS Chip Select $D0xx P. /S4 Select $8000-$9FFF (Cart) 14. /EXSEL External Select R. A15 Address bus line 15 15. /GBA [data bus select] S. Phi2 Phase 2 clock 16. /WRITIME T. GBA [data bus select] 17. Phi1 Clock U. R/W Early 18. PIA /CS Chip Select $D3xx V. RASTIME Row Address Strobe Time 19. POKEY /CS Chip Select $D2xx W. D6XX /CS Chip Select $D6xx 20. NC Not Connected X. D5XX /CS Chip Select $D5xx 21. Vcc +5V Y. Vcc +5V 22. Vss GND Ground Z. Vss GND Ground RAM Module Slot 1 (front RAM slot; 800 only): A B C D E F H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z Edge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Connector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22/44 1 22 1. D0 Data bus line 0 A. D1 Data bus line 1 2. D2 Data bus line 2 B. D4 Data bus line 4 3. D3 Data bus line 3 C. D5 Data bus line 5 4. D7 Data bus line 7 D. D6 Data bus line 6 5. A0 Address bus line 0 E. A2 Address bus line 2 6. A7 Address bus line 7 F. A9 Address bus line 9 7. A1 Address bus line 1 H. A13 Address bus line 13 8. A8 Address bus line 8 J. A4 Address bus line 4 9. A5 Address bus line 5 K. A11 Address bus line 11 10. A3 Address bus line 3 L. A12 Address bus line 12 11. A10 Address bus line 10 M. Select line input from Slot 2 pin N 12. A6 Address bus line 6 N. Select line output to Slot 3 pin U 13. R/W Late 1 P. Select line input from Slot 2 pin R 14. Phi2 Phase 2 clock R. Select line output to Slot 3 pin 18 15. RASTIME Row Address Strobe Time S. Select line input from Slot 2 pin T 16. R/W Early T. Select line output to Slot 2 pin 18 17. /REF RAM Refresh U. /S1 Select $2000-$3FFF 18. /S0 Select $0000-$1FFF V. NC Not Connected 19. Vcc +5V W. Vcc +5V 20. Vbb -5V X. Vbb -5V 21. Vdd +12V Y. Vdd +12V 22. Vss GND Ground Z. Vss GND Ground RAM Module Slot 2 (middle RAM slot; 800 only): A B C D E F H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z Edge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Connector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22/44 1 22 1. D0 Data bus line 0 A. D1 Data bus line 1 2. D2 Data bus line 2 B. D4 Data bus line 4 3. D3 Data bus line 3 C. D5 Data bus line 5 4. D7 Data bus line 7 D. D6 Data bus line 6 5. A0 Address bus line 0 E. A2 Address bus line 2 6. A7 Address bus line 7 F. A9 Address bus line 9 7. A1 Address bus line 1 H. A13 Address bus line 13 8. A8 Address bus line 8 J. A4 Address bus line 4 9. A5 Address bus line 5 K. A11 Address bus line 11 10. A3 Address bus line 3 L. A12 Address bus line 12 11. A10 Address bus line 10 M. /S5 Select $A000-$BFFF 12. A6 Address bus line 6 N. Select line output to Slot 1 pin M 13. R/W Late 2,3 P. /S4 Select $8000-$9FFF 14. Phi2 Phase 2 clock R. Select line output to Slot 1 pin P 15. RASTIME Row Address Strobe Tie S. /S3 Select $6000-$7FFF 16. R/W Early T. Select line output to Slot 1 pin S 17. /REF RAM Refresh U. /S2 Select $4000-$5FFF 18. Select line input from Slot 1 pin T V. NC Not Connected 19. Vcc +5V W. Vcc +5V 20. Vbb -5V X. Vbb -5V 21. Vdd +12V Y. Vdd +12V 22. Vss GND Ground Z. Vss GND Ground RAM Module Slot 3 (rear RAM slot; 800 only): A B C D E F H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z Edge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Connector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22/44 1 22 1. D0 Data bus line 0 A. D1 Data bus line 1 2. D2 Data bus line 2 B. D4 Data bus line 4 3. D3 Data bus line 3 C. D5 Data bus line 5 4. D7 Data bus line 7 D. D6 Data bus line 6 5. A0 Address bus line 0 E. A2 Address bus line 2 6. A7 Address bus line 7 F. A9 Address bus line 9 7. A1 Address bus line 1 H. A13 Address bus line 13 8. A8 Address bus line 8 J. A4 Address bus line 4 9. A5 Address bus line 5 K. A11 Address bus line 11 10. A3 Address bus line 3 L. A12 Address bus line 12 11. A10 Address bus line 10 M. /EXSEL External Select 12. A6 Address bus line 6 N. Not connected 13. R/W Late 2,3 P. D6XX /CS Chip Select $D6xx 14. Phi2 Phase 2 clock R. Not connected 15. RASTIME Row Address Strobe Time S. Not connected 16. R/W Early T. Not connected 17. /REF RAM Refresh U. Select line in from Slot 1 pin N 18. Select line input from Slot 1 pin R V. D5XX /CS Chip Select $D5xx 19. Vcc +5V W. Vcc +5V 20. Vbb -5V X. Vbb -5V 21. Vdd +12V Y. Vdd +12V 22. Vss GND Ground Z. Vss GND Ground Parallel Bus Interface (PBI) (600XL and 800XL only): 1 49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 50 Edge Connector 25/50 1. GND Ground 2. /EXTSEL External Select (Input) 3. A0 Address Line 0 (Output) 4. A1 Address Line 1 (Output) 5. A2 Address Line 2 (Output) 6. A3 Address Line 3 (Output) 7. A4 Address Line 4 (Output) 8. A5 Address Line 5 (Output) 9. A6 Address Line 6 (Output) 10. GND Ground 11. A7 Address Line 7 (Output) 12. A8 Address Line 8 (Output) 13. A9 Address Line 9 (Output) 14. A10 Address Line 10 (Output) 15. A11 Address Line 11 (Output) 16. A12 Address Line 12 (Output) 17. A13 Address Line 13 (Output) 18. A14 Address Line 14 (Output) 19. GND Ground 20. A15 Address Line 15 (Output) 21. D0 Data Line 0 (In/Out) 22. D1 Data Line 1 (In/Out) 23. D2 Data Line 2 (In/Out) 24. D3 Data Line 3 (In/Out) 25. D4 Data Line 4 (In/Out) 26. D5 Data Line 5 (In/Out) 27. D6 Data Line 6 (In/Out) 28. D7 Data Line 7 (In/Out) 29. GND Ground 30. GND Ground 31. BPhi2 Buffered Phase 2 Clock(Out)32. GND Ground 33. Reserved 34. /RST Reset (Output) 35. /IRQ Interrupt Request (Input) 36. RDY Ready (Input) 37. Reserved 38. EXTENB External Decoder Enable (Out) 39. Reserved 40. /REF Refresh (Output) 41. /CAS Column Address Strobe (Out) 42. GND Ground 43. /MPD Math Pack Disable (Input) 44. /RAS Row Address Strobe (Output) 45. GND Ground 46. LR/W Latched Read/Write (Output) 47. 600XL: +5V 48. 600XL: +5V 800XL: Reserved 800XL: Reserved 49. AUDIO Audio In (Input) 50. GND Ground Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI)/Expansion port (130XE, 800XE, & many 65XE) A B C D E F H Edge - - - - - - - Connector - - - - - - - 7/14 1 7 A. Reserved 1. /EXTSEL External Select (Input) B. /IRQ Interrupt Request (Input) 2. /RST Reset (Output) C. /HALT (Input) 3. D1XX /CS Chip Select $D1xx (In) D. A13 Address Line 13 (Output) 4. /MPD Math Pack Disable (Input) E. A14 Address Line 14 (Output) 5. AUDIO Audio In (Input) F. A15 Address Line 15 (Output) 6. /REF Refresh (Output) H. GND Ground 7. +5V Keyboard port (XE System console only): 8 1 o o o o o o o o DA-15 Plug - male o o o o o o o - pin numbering reverse of standard 15 9 1. /K2 Keyboard Scan (POKEY) 9. +5V 2. /K1 Keyboard Scan (POKEY) 10. +5V 3. /K0 Keyboard Scan (POKEY) 11. KBDETECT (GTIA/FGTIA) 4. /KR1 Keyboard Response (POKEY) 12. NC Not Connected 5. /K5 Keyboard Scan (POKEY) 13. GND Ground 6. /K4 Keyboard Scan (POKEY) 14. NC Not Connected 7. /K3 Keyboard Scan (POKEY) 15. GND Ground 8. /KR2 Keyboard Response (POKEY) ------------------------------ Subject: 1.16) Who designed the Atari 8-bit computers? Many people were involved in the planning, design and engineering of the 8-bit Atari computers. This section attempts to identify the key engineering personnel at Atari and their roles, with the understanding that such a list necessarily oversimplifies the true nature of complex product development. Some sources:,,, Goldberg/Vendel, Atari Inc.: Business is Fun, 2012, pp. 446-461, 694-700. Atari 400/800: Steven T. Mayer - Chief system inventor; project proposal (Atari Cyan Engineering) Jay G. Miner - Project chief engineer; system co-inventor (Synertek engineer/Atari consultant) Douglas G. Neubauer - POKEY designer; system co-inventor (also wrote Star Raiders) Joseph C. Decuir - ANTIC designer; system co-inventor; project proposal François Michel - ANTIC co-designer George McLeod - CTIA/GTIA designer R. Scott Scheiman - Digital circuit design; serial bus protocol (also contributed to the 400/800 OS, wrote the Educational System Master Cartridge software, and wrote TeleLink I) Alan Miller - Hardware-software interface (also co-wrote the 400/800 OS and wrote Basketball) M. John Ellis - VP Consumer engineering; project proposal review Wade B. Tuma - Consumer engineering manager Niles E. Strohl - Project engineer; engineering manager - computer line John Vurich - Product marketing management John Hayashi - Director of industrial design Kevin P. McKinsey - 800 industrial designer Hugh M. Lee - 800 industrial designer Stephen D. Bristow - VP engineering - computer line Jeffery O. Nelson - 400 industrial designer Douglas A. Hardy - 400 industrial designer - Chipset development technicians: Jim Luby (ANTIC), Delwin Pearson (POKEY), Mark Shieu (POKEY), Steve Smith (CTIA), Steve Stone (POKEY, ANTIC) - Idea contributors from Atari Cyan Engineering: Larry Emmons, Dave Estes, Ron Milner, Rich Pap, Gene Wise (Decuir 1978 p4,41) - Idea contributors from among Atari (Consumer) VCS programmers: Larry Kaplan (also co-wrote the 400/800 OS and wrote Video Easel and Super Breakout), Bob Whitehead (Decuir 1978 p33) - Idea contributors from Atari (Coin-Op): Mike Albaugh (also wrote: In-Store Demonstration Program, original disk version and follow-up cartridge version), Dave Stubben (Decuir 1978 p37) - Project proposal review: Director of microelectronics Bob Brown, VP research and development Al Alcorn Atari 1200XL/600XL/800XL (Atari NY Lab/WCI Labs): Steven T. Mayer - VP research and product development, Corporate Research Gregg Squires - Project Manager, Engineering Designer Robert (Bob) Card - Principal Engineer Steven Ray - Electronics Layout Designer Joel Moskowitz - Mechanical Engineer Philippe des Rioux - Project engineer Glenn Boles - Project engineer Atari 1200XL/600XL/800XL (California): Ajay Chopra - System architect, 1200XL product specification author, 600XL/800XL Parallel Bus Interface specification David Owen Sovey - Product engineering; 1200XL product specification Larry Plummer - Director of electrical engineering (1981-83) David R. Stubben - VP engineering (1982-83) Mark Lutvak - Product marketing manager - 1200XL Andrew Soderberg - Product marketing manager - 600XL/800XL Regan L. Cheng - Industrial designer (cases) Richard C. Pasco - FREDDIE logic design Charles Pete Gerrard- Senior engineer, SECAM 800XL ("SECAM ROSE") Dan H. Kramer - Project engineering, SECAM 800XL ("SECAM ROSE") Atari 800XL("800XLF")/65XE/130XE: Phil Suen - Director of engineering, XL/XE line Thomas B. Brightman - VP engineering Ira Velinsky - 65XE/130XE industrial designer (cases) XEgs/800XE: Jose A. Valdes - Development engineer Ira Velinsky - Industrial designer (cases) Atari Operating System designers and programmers are given elsewhere in this FAQ List. ------------------------------ Subject: 1.17) How do I use my Atari computer system? This FAQ List is intended to answer many questions commonly asked about the 8- bit Atari computers, but one thing it doesn't do is offer a tutorial on basic usage of the system. Many such books were published, including those listed here. "Your Atari Computer" by Poole is often recognized as a classic among these. [400/800] Your Atari Computer: A Guide to Atari 400/800 Personal Computers Lon Poole with Martin McNiff & Steven Cook, 1982 User's Handbook to the Atari 400/800 Computers Jeffrey R. Weber and Stephen J. Szczecinski, 1983 Get More From the Atari, Ian Sinclair, 1983 [400/800/1200XL] The User's Guide to Atari 400-800-1200XL Computers, Software, & Peripherals By the editors of Consumer Guide, 1983 How to use Atari Computers: An Introduction to the 400, 800, and 1200 Michael Boom, 1983 Atari for the Beginning Beginner, Judy Chamberlain and Tom Chamberlain, 1983 [600XL/800XL, and also earlier models] Your Atari Computer: A Guide to Atari 400/800 Personal Computers - XL Edition Lon Poole with Martin McNiff & Steven Cook (1983?) The Elementary Atari, William B. Sanders, 1983 Atari XL User's Handbook, by WSI Staff, 1984 Getting Started with the Atari 600XL, Peter Goode, 1984 The Atari 800XL: A Practical Guide, Thomas Blackadar, 1984 The Atari XL Handbook, Peter Lupton & Fraser Robinson, 1984 The Atari User's Encyclopedia, Gary Phillips and Jerry White, 1984 InfoWorld's Essential Guide to Atari Computers, Scott Mace, 1984 How to Excel on Your Atari 600XL and 800XL, Timothy O. Knight, 1985 [65XE/130XE, and also earlier models] Atari XE User's Handbook, by Weber Systems, Inc. Staff, 1985 The Atari 130XE Handbook, Peter Lupton & Frazer Robinson, 1985 ------------------------------ Subject: 2.1) What are analog TV broadcasting systems and composite video? The video display capabilities of the Atari computer are intimately related to the television (TV) broadcast systems of their time because, in part, consumer TVs were expected to be the primary display devices used with the system. The Atari was designed with the ability to output an analog radio-frequency (RF) audio/video signal that could be interfaced with a TV's antenna input, the input normally be used to receive terrestrial TV signals broadcast over the air. The analog black-and-white RF television broadcast system standards that originally emerged throughout the world included System M (1941), System B (1950s), System I (1962), and System L (1967), plus System G. Broadcast signals compliant with these standards carried both audio and luminance ("Y") video information (plus synchronization information): System M: o 525 scan lines per frame o 486 scan lines of video per frame including overscan o 262 scan lines per field (frame = two interlaced fields) o 243 scan lines of video per field including overscan o 60 fields per second = 60Hz (refresh rate corresponds to household electricity standard) o Complete frame refresh rate = 30 frames per second (fps) o 4:3 aspect ratio o System M was used in most of the Americas and Caribbean, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Brazil, and Laos. o Japan used System J which was nearly identical to System M. o Used with both very high frequencies (VHF channels 2-13) and ultra high frequencies (UHF channels 14-83) Systems BGIL: o 625 scan lines per frame o 576 scan lines of video per frame including overscan o 312 scan lines per field (frame = two interlaced fields) o 288 scan lines of video per field including overscan o 50 fields per second = 50Hz (refresh rate corresponds to household electricity standard) o Complete frame refresh rate = 25 fps o 4:3 aspect ratio o While G and I used the same UHF channel frequencies for video carriers, they each used different audio carrier frequencies for the same channels. o B was used with VHF channels, while G was used with UHF channels. B/G were used together in most of western Europe. o System I was used in the UK over UHF channels only. (The UK used System A over VHF channels until 1985.) o System L was used in France over UHF only until 1984, with VHF switching from System E to System L in 1984. o Argentina used System N, which used frame parameters matching those of B/G/I/L, but bandwidth parameters nearly identical to System M. Later, color (chrominance, or "C", being a combination of hue ("U") and saturation ("V") information) video encoding standards were adopted for combined use with the existing underlying RF broadcast system standards. Three analog video color encoding standards that emerged in different parts of the world were NTSC ("National Television Standards Committee"; 1953), PAL ("Phase Alternation by Line"; 1967), and SECAM ("Sequentiel couleur avec memoire"; 1967). NTSC was used in most countries using the System M broadcast standard, while PAL was used in countries using Systems B/G and System I, and SECAM was used in France over System L. Thus NTSC M, PAL B/G, and PAL I, plus SECAM L in France, became the most common color TV broadcast systems used around the world. Outliers: PAL N in Argentina/Paraguay/Uruguay; PAL M in Brazil; NTSC J in Japan. NTSC M actually and officially uses a slightly altered System M, where the frame rate is approximately 59.940 fields per second, or 29.970 frames per second (fps). PAL B/G, PAL I and SECAM L frame rates are exactly 25 fps. In the 1970s a commercial market emerged for video display devices that would be compatible with existing TV broadcast standard video, but where the RF modulation/demodulation circuitry for transmitting/receiving audio/video broadcast signals over the air was omitted. Such a video signal, containing both luminance (Y) and (optionally) chrominance (C) information, but no audio, became known as composite video (often just "video"). A color composite video signal can be characterized by the color encoding standard used, one of the same standards invented for broadcast television: NTSC, PAL, or SECAM. The luminance (Y) and chrominance (C) components that make up a color composite video signal can also be transmitted as two separate signals. Such video is known as Y/C video, or S-video. Like both analog broadcast TV signals and color composite video, Y/C video can also be characterized by the color encoding standard used: NTSC, PAL, or SECAM. A monochrome composite video signal contains luminance (Y) information but no chrominance (C) information, and is typically characterized by its refresh rate: 60Hz (System M compatible) or 50Hz (Systems B/G/I/L/N compatible). Each Atari computer version was designed to comply with video system standards used in the destination target market for that unit. Atari produced versions of their computers for NTSC, PAL, and SECAM markets, supporting combinations of color analog RF broadcast standards (NTSC M, PAL B, PAL G, PAL I), color composite video standards (NTSC, PAL, SECAM), composite luminance signals ("Y"), and composite chrominance signals ("C"; NTSC or PAL) as follows: RF Out Ch. ../ Monitor Port \... to TV Composite "Y" "C" Computer Model Versions NTSC M 2/3 - - - 400,600XL NTSC M 2/3 NTSC 60Hz NTSC 800,65XE,130XE NTSC M 2/3 NTSC 60Hz - 1200XL,800XL NTSC M 2/3 NTSC - - XEgs PAL B 3/4 - - - 400 PAL B 4 PAL 50Hz PAL 800,800XL(later),130XE,800XE PAL B 4 PAL 50Hz - 800XL(earlier) PAL B 4 PAL - - 600XL,XEgs PAL G 36 - - - 400 PAL G 36 PAL 50Hz PAL 800,800XL(later),65XE,130XE,800XE PAL G 36 PAL 50Hz - 800XL(earlier) PAL G 36 PAL - - 600XL,XEgs PAL I 36 - - - 400 PAL I 36 PAL 50Hz PAL 800,800XL(later),65XE,130XE PAL I 36 PAL 50Hz - 800XL(earlier) PAL I 36 PAL - - 600XL,XEgs * * SECAM - - 800XL,130XE,XEgs * monitor port includes provisions for an external in-line RF modulator ------------------------------ Subject: 2.2) What kinds of TVs can display my Atari's RF output signal? An Atari 8-bit computer produces a single video display channel and a single (monophonic) audio channel. The 400/800 models also produce some sounds (primarily the keyclick and system buzzer sounds) by way of an internal speaker. Most Atari computers provide both their audio and video channels in a single Radio-Frequency (RF) modulated audio/video signal, equivalent to a standard (of the time) analog television (TV) NTSC or PAL encoded color broadcast signal. The Atari's RF signal may be used on a television that: - Supports use of an external RF aerial antenna for receiving terrestrial TV broadcast signals - Can decode an analog NTSC M, PAL I, PAL G, or PAL B color TV broadcast RF signal, matching the RF signal output by the computer NTSC M Atari computers (North America) use: - TV Channel 2 standard: 55.25MHz video carrier, 59.75MHz audio carrier - TV Channel 3 standard: 61.25MHz video carrier, 65.75MHz audio carrier PAL I Atari computers (UK) use: - TV Channel 36 standard: 591.25MHz video carrier, 597.25MHz audio carrier PAL G Atari computers (Europe) use: - TV Channel 36 standard: 591.25MHz video carrier, 596.75MHz audio carrier NOTE: If a PAL I computer connected to a PAL G TV, or PAL G computer is connected to a PAL I TV, the result is normal video but lacking audio. PAL B Atari computers (Europe, including: Germany, Italy, Finland) use: - TV Channel 3 standard: 55.25MHz video carrier, 60.75MHz audio carrier (400, some 600XL) - TV Channel 4 standard: 62.25MHz video carrier, 67.75MHz audio carrier - Equivalent to Channel B in Italy (SECAM Atari computers (France) do not output an RF signal.) The Atari's RF signal is accessed in one of the following places on the computer: 400/800: Built-in coaxial cable with male phono plug (NTSC computer versions) or male Belling-Lee TV aerial plug (PAL computers) XL/XE: Switch Box / Television jack (phono jack - female) Domestic 400/800/XL/XE computers (NTSC M) shipped with a TV Switch Box (CA010112 / CA014746 packaged). This includes a phono jack (female) for RF signal input from the Atari, input connector(s) for your TV/cable/satellite antenna, and 75-ohm and/or 300-ohm output connector(s) for connection to the antenna input on the television. (For optimal signal quality, a simple adapter (phono socket - female to F connector plug - male) in place of the standard TV Switch Box may be preferred.) Domestic XL/XE computers (NTSC M) shipped with a coaxial RF Cable / TV Video Cable (1200XL: CA061177 - 12 feet; other XL/XE: CA024624 toroid cable Domestic/NTSC versions). The input end is a phono plug (male) that plugs into the Switch Box/Television jack on the computer; the output end is also a phono plug (male). PAL/UK XL/XE computers (PAL B/G or PAL I) shipped with a coaxial RF Cable / TV Video Cable (CA024624 Toroid Cable PAL versions). The input end is a phono plug that plugs into the Switch Box/Television jack on the computer; the output end is a TV aerial plug (Belling-Lee plug - male). ------------------------------ Subject: 2.3) What kinds of computer monitors can I use with my Atari? An Atari 8-bit computer produces a single video display channel and a single (monophonic) audio channel. The 400/800 models also produce some sounds (primarily the keyclick and system buzzer sounds) by way of an internal speaker. While most Atari computers provide an RF color television signal (described in another section of this FAQ list), many also (or alternatively) provide a composite video signal, and some also provide a composite luminance signal ("Y") or a composite chrominance signal ("C") or both, which together are known as Y/C video or S-video. The French Peritel 400/800 provide limited palette RGB video signals. Except for the NTSC and PAL versions of the XE System console, Atari computer versions that provide composite, "Y", or "C" video signals output them through the computer's Monitor port, which also contains a line for the computer's audio output. The pinouts for the Atari Monitor ports are in the pinouts section of this FAQ list. The XE System console (all versions) provides a phono Video jack for composite video output, and a phono Audio jack for the computer's audio output. Color Composite Video Monitors ============================== An 8-bit Atari computer, except the 400 and the NTSC version of the 600XL, provides an NTSC, PAL, or SECAM (depending on the computer version) composite video output signal. Any computer monitor, television, or video receiver that accepts a standard NTSC, PAL, or SECAM (matching the computer version) composite video input can be used with the Atari. For sound support, a monitor that also accepts a separate sound input and has a built-in speaker could be used. Such monitors were common for use with home computers at the time of the Atari, in part because the picture quality was superior to that offered by TVs of the time. Modern devices that accept a composite video input remain suitable as well. The typical Atari (color) monitor cable includes the male 5-pin DIN connector on one end for the Atari Monitor port, and two phono plugs on the other end. One of the phono plugs will carry the monophonic sound signal, and the other will carry the composite video signal. Atari's own CX89 Color Monitor Cable is of this type. Monochrome Composite Video Monitors =================================== Many 8-bit Atari computer models, including the 800, 1200XL, 800XL, 65XE, 130XE, and 800XE, provide a composite luminance video output signal ("Y"). The video signal refresh rate corresponds to the computer version: 60Hz on NTSC computer versions or 50Hz on PAL computer versions. Any computer monitor, television, or video receiver that accepts a standard 60Hz or 50Hz (matching the computer version) monochrome composite video input can be used with the Atari. For sound support, a monitor that also accepts a separate sound input and has a built-in speaker could be used. At the time of the Atari a monochrome composite monitor, when compared to a color composite monitor, was less expensive and generally provided a sharper and easier to read image. The monitor reduces the Atari's color graphics output to shades of green or amber (depending on the monitor), making the display less suitable for entertainment or education software, but more suitable for productivity applications. An Atari monochrome monitor cable includes the male 5-pin DIN connector on one end for the Atari Monitor port, and two phono plugs on the other end. One of the phono plugs will carry the monophonic sound signal, and the other will carry the composite luminance "Y" signal. Atari's own CX82 Black and White Monitor Cable is of this type. The Atari XEP80 Interface Module can be used to add a high-resolution monochrome composite video output to any 8-bit Atari computer. The XEP80 is detailed elsewhere in this FAQ list. Y/C Video (S-Video) Monitors ============================ Some 8-bit Atari computer models, including the 800, 800XL (later PAL units), 65XE, 130XE, and 800XE, provide both a composite luminance video output signal ("Y") as well as an NTSC or PAL (depending on the computer version) composite chrominance output signal ("C"). Any computer monitor, television, or video receiver that accepts standard NTSC or PAL (matching the computer version) Y/C video, also known as S-video, can be used with the Atari. For sound support, a monitor that also accepts a separate sound input and has a built-in speaker could be used. Y/C video quality is superior to color composite video, making supporting display devices the ideal for use with the Atari. Such monitors were highly sought after by savvy Atari users of the time. The most flexible type of Atari monitor cable includes the male 5-pin DIN connector on one end for the Atari Monitor port, and includes 4 phono plugs at the output end, carrying the monophonic sound signal, the composite video signal, the composite luminance ("Y") signal, and the composite chrominance ("C") signal. Such a cable can be used to connect an Atari to a color monitor accepting separate "Y" and "C" inputs, to a color composite monitor, or to a monochrome composite monitor. (Atari themselves did not produce a monitor cable of this type.) While the best color composite monitors of the time of the Atari accepted "Y" and "C" signal inputs through phono jacks, more modern television or video receivers may accept these input signals together in the form of an S-video Mini4 connector. "Atari to S-video" interfaces or cables allow such modern devices to work nicely with the highest quality video output signal produced by the Atari. Television Sets in France ========================= Entering the French market with the 400/800 was a challenge for Atari because they lacked SECAM versions of the computers to sell, and newer TVs also supporting PAL video were not yet widely available. Atari's initial workaround to support more French TVs was to offer PAL G computer versions modified to additionally provide an RGB video signal. It was only a partial solution, because the Atari's RGB signal output had a limited palette of only 8 possible colors, derived from the 8 luminance/brightness levels as generated by GTIA. Native Atari PAL color/hue information was ignored. The 400 and early 800 Peritel versions have a built-in TV connecting cable that terminates with a Peritel connector. The later 800 Peritel version was supplied with a cable that plugs into the 800 Peritel Monitor port (8-pin DIN) at one end, with the Peritel connector at the other end. 400/800 Peritel cable connector pinout: 6. Audio (mono) 7. RGB Blue _20_________________2_ 8. Slow Switching (+12V = AV Mode 4:3) \ o o o o o o o o o o | 11. RGB Green (21)\ o o o o o o o o o o| 15. RGB Red 19------------------1 16. Fast Switching (High / +1-3V = RGB) 17. Video Ground Not connected: pins 1-5,9-10,12-14,18-19 20. RGB Sync see: When development of native SECAM versions of the 600XL/800XL was delayed Atari chose to supply (unmodified) PAL G 600XL/800XL computers in France, as TVs supporting PAL video were becoming more common. Yet, to support older televisions requiring SECAM or RGB video, Atari also separately offered the Adaptateur PAL/Peritel PVP80 (by Compagnie Generale de Videotechnique or CGV) to provide an RGB video signal (and audio) via Peritel connector. The PVP80 plugs into the 600XL/800XL monitor port (5-pin DIN) at one end, with the Peritel connector at the other end. PVP80 Peritel connector pinout: 4. Audio Ground 6. Audio (mono) 7. RGB Blue _20_________________2_ 8. Slow Switching (+12V = AV Mode 4:3) \ o o o o o o o o o o | 11. RGB Green (21)\ o o o o o o o o o o| 15. RGB Red 19------------------1 16. Fast Switching (High / +1-3V = RGB) 17. Video Ground Ground: 4,5,9,13,17,18 20. RGB Sync Not connected: pins 1-3,10,12,14,19 The standard video cable provided by Atari France with SECAM 800XL, 130XE and XE System console units has the male 6-pin DIN on the end that plugs into the computer's Monitor port, and a Peritel connector on the other end, with this pinout: 2. Audio (tied to pin 6) _20_________________2_ 4. Audio Ground (tied to pin 17) \ o o o o o o o o o o | 6. Audio (tied to pin 2) (21)\ o o o o o o o o o o| 8. Slow Switching (+12V = AV Mode 4:3) 19------------------1 16. Fast Switching (Low / not connected = Composite) 17. Video Ground (tied to pin 4) 20. Composite video (SECAM standard) Not connected: pins 1,3,5,7,9-16,18-19 ------------------------------ Subject: 2.4) What were the Atari XC1411 and XM128 monitors? Introduced in January 1985, and previewed again in June 1987, the Atari XC1411 monitor (some literature: "XC141") was a 14" color composite video monitor with built-in speaker, styled to match the Atari XE computers. There were two phono jacks, one for composite video and one for sound, and units were in the same case as the original Goldstar-produced Atari SC1224 monitor for Atari ST computers. The XC1411 never shipped, and no more than a handful of prototype units may exist. Introduced in January 1985, the Atari XM128 monitor (some literature: "XM148") was a 12" green monochrome composite monitor with built-in 80-column video adapter for an 8-bit Atari computer. The XM128 never shipped, and no more than a handful of prototype units may exist. The video adapter component of the XM128, however, eventually shipped as the major component of the XEP80 Interface Module. ------------------------------ Subject: 2.5) What are composite video artifact colors, or artifacts? Much of this section derived directly from De Re Atari, Appendix D: "Television Artifacts": Appendix D is credited to Atari's Lane Winner with assistance from Jim Cox. Composite video artifact colors arise when a spot or "pixel" on the screen displays a different color than the one assigned to it. The possibility of artifacting is inherent to the nature of an NTSC or PAL composite video signal. The two major components of this signal are the luminance, or brightness, and the color, or tint. The luminance information is the primary signal, containing not only the brightness data but also the horizontal and vertical syncs and blanks. The color signal contains the color information and is combined or modulated into the luminance waveform. The luminance of a pixel on the screen is directly dependent on the amplitude of the luminance signal at that point. The higher the amplitude of the signal, the brighter the pixel. The color information, however, is a phase shifted signal. A phase-shifted signal is a constantly oscillating waveform that has been delayed by some amount of time relative to a reference signal, and this time delay is translated into the color. In the NTSC standard, the color signal, or color subcarrier, oscillates at a constant rate of 315/88 MHz (approximately 3.579545 MHz or 3.58 MHz). In the PAL standard, the color subcarrier is 4.43361875 MHz. These color subcarrier frequencies set an upper boundary to the horizontal color resolution of an NTSC or PAL composite video signal. The horizontal unit of maximum resolution for color composite video is known as the color cycle. The Atari's system timing is built around the timing of the composite video color cycle. The Atari term "color clock" refers to one color cycle and is the term generally used throughout the Atari documentation to describe units of measurement across the screen. The OS graphics mode 7 (ANTIC mode D) is an example of one color clock resolution, where each color clock pixel can be a different color, for a horizontal resolution of 160 pixels in the playfield. The Atari also offers "high resolution" graphics, where pixel width is half that of a color clock. Since the luminance is the primary part of the composite video signal, whenever it changes, it also forces a change in the color phase shift. For one or more color clocks of constant luminance this is no problem, since the color phase shift will be unchanged in this area. However, if the luminance changes on a half color clock boundary it will force a fast color shift at that point. For the NTSC Atari, where a machine cycle is precisely 1/2 of the NTSC color subcarrier frequency, varying the amplitude of the luminance signal at twice the color clock frequency (2*3.58MHz) also means generating a signal at exactly twice the NTSC color subcarrier frequency. The result is stable NTSC color information for that pixel that was not generated as color information by the Atari. Since the luminance can change on half color clock boundaries, this implies that two false color, or artifact pixel types can be generated. This is basically true. However, these two pixels can be combined to form two types of full color clock pixels. This is illustrated below: TV Scan | | | Line |<---1 color clock---->| | | | | | | | | | |<-1 pixel->| | | | | | | | | Luminance 0 1 0 0 1/2 cc pixel color A (0=off, 1 0 0 0 1/2 cc pixel color B 1=on) 1 1 0 0 1 cc pixel color C 0 1 1 0 1 cc pixel color D The actual colors A,B,C,D seen depends upon the version of the NTSC Atari computer used, due to variances in the designs of the video signal generation electronics leading to slightly different timings of fast color shifts and thus different sets of artifacting colors. With an NTSC Atari, the ANTIC screen modes capable of artifacting colors on the computer's composite and RF video output signals are 2 (OS graphics mode 0), 3 (no corresponding OS graphics mode), and F (OS graphics mode 8). Each of these modes has a pixel resolution of one half color clock by one scan line. They are generally considered to have one color and two luminances. With the use of artifacts, pixels of four different colors can be displayed on the screen in each of these modes. Artifact colors are absent when using separate chrominance and luminance video output signals. With a PAL Atari, varying the amplitude of the luminance signal at twice the color clock frequency means about 7.08MHz. This frequency does not have a simple mathematical relationship to the PAL color subcarrier frequency of 4.43MHz. As a result, while some artifacting effects may be seen, there are no stable artifacting colors as seen on NTSC systems. With a SECAM Atari, color information is encoded using frequency modulation rather than using a color subcarrier frequency, so there is no possibility of artifacting as seen on NTSC systems. Recommended readings: - - ------------------------------ Subject: 2.6) What is HDTV display lag? Much software on the 8-bit Atari is highly interactive and timing-critical. For example, many games are highly responsive to input from the game player via a game controller (such as a joystick). The Atari software programmer can reasonably assume that the video display device can reflect changes as output by the Atari with no perceivable additional delay. Software timing considerations are normally limited to the capabilities and constraints of the Atari hardware itself. However, in some cases a television or video monitor may introduce a noticeable lag time between the video signal as input by the Atari, and the video signal as actually displayed by the device. While any such effect is truly negligible with CRT televisions or monitors (the standard of the time of the Atari), the modern high-definition television (HDTV) has emerged as an important exception. An HDTV typically dedicates considerable processing efforts (hardware+software) toward presenting the most attractive picture possible. Since few HDTV applications require precise interactive timing, this video processing is generally not optimized for time efficiency. When used with an older but timing-precise device such as an 8-bit Atari computer, the resulting delay can be quite noticeable, making the HDTV essentially unusable for "serious" action gaming. Fortunately, many HDTVs offer a "game mode" that circumvents much of the video processing otherwise performed, thereby eliminating most of the display lag otherwise introduced by the television. If an HDTV is to be used with the Atari for gaming, a "game mode" on the HDTV is essential. Wikipedia on the topic: ------------------------------ Subject: 3.1.1) What are the Atari 410, 1010, XC11, & XC12 Program Recorders? An Atari Program Recorder resembles an ordinary audio cassette tape player, providing secondary (not directly accessible by the computer's central processing unit) and offline (removable from the computer) magnetic storage and retrieval of digital data, using a standard (analog) compact cassette. While the computer converts digital serial data into analog audio tones for recording/saving directly to cassette, the program recorder contains analog to digital circuitry for converting analog audio tones to digital serial data when playing/reading from cassette. In addition to the digital information track, the program recorder can also play back an audio track, allowing the computer user to both load/run programs and listen to voice or music. Under the Atari Operating System, the digital storage capacity of a 60-minute cassette is about 102,400 bytes (100KiB). The Atari OS writes files in fixed- length blocks at 600 baud (physical bits/second). Atari program recorders use SIO Motor Control; only one such device can be attached to the system at a time. Specifications common to all Atari program recorders: - Tape structure is standard 1/4 track stereo format: - 4 tracks, divided into 2 channels/sides ("Side A" and "Side B") - Each tape channel/side is stereo, consisting of 2 tracks: - Left / Audio track - Right / Digital track (audio frequency-shift keying (AFSK)) - Digital track consists of two tones: "mark" = 5327 Hz ; "space" = 3995 Hz - Automatic/software motor control: the computer can control tape motion start/stop (both play and record functions), if the recorder PLAY button has already been pressed by the user. - Tape speed: 1.875 IPS (inches per second) - 3-digit tape counter - Any audio track plays through the television/monitor speaker, by way of the computer's audio output. - Preset volume levels (both playback and recording) - Media used is the Philips Compact Cassette or equivalent, containing Type I / ferric oxide / normal bias cassette tape. (Atari CX4100 Blank Cassettes - 12 Pack never shipped.) - Type II ("chrome") or Type IV ("metal") cassette tapes are not used with Atari program recorders. See: - Cassettes can play/record on both sides -- cassette must be removed, flipped-over, and re-inserted to access the reverse channel/side of the tape. - Cassette write protect notch status is respected -- will not write to a cassette side missing the write protect notch corresponding to that side of the cassette. - The cassette utilization/filesystem is controlled entirely by software, normally the C: Cassette Handler of the Atari Operating System. Specifications are provided elsewhere in this FAQ list. - Only one program recorder can be operated on the Atari SIO bus. 410 Program Recorder - Produced 1979-1983. Replaced by the 1010. - Connectivity: Built-in SIO cable - must end SIO daisy chain - 3 main versions, each with two different variations: 1) Unreleased prototype 410 design - Small/narrow profile - Chrome carrying handle - "Atari 410" label between cassette bay door and buttons; outline "Atari" label, solid "410" label - Above cassette bay door, left to right: Atari logo, tape counter, "Program Recorder" - 6 Buttons, left to right: Rewind, REC, Play, Advance, Stop, Eject - Two variations of the unreleased prototype 410: 1a) Buttons are black, except red REC button 2a) Buttons are white with black borders See: 2) Made in Japan by Bigston, 1979-1981 - Shipped with the earliest (1979-1980) 800 computer systems - Carrying handle - "Atari 410" label between cassette bay door and buttons - Tape counter also between cassette bay door and buttons - 5 Buttons, left to right: Record (red label), Rewind, Play, Advance, Stop/Eject - Notably, the only program recorder produced by Atari without a Pause button. - Two Bigston/Japan 410 version variations: 2a) North American version. Power: Requires 120V AC (North American household standard) 2b) 410P (Direct Current) version. Power jack on the RIGHT side of the unit. Center positive. Power: Requires 6V DC as supplied by the Tadmod 6498 or Atari Type FW3199 power adapters or equivalent. - Manual: Atari 410 Program Recorder Operator's Manual C014810, 1979 3) Made in Hong Kong by Transtek, 1981-1983 - Was also included in the kit: CX482 The Educator - No carrying handle - "Atari 410" label on cassette bay door - Tape counter above cassette bay door - 6 Buttons, left to right: REC, Play, Rewind, Advance, Stop/Ej., Pause - More powerful amplifier than in the Bigston/Japan 410, raising previously insignificant background noise to levels that degraded the recorder's ability to read data without errors. Issue caused Atari to remaster and replace the inventory of all cassette-based products as of March 1, 1982. (Tech Tip 5) - Two Transtek/Hong Kong 410 version variations: 3a) North American version. Power: Requires 120V AC (North American household standard) 3b) 410P (Direct Current) version Power jack on the BACK of the unit. Center positive. Power: Requires 6V DC as supplied by the Tadmod 6498 or Atari Type FW3199 power adapters or equivalent. - Power usage: 6W - Manual: Atari 410 Program Recorder Owner's Guide C060055, 1981 (USA or International (Holland) printings) - C015705 REV3 Atari sales flyer reads: "Two styles of the Atari 410 Program Recorder are currently manufactured, with equivalent performance." This refers to versions #2 and #3 above. - Technical manuals: - Atari 410 Program Cassette Recorder Field Service Manual FD100004 - May 1982 - Transtek 120V AC version - Atari 410 Program Cassette Recorder Field Service Manual PAL-UK FD100005 1010 Program Recorder - Produced from 1983-1984. Replaced the 410. - Also included in the 800XL 64K Personal Computer Pack (UK): - 800XL + 1010 + CX4101 An Invitation to Programming 1 cassette + TX8034 Pole Position/Atari Demo cassette - (see also Atari User #1 May 85 p19) - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - Manual: The Atari 1010 Program Recorder Owner's Guide C061133 - Two slightly different versions were manufactured: - 1010S. FCC ID: BPA99H1010 - Made in Japan by Sanyo - 6 Buttons, left to right: Record, Play, Rewind, Advance, Pause, Stop/Ej - Orange sticker inside cassette bay - 1010C. FCC ID: BPA7YJ1010 - Made by Chelco Sound (Hong Kong) Limited - 6 Buttons, left to right: Record, Play, Rewind, Advance, Stop/Ej, Pause - Silver sticker inside cassette bay - Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari C061515 or C061516 power adapters or equivalent (such as the Atari CA014748 or CA017964). Power usage: 3W - In early production units the power indicator lights as soon as the power adapter is plugged in. In later models the power indicator will only light after you press Play, Rewind or Advance. - Technical manual: Atari 1010 Cassette Recorder Field Service Manual FD100223 - Rev. 02 April 1983 - Rev. 02 September 1983 XC11 Program Recorder - Replacement for the 1010. - Available in the UK from early 1986 to summer 1986 (Atari User), when it was replaced by the XC12. Very limited 1986-1987 release in the U.S. - Connectivity: Has a built-in SIO cable and one free SIO port - 6 Buttons, left to right: Record, Play, Rewind, Advance, Stop/Eject, Pause - Power: Requires 5V DC as supplied by SIO pin 10 (+5V/Ready except on the 1200XL) - Made in Japan XC12 Program Recorder - Replacement for the XC11 (or for the 1010 in markets where the XC11 was never released). - Shipped in mid-1986 in the UK. Wide distribution internationally, though never introduced in the U.S. - Also included in the 130XE Starter Pack (UK): - 130XE + XC12 + CX40 Joystick + TX9043 Compilation Tape (Typo Attack, Missile Command, Centipede, Tennis, Star Raiders) - - Also included in the XEgs kit, XE 2012 (France) - "Round" window - Based on the Phonemark PM-4401A - Printed circuit board is marked "PM4401-4" - Connectivity: Built-in SIO cable - must end SIO daisy chain - 6 Buttons, left to right: Record, Play, Rewind, F.Fwd, Stop/Ejt, Pause - Power: Requires 5V DC as supplied by SIO pin 10 (+5V/Ready except on the 1200XL) ------------------------------ Subject: 3.1.2) What other cassette recorders can I use with my Atari? Important contributor to this section: Tomasz Krasuski Unlike other microcomputer systems of the time period, only Atari-specific cassette tape recorders or interfaces could be used with Atari 8-bit computers. Several such peripherals were produced by companies other than Atari: Compu-Mate Computer Data Recorder by General Electric (GE, G.E.) - 3-5148A (unit) / 3-5156 (box) - 3-5149A Atari/Commodore Interface Module (IFM) - 1st data cable: Data Recorder <-> IFM Interface or Data Recorder <-> C64 - 2nd data cable: IFM Interface <-> Atari computer SIO connector - Monophonic -- No support for audio track as supported by other program recorders for the Atari - No second SIO port - must be at end of SIO chain - Battery operated or uses an external power supply - Switch on the bottom, Atari or "All other computers". - More info: - Pics: Phonemark PM-4401A and derivatives - Manufactured for Atari as the Atari XC12 - "Round" window and "notched" top case design - No second SIO port - must be at end of SIO chain - PM-4401A by Phonemark - Top of unit: "Phonemark" in white lettering on black label - Bottom of unit: "Computer Cassette Data Unit" - Box: Blue background, "Phonemark Computer Cassette" "PM-4401A" "Suitable For Use With Atari Home Computer" - XG12 [by Phonemark for Datamark] - Atari XE case color - Top of some units: "Datamark XG12" in red lettering - Top of other units: Black label, no branding - Bottom of unit (some): "Datacorder" on gold label - Box: Datamark DM-6402A (see below). These units seemingly sometimes shipped by Datamark as a substitute for their own DM-6402A. - See below for the Datamark-derived version of the XG12. - TurboData [by Phonemark for ?????] - Atari XE case color - Built-in Turbo upgrade??? - Top of unit: "TurboData" in red lettering on white label - Box unknown - XL12 [by Phonemark for Logical Design Works (LDW) on behalf of Atari] - Atari XE case color - Top of some units: "For Atari XL12" in red/silver - Top of other units: "For Atari XE, 800XL" in white lettering on black label - Bottom of some units: "Computer Cassette Data Unit" "Model No XL12" - Bottom of other units: "For Atari" - Box: Atari-like, with red strip down ONE side of box, "XL 12" in large font (with space in middle), "XC12" mistake in smaller type, "For Atari" does NOT use Atari logo font, Phonemark unit is pictured - Utilized parts supplied by Atari, after Atari discontinued their own XC12 - Sold in Chile by Coelsa (official Atari importer) and in Eastern Europe - Replacement for the Atari XC12; would be replaced in Europe by the XCA12 - See below for Datamark-derived version of the XL12. - XCA12 [by Phonemark for California Access (brand of LDW) on behalf of Atari] - Atari XE case color - Top of unit: "For Atari Computer" in black/red/black, "XCA12" in silver - Bottom of unit: "For Atari Computer" "Model Number XCA12" - Box: Atari-like, white with orange strip down one side of box, "For Atari Computer" with Atari logo font - Front (very small pic): - Rear: - Utilized parts supplied by Atari, after Atari discontinued their own XC12 - Sold in Eastern Europe, especially Poland - Replaced the XL12; would be replaced by the CA-12 (once Atari parts supply was exhausted) - CA-12 [by Phonemark for California Access (brand of LDW)] - Atari XE case color - Top of unit: "For Atari Computer" in black/red/black, "CA12" in silver - Bottom of unit: "For Atari Computer" "Model Number CA12" - Printed circuit board has the markings "P.M." "4401-5" "REVB" - Box: White with Orange highlights, "CA-12 Program Recorder" - Sold in Eastern Europe, especially Poland - Replacement for the XCA12 (produced independently of Atari) Datamark DM-1301A - Similar dimensions to Phonemark PM-4401A and derivatives, but even more Atari-inspired case styling includes slanted lines matching those of Atari XE computers and peripherals. - Top of unit: "Datamark" in red lettering - Unit pictured in center: - Box: Atari-like, with red stripes down BOTH sides - Box pictured at upper-left: Datamark DM-6402A and derivatives - "Square" window and "un-notched" top case design - No second SIO port - must be at end of SIO chain - DM-6402A by Datamark - Atari XL case color, black label (unlabeled), black buttons - Units exist???? - Box: Black background, "Datacorder Unit" in yellow, "Model DM-6402A" in orange", "Power Without the Price" in red - XG12 by Datamark - Atari XE case color - Top of unit: "Datamark XG12" in red lettering - Box: Datamark DM-6402A (see above) - See above for the Phonemark-derived version of the XG12. - XL12 [by Datamark for Logical Design Works (LDW) on behalf of Atari] - Atari XE case color - Top of units: "XL12" in silver - Top of some units: "For Atari" in silver/red - Bottom of some units: "Datarecorder" "For Atari Computer" "DM-6402A" - Bottom of other units: "For Atari" - Box: Atari-like, with red strips down BOTH sides of box, "For ATARI" uses Atari logo font, features photo of Datamark original version unit - Utilized parts supplied by Atari, after Atari discontinued their own XC12 - Sold in Chile by Coelsa (official Atari importer) and in Eastern Europe - Replacement for the Atari XC12; would be replaced in Europe by the XCA12 - See above for the Phonemark-derived version of the XL12. - Najm NA-R25 or Najm NC-60 [by Datamark for aDawliah Universal Electronics APL] - Atari XE case color - Top of unit: "Najm NA-R25" or "Najm NC-60" in red lettering - Bottom of NA-R25 unit: "Datacorder Model No. DM-6402 - Bottom of NC-60: NC60 Casseette recorder for artari xe,xl computer" [sic] - Box: Datamark DM-6402A (see above) - Substitute for the Atari XC12 in later 65XE Najm packages Taihaho Computer Cassette - Box: Taihaho Data Cassette Recorder/Player - 120V version (red) for North America or 240V version (black) for UK - Photos: - Built-in SIO cable - must end SIO daisy chain - Power supply is built-in (plugs directly into the wall) Crystal Cable Company TIC-600 interface - Tape interface and controller that connects the Atari to a standard tape deck - Supports reel-to-reel, 8-track, VCR, or standard cassette deck - Auto mode - Computer starts and stops tape movement - Manual mode - Tape player controls are used for tape movement - Supports 900 baud; can be upgraded to support 1200 baud - Kit or assembled ACI-3 Cassette Interface, by Micro Systems and Software Plugs into the SIO port of the Atari, interfaces any monoaural or stereo cassette tape recorder/player. W.E. Electronics (W.E.E.) Cassette Interface Plugs into the serial I/O port of the computer and then, via a choice of leads into either a standard portable cassette recorder or a Hi-Fi stereo recorder with provision for remote control of the cassette motor if the recorder allows this. See: LINKS ------------------------------ Subject: 3.1.3) What speed upgrades are there for Atari program recorders? Numerous methods were created for upgrading the (painfully) slow data transmission speed of the Atari program recorders. Most of these originated in regions of the world where program recorders were normally used with the Atari rather than (extremely expensive) disk drives. Products/formats are presented in "families". - CASA Turbo Tape, by CASA (Dutch) (1985) o Purely software - Rambit TurboCharger (1986?) o From the UK o For: 410, 1010, XC11, Phonemark, XC12 o Circuit board + conversion utility program on cassette. The software is used to convert standard Atari data cassettes to Rambit format cassettes. o 3300-3600 bit/s achieved o Review (Nov/Dec86): - Turbo 2000, by Jiri Richter (RICO or JRC; Czechoslovakia) o Project published in Zpravodaj Atari Klubu -- priloha 11/1987 See: o Software + modification project for XC12 o Transfer rates flexible; later standardized to 2270 baud o Software: Super Turbo cartridge software by RICO (1988) o Released later: TT-DOS, a DOS 2.5 clone with high speed tape handler, B: - TT-DOS 1.1 (c) 1989 JR Computing (JRC) - TT-DOS 1.2 (c) 1989 JR Computing - TT-DOS 1.5 (c) 1991 JR Computing o Released separately (West Germany): B-TAPE high speed system by Jiri Bernasek (BEWESOFT) for use with BW-DOS or SpartaDOS o Clone (Poland): AutoTurbo, by Brodaty Software / INFO-CELL - Hard Turbo, by Computer Center (Poland) o Hardware same as Turbo 2000 o Software loaders distributed on cassette or cartridge - Turbo 2T06, by Wojciech Zabolotny o Published in the magazine IKS 11/1988 pages 4-6, with follow-up information published in the next issue 12/1988 page 14 and in 01/1989 pages 28 and 31. o "Cassette Operating System" (L1, L2, WIELOBLOK) software o Reviewed in Bajtek 8/89 (compared with AST) - K.S.O. Turbo 2000 o Based on Turbo 2T06 o Separately: K.S.O. Turbo 2000 cartridge project for self assembly o Custom formats: - "New format" (Turbo 2000F+) - Speedy 2700, by *AJEK - Atari Super Turbo (AST) (late 1987) o Designed by Slawomir Nienaltowski (designer of the SN-360 disk drive), sold to Atari Studio (AS; later: Mirage) o The first Polish Turbo system o Programs stored with AST can be read by Turbo 2000. o Originally for the 1010, later released for XC12 and clones. o Reviewed in Bajtek 4/89 o Later version(s) sold with software on cartridge: AST Turbo Cartridge o Clones: - Atari Turbo Tape (ATT) - UM Turbo, by Unerring Masters - Turbo 2000F, by MUEL (1989) and/or Rawa Soft o 6700 baud. Advertisement: Bajtek 8/1989 p26 o Can read other formats including AST, Atari Hard Turbo, Turbo 2000 - TOMS Turbo 2001. o Close derivative of Turbo 2000F. Several versions: - Cartridge - Cassette - Computer ROM - TurboDOS 2001 cartridge (with MYDOS 4.50T - TOMS MYDOS ROM version) o TOMS OS for Atari XL/XE can also optionally include Turbo 2001 - Turbo 6000 / Schleife '88 (Loop'88) o From East Germany, for XC12 o Chaos System: Turbo 6000 interface + software: Chaos Loader, Chaos Copy o 6000 baud - Turbo Star, by Stach Soft (1989) o Based on Turbo 6000 - Turbo Star 6000, by Stach Soft o Based on Turbo Star, with improvements o Also known as Turbo Star Plus - Injector / Fast Injektor o Hardware (for the XL12) + software o Developed by Pedro P. Caraball Alvarez (Turbo Software, Argentina/Chile) o Version 1.0 05/09/88 for Turbo Software, published by M.P.M. S.A. (Chile) o Rights sold to Coelsa (official Atari importer in Chile) in 1990. Coelsa would sell many XL12 units with the Fast Injektor preinstalled. o 4000 baud o - STAC / Super Turbo Auto Corrector o From Argentina by Jorge Cwik (ijor), 1988 o Purely software, with error recovery o Available (sources): - Iron Turbo (1988) o Software only, requires optimally operating XC12, CA12 or XCA12 - Turbo 2600, from Zaklad Elektroniczny SZOK and Vadim-Soft o Software-compatible with Iron Turbo - SITRE/S.I.T.R.E./"Sistema Inteligente Turbo con Recuperacion de Errores" o From Chile by Victor Parada G. (++Vitoco) o Purely software. Primarily a copying tool, but also turbo speed. o Version 1.01 March 1989 via SYFCOM, then VCC (Video Compu Club) for 800XL o Version 2.01 April 1989 for 130XE o Version 1.11 June 1989 (800XL, attempted support for longer programs) o Version 3.02 (2015, full support for XL/XE 64KiB to 320KiB) o Available: - Blizzard Turbo, by Atares (Poland, 1989) o Software v1: Microloader, Turbo KOS, Short KOS, Looking o Software v2: KOS+, Blizzard Turbo, Blizzard Copy, 3 Microloaders o Available separately: - BIG2 cartridge by KNS Corporation - Phoenix cartridge by Hurek (1989) - Turbo ROM, jointly developed by PLUS and MAPASOFT (Poland) (1991?) o Special software cartridge loader required to read such cassettes o Reviewed in Tajemnice_Atari 5/91 Most of the above upgrades are described in detail at: ------------------------------ Subject: 3.2.1) What is the Atari 810 Disk Drive? Portions of this section developed by Laurent Delsarte from the 810 Field Service Manual. The Atari 810 is a floppy disk drive that provides secondary (not directly accessible by the computer's central processing unit) and offline (removable from the computer) magnetic storage and retrieval of digital data, using a standard (of its time) 5.25 inch diskette. Diskette storage capacity is 90KiB. The 810 Disk Drive is used with a single Atari 8-bit computer with a minimum of 16KiB of RAM installed. Up to four 810 disk drives may be attached and used with an Atari computer at the same time. - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) The front of the 810 features a Power on/off switch, a "Power" indicator light, and a "Disk busy" indicator light. The rear of the unit includes two SIO ports ("I/O Connectors"), a power input jack, and drive number selector switches: Black & White left: Drive 1 Black right, White left: Drive 2 Black & White right: Drive 3 Black left, White right: Drive 4 810 Performance Specifications - Capacity per diskette: 40 tracks x 18 sectors/track = 720 sectors/disk 720 sectors x 128 bytes/sector = 92,160 bytes/disk (90KiB) - Average Data Transfer Rate: 6000 bit/s - Average Latency: 100 milliseconds - Track to Track Access Time: 5 milliseconds - Average Access Time: 74 milliseconds - Head Settling Time: 15 milliseconds - Head Loading Time: 35 milliseconds - Power-up Delay: 0.5 seconds - Maximum Data Access Time: 236 milliseconds 810 Functional Specifications - Disk Rotation Speed: 288 RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) +- 1% (range: 285.12 - 290.88 RPM) - Recording Density: 2,938 BPI (Bits Per Inch) (maximum) - Flux Density: 5,876 FCI (Flux Changes per Inch) (maximum) - Track density: 48 TPI (Tracks Per Inch) - Tracks: 40 (track 1 is the outermost; track 40 is the innermost) - Encoding method: Frequency Modulation (FM, or "single density") - Drive heads: One (accesses the disk from below) - Disk type used is the Atari CX8100 Blank Diskette or equivalent, which is an industry standard 5.25" micro-diskette / minidiskette / mini-disk / minifloppy diskette / mini-floppy diskette / floppy disk. (Atari specification: C016884) - Any one of the following certifications/marketing labels is in itself sufficient to indicate 5.25" disks suitable for use with the Atari 810: 40 tracks, 48 TPI, Single Density (SD/1D), Double Density (DD/2D), Quad Density (QD/4D) - Exception: Early disks with room for only 35 tracks at 48 TPI, the original configuration for the format as introduced in 1976. Such 35 track disks have a noticeably smaller-length drive head access opening than the eventual standard 40 track disks, which were introduced in 1977. Production of disks supporting only 35 tracks was discontinued by the end of 1980. - NOTE: High Density (HD) 5.25" floppy disks (very commonly used for the MS-DOS 1200KiB format introduced with the IBM PC/AT in 1984) can NOT be used with Atari 810 and compatible drives. - Soft-sectored disks or hard-sectored disks may be used. The sector holes of hard-sectored disks would be ignored by the 810, so hard-sectored disks are unnecessary and very rarely used with the Atari. - Single-sided/One-sided (SS/1S) or Double-sided/Two-sided (DS/2S) disks may be used. - The 810 is a single-sided drive (one drive head). A disk is inserted into the drive with label side up and, from below, the drive head accesses the back (non-label) side media surface via the access opening on the back side of the disk. - Except for very early truly single-sided/one-sided disks, all disk media is actually two-sided, and all disks have drive head access openings on both the front and reverse sides of the disk, so that a drive head could access the disk media from either side. Single-sided/one-sided disks are certified for use on only one side (either side), while double-sided/two-sided disks are certified for use on both sides. - The reverse side of a disk (the front, label side media surface) may be accessed by the 810 by re-inserting the disk into the drive upside- down, label side down. The 810 thus sees the reverse side of the disk as another, entirely different, single-sided disk. A disk that is used as two single-sided disks, one on each side, is a "two-sided" or "flippy" disk. - Some double-sided/two-sided disks have a second index hole/timing hole, facilitating use as a two-sided/flippy disk. However, because the 810 ignores the index hole/timing hole such disks are unnecessary and rarely used with the Atari. - Diskette write enable notch status is respected: will not write to diskette side lacking (or having a covered) write enable notch corresponding to that side of the disk. - On the Atari, an empty floppy disk drive is powered on prior to inserting a diskette into the drive. Conversely, the diskette is removed from the drive before the drive is turned off. These procedures protect the integrity of data on diskettes. 810 Internals - 6507 microprocessor (MOS Technology MCS6507 or equivalent) @ 500KHz, C010745 - ROM, C011299 (some chips marked C001299) - 6810 128 x 8 bit static RAM (1KiB) (Motorola MCM6810), C014328 - 6532 PIA (MOS Technology 6532 RAM-I/O-Timer (RIOT) or equivalent), C010750 - Western Digital FD1771 Floppy Disk Controller (FDC) @ 1MHz, C014329 - Read/Write Head Gap: .013 inches - Guard Band: .008 inches - Pad Pressure: 17 grams 810 industrial design (case): Roy Nishi and Russ Farnell Pre-production units: Atari fuji logo includes "Atari", outline "Atari" label, solid "810" label The 810 underwent several significant design revisions over the course of its manufacture. Original 810 Disk Drive (1980-1981 units: no Data Separator and "Pre-Analog") specifications: - Micro Peripherals, Inc. (MPI) minifloppy diskette drive mechanism - Two printed circuit boards: a Side Board and a Rear Board - Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the rare early 20W variant of the Atari CA014748 power adapter or equivalent (such as the Atari CA017964). Power usage: 20W 810 drives manufactured after September 1, 1981 ("DS" sticker) shipped with an External Data Separator Board, which improves the drive's ability to distinguish between data pulses and clock pulses on the disk, lowering the chance of a misread. It is installed in the Side Board where the FDC chip would otherwise be installed. (810 Field Service Manual p.1-9) The Side Board stepper motor circuit voltage was increased to regulated 12 volts DC as well. - Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA017964 power adapter or equivalent. Power usage: 21W The External Data Separator Board was also offered as an upgrade for earlier 810 drives. Earlier Side Boards must be upgraded in order to accept the Data Separator. Next, Atari introduced the 810 Revision C ROM in November 1981 ("C" sticker). According to Antic (Oct. 82), "ROM C causes diskettes to be formatted with an improved sector layout which is more efficient than that used by earlier 810 control ROMs." Performance was reported to be 20% faster than with the original B ROM. The ROM C was also offered as an upgrade for older drives. 810 drives produced from February 1982 used the new "810 Analog" ("810M Analog") design, further improving reliability: (see 810 Field Service Manual p.8B-1) 1. A Power Supply Board now bolts onto the common base plate where the Rear Board used to be. The Power Supply Board contains: a) A redesigned Power Supply. b) A Tachometer/Speed Switch I.C. (frequency to voltage converter) added as the Tach circuit to stabilize the motor speed. 2. An Analog Board now bolts to the top of the Drive Mechanism. This board contains the Analog circuitry which used to be on the Rear Board. The major changes are to the Read/Write circuitry. The Analog Board contains: a) Operational amplifiers ("op-amps") and discrete transistors in place of transistor arrays. b) A multiplexor chip for switching the Read/Write amplifiers. 3. A 10 pin ribbon cable connects the Analog Board to the Power Supply Board. Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA017964 power adapter or equivalent. Power usage: 30W The 3 new 810 Analog components were also offered together as an upgrade: - CB101128 "Grass Valley Analog Board Set" for Pre-Analog 810 drives. In November 1982, the drive mechanism of the 810 Analog disk drive was changed from MPI to Tandon. The Tandon version is known as the "810T Analog" disk drive. TANDON (810T Analog) MPI (Pre-Analog & 810M Analog) FRONT Operated by a front latch. Operated by a door release BEZEL No diskette eject mechanism. Raise button. the front latch to access diskette. Contains a diskette eject Plastic guides and front latch mechanism. inhibitor position the diskette. UPPER Contains no pressure spring. Contains pressure spring ARM assembly. ASSEMBLY Adjust by turning the two nuts which Adjust pressure spring. secure the upper arm to the carriage. STEPPER Adjust by turning the cam screw at Adjust by loosening setscrew MOTOR rear of Drive Mechanism. to move Stepper Band Pulley. ADJUSTMENT TRACK 00 Adjust by monitoring increase and Adjust for 0.010 clearance. STOP decrease in waveform amplitude. WRITE Microswitch Assembly Phototransistor PROTECT CIRCUIT Manuals: - Atari 810 Disk Drive Operator's Manual C014760 (earlier units) - Atari 810 Disk Drive Owner's Guide C060056 (later units) Technical manuals: Atari 810 Disk Drive Field Service Manual - Preliminary (~190 pages) - FS015854 Rev. 1 July 1980 (~138p) - FD100003 - July 1982 [Rev. 02] - Rev. 03 May,1983 Until fall 1981 the 810 shipped with the 810 Master Diskette CX8101 (boxed; DOS I). From fall 1980 to fall 1981 the 810 additionally shipped with the Disk Operating System Reference Manual. From fall 1981 to May 1983 the 810 shipped with the 810 Master Diskette II CX8104 (boxed; DOS II version 2.0S or DOS 2.0S). Box contents for both are detailed elsewhere in this FAQ list. 810 accessories from Atari: CX8100 Atari 810: 5 Diskettes (unformatted) CX8202 Atari 810/815: 5 Blank Diskettes (unformatted) CX8111 Atari 810: Formatted Diskette II (5 per box; retail box never shipped, but individual CX8111 disks shipped with other products including the 810 Master Diskette II CX8104) - Format is equivalent to disks formatted with 810 drives containing the Revision C ROM. - Speculation: Product was released for users of older 810 drives with the Revision B ROM which could only create slower format disks. Third-party upgrades for the 810: Fast-Chip, by Binary Corporation, 1982 - Disks formatted by an 810 with Fast-Chip utilize an improved sector layout which is more efficient than those created by standard 810 drives. - 30% faster formatting for earlier 810 drives (prior to "ROM C"), or 10% faster formatting for 810 drives with "ROM C" (Nov. 1981 or later) Happy 810 Enhancement, by Happy Computing (Richard Adams), 1982 - Company name became Happy Computers, Inc. in 1983 - Three versions: HE810S-X for early 810 drives (no Data Separator) - Upgrade includes a data separator HE810S-L for pre-Analog 810 drives with Data Separator HE810S-H for 810 Analog drives - RAM buffer: 1 track / 2304 bytes / 18 sectors - "Happy" Warp Speed standard high speed "Reads disks up to 3 times faster than standard 810" with any software; supporting software also supports buffered fast write with verify - Navigate/edit/create nonstandard format disks - 1982-1983 units shipped with Happy Backup Program (single drive) disk, including standard 810 ROM emulator, Slow It Down and Diagnostic Program - Software sold separately by Happy Computing, 1982-1983: - Multiple Drive Happy Backup Program - Happy Compactor Program - Happy Customizer Program (create non-standard disks track-by-track) - 1983-1986 units shipped with Warp Speed Software disk Versions 5.x: Warp Speed 5 DOS (requires Atari DOS 2.0S), Slow It Down, Diagnostic, Sector Copier, Happy Backup, Happy Compactor, Multi Drive Happy Backup, Tracer - 1986-1987 units shipped with Warp Speed Software Rev 7 for 810/1050 which includes: Warp Speed 7 DOS (modified Atari DOS 2.0S), Drive Options, Diagnostic, Sector Copier, Happy Backup, Happy Compactor, Multi Drive Happy Backup, Tracer - 810 Version 7 Upgrade kit (1986) for earlier Happy 810 Enhancement units includes: hardware chip (2732 or 2532 versions) and rev 7 software - Supports the addition of a slow/fast switch - 1987- units shipped with Warp Speed Software Rev 7.1 for 810/1050 which includes: Warp Speed 7 DOS (modified Atari DOS 2.0S), Drive Options, Diagnostic, Sector Copier, Happy Backup, Happy Compactor, Multi Drive Happy Backup, Tracer, and (for the Happy 810 Enhancement only): - HZPFIXR7.BAS - Patches the Happy Customizer Program (HZP) to work with the Rev 7 hardware upgrade - Software sold separately by Happy Computers, requiring Version 7 hardware: - Warp Speed DOS XL, including under cartridge, under ROM, and Axlon banked memory versions (modified DOS XL by Optimized Systems Software (OSS)) - TOP DOS version 1.5, by Eclipse Software - Sold separately: - Happy 810 Archiver, by Spartan Software of Minnesota - Navigate/edit/create nonstandard format disks - Shipped with Archiver/Editor program - Disassembler, sector editor, custom formatter and mapper - Rights assumed by ICD in 1984 - Re-released by B&C ComputerVisions as: Scan-It!/810 Happy version (Scan-It! H810) (1987) - Sold separately: - Archiver Enhancement, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1986 - Software sold separately: - Super Archiver, by Computer Software Services (CSS), marketed by B&C ComputerVisions, 1987 - Super Archiver/Editor 3.02, Super Archiver (Skew) 3.12, Super Archiver Fuzzy Sector Maker, The Archiver Tracer, Super Archiver Diagnostic The CHIP, by Spartan Software of Minnesota, 1983 - Popularly: "Archiver Chip", "810 Archiver", "Archiver/810" - Navigate/edit/create nonstandard format disks - Shipped with Archiver/Editor program - Disassembler, sector editor, custom formatter and mapper - Rights assumed by ICD in 1984 - Re-released by B&C ComputerVisions as: Scan-It!/810 Chip version (Scan-It!/Chip) (1987) - Sold separately: - Archiver Enhancement, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1986 - Software sold separately: - Super Archiver, by Computer Software Services (CSS), marketed by B&C ComputerVisions, 1987 - Super Archiver/Editor 3.02, Super Archiver (Skew) 3.12, Super Archiver Fuzzy Sector Maker, The Archiver Tracer, Super Archiver Diagnostic 810 Turbo (810T), by Neanderthal Computer Things (NCT), 1983-1984 - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - Earlier (1983) units supplied with: - N/DOS Generator (SD disk, patches a copy of Atari DOS 2.0S for single/double density support and more) - NCT 810 Turbo OS Single/Double dens (OS/A+ Version 2, SD disk) (by Optimized Systems Software (OSS)) - NCT 810 Turbo OS Double dens only (OS/A+ Version 4, DD disk) (by Optimized Systems Software (OSS)) - 810T Utilities disk (SD), containing: Backemup, Packemup, Revcheck, Reconfigure, Diagnostics - BASIC A+ (by Optimized Systems Software (OSS)) - Later (1984) units supplied with Mach DOS (Pre-release name: MACH 2XH DOS) Separator, by Percom, 1982 - Data/clock separator circuit for 1980-1981 810 drives without Atari's Data Separator Board Right-Write, by Gardner Computing, 1983 - Write to side 2 of any disk without notching out a hole in the disk - Later: Wright-Right or Write-Right by Duplicating Technologies DS-810 Disk-Switch, by Computer Software Center (CSC), 1983 - Write to side 2 of any disk without notching out a hole in the disk - Write protection to any disk Protector, by Computer Software Services (CSS), for 810/1050/Indus GT, 1983 - Includes hardware and software - Bad sector generator; also move/rearrange data, scramble directories Silencer, by CSS, for 810/1050, 1984 - Eliminates loud drive sounds when reading bad sectors - Write to both sides of any disk without notching disks Over-Write [810 version], by Computer Support, 1985 - Write to side 2 of any disk without notching out a hole in the disk Bad Sector, by Computer Support, 1985 - Write bad sectors to any diskette; can back up some protected disks Electronic Phantom Sector Maker, by CSS, 1987 (Antic 9/87p28) - Installs into any drive, no other modification needed - Can be combined with other upgrades including Happy and The Chip/Archiver - Make fuzzy/phantom sectors or fuzz portions of sectors - Find/Display valid data, CRC errors and phantom sectors - Deluxe version: Allows you to switch between CRC and phantom sectors without having to readjust hardware module each time ------------------------------ Subject: 3.2.2) What is the Atari 1050 Disk Drive? Portions of this section developed by Laurent Delsarte from the 1050 Field Service Manual. The Atari 1050 disk drive was introduced in June 1983 as a replacement for the 810 disk drive. The 1050 is fully backward compatible with the 810, with the addition of a new "double density" mode of operation offering 130KiB of storage capacity per diskette. The "double density" mode works with a standard (of its time) 5.25 inch soft-sectored diskette ("floppy disk") which is certified for double density (Modified Frequency Modulation encoding method) use. While Atari called the new 1050 mode "double density", the 1050 is not capable of the 180KiB double density standard offered in many third party Atari disk drives. Thus, the 1050's "double density" is usually referred to as "enhanced density" or "dual density." Like the 810, the 1050 drive has only one drive head, so it can only read/write to one side of the disk. Also like the 810, the 1050 ignores the index hole/timing hole, so the reverse side of a two-sided/flippy disk can be used as a second single-sided disk by inserting the disk into the drive upside-down (no second index hole/timing hole needed). - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) The front of the 1050 features a Power on/off switch, a Power indicator light, and a "Disk busy" indicator light. The rear of the unit includes two SIO ports ("I/O Connectors"), a Power In jack, and Drive Select switches: Black & White left: Drive 1 Black right, White left: Drive 2 Black & White right: Drive 3 Black left, White right: Drive 4 More features/specifications of the 1050 disk drive: - 6507 microprocessor (MOS Technology MCS6507 or equivalent) @ 1MHz, C010745 - ROM, Custom 2732 FC100541 - 6810 128 x 8 bit static RAM (1KiB) (Motorola MCM6810), C014328 - 6532 PIA (MOS Technology 6532 RAM-I/O-Timer (RIOT) or equivalent), C010750 - Western Digital WD2793 Floppy Disk Controller (FDC) @ 1MHz, FC100542 - Late production units (fall 1985) substituted: Western Digital WD2797 FDC, FC100817 - These units require 1050 ROM Rev L and do not work with earlier 1050 ROM versions. - Media used is the same as for the Atari 810. Single Density "Double Density" (Read/Write) (Read/Write) - Tracks per surface 40 40 - Tracks per inch 48 TPI 48 TPI - Recording density (Track 39, max) 2,878 BPI 5,757 BPI - Flux density (Track 39, max) 5,757 FCI 5,757 FCI - Encoding method FM MFM - Capacity unformatted o Per track 3,382 bytes 6,510 bytes o Per surface 135,280 bytes 260,400 bytes - Capacity formatted o Sectors per track 18 26 o Bytes per sector 128 bytes 128 bytes o Bytes per track 2,304 bytes 3,328 bytes o Bytes per surface 92,160 bytes 133,120 bytes - Transfer rate 125,000 bit/s 250,000 bit/s - Read/Write head: 1 - Write protect sensor: Yes - Track 00 sensor: Yes - Rotational speed: 288 RPM - Rotational speed accuracy: +- 3% (range: 279.36 - 296.64 RPM) - Average latency: 110 milliseconds - Access time o Track to track (max): 40 milliseconds o Head settling (max): 30 milliseconds o Motor start (max): 1000 milliseconds The 1050 drive features a horizontal slot with latch bar door mechanism. To complete the insertion of a disk, turn the latch bar clockwise ninety degrees. To release the disk, turn the latch counterclockwise. 1050 industrial design (case): Tom Palecki Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA017964 power adapter or equivalent. Power usage, Standby: 15W; Operating: 30W; Start up: 50W The 1050 was made for Atari in Singapore by Atari-PCI Enterprises Pte. Ltd. from May 1983 to December 1984 (very common), in Hong Kong by Atari from November 1984 to February 1985 (fairly rare), and again in Singapore by Atari- PCI Enterprises Pte. Ltd. from October 1985 to January 1986 (also fairly rare). 1050 drives made in Singapore use a Tandon drive mechanism, while 1050 drives made in Hong Kong use a World Storage Technology (WST) drive mechanism. Several different 1050 ROM (Atari part FC100541) versions have been documented by Atari users, with no practical differences among them. 1983 units shipped with Rev J, 1984 Singapore units shipped with Rev K, 1984-1985 Hong Kong units shipped with an alternate version of Rev K, and 1985-1986 Singapore units shipped with Rev L. See: 1983 production units shipped with DOS 2.0S and in North America only, units produced winter 1984 to winter 1985 shipped (worldwide) with DOS 3, and units produced fall 1985 shipped with DOS 2.5. Manuals: - Atari 1050 Disk Drive Owner's Guide C061509 (6 pages) - Atari 1050 Disk Drive Owner's Guide C024321 (international; 37 pages) - Atari DOS 2.5: 1050 Disk Drive Owner's Manual C072033 Technical manuals: Atari 1050 Disk Drive Field Service Manual FD100330 - REV. 01 October, 1983 - REV. 03 October, 1985 Third-party upgrades for the 1050 (grouped by "family") ================================= Happy 1050 Maximizer, by Happy Computers, Inc. (Richard Adams), 1984 - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - Hardware upgrades for Happy 1050 Maximizer: - Happy 1050 Controller - Happy 1050 Enhancement (Maximizer upgrade version) Happy 1050 Controller, by Happy Computers, Inc., 1984 - Disk write protection with three position hardware switch and LED indicator - When used with Happy Enhancement or Maximizer, write to reverse side of disks without punching holes - When used with Happy Enhancement, adds hardware switch to select Happy Fast or Slow mode Happy 1050 Enhancement, by Happy Computers, Inc., 1985 - Two versions: - Upgrade for 1050 with Happy 1050 Maximizer - Full version upgrade for Atari 1050 - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - Board includes a 6502 microprocessor and a RAM buffer: Up to 36 sectors (SD mode: 2 tracks / 4608 bytes) - "Happy" Warp Speed standard high speed reads disks up to 500% times faster than standard 1050 with any software; supporting software also supports buffered fast write with verify - Navigate/edit/create nonstandard format disks - (Rev 2 ROM) ICD US Doubler emulation for UltraSpeed software compatibility - 1985-1986 units shipped with Warp Speed Software disk Rev 6.x for 1050 only which includes: Drive Options, Diagnostic, Sector Copier, Happy Backup, Happy Compactor, Tracer - 1986 units shipped with Warp Speed Software disk Rev 7.0 for 1050 only which includes: 1050 Warp Speed DOS V 2.0, Drive Options, Diagnostic, Sector Copier, Happy Backup, Happy Compactor, Tracer - 1986-1987 units shipped with Warp Speed Software Rev 7 for 810/1050 which includes: Warp Speed 7 DOS (modified Atari DOS 2.0S), Drive Options, Diagnostic, Sector Copier, Happy Backup, Happy Compactor, Multi Drive Happy Backup, Tracer - 1987- units shipped with Warp Speed Software disk Rev 7.1 for 810/1050 which includes: Warp Speed 7 DOS (modified Atari DOS 2.0S), Drive Options, Diagnostic, Sector Copier, Happy Backup, Happy Compactor, Multi Drive Happy Backup, Tracer, and (for the Happy 1050 Enhancement only): - PC File Xfer Utility ("IBM file converter" IBMXFR.AUT) which supports SS-DD "IBM format": 40 tracks, 9 sectors of 512 bytes = 180KiB - Software sold separately by Happy Computers: - Warp Speed DOS XL, including under cartridge, under ROM, and Axlon banked memory versions (modified DOS XL by Optimized Systems Software (OSS)) - TOP DOS version 1.5, by Eclipse Software - Software sold separately: - Happy Doubler, by Innovative Concepts, 1989 - US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable (software solution) - Ability to configure drives as D5: through D8: - Sold separately: - Happy 1050 Controller - Happy 1050 Archiver, by ICD, 1985 - Navigate/edit/create nonstandard format disks - Shipped with Archiver/Editor program - Disassembler, sector editor, custom formatter and mapper - Re-released by B&C ComputerVisions as: Scan-It!/1050 Happy version (Scan-It! H1050) (1987) - Sold separately: - Archiver Enhancement, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1986 - Software sold separately: - Super Archiver, by Computer Software Services (CSS), marketed by B&C ComputerVisions, 1987 - Super Archiver/Editor 3.02, Super Archiver (Skew) 3.12, Super Archiver Fuzzy Sector Maker, The Archiver Tracer, Super Archiver Diagnostic - Imitator Controller, by Innovative Concepts, 1987 - Hardware switch to select Happy Fast or Slow mode - 3-position switch for write protect mode: 1) As normal, 2) Do not write, and 3) Will write to any disk - Two-color LED for write-protect status - IC Chip, by Innovative Concepts, 1988-11-11 - US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable (replacement Happy ROM) High Speed Board 1050, by Irata Verlag, 1985 (West Germany) - Happy 1050 Enhancement clone 1050 Lazer Enhancement (Lazer Drive), from Utility House (1986) (UK) - Near-clone of Happy 1050 Enhancement (Rev 1 ROM) - Shipped with Lazer Ultraspeed 1050 Supercharger software Warp Drive, from Stocksoft (UK), 1986 - Add-on control board replaces two chips - Back up including most types of bad sectors - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - Shipped with public domain backup software, double density Menu Maker - Archiver Chip emulation (Rev 2 and up) (Archiver software compatible) 1050 IS Plate, by Innovated Software (Robert Perry), 1986 - Add-on board includes 6502 and 16KiB RAM buffer. Plugs into 6507 socket. - Happy 1050 Enhancement compatible/near-clone - Emulation of: IS Doubler, US Doubler, standard 1050, Archiver Chip (UltraSpeed and Archiver software compatible) - System supports up to 16 drives - Shipped with two-sided/flippy disk including IS Doubler/US Doubler emulation, high speed disk copiers (standard and 130XE versions), file loader, custom disk formatter (including bad sectors), track tracer - Late units: Software instead built-in on ROM - Sold separately for use with early units: ISP Gremlin Grabber - Most units shipped with Gremlin Grammer II or Gremlin Grabber III Klone, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1986 (USA) - Happy 1050 Enhancement clone (Rev 1 ROM) - Happy Warp Speed Software (pre-7.0) included Klone II, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1987 (USA) - Happy 1050 Enhancement clone (Rev 2 ROM) - Happy Warp Speed Software (7.0) included Copy Card 7.0, by ????, year ???? (Europe) - Happy 1050 Enhancement compatible/near-clone Hyper Drive 1050, by HF Developments (UK) - Later sold by Chaos! Computers (UK), 1994 - Clone of 1050 Lazer Enhancement (Lazer Drive) - Software (version 1): HyperDrive 1050 Enhancement software (clone of Lazer Ultraspeed 1050 Supercharger software) - Version II software package: Hyper Fast DOS, Hyper Sector Copier, Hyper Back-Up System, US Doubler Emulation, HyperCompaction, Diagnostic Tester, Archiver/810 Emulation, Multi Drive Back-Up - See review & ad, Page 6's New Atari User #75 pp. 30-37, 39 US Doubler, by ICD, 1984 - ROM replacement chip and 128 byte RAM chip; some drives require moving two jumpers also - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - "UltraSpeed" standard high speed "54K baud" via sector skewing; supporting software required for high speed (initially: ICD SpartaDOS) - As of 1985, provided with or without the ICD SpartaDOS Construction Set SuperMax, by Super Products - US Doubler clone, except: - Earlier units used unique format command supported only by SuperDOS - Add-on board, switch between standard and replacement drive ROM IS Doubler, by Innovated Software (Robert Perry), 1985? - US Doubler clone 1050E Floppy Drive Turbo - US Doubler clone - - 1050 Archiver, by ICD, 1985 - Also known as: "Archiver Chip", "Archiver/1050", "1050 Chip" - Navigate/edit/create nonstandard format disks - Shipped with Archiver/Editor program - Disassembler, sector editor, custom formatter and mapper - Sold separately: - Archiver Enhancement, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1986 - Software sold separately: - Super Archiver, by Computer Software Services (CSS), marketed by B&C ComputerVisions, 1987 - Super Archiver/Editor 3.02, Super Archiver (Skew) 3.12, Super Archiver Fuzzy Sector Maker, The Archiver Tracer, Super Archiver Diagnostic - Super Archiver II, by Computer Software Services (CSS), marketed by both CSS and B&C, 1988 - Enhanced density version of CSS Super Archiver software - Included: Super Archiver/Editor 3.03, Super Archiver (Skew) 3.12, Fuzzy Sector Maker, The Archiver Tracer, Super Archiver Diagnostic, Enhanced Density Archiver/Editor 3.03 Super Archiver, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1987 - Also known as: "Super Archiver/Chip" - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - Archiver Chip compatible; US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable - Navigate/edit/create nonstandard format disks - Included software: Super Archiver/Editor 3.0, Super Archiver (Skew) 3.1, Super Archiver Fuzzy Sector Maker, The Archiver Tracer, Super Archiver Diagnostic - Bit-Writer upgrade sold separately by CSS (1988): - Writes bits rather than sectors, for increased copy capabilities Super Archiver II, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1988 - Same as CSS Super Archiver but with support for enhanced density - Included software: Super Archiver/Editor 3.03, Super Archiver (Skew) 3.12, Fuzzy Sector Maker, The Archiver Tracer, Super Archiver Diagnostic, Enhanced Density Archiver/Editor 3.03 BitWriter 1050 Replica, by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh), 2016 - Contains the Super Archiver 1050 and the BitWriter 1050 on one single PCB - Reproducer, by Gardner Computing, 1984 - Hardware + software - Navigate/edit/create nonstandard format disks Density Doubler 1050, by Duplicating Technologies (DT), 1986 - 6502 microprocessor, 8KiB RAM - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - "High Speed": Whole track buffering (18 sectors, single or double density) - ICD US Doubler emulation for UltraSpeed software compatibility - Supplied with double density DOS (MachDOS? MYDOS?) 1050 Duplicator, by Duplicating Technologies (DT), 1986 - 6502 microprocessor, 8KiB ROM, 8KiM RAM - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - Physically formats boot sectors on a double density disk as 128 byte sectors. (Most, if not all, other double density Atari drives physically format all sectors on double density disks as 256 byte sectors, but the drive firmware reads/writes the boot sectors as 128 byte sectors.) - "High Speed": Whole track buffering (18 sectors, single or double density) - "Ultra High Speed" software support: - Earler versions: 52,000 baud (52,000 bit/s), but not for all 1050 drives - Later versions (4+?): Somewhat slower, for all 1050 drives - US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable - Navigate/edit/create nonstandard format disks (including enhanced density) - Supplied with double density DOS (MachDOS? MYDOS?) - Sources: - CheerUp Upgrade, by Happy Computers, Inc., 1987 - Changes 1050 Duplicator to Happy 1050 Enhancement software compatible 1050 Turbo, by Bernhard Engl for Gerald Engl Computertechnik, 1986 - Hardware includes replacement ROM (no microprocessor; no RAM buffer) - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - "Turbodrive" standard high speed 68200 bit/s ("70000 baud") transmission protocol - High speed supporting software NOT necessary for high speed, instead supporting software is loaded from drive ROM - Software on ROM: Backup Machine II, Magic Formatter, Maintenance Box - Top Drive 1050, by Ataserw (1987 or 1988) - 1050 Turbo clone (ROM by P.Z. Karen, brand of LDW) - Software: TURBO DOS ("TUR-DOS") disk or cartridge. Known versions: - TURBO DOS (c) 1989 ver 2.5 (disk?) - TUR DOS - (c) 1990 rev 4.0 (cartridge) wszelkie prawa JS & ATASERW Tychy - Available upgrade project converts to Happy 1050 Enhancement compatible - Details here: 1050 Turbo II, by ABBUC, 2004 - 100% clone Turbo 1050 Replica, by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh), 2017 - Speedy 1050 (Mini-Speedy), by Compy-Shop, 1986 - Includes 65C02 microprocessor, 8KiB RAM buffer, 8KiB program ROM space - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - "Speedy" standard high speed; supporting software required for high speed - Speedy 1050N: Internal add-on - Speedy 1050NE: External add-on - Speedy 1050T: Internal add-on with (external) track display - Speedy 1050TE: External add-on with track display - Above models: Optional hardware switches for write-protect and fast/slow mode control - Mini-Speedy N: Internal add-on (no extras) - Mini-Speedy D: Internal add-on with 8KiB mini-Bibo-DOS in ROM - Mini-Speedy S: Internal add-on with 8KiB Sector Copy program in ROM - Mini-Speedy DS: Internal add-on with both Sector Copy and mini-Bibo-DOS programs in ROM, hardware switch selectable - Super-Speedy prototype: equivalent to Mini-Speedy DS plus track display and 192KiB RAM buffer, requiring special software support - System disk includes: Speedy Test, Sector Copier. Mini-Speedy system disk also includes: Speedy Backup, Speed Init, DiskMapper, HSS Copier - Sold separately by Martin Reitershan Computertechnik: - Turbo-Speedy DC -- Upgrade replaces mini-Bibo-DOS with the company's Turbo-DOS XL/XE, also new firmware; 24KiB ROM space total - Modern reproductions by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh): - Mini-Speedy 1050 (2015), Mini-Super-Speedy 1050 (2019) - Mega Speedy, by Guus Assmann & Matthias Reichl, 2014 - Out-of-the-box it supports the original 1050, Speedy, Super Speedy, a new Mega Speedy, 1050 Turbo and 1050 Duplicator modes. - Hardware can also emulate Happy, US Doubler, Super Archiver, and SuperMax, but you need to provide the ROMs for these upgrades yourself. - More info: - Software and firmware: - Documentation: Tygrys 1050, by Marek Bojarski of Navitron, 1988 - Product Version 1.0 - Capabilities unverified - documentation wanted! - (Direct predecessor to Tygrys 2000 for LDW Super 2000/CA-2001 drives TOMS Multi Drive 1050 (1990) - Adds single-sided, double density (180KiB) operation (Percom compatible) - Adds SS-DD "IBM format": 40 tracks, 9 sectors of 512 bytes = 180KiB - Compatibilities: Happy 1050 Enhancement, 1050 Turbo, 1050 Duplicator - Software: TOMS Copier, Track Master, Tracer, Get Track, Weak Writer, Bad Formatter, Track Writer, IBM DOS, IBM 360, Turbo Drive Kopier Other: ----- Protector, by Computer Software Services (CSS), for 810/1050/Indus GT, 1983 - Includes hardware and software - Bad sector generator; also move/rearrange data, scramble directories Silencer, by CSS, for 810/1050, 1984 - Eliminates loud drive sounds when reading bad sectors - Write to both sides of any disk without notching disks Over-Write [1050 version], by Computer Support, 1985 - Write to side 2 of any disk without notching out a hole in the disk Bad Sector, by Computer Support, 1985 - Write bad sectors to any diskette; can back up some protected disks Write-Right or Wright-Right, by Duplicating Technologies, 1986 - Write to side 2 of any disk without notching out a hole in the disk Electronic Phantom Sector Maker, by CSS, 1987 (Antic 9/87p28) - Installs into any drive, no other modification needed - Can be combined with other upgrades including Happy 1050 Enhancement, Archiver, and Duplicator - Make fuzzy/phantom sectors or fuzz portions of sectors - Find/Display valid data, CRC errors and phantom sectors - Deluxe version: Allows you to switch between CRC and phantom sectors without having to readjust hardware module each time IC1050 Controller, by Innovative Concepts, 1989 - 3-position switch for write protect mode: 1) As normal, 2) Do not write, and 3) Will write to any disk - Two-color LED for write-protect status ------------------------------ Subject: 3.2.3) What is the Atari XF551 Disk Drive? The Atari XF551 disk drive was introduced in June 1987 as a replacement for the 1050 disk drive. The XF551 is fully backward compatible with the 1050, with the addition of two new modes of operation: a true "double density" mode offering 180KiB of storage capacity per (single-sided) diskette (fully compatible with 3rd party double density drives for the Atari), and (thanks to having two drive heads) a "double-sided double density" mode offering 360KiB of data storage per double-sided diskette. The XF551 double-sided disk layout uses the first side of the disk from outside edge toward inside edge until the first side is filled (same as all Atari single-sided drives), then it switches to the second side starting from the inside edge working back toward the outside edge until the second side is filled. (Disks formatted as double-sided disks for use with double-sided drives not following this standard would not be compatible with the XF551.) When working with double-sided double density 360KiB disks, the XF551 is capable of communicating with the computer at about twice data rate of the earlier Atari 1050 or 810 drives. This XF551 high speed mode is supported by: DOS XE, SpartaDOS X, XDOS, MyPicoDos, Micro-SpartaDOS, SuperDOS, Turbo-DOS, BW-DOS. A patch was also developed for SpartaDOS 3.2d. - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) The front of the XF551 features a "Disk busy" indicator light. (Notably, there is no power indicator light on the XF551.) The rear of the unit includes a power on/off switch, a Power jack, two SIO ("Peripheral") ports, and Drive Select DIP switches: Left & Right down: Drive 1 Left down, Right up: Drive 2 Left up, Right down: Drive 3 Left & Right up: Drive 4 More features/specifications of the XF551 disk drive: - Microcontroller. One of: - Intel 8040 @ 8.3333MHz, CB101393 - Intel 8050 @ 8.3333MHz, C070235 - The 8050 has provision for 4KiB on-board ROM. (Early Atari and media reports incorrectly indicated a 6507 microprocessor.) (The DOS XE: XF551 manual incorrectly indicates 18.3333MHz.) - 4KiB ROM firmware - Contained within the 8050 of some units, while other units with the 8050 and all units with the 8040 use ROM located on a separate chip. - Western Digital WD1772 Floppy Disk Controller (FDC) C026028 - Late production units substituted: Western Digital WD1770 - SIO Data rate (normal): 19,040 bit/s (NTSC), 18,688 bit/s (PAL) (high speed): 38,908 bit/s (NTSC), 38,553 bit/s (PAL) - High speed available in DS/DD 360KiB mode operation only - Rotation rate: 300 RPM - Media used is the same as for the Atari 810. - The XF551 has been known to be more likely to destroy fragile, poor-quality diskettes in attempt to read them than other disk drives for the Atari. This is suggested to be a consequence of the XF551 drive heads pressing against the disk media with slightly more force compared to other drives. Operating modes Single Dual Double Double Encoding Method FM MFM MFM MFM Number of sides 1 1 1 2 Total tracks 40 40 40 80 Sectors per track 18 26 18 18 Bytes per sector 128 128 256 256 (total capacity) Total Bytes 92,160 133,120 184,320 368,640 (total capacity) The XF551 drive features a horizontal slot with latch bar door mechanism. To complete the insertion of a disk, turn the latch bar clockwise ninety degrees. To release the disk, turn the latch counterclockwise. XF551 drives were manufactured for Atari in two versions, both made in Japan. - Mitsumi XF551 (most units) - Earlier production; common in North America and Europe. - Disk Busy light is rectangular, green, and is located below the "straight" drive latch - See: - When the drive latch is opened, an inserted disk stays in place until removed manually. - Inserting a disk does not cause any drive activity. - Like the Atari 810 and 1050, the Mitsumi XF551 ignores the disk's index hole/timing hole when reading/writing, so the Mitsumi XF551 CAN read from, and write to, the reverse side of a two-sided/flippy disk in single-sided (90KiB, 130KiB, or 180KiB) mode if the disk is inserted into the drive upside-down (no second index hole/timing hole needed). - Chinon XF551 (Chinon FZ-502 mechanism) (uncommon/rare late production units) - Disk Busy light is round, red, and is located directly to the left of the "non-straight" drive-latch. - - Opening the drive latch causes an inserted disk to be ejected. - When a disk is inserted, the drive motor briefly spins and the Disk Busy light flashes accordingly. - Unlike the Atari 810 and 1050, the Chinon XF551 utilizes the disk's index hole/timing hole when reading/writing, so the Chinon XF551 CANNOT read from, nor write to, the reverse side of a two-sided/flippy disk in single-sided (90KiB, 130KiB, or 180KiB) mode if the disk is inserted into the drive upside-down, unless the disk has a second index hole/timing hole corresponding to the reverse side. Unlike the Atari 810 and 1050, the XF551 (both Mitsumi and Chinon) utilizes the disk's index hole/timing hole when formatting the disk. As a result, the XF551 CANNOT format the reverse side of a two-sided/flippy disk in single- sided (90KiB, 130KiB, or 180KiB) mode if the disk is inserted into the drive upside-down, unless the disk has a second index hole/timing hole corresponding to the reverse side. Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA017964 power adapter or equivalent. The XF551 shipped with DOS 2.5 (1987-1988) or DOS XE (from 1989). Manuals: - Atari DOS 2.5: XF551 Disk Drive Owner's Manual C033537 - Atari DOS XE: XF551 Disk Drive Owner's Manual C300557 The key engineer/designer of the XF551 was Jose Valdes at Atari. Third-party upgrades for the XF551: XF35 Kit, by Innovative Concepts, 1988-11-11 - Developed by Bob Woolley - A standard 3.5" 720KiB drive mechanism (not included with Kit) may replace the 5.25" drive of the XF551, or it may be added to the drive making it possible to select one or the other using a toggle switch. - Dual drive option requires several additional parts, not included with Kit - Kit also includes replacement drive ROM: (thanks Bob Woolley for details) - Changes the number of tracks to 80, - Tweaks the track seek timing to match a typical 3.5, - Adds (or deletes) spin-up delay that improves write reliability, and - Provides for density retry. - XF551 high speed remains available XF Single Drive Upgrade, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1991 -- Replace the 5.25" drive mechanism with a 3.5" drive mechanism -- US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable -- Can read: - 3.5" SS-DD MS-DOS format 360KiB floppy disks - 3.5" DS-DD MS-DOS format 720KiB floppy disks - Shipped with IBM/ST Transfer Utility disk, containing IBMREAD.COM XF Dual Drive Upgrade, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1991 - Same as XF Single Drive Upgrade, except keep using the XF551 5.25" drive as well. Result is two disk drives; the new 3.5" drive assumes the next drive number higher than the 5.25" drive. XF551 Enhancer - By Computer Software Services (CSS) - Provides a switch that allows the XF551 to read/write/format, in single- sided mode, the back side of a disk that has only one index hole/ timing hole corresponding to the front side of the disk. - No need for the disk to have a second write protect hole. - A write protect disable is built in. - 60Hz version for North America or 50Hz version for Europe XF Update - By Computer Software Services (CSS), 1992 - Replacement drive operating system (ROM) - "Runs more commercial software" - Changes density properly - US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable - Improved/optimized interleave in high speed formats - Can read: - 5.25" SS-DD MS-DOS format 180KiB floppy disks - 5.25" DS-DD MS-DOS format 360KiB floppy disks - Shipped with IBM/ST Transfer Utility disk, containing IBMREAD.COM XF Speedy - (c) 1994 Klaus Peters Elektronik + Software - Converts drive to a Speedy 1050 clone with a DSDD 360KiB mode - Replaces the 8040 microcontroller with: a 65C02 microprocessor, ROM, Memory Hyper-XF (or HyperXF) - (c) 1998 Stefan Dorndorf - Replacement drive operating system (ROM) - Hyper-XF 1.0A is for original XF551 with 5.25" drive - Hyper-XF 1.0B is for the XF551 with replacement 3.5" drive installed - US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable - "Hyper Speed" is an UltraSpeed support routine in ROM - Allows the drive to support UltraSpeed using DOS versions that otherwise lack such support - XF551 standard high speed is removed - Can use disk partitions (2 on 5.25", 4 partitions on 3.5") with mixed Densities (S/E/D) or standard 360KiB (5.25") / 720KiB (3.5") - Can theoretically read/write ST/PC 720KiB disks (software is missing!) - Improved double density detection (XFTOOLS.ZIP) Reimaged XF551 Disk Drive Controller - By Bits of the Past (Dropcheck / Lenore Underwood), 2014 - With Modern Power Supply or with Original Power Supply ------------------------------ Subject: 3.2.4) What were the Atari 815, XF521, and XF351 Disk Drives? Introduced in June 1980, the Atari 815 Dual Disk Drive featured two single- sided, double density (MFM encoding) disk drives. - The 815 operated in double density mode only. - Total storage capacity per diskette: 40 tracks x 18 sectors/track = 720 sectors/disk 720 sectors x 256 bytes/sector = 184,320 bytes/disk (180KiB) - Sectors 1-3 were treated as single density sectors (128 bytes/sector) by the drive's firmware (maintaining compatibility with the disk boot functionality of the Atari OS). All released double density disk drives for the Atari follow this convention as established by the unreleased 815. - Diskettes created by or for the 815 used data bits encoded binary inverted relative to disks created by or for every other single-sided double density Atari compatible disk drive. For this reason, disks used with the 815 can only be used with the 815, and disks used with other single-sided double density Atari disk drives cannot be used with the 815. - Internals - 6507 microprocessor (MOS Technology MCS6507 or equivalent) @ 2MHz, C016145 - 3 x 6532 PIA (MOS Technology 6532 RAM-I/O-Timer (RIOT) or equivalent) @ 2MHz, C016150 - MC68B52P Synchronous Serial Data Adapter (MC6852 SSDA) @ 2MHz, C016531 - 4KiB ROM firmware - Notably, the 815 did not use a standard floppy drive controller (FDC) chip. - While most 815 sample drives utilized the same Tandon drive mechanism found in late-production Atari 810 drives, there were also 815 sample drives built that used the MPI drive mechanism found in earlier 810 drives (including all 810 drives manufactured while the 815 was under development). - Power: Requires 120V AC (North American household standard) - Manual: Atari 815 Operator's Manual C016377 - The 815 was to ship with the 815 Master Diskette CX8201 (boxed; DOS II version 2.0D or DOS 2.0D) - Atari continued to promote the 815 through the summer of 1981 (see Company Store price list for 8-24-81 for a late reference); it was dropped from the product line by October 1981. Prototype units exist (according to the former 60 units were produced), but the 815 never shipped. Previewed in January 1985, the Atari XF521 disk drive was to be a 5.25", 130KiB, XE-styled, feature-equivalent, and gradual replacement for the Atari 1050. The XF521 never shipped, and no more than a handful of prototype units may exist. Pictures: The Atari XF351 disk drive was previewed several times from March 1986 through January 1987. With ADOS (would ship as: DOS XE), the 3.5", single-sided double density XF351 was reported to provide 325KiB (6/1986 report) or 320KiB (9/1986 report) of storage (formatted) per disk. The XF351 never shipped, and no more than a handful of prototype units exist. Picture: Discussion: ------------------------------ Subject: 3.2.5) What other floppy disk drives were designed for my Atari? Major contributors to this section: Glenn M. Saunders, Tomasz M. Tatar, James Bradford, Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, Don Schoengarth, Andreas Koch, TXG/MNX This section attempts to comprehensively list released 3rd-party floppy disk drives designed for use with the Atari. These attach to the computer via SIO and generally include two Atari SIO ports, unless stated otherwise. Top transfer rate is 19.2 kbit/s unless stated otherwise. Media requirements, unless stated otherwise, are the same as for the Atari 810. LEGEND ====== SD = Single Density, 5.25" floppy disks, 90KiB/side, 810 compatible ED = Enhanced Density, 5.25" floppy disks, 130KiB/side, 1050 compatible DD = Double Density, 5.25" floppy disks, 180KiB/side, Percom compatible SS = Single-Sided Drive has only one drive head, so it can only read/write to one side of the disk. The reverse side of a two-sided/flippy disk may or may not be used by inserting the disk upside-down, depending on whether the disk has a second index hole/timing hole corresponding to the reverse side, in combination with whether or not the drive uses or ignores the index hole/timing hole. DS = Double-Sided Drive has two heads for direct access to either side of the disk media without having to remove and re-insert the disk. Drive uses one of several mutually-incompatible styles of numbering the sectors on the second side of the disk. (Disk tracks are always numbered sequentially starting at the outer edge of the disk, regardless of how the sectors are numbered across tracks/disk sides.) Double-sided sector layout possibilities: - Side first, track-order (both sides) - Side first, track-order first side, reverse-track order 2nd side (example: Atari XF551) - Track first ("interleaved", "head-first") Amdek AMDC-II SS SD/ED/DD dual drives. Media is Compact Floppy (CF) standard 3-inch (3.0"), 180KiB/side, two-sided/flippy. Early units shipped with DD DOS Disk Builder to build DOS 2.1A (double density support) from a copy of Atari DOS 2.0S; later/most units shipped with DOS XL SN-360 DS SD/ED/DD. 8051 processor, WD2797 controller by Atari Studio AS (later, Mirage) Astra 1620 SS SD/DD dual drives (spring 1983). Belt-driven; push-down door mechanism. Earliest units shipped with OS/A+ Version 2 and BASIC A+ (both from Optimized Systems Software--OSS), then units shipped with DOS XL, later units shipped with SmartDOS. Astra 2001 SS SD/DD dual drives. Direct-drive motors; rotary/flipper door mechanism. Shipped with SmartDOS. Astra "Big D" DS SD/DD dual drives. Double-sided version of 2001. Shipped with MYDOS 3.016 (earlier units) or Top-DOS 1.5 (later units). Astra The "One" DS SD/DD. Shipped with Top-DOS 1.5. Astra 1001 SS SD/DD. Shipped with SmartDOS. B&C 810 SS SD (B&C ComputerVisions house version of Atari 810) Best Electronics 910 SS SD (Best Electronics house version of Atari 810) California Access CA-2001 by LDW, 1988 replacement for LDW Super 2000 (Poland) SS SD/ED/DD, 4MHz Z-80A microprocessor, Indus GT compatible/Synchromesh capable, sold with DOS XL 2.35I1 (manual: "DOS XL 2.35L") Upgrades: - Tygrys 2000 (2000T), by Marek Bojarski/Navitron, 1989? - Version 1.1: - US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable (52.6 kbit/s) - Happy Enhancement compatible/Warp Speed capable (38.4 kbit/s) - Software supplied: Turbo DOS 2.9, Fast Formatter, Tygrys File Loader Initializer, bad sector writer, bad disk creator, disk mapper, Setup, TCopy universal copier, formatting utility, diagnostic utility, MSDOS utility (read from/write to a 180KiB MS-DOS floppy disk), text converter, and more - Version 2.0 additional feature: - 1050 Turbo compatible/Turbodrive capable - TOMS Turbo Drive LDW (1989) - SS DD IBM:40 tracks * 9 sectors * 512 bytes = 180KiB - 1050 Turbo compatible/Turbodrive capable, - Synchromesh support removed - Software: Turbo Kopier, Track Copier, Chaos Initializer, IBM DOS, IBM 360 - TOMS Multi Drive LDW (1990) - Same as TOMS Turbo Drive LDW but also Happy Enhancement compatible/Warp Speed capable, and 1050 Duplicator compatible, and with more software: Track Master, Tracer, Index Formatter, Get Track, Index Get Track, Bad Formatter, Weak Writer, Put Track, Hex Editor - Atares Flash system (1991) - SS DD IBM:40 tracks * 9 sectors * 512 bytes = 180KiB - Unique: 40 tracks * 6 sectors * 1024bytes = 240KiB - "Flash Turbo" high speed 127 kbit/s - Supplied with FlashDOS - SRAMCharger project by trub (2007) - Equivalent to the Indus/Future Systems RAM Charger 64KiB RAM upgrade (drive becomes Synchromesh II 68.2 kbit/s and Indus/Future CP/M capable) - - SRAM Charger by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh) (2018) - Equivalent to the Indus/Future Systems RAM Charger 64KiB RAM upgrade (drive becomes Synchromesh II 68.2 kbit/s and Indus/Future CP/M capable) - Computer Palace RCP 810 SS SD (Computer Palace house version of Atari 810) Concorde C-221M SS SD/DD; single SIO port - must be at end of SIO chain; shipped with DOS XL; see Analog #23 p12. Rare pics: 34 pin PCB edge connector for connecting up to three Concorde C-221S (SS SD/DD) slave drives. Floppy Disk Controller (FDC): WD2797PL-02 Concorde C-222M DS SD/DD see Analog #23 p12 (probably never released) Matching DS SD/DD slave drive: C-222S (also not released) Flop VD 40 F same as Viatronic VD 40 described below but with standard Atari SIO ports. Floppy 2000 by Klaus Peters Elektronik & Software DS SD/ED/DD Speedy 1050 clone with a DSDD 360KiB mode, Copy 2000 program in ROM Indus GT by Indus Systems, Inc., shipped 1983 SS SD/ED/DD, 4MHz Z-80A microprocessor, 2KiB RAM, Synchromesh 38.4 kbit/s capable, early units shipped with DOS XL 2.20 or 2.30, 1984- units with DOS XL 2.35I1. Service manual urges any drives found with ROM versions 1.00 or 1.10 ROMs be upgraded to version 1.20. Except early units, shipped with "GT DrivingSystem": - GT Estate Wordprocessor, (c) 1983 Elcomp Publishing author: H. C. Wagner for IJG, Inc. - GT Albert E. Spreadsheet by SIM Computer Products Inc. (c) 1982-1983 by David H. Hewit - GT Data Manager, (c) 1984 Vervan Software authors: Carl M. Evans and Richard M. Leonard 1986-1987 units (from Future Systems) additionally shipped with: - GT Speller for GT Estate Word Processor - RAM130 RAM drive for 130XE banked memory - INITSYNC.COM - enables Synchromesh during boot up ("Super Synchromesh") Upgrades released by Future Systems in 1986: - RAM Charger: 64KiB RAM upgrade (drive becomes Synchromesh II 68.2 kbit/s and Indus CP/M capable), supplied with Synchromesh II (DOS XL 2.35I2 with utilities) and Indus CP/M software - Indus GT ROM version 1.20 required to run CP/M. - Synchromesh II disk also sold separately Third-party upgrades: - CSS Protector: Bad sector generator - Indus Disk Drive Upgrade ROM by Rich Andrews - Based on ROM version 1.20 - New fast sector mode 50-75% faster - Increased stepper rate 50% faster - Shortened motor timeout 9 to 2.5 seconds - Disables beeps on errors or button depressing - Available: - SRAMCharger project by trub (2007) - Equivalent to the Indus/Future Systems RAM Charger 64KiB RAM upgrade (drive becomes Synchromesh II 68.2 kbit/s and Indus/Future CP/M capable) - - SRAM Charger by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh) (2018) - Equivalent to the Indus/Future Systems RAM Charger 64KiB RAM upgrade (drive becomes Synchromesh II 68.2 kbit/s and Indus/Future CP/M capable) - LDW Super 2000 by Logical Design Works, Inc., shipped 12/1987 (Poland) SS SD/ED/DD, 4MHz Z-80A microprocessor, Indus GT compatible/Synchromesh capable, sold with DOS XL 3.25I1 (manual: "DOS XL 2.35L"), replaced with CA-2001 in 1988 Upgrades: - Tygrys 2000 (2000T), by Marek Bojarski/Navitron, 1989?, described at CA-2001 above - TOMS Turbo Drive LDW (or just "TOMS Turbo Drive"), described at CA-2001 above - TOMS Multi Drive LDW, described at CA-2001 above - Atares Flash system (1991) described at CA-2001 above - SRAMCharger project by trub (2007) - Equivalent to the Indus/Future Systems RAM Charger 64KiB RAM upgrade (drive becomes Synchromesh II 68.2 kbit/s and Indus/Future CP/M capable) - - SRAM Charger by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh) (2018) - Equivalent to the Indus/Future Systems RAM Charger 64KiB RAM upgrade (drive becomes Synchromesh II 68.2 kbit/s and Indus/Future CP/M capable) - Micro Mainframe MF-1681 SS SD/DD, 4MHz Z-80A microprocessor, 16KiB RAM, up to 76.8 kbit/s capable (no available DOS support), density both software and hardware selectable, firmware support for running a full Z-80 based operating system (planned: CP/M, OASIS, TRSDOS; products never shipped), for a hard disk host adapter (never shipped), and for disks of up to 2,097,150 sectors. Shipped with program disk of utilities, but no DOS (promised "MaxiDos A" or "Maxi-DOS A" never shipped). Supported: Atari DOS 2.0S, OSS OS/A+ Version 4, MYDOS. (One utility, SETDBL.V1, can use a copy of DOS 2.0S to create a bootable double density "DOS 2.0M" disk.) Upgrades: - 2nd internal drive, SS SD/DD (converts drive to unshipped model MF-1682) - 64KiB RAM (converts drive to unshipped model MF-6481) - 2nd internal drive + 64KiB RAM (converts drive to unshipped model MF-6482) Percom RFD40-S1 SS SD/DD, introduced March 1982; first 810 alternative. Early units shipped with "BLD" utility to build Percom DOS 2.0P (double density version) from a copy of Atari DOS 2.0S; later/most units shipped with OS/A+ Version 4. Early units marked: RFD-40S1. See Analog #6 p8. Percom RFD44-S1 DS SD/DD (1982), shipped with OS/A+ Version 4. Early units marked: RFD-44S1. See InfoWorld 7/26/82. Double-sided format, early units (1982-1983): Side first, track-order 1st side, reverse-track order 2nd side. Format of last three sectors mirrors the first three sectors, resulting in unusable last 4 sectors. See: Double-sided format, later units (1983- ): Side first, track-order (both sides). Percom RFD40-S2 SS SD/DD dual drives (1982) shipped with OS/A+ Version 4. Early units marked: RFD-40S2. Review: Antic v2n1 4/83 Percom RFD44-S2 DS SD/DD dual drives (1983) shipped with OS/A+ Version 4. Double-sided format: Side first, track-order (both sides) Percom AT88-S1 SS SD (1983), shipped with OS/A+ Version 2 and BASIC A+ (both from Optimized Systems Software--OSS). Also marketed/known as: AT-88. Upgrade: Percom Doubler (double density) for the AT-88, supplied with OS/A+ Version 4 Percom AT88-S2 SS SD dual drives (1983), shipped with OS/A+ Version 2 and BASIC A+ (both from Optimized Systems Software--OSS). Upgrade: Percom Doubler (double density) for the AT-88, supplied with OS/A+ Version 4 Percom AT88SPD SS SD/DD (1983), earlier units marked AT88-S1PD, later units marked AT88-SPD. Earlier units shipped with OS/A+ Version 4, later units shipped with DOS XL. Rana 1000 SS SD/DD, standalone disk formatting, shipped with SmartDOS San Jose Computer 810 SS SD (San Jose Computer house version of Atari 810) San Jose Computer 810 Special Edition SS SD (San Jose Computer house version of Atari 810, with Happy 810 Enhancement pre-installed) SBG D.8002 HS DS SD/ED/DD ICD US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable see: Skydata SK-551 DS SD/ED/DD. XF551 clone. See: Spider SS SD/ED/DD. XF551 clone, 70 units made. See: TOMS 720 DS SD/ED/DD/QD/iD/ID/CD. 1991. DS-DD 360KiB format is XF551 compatible. Unique formats: DS-QD - 2x80 tracks of 18 sectors of 256 bytes = 720KiB SS-iD IBM - 40 tracks of 9 sectors of 512 bytes = 180KiB DS-ID IBM-2x40 tracks of 9 sectors of 512 bytes = 360KiB DS-CD ST -2x80 tracks of 9 sectors of 512 bytes = 720KiB Intel 8085 microprocessor, US Doubler compatible/ UltraSpeed capable, 1050 Turbo compatible/Turbodrive capable; MYDOS 4.50T, IBMST (IBM/ST formats) and other utilities on ROM; supplied on disk for PC (for accessing ST format 720KiB disks with 1200KiB HD drive) TOMS 720C Same as TOMS 720 with addition of Centronics printer port TOMS 720CR Same as TOMS 720C with addition of RS-232 interface TOMS 710 DS SD/ED/DD/QD. 1994. DS-DD 360KiB format is XF551 compatible. Other format: DS-QD 2x80 tracks of 18 sectors of 256 bytes = 720KiB 8080 microprocessor, US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable, 1050 Turbo compatible/Turbodrive capable; TOMS Navigator and other utilities on ROM TOMS 360 DS SD/ED/DD/iD/ID. (1996 replacement for TOMS 710/720) DS-DD 360KiB format is XF551 compatible. Unique formats: SS-iD IBM - 40 tracks of 9 sectors of 512 bytes = 180KiB DS-ID IBM-2x40 tracks of 9 sectors of 512 bytes = 360KiB 1050 Turbo compatible/Turbodrive capable; US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable; MYDOS 4.50T, IBMST (IBM/ST formats) and other utilities on ROM; TOMS Navigator and other software supplied on disk TOMS 360C Same as TOMS 360 with addition of Centronics printer port TOMS 360CR Same as TOMS 360C with addition of RS-232 interface Trak AT-1 SS SD/DD. Shipped with Trak Automatic Density Select (TADS) for Atari DOS 2.0S, plus utilities and games. Upgrade: Parallel printer interface with 2KiB buffer - Upgrade: 16KiB print buffer - Upgrade: Turbo Pak ROM (adds 2KiB for 4KiB total + track-buffered reads) Trak AT-D1 SS SD, parallel printer interface with 2KiB buffer. Upgrade: double density (SS SD/DD). Shipped with Trak Automatic Density Select (TADS) for Atari DOS 2.0S plus utilities and games Upgrade: 16KiB print buffer Upgrade: Turbo Pak ROM (adds 2KiB for 4KiB total + track-buffered reads) Trak AT-D2 SS SD/DD, parallel printer interface with 2KiB buffer. Earlier units shipped with Trak Automatic Density Select (TADS) for Atari DOS 2.0S, plus utilities and games. Later units also shipped with DOS XL. Upgrade: 16KiB print buffer Upgrade: Turbo Pak ROM (adds 2KiB for 4KiB total + track-buffered reads) Trak AT-D4 DS SD/DD, 4KiB RAM, Turbo Software (reads 18 sectors at a time into on-board RAM). Shipped with DOS XL, Trak Automatic Density Select (TADS) for Atari DOS 2.0S, plus utilities and games. Double-sided operation: separate logical drives D1:, D2:. D2: sector layout is reverse track order (inner to outer) Upgrade: 16KiB RAM Viatronic VD 40 DS SS/ED/DD XF551 compatible including high speed, 8085 microprocessor, 8KiB RAM, 8KiB ROM, 300 RPM, WD2797A-PL controller, two ports with SIO signals require adapters to SIO. XFD601 (Jacek Zuk) DS SD/ED/DD, US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable, Indus GT compatible/Synchromesh capable, 1050 Turbo compatible/Turbodrive capable, disk rotation = 360 RPM, 16KiB RAM XFD602 (Jacek Zuk) DS SD/ED/DD dual drives, US Doubler compatible/ UltraSpeed capable, Indus GT compatible/Synchromesh capable, 1050 Turbo compatible/Turbodrive capable, disk rotation = 360 RPM, 16KiB RAM ------------------------------ Subject: 3.2.6) What is the Percom configuration block? Sources: - MYDOS 4.3A User Guide, page 28 - Compute! magazine #65, October 1985, page 110-111, Percom and Percom compatible disk drives for the Atari computer maintain, in memory within the drive, information about the drive's current configuration, and the drive can provide that information to the Atari computer on demand. The drive may also allow for the computer to dynamically change one or more configurable options. The configuration information consists of a block of 12 bytes. A drive's configuration block may be read by passing "N" ($4E) to it as an SIO command. A new configuration block may be written to a drive with an "O" ($4F) SIO command. The "N" and "O" commands closely parallel the "R" and "W" sector input/output commands, except the data length is always 12 bytes, and no sector number is needed. The 12 bytes were defined by Percom as follows: byte 0: Tracks per side (40 for a standard disk drive) byte 1: Disk Drive Step Rate (as defined by Western Digital) byte 2: Sectors/Track -- high byte (usually 0) byte 3: Sectors/Track -- low byte (18 for standard diskettes) byte 4: Side Code (0=single-sided, 1=double-sided) byte 5: Disk Type Code -- bit 2: 0=single density (FM), 1=double density (MFM) bit 1: 0=5.25" diskette, 1=8" diskette drive byte 6: High byte of Bytes/Sector (0 for Atari 810 compatible) byte 7: Low byte of Bytes/Sector (128 for Atari 810) byte 8: Translation control bit 7: 1=40 track disk I/O on an 80 track drive bit 6: Always 1 (to indicate drive present) bit 1: 1=Handle sectors 1, 2, and 3 as full size sectors bit 0: 1=Sectors number 0-17 (for example) not 1-18 bytes 9-11 Reserved The Percom configuration block standard had the particular importance of allowing for Atari disk drives capable of either single or double density operations, and thus for Atari users with Percom compatible drives to use single or double density disks with those drives interchangeably. The extent of support for the full standard varies widely among disk drives designed for the Atari. Atari's own 810 and 1050 drives do not support the configuration block at all, while the Atari XF551 and most 3rd party drives for the Atari support at least portions of the Percom standard. For example, the Indus GT supports bytes 5-7 only. ------------------------------ Subject: 3.2.7) How can I use an industry standard floppy disk drive? The standard interface between 8" floppy disk drive (FDD) and controller was established in 1976 by Shugart Associates for their SA800/801 Diskette Storage Drive. The interface uses a 50 conductor ribbon cable, normally with 50 pin PCB edge connectors. (The earlier SA900/SA901 8" drives used 44 conductor cables and 44 pin edge connectors.) The standard interfaces between 5.25" or 3.5" floppy disk drive (FDD) and controller was established in 1976 by Shugart Associates for their SA400 Minifloppy Diskette Storage Drive (5.25"). The interface uses a 34 conductor ribbon cable, with 34 pin PCB edge connectors (5.25" drive convention) or 34 pin header (2x17) connectors (3.5" drive convention). This section should list all devices for the Atari computer that provide a standard FDD interface for the system, allowing the addition of one or more standard 8", 5.25" or 3.5" floppy disk drives. Unless stated otherwise, these FDD interfaces support single or double density drives, but not high density 1440KiB 3.5" or 1200KiB 5.25" drives. Percom disk drives for the Atari (RFD, AT88, or AT88SPD series) - Connect to the Atari via SIO (includes 2nd SIO port) - All Percom drives for the Atari are master drives with a four-drive controller, with a standard FDD interface for controlling standard add-on drives (whether internal or external to the master drive unit). The master drive may be configured as any of D1:-D4:, with any add-on drives occupying subsequent drive numbers (up to three). A master drive configured as D4:, with three add-on drives (as drives 5-7) and three Atari 810s or equivalent configured as drives 1-3, would allow the maximum total system potential of 7 disk drives. - Drive connector, early units (1982-1983): 34 pin header later units (1983-1984): 34 pin PCB edge - Master drive limited to single density supports only single density slave drives; master drive supporting double density supports single or double density slave drives units. - Master drive limited to single-sided operation supports only single-sided slave drives; master drive supporting double-sided operation supports single- or double-sided slave drive units. - Double-sided format, early double-sided master drives (1982-1983): - Side first, track-order 1st side, reverse-track order 2nd side - Format of last three sectors mirrors the first three sectors, resulting in unusable last sector in DS SD format, or unusable last 4 sectors in DS DD format. See: - Double-sided format, later double-sided master drives (1983-1984): - Side first, track-order (both sides) Microlink Floppy Disk System / Easy Eight (1982) by California Microlink Corporation (CMC) - Designers: Atari engineers Dave Shepperd & Mike Albaugh - Two 50 pin PCB edge connectors for up to two standard 8" floppy disk drives - Floppy Disk Controller (FDC): FD1795B-02 - 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - 512,512 bytes (500.5KiB) of capacity per disk (SS DD) - 77 tracks, 26 sectors/track, 256 bytes/sector - See: Atari Special Editions Win82 p27, Sum/Fal82 p38 - - Prototypes only? L.E. Systems disk drive (1982) - Developer: two partners, including David Small - Originally: "Leading Edge Systems" - Device is a personality board (oversized) for the 800 - Board provides two 34 pin connectors for 5.25" floppy disk drives - Each connector supports one master and up to three slave drives, for a total system potential of 8 disk drives. - Drives may be single or double density - High speed disk duplication: 17-22 seconds per diskette, up to 7 copies at a time (8 drive system) - Duplicate Atari disks including non-standard formats and copy protection - Can create disks with copy protection. Supports: Bad sectoring, custom track layout, deleted sector marks, complete track dumps - Originally marketed as an 8 drive system (LEFDC-08) or a 4 drive system (LEFDC-04), later a 2 drive system (LEFDC-02) and a single drive system were offered as well. Sold with Tandon disk drives. - Ads: Antic v1n3 Aug82 p43 and v1n5 Dec/Jan83 p94 ATR8000, by Software Publishers / SWP Microcomputer Products (1982-1986) - 16KiB or 64KiB RAM versions - 16KiB units upgradeable to 64KiB RAM - Connects to the Atari via SIO (includes 2nd SIO port) - Floppy Disk Controller (FDC): FD1797 - Drive connector: 34 pin PCB edge - Attach up to 4 standard floppy disk drives, any combination of: 5.25" or 8"; single, double or quad density; single- or double-sided - 8" drives require adapter cable - Double-sided format: Track first ("interleaved", "head-first") - Unit RAM can be used as a disk buffer - Sold separately by SWP: - OSS OS/A+ Version 4 (1982-1983) or MYDOS 3.0x/3.1x (1983-1986) (5.25" or 8" disk) Micro Mainframe MF-1681 disk drive (1983) - Floppy Disk Controller (FDC): WD1797 - Drive connector: 34 pin PCB edge - Connect up to 3 standard floppy disk drives units, each single or dual drive units, for a system maximum of 8 floppy disk drives (including added second internal drive) - Slave drives may be any mix of 5.25" or 8" floppy disk drives, single or double density, single- or double-sided - 8" drives require adapter cable - Double-sided format: Track first ("interleaved", "head-first") Amdek AMDC-II 3" dual disk drive (1984) - Floppy Disk Controller (FDC): FD1797 - Drive connector: 34 pin header - Connect one standard floppy disk drive slave unit - Slave unit can be single or dual drives, single or double density, single- or double-sided - Double-sided format: unknown - Matching add-on drive: Amdek IIIB 3" dual disk drive (released?) Trak 'AT' Series disk drives (AT-1, AT-D1, AT-D2, AT-D4), 1983-1984 - Floppy Disk Controller (FDC): WD1770 (at least some units) - Drive connector: 34 pin header - Attach one standard 5.25" 360KiB floppy disk drive - Master drive limited to single-sided operation supports only single-sided slave drives; master drive supporting double-sided operation supports single- or double-sided slave drive units. - Double-sided operation: separate logical drives; second side sector layout is reverse track order (inner to outer) HDI High-density Disk Interface, by Erhard Puetz (1990/1991?) 1.44 MegaByte Floppycontroller fuer Atari XL/XE - Floppy Disk Controller (FDC): WD37C65-PL 00-02 - Connects to the Atari via SIO (must be at end of SIO chain) - Connect up to 4 standard PC floppy drives - Drive connector: 34 pin header - Drives must support the Disk Change signal at pin 34 of the Shugart bus - Drive types, 5.25": 360KiB, 1200KiB 3.5": 720KiB, 1440KiB - Double-sided format: unknown - Maximum transfer rate: 500 kbit/s (1440KiB 3.5" disks) - Software compatible with Happy 1050, US Doubler, Speedy 1050 - US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable (version 2.0 ROM, 1991) - Speedy 1050 high speed (version 3.0 ROM, 1998) - Does not support enhanced density - See: Floppy Board by Computer Software Services (CSS, 1992) - Enables floppy drive port (34 pin PCB edge) of the CSS Black Box (which connects to the Atari XL/XE via PBI or Cartridge+ECI) - Connect up to 4 standard PC floppy drives - Drive types, 5.25": 180KiB, 360KiB, 1200KiB 3.5": 360KiB, 720KiB, 1440KiB 8" (requires custom cable): 1001KiB - Read & write enhanced density disks (single-sided formats only) - Double-sided formats supported: - "ATR8000" - Track first ("interleaved", "head-first") - "Percom" - Side first, track-order (both sides) - "XF551" - Side first, track-order 1st side, reverse-track order 2nd side - Reads/writes 5.25" and 3.5" MS-DOS disks, BBXFER software utility included - Built-in Black Box Enhancer (Task Master program) and Archiver programs - See: 720K Atari Disk Drive Interface (ADD Interface) (Micro-Discount, 1994) - Floppy Disk Controller (FDC): WD1772 - Drive types: 5.25" 360KiB or 3.5" 720KiB - Double-sided format: Unknown - "Can format Double-sided, double density 360KiB similar to the XF551" - Drive ID number is selectable from 1-4 - Drive connector: 34 pin PCB edge - Connects to the Atari via SIO (must be at end of SIO chain) - Shipped with MYDOS 4.5 on 3.5" 720KiB floppy disk - Disk also includes IBM/ST disk reader (BBXFER software utility) by Computer Software Services Karin Maxi Disk Drive by Mariusz Geisler for Karin (1995?) - A FDD controller with interface - Parallel device, connects to Cartridge+ECI (internal version also produced) - Design errors result in conflicts with other parallel device peripherals - Fix available: - Drive connector: 34 pin PCB edge - Floppy Disk Controller (FDC): WD1770 or WD1772 - Supports one or two floppy disk drives, each of which can be any of: - 5.25" 360KiB, 5.25" 720KiB, 3.5" 720KiB - Supports single, enhanced, and double density - Double-sided format: Track first ("interleaved", "head-first") - Modified ROM by trub includes support for 512-byte sectors - See: Karin Maxi Disk Drive 2012 - by stryker/trub/Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz/Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle'O'Sin) - Original Karin Maxi design with original design errors fixed - See: ------------------------------ Subject: 3.2.8) Can I use modern storage media as emulated floppy drives? ==> SIO2USB, by ABBUC Regional Group Frankfurt / Main (2003-2007) The SIO2USB Interface is a peripheral device that can be attached to an Atari 8-bit computer using the SIO-Bus. It emulates one or more Atari Floppy- Drive(s) and does not require any special drivers or Operating-Systems, it is fully compatible with all Atari DOS Systems and extensions. Because the device is connected to the SIO-Bus, it is not necessary to open or modify the Atari. The device is powered by the SIO-Bus and does not need an external Power Adapter. The data are stored on standard USB Mass Storage Devices (USB FLASH Drives) as Atari disk image files (ATR or XFD) on a standard FAT filesystem. Features: o Can boot an Atari 8-bit Computer without physical Floppy Drive o Emulation of up to 3 (virtual) Disk drives simultaneously o Simple device, attached to SIO-Port, no modification of computer necessary o Mixed operation of real Floppy and SIO2USB possible o Fully compatible with all Atari DOS and OS and all Atari compatible extensions o Storage of Atari disk image files on standard USB FLASH Drives o Configuration of the device by built-in keys and LC-Display or configuration program on the Atari o Built-in Real Time Clock (RTC) o Power supply for the device and USB FLASH Drive from SIO-Bus o Updated SIO2USB Firmware can be applied from within the Atari (no additional device or computer required) o Updates available via Internet (USB FLASH Drive) or direct from the Atari (real Disk Drive) Information: ==> SIO2SD, open source project, 2007 Device inventor and AVR software developer: Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki Atari software developer and tester: Pawel Nowak (Pajero/MadTeam) NVC developer: Marcin Sochacki (Montezuma) Tester (also new SMD PCB designer): Jakub Husak Allows you to load games/applications into 8-bit Atari computers via SIO interface from SD/MMC cards. Features as of v.3.0: - Supported cards: MMC/SDSC/SDHC (and very likely with SDXC, but only FAT32 formatted) - Supported partitioning schemas: no partition, MBR (Master Boot Record), GPT (GUID Partition Table - EFI) - Supported formats: FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 - Handles ATR (rw), XFD (ro) and COM/XEX (ro) file types - 16x2 LCD display allows to "walk" catalog tree and choose files to load (40x2 LCD displays are also supported) - TURBO: 7th bit of command switches turbo. This is new turbo mode very similar to XF551 turbo mode. - All densities with 128B and 256B sectors, including 16MiB disks - Number of simulated drives: 15 + 100 - Configuration program: - has to be present on SD card, but any program can be used - New ATR files and new folders can be created using SIO commands - "Empty disk" mode (ATR file created automatically during format command) - Deleting files from card using SIO commands - Renaming files and folders using SIO commands - Reading and writing all files using SIO commands (inside Atari folder and subfolders) - 100 extra "virtual drives" V0..V99, which can be mapped to any drive from D1 to D15 - Fast mapping - Drives V0 to V3 have additional, special meaning. When one of keys from K1 to K4 is pressed during start then device overrides mapping of D1 and maps one of those drives to D1 (K1 = V0, K2 = V1 etc.). - Built-in very simple TURBO loader (for 7th bit mode - turbo mode similar to one used in XF551) - Software includes - AVR software/firmware for the device - Atari software - PC software - NVC - a tool for organizing files on SD cards for SIO2SD - DriveSort - a tool for sorting files and directories Available: - several variations - many variations - several variations ==> SDrive, by C.P.U. (Radek Sterba (Raster) & Robert Petruzela (Bob!k)), 2008 The SDrive is a device that connects to Atari XL/XE's serial (SIO) port and simulates an Atari floppy disk drive with full read/write access to programs and data stored on a Secure Digital (SD) flash memory card. - ATmega8-16PU microcontroller Main features: - Supported flash cards: Secure Digital up to 2GB size, FAT16 filesystem - Maximum number of drives: 4 (D1: to D4:) + 1 special boot drive - Supported SIO transfer rates: 3.5 to 128 kbit/s (standard 19 and 69 kbit/s) - Supported disk images: ATR, XFD, size up to 16MiB, 128 or 256B sectors - Supported executable files: COM, XEX, BIN.... (any filename extension). - Device controlled by software running on Atari from the SD card, which can be therefore easily updated/replaced - Drives swappable on the fly by buttons - Write protect/enable switch - SDrive ID number selection switch - simultaneous use of up to 4 SDrives - Low cost design - no LCD, a few LEDs, cheap DIL28 Atmega8 microcontroller, single-sided PCB - Firmware and software source code freely available Special features: - Buffered reads for speedup - Delayed writes for speedup and greatly reduced flash write cycles - Built-in bootloader requiring less than 256 bytes including sector buffer, relocatable in the $0500-$05F7 to $BE00-$BEF7 range, with SKCTL initialization before every block. Supports executable files of up to 8MiB size. - Directory with filename simulated for active files in drives, data handled through standard 128B sectors. Executable files can be run from most DOSes or Q-MEG. Random data files with arbitrary suffix can be activated and opened by a program through DOS or copied to disk images. (Note: 80KiB file size limit applies to standard DOSes, 8MiB to Q-MEG and MyDOS) ==> SDrive NUXX, by Steve Vigneau / c0nsumer, 2009 Based on SDrive by C.P.U. - A readily available enclosure and custom end panels with cutouts and artwork. - An SIO connector footprint. This allows a standard Atari SIO connector to be used, allowing easy connectivity with any of the compatible Atari 8-bit computers. - Incorporates a low-cost AVR programmer allowing a SDrive builder who doesn't have AVR programming hardware readily available an easy method of loading the firmware on the microcontroller. - The built-in Brown-Out Detector has been enabled with a 4.0V threshold. ==> SIO2Arduino, by Dan Noguerol (Farb), 2012 - SIO2Arduino is an Atari 8-bit (800/XL/XE) device emulator that runs on the Arduino platform. It currently emulates a single Atari 1050 disk drive (D1:) but there are plans to extend it to support multiple drives as well as other devices. - In its current state, SIO2Arduino allows you to put single and enhanced density Atari 8-bit disk images (ATR, XFD, XEX and many PRO and ATX) onto a microSD card and boot them on real Atari hardware. - SIO2Arduino is an open-source implementation of the Atari SIO device protocol that runs on Arduino hardware. Arduino hardware is open-source and can be assembled by hand or purchased preassembled. - Note: You will need the SdFat library ( in your Arduino libraries directory in order to compile. - For more information on the Arduino platform, go to: ==> SDrive Micro, by santosp, 2012 Based on SDrive by C.P.U. - Small form factor: 70x50x20mm including enclosure - The printed circuit board is dual layer with only surface mount device components, including the microcontroller. - The SIO cable is permanently connected to the device. - The ID switch can be set from a small hole at bottom. - The SD socket is a push on - push off type. - Includes an internal header for any future programming. ==> SIO2MicroSD, by Don Peruski (2013) An Arduino board was used as the platform. Features: - 4 Virtual Drives (D1:-D4:) - Supports standard SD/ED/DD ATR files - Up to 4 sub-directories under the Atari sub-directory - High Speed SIO * - Load/Unload/Swap with 4 buttons and 16x2 LCD Display - Optional "Game/Simple Mode" configuration to limit menu choices for easier use - LCD detail mode to view access commands and use - XEX Boot-Loader ** - Ability to save current configuration of all settings - S-Drive main functions compatible *** - Full board version has built-in USB to update firmware or use as SIO2PC device - Because it is based on the Arduino, the hardware configuration options are limitless * Limited to mode 9 (about 56 kbit/s) due to 16Mhz crystal used with the stock Arduino. ** XEX Bootloader code used from S-Drive source *** Only main portions of S-Drive were implemented based on documentation ==> SDrive-NG (Next Generation) project by kbr (Klaus Brandl), 2014 Based on SDrive by C.P.U. - SDcard detection and control generally enhanced - Error detection (blinkcodes) for SDcard problems - SDHC support - FAT32 support - Many code optimization - SDrive control program converted to XA - Bootloader support for updating flash and eeprom data (V1.1) - Create new disk images (V1.3) - Image directory display in control program with key 'V'(V04) ==> A Little Atari 810 Disk Drive, by Rossum, 2015 - A tiny working model of an Atari 810 that uses 8GB microSD cards - Hardware: LPC1114 microcontroller, microSD slot, 3.3V regulator, LED, capacitors - Enclosure: 3D print from Shapeways - Microcontroller software: emulates up to 8 Atari drives. - At power on it checks for a microSD card, mounts a FAT16 or FAT32 file system and scans the card for .ATR and .XFD disk image files. - It also looks for .XEX files (Atari executables). - The code then "inserts" the BOOT.RUR image into drive 1 and waits for the Atari to start sending commands during bootup. - Atari software: BOOT.RUR - Used to select disk images or applications. ==> SDriveARM project, by alsp / fintros, 2017 Based on SDrive by C.P.U. - 5V compatible 32bit Cypress CY8C4245AXI ARM processor (48MHz core, 32KiB Flash, 4KiB RAM) - MicroSD card reader - Capacitive buttons (Next drive, Prev drive, Boot drive) - 6 LEDs (1 green, 1 red and 4 yellow) - Reset button - Each SIO pin connected to ARM I/O pin (Possibility for functionality extension) - One RW/RO switch for microSD card - Original drive ID's switching DIPs excluded ==> SDrive-MAX project by kbr (Klaus Brandl), 2017 Based on SDrive-NG project, also by kbr (Klaus Brandl). Requires: - Arduino UNO with ATmega328p - Elegoo 2.8" TFT touchscreen shield resistive or comparable with ILI9341 compatible chip and 8-bit parallel mode. - Micro-SD card (SD or SDHC) - Diode: 1N4148 diode or similar - Cable, SIO plug and power supply if necessary - The software "avrdude" for programming - USB drivers for the Arduino, if necessary ==> AVGCART (Average Cart) by tmp, 2018 An SD card multi-cartridge for the Atari XL/XE except 1200XL - Built around a Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA chip. - Optional SIO cable adds full ATR support and support for ATX (copy protected floppy images) and CAS (cassette files, including support for turbo tapes) Available: (SUBCART variant, 2023) ==> FujiNet, by Thomas Cherryhomes and others, 2019- - MicroSD socket for storing disk images and/or cassette images - Connectivity: Built-in SIO connector - SIO port for daisy chain - Emulated D: (Disk) device - Load floppy disk images from onboard MicroSD. Supports ATR, ATX, and XEX formats. - Emulated C: (Cassette) device - Load CAS files from onboard MicroSD. ------------------------------ Subject: 3.3.1) What is the Corvus disk system? For mass storage capacity beyond that of floppy disk drives, microcomputer users of the time of the Atari could turn to drives that utilized a "fixed" or "sealed" magnetic disk. Such devices were still widely known in the early 1980s as "Winchester" disks, after the code name for IBM's influential 3340 Direct Access Storage Facility (14"; 70MB or 140MB) introduced back in 1973. As they became much more common by the mid 1980s, the Winchester term mostly disappeared from common usage, along with the alternatives "fixed-disk" and "sealed disk", all ultimately replaced by today's: "hard disk drive" One feature of early hard disk drives was that the disk controller was usually a separate component from the disk itself. In the late 1970s and early 1980s several different interface standards for communications between computer host, controller, and disk competed for market acceptance. This complicated market landscape, combined with the extreme costs involved, severely limited the sales of hard disks for early home computers. Corvus Systems teamed with disk-maker International Memories Inc. (IMI) to develop and market complete, integrated Winchester disk systems compatible with many computer platforms, including the Atari 800. It was the first and remained the only hard disk drive solution available for an Atari computer for several years. Corvus Systems Atari 800 Disk System (1982), marketed as 5MB, 10MB, or 20MB systems, includes: - Corvus Winchester Disk Drive unit, one of: - Corvus B-Series 5.25" 6MB (IMI 5007 disk with IMI 5000 Phase III controller) - Corvus B-Series 8" 11MB (IMI 7710 disk with embedded controller) - Corvus B-Series 8" 20MB (IMI 7720 disk with embedded controller) - Corvus H-Series 5.25" 6MB (Model 6) (IMI 5006H disk with IMI 5000H controller) - Corvus H-Series 5.25" 12MB (Model 11) (IMI 5012H disk with IMI 5000H controller) - Corvus H-Series 5.25" 18MB (Model 20) (IMI 5018H disk with IMI 5000H controller) - Corvus Atari Interface (host adapter) - Attaches to Atari 800 controller jacks 3 and 4 - Attaches to Processor port on Corvus drive (34 pin Corvus-IMI bus) - Two different "AT Utilities" diskettes (v.1 and v.2) - Disk System Installation Guide and System Manager's Guide - The power switch is on the front of the 8" drives, while it's on the back on the 5.25" drives. - Drive units can be daisy-chained. The Processor port of an add-on drive can be connected to the Drive port of an existing drive (34 pin Corvus-IMI bus). Up to 4 Corvus hard drives (any of the above models) can be connected to one computer. - Requires 48KiB RAM, and 810 or equivalent floppy disk drive. - SYSGEN utility divides the drive into any combination of 90KiB and 180KiB "volumes" for use by the Atari as logical drives. A Model 20 drive may contain up to 196 single-sized volumes (with no double-sized volumes) or up to 98 double-sized volumes (with no single-sized volumes). - System must boot using Corvus bootstrap from either disk or cassette. - WRITEBOOT.OBJ utility creates a Corvus Boot Disk out of Atari DOS 2.0S, which boots to: Disk Operating System II Corvus A2.0D (4/25/81) - CWRTBOOT.OBJ utility creates a boot cassette - Multiple users support - each "user" can have access to up to 8 logical drives, which can be any combination of Corvus volumes or Atari drives (except logical drive 1 must be Corvus volume 1 or an Atari drive where a Corvus boot disk will be used). - Usage: User boots the system with uniquely-assigned boot disk, then uses the DOS L. BINARY LOAD option to load the user's unique "volume mount table" file, which maps the user's assigned Corvus volumes to logical drives. - Optional: Corvus Mirror (internal) - Mirror video in and video out phono jacks connect to corresponding jacks on a VCR (VHS or Beta) - Corvus volumes or the entire Corvus drive can be backed-up or restored from backup. - Sold separately by Corvus: - Corvus Multiplexer - Configured as a Host, unit connects to the Processor port of a Corvus drive and provides 8 Processor ports (34 pin Corvus-IMI bus) to the system, allowing up to 8 computers to be connected to the system. Configured as a Master, unit allows Multiplexer Host units to be attached to the 8 Processor ports of the Master unit. Thus up to 64 computers can share the same Corvus hard drive (or set of up to 4 daisy- chained Corvus hard drives). (System upper limit: 80MB of storage shared by 64 computers) - Corvus Mirror (external unit) - Same as internal Mirror, but is connected between the Corvus drive and the Atari Interface, or between a Corvus drive and a Corvus Multiplexer. (34 pin Corvus-IMI bus) - Sold separately by ?????: Right Cartridge which boots the Atari from the Corvus. (source: Integrater manual. Details????) - Sold separately by ADS: Integrater (1983) - Detailed elsewhere in this FAQ List (personality boards for the 800) ------------------------------ Subject: 3.3.2) How can I use an ST-506 interface hard disk (MFM or RLL)? The 5MB ST-506 MicroWinchester was the first 5.25" hard disk drive, introduced in 1980 as the first product from Shugart Technology (renamed shortly thereafter to: Seagate Technology). The market success of the ST-506, along with the subsequent 10MB ST-412 and 20MB ST-225, led to the ST-506 interface between disk controller and drive being established as an industry standard for hard disk drives. (The ST-506 interface was itself an incremental derivation from the interface for the 8" 10MB Shugart Associates SA1000 hard disk from 1979.) Note that with ST-506 type hard disks, the disk itself is attached to a separate disk controller unit, which in turn attaches to a host computer interface/adapter. Also note that at the time of the Atari, hard disks paired with ST-506 type controllers were popularly characterized not by the interface type but rather by the specific recording method used by the ST-506 type controller: either modified frequency modulation (MFM) or run-length limited (RLL). One ST-506 controller host adapter was designed for use with the Atari: ==> SWP Host Adapter (1986) - Upgrade for 64KiB SWP ATR8000 units - Supports up to 32MB of hard disk storage - Supplied with: - WD1002-HDO MFM controller (ST-506 interface: 34 pin header drive control + 20 pin header data connectors) - 10MB hard disk drive (ST-412 or equivalent) with enclosure - Optional ZCPR (replacement/upgrade for the CP/M Console Command Processor (CCP)) - Drive can be partitioned for MYDOS & CP/M, plus MS-DOS for CO-POWER - See ad: Analog #41 4/86 p128, - User/owner report: Additionally, some hard disk "bridge" controllers allow an ST-506 type hard disk to be attached to a computer's SASI/SCSI interface. ST-506 type drive controllers with SASI/SCSI host interface and support for 256-bytes sectors, as required by many SASI/SCSI interfaces for the Atari, include: Adaptec ACB-4000A (SCSI), Adaptec ACB-4070 (SCSI), Western Digital WD1002-SHD (SASI), Xebec S1410 (SASI), Xebec S1410A (SASI). Please see another section of this FAQ list for a list of SASI/SCSI interfaces for the Atari. ------------------------------ Subject: 3.3.3) How can I use a SASI or SCSI interface hard disk/controller? Shugart Associates System Interface (SASI) ("sassy") was a parallel interface developed initially at disk drive maker Shugart Associates in the early 1980s, which was adopted as a formal ANSI standard in June 1986 under the name, Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) ("scuzzy"). SCSI supports many types of computer peripherals, including hard disk drives. Many hard disk drives were produced with an embedded disk controller featuring a SASI or SCSI interface, though only some of these support 256-byte sectors as required by many SASI/SCSI interfaces for the Atari. Suitable SCSI drives meeting this requirement include: Seagate ST-225N (20MB), Rodime RO650 (10MB) and RO652 (20MB), Iomega Alpha 10H (10MB) and Beta removable cartridge drives Additionally, some hard disk "bridge" controllers allow an ST-506 type hard disk to be attached to a computer's SASI/SCSI interface. ST-506 type drive controllers with SASI/SCSI host interface and support for 256-bytes sectors, as required by many SASI/SCSI interfaces for the Atari, include: Adaptec ACB-4000A (SCSI), Adaptec ACB-4070 (SCSI), Western Digital WD1002-SHD (SASI), Xebec S1410 (SASI), Xebec S1410A (SASI). The following are SASI or SCSI interfaces for the Atari that allow the use of a SASI or SCSI interface hard disk drive or controller. ==> Z-Tec 1000 - SASI host adapter upgrade for 64KiB SWP ATR8000 units - Attaches to the ATR8000 internally - SASI Connector: 50 pin Micro-Ribbon - Compatibility limited to controllers supporting 256-byte sectors - User/owner report: - Picture: ==> BTL 2004 SASI Hard Disk Adapter, by William Lurie & Associates, 1986 - Parallel device, choice of PBI or Cartridge+ECI connector - SASI Connector: 50 pin header - Supports one or two physical hard drives for 128MB total system storage potential - Compatibility limited to controllers supporting 256-byte sectors - BTL Hard Disk System includes: - Hard disk drive: 10MB standard; drives up to 85MB were offered - BTL 2004 SASI Hard Disk Adapter - One of: BTL 2001 PBI Connector or BTL 2002 Cartridge+ECI Connector - BTL 2002 includes pass-through cartridge port - Supplied with MYDOS 4. - See: ==> Supra Hard Disk Interface, by Supra, 1986-1992 K-Products Interface (KPI), by K-Products, 1992-2002 - Parallel device, connects to PBI - Sold separately: Supra XE-XL Buss adapter for Cartridge+ECI - Adapter includes pass-through cartridge port - Hard Disk Drive (SCSI) port: 50 pin header - Supports one or two physical hard drives - 2nd drive must have the name number of heads and cylinders as the 1st - Compatibility limited to controllers supporting 256-byte sectors - Hard Disk is divided into two logical drives: D1: is the size of an Atari floppy disk (single or double density), and D3: is the remainder of the disk. - 2nd hard drive is likewise divided, where D2: is the size of an Atari floppy disk, and D4: is the remainder of the disk. - Atari floppy disk drive should be configured as D2: (1 hard drive system) - System normally boots from D1:; hold down [HELP] during startup to boot from D2:. - Supplied with MYDOS 4 and hard drive software utilities - SupraDrive Atari Hard Disk system includes: - SupraDrive AT hard disk drive, one of - 10MB drive = Xebec 4000 / Xebec Owl (5.25" SASI) - 20MB drive = Miniscribe 8425S (3.5" SCSI) (can anyone verify this????) - Supra Hard Disk Interface (including MYDOS 4 and software) - See: ==> Multi I/O board (MIO), by ICD, 1987 - Parallel device, connects to PBI - ICD adapter for Cartridge+ECI provides two pass-through cartridge ports - 256KiB or 1MiB RAM versions - RAM drive: Use any amount of unit RAM as a RAM drive - Unit has its own power supply, allowing the RAM to retain its memory while the computer is off - Hard Disk (SCSI) port: 50 pin header - Connect up to 8 controllers (SCSI specification) - Compatibility limited to controllers supporting 256-byte sectors - Menu program on firmware ROM - Accessed by holding down the [SELECT] key while booting or by [SELECT+RESET] - Menu loads into the computer's main memory (RAM) - Allows booting from RAM drive or Hard Drive - Allows partitioning of hard drives and RAM for RAM drives (up to 8 total drives) ==> Black Box, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1989 - Parallel device, with connectors for both PBI and Cartridge+ECI - PBI Connector: 50 pin header; ribbon cable to PBI interface included - Cartridge+ECI connector: standard PCB edge - SASI/SCSI Hard Disk Port: 50 pin header - Connect up to 8 controllers (SCSI specification) - Hard disk floppy drive emulation (Single or Double density) - Compatibility includes controllers supporting 512-byte sectors - Manage up to 96 drive partitions, including write-protection - High speed disk I/O: Happy, XF551, UltraSpeed - Built-in 6502 machine language monitor - Software utilities, including MYDOS and hard drive utilities, on disk - Black Box Enhancer (upgrade for older units; included with newer units): - Enhanced printing functions, Task Master sector editor, Archiver program - Developer page: - Black Box information/tips/tricks collected by Mathy van Nisselroy: - Available ATASPI "Atari (Advanced) SCSI Programming Interface" for Black Box, developed by msc (Matthias Belitz) and Lee Barnes, - Available utilities for ATASPI: - ATASPI MON V0.12 (c) 2000 by msc (SCSI monitor) - ATASPI CD Audio Player (CDAP) 1.47 by msc and Mathy van Nisselroy - ATASPI CD/DVD Data Reader (DATA) 0.69 by Mathy van Nisselroy ==> Multi I/O board (MIO) "new series" by Ken Jones / MEtalGuy66, 2006 Equivalent to the original ICD MIO, 1MiB RAM version, with improvements. - Hard Disk (SCSI) port: - Compatibility includes controllers supporting 512-byte sectors - Available: ------------------------------ Subject: 3.3.4) Can I use an IDE/CompactFlash device as a high capacity drive? (background derived from Wikipedia) Parallel ATA (PATA), previously AT Attachment (ATA) and originally Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE), is an interface standard for the connection of storage devices such as hard disks, floppy drives, and optical disc drives in computers. The standard is maintained by X3/INCITS committee. The IDE standard was first used in 1986 in the Compaq Deskpro 396 with integrated Western Digital hard disk drive controller. IDE was based on the IBM PC Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) 16-bit bus standard. ATAPI is the standard protocol allowing the ATA interface to carry SCSI commands and responses. Common ATAPI devices include CD-ROM drives, DVD-ROM drives, and Zip drives. CompactFlash (CF) is essentially a mass storage device format with a miniaturized ATA interface, normally using flash memory. The format was first specified and produced by SanDisk in 1994. The following hardware interfaces were designed to allow PATA devices to be used as a high-capacity disk drive with the 8-bit Atari: ==> KMK/JZ IDE, by Jacek Zuk (Simius) and Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, 1996 - Allows you to attach an ATA (IDE) hard drive, a CF (Compact Flash) card or an ATAPI device (e.g. a CD-ROM drive) to your Atari XE computer. Drive must be ATA-1 or later; at least ATA-2 is recommended. Dual drives supported. - KMK/JZ IDE Interface - Hardware design by Jacek Zuk (Simius), 1995-2006 - First generation: KMK/JZ IDE (aka 1.0) - Second generation: KMK/JZ IDE 1.2 (same, just more memory) - Parallel device, connects to Cartridge+ECI - Software by Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz. Firmware characteristics (10.11.2009): - Maximum drive capacity: 16777215 physical blocks on each device (8 GiB) - Maximum number of partitions: 16 - Maximum capacity of a partition: 16777215 logical sectors (8 GiB) - Logical sector length: 512 bytes (native, same as physical block) or 256 bytes (emulation) or (as of BIOS v.1.8) 128 bytes (emulation) - Average speed (depends on the drive and DOS used): 50-80 kB/s (native mode, R/W), or 20-45 kB/s (emulation mode, reading), or 7-12 kB/s (emulation mode, writing) - 16-bit data transfers - Fully Atari OS compliant (no Atari OS patches are needed) - Bus ID for the Atari OS configurable with a jumper - Can boot from any partition (of a hard drive or CF card) - Independent partitions can be write-protected - ATAPI support not provided by the BIOS - Available MNT SpartaDOS X Add-on by DLT enables the user to address a connected KMK/JZ IDE or IDEa device Available: Utilities, tools and the system software: ==> msc-IDE Controller, by Stefan Birmanns and Matthias Belitz, 1995-1996 - Parallel device, connects to PBI - A Cartridge+ECI adapter can also be used - Up to 240 partitions per hard disk supported - Emulates D1: until D9: of disk devices (access to 9 partitions at one time) - Full bootable from any partition (with standard XL-OS) - Write protection capability - Supports up to two hard drives (master/slave) - Transfer rate > 30 kB/s file access with SpartaDOS 3.2gx (reading) - Transfer rate > 10 kB/s file access with SpartaDOS 3.2gx (writing) - Software partially supports CD-ROM and ZIP drives. - Partially software compatible with the KMK/JZ IDE interface - No longer in production - More information, manual, software utilities: ==> SmartIDE, project for the 1200XL by Bob Woolley, 1996 - Published as a series of articles in Atari Classics magazine - "SmartOS" Sept/Oct 1995, pp. 25-29 - "Dallas 'ROMs'" Fall 1996, p. 16 - "Smart IDE" Fall 1996, pp. 17-19 - "The IDEal Hard Drive" Fall 1996, pp. 20-22 - "IDE Driver Software" Fall 1996, pp. 23-27 Software (IDE38.ASM) download contained in ==> BadSector "A" project by Gary Morton, 2001 - Control an IDE hard disk drive using the Atmel AT89S53 processor (or 8031 compatible processor). - Compatible with all models of Atari due to the use of the SIO (serial bus) - ==> SIO2IDE, project by Marek Mikolajewski (MMSoft), 2001-2005 Attach any IDE Disk Drive or CF Card (using CF2IDE adapter) to your 8-bit Atari computer. ATARI side: - Uses standard Atari SIO at a speed of 19200 bit/s - Works with Atari High Speed SIO (US and Happy) at a speed of 52000 bit/s - Emulates Atari disks D1: to D8: disk D1: can be swapped with Common disk D1: (HD1_ZW jumper, drive D9: in config file) - Can be used with any Atari DOS and OS - Available S2I SpartaDOS X Add-on by DLT enables the user to address a connected SIO2IDE device with firmware 3.x and 4.x. - Can be used without any problems with other SIO devices - Can be easy installed inside your Atari with 2.5' laptop HD or CF card - Is easy to configure via special utility software (changing disks sequence and active directory) - It uses ATR files to emulate real floppy disk or hard drive IDE device side: - All IDE ATA/ATAPI devices can be used: Disk Drives (2.5" and 3.5"), Compact Flash cards etc. - Supports PC file systems, FAT16 and FAT32 - Supports CD file system, ISO9660 - Supports ATR disk images (SD, DD up to 16MiB) - Supports directory change (multiconfig) - Is easy to configure, many text configuration files (sio2ide.cfg) can be stored in different directories - Disk configuration can be checked by special checkfs.exe PC utility NOTE: checkfs.exe does NOT work with HDD connected via USB port - Standard system disk utilities can be used (defrag.exe, scandisk.exe etc) - Long File Name (LFN) support for HDD - TEST mode for checking HDD initializations - Supports Master/Slave IDE devices - Disk defragmentation is not required USB port side (SIO2IDE Versions 4.x option): - Interface allows the attached ATA drive to work as USB Mass Storage Class device (removable drive) on a Windows PC - No drivers are needed for Windows 2K, ME, XP. Windows 98 driver available. - SIO2IDE in USB mode is not working with Linux Available, Version 3.3: - Options: USB controller, SIO plug SIO2IDE project home: ==> MyIDE, by Mr.Atari (Sijmen Schouten), 2002 - Project first published (as Version 3) August 2002, for XL/XE - Fall 2002: released as printed circuit board for use either in a grey Atari- cartridge shell or for internal installation - Available MyIDE/Flash, Internal MyIDE and MyIDE 2 Soft Drivers For SpartaDOS X, by Jonathan Halliday: Available: - MyIDE Internal Interface for XL/XE Computers (Except 1200XL & XEGS) - MyIDE Internal Interface for 1200XL Computer - MyIDE Internal Interface for XEGS Computer ==> IDEa Interface, by Michal 'Pasiu' Pasiecznik, 2005 - Clone of KMK/JZ IDE 1.2 - Parallel device, connects to Cartridge+ECI - Can also be mounted inside any XL/XE ==> MyIDE+Flash IDE Interface Cartridge, by Atarimax (Steven J. Tucker), 2006 Combines MyIDE interface with an Atarimax 1Mbit reprogrammable flash cartridge. For XL/XE. - Interface is portable between computers and requires no internal installation. - Available MyIDE/Flash, Internal MyIDE and MyIDE 2 Soft Drivers For SpartaDOS X, by Jonathan Halliday: Available: ==> IDE Plus 2.0, by Jacek Zuk (Simius) and Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, 2011 - Allows you to attach an ATA (IDE) hard drive, a CF (Compact Flash) card or an ATAPI device (e.g. a CD-ROM drive) to your Atari XL/XE computer. Drive must be ATA-3 or later. Dual drives supported. - Hardware design by Jacek Zuk (Simius) - Parallel device, with both PBI and Cartridge+ECI connectors - Provides pass-through Cartridge port - Addresses well known problems with the PHI2 signal not being generated the same across various Atari XL and XE motherboard revisions, and across computers with different hardware extensions installed. - Does not require an external power-supply - Contains 96KiB ISP Flash ROM and 32KiB RAM available to the internal PBI BIOS and flashable from the Atari - Contains 512KiB or 1024KiB ISP Flash ROM for SpartaDOS X (or any other cartridge of such type), flashable from the Atari. This ROM can be physically disabled using a dedicated switch. - Contains a real time clock circuitry to be used with SpartaDOS X. - Contains a LED flashing during the I/O - AtariAge preorder thread: - Software by Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz. Firmware characteristics (29.10.2011): - Maximum drive capacity: 268435456 sectors on either device (128 GiB) - Maximum number of partitions: 16 - Maximum capacity of a partition: no practical limit - Logical sector length: 128 bytes (emulation), 256 bytes (emulation) or 512 bytes (native) - Average speed (depends on the drive and DOS used): 50-80 kB/s (native mode, R/W), or 30-45 kB/s (emulation mode, R/W) - 16-bit data transfers - Fully Atari OS compliant (no Atari OS patches are needed) - Independent partitions can be write-protected - ATAPI support not provided by the BIOS Documentation, utilities, tools, system software: ==> SIDE Cartridge, by Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle'O'Sin), 2011 - Optimized for CF cards - Supported by SpartaDOS X - Selectable "SIDE Loader" and SpartaDOS X modes of operation - Real-Time Clock - Compact Flash card slot - Available SIDE Loader: XEX Loader for SIDE and SIDE2 by Jonathan Halliday: - Available SIDE/SIDE2 Soft Drivers For SpartaDOS X by Jonathan Halliday: - Production units by Zaxon, 2011 ==> SIDE2 Cartridge, by Przemyslaw Krawczyk (lotharek), 2012 - Based on SIDE Cartridge by Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle'O'Sin) (2011) - On-board SpartaDOS X - Real-Time Clock - Compact Flash card slot - CF card hot-swap functionality and enhanced ROM banking capabilities - Switchable loader and SDX modes - Programmable "SIDE button" - 256KiB external flash application cartridge space - Available SIDE Loader: XEX Loader for SIDE and SIDE2 by Jonathan Halliday: - Available SIDE/SIDE2 Soft Drivers For SpartaDOS X by Jonathan Halliday: Available: ==> MyIDE-II CompactFlash Cartridge, by Atarimax (Steven J. Tucker), 2012 - For XL/XE - Compact Flash Hardware Interface - Software Power Control - Hardware Media Change Detection - Upgradable Hardware Core via Card Edge JTAG Interface - Atarimax FAT32 Loader - EXE/XEX/COM Binary Support - Fast ATR Disk Image Buffered from Cartridge SRAM - Supports 8KiB/16KiB and larger converted XEGS/Banked ROM images - Supports Boot ROM Upgrade directly from CF Card - Mr-Atari's "MyBIOS" Included - MyIDE-II MyBIOS with Full "Hot Swap" Media Change Support - Upgrade/Change MyBIOS by updating your Maxflash Studio Workbook - Purchase includes MyBIOS technical support from Mr-Atari - 512KiB On-Board User Customizable Flash Memory - Maxflash Studio & USB Programmer Integration - Menu Customizability using Maxflash Studio Workbooks - 512KiB On-Board Application SRAM - Develop advanced applications without requiring internal RAM upgrades - Available MyIDE/Flash, Internal MyIDE and MyIDE 2 Soft Drivers For SpartaDOS X, by Jonathan Halliday: Available: Incognito, by Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle'O'Sin), 2012 - Personality board for the Atari 800 - Firmware by Jonathan Halliday - Built-in, configurable CF card storage (works as PBI in XL/XE mode, and through SDX driver in Colleen mode) - SpartaDOS X - Device detailed elsewhere in this FAQ list (800 personality boards) ------------------------------ Subject: 3.3.5) How can I use an SD card as a high capacity disk drive? (SD background derived from Wikipedia) Secure Digital (SD) is a flash memory (non-volatile) memory card format used since 1999 in portable devices, including digital cameras, handheld computers, PDAs and GPS units. SD was based on the MultiMediaCard (MMC), which was introduced in 1997 by SanDisk and Siemens. The SD format includes four card families available in three different form factors. The four families are the original Standard-Capacity (SDSC), the High-Capacity (SDHC), the eXtended-Capacity (SDXC), and the SDIO, which combines input/output functions with data storage. The three form factors are the original size, the "mini" size, and the "micro" size. There are many combinations of form factors and device families. ==> SIO2SD, 2007 Device inventor and AVR software developer: Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki Atari software developer and tester: Pawel Nowak (Pajero/MadTeam) Detailed in another section of this FAQ list. - Available S2S SpartaDOS X Add-on by DLT enables the user to address a connected SIO2SD device. Available: - several variations - many variations - several variations ==> AVGCART (Average Cart) by tmp, 2018 An SD card multi-cartridge for the Atari XL/XE except 1200XL - SIDE2 emulation (compatible with Ultimate 1MB and SpartaDOS X) - Available SIDE Loader and SpartaDOS X for the AVG Cart by Jonathan Halliday: - Available SDX Driver and ROMs for SIDE and SIDE2, by Jonathan Halliday, for hard disk access under SpartaDOS X: Available: - - (SUBCART variant, 2023) - ==> SIDE3, 2020- Hardware by Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle'O'Sin), features: - Use of SD cards - Emulation of a wide range of cartridge types, up to 1MB in size - Real time clock with battery-backed NVRAM - 8MB of flash ROM and 2MB of fast SRAM - Versatile ROM/RAM access with DMA engine - Hot-swappable media - Dual mode (SDX/Loader) operation, controlled by switch - Menu button (doubles as ATR swap button when used with Ultimate 1MB) SIDE3 Loader software (firmware, PBI routine) by Jonathan Halliday, features: - Up to 1,024 FAT filenames in memory (no paging through long folders) - Mount cartridges, ATRs and partitions simultaneously, all from the same menu - Special RAM-based operating system permits booting of some ATRs without Ultimate 1MB - Tight integration with Ultimate 1MB where present (using special SIDE3 Ultimate 1MB plugins) - Powerful recursive search facility which runs in the background while you browse results - Handling of up to fourteen FAT partitions - APT browser allows dynamic mounting of hard disk partitions - Mounting of multi-disk volumes via MAP files - Built-in mini DOS allows read-only access to FAT16/FAT32 volumes on 'D1:' - Built-in 'Pulse Density Modulation' (FujiConvert) audio file playback - Built-in Covox support - Built-in real time clock support Available: Firmware updates: Soft Driver For SpartaDOS X: ------------------------------ Subject: 3.4.1) How can my Atari utilize my other computer's mass storage? This section lists solutions that allow the Atari computer to utilize another computer's mass storage devices (disk drives) through Atari peripheral emulation. The Atari and the other computer are either connected via a specialized cable, or perhaps by wireless SIO2BT Bluetooth connection. ==> ATARIBUS project by Dave Warker, 1982/1983 A hardware interface design and CP/M software package that links an Atari computer to CP/M compatible computers. - Provides up to four pseudo-drives to the ATARI. To Atari DOS they appear as devices D1: through D4:. What they actually are is 90KiB byte CP/M disk files. The records of these disk files are treated as sectors of the Atari disk. - The standard extensions for Pseudo-Disk (PD) files are ATR, AT1, AT2, AT3 or AT4. 'ATR' is used in most cases. (Pre-dates the SIO2PC ATR standard!) ==> The Critical Connection, by USS Enterprises (Vincent Cate), 1982-1984 A hardware interface and CP/M software package that links an Atari computer to CP/M compatible computers. - Utilize an entire CP/M disk as an emulated 600KiB Atari disk drive - Utilize 92KiB CP/M disk files as emulated Atari 90KiB disk drives - This feature requires CP/M 2.0 or above, and a copy of Atari DOS - Can only access one CP/M drive at a time Two versions: - The Critical Connection (original) for Atari 400/800 computers, 1982 - The Critical Connection XL for Atari XL/XE computers, 1984 ==> SIO2PC, by Nick Kennedy, 1989/1998 SIO2PC is a hardware & software package interfacing the 8-bit Atari to PC compatible computers (DOS). The hardware is known as an SIO2PC Cable. - Emulates 1 to 4 Atari disk drives - Store your Atari files on PC hard or floppy drives - Boot from the PC, real drive not needed to start-up - No software or drivers required for the Atari; no conflicts: use your favorite DOS - Twice as fast as an Atari 810 drive and more reliable - Co-exists with real drives in the Atari daisy chain - Compatible down to the hardware level: use sector copiers, etc. - Convert Atari files to PC files and vice versa - Supports (and originated) the .ATR Atari disk image file format on the PC SIO2PC cable/interface designs and sources, PC RS-232/Serial interface: - (Nick Kennedy) - (Rick Cortese) - - (Radek Sterba) - (Vladimir Tichy) - Atarimax Universal SIO2PC/ProSystem interface, RS-232/Serial versions (Steven Tucker) - (Wolfram Fischer) - (Frank Heuser) - (tOri) SIO2PC cable/interface designs and sources, USB interface: - Atarimax Universal SIO2PC/ProSystem interface, USB versions (Steven Tucker) - 10502PC / SIO2PC-USB (Lotharek) - ==> 800XL DJ, by Kolja 'joust' Koischwitz & Christian 'chrisker' Krueger, 1994 - Hardware component: "SIO2ST" cable (or SIO2PC cable) - Atari ST software simulates an Atari disk drive and uses disk images (.DI extension) to load programs. - 800XLDJF.APP is for Falcon ; 800XLDJ.APP is for ST - More info: ==> Atari Peripheral Emulator (APE), by Steven Tucker APE for DOS developed 1995-1998 (v.1.18 package released 2001) APE for Windows, 2000-2007, v.3.0.2 released 2007 Hardware component: APE / SIO2PC Interface Cable - Emulate up to 8 Hard Drives & Floppy Drives - Single, Double, Quad, or 1050 Enhanced Density for any floppy drive - Disk images of up to 16MiB in size, up to 8 hard drives at once - High Speed SIO: US Doubler compatible/UltraSpeed capable, XF551 high speed, Happy compatible/Warp Speed capable, APE+ Warp Speed I/O (3x) - Load EXE files directly from your PC Hard Drive - PC Mirror drive gives access to files on your PC hard drive & MSDOS filesystem with any DOS and at all SIO speeds, including APE+ 3X SIO - Registered users may write files, as well as read them from the PC mirror - APE ProSystem support - Supports the .ATR and .PRO Atari disk image file formats on the PC - Full cooperation with real SIO devices - APETIME.COM - Downloads the PC time to the Atari and updates the SpartaDOS clock. ==> Floppy EMULator, by Pavel Machek, 1997 Turn your Linux machine into the Atari computer's floppy drive. - Hardware component: SIO2PC cable - Writes are done, but not saved back to files. - Only 90K .ATR files are supported, only D1: supported. - "This is really alpha." ==> SIO2Linux, by Preston Crow, 1998/2010 Turn your Linux machine into the Atari computer's floppy drive. - Based on Floppy EMULator by Pavel Machek - Hardware component: SIO2PC cable - No kernel modules. Unlike the AtariSIO project, this is just a simple user-space program that uses a serial port device. - Create new dynamically sized images Each image starts as a 3-sector image file, but grows to accommodate the highest-numbered sector written. - Mount your native file system as an Atari disk It's read-only for now, and it doesn't support subdirectories, but each file is mapped to a different starting sector, and as that sector is read, it automatically maps in the rest of the file. - Supports .ATR and .XFD disk image files ==> Atari810, by Dan Vernon, 2001/2003 Emulate an Atari 8-bit floppy drive or hard disk on your PC. - Hardware component: SIO2PC cable - A PC, connected to the Atari via a serial port, appears to be a giant Atari disk drive, or rather, up to eight disk drives. - Supports .ATR format files ==> atariserver module of AtariSIO package, by Matthias Reichl, 2002- An SIO-server for Linux (like SIO2PC or APE for MSDOS-machines). Requires a 2.2, 2.4, 2.6 or 3.x series Linux kernel (with enabled module support) and a serial port with a 16550 or 16C950 compatible chip. - Hardware component: SIO2PC (except early two-chip design), 1050-2-PC, or APE ProSystem cable. - Supports several SIO speeds: - Standard 19200 bit/s - 38400 bit/s in XF551 compatibility mode - 57600 bit/s - 57600 bit/s with short pauses between bytes - Virtual drive support (somewhat similar to the "PC mirror" feature of APE). Directly access files on your hard disk (without first creating an ATR image) and also store new files on your hard disk by simply writing to a virtual drive. - Disk image file formats supported: .ATR/.DCM/.DI/.XFD ==> VAPI2SIO, by Jorge Cwik, 2005 Vapi2sio is a mini SIO2PC/APE Windows program for running VAPI (.ATX) images under real Atari hardware. - Hardware component: SIO2PC cable ==> Multi-platform Distributive Operating System Professional for Atari, by Krishna Software (Krishnasoft), 2005/2006 MPDOS Professional for Atari Features: o Cable connects between a PC parallel port (DB25 connector) and one or two Atari computer controller jacks. o Simulates up to 4 Atari disk drives (D1:, D2:, D3:, D4:) o Simulates Atari cassette player (C:) o Includes easy to use parallel port cable (plug and play) o Hardware level simulation (no drivers required, except for keyboard) o Supports PC video overlay window o KDOS4-- a fast binary file uploader o Multimedia CDROM included (runs on PC and Atari using distributive programming) o Simple GUI interface for simulating peripherals, compiling, and uploading o On-line 100+ page manual with technical and general information ==> SIO2BSD, by Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, 2005/2012 A program that handles the SIO2PC cable or SIO2BT (Bluetooth) under: FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS X (preferably FreeBSD). - Supported baud rates: 19200 bit/s, 38400 bit/s, 57600 bit/s - Configurable POKEY clock frequency - Attach up to 15 disk images - Supports the .ATR disk image file format - PCLink server (DOS2DOS protocol) gives supporting software for the Atari (SpartaDOS X 4.4 with Toolkit, Ultimate 1MB firmware, Incognito firmware) direct read/write access to the server's filesystem. ==> Sio2OSX, by Mark Grebe, 2006/2009 Allows the Atari computer to use an OSX based Macintosh as a disk drive or a cassette drive. - Requires OS X 10.3.9 or higher, and a G4 or Intel processor or higher - Hardware component: SIO2PC cable - USB serial adapter with complete RS-232 hardware signal and driver support required. - Recommended from USBGear: Corresponding drivers: - Supported disk image file types include VAPI (.ATX) and .PRO ==> SIO Server, by mellis / Ellis Softworks, 2009 Allows the Atari computer to use up to four virtual disk drive devices located on a Mac OS X based computer, connected via an SIO2PC cable by way of a USB- to-RS-232 adapter. - Supported image and file types: .ATR, .EXE, .XEX ==> AspeQt - Atari Peripheral Emulator - A8W Edition, Ray Ataergin, 2012- A8W Edition is written for Windows and Ubuntu platforms in mind. - Starting with v1.01 this branch of AspeQt will now be identified as "AspeQt vx.xx - A8W Edition" as there are now other forks and branches available from various other sources. - Credits: Original code up to version 0.6.0 Copyright 2009 by Fatih Aygun. Updates since v0.6.0 Copyright 2012 by Ray Ataergin. - Supports .ATR, .XFD, and .PRO formats - Emulates 14 disk drives, labeled D1 through DN - Can run Atari executable files - Playback cassette images in .CAS format ==> SIO2BT Android App, by Marcin Sochacki (Montezuma), 2014-2019 Requires a Bluetooth hardware extension for the Atari (HC-06 Transceiver), specifically the SIO2BT hardware project or compatible, which is described elsewhere in this FAQ list. - The device name has to start with "SIO2BT" or with "ATARI". - Emulates up to 4 floppy disks - Can select disk images (*.ATR) and executable files (*.XEX, *.COM, *.EXE) - A "long touch" on an executable allows you to choose the XEX loader address (default value is $700). - Write protection mode (R/RW) for a disk image can be set with a "long touch", too. - The emulated disks (unless write protected) can be modified (SIO commands: format, write sector, etc. are supported). - SIO Networking Device ($4E) - TCP/IP stack - SIO Smart Device ($45) - Get Time / APETIME - URL Submission ==> AspeQt Atari Serial Peripheral Emulator for Android, 2015-2018 AspeQt emulates Atari SIO peripherals and in that respect it's similar to programs like APE and Atari810. On Android it works with two types of serial interfaces: SIO2PC-USB through an FTDI adapter (full USB OTG support is required for it to work), or SIO2BT by means of a SIO2BT dongle and this one should be supported by the majority of modern mobile devices. - Credits: Fatih Aygun (AspeQt to 2009), Ray Ataergin (AspeQt to 2012), Wiktor Grebla (Android port) SIO2PC-USB requirements: - Android device with USB Host Support. - OTG cable. - SIO2PC-USB converter, such as - Android minimum API >=16 which is 4.1 (JellyBean). - No root necessary. - No drivers necessary. [usb-serial-for-android] ( Java driver is included. SIO2BT requirements: - Android device with BlueTooth adapter - Android minimum API >=16 which is 4.1 (JellyBean). ==> RespeQt, Atari Serial Peripheral Emulator for Qt, 2015- RespeQt emulates Atari SIO peripherals when connected to an Atari 8-bit computer with an SIO2PC cable. In that respect it's similar to programs like APE, Atari810, and AspeQt. - Credits: Fatih Aygun (AspeQt to 2009), Ray Ataergin (AspeQt to 2012), Joseph Zatarski, DrVenkman, TheMontezuma, Jochen Schaefer, blind, ebiguy - Qt based GUI with drag and drop support. - Cross-platform. (Windows, Linux, OSX) - 15 disk drive emulation. (drives 9-15 are only supported by SpartaDOS X) - Cassette image playback. - Folders can be mounted as simulated DOS 2.0S disks. (read-only, now with SDX compatibility, and bootable) - Atari executables can be booted directly, optionally with high speed. - Contents of image files can be viewed / changed. - RespeQt Client module RCL.COM. Runs on the Atari and is used to get/set Date/Time on the Atari plus a variety of other remote tasks. - APETIME client support. - Up to 6xSIO speed and more if the serial port adaptor supports it (FTDI chip based cables are recommanded). - Multi-session support. - PCLink server (DOS2DOS protocol) gives supporting software for the Atari (SpartaDOS X 4.4 with Toolkit, Ultimate 1MB firmware, Incognito firmware) direct read/write access to the server's filesystem. - PRO and ATX images support in read/write mode with accurate (I hope so) protection emulation. - Spy mode to display data exchanged with Atari. - Happy 810 Rev.5 and Happy 1050 Rev.7 emulation to read/write real floppy disks from/to images. - Chip 810 and Super Archiver 1050 emulation to read/write real floppy disks from/to images. - Automatic Translator activation when OS-B is detected in the filename in drive D1: - Favorite tool disk accessible in one click in drive D1: ==> AspeQt, Atari Serial Peripheral Emulator for Qt, 13L fork, 2021- AspeQt-2k22 with 8Bit Cartridge emulates Atari SIO peripherals when connected to an Atari 8-bit computer with an SIO2PC cable. - Credits: Fatih Aygun (to 2009), Ray Ataergin (to 2012), The 13th Leader (Paul Jones) (2021-) - Cross-platform GUI with drag and drop support - Atari Cartridge images to control disk functions - 15 emulated disk drives with support for 512 bytes per sector disk images - High speed operation up to 6 times faster than the normal speed *(With compatible Atari OS / DOS) - Ability to use PC folders as emulated disks - Disk image explorer for viewing and modifying disk image contents - Ability to run Atari executables directly without using disc images and Doses - Cassette image playback with custom baud rate - Ability to save and restore AspeQt sessions with its UI settings. - Normal and mini UI modes ------------------------------ Subject: 3.4.2) How can my Atari use a TNFS networked file server? TNFS (Tiny Network FileSystem) is a communication protocol developed by Dylan Smith around 2010. It was developed to allow a Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer with Spectranet (Ethernet interface) to access files on a TNFS file server over the Internet. Atari Fujinet device developers have incorporated TNFS support into FujiNet. FujiNet tnfsd sources: Pre-compiled Windows, Linux, and Rasberry Pi binaries for the FujiNet TNFSD server are available at A list of active public FujiNet TNFS servers is kept at: ==> FujiNet, by Thomas Cherryhomes and others, 2019- - Espressif Systems ESP32-WROVER module for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity - Connectivity: Built-in SIO connector - SIO port for daisy chain - Emulated D: (Disk) device - Load floppy disk images from networked TNFS server. Supports ATR, ATX, and XEX formats. - Emulated C: (Cassette) device - Load CAS files from networked TNFS server. ------------------------------ Subject: 4.1) What are the Atari 820, 822, and 825 Printers? The following printers were produced by Atari and styled to match the 400/800 computers. Atari 820 Printer - 40-column dot matrix impact printer - 5x7 dot matrix - 40 characters per line, upper & lower case alpha - Horizontal and vertical alphanumeric characters - 6507 microprocessor (MOS Technology MCS6507 or equivalent), C010745 - 6532 PIA (MOS Technology 6532 RAM-I/O-Timer (RIOT) or equivalent), C010750 - 2KiB ROM - 40 characters per second - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P: and P1: - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - Included: bond paper roll, paper mandrel, ribbon - Power: Requires 120V AC (North American household standard). Power usage: 18W - Made in USA by Atari - Industrial design (case): Roy Nishi and Russell W. Farnell - Pre-production units: Atari fuji logo includes "Atari", outline "Atari" label, solid "820" label - Manual: Atari 820 Printer Operator's Manual C014762 - Technical manuals: - Atari 820 40 Column Printer Service Manual - FS015893 REV. 1 January, 1980 - Atari 820 40 Column Printer Field Service Manual - FD100048 July, 1981 (c)1982 - Sold separately: - Atari 820 Paper Roll C014062 = Standard roll paper/adding machine paper, width = 3 7/8 inches - Atari 820 Mandrel C014853 - Atari 820 Ribbon C014854 = Addressograph/Multigraph (AM) part no. 116-2395-366 (also used in Eaton LRC 7000) Atari 822 Thermal Printer - 37 characters per second - 10 characters per inch (cpi) - 40 characters per line, upper/lower case and point graphics - 5x7 dot matrix - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P: and P1: - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - Included: One roll of white thermal paper (installed in printer), one pair of spring-loaded paper bearings (installed in printer) - Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA014748 power adapter or equivalent (such as the Atari CA017964). Power usage: 18W - Print mechanism: Trendcom 100 - Made in USA by Trendcom for Atari - Manual: Atari 822 Thermal Printer Operator's Manual C015954 - Sold separately: - Atari 822 Thermal Printer Paper (2 rolls, 80 feet each) C016345 = 4 7/16 inch standard white thermal paper - Atari 822 Paper Roll Bearings (one pair) C016005 Atari 825 80-Column Printer - Sold by Atari in the USA only - Dot matrix impact printer - 3 character sets: - Monospaced 7x8 dot matrix at 10 cpi (default) - Monospaced condensed at 16.7 cpi - Proportionately spaced Nx9 dot matrix at avg of 14 cpi (N=6..18) - Each character set with 96 standard ASCII characters - All characters can be elongated (printer double width) - Characters per line: 80 at 10 cpi; 132 at 16.7 cpi - Speed: 50 cps at 10 cpi; 83 cps at 16.7 cpi; 79 cps avg. proportional - Print buffer: 1200 dot columns - Controls along bottom of front of printer, left to right: - Online/Local - Paper Rev<->Fwd - Power Off On - Paper: roll (3.5" to 8.5" wide), fanfold (9" pin-to-pin, 9.5" wide overall), or cut sheets (to 8.5" wide) - Requires Atari 850 Interface Module or equivalent to connect to the Atari computer. Connectivity: 40 pin PCB edge. Pinout: 40 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 1 1. /Data Strobe 2. Twisted Pair Ground (/Data Strobe) 3. Data Bit 1 4. Twisted Pair Ground (Data Bit 1) 5. Data Bit 2 6. Twisted Pair Ground (Data Bit 2) 7. Data Bit 3 8. Twisted Pair Ground (Data Bit 3) 9. Data Bit 4 10. Twisted Pair Ground (Data Bit 4) 11. Data Bit 5 12. Twisted Pair Ground (Data Bit 5) 13. Data Bit 6 14. Twisted Pair Ground (Data Bit 6) 15. Data Bit 7 16. Twisted Pair Ground (Data Bit 7) 17. Data Bit 8 18. Twisted Pair Ground (Data Bit 8) 19. /Acknowledge 20. Twisted Pair Ground (/Acknowledge) 21. Busy 22. Twisted Pair Ground (Busy) 23. Always Logic 0 (Ground) 24. Twisted Pair Ground (Demand) 25. On-Line 26. Not Used 27. Signal Ground 28. Always Logic 1 29. Not Used 30. Ground 31. Signal Ground 32. +-+ Pin 32 jumpered to Pin 34 for 33. Chassis Ground 34. +-+ sensing printer connected 35. +5V Signal (Power Supply On) 36. Demand 37. +17V 38. Not Used 39. +17V 40. Not Used - Shipped with an Atari CX86 Printer Cable (825 to 850 parallel) - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P:, P1:, and P2: - Power: Requires 120V AC (North American household standard). Power usage: 100W - Made in USA for Atari by Centronics, based on the Centronics Model 737-1 - Manual: Atari 825 80-Column Printer Operator's Manual C015506 - Technical manual: 825 Printer Field Service Manual - Sold separately: - Atari 825 Printer Ribbon (3 per box) CA016087 = Zip-Pack mobius loop (Centronics Part No. 63701468-6003) - Atari 825 Printer Paper (Roll Paper) C016233 - Atari 825 Paper Mandrel C016229 - Atari 825 Paper Roll Support C016230 - Atari 825 Paper Deflector C016231 ------------------------------ Subject: 4.2) What are the Atari 1020, 1025, 1027, and 1029 Printers? The following printers were produced by Atari and styled to match the XL series computers. Atari 1020 Color Printer - Type: Color printer/plotter - Text Mode Operations: - Set Character Width. One of: - 10 characters per inch (cpi) (40 columns per line, regular/default) - 5 cpi (20 columns per line) - 20 cpi (80 columns per line) - Set Character Scale - 64 character sizes available - International Characters - Graphics Mode Operations: Home, Change Color, Line Type, Draw, Initialize, Relative Draw, Move, Relative Move, Axis Drawing, Alpha Rotate - Printing speed: 10 characters per second (10 cpi mode) - Paper type: Standard roll paper (40-column width) - 4-color print head - Prints and plots vertically and horizontally - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P:, P1:, and P4: - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - Included: - 2 pens each: red, blue, green, black - TX9032 Graphics demonstration/Joystick Sketchpad Program Cassette - Side 1: Joystick Sketchpad (requires Atari BASIC): program to plot directly onto printer using a joystick - Side 2: Six sample graphics programs (all require Atari BASIC): Program Counter Number SAMPLE 002 GRAPH 047 RANDOM 017 COLOR 061 TRANGLE 032 TRIANG2 070 - Manuals: - The Atari 1020 Color Printer Owner's Guide C061368 - Joystick Sketchpad Instruction Guide C061578 - Self test: On power-up the 1020 automatically prints a test pattern consisting of four squares, one for each of the four pens. - Technical manual: Atari 1020 Color Printer Field Service Manual FD100288 - Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA014748 power adapter or equivalent (such as the Atari CA017964). Power usage: 15W - Print mechanism: ALPS - also found in: Commodore 1520, Tandy Radio Shack CGP-115, Sharp CE-150, Mattel Aquarius 4615, Texas Instruments HX-1000 - Made in Japan - Sold separately: - Atari 1020 Standard Replacement Pens C061420-01 / BX4204 (4 pens; 1 each of: red, green, blue, black) - Atari 1020 Black Replacement Pens C061420-03 / BX4206 (4 pens) - Atari 1020 Replacement Roll Paper C061533 / BX4207 (2 rolls) Atari 1025 80-Column Printer - Type: 5 x 7 dot matrix impact - Formats - Regular: 10 cpi (80 columns) - Extended: 5 cpi (40 columns) - Condensed: 16.7 cpi (132 columns) - Printing Speed: 40 characters per second (10 cpi format) - Paper type: computer fanfold, roll, or single-sheet - Online switch - Buffer: 132 characters at 16.7 cpi, 80 characters at 10 cpi - European Character Set supported - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P:, P1:, and P3: - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - Intel 8051 microcontroller, FC100387 - 8155 RAM I/O: Intel 8155 2048 bit static MOS RAM with I/O ports and timer, FC100389 - Manual: The Atari 1025 Printer Owner's Guide C060505 - Technical manual: Atari 1025 Printer Field Service Manual FD100290 - Self test mode: Enabled by moving an internal shorting jumper plug - Two versions were released: 1) North American version. Power: Requires 120V AC (North American household standard). Current rating: 0.8A. Power usage: 100W 2) European version. Power: Requires 600mA at 29V AC and 1A at 8.6V AC, both of which are supplied by the Atari 14750 power adapter or equivalent. - The 1025 was not released in the UK. - Print mechanism: Okidata ML80 / Microline 80 - Made in Japan - Sold separately: Atari 1025 80-Column Printer Ribbon C061419 / BX4202 Atari 1027 Letter Quality Printer - Type: Letter quality type wheel impact - Format: Prestige Elite 12 pitch = 12 cpi (80 columns) - Printing speed: 20 characters per second (cps) (best) / 10 cps (average) - Paper type: Single-sheet (no roll paper, no label stock) - Bi-directional printing - Underlining capability - International characters - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P:, P1:, and P5: - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - Intel 8049 microcontroller, FC100619 - Manual: The Atari 1027 Letter Quality Printer Owner's Guide C061387 - Technical manual: - Atari 1027 Printer Field Service Manual FD100670 REV. 01 October 1983 - Power: Requires 9-9.5V AC as supplied by the Atari C061636 or C061605 power adapters or equivalent. - Standard power adapter for 240V AC (UK) details needed, possible example: - Print mechanism: Mannesmann Tally Riteman LQ - Remarkably, there are possibly NO working 1027 printers today because it seems all 1027 print heads have deteriorated due to age. - Made in Japan - Sold separately: Atari 1027 Replacement Ink Roller CA061649 / BX4212 - Also included in KX7110 AtariWriter System All-In-One-Pak, 600XL + 1027 + AtariWriter + paper stock + One Way to Write Anything book. Atari 1029 Programmable Printer - Printing method: 5 X 7 dot matrix impact - Formats: Regular width (10 cpi, 80 columns across) Elongated (5 cpi, 40 columns across) - Line spacing: 6 lines per inch (regular width and elongated formats) 9 lines per inch (graphics mode) - Printing speed: 50 characters per second (regular width format) - Character set: 132 characters (international and non-international) - Feed mechanism: Friction feed and pin (tractor) feed Friction feed using platen knob - Manual Feed: Forward and reverse using platen knob - Paper type: Computer fanfold (4.5 to 9.5 inches wide) Single-sheet (8.5 inches wide) - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P:, P1:, and P6: - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - Manual: Atari 1029 Programmable Printer C025907 - Self test: Activated or de-activated using the Self Test switch on the back of the printer. - Two versions were released: 1) Power: Requires 120V AC (North American household standard). Released in Canada but not released in the U.S. 2) Power: Requires 220-240V AC (European/UK mains standards). Current rating: 0.15A - Print mechanism: Seikosha GP-500 ; clone of Seikosha GP-500AT - Made in Japan - Info sources: - Industrial design (case): Tom Palecki - Sold separately: - Atari 1029 Dot Matrix Printer Inked Ribbon For 10 Inch Model C070028 ------------------------------ Subject: 4.3) What are the Atari XMM801 and XDM121 Printers? The following printers were produced by Atari and styled to match the XE series computers. Atari XMM801 Dot-Matrix Graphics Printer - Dot matrix impact printer; 8 pin impact head - Character matrix: 8 dots high by 9 dots wide - Character mode, Noninternational: 96 ASCII characters - Character mode, International: 91 ASCII and 36 international characters - Horizontal Pitches Characters per Inch Max. Characters per Line Pica 10 80 Double Width Pica 5 40 Elite 12 96 Double Width Elite 6 48 Condensed 16.5 132 Double Width Condensed 8.25 66 - Proportional, bold, double strike, subscripts, superscripts, underlining - Graphics, Normal density: 60 dots per inch / 480 dots per line High density: 120 dots per inch / 960 dots per line - Speed: 80 characters per second (cps) at 10 characters per inch - Buffer: 80 bytes - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P:, P1:, and P7: - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - NEC uPD7811 single-chip microcomputer - Included: - Wire paper feed Rack - Multi Strike black Ribbon Cassette - Manual: Atari XMM801 Dot-Matrix Graphics Printer Owner's Manual C025959 - Technical manual: Atari XMM801 Field Service Manual C070435 (1985) - Self test: Activated by turning on the printer while also holding down the Line Feed button on the control panel. Deactivated by turning the printer off. - Power: Requires 120V AC (North American household standard). Current rating: 1A. Power consumption, Standing: 100 mA ; Operating: 300-600 mA - Planned but unreleased versions: 220V AC (Europe), 240V AC (UK) - Prototype 240V AC units exist, see: - Paper: Fanfold pin-feed or single sheets, 4 to 10 inches wide - Friction feed or pin feed - Ribbon: Mannesmann Tally MT-80/MT-80 Plus/MT-81/SP-80/Spirit 80, Commodore 1526/MPS802/4023, Shinwa CP80 - Made in Japan Atari XDM121 Letter-Quality Daisy-Wheel Printer - Daisy wheel impact printer - Underlining, subscripts, superscripts - Courier 10 Print Wheel (10 pitch = 10 cpi), 80 characters per line - 96 characters, including International Character Set support - Speed: 12 characters per second - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P:, P1:, and P8: - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - Included: Multi Strike Black Ribbon Cassette - Manual: Atari XDM121 Letter-Quality Daisy-Wheel Printer Owner's Manual C026323 - Self test: Activated by turning on the printer while also holding down the Line Feed button on the control panel. Deactivated by turning the printer off. - Power: Requires 120V AC (North American household standard). Current rating: 0.7A. Power consumption, Operating: 55W - Planned but unreleased versions: 100V AC (Japan), 220V AC (Europe), 240V AC (UK) - Paper: Single sheets, up to 11.8 inches wide - Sold separately: (Were any of these released?) - Pin-feed tractor feeder - Single-sheet feeder - Alternate daisy wheel: 12-pitch (12 cpi), 96 characters per line - Ribbon: Silver Reed CF130, Olivetti ET201, ET221, Nu-Kote NK136 - Made in Japan ------------------------------ Subject: 4.4) What were the Atari XTM201 and XTC201 Printers? Introduced in January 1985, the Atari XTM201 printer was a monochrome thermal printer that would accept single sheets of thermal paper or plain paper (Xerox 4024 or equivalent). It would have both ribbon-end and paper-out sensors, and the normal-density graphics mode would be Epson-compatible. Speed: 20 characters per second. The XTM201 never shipped, and no more than a handful of prototype units may exist. Introduced in January 1985, the Atari XTC201 printer was a color thermal printer, with support for monochrome (black) printing as well, that would accept single sheets of thermal paper or plain paper (Xerox 4024 or equivalent). It would have both ribbon-end and paper-out sensors, and the normal-density graphics mode would be Epson-compatible. Speed: 20 characters per second. The XTC201 never shipped, and no more than a handful of prototype units may exist. ------------------------------ Subject: 4.5) What other printers were designed for my Atari? This section should list all third-party printers that were designed with an Atari-specific interface. These printers attach to the Atari via SIO, and are compatible with the P: device handler of the Atari OS. Alphacom 42 + Alphacom 42 Intelligent Interface Cable for Atari - Must be at end of SIO chain - Thermal printer - Friction feed - 40 columns / 4 1/2" max paper width - 80 cps / 2 lines per second - 10 characters per inch (cpi) - One line buffer - Graphics and full ATASCII character set support Alphacom 81 80-Column Printer (1983) + Alphacom 81 Intelligent Interface Cable for Atari - Must be at end of SIO chain - Thermal printer - Friction feed - 80 columns / 8.75" max paper width - 100 characters per second - 10 cpi - One line buffer - Graphics and full ATASCII character set support Comrex ComRiter CR-220AT Dot Matrix Printer (1985) (Comrex = Epson) - Seikosha GP-500AT (and Atari 1029) clone - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Dot matrix impact printer - 80 columns, 50 cps - 5x7 character set - 5 or 10 cpi - 6 or 9 lines per inch - Standard and international character sets - Graphics: 60 dots per inch (480 lines) Epson HomeWriter-10 / GX-80 + Printer Interface Cartridge (PIC or P.I.C.) for the Atari (Epson#8692 ?) - PIC emulates the Atari 1025 (no graphics) - Dot matrix impact printer - Draft quality printing at 100 cps and near letter quality at 16 cps Epson Spectrum LX-90 + Printer Interface Cartridge (PIC or P.I.C.) for the Atari (Epson#8692 ?) - PIC emulates the Atari 1025 (no graphics) (Printer's native graphics capabilities unavailable via Atari PIC) - Dot matrix impact printer - Draft quality printing at 100 cps and near letter quality at 16 cps General Electric TXP-1000 / Letter Quality Printer (GE 3-8100) (GE 8100) + GE Model 3-8150A Interface for operating GE 3-8100 Printer with Atari and Commodore computers - Thermal printer (not dot matrix as reported in Antic June 1985) - 50 cps "draft" mode, 25 cps "normal"/"letter quality" mode - Okidata Okimate 10 Personal Color Printer + Plug 'n Print Interface for Atari - 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Thermal printer - Single-sheet or tractor-feed paper - 26 colors - 240 words per minute Seikosha GP-100AT Economical Printer (AT-100) (1983) - Marketed in the U.S. by Axiom - First Atari-specific 3rd-party printer - Built-in Atari interface, cable and connector; 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - Dot matrix impact printer, 80 columns, 5x7 character set - 50 cps (most units) or 30 cps (early units) - Screen dump programs included - Sold separately: GraphAX HiRes Dump (prints .MIC Micro-Painter files) Seikosha GP-500AT - 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Dot matrix impact printer - 80 columns, 50 cps - 5x7 character set - 5 or 10 cpi - 6 or 9 lines per inch - Standard and international character sets - Graphics: 60 dots per inch (480 lines) - Sold widely in Poland - Also sold as the Comrex CR-220AT and as the Atari 1029 Seikosha GP-550AT Dual Mode Printer (AT-550) - Marketed in the U.S. by Axiom - Built-in Atari interface, cable and connector; 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - Dot matrix impact printer - Near letter quality and draft modes - 86 cps (draft mode); 43 cps (nlq mode) - Screen dump programs included - Sold separately: GraphAX HiRes Dump (prints .MIC Micro-Painter files) Seikosha GP-700AT Full Color Printer (AT-700) - Marketed in the U.S. by Axiom - Built-in Atari interface, cable and connector; 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - Dot matrix impact printer - Pin feed - 4 hammer print heads, 4-color ribbon cartridge - 25 colors - 30 cps or 50 cps (different versions produced???) - 5 cpi - 10 cpi - One line buffer - 80 columns / 9.5" max paper width - Screen dump programs included - Sold separately: GraphAX HiRes Dump (prints .MIC Micro-Painter files) ------------------------------ Subject: 4.6) How can I use a Centronics or IBM parallel interface printer? What is now known as IEEE 1284 originated as the "Parallel Interface Specification for Centronics Printers," a unidirectional 8 bit host-to-printer connection. This interface was introduced by Centronics Data Computer Corporation for a series of small serial-impact printers that began with 1970's Centronics Model 101. Centronics defined the interface timing and signals as well as the interface connector (at the printer), but not the host connector (at the computer). The Centronics parallel interface eventually became the primary interface used between most small computers and associated printers. Even as Centronics themselves began utilizing alternative interface connectors on some of their own printers, the market success of 1980's Epson MX-80 helped the industry settle on Centronics' original choice of the 36-contact Amphenol 57-40360 (Micro-Ribbon brand) miniature-ribbon receptacle (female) as the standard interface connector found on parallel interface printers. The corresponding cable connector is the 36-contact Amphenol 57-30360 (Micro- Ribbon brand) miniature-ribbon plug (male). 36 contact miniature-ribbon connectors became known popularly as "Centronics" connectors; these are now known as the IEEE 1284-B Receptacle and Plug connectors. IBM introduced the IBM PC in August 1981, with a Centronics-like Parallel Interface (with DB-25S connector), along with a series of Centronics-like parallel interface printers (with "Centronics" connector) starting with the IBM PC Graphics Printer (model 5152, a slightly-modified Epson MX-80). The Parallel Interface as implemented by IBM was compatible with a functional subset of the existing Centronics standard, but more complete implementations of the IBM and Centronics interfaces were not signal-compatible, and a new category of the "IBM" compatible printer was established. Market success of the IBM PC meant wide adoption of the IBM parallel interface standard. This included the DB-25S host connector, which is now also known as the IEEE 1284-A Receptacle. Industry implementations of the Centronics/IBM parallel interface continued to vary until the 1994 publication and subsequent wide adoption of IEEE 1284, "IEEE Standard Signaling Method for a Bidirectional Parallel Peripheral Interface for Personal Computers." The current version is IEEE 1284-2000. The 8-bit Atari computer does not include a Centronics parallel output interface, but one may be added to the system. Atari provided the 850 Interface, and later the XEP80 Interface, for this purpose. Many 3rd-party interfaces and other devices provide compatible interfaces. The following should be a complete list of devices for the Atari providing the system with a Centronics parallel printer host interface. Interfaces connect to the Atari via SIO unless otherwise specified, and are compatible with the Atari 850 Printer port unless otherwise specified. The interface connector type is given if known. 72000 Centronics Printer Interface, by Stack Computer Services - SIO cable to 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug 1050 Turbo (for Atari 1050), by Bernhard Engl for Gerald Engl Computertechnik - Optional Centronics parallel printer interface - 36 pin PCB edge connector Addcom Electronics Printer Interface (connector type????) Amdek AMDC-II disk drive - DA-15S - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain Ape-Face 48P, by Digital Devices - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - For the 400/800 (how is this????) Ape-Face XLP, by Digital Devices - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - For 400/800/XL/XE except 1200XL (draws power from SIO) Ape-Face 12XLP, by Digital Devices - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - Especially for 1200XL (uses external power supply) Ape-Face XLP-S, by Digital Devices - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - For 400/800/XL/XE except 1200XL (draws power from SIO) - SIO port for daisy chain Astra The "One" disk drive - DA-15S - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain Astra 1001 disk drive - DA-15S - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain Atari 850 Interface Module - DA-15S - Detailed elsewhere in this FAQ list - Sold separately: CX86 Printer Cable, CA015900-02 (included with 825) (DA-15P to 20-pin dual Edge-on) Atari XEP80 Interface Module - DB-25S - Connects to controller jack 1 or 2 - Supplied with replacement P: device handler on disk - Detailed elsewhere in this FAQ list ATR8000 by SWP - Printer port: 34 pin PCB edge - Print buffer: 4KiB (16KiB units) or 48KiB (64KiB units) - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain AutoPrint Microconnection, by The Microperipheral Corp. (1983) - Printer port - "Centronics" parallel output interface - Connects via SIO, must be at end of SIO chain. - Hardware ability to route incoming modem text directly to printer port Black Box, by Computer Software Services (CSS) - Parallel device, with connectors for both PBI and Cartridge+ECI - PBI Connector: 50 pin header; ribbon cable to PBI interface included - Cartridge+ECI connector: standard PCB edge - Parallel Printer Port: 34 pin PCB edge - Definable as any of P1: - P8: - 64KiB Printer spooler using XE memory or optional BB memory - Text or Graphics printer dump of most screens - Black Box Enhancer (upgrade for older units; included with newer units): - Enhanced screen dump function Blackthorn Printer Interface - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - SIO port for daisy chain California Microlink Corporation CMC Easy I/O (prototypes only?) - For 800 only: plugs into 800 third (rear) RAM slot - Two parallel 8-bit data ports - 26 pin header (2x13) California Microlink Corporation CMC LP/800 (prototypes only?) - For 800 only: plugs into 800 third (rear) RAM slot - Two parallel 8-bit data ports - 26 pin header (2x13) CARD?/AT, by Cardco - SIO cable to 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug Centronics Interface II, by Klaus Peters - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - Based on the Compy-Shop Centronics-Druckerinterface (?) Compu-Mate CM-1000 (1982) - Shipped? - Automatic powerup compatibility with the Atari 825 on the parallel port Compy-Shop Centronics-Druckerinterface - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug FCC Interface, by FCC Systems - SIO cable to 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug Flop VD 40 F disk drive - DB-25S - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain Graphix AT, by Xetec - SIO cable to interface with 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - Graphix mode (prints text and Atari ATASCII graphics) or transparent mode (prints text and passes control codes on to printer) - Fully supported: Epson, Gemini, Okidata, Prowriter 8510/8023, Banana GX-100, Blue Chip Legend, Epson 132 column, daisy wheel (no graphics) ICEPIC, by ICECo - joystick cable to 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - Supplied with replacement P: device handler, SIO simulator, and REBOOT program for software compatibility Interfast-I, by Advanced Interface Devices (AID) - DA-15S - Programmable, can translate ATASCII or any character set into graphics KPI (K-Products Interface) - Parallel device, connects to PBI - Printer port: 40 pin PCB edge - Supplied with printer port software utilities Macrotronics A4P for the Atari 400 or A8P for the Atari 800 (1980) - Interface connects to controller jacks 3+4 - One of four types of ribbon cable connects from interface to printer: -1 - 20 pin header (2x10) (Trendcom 100 / 200) -2 - 40 pin PCB edge (Atari 825 / Centronics 730/737/739) -3 - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug -4 - DB-25S (IDS Paper Tiger 440/445) - A4P/A8P Parallel Print Interface packages supplied with Parallel Print software (replacement P: device handler) (cassette+disk) - A4PG/A8PG Screen Print Interface packages supplied with Screen Print software (disk) - Earlier Screen Print software supports: Centronics 739, Trendom 200, IDS 440G/445G, Epson/Graphtrax MX-70/MX-80/MX-100 - Version 2.1 software additionally supports: Okidata/Okigraph, NEC 8023A - Later A4PG/A8PG packages also supplied with Parallel Print software Mega Speedy (for the Atari 1050), by Guus Assmann & Matthias Reichl, 2014 - Centronics parallel printer interface - 26 pin header (2x13) Micro Mainframe MF-1681 disk drive - Standard Centronics parallel printer port (34 pin PCB edge) - 4KiB print buffer, expandable to 38KiB (16KiB to 64KiB drive RAM upgrade) MicroPrint, by Microbits Peripheral Products - SIO cable to 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - Later units produced by Supra MPP-1100, by Microbits Peripheral Products - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - Connects to controller jack #3, NTSC 400/800 only, supplied with required replacement OS ROM chip for Atari OS Rev.A/NTSC chip C012499 (revised P: device handler) - Acknowledged software incompatibilities: - Monkey Wrench II from Eastern House Software - Zaxxon from Datasoft (early release versions) - Sold separately: - MPP-1102 Adapter Cable (40 pin PCB edge for Atari 825 or Centronics 737) - MPP-1104 Rev.B Upgrade ROM set (for 400/800 with Atari OS Rev.A/NTSC) MPP-1150, by Microbits Peripheral Products - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - SIO port for daisy chain - Not for 1200XL (draws power from SIO) - Later units produced by Supra MPP-1151, by Microbits Peripheral Products - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - SIO port for daisy chain - Especially for 1200XL (uses external power supply) - Later units produced by Supra Multi I/O board (MIO) by ICD - Parallel device, connects to PBI - ICD adapter for Cartridge+ECI provides two pass-through cartridge ports - 256KiB or 1MiB RAM versions - Printer port: DA-15S - Accessed as P1: or P2: with or without auto line feed - Use any amount of unit RAM as a printer spooler - Pause/Resume, Repeat Copies, Clear Multi I/O board (MIO) "new series" by Ken Jones / MEtalGuy66 - Parallel device, connects to PBI - 1MiB RAM - Printer port: DB-25S - Accessed as P1: or P2: with or without auto line feed - Use any amount of unit RAM as a printer spooler - Pause/Resume, Repeat Copies, Clear - Available: ParallAx-AT (AT-486), by Axiom - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug Percom AT88SPD (units marked AT88-S1PD or AT88-SPD) - 34 pin header (2x17) - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain Portprint, by Computer Support (connector type????) - Connects to controller jacks of any XL/XE computer - Replacement P: device handler required P:R: Connection, by ICD - DA-15S - Built-in SIO cable - SIO port for daisy chain Printer Connection, by ICD - SIO cable to 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug Printerface, by W.E. Electronics (W.E.E.) (connector type????) - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug (???? to be verified) - Connects to a controller jack on the Atari - Supplied with replacement P: device handler on cassette PST-8B Parallel Printer Interface, by PS Technologies - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - Connects to a controller jack on the Atari - Supplied with replacement P: device handler on disk - For the XL series, included a replacement ROM operating system chip with a built-in translator. - For the 400/800 series, a revision B operating system chip was included. Rambit PPP - Parallel Printer Port - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - Connects to the Atari via PBI (600XL/800XL) ROM-Wizard printer interface - Connects to controller jacks 3+4 on the Atari 400/800 - Requires P: handler built into ROM-Wizard modified operating system - Spider disk drive - DA-15S and DB-25S dual printer ports - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain Supra Hard Disk Interface, by Supra - Parallel device, connects to PBI - Sold separately: Supra XE-XL Buss adapter for Cartridge+ECI - Adapter includes pass-through cartridge port - Printer port: 40 pin PCB edge - Supplied with printer port software utilities TOMS printer interface - DB-25S (to verify) TOMS 720C disk drive - DB-25S - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain TOMS 720CR disk drive - DB-25S - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain TOMS 360C disk drive - DB-25S (to verify) - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain TOMS 360CR disk drive - DB-25S (to verify) - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain Trak AT-D1 disk drive - 34 pin PCB edge - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - 2KiB print buffer - Upgrade: 16KiB print buffer Trak AT-D2 disk drive - 34 pin PCB edge - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - 2KiB print buffer - Upgrade: 16KiB print buffer Trak AT-D4 disk drive - 34 pin PCB edge - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - 4KiB print buffer - Upgrade: 16KiB print buffer TurboPrint/A, by Telesys - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - TurboText page format controls (margins, page numbering) - Explicit listing mode available where graphics/control characters are sent as 1 to 3 letter codes within brackets TurboPrint/GTA, by Telesys - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - TurboText page format controls (margins, page numbering) - Graphics mode available for printing Atari graphics characters - Optional plug-in TurboBuffer: B16 16KiB or B32 32KiB printer buffer U-Print Model A, by Digial Devices - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - SIO port for daisy chain - Upgrade: 16KiB buffer U-Print Model A16, by Digial Devices - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - SIO port for daisy chain - 16KiB buffer, Copy button, Reset (cancel) button - Upgrade: to 32KiB U-Print Model A64, by Digial Devices - 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug - SIO port for daisy chain - 64KiB buffer, Copy button, Reset (cancel) button WW Interface 72000 Atari/Centr, by Wiesemann, Wuppertal - SIO cable to 36 contact miniature-ribbon plug Some of the most common Centronics type parallel interface printers used with the Atari included the Star Gemini 10X and SG-10, the C. Itoh ProWriter, and the Epson RX-80, FX-80, and MX-80. ------------------------------ Subject: 4.7) How can my Atari utilize my other computer's printer? This section lists solutions that allow the Atari computer to utilize another computer's printer through Atari peripheral emulation. The Atari and the other computer are either connected via a specialized cable, or perhaps by wireless SIO2BT Bluetooth connection. ==> ATARIBUS project by Dave Warker, 1982/1983 A hardware interface design and CP/M software package that links an Atari computer to CP/M compatible computers. - Can intercept bus commands to the ATARI 'P:' or printer device and print them on the standard CP/M list device 'LST:'. - Can switch the printer device to the CP/M console screen. - Can strip off all the padded spaces after EOLs in printed data. ==> The Critical Connection, by USS Enterprises (Vincent Cate), 1983/1984 A hardware interface and CP/M software package that links an Atari computer to CP/M compatible computers. - Utilize the CP/M computer system's printer as an output device for the Atari Two versions: - The Critical Connection (original) for Atari 400/800 computers, 1983 - The Critical Connection XL for Atari XL/XE computers, 1984 ==> SIO2PC, by Nick Kennedy, 1989/1998 SIO2PC is a hardware & software package interfacing the 8-bit Atari to PC compatible computers (DOS). The hardware is known as an SIO2PC Cable. - Print-Thru captures Atari print-out and routes to PC's printer - Please see another section of this FAQ list for SIO2PC cable/interface designs and sources. (Nick Kennedy) ==> Atari Peripheral Emulator (APE), by Steven Tucker APE for DOS developed 1995-1998 (v.1.18 package released 2001) APE for Windows, 2000-2007, v.3.0.2 released 2007 Hardware component: APE / SIO2PC Interface Cable - P: Printer Emulation - APE for DOS: Pass Atari print commands directly to your PC Printer, save the print data to a file, or use real Atari Printer - APE for Windows: Windows Printer Driver, Direct to Port, File, Print Monitor, Virtual 1020 Plotter, Virtual Epson MX-80, or Disabled (use real Atari printer) - Full cooperation with real SIO devices ==> atariserver module of AtariSIO package, by Matthias Reichl, 2002- An SIO-server for Linux (like SIO2PC or APE for MSDOS-machines). Requires a 2.2, 2.4, 2.6 or 3.x series Linux kernel (with enabled module support) and a serial port with a 16550 or 16C950 compatible chip. - Hardware component: SIO2PC (except early two-chip design), 1050-2-PC, or APE ProSystem cable. - Printer data can either be saved to a file or be sent to an external program (like lpr). - ATASCII EOL character (155) conversion support: no conversion, LF, or CR+LF ==> Sio2OSX, by Mark Grebe, 2006/2009 Allows the Atari computer to use an OSX based Macintosh as a printer. - Requires OS X 10.3.9 or higher, and a G4 or Intel processor or higher - Hardware component: SIO2PC cable - USB serial adapter with complete RS-232 hardware signal and driver support required. - Recommended from USBGear: Corresponding drivers: ==> AspeQt - Atari Peripheral Emulator - A8W Edition, Ray Ataergin, 2012- A8W Edition is written for Windows and Ubuntu platforms in mind. - Starting with v1.01 this branch of AspeQt will now be identified as "AspeQt vx.xx - A8W Edition" as there are now other forks and branches available from various other sources. - Credits: Original code up to version 0.6.0 Copyright 2009 by Fatih Aygun. Updates since v0.6.0 Copyright 2012 by Ray Ataergin. - Emulates a generic text-only Atari printer. - Only emulates the first printer device, that is "P1:" - Support for ASCII and ATASCII is provided. ==> RespeQt, Atari Serial Peripheral Emulator for Qt, 2015- RespeQt emulates Atari SIO peripherals when connected to an Atari 8-bit computer with an SIO2PC cable. In that respect it's similar to programs like APE, Atari810, and AspeQt. - Credits: Fatih Aygun (AspeQt to 2009), Ray Ataergin (AspeQt to 2012), Joseph Zatarski, DrVenkman, TheMontezuma, Jochen Schaefer, blind, ebiguy - Text-only printer emulation with saving and printing of the output. ==> AspeQt, Atari Serial Peripheral Emulator for Qt, 13L fork, 2021- AspeQt-2k22 with 8Bit Cartridge emulates Atari SIO peripherals when connected to an Atari 8-bit computer with an SIO2PC cable. - Credits: Fatih Aygun (to 2009), Ray Ataergin (to 2012), The 13th Leader (Paul Jones) (2021-) - Atari Cartridge images to control printer functions - Printer emulation with preview and ATASCII support - Emulates a generic text-only Atari printer. - Only emulates the first printer device, that is "P1:" - You can view, save or print the emulated printer output ------------------------------ Subject: 5.1.1) What are the Atari 830, 835, 1030, XM301, and SX212 Modems? Thanks to Laurent Delsarte for some of the research and writing for an earlier version of this section. A modem (MOdulator-DEModulator) is a device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information for transmittal, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode received transmitted information. The common example from the main time period of the 8-bit Atari computers is the voice band modem, otherwise known as a "dial-up modem" that turns the digital data of a personal computer into modulated electrical signals in the voice frequency range of a telephone channel. These signals can be transmitted over telephone lines and demodulated by another modem at the receiver side to recover the digital data. Thus, in this pre-Internet form of computer networking, any two computers may communicate with each other over a standard telephone line. Originally only equipment manufactured by AT&T could legally be connected directly to the AT&T's Bell telephone network in the U.S. and Canada. Third- party manufacturers could either use "acoustic" modem designs to be used in conjunction with a standard Bell telephone's network connection, or they were required to connect to the network through an AT&T-sanctioned Data Access Arrangement (DAA) device. Third-party "direct-connect" modems, designed to connect directly to the telephone network without the use of AT&T equipment, became available beginning in 1978 (Micromodem II with Microcoupler, package for the Apple II computer by D.C. Hayes Associates). A wide variety of modulation and communication techniques can be successfully implemented over a standard telephone line. In order for two modems to communicate, they have to initially successfully negotiate the technical nature of the communications to be used between them. Connection characteristics include modulation technique ("frequency shift keying", "phase shift keying", etc.), operation mode (one-way "half duplex" or bi-directional "full duplex"), synchronization ("asynchronous" data without clock signal or "synchronous" data accompanied by separate clock signal), and bitrate (measured in bits per second). Early modem users had to become familiar with arcane settings such as these in order to establish successful modem to modem communications. In time, modem modulation standards were established and adopted by the industry, allowing for the details to largely become transparent to the user. Newer modems would simply negotiate the fastest and most reliable connection possible between them, given the best capabilities of both modems. Major modem data-transmission standards: Standard Year appeared Top Bitrate Baud (symbols per second) Bell 101 1958 110 bit/s 110 Bell 103 1962 300 bit/s 300 (U.S. precursor to V.21) Bell 202 1962 1200 bit/s 1200 half-duplex, or asymmetrical duplex with 5 or 150 bit/s back channel (U.S. precursor to V.23) V.21 1964 300 bit/s 300 (used in Europe) V.23 1964 1200 bit/s 1200 half-duplex, or asymmetrical duplex with 75 bit/s back channel Vadic VA3400 1972 1200 bit/s 600 (early V.22 precursor) Bell 212A 1976 1200 bit/s 600 (U.S. precursor to V.22) V.22 1980 1200 bit/s 600 (used in Europe) The Hayes Stack Smartmodem, introduced in 1981, was the first RS-232 interface modem that could be program-controlled using ASCII character strings. Hayes compatible modems would support this same "Hayes command set" or "AT command set". V.22bis 1982 2400 bit/s 600 V.32 1984 9600 bit/s 2400 V.42 1988 Error control standard, incorporating the earlier Microcom Networking Protocols MNP 1 - MNP 4 V.42bis 1989 Data compression standard (alternative to MNP 5) V.32bis 1991 14400 bit/s 2400 V.34 1994 28800 bit/s 3600(max) V.34 ("V.34bis") 1996 33600 bit/s 4200(max) ("V.34 Plus, V.34+"); last standard for modem-to-modem V.90 1998 56000 bit/s 8000 (max upload: 33600 bit/s); for ISP with digital signaling V.92 2001 56000 bit/s 8000 (max upload: 48000 bit/s); for ISP with digital signaling; incorporates V.44 compression The V.92 standard also incorporates a "Modem On Hold" capability, especially useful in combination with the phone company's "call waiting" and "caller ID on call waiting" features. Before V.92, when online using a dial-up modem, and before telephone services like voice mail were common, incoming callers would experience a "busy signal" as if someone was already talking on the line. In the early 1980s popular early commercial online services reached via dial- up modem included CompuServe Information Service, Dow Jones Information Service, and The Source. In addition to CompuServe, later online services popular with Atari users included Delphi and GEnie. Examples of prominent "viewtext" services in the UK included Prestel, Micronet, and Telecom Gold. Modem users would also dial in to mainframe computer systems at universities, or they would log in to privately-operated Bulletin Board Systems running on other personal computers. As long-distance telephone services were billed by the minute, telephone bill expenses were an important consideration. The following modems were produced by Atari for use with the 8-bit Atari computers. Software device handlers for modems and other serial interface devices are covered in another section of this FAQ list. Atari 830 Acoustic Modem - Also included, boxed, in the Communicator kit CX484 - Type: Acoustic, frequency shift keying (FSK) - Speed: Up to 300 baud - Data-transmission standard: Bell 103 - Requires Atari 850 Interface Module or equivalent to connect to the Atari computer. Connectivity: RS-232 DCE device (modem) standard. Pinout: 14 25 o o o o o o o o o o o o DB-25 Socket - female o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 13 2. XMT Transmit Data (Input to modem) 3. RCV Receive Data (Output from modem) 5. CTS Clear to Send (Output from modem) 6. DSR Data Set Ready (Output from modem) 7. n/a Signal Ground (Common) 8. CRX Carrier Detect (Output from modem) - Shipped with an Atari CX87 Modem Cable (Atari 850 DE-9P to standard RS-232 DB-25P DCE device (modem)) - Made in USA for Atari by Novation, based on the Novation CAT modem - Top: Ready and Power LED indicator lights - Side (left-to-right): - "O / OFF / A" switch: Originate mode / Power Off / Answer mode - Power input jack - "F / TST / H" switch: Full duplex mode / Test mode / Half duplex mode - Serial port - Transmitter frequencies - Originate: mark, 1270Hz; space 1070Hz - Answer: mark, 2225Hz; space 2025Hz - Receive frequencies - Originate: mark, 2225Hz; space 2025Hz - Answer: mark, 1270Hz; space 1070Hz - Receive sensitivity: -45dBm - Power: Requires 20-24V AC as supplied by the Atari CA016751/Novation 901017 power adapter or equivalent. Power usage: 7W - Manuals: - Atari 850 Interface Module Operator's Manual C015953 Rev. 1 1980 (preliminary version shipped with earlier/most 850 units; 102 pages) - See Appendix 13: Atari 830 Modem, pages 97-102 - Atari 850 Interface Module Operator's Manual C017651 REV. B 1982 (15 p.) - Contains instructions for both the 850 interface and the 830 modem Atari 835 Direct-Connect Modem - Sold only as part of the Communicator II kit CX488 - Type: Direct-connect modem - Speed: up to 300 baud - Data-transmission standard: Bell 103 - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Line jack (RJ11C standard) - Telephone jack (RJ11C standard) - Intel 8048 microcontroller, C060549 - Texas Instruments TMS99532 frequency-shift-keyed modem, C062016 (FC100279) - The 835 communicates with the computer using the normal SIO protocol at a rate of 300 baud. (Field Service Manual p.1-2) - Made in USA for Atari by Racal-Vadic - No speaker, but telephone sound can be routed to the computer audio output - Pulse dialing only - Power: Requires 20-22V AC as supplied by the Atari C060479 / CA060535 power adapter or equivalent. Power usage: 18W - Technical manual: - Atari 835 Direct Connect Modem Field Service Manual FD100268 Atari 1030 Direct-Connect Modem - Speed: up to 300 baud - Data-transmission standard: Bell 103 - Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - Modular Telephone Jack (RJ11C standard) - Built-in telephone connector cable - for standard RJ11 jack on telephone - Intel 8050 microcontroller, C070235 - 12KiB firmware ROM: 4KiB ROM on the 8050 and 8KiB on a separate ROM chip - Texas Instruments TMS99532 frequency-shift-keyed modem, C062016 - The 1030 uses a non-standard protocol for communication commands on the SIO bus. When a connection is active, the computer and the modem exchange data directly on the bus at 300 baud, without using [SIO] command or data frames. (Altirra manual p.162) - Made in USA; modem electronics by Penril - Communications are possible with both originate-only and answer-only modems - Built-in ModemLink telecommunications software - Bootstrap without disk drive-- With no powered disk drive #1 present, ModemLink (with integrated T: modem device handler) loads from the ROM of a powered 1030 into computer RAM on system startup. (The 1030 masquerades as disk drive #1, responding to the Atari OS attempt to boot from disk.) An extended beep is emitted through the computer's audio signal as the program is loaded, then ModemLink runs. - The T: handler can also be loaded from 1030 ROM into computer RAM later. - Controls, software selectable: - Full and Half duplex operation - Pulse or Tone dialing - Tones for tone dialing are generated by the computer and reach the 1030 via the SIO sound INPUT line (thanks to audio noise/leakage) - Tone dialing not available on the 400 (Owner's Guide page 7) - Memory buffer on/off - Printer on/off - Box sticker: "Free Time Offer Enclosed: Dow Jones News/Retrieval Service" Shipped with CompuServe IntroPak as well - Receive sensitivity: -43dBm - Indicators: - Power ON/OFF - On-line (carrier detect) LEDs - Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari C062195 power adapter or equivalent. - Manual: The Atari 1030 Modem with ModemLink Telecommunications Program Owner's Guide C061798 (1983) - 1030 Designers: John Curran, Ken Fowkes, Sherwin Gooch (project director), Joe Miller, Songly Mu, Bernie Poggi, Mark Rustad, Phil Schug, Dennis Smith, Jose Valdes, Vince Wu - Tone Dialer: * Original version by: J. W. Tittsler, Feb. 1983 * Final version by: M. D. Rustad, May, 1983 * Modified by: J. B. Miller, August, 1983 Atari XM301 Modem - Type: Direct-connect modem - Speed: up to 300 baud - Data-transmission standard: Bell 103 - Incompatibilities: Cannot be used with an Atari 1200XL (see Power, below). The manual reads "You cannot use the XM301 modem with an Atari 1200XL computer unless it has been modified. Contact your local Atari service center for information on modifying your 1200XL computer." - Additional hardware requirement: (none) - Connectivity: Built-in SIO cable - must end SIO daisy chain - Modular Telephone Jack (RJ11C standard) - Intel 8048 microcontroller, C060549 - National Semiconductor MM74HC943 300 baud modem - Software-compatible with the Atari 1030 - Key engineer/designer: Jose Valdes at Atari - Made in Taiwan - No speaker, but telephone sound can be routed to the computer audio output - Auto-dial and auto-answer capabilities - Dialing capabilities: Tone and pulse (rotary) dialing - Shipped with XE Term Communications Program disk (DX5076) - Developed by Russ Wetmore for Atari - Box sticker: "Free Inside/Special Offer: Money Saving Values from the Source, CompuServe, Dow Jones News/Retrieval Service, Knowledge-Index, and the Official Airline Guide." - Transmitter frequency - Originate: Mark 1270Hz +/- 0.5%; Space 1070Hz +/- 0.5% - Answer: Mark 2225Hz +/- 0.5%; Space 2025Hz +/- 0.5% - Transmit level: -9.0dBm to -16dBm - Receiver frequency - Originate: Mark 2225Hz +/- 30Hz; Space 2025Hz +/- 30Hz - Answer: Mark 1270Hz +/- 20Hz; Space 1070Hz +/- 20Hz - Sensitivity: -13dBm to -46dBm - Carrier detect threshold - On: -44dBm - Off: -45dBm - Bit error rate: No more than 1 in 10E5 bits - Power: Requires 60mA at 5V DC as supplied by SIO pin 10 (+5V/Ready except on the 1200XL) - Manual: Atari XM301 Modem Owner's Manual C026119 (1985) Atari SX212 Modem - Type: Direct-connect modem - Speed: 75-300 and up to 1200 bit/s - Data-transmission standards: Bell 103 and Bell 212A - Hayes AT command set compatible - Connectivity: - Atari SIO (must be at end of SIO chain) - Uses SIO Motor Control; only one such device can be attached to the system at a time. - DB-25S RS-232 DCE device (modem) standard - Telephone Line Jack (RJ11C standard) - Sierra Semiconductor SC11008 modem interface controller - Sierra Semiconductor SC11004 300/1200 Bit Per Second Modem - Key engineer/designer: Jose Valdes at Atari - Made in Taiwan - Built-in speaker with adjustable volume for call monitoring - Auto-dial and auto-answer capabilities - Operation: Full duplex and half duplex - Dialing capabilities: Tone and pulse (rotary) dialing - Carrier frequencies - 1200 bit/s; Originate; Transmit 1200Hz, Receive 2400Hz - 1200 bit/s; Answer; Transmit 2400Hz, Receive 1200Hz - 75-300 baud; Originate; Mark 1270Hz, Space 1070Hz - 75-300 baud; Answer; Mark 2225Hz, Space 2025Hz - Receive signal frequency tolerance: +/- 7Hz - Bit error rate: Less than 1 in 10E5 bits for signal-to-noise ratio of 8dB with 300Hz to 3400Hz Gaussian noise over a receive level range of -10dBm to -35dBm - Loss of carrier: Disconnects automatically in 1 +/- 1 second after loss of carrier - Command buffer: 40-character command buffer - Receiver sensitivity: -40dBm - Transmit level: -9dBm - SX Express! sold separately (DX5089) - Package includes Program Disk, User's Manual, SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) - SX Express! Program Disk (DX5089) includes: DOS.SYS DOS 2.5 File Management Subsystem (FMS) DUP.SYS DOS 2.5 Disk Utility Package (DUP) AUTORUN.SYS SX Express! Ver. 3.00 by Keith Ledbetter RAMDISK.COM Sets up DOS 2.5 RAM drive for 130XE banked memory HANDLER.OBJ R: device handler (by Paul Swanson) HANDLER.DOC SX212 Modem Handler Technical Description - Power: Requires 9V DC as supplied by the Atari C010472, C016353, or C018084 power adapters or equivalent. Current rating: 0.5A. - Manual: Atari SX212 Modem Owner's manual C070878 C033506 (1987) ------------------------------ Subject: 5.1.2) What other modems were marketed for use with my Atari? This should be a complete list of third-party modems that were marketed for use with the Atari 8-bit computers. Modems listed here were designed to connect to the Atari via SIO, to one of the Atari's joystick controller ports, or to the Atari 850 interface module. All of these are direct-connect modems (plug directly into the phone line) unless stated otherwise. Software device handlers for modems and other serial interface devices are covered in another section of this FAQ list. ==> Microconnection A1, by The Microperipheral Corp. (1981) - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - Requires 850 interface, Atari cable included (Atari CX87 equivalent) - Software included: Tariterm (both cassette and disk, version 1.1, 9/15/81) - Sold separately: TSMART (cassette; can be transferred to disk) - Available Auto-Dial/Auto-Answer upgrade (pulse dialing, not touch tone) ==> Microconnection A1A, by The Microperipheral Corp. (1981) - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - Auto-Dial (pulse dialing, not touch tone) / Auto-Answer - Requires 850 interface, Atari cable included (Atari CX87 equivalent) - Software included: Tariterm (both cassette and disk, version 1.1, 9/15/81) - Sold separately: TSMART (cassette; can be transferred to disk) ==> Microconnection A2, by The Microperipheral Corp. (1981) - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - Connects via SIO, must be at end of SIO chain. Not a smart SIO device. - Software included: Tariterm (both cassette and disk, version 1.1, 9/15/81) - Sold separately: TSMART (cassette; can be transferred to disk) - Available Auto-Dial upgrade (pulse dialing, not touch tone) ==> Microconnection A2A, by The Microperipheral Corp. (1981) - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - Auto-Dial (pulse dialing, not touch tone) - Connects via SIO, must be at end of SIO chain. Not a smart SIO device. - Software included: Tariterm (both cassette and disk, version 1.1, 9/15/81) - Sold separately: TSMART (cassette; can be transferred to disk) ==> AutoPrint Microconnection, by The Microperipheral Corp. (1983) - For Atari or Commodore computers - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - Auto-dial / auto-answer - Connects via SIO, must be at end of SIO chain. - Terminal software listings provided in the user manual. Sold separately: - TSMART (cassette; can be transferred to disk) ==> RS-Coupler 9201, by International Quartz Limited (Interquartz) (1983?) - Acoustic Modem - 300 bit/s, CCITT V.21 - Originate / Answer - Requires 850 interface - Software listings for: IBM PC, Apple II, Atari 800, TI 99/4A, Commodore 64 - ==> Signalman Mark II, by Anchor Automation (1983) - Model 300-232 09M - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - Auto-dial (no auto-answer?) - Requires 850 interface, Atari cable built-in (Atari CX87 equivalent) ==> Volksmodem VM1, by Anchor Automation (1983) - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - (no auto-dial, no auto-answer) - Voice/data switch, full duplex/half-duplex switch - Draws its power from the telephone line, with nine-volt battery backup - Sold separately: - C Cable, requires 850 interface (Atari CX87 equivalent) - F Cable (1984), connects to Atari controller jack #2 - Shipped with cassette based terminal software (what software????) - Uses MPP-1000C/MPP-1000E/300AT modem driver software ==> Pocket Modem, by BOT Engineering - 300 baud - 1200 baud upgrade was offered (but no apparent software support?) - Auto-answer - Connects via SIO, must be at end of SIO chain. - Uses SIO Motor Control; only one such device can be attached to the system at a time. - Early version: Software supplied on cartridge Later versions: Software supplied on disk or cartridge - Intelligent Terminal Software (cartridge or disk), known versions: - Pocket Modem Software Ver 2.06 By ADCM Systems (C) Copyright 1984 - Pocket Modem Software Ver 2.08 By ADCM Systems (C) Copyright 1984 - Disk files, original disk release: - TERM.OBJ - Disk version of Pocket Modem Software - PDRIVE.OBJ - Driver utility used with MODEM.BAS - MODEM.BAS - Basic Terminal Program (public domain). Uses PDRIVE.OBJ - PDRIVE.DOC - Documentation for PDRIVE.OBJ - 1985 disk release by ACDM Systems includes Pocket Modem Driver: - MDRIVER.REL - M: modem device handler - Simple Terminal Program - uses M: modem device handler ==> MPP-1000, by Microbits Peripheral Products (1982) - Same as: Anchor Automation Signalman 300-232 09F - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - (no Auto answer / no Auto dial) - Connects to controller jack #4 (400/800 only) - Smart Terminal tape/disk both included ==> MPP-1000C, by Microbits Peripheral Products (1983) - Same as: Anchor Automation Signalman Auto300-232 - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - Auto answer / Auto dial - Connects to controller jack - Smart Terminal cartridge - CompuServe DemoPak ==> MPP-1000E, by Microbits Peripheral Products (MPP) (1985) - Later units sold/supported by Supra - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - Auto answer / Auto dial - Connects to controller jack - Smart Terminal cartridge - CompuServe DemoPak ==> 300AT, by Supra (1986) - Supra-branded replacement for the identical MPP 1000E - 300 bit/s, Bell 103 compatible - Auto answer / Auto dial - Connects to controller jack - Smart Terminal disk - CompuServe DemoPak and Delphi membership ==> 1200AT, by Supra (1987) - Same as: E+E DataComm Avatex 1200 - Low Speed Mode: 0-300 bit/s, binary, serial, asynchronous, Bell 103 compatible - High Speed Mode: 1200 bit/s character-asynchronous, Bell 212A compatible - Command Set: 8 Hayes "AT" commands (other options fixed or not needed) - Auto-answer / Auto dial (tone or pulse) - (No speaker) - Connects to SIO - Smart Terminal disk - CompuServe DemoPak and Delphi membership ==> SupraModem 2400AT, by Supra (1988) - Asynchronous operation at 300, 1200, or 2400 bit/s - Compatibilities: Bell 103, Bell 212A, V.22, V.22bis - Hayes "AT" command compatible (100%) - Auto-answer - Auto dial (tone or pulse) - Speaker built-in - Connects to SIO via included SupraVerter interface - Smart Terminal disk ------------------------------ Subject: 5.1.3) How can I connect an RS-232 modem without using an interface? One way to connect a standard (of the time) external RS-232 serial interface modem with DB-25S connector DCE device (modem) to the Atari was to connect it directly to the Atari SIO port via a relatively simple interface cable. Such devices are not true RS-232 interfaces; rather, they are simplified interfaces supporting a subset of the RS-232 standard sufficient to drive an RS-232 modem. This should be a complete list of such devices released for the Atari. Software device handlers for modems and other serial interface devices are covered in another section of this FAQ list. R-Verter Serial Bus Modem Adapter, 1984 - By Advanced Interface Devices (A.I.D.) - Later sold as the SupraVerter by Supra - A cable device: Atari SIO to DB-25P - Uses SIO Motor Control; only one such device can be attached to the system at a time. - Supplied with several R: software device handlers. U-CALL Universal Modem Interface Model A/Model Am, by Digital Devices, 1985? - Built-in SIO cable - Built-in cable with DB-25P connector for modem - SIO port for daisy chain - Supplied with R: software device handler and AMODEM Plus Release 1.6 Datatari Serial Interface by Miracle Technology (UK) Limited, 1985 - Later produced by Gralin International - A cable device: Atari SIO to DB-25P - Key feature: V.23 split baud (1200/75) operation, as used by systems using the UK Post Office Telecommunications's Viewdata technology, such as Prestel from British Telecom - Uses SIO Motor Control; only one such device can be attached to the system at a time. (see Multi-Viewterm User Guide p7) - Shipped with Multi-Viewterm ("Viewterm") software on disk - Full name: Multi standard Viewdata/Teletype Terminal program - Full Prestel facilities supported, including graphics - Marketed for use in combination with the World Standard Modem WS2000, also by Miracle Technology - Supported by the Communications module of Mini Office II by Database Software (1987) ------------------------------ Subject: 5.1.4) How can my Atari use my PC's dial-up modem? This section lists available solutions that allow the Atari computer to use a dial-up modem installed on a nearby PC. ==> Atari Peripheral Emulator (APE) for DOS, by Steven Tucker, 1995-1998 (v.1.18 package released 2001) - Hardware component: APE / SIO2PC Interface Cable. - Full access to a PC's modem (whether internal or external) for the Atari - Provides an R: modem device handler to the Atari upon any call to load the R: handler from the ROM of the Atari 850 interface - Full cooperation with real SIO devices also attached to the Atari - APE continues to provide access to your disk drives even when running in concurrent I/O. This allows you to do things such as run a BBS, download files, etc. all without having any real Atari disk drives or modems attached to your Atari computer. Note: Concurrent I/O is the special serial bus mode the Atari uses to communicate with the 850 interface, modems and other streaming serial devices. - The registered version of APE provides automatic hardware flow control, allowing you to access modems transmitting data faster than 19.2 kbit/s. Unregistered users are limited to 2400 baud. - Registered users receive access to the concurrent I/O R: emulator at 38.4Kbps and above. Speeds of up to 56Kbps are possible using the enhanced registered version of APE. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.1.5) How can my Atari use a networked device as an Internet modem? An "Internet modem" is solution that utilizes software emulation of a dial-up modem in combination with an Internet connection, allowing a computer to use telecommunications software designed for use with a dial-up modem to instead be used over an Internet connection. This section lists several solutions that allow an Atari computer to make use of another device's Internet connection as an Internet modem. ==> Lantronix UDS-10 (2000) or UDS100 (2002) or UDS1100 (2009) A series of serial-to-Ethernet device servers well suited for use with the Atari as an Internet modem. - Ethernet Interface: RJ45 - Serial Interface: RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 (configurable) - Serial Connectivity: DB-25S DCE device (modem) - Can be connected to an Atari computer via an Atari 850 interface and Atari CX87 modem cable or equivalent. - Modem Replacement - Internet modem In modem emulation mode, the UDS is used to replace a dial-up modem. The unit accepts modem AT commands on the serial port. It then establishes a network connection to the end device, leveraging network connections and bandwidth to eliminate dedicated modems and phone lines. ==> Atari Peripheral Emulator (APE) for Windows by Steven Tucker, 2000-2007, v.3.0.2 released 2007 - Hardware component: APE / SIO2PC Interface Cable - R: Modem Emulation: "Internet modem" - Client Mode (Outbound Only, TELNET Interface) - Server Mode (Inbound Mode, AT Modem Simulator) ==> Sio2OSX, by Mark Grebe, 2006/2009 Allows the Atari computer to use an OSX based Macintosh as a disk drive or a cassette drive or as a printer. - Requires OS X 10.3.9 or higher, and a G4 or Intel processor or higher - Hardware component: SIO2PC cable - USB serial adapter with complete RS-232 hardware signal and driver support required. - Recommended from USBGear: Corresponding drivers: - Includes 850 Emulation to allow Internet Modem capability and the ability to connect serial devices. ==> SIO2WiFi project by Sijmen Schouten (Mr.Atari), 2018-2019 - Based on the Expressif Systems ESP8266 microcontroller chip (with Wi-Fi) - Should work with any R-verter supporting software on the Atari (R-Verter compatible Internet modem) - Software by Mr.Atari: - "Get the ESP8266 out of the box from 115k2 to 1200 baud" - "ESP8266 R-Verter" R: Driver - TinyTERM / Tiny Terminal - Lite850 R: Driver for 850 and APE - load/install the R: driver - PLATO (1.2.1 FAST-IO) patched version of PLATOTerm by Thomas Cherryhomes ==> USB_to_RS232 Connector (usbModem) project by Paul Jones, 2019 - Uses a USB to RS-232 Adapter with PL2303 Chipset (on Amazon) - Software for Debian GNU/Linux; networked Raspberry Pi device recommended - A RS-232 DTE (computer) device - Connect to the Atari 850 using a null modem cable. ==> FujiNet, by Thomas Cherryhomes and others, 2019- - Espressif Systems ESP32-WROVER module for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity - Connectivity: Built-in SIO connector - SIO port for daisy chain - Emulated R: (Modem) device - Supports Type 1 Poll to load handler. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.2.1) What is the Atari 850 Interface Module? While the Atari's SIO and controller ports did not conform to established industry standards, Atari produced the 850 Interface Module to provide access to devices complying with two important interface standards of the time, RS-232-C serial and Centronics parallel. The Atari 850 interface provides the system with: - Four RS-232-C serial interface ports (proprietary pinouts) - One 8-bit parallel output Centronics interface port (proprietary pinout) Serial interface port key features: - The 850 functions as RS-232-C Data Terminal Equipment (DTE). - RS-232-C Circuits (signaling lines): (Send / Out) | (Receive / In) Port 1: XMT, DTR, RTS | RCV, DSR, CTS, CRX Port 2: XMT, DTR | RCV, DSR Port 3: XMT, DTR | RCV, DSR Port 4: XMT | RCV - Port 4 primarily serves as a 20 mA current loop interface, supporting 20 mA current loop peripherals such as a teletype machine. - Baud rates: 45.5 bit/s*, 50 bit/s*, 56.875 bit/s*, 75 bit/s**, 110 bit/s, 134.5 bit/s, 150 bit/s, 300 bit/s, 600 bit/s, 1200 bit/s, 1800 bit/s, 2400 bit/s, 4800 bit/s, 9600 bit/s * These baud rates are useful for communications with Baudot teletypes, for RTTY (radioteletype) applications. They are more commonly referred to as 60, 67, and 75 words per minute. ** This baud rate is sometimes used for ASCII communications, and may also be used for 5-bit Baudot RTTY. The latter is commonly referred to as 100 words per minute. The Atari Operating System does not include a resident device handler for the serial ports of the 850, but the 850 contains an R: handler, supporting devices R1: through R4:, in its ROM. - Bootstrap without disk drive-- With no powered disk drive #1 present, the R: handler loads from the ROM of a powered 850 into computer RAM on system startup. (The 850 masquerades as disk drive #1, responding to the Atari OS attempt to boot from disk.) An extended beep is emitted through the computer's audio signal as the handler is loaded. - Bootstrap with disk drive-- The R: handler can be loaded from the 850 ROM as part of a Disk Boot. (Atari DOS 2.0S, DOS 3, DOS 2.5, and DOS XE include provisions for this.) - The R: handler can be loaded from the 850 ROM by software after system boot. - Software device handlers for modems and other serial interface devices are covered in another section of this FAQ list. The Atari Operating System's resident P: Printer device handler supports the parallel output interface port of the 850. - 400/800 OS: Responds to P: and ignores any device number XL OS: Responds to P:, P1:, and P2: PINOUTS ======= Serial Interface Port 1 (DE-9 Socket - female): 1. DTR Data Terminal Ready (Out) 2. CRX Carrier Detect (In) 5 1 3. XMT Send Data (Out) o o o o o 4. RCV Receive Data (In) o o o o 5. Signal Ground 9 6 6. DSR Data Set Ready (In) 7. RTS Request to Send (Out) 8. CTS Clear to Send (In) Serial Interface Port 2 (DE-9 Socket - female): 5 1 1. DTR Data Terminal Ready (Out) o o o o o 3. XMT Send Data (Out) o o o o 4. RCV Receive Data (In) 9 6 5. Signal Ground 6. DSR Data Set Ready (In) Serial Interface Port 3 (DE-9 Socket - female): 5 1 1. DTR Data Terminal Ready (Out) o o o o o 3. XMT Send Data (Out) o o o o 4. RCV Receive Data (In) 9 6 5. Signal Ground 6. DSR Data Set Ready (In) Serial Interface Port 4 (DE-9 Socket - female): / 20 mA Current Loop Operation 1. +10V / TXD+ Send Data + 5 1 3. XMT / TXD- Send Data - (Out) o o o o o 4. RCV Receive Data (In) --+ A 20 mA current loop o o o o 5. Ground | device must tie together 9 6 7. +10V / RXD+ Receive Data + --+ pins 4 and 7. 9. -8V / RXD- Receive Data - Parallel Interface Port (DA-15 Socket - female): 1. /Data Strobe 2. Data bit 0 3. Data bit 1 8 1 4. Data bit 2 o o o o o o o o 5. Data bit 3 o o o o o o o 6. Data bit 4 15 9 7. Data bit 5 8. Data bit 6 9. Data Pins Pull-Up (+5V)--+ A device that cannot hold 11. Signal Ground | /Fault high may instead tie 12. /Fault (high required)--+ together pins 12 and 9. 13. Busy 15. Data bit 7 Early 850 units are housed in a black anodized aluminum case, but most units are in a beige plastic case matching the 400/800 computers and peripherals. Connectivity: 2 Atari SIO ports for direct connection to Atari computers - Shipped with SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) Sold separately by Atari: - CX86 Printer Cable, CA015900-02 (included with 825) (DA-15P to 20-pin dual Edge-on) - CX87 Modem Cable, CA015900-03 (included with 830 modem) (Atari 850 DE-9P to standard RS-232 DB-25P DCE device (modem)) - CX88 Terminal Cable, CA015900-04 (Atari 850 DE-9P to standard RS-232 DB-25P DTE device (computer)) Front of unit (left-to-right): - Power In jack - On power indicator light - Power Off / On switch - Two I/O Connectors (Atari SIO) Right side of unit: - Parallel Interface port Rear of unit (left-to-right): - Four Serial Interface ports, 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 850 internals: - 6507 microprocessor (MOS Technology MCS6507 or equivalent), C010745 - 6532 PIA. Two of: - MOS Technology 6532 RAM-I/O-Timer (RIOT) or equivalent, C010750 - 4KiB X 8 Bit ROM, C012099 Power: Requires 9V AC as supplied by the Atari CA014748 power adapter or equivalent (such as the Atari CA017964). Power usage: 17W Manuals: - Atari 850 Interface Module Operator's Manual C015953 Rev. 1 1980 (preliminary version shipped with earlier/most 850 units; 102 pages) - Atari 850 Interface Module Operator's Manual C017651 REV. B 1982 (15 pages) - Atari 850 Interface Module Technical Manual C017652 REV. B 1982 (106 pages) Technical Manual: Atari 850 Interface Module Field Service Manual CS 400/800-S004-B 4/81 / FD100036 April, 1981 The 850 was manufactured by Atari in the USA. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.2.2) What other RS-232 serial interfaces are there for the Atari? The serial communications interface standard now known as TIA-232-F (R2012), entitled "Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit- Terminating Equipment (DCE) Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange" and maintained by the U.S.-based Telecommunications Industry Association, has previously been known as RS-232 (1960), RS-232-A (1963), RS-232-B (1965), RS- 232-C (1969), EIA-232-D (1986), TIA/EIA-232-E (1991), TIA/EIA-232-F (1997), and ANSI/TIA-232-F-1997 (R2002). It is a U.S. standard that incorporates elements of several international standards, including the control signal definition of V.24, the electrical characteristics of V.28 and the connector and pin assignments defined in ISO 2110. While original emphasis in 1960 was placed on interfacing between a modem unit and DTE, other applications for the standard gained popularity. By the early 1980s RS-232-C was widely adopted for low-cost serial interfaces between microcomputers and peripherals such as a modem, mouse, plotter, printer, scanner, digitizer, track ball, and myriad others. Manufacturers were able to design such devices not just for a single hardware platform, but for any platform or application that supported the RS-232 standard serial interface. TIA-232-F (R2012) has essentially been supplanted by USB in today's consumer electronics marketplace. In keeping with the context of the time period, this FAQ will normally refer to the standard as RS-232. The output signals on an RS-232 DTE port are inputs to an RS-232 DCE port, and output signals on a DCE port are inputs to a DTE port. The signal names match each other and connect pin for pin. Examples of DTE include most RS-232 interface devices which are not used to extend communications, including computers and serial printers. RS-232 devices that extend communications, like a modem, are DCE. Most commonly, RS-232 interfaces for the Atari, beginning with Atari's own 850 interface module, were used to interface an industry standard (of the time) RS-232 serial modem to the Atari. Typically RS-232 serial modems featured a DB-25S DCE device connector for interfacing to a computer's RS-232 DTE device serial port. Early IBM PCs and compatibles featured a DB-25P DTE device serial port, the configuration already well-established for RS-232 interfaces at the time, but later the DE-9P DTE device serial port became the PC standard. Thus the standard "modem cable" used to connect a PC to an RS-232 serial modem during most of the era of the Atari was a DE-9S (DTE device) to DB-25P (DCE device) cable. Though Atari did not design an RS-232 interface into their 8-bit computers, they did offer RS-232 interface support in the form of the Atari 850 interface module (summarized below and detailed in another section of this FAQ list). The following should be a complete list of devices for the Atari providing the system with an RS-232 standard DTE device serial interface. The interface connector type is given if known. Software device handlers for modems and other serial interface devices are covered in another section of this FAQ list. 850 Interface Module, by Atari, 1980 - Detailed in another section of this FAQ list - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - Four RS-232 serial ports: DE-9S (DTE device, proprietary pinout) - Contains R: handler, supporting devices R1: through R4:, in its ROM. Microconnection A2 and A2A, by The Microperipheral Corp. (1981) - RS-232 DTE device serial printer port included - Connects via SIO, must be at end of SIO chain. Not a smart SIO device. - Sold separately: Typer-A (M: serial printer device handler on cassette) Compu-Mate CM-1000 (1982) - Shipped? - EIA standard serial port (standard synchronous protocol - for printers) - Automatic powerup compatibility with Diablo printers on the serial port ATR8000, by Software Publishers / SWP Microcomputer Products, 1982 - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - RS-232 port: 26 pin PCB edge - R: device handler included with: MYDOS 3.1x, MYDOS 4.x, SpartaDOS P:R: Connection, by ICD, 1986 - Built-in SIO cable - SIO port for daisy chain - Two RS-232 serial ports: DE-9S (Atari 850 standard) - Contains R: handler, supporting devices R1: and R2:, in its ROM (largely 850-compatible) Multi I/O board (MIO), by ICD, 1987 - Parallel device, connects to PBI - ICD adapter for Cartridge+ECI provides two pass-through cartridge ports - RS-232 serial port: DE-9S (Atari 850 standard) - R: device handler (850-compatible) on ROM (uses no user memory) - Up to 19.2 kbit/s - Hardware flow control (not all ROM versions) RS-232 serial interface for XL/XE, Atari Magazin, 12/1988, pp. 46-55 - Project by Andreas Binner and Harald Schoenfeld - Parallel device, connects to PBI or to Cartridge+ECI - Draws its power from the computer. On the 800XL, which does not provide power on the PBI, requires a connection to a controller jack for power. - RS-232 serial port: DB-25 - Software: R: device handler and mini terminal program provided as type-in listings Black Box, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1989 - Parallel device, with connectors for both PBI and Cartridge+ECI - PBI Connector: 50 pin header; ribbon cable to PBI interface included - Cartridge+ECI connector: standard PCB edge - RS-232 Serial Port: 34 pin PCB edge - R: device handler (850-compatible) on ROM (uses no user memory) - Up to 19.2 kbit/s - Hardware flow control TOMS 720CR disk drive, 1991 - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - RS-232 serial port: simplified (5 lines) RS-232 interface - R: handler????? TOMS 360CR disk drive, 1996 - 2nd SIO port for daisy chain - RS-232 serial port: simplified (5 lines) RS-232 interface - R: handler????? Multi I/O board (MIO) "new series" by Ken Jones / MEtalGuy66, 2006 - Parallel device, connects to PBI - RS-232 serial port: DE-9P (PC standard) - R: device handler (850-compatible) on ROM (uses no user memory) EASI/O Speedier:, by Detlefsen Enterprises, 2007 - Requires Detlefsen Enterprises EASI/O-S Cable or EASI/I-Spider, sold separately (EASI/O system DB-25S interface) - 19.2 kbit/s RS-232 serial adapter - RS-232 serial port: DB25-P (early PC standard) - Shipped with high speed driver and modem software on disk Speedier: Type 2, by Detlefsen Enterprises, 2008 - Requires Detlefsen Enterprises EASI/O-S Cable or EASI/I-Spider, sold separately (EASI/O system DB-25S interface) - 19.2 kbit/s RS-232 serial adapter - RS-232 serial port: 8 wire RJ45 jack for standard ethernet type serial cable uses - Shipped with high speed driver and modem software on disk ------------------------------ Subject: 5.2.3) What MIDI interfaces are there for the Atari? From Wikipedia (10.28.2012): MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is an electronic musical instrument industry specification that enables a wide variety of digital musical instruments, computers and other related devices to connect and communicate with one another. It is a set of standard commands that allows electronic musical instruments, performance controllers, computers and related devices to communicate, as well as a hardware standard that guarantees compatibility between them. MIDI OUT, MIDI IN, and MIDI THRU interface connectors listed below are: DIN-5 180 Socket - female Several MIDI interfaces have been designed for the 8-bit Atari computers: MIDIMATE AND COMPATIBLE ======================= MIDIMate, by Hybrid Arts (Bob Moore) - Has MIDI OUT, MIDI IN, SYNC OUT (phono jack), SYNC IN (phono jack) ports - Connects to the Atari via SIO (must be at end of SIO chain) - Uses SIO Motor Control; only one such device can be attached to the system at a time. - Introduced Jan. 1984 at NAMM (National Association of Music Manufacturers) with MIDITrack sequencer program - Also shipped with: MIDITrack II (1984), MIDITrack III (1985; 128KiB XL/XE) - Sold separately or distributed by Hybrid Arts for the MIDIMate: - MIDITrack III (1985; 128KiB XL/XE) - DX-Editor (for the Yamaha DX7 and TX series) - GenPatch (generic patch library system) - MIDICom (MIDI Telecommunications) (1986) - MIDIPatch for the Yamaha DX-7 & TX tone rack (1985) - MIDIPatch for the Casio CZ-101 & CZ-1000 (1985) - Oasis (visual editing system for the Ensoniq Mirage & 128KiB XL/XE; 1986) - MIDI Music System (MMS) (1986) - by Synthetic Software (Lee Actor/Gary Levenberg) - Based on Advanced MusicSystem II - Includes an AMS to MMS conversion program - K3 Wave Table Editor (64KiB XL/XE) (Charles Faris for Kawai America) - Other software: - MIDI Maze, by Michael Park for Xanth F/X (prototype for Atari, 1989) MIDIMax, by Wizztronics (Steve Cohen) (1988) - Provides MIDI OUT and MIDI IN ports - Connects to the Atari via SIO; provides SIO port for daisy chain - Compatible with the earlier MIDIMate by Hybrid Arts - Shipped with MIDI Music System (MMS) by Synthetic Software MIDIMate-Interface V2, by Christoph Buessow (HardWareDoc/ABBUC), 2011 - Provides MIDI OUT, MIDI IN, and MIDI THRU ports - Connects to the Atari via SIO - Two versions: 1) Must be at end of SIO chain 2) Provides SIO port for daisy chain - Compatible with the earlier MIDIMate by Hybrid Arts - See: MIDI Muse project, by Ivo van Poorten, 2018. - MIDIMate compatible, except for the SIO port triggers - Project website: SIO2MIDI, by Michael St. Pierre (Mytek, AtariBits), 2019 - 2 Port MIDIMATE Compatible Interface - You must create your own SIO cable. - SIO2MIDI-S2, by Michael St. Pierre (Mytek, AtariBits), 2021 - 2 Port MIDIMATE Compatible Interface - SIO port included (requires standard SIO cable). - Can accept a Serdaco DreamBlaster S2 MIDI Synthesizer (Creative Labs Wave Blaster compatible; based on the SAM2695 chip by Dream) - Will not play sound through the computer, but does have a headphone/speaker jack built-in. - MIDI MASTER AND COMPATIBLE ========================== MIDI Master, by 2 Bit Systems (1986) - Later units produced by Gralin International - Cable connects to the Atari via SIO and provides two 5-pin DIN sockets (female) at the other end, for MIDI OUT and MIDI IN (cable must be at end of SIO chain) - Shipped with several programs on disk - 8 track real time sequencer with tempo correction - Casio CZ series voice editor (edit and store voices on disk/tape) - Yamaha DX 100/21 series voice editor - Music player program (Music Computer or Advanced MusicSystem II) - DX7 voice editor - CZ menu and keyboard split utility - Extensive review: MIDIMaster II, by Gralin International (1992) - Provides MIDI OUT and MIDI IN ports - Connects to the Atari via SIO (must be at end of SIO chain) - Compatible with the earlier MIDI Master by 2 Bit Systems - Shipped with several programs on disk - updated versions of those shipped with the earlier MIDI Master by 2 Bit Systems OTHER MIDI INTERFACES ===================== Atari MIDI Interface, by Karlheinz Metscher (appeared in the German magazine Computer Kontakt June/July 1986, pages 69-75, complete with documentation, schematics and its first program "MIDI Receiver"; in Computer Kontakt October/November 1986 appeared the second program, called "MIDI Disk" - a MIDI Recorder and Player program); MIDI Interface for Atari XE / XL (public domain project) - Project published by Ireneusz Kuczek in Elektronika Praktyczna 6/98, p.86-88, see: - Several versions: - Provides MIDI OUT port - Provides MIDI OUT and MIDI IN ports - Provides two MIDI OUT ports and one MIDI IN port - Connects to the Atari via SIO (must be at end of SIO chain) - Software: - MIDI Sequencer 1.15, by Maciej Sygit (1993) - MPE v2.3 MIDI Pattern Editor, version 2.3, by Radek Sterba (1995) - Recorder MIDI ver 1.1, by Ireneusz Kuczek (1997) - MIDI-Play v1.3, by Ireneusz Kuczek (1998) - Project website: MidiJoy, by Phobotron (Frederik Holst), 2014 - MidiJoy is a software/interface combination that allows you to use your Atari as a musical instrument. The interface part emulates a USB-MIDI (serial MIDI is optional) device that can be accessed by any kind of instrument as well as sequencer software on a PC or Mac that can output MIDI data. The MidiJoy software receives these data from the interface via the controller jacks and plays them on the POKEY sound-chip. In contrast to most SIO-based MIDI interfaces, a MidiJoy-driven Atari can be used as a live instrument in real time with up to four sound channels simultaneously. At the same time, all POKEY parameters (AUDCTL, AUDC1-4) can be changed on-the- fly as well as activation of ADSR envelopes. Music input can be recorded and saved to disk. - Project website: MIDICar, by Błażej Biernat/PTODT (Polish Society for the Preservation of Technical Heritage), 2023 - Plays MIDI files - Turns your 8-bit Atari into a sequencer for MIDI devices - Can accept a Serdaco DreamBlaster S2 MIDI Synthesizer (Creative Labs Wave Blaster compatible; based on the SAM2695 chip by Dream) - Transparent for other cartridges & interfaces - 3D printed case - Two case variants to fit both XL and XE - Parallel device: Connection via CART/ECI (XE) or PBI (XL) - MIDI IN, MIDI OUT, and MIDI THRU sockets - AUDIO LEFT & RIGHT jacks (for DreamBlaster only) - SERIAL TTL connector - LED indicators for MIDI IN & MIDI OUT - Software: MIDICar Player, by Paweł Banaś - ------------------------------ Subject: 5.2.4) What general-purpose USB interfaces are there for the Atari? "Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.0" was published January 15, 1996, with industry participation from Compaq, Digital Equipment Corporation, IBM PC Company, Intel, Microsoft, NEC, and Northern Telecom. The specification describes the bus attributes, the protocol definition, types of transactions, bus management, and the programming interface required to design and build systems and peripherals that are compliant with this standard. The USB 1.0 full speed signaling bit rate is 12 Mbit/s; a limited capability low speed signaling mode is also defined at 1.5 Mbit/s. USB 2.0 (2000) added a 480 Mbit/s mode; USB 3.0 (2008) added a 5 Gbit/s mode. Beginning in 1997 USB ports gradually replaced RS-232 serial and Centronics- type parallel ports on modern personal computers, becoming the primary means for connecting external devices such as a keyboard, mouse, joystick, speaker, microphone, modem, webcam, scanner, printer, or mass storage device. The MicroUSB Project, aims to bring a general-purpose USB interface to the 8-bit Atari. Hardware project - Project Name : USB Cartridge with two USB Slots - Project Start : Summer 2002 - Project Member: Marc Brings, Thomas Grasel, Harry Reminder, Florian Dingler, Guus Assmann, Carsten Strotmann Available: Atarimax/ABBUC USB Cartridge, 2006 - A USB host adapter for the Atari 8-bit computers. - Designed by ABBUC e.V. and manufactured in co-operation with Atarimax. - Chipset supports communication with both 'low speed' and 'high speed' USB 1.1 compatible devices. Software - Base HID Driver - USB Device Driver Development Kit Disk - Atari USB Enduser Driver Disk - Keyboard Driver - Digital Joypad Driver - Logitech Rumblepad 2 USB Driver - Analog Joystick Driver - Thrustmaster Steering Wheel Driver - Logitech GP Steering Wheel Driver - Logitech VP Steering Wheel Driver - Speedlink Competition Pro USB ------------------------------ Subject: 5.3.1) How can Atari computers share an SIO chain of peripherals? ==> Supra MicroNet (developed by MPP, released by Supra) (1985) Share one SIO chain of peripherals (printers, disk drives, modems) among up to 8 computers. When one computer accesses a peripheral device, the entire bus is occupied so that the other computers on the "network" must wait. The bus is freed five seconds after a computer finishes interacting with the peripheral. Shipped with modified Atari DOS 2.5 to support busy disk retry. For sharing a printer, a printer buffer such as the MPP/Supra MicroStuffer for each computer is recommended. Reviewed: ==> CSS Deluxe Quintopus (1989) Can be used to "share" up to 4 SIO device chains between two computers. Unit includes 2 switched SIO ports and 4 unswitched SIO ports. Two computers can be connected to the two switched ports, but in this scenario only one of the switched ports can be switched on at a time. (The standard Quintopus is identical except with only unswitched ports.) ==> Automatisches 2-Rechnerinterface = Automatic 2-Computer Interface (A2RI) (c) 1994 by Thomas Grasel for the ABBUC Regionalgruppe Frankfurt / Main (RAF) Share one SIO chain of peripherals (printers, disk drives, modems) between two computers. When one computer accesses a peripheral device, the entire bus is occupied so that the other computer must wait. The bus is freed about one second after a computer finishes interacting with the peripheral. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.3.2) How can I set up a local area network of Atari computers? ==> CSS Multiplexer ("MUX") (1989?) Description from the CSS online catalog: The Multiplexer is a collection of cartridge interface boards that allow up to 8 Ataris to read and write to the same drives (typically a hard disk), access the same printer(s), and talk to each other. It is the first practical networking system for the Atari 8-bit computer. One "master" computer (any 8-bit) is equipped with the master Multiplexer interface. Then up to 8 "slave" computers hook up to this master, each having their own slave interface. The slave interface consists of a cartridge that plugs into the cartridge port. It has its own socket on the top so you can use whatever cartridges you desire with the system. The "common" peripherals (things that are to be shared) are connected to the master. On each slave, all disk and printer I/O is routed through the master so no extra disk drives are needed. The master computer can be configured in any manner you wish. You may have certain peripherals local to the slave or routed to a different number on the master. Note that serial ports (R: RS-232 interfaces) are not multiplexed. All slaves are independent and do not need to have the same program running on them. ==> GameLink and GameLink-II Two hardware designs by Chuck Steinman of DataQue support the linking of two or more Atari computers. Each supports multiple user head-to-head gaming where each player uses a separate computer (each with separate TV/monitor). (GameLink and GameLink-II descriptions by Andreas Koch) a) GameLink: This hardware was developed in 1989/90. It links two computers together via the controller jacks. It is limited to a maximum of 2 computers and thus 2 or 6 players, meaning one free port per XL/XE computer and 3 free ports per 400/800 computer. However, the few existing games for this hardware merely support 2 players. b) GameLink-II: This hardware was developed in 1991/92. It links 2 to 8 computers together via the SIO ports. One computer will then act as the master and has to boot up the software (from tape, disk, hard disk, etc.) first. Then all other "slave" computers connect to it and boot off of this master computer (one after another of course). In Europe we call this device "Multilink", mostly because of the games written by Bewesoft (Jiri Bernasek) called Multi-Dash, Multi-Race, Multi-Worms. A two computer network can easily be done with one SIO cable, just open the end of the SIO cable and exchange cables number 3 and 5. You now have an easy two computer (2-4 players) network cable. For some available software for hardware such as GameLink and GameLink-II please another section of this FAQ list, "What programs support Atari computer networking?" ==> AT-Link (Alphasys) Arianne Slaager writes: I was actually surprised to read about the GameLink, as I made a similar cable myself, called the AT-Link. This cable could also be used to communicate with Commodore 64 computers, and I made driver software for both systems at the time. There were 2 drivers. One as relocatable machine code, and another as device driver. Also in the package was a 2 player Battleships type game where Side A had the Atari version, and Side B the Commodore 64 version. ...wasn't more than two old joystick cables in a crosslink configuration, (Pin 1 and 2 linked to pin 3 and 4 of the other cable respectively) ==> EightLink (Alphasys) Arianne Slaager writes: I also made a special high speed Atari to Atari cable, called the EightLink. This one was cartridge based system, with a PIA inside, which boasted a 8 bit bidirectional, parallel databus, and a 4 bit crosslinked control bus. Transfer speeds were such that two Ataris on opposite ends of a large hall could transfer disk data faster than it could be read or written. The actual cable connecting the two was a ribbon cable with 33 leads, alternating ground and a dataline across the width to minimize crossover disruption of data. Also for this link system, I made drivers both in relocatable code, as well as a device driver. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.3.3) How do I transfer files between computers by null modem cable? A null modem cable can be used to transfer files between two computers that are physically near enough to each other to be connected by a cable. The cable has an RS-232 serial connector at both ends, for connecting to RS-232 Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) serial ports on both computers. Minimally, the null modem cable contains just three connections: transmit data (TD or XMT), receive data (RD or RCV), and ground (GND), with the transmit and receive data pins crossed between the two ends of the cable. A null modem with these three lines is suitable for connections of up to 4800 bps. For faster connections, requiring hardware flow control, more pins must be connected, and additional lines crossed, between ends of the cable. Null modem DTE-to-DTE wiring diagrams for DB-25 to DB-25 and for DE-9 to DE-9 standard RS-232 serial ports are available at The proprietary pinouts for the RS-232 DTE serial ports of the Atari 850 Interface are provided elsewhere in this FAQ list. The Atari CX88 Terminal Cable (DE-9P to DB-25P) is a null modem cable for use between a serial port of the Atari 850 interface and a DTE device (computer) with a standard RS-232 DB-25S serial port. Note, however, that the standard RS-232 serial port on a PC is not DB-25S, but either DE-9P or DB-25P. So, a standard gender changer, and possibly a standard DE-9 to DB-25 adapter, would be needed between the cable and the PC if using the Atari CX88 Terminal Cable as a null modem cable between the Atari 850 and a PC. Terminal telecommunications software, designed to connect to a remote computer through an RS-232 serial modem connected to a standard phone line, and which supports standard file transfer protocols such as XMODEM, YMODEM, or ZMODEM, is run on both computers. Programs supporting XMODEM, YMODEM, or ZMODEM that are listed in another section of this FAQ list, "What noncommercial telecommunications programs are there?", are suitable for this purpose on the Atari. ------------------------------ Subject: 5.4.1) How can I connect my Atari to an Ethernet network? Wikipedia: Ethernet is a family of wired computer networking technologies commonly used in local area networks (LAN), metropolitan area networks (MAN) and wide area networks (WAN). It was commercially introduced in 1980 and first standardized in 1983 as IEEE 802.3. Over time, Ethernet largely replaced competing wired LAN technologies such as Token Ring, FDDI and ARCNET. This section lists projects to connect the Atari computer directly to a high-speed Ethernet network, with direct Internet connectivity. Dragon Cart (Atari 8-Bit Ethernet Project) by Chris Martin, Mark Dusko =========== This is an open source project, so you would have to build your own interface. Dracarys Ethernet device ======== Upcoming XL PBI or XE ECI parallel device. A cooperation between Glenn Jones, the manufacturer of Apple II Ethernet cards, and Oliver Schmidt, author of Contiki OS and IP65 for computers including the Atari. (Contiki and IP65 support both the Dragon Cart and the Dracarys device.) There will be two variants - one for the XL PBI and one (a bit later) for the XE ECI. Both will have a pass-through design allowing to plug in another PBI/ECI device (or a cartridge on the XE). ------------------------------ Subject: 5.4.2) How can I pair my Atari with another device using Bluetooth? Wikipedia (2021): Bluetooth (BT) is a short-range wireless technology standard that is used for exchanging data between fixed and mobile devices over short distances and building personal area networks (PANs). It was originally conceived as a wireless alternative to RS-232 data cables. It is mainly used as an alternative to wire connections, to exchange files between nearby portable devices and connect cell phones and music players with wireless headphones. Bluetooth is managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). (The IEEE standardized Bluetooth as IEEE 802.15.1, but no longer maintains the standard.) Solutions listed in this section involve establishing a wireless Bluetooth connection between the Atari and another device. If the other device has Internet access, solutions listed here may provide the Atari with direct Internet connectivity. ==> SIO2BT, by Marcin Sochacki (Montezuma), 2014-2016 - Uses SPP (Bluetooth Serial Port Profile) - Supported by Windows, Linux, Android; not supported by iOS - Hardware project options: - External (Bluetooth dongle) - Not for use with other, real SIO devices - SIO2SD+BT combo device - Internal - Modifications to the Atari OS are required for Bluetooth timing support - Provided PC tool SIO2BT_OS_Patcher.jar can be used to patch: - Atari OS ROM files (for Atari 800 and Atari XL/XE) - Can force a COLDSTART with the [SHIFT+RESET] key combination. - Highspeed SIO patch for XL OS and MyIDE OS by HiassofT - The QMEG+OS 4.04 ROM file - Can toggle with the TAB key between WARM and COLD reset settings. - The Atari XL OS (not the 400/800 OS) can also be patched at runtime. - Disk images provided for loading a game as D2: after OS patch: 600XL.atr, 1200XL(a).atr, 1200XL(b).atr, XL_XE_XEGS.atr. - Disk images provided for loading ATR games as D1: after OS patch: 600XL_SWAP.atr, 1200XL(a)_SWAP.atr, 1200XL(b)_SWAP.atr, XL_XE_XEGS_SWAP.atr - XBIOS loader for Bluetooth, two versions provided: - XBIOS4BT_700.atr loads at $700 - XBIOS4BT_400.atr loads at $400 - xBIOS original version by xxl: - Provides the Atari with an N: Networking device for Internet connectivity - Provides the Atari with an E: Smart device. Supported commands include: - Get Time (APETIME compatible) - URL Submission - Ultimate 1MB and Incognito firmware support for SIO2BT - The 'SIO Driver' activates a serial I/O handler in the PBI BIOS which can be used with the SIO2BT device at any of three different baud rates: 19.2 kbit/s, 38.4 kbit/s, or 57.6 kbit/s. - MyIDE II support for SIO2BT - SIO code supports Bluetooth communication with the following baud rates: 57600 bit/s, 38400 bit/s, 19200 bit/s - Bluetooth Module software utilities provided for the Atari for configuration of baud rate, Bluetooth friendly name and the PIN code: - BTCONFIG.XEX - by Mr.Atari - - SpartaDOS X command line utility by Jonathan Halliday - Compatible with SIO device emulators including SIO2BSD, RespeQt, SIO2BT Android App, AspeQt Android App - SpartaDOS X support for SIO2BT - SDX native SIO can support SIO2BT using the SIOSET command: - Increased timeout setting - Specific disk baud rate is configurable - SDX can also use Atari OS native SIO code patched for SIO2BT - LiteDOS-SE support for SIO2BT - 19.2 kbit/s Bluetooth support ==> FujiNet, by Thomas Cherryhomes and others, 2019- - Espressif Systems ESP32-WROVER module for Bluetooth connectivity - Connectivity: Built-in SIO connector - SIO port for daisy chain - Provides the Atari with an SIO2BT compatible Bluetooth connection - NOTE: As of FujiNet Version 0.5.cec57d6a firmware, Bluetooth / SIO2BT mode has been removed until the developers can implement a smaller BT stack. - FujiNet remains listed here in recognition of previous and planned future versions with Bluetooth / SIO2BT support. - Provides the Atari with an N: Networking device for Internet connectivity (SIO2BT compatible) - APETIME Real Time Clock (NTP) ------------------------------ Subject: 5.4.3) How can I connect my Atari to a Wi-Fi network? Wikipedia (2021): Wi-Fi is a family of wireless network protocols, based on the IEEE 802.11 family of standards, which are commonly used for local area networking of devices and Internet access, allowing nearby digital devices to exchange data by radio waves. ==> FujiNet, by Thomas Cherryhomes and others, 2019- - Espressif Systems ESP32-WROVER module for Wi-Fi connectivity - Connectivity: Built-in SIO connector - SIO port for daisy chain - Provides the Atari with an N: Networking device for Internet connectivity (SIO2BT compatible) - APETIME Real Time Clock (NTP) Available: ------------------------------ Subject: 6.1.1) What is the Atari XEP80 Interface Module? The Atari XEP80 interface connects to controller jack 1 or 2 on the Atari computer and provides the system with: - An 80-column Video Display Controller with phono output jack, carrying a monochrome composite video signal which can be either 60Hz (NTSC compatible) or 50Hz (PAL/SECAM compatible), selectable in software. - A Parallel Printer Port (Centronics output interface) Note that the XEP80 does not include provision for audio. VIDEO DISPLAY CONTROLLER The XEP80 video hardware generates an 80 column by 25 line text display through a video connector/cable plugged into a separately purchased monitor. The monitor can be any Composite Video input type, although for the best display a monochrome is strongly advised. Internally, the XEP80 is a 256 character wide by 25 line high storage device with an 80 column wide display window. Characters may be placed anywhere within the device independent of the window location. The window may be scrolled across the 256 column wide field. Optionally, the XEP80 may be placed into Pixel Graphics mode. This mode supports a bit mapped (pixel) screen of 320 dots (40 bytes) horizontal by 200 dots (lines) vertical. The output window displayed is approximately half the size of the text window. The XEP80's composite video signal contains more horizontal scan lines per field than are used in NTSC or PAL/SECAM color broadcast, composite video, or Y/C video (S-video) signals. The XEP80 outputs 250 scan lines of video per field for the 60Hz signal compared to the NTSC standard of 243, or 300 scan lines of video for the 50Hz signal compared to the PAL standard of 288. Thus the XEP80's output was ideal for high-resolution CRT-based monochrome composite video monitors of the time, but settings on color televisions and monitors must typically be adjusted, if possible, in order for the entire video output signal to be viewable on the screen. PARALLEL PORT The XEP80 supports a functional subset of the Centronics or PC parallel printer interface (standards introduced elsewhere in this FAQ list), using the IBM PC standard (1981) connector. Note that the Atari Operating System resident P: device handler does not support a printer attached via joystick port, so a substitute P: handler must be installed in RAM in order for Atari software to recognize the XEP80 parallel port for printing. 13 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o DB-25 Socket - female o o o o o o o o o o o o 25 14 1. /Strobe 11. Busy 2-9. Parallel Data 12-17. Not Used 10. Not Used 18-25. Ground SOFTWARE The XEP80 Handler and Relocator is provided on diskette in the form of a DOS binary file named AUTORUN.SYS. This file is automatically loaded into memory and initialized by the DOS at boot (power on) time. Contents of the XEP80 Boot Disk: (DX5087) DOS.SYS DOS 2.5 File Management Subsystem (FMS) DUP.SYS DOS 2.5 Disk Utility Package (DUP) AUTORUN.SYS XEP80 Handler and Relocator. Substitute versions for three OS-resident device handlers: - S: Display Handler - E: Screen Editor Designed to be compatible with the standard E: device but for the XEP80 80-column screen display. - P: Printer. Default configuration supports 8 different printer devices: P1: XEP80 parallel port P2: 850 Interface Module parallel port (e.g., Atari 825) P3: 1025 Printer P4: 1020 Color Plotter P5: 1027 Printer P6: 1029 Printer P7: XMM801 Printer P8: XDM121 Printer The handler interprets P: (no device number) to mean, P1: RELOC.SRC Relocater in assembly source XEP80HAN.SRC Handler in assembly source DEMO80.BAS Demonstrates overall XEP80 features MAKER.BAS Program to generate an AUTORUN.SYS from a custom-made Handler ATRIBUTE.BAS Demonstrates special text features WINDOW.BAS Demonstrates the 256-character wide window EIGHTY.BAS Displays a spreadsheet-like grid using the full XEP80 display GRAPHICS.BAS Demonstrates graphics capability by drawing a sphere on screen PRINTER.BAS Program to revise the default printer port configuration XEP80.DOC Product Specification For XEP80 hardware and software Hold down [SHIFT] while loading the XEP80 Handler and Relocator (AUTORUN.SYS) to load the P: handler but not the S: and E: handlers (use the XEP80 for its parallel printer port only). The key engineer/designer of the XEP80 was Jose Valdes at Atari. Lane Winner was software developer for the XEP80 at Atari. The XEP80 was made in Taiwan. Power: Requires 9V DC as supplied by the Atari C010472, C016353, or C018084 power adapters or equivalent. Current draw: 400mA Manual: - Atari XEP80 Interface Module Owner's Manual C100542-001 C026416-0B1 (1987) ------------------------------ Subject: 6.1.2) What other graphics enhancements are there for the Atari? Full-View 80, by Bit 3 Computer Corporation (1982) - Plugs into RAM slot 3 (rear slot) of the Atari 800 - Composite video output Recommended: Display monitor having a minimum bandwidth of 10MHz - 80 x 24 character display (no graphics modes) - Characters are in a 8 x 10 matrix with full lowercase descenders - Total screen resolution: 640 x 240 pixels - At launch, supporting software included: - Atari BASIC, BASIC A+, OS/A+, EASMD, Microsoft BASIC (mostly), Atari Pascal, Atari Assembler Editor, Atari Macro Assembler (mostly); 80 column versions of: LJK Letter Perfect, Data Perfect, Edit 6502 Compu-Mate CM-1000/V (1982) - Shipped? - Includes 80 column video display generator - Connects to computer video monitor port - Also promoted: CM-10/V kit to upgrade the CM-1000 to a CM-1000/V Austin 80, by Austin Franklin Associates (1983) - Video Processor Board plugs into RAM slot 3 (rear slot) of the Atari 800; Console Software cartridge plugs into right cartridge slot of the Atari 800 - Composite video output; Recommended: Display monitor having a minimum bandwidth of 10MHz - 4 RGBI color output bits - Optional: RGBI Adapter Board for use with (color) RGB monitor - 80 x 25 character screen (no graphics modes) - 7 x 9 character size in a 8 x 10 block, with full descenders - Sold separately by Austin Franklin in support of the Austin 80: - SWP 64K ATR8000 with CP/M 2.2; MPP Smart Terminal; 80 column versions of: LJK Letter Perfect, Data Perfect; Austin 80 Console Software XEP80 Interface Module, by Atari (1986) - Plugs into controller jack 1 or 2 - Composite video output (high resolution monochrome recommended) - Software driver on diskette - 80 x 25 character screen (internal 256 x 25 character storage area) - 7 x 10 character cells - 320 x 200 Pixel Graphics mode - See XEP80 section of this FAQ list for additional details VBXE - VideoBoard XE - First release: Version 1.2 by Tomasz Piorek (Electron/TQA) (2008) - Versions 2.0 (2009) and 2.1 (2013) by Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle'O'Sin) - For Atari XL/XE - Board mounts in the Atari in place of the ANTIC chip, which is moved to the VBXE board. Additional connections must be made between the VBXE board and the Atari motherboard as well. - Functions like GTIA, though GTIA remains functional as well - Provides RGB output (DE-9 or SCART connector options) - Up to 1024 colors on screen from 21 bit palette - Graphics resolution up to: - 640x480i (640x240p) in 64 colors - 320x240p in 1024 colors - 160x240p in 1024 - True 80 character mode for text display - Blitter with 7 modes of operations capable of zooming displayed data, transparency, collision detection and many other features - Fully downward compatible with GTIA chip - VBXE 2.1 for XE available: - VBXE 2.1 for XL available: - VBXE software production list: XEP80-II, by Michael St. Pierre (MyTek), 2021 - Modern reinvention of the XEP80 video display controller - XEP80-II Main Board - Based on the National NS405 Terminal Management Processor (TMP) IC - 80 character wide by 24-line text display (640 x 240 resolution) - Compatible with software designed for the Atari XEP80 video output - Works with any software that uses the E: device for screen output, assuming the 80 column driver is present - 15Khz CVBS output with HDMI option via Daughter Board - NTSC (can do PAL same as original Atari XEP80 with a supporting driver) - Serial communication is via 2-wire transmit and receive pins, utilizing bit-banged joystick I/O pins as the interface to the Atari (same as the original XEP80) - AV-to-HDMI Daughter Board: WiiStar WS-Z51 - Interfaces Atari standard video, Atari audio, and XEP80-II video to HDMI - Original Atari XEP80's 320x200 graphics capability is not supported. - Hardware designs and software: - Assembled and kit available: Atari 400 CPU and S-Video Card, by 5cFabrication, 2022 - Upgrades the Atari 400 to provide an S-Video output - Utilizes a THS7314 filter/amplifier to create separate Luma and Chroma signals - Replaces the CPU/Video card - Supports both the 6502B and 6502C Sally processors - Includes a DIN-5, Atari XL/XE compatible, cable to connect to a television - Includes a built-in audio amplifier for both POKEY and SIO audio - RF output is disabled once this card is installed - Video is NTSC - Available: Atari 600XL S-Video Card Parts Kit, by 5cFabrication, 2022 - Requires soldering and cutting a hole in the case where the RF switch is located. - Contains all components and instructions to install S-Video in the Atari 600XL using 2 jumper wires and OEM pads and lands already available on the system board. - Available: ------------------------------ Subject: 6.2) What are the power requirements for my Atari components? Some of the pictures were scraped from various Internet web sites by MC; Some of the pics are originals by: MC (generally, common 120V supplies), Laurent Delsarte (many of the 220V supplies, the 16804, the 9W CX261, the C017945/566T, the C060529), wood_jl ("Black Brick"), Dan of ( (830 supply), dean_rambler (C062195), E. Turner (C060479), Fred Meijer (C061763-107), Klas Olsson (FW6799), John S (C070046-01) The household "mains" electricity supply is an alternating current (AC) that can be described with two parameters: the voltage (in volts) and the frequency (in Hz). In North America, the standard household wall outlet offers 120V/60Hz AC power. The rest of the world uses various AC standards including 230V/50Hz (UK/Europe), 220V/50Hz, 240V/50Hz, 110V/60Hz, 110V/50Hz, 127V/60Hz (parts of Brazil), 100V/50Hz (parts of Japan), and 100V/60Hz (other parts of Japan). Here is the Wikipedia article listing current household power outlet standards in use around the world: In the time of 8-bit Atari computers and peripherals, North America used 120V/60Hz, most of continental Europe used 220V/50Hz, and the UK used 240V/50Hz. In any case, the household alternating current must be converted to a direct current (DC) for use by electrical devices such as Atari computers and peripherals: o In some cases, the entire conversion is done via an external "power supply" that sits between the wall outlet and the electrical device. Such power supplies both transform the household power to a lower voltage, and they also rectify the current from AC to DC. o In some cases, the external "power supply" is simply a transformer that lowers the household voltage. The lowered AC voltage is rectified to DC inside the device. o In some cases, both the transformer and the rectifier are located inside the computer or peripheral itself. The device plugs directly into the wall outlet, with no external "power supply" needed. The INPUT of an external power supply will indicate: 1) Input voltage in units of volts (120V for N.Am., 240V UK, 220V Euro) 2) Input frequency in units of hertz (60Hz for N.Am., 50Hz UK/Euro) 3) Peak power rating. The power rating is the highest amount of power the unit can supply, according to the manufacturer, but this is only for a very brief time. This peak power rating may be indicated in units of volt-amperes (VA) or in units of watts (W). The OUTPUT of an external power supply will indicate: 1) Output voltage, in units of volts (V) 2) Whether the output voltage is AC or DC 3) Either: - Sustained output current, in units of amperes (A) or milliamperes (mA) - Sustained output power, in units of volt-amperes (VA) or watts (W) Higher-than-specified sustained power and current capacities are entirely usable, and often preferable because such supplies run cooler and last longer. The power units W (watts) and VA (volt-amperes) are not identical: Direct Current (DC): Power (in watts) = current (in amperes) * voltage (in volts) Alternating Current (AC): Apparent Power (in volt-amperes) = current (in amperes) * voltage (in volts) Effective/True Power (in watts) = current (in amperes) * voltage (in volts) * cosine(phase, or angle of lag) cosine(phase) is known as the "power factor" The following are details of original equipment external power supplies for use with 8-bit Atari computers and peripherals in Atari's major markets of USA/Canada, UK, and Western Europe. The XEP80 and SX212 power requirements are the same as for the Atari 2600, so 2600 original equipment power supplies for the same markets are also documented here. Apparently inconsistent typography for the rest of this section matches what is printed on the units themselves. U S A / C A N A D A ( Input: 120V AC / 60Hz ) ================================================ AC supplies (external transformers) Atari#: C014319 (unit) / CA014748 (order#) "Power Supply" Note: This rare unit is much smaller that the common C014319 version! 990N, Made in Sunnyvale, CA Input: 120 VAC 60 Hz Output: 9 VAC 1.7 Amps Shipped with (1979-1980): 400,800,810(no Data Separator),822,850 Also works with: 1010,1020 (box version 1) (box version 2) Atari#: C014319 (unit) / CA014748 (order#) "Power Supply" UL Listed: 205E, Made in Sunnyvale CA Input: 120 VAC 60 Hz 20W (early units) (example: 4080) Input: 120 VAC 60 Hz 18.5W (most units) (examples: 4881, 182, 582) Output: 9 VAC 15.3 VA Shipped with (1980-1981 20W units): 400,800,810(no Data Separator),822,850 Shipped with (1981-1982 18.5W units): 400,800,822,850 Also works with: 1010,1020 (20W) (18.5W) (box version 1) (box version 2) Atari#: C016804 (unit) / CA017964 (order#) "Class 2 Transformer" UL Listed: 622T, Made in Taiwan. (examples: 6/81-11/81) Input: 120V 60Hz Output: 9V AC 31 VA Shipped with (1981-1982): 810(with Data Separator) Use with: 400,800,810,822,850,1200XL,1010,1020,1050,XF551,PCF554 Atari#: C017945 (unit) / CA017964 (order#) / CA014748 (order#) "AC Adaptor" "For Use With Atari 400/800 Personal Computer System" (top) Note: This unit is the size/shape of the C014319 unit it replaced UL Listed: 205E, Made in Sunnyvale, CA. (example: 782) Input: 120 VAC 60 Hz 40 Watts Output: 9 VAC 3.4 AMP Shipped with (mid-1982): 400,800,810,822,850 Use with: 400,800,810,822,850,1200XL,1010,1020,1050,XF551,PCF554 Atari#: C017945 (unit) / CA017964 (order#) / CA014748 (order#) "Power Supply" "For Use With Atari 400/800 Personal Computer System" (top, 566T units) UL Listed: 566T (uncommon/rare), Made in Japan (earlier units) or Taiwan or 771K (very common), Made in Taiwan (example dates: 8239 - 388) Input: 120V 60Hz 50W Output: 9V AC 31 VA 771K units shipped with: 810(Analog),1200XL,1050,XF551,PCF554 - Also shipped with Trak disk drives. Top: "Trak Microcomputer Corp." 566T units shipped with: 1020 Use with: 400,800,810,822,850,1200XL,1010,1020,1050,XF551,PCF554 (box) Novation 901017 (unit) / Atari#: CA016751-01 Top: "Use with 830 Modem Only" Bottom: "Novation AC Adaptor" UL Listed: 883K, Made in Taiwan Type: DV 2040 Input: 117V AC 60Hz 15W Output: 20V AC 400 mA Shipped with: 830 Atari#: C060479 (unit) / Atari#: CA060535 (box) Box: "Power Adaptor" Top: "Use with 835 Modem Only" Bottom: "Power Supply For Use With Modem" UL Listed: 51B9, Made in U.S.A. Input: 120 VAC 60 Hz 9 watts (unit) / 120 V.A.C. 60 Hz (box) Output: 20 VAC 330 mA (unit) / 20 V.A.C. 164 M.A. (box) Shipped with: CX488 Communicator II kit Atari#: C061515 "For Use With Atari 1010 Program Recorder" (top) "Plug-In Power Supply" (bottom) UL Listed: 18J5, Made in Japan Input: 120V 60Hz 8 W Output: 9V AC 5 VA Shipped with: 1010 Atari#: C061516 "Plug in Power Supply" (bottom) "For Use With Atari Inc. Model 1010 Program Recorder" (bottom) UL Listed: 187Z (08-83) or 34J2 (11-83), Made in Hong Kong Input: 120 VAC 60 Hz 7.5 VA Output: 9 VAC 500 MA Shipped with: 1010 Atari#: C061636 (unit) "Power Supply" (unit) / "Power Adaptor" (box) UL Listed: 566T, Made in Japan Input: 120V 60Hz 60W Output: 9.5V AC 40VA Shipped with: 1027 Atari#: C061636 (unit/box) "Power Supply" (unit) / "Power Adaptor" (box) UL Listed: 771K, Made in Taiwan Input: 120V 60Hz 53W (unit/box) Output: 9.5V AC 4.2A (unit/box) Use with: 1027 Atari#: C062195 "Power Adaptor" "For Use With 1030 Modem Only" UL Listed: 967Z, Made in Taiwan Type: DV-9750 Input: 120VAC 60Hz 12VA Output: 9VAC 5.4VA Shipped with: 1030 DC power supplies (external adapters) Atari#: C061982 (nicknames: Type I, White Brick, Beauty Queen) XL colors (light top, dark bottom), "ATARI Power Supply" on top "Power Supply" UL Listed: 34J2, Made in Hong Kong Input: 120V AC 60Hz 30W Output: 5V DC 1.5AMP Shipped with: 600XL,800XL (1983 units) Use with/Recommended for: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs Atari#: C061982 (nicknames: Type II, Ingot, Ugly Klunker) "Power Supply" UL Listed: 94H6, Made in Taiwan Type: DV-512CM Input: 120V AC 60Hz 40W Output: +5V DC 1.5A Shipped with: 600XL,800XL (1983-1984 units by Atari, Inc.) Works with/NOT recommended for: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs This unit is known for its ability to fail in such a way that it can damage your computer. Atari#: C061982 (nicknames: Type III, Black Brick, Black Beauty) all black; top up-left: "For Use On Atari 600XL Atari 800XL" or Atari logo "Power Supply" UL Listed: 94H6, Made in Taiwan Type: DV-512CM Input: 120V AC 60Hz 40W Output: +5V DC 1.5A Shipped with: 600XL,800XL (later 1984 units by Atari, Corp.) Use with/Recommended for: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs Atari#: C061982 (nicknames: Type IV, Box, Peanut) "Power Supply" UL Listed: 771K, Made in Taiwan Type: SA R05-18 Input: 120V~60Hz 25W Output: 5V-1.5A 7.5VA Shipped with: 800XL(1985 units),130XE Use with: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs Atari#: C070042-011 (nickname: "Mini") "Power Supply" UL Listed: 94H6, Made in Taiwan (example dates: 0285, 3587) Type: DV-51AAT Input: 120V AC 60Hz 17W Output: +5V DC 1A Shipped with: 65XE(earlier),XEgs(earlier/most) Use with: 65XE,130XE,XEgs Considered not as rugged as the C070042-01 "Logo" unit. Atari#: C070042-01 (nickname: "Logo") Atari logo molded into case, at lower-left of top "Power Supply" ; "For Use With Atari Computer" UL Listed: 13JS, Made in Singapore (example date: 4-87) Input: 117V 60HZ 22VA Output: 5VDC 1A Shipped with: 65XE(later/most),XEgs(later) Use with: 65XE,130XE,XEgs Atari#: C010472 (unit/box, 1977-1978) Gray with black lettering; square shape "Atari, Inc. Los Gatos, CA" "Power Supply" UL Listed: 205E, Made in U.S.A. (examples: 377, 387, 497) Input: 120V 60Hz 9W Output: 9VDC 500MA (center positive) Use with: Atari XEP80,SX212. Also Atari 2600,C-380,SC-450 and Sears 99743/99744/75001/75005/75006/75003,99713,99729 Atari#: C010472 (unit/box, 1977-1978) Black with white lettering; slightly curved shape "Sunnyvale CA. U.S.A." "Power Supply" UL Listed: 118D, Made in Mexico (example: 11 77) Input: 120 VAC 60 HZ 10 WATTS Output: 9 VDC @ 500 MA. (center positive) Use with: Atari XEP80,SX212. Also Atari 2600,C-380,SC-450 and Sears 99743/99744/75001/75005/75006/75003,99713,99729 Atari#: C010472 (unit/box) / CA014034 (box) "Sunnyvale, CA. U.S.A." "Power Supply" square shape Two versions: Beige with black lettering (examples: 0777, 1177) Black with metallic lettering (example: 479) UL Listed: ???? 998N ????. Black version: Assembled in Mexico Type: B-355 Input: 120 VAC 60 HZ 8 W Output: 9.0 VDC 500 MA (center positive) Use with: Atari XEP80,SX212. Also Atari 2600,C-380,SC-450 and Sears 99743/99744/75001/75005/75006/75003,99713,99729 Atari#: C010472 (unit) / CA014034 (box) Model DC-950 or Model DC-950B "AC Adaptor" Type: 666J, Made in Japan Input, DC-950: AC 120V 60Hz 8W Input, DC-950B: AC 120V 60Hz 12W Output: DC 9V 500mA (center positive) Use with: Atari XEP80,SX212. Also Atari 2600,C-380,SC-450 and Sears 99743/99744/75001/75005/75006/75003,99713,99729 Atari#: C010472 (earliest units) / C016353 (most units) / CX261 (box) UL Listed, earlier units: 883K (examples: 1081, 0282, 0882) UL Listed, many units: 967Z (example: 0183) UL Listed, later units: 81J1, Made in Taiwan (example: 0586) C010472 883K: "AC Adaptor" C016353 967Z/81J1: "Power Supply For Use With Video Game" C016353 81J1: "Used Only With Models CX-2000/2600" Type: DV-9500 Input: 120V AC 60Hz 11W Output: 9V DC 500mA (center positive) Use with: Atari XEP80,SX212. Also Atari 2600,C-380,SC-450 and Sears 99743/99744/75001/75005/75006/75003,99713,99729 Atari#: C010472 (earliest) / C016353 / C016353-101 (later) / CX261 (box) UL Listed, earlier units: 771K, Made in Taiwan (examples: 1080, 981, 1082) UL Listed, later units: 20J8, Made in Taiwan (examples: 483, 887) C016353/20J8 units: "Plug-In Power Supply For Use With Video Game" "Used Only With Models CX-2000/2600" C016353-101/20J8 units: "Plug-In Power Supply For Use With Models 2600, XEP80 or SX212" Type, C010472/771K: SA9500 Type, C016353/771K and 20J8: SA9500-1 or SA 9500-1 Input: 120V 60Hz 9W Output: 9V DC 500mA (center positive) Use with: Atari XEP80,SX212. Also Atari 2600,C-380,SC-450 and Sears 99743/99744/75001/75005/75006/75003,99713,99729 Atari#: C016353 (unit) / CX261 (box) "AC/DC Adaptor" UL Listed: 903K Input: 120V 60Hz 10W Output: 9VDC 500mA (center positive) Use with: Atari XEP80,SX212. Also Atari 2600,C-380,SC-450 and Sears 99743/99744/75001/75005/75006/75003,99713,99729 Atari#: C016353 (earlier units) or C016353-101 (later units) / CX261 (box) UL Listed, earlier units: 689T, Made in Taiwan (examples, 0182, 0282) UL Listed, later units: 17J2, Made in Taiwan (examples: 0184, 0787) C016353/17J2 units: "Plug-In Power Supply For Use With Video Game" "Used Only with Models CX-2000/2600" C016353-101/17J2 units: "Plug-In Power Supply For Use With Models 2600, XEP80 or SX212" Type: SPA-4190-1 Input, C016353/689T units: 110-130V AC 60Hz 12W Input, C016353-101/17J2 units: 120V 60Hz 12W Output: 9V DC 500mA (center positive) Use with: Atari XEP80,SX212. Also Atari 2600,C-380,SC-450 and Sears 99743/99744/75001/75005/75006/75003,99713,99729 Atari#: C016353-101 (unit) / CX261 (box) "For Use With Models 2600 XEP80" Type: LIIIIA9, Made in China Input: 120V AC 60Hz 9W Output: DC 9V 500mA (center positive) Use with: Atari XEP80,SX212. Also Atari 2600,C-380,SC-450 and Sears 99743/99744/75001/75005/75006/75003,99713,99729 U N I T E D K I N G D O M ( Input: 240V AC / 50Hz ) ======================================================== AC/DC external power supply (external multi-device transformer/adapter) Ingersoll Type 633498 / CA014748 (order#) "Power Supply" Made in England Input: 240v ~ 50Hz Output 1: 9v - 15.3VA A.C. Output 2: 6v - 1.8VA D.C. Shipped with: 400(early units),800(early units) Use with (Output 1): 400,800,822,850,1010,1020 Use with (Output 2): 410P Tadmod TM 4498 / CA014748 (order#) "Power Supply" Made in England Input: 240v ~ 50Hz Output 1: 9v - 15.3VA AC Output 2: 6v - 2.4VA DC Shipped with: 400,800 Use with (Output 1): 400,800,822,850,1010,1020 Use with (Output 2): 410P AC supplies (external transformers) Ingersoll XK 3498 / Tadmod TM 5498 / CA017964 (order#) "Power Supply" Made in England Input: 240V ~ 50Hz Output: 9.5V ~ 1.5 AMP Shipped with: 810(earlier units) Atari#: C060592-34 (unit) / CA014748 (order#) / CA017964 (order#) Type: TM 7498, Made in United Kingdom Input: 240V ~ 50Hz 0.037Kw (unit) / 216~264V 50Hz (box) Output: 9V - 50Hz 27VA (unit) / 9V.A.C. 3.4A (box) Use with: 400,800,810,822,850,1010,1020,1050,XF551,PCF554 (box) Atari#: C061516-34 "A.C. Mains Adaptor" "For Use Only With Atari 1010 Program Recorder" Made in the U.K. Input: 240v~ 50Hz 5VA Output: 8.5v~ 4.25VA Shipped with: 1010 DC power supplies (external adapters) Tadmod Mains Adaptor Model 6498 "For Use Only With Model 410 Tape Recorder" Made in England Input: 240v ~ 50Hz Output: 6v - 1.8VA Shipped with: 410P(later units) Atari#: C061763-34 Type: T40/E, Made in U.K. Input: 240V~50Hz 24W Output: 5V-7.5VA Shipped with: 600XL,800XL Use with: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs Atari#: C061763-34 Type: DV-515UK, Made in Taiwan (example: 3987) Input: 240V~50Hz 0.11A Output: +5V - 1.5A Use with: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs Atari#: C061763-24 "Power Supply" Type: DV-515SAA, Made in Taiwan (example: 0288) Input: 240V ~ 50Hz Output: 5V - 1.5A, 7.5VA Use with: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs Atari#: C070046-01 "For use with Atari computer only" Type: PS35, Complies with BS 5850 (example: 4-87) Made in Singapore by Magpower Manufacturers PTE LTD Input: 240V~/50Hz/22VA Output: 5V - 1.0A Use with: 65XE,130XE,XEgs Cherry Leisure Atari Power Unit Made in U.K. to BS4435 Class IIB Input: 240V ~ 50 Hz AC only Output: 9V DC 500mA 4.5VA (center positive) Shipped with: 2600 Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600 Ingersoll XK2598/B / Tadmod Mains Adaptor Produced to BS415, Made in England Input: 240V ~ 50Hz Output: 9V - 3.6VA (center positive) Shipped with: 2600 Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600 Atari#: C018084-309 (molded plastic logo) "A.C. Mains Adaptor" Produced to BS415, Made in United Kingdom Input: 240V ~ 50Hz Output: 9V - 4.5 VA (center positive) Shipped with: 2600 Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600 Atari#: C018084-309 (printed: Type CAO 18084-309) "Adaptor" "Use only with Models CX 2000/2600" REF. 28399, Produced to BS415, Made in England Input: 240V. 50Hz. 8.2W ~A.C. only Output: 9V. - 500mA. (center positive) Shipped with: 2600 Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600 Atari#: C018084-309 (black label) "AC/DC Adaptor", BS415 (example: Jul-Sept 86) "Use only with models PAL I-2600" Input: 240V ~ 50Hz 9W Output: DC 9V 500mA (center positive) Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600 Atari#: C018084-309 (silver label) "AC/DC Adaptor", BS415 (example: Apr-Jun 92) "For use with models CX2600 XEP80 or SX212" Input: 240V ~ 50Hz 9W Output: DC 9V 500mA (center positive) Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600 E U R O P E ( Input: 220V AC / 50Hz ) ======================================= AC/DC external power supply (external multi-device transformer/adapter) Etelac Type T 800 "Alimentation Secteur", made in France Input: 220 V alternatif 50 Hz Output: 2 x 9 V alternatif 1,7 A 1 x 6 V continu 350 mA Shipped with: 400,800 (France) Use with (AC outputs): 400,800,822,850,1010,1020 Use with (DC output): 410P AC supplies (external transformers) Atari#: CA014748 (order#) "AC/AC Adapter" Type: FW6799 Input: 220V~/50Hz/24VA Output: 9,3V~/1,66A Sticker for Sweden: Type: Block Typ NG/X Input: 20 VA / 220 V ~ / 50-60 Hz Output: 9 V ~ 1.66 A Shipped with: 400,800,822,850 Also works with: 1010,1020 Atari#: C060592-11 (unit) / CA017964 (order#) / Atari#: CA014748 (order#) "AC Power Supply" Type: PL028, Made in U.K. Input: 220v~37W 50Hz Output: 9v~27VA Use with: 400,800,810,822,850,1010,1020,1050,XF551,PCF554 Atari#: C060592 (unit) / CA017964 (order#) / Atari#: CA014748 (order#) "AC/AC Adapter" Type: FW6699 (samples: 0584, 2384, 4184) Input, some units: 220V~/50Hz/42VA Input, some units: 220V~/50Hz/50VA also marked: "For Atari 1020/1050" Output: 9V~/3A Some units have misprinted part number: C060529 Use with: 400,800,810,822,850,1010,1020,1050,XF551,PCF554 Atari#: C060592-11 (unit) / CA017964 (order#) / Atari#: CA014748 (order#) "Power Supply" Made in Taiwan (sample: 1987-12) Input: 220V~ 50Hz 50W Output: 9V~ 30.6VA Use with: 400,800,810,822,850,1010,1020,1050,XF551,PCF554 Atari#: C060592-11 (unit) / CA017964 (order#) / Atari#: CA014748 (order#) "Power Supply" Type: DV-9034A UP, Made in Taiwan (sample: 04-1988) Input: 220V~ 50Hz 35W Output: 9V~ 3A 27VA Use with: 400,800,810,822,850,1010,1020,1050,XF551,PCF554 Atari#: C061516 / C061516-11 "AC/AC Adapter" Type: FW6399 Input: 220V~/50Hz/7VA Output: 9V~/0.5A Shipped with: 1010 Atari#: C061605-11 "AC/AC Adapter" Type: FW6699 Input: 220V~50Hz/50VA Output: 9V~/4,2A Use with: 1027 Atari#: 14750 "AC/AC Adapter" Type: 102501 Input: 220V~/50Hz/38VA Output: I 29V~/600mA II 8,6V~/1A Use with: 1025(European version) DC power supplies (external adapters) Atari#: n/a "AC/DC Adapter" Type: FW3199 Input: 220V~/50Hz/5,5VA Output: 6V-/300mA Shipped with: 410P Atari#: C061763-107 "AC/DC Adapter" Type: FW1999, Made by Friwo Equipment Manufacturing GmbH (FWGB) Input: 220V~/50Hz/33VA Output: 5V- / 1,8A Shipped with: 600XL,800XL (early units) Use with: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs,800XE Atari#: C061763-11 "AC/DC Adapter" (samples: 10-1984) Type: FW1599, Made by Friwo Equipment Manufacturing GmbH (FWGB) Input: 220V~/50Hz/26VA Output: 5V-/1.5A Use with: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs,800XE Atari#: C061763-11 Type: DV-515UP, Made in Taiwan (samples: 0585, 2786, 2287) Input: 220V~50Hz Output: 5V=/1.5A 7.5VA Use with: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs,800XE Atari#: C061763-11/T "Stromversorgungsgeraet" (sample: 3-89) Type: PS40, Made in Singapore by Magpower Manufacturers Pte Ltd Input: 220V~, 50Hz 32VA Output: 5V - 2A Use with: 600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEgs,800XE Atari#: C070045-01/T "Stromversorgungsgeraet" (sample: 4-88) Type: PS35, Made in Singapore by Magpower Manufacturers Pte Ltd Input: 220V~, 50Hz, 18VA Output: 5V-, 1A Use with: 65XE,130XE,XEgs,800XE Atari#: C070045-01 "Power Supply" Type: DV-51AUP, Made in China (sample: 0891) Input: 220V~50Hz 19VA Output: 5V - 1A 5VA Shipped with: 800XE Use with: 65XE,130XE,XEgs,800XE Atari#: n/a "AC/DC Adapter" Top: "Atari" in white Type: FW3399 Input: 220V~/50Hz/7,9VA Output: 9V-/400mA (center positive) Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600(but not 2600S, see below) Atari#: C018084-107 "AC/DC Adapter" Top: "Atari" logo molded in black Top: "Use only with model CX 2000 / 2600" painted in white Type: FW3299 or FW4299 Input: 220V~/50Hz/9VA Output: 9V-/500mA (center positive) Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600(but not 2600S, see below) Atari#: C018084-107 (examples: May-Jul 86, Jan-Mar 87) or C018084-117/A (examples: Jun-Aug 87, Jun-Aug 89) Rounded/slightly oblong shape, label black (most) or silver (later units) Cord attached at center-bottom of unit (relative to label) "AC/DC Adaptor" -107 units: "use only with models CX-2600" -107 units, some: "Made in Taiwan" -117/A units: "For use with models CX2600 XEP80 or SX212" Input: AC220V 50Hz 9W Output: DC9V 500mA (center positive) Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600(but not 2600S, see below) Atari#: C018084-117 Squarish unit, black label Cord attached at top-right of unit (relative to label) "AC/DC Adaptor" (examples: Jun-Aug 87, Feb-Apr 89, May-Juy 91) "For use with models CX2600 XEP80 or SX212" Input: AC 220V 50Hz 9W Output: DC 9V 500mA (center positive) Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600(but not 2600S, see below) Atari#: C018084-117A Squarish unit, silver label Cord attached at bottom-right of unit (relative to label) "AC/DC Adaptor" (example: 9026) "For use with model 2600" Input: AC 220V~50Hz 9W Output: DC 9V-500mA 4.5VA (center positive) Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600(but not 2600S, see below) Atari#: C018084-117A Squarish unit, silver label Cord attached at top-left of unit (relative to label) "AC/DC Adaptor" "For use with model 2600" Input: AC 220V ~ 50Hz Output: DC 9V - 500mA 4.5VA (center positive) Use with: XEP80,SX212,2600(but not 2600S, see below) Atari#: C016507 (unit) / CA017087 (box from U.S.) / CA019055 (box from H.K.) "AC Adaptor" Some units: "Use Only With Models CX-2600" Input: 220V 50Hz 15W Output: 9.5VDC 650mA (center positive) Use with: 2600S (original SECAM VCS version for France, shipped in 1982) (unit with H.K. box) M O R E I N F O ================ Devices by Atari that draw their power from SIO pin 10 (+5V/Ready except on the 1200XL): XM301(60mA), XC11, XC12 Device by Atari that draws its power from the 600XL PBI: 1064 Devices by Atari that have built-in power supplies (the device plugs directly into the wall for power): - 410 (120V AC versions for North America only) - 820 (released for 120V AC for North America only) - 825 (released for 120V AC for North America only) - 1025 (120V AC version for North America only) - 1029 (both 120V AC and 220-240V AC versions) - XMM801 (released for 120V AC for North America only) - XDM121 (released for 120V AC for North America only) Section References: - "Atari XL/XE Power Supplies: A Hardware Mystery Solved" by Benjamin L. Poehland (Ben Poehland), Modern Electronics, May 1986, pp. 46-54. - "Secrets of XL/XE Power Supplies" by Ben Poehland, Current Notes, 10(9), November 1990, pp. 42-49. (updated version of his earlier article) - - B&C ComputerVisions ------------------------------ Subject: 6.3) What accessories/controllers did Atari make for their computers? (Thanks to Laurent Delsarte for help with CX10/CX11/CX12.) This should be a complete list of accessories released by Atari and designated with a two-digit "CX" model number, plus several other compatible controllers that Atari did not designate with a "CX" model number. While they can all be used with the 8-bit Atari computers, some of these accessories/controllers were originally and/or primarily intended for use with the Atari 2600 VCS, ST/TT/Falcon, or 7800, as indicated. CX10 Joystick Controller (X-Y Controller), CA010973 / CA011804 - Introduced June 1977 (for the Atari VCS) - Greatly resembles the later iconic CX40, but identified by "ATARI" label on top of stick (or indentation at top of stick where the "ATARI" label belongs), and by the lack of the small "TOP" label at the base of the stick toward the up/forward position - Internally, contains 5 large spring-loaded buttons - Two units shipped with 1977-1978 VCS systems; replaced by CX40 in 1978 - Never sold separately - CA010972 / CA011805 Sears version has "Sears" logo instead of the "ATARI" label; shipped with 1977 Sears Cartridge Tele-Games System Video Arcade systems before being replaced by the CX40 in 1978 - Industrial design: Kevin P. McKinsey, Gerald R. Aamoth CX10 Printed circuit board for the CX40 Joystick - Regional product of Atari International (Benelux) B.V. CX11 Plastic insert replacements for the CX40 Joystick - Regional product of Atari International (Benelux) B.V. CX12 Cable replacement for the CX 40 Joystick - Regional product of Atari International (Benelux) B.V. CX20 Driving Controllers: One Pair, CA010889 / CA012759 - Introduced June 1977 (for the Atari VCS) - Marketed by Atari for use with the 400/800 in 1979 only - Box contains two Driving Controller units - Single unit attaches to single controller port - Two CX20 units also shipped with Atari Indy 500 and Sears Tele-Games Race for the VCS - Early units have Atari logo on base; most units have the word "driving" instead of the Atari logo - Sears version of early units has "Sears" logo instead of Atari logo - Manuals: - Pages 246-247 of the Operating System User's Manual (Rev. A, 1982) - Atari 2600/2600A VCS Domestic (M/N) Field Service Manual FD100133 - Atari 2600-2600A PAL B/G Field Service Manual FD100047 CX21 Video Touch Pad, CA019109 / CA019614 - Introduced June 1982 (marketed for the Atari VCS) - Shipped with Star Raiders for the VCS, and also sold separately - Compatible with the earlier CX50 and the later CX23 - Made in Taiwan CX22 Trak-Ball controller - Previewed January 1983, introduced February 1983 (originally marketed for the Atari 2600) - Shipped domestically only - Dual buttons for left- or right-handed use - they cannot be read independently - Two versions: 1) Single mode version, CA020556 (15,000 unit initial production run) - A joystick emulator; no mode select switch; no true trackball mode - Unit colors: black top and bottom housings, white cue ball - Unit label: "Atari 2600 Pro-Line Trak-Ball" (prototype: "Atari 2600 Trak-Ball") - Manual: Atari Trak-Ball Controller Owner's Manual Model No. CX22 - Marketing/box also carry the "Pro-Line" brand - Box mentions Atari Consumer Division - Box mentions the Atari 400/800, but Owner's Manual does not - Manufactured by Atari, Inc. in El Paso, Texas, USA - Shipped summer 1983 (marketed for the Atari 2600) 2) Dual mode version, CA024208 (common) - Mode select switch at rear of unit, labeled T and J, selects Joystick emulation or true Trackball operation - Trackball mode is compatible with that of the CX80 Trak-Ball - Unit colors: dark brown top housing, buff white bottom housing, buff white cue ball (prototype: dark brown cue ball) - Unit label: "Atari Trak-Ball" - Manual: Atari Trak-Ball Controller Owner's Manual Model No. CX22 C024237 - Unit/box/Owner's Manual do not carry the "Pro-Line" brand - Box/Owner's Manual both mention Atari Home Computers - Made in Mexico - Shipped October 1983 (marketed for the Atari 2600 and for Atari home computers, supplanting the unshipped CX80 in Atari's domestic computer product line) - Available: Atari CX22 Trakball Field Service Manual FD100660 CX23 Kid's Controller, CA020171 - Introduced January 1983 as the Action Control Base (marketed for the Atari 2600) - Blue; and rather large - Usually used with CCW Sesame Street Library titles for the 2600 - Sold separately only - Compatible with the earlier CX50 and CX21 CX24 Pro-Line Joystick / Super Controller / Deluxe Joystick, CA021075 - Previewed January 1983, introduced February 1983 as: Pro-Line Joystick (marketed for the Atari 2600) - Introduced in Europe summer/fall 1983 as: Super Controller - One or two units shipped with 1984-1985 European 2600 systems - Two units shipped with all NTSC 7800 systems (1986-1991) - Beginning 1989 marketed as: Deluxe Joystick - Dual buttons for left- or right-handed use - they can be read independently by the Atari 7800 only CX30 Paddle Controller (set of 2), CA010949 / CA012760 - Introduced June 1977 (for the Atari VCS) - Each controller contains a linear 1 Megaohm potentiometer - Dual controllers attach to one controller plug - Early units have Atari logo on base; most units have the word "paddle" instead of the Atari logo - CA010950 early Sears version has "Sears" logo instead of Atari logo - One set/pair shipped with 1977-1982 VCS/2600 systems - Manuals: - Atari 2600/2600A VCS Domestic (M/N) Field Service Manual FD100133 - Atari 2600-2600A PAL B/G Field Service Manual FD100047 - Atari 400/800 Home Computer Field Service Manual FD01 - Atari 400/800 PAL-UK field service manual FD100002 CX40 Joystick Controller / Standard Joystick / X-Y Controller, CA011693 / CA011694 / CA011802 / CA012994 / CA020412 - Introduced January(?) 1978 (for the Atari VCS) - The iconic Atari joystick, completely replaced the original CX10 - Greatly resembles the earlier CX10, but identified by lack of "ATARI" label on top of stick (or lack of indentation at top of stick where the "ATARI" label would belong), and by the small "TOP" label at the base of the stick toward the up/forward position. - Normally black stick and base with red button. Units marketed for use with the XEgs specifically have an XE matching gray base. - Internally, contains only one small spring, under the fire button - Two units shipped with 1978-1984 VCS/2600 systems and with 1984-1985 NTSC 2600 systems; single unit shipped with all 1986-1991 2600 systems - Units also shipped with a variety of kits/packs marketed for 8-bit Atari computer or XEgs users - Manuals: - Atari 2600/2600A VCS Domestic (M/N) Field Service Manual FD100133 - Atari 2600-2600A PAL B/G Field Service Manual FD100047 - Atari 400/800 Home Computer Field Service Manual FD100001 - Atari 400/800 PAL-UK field service manual FD100002 - Industrial design: Gerald R. Aamoth, Kevin P. McKinsey CX41 Joystick Repair Kit, CA020476 - For the CX40 Joystick - Includes: 1 Printed Circuit Board, 3 Springs, 1 Insert, 1 Boot, 1 Retaining Ring, Joystick Repair instructions C020484 CX42 Remote Control Wireless Joysticks, CA021060 - Introduced February 1983 (marketed for the Atari 2600) - Marketed for Atari home computers beginning June 1983, but the only shipped package version makes no mention of compatibility with Atari computers. - Package contains: - Remote Control Receiver - Two Remote Control Joysticks (Left Controller, Right Controller) - Installation Instructions C021059 - Does not include power adapter - Power: The receiver requires 9V DC as supplied by the Atari C010472, C016353, or C018084 power adapters or equivalent. The receiver, in turn, supplies 9V DC in place of the power adapter for the 2600 VCS. Each controller requires 9V DC as supplied by a standard 9V battery. - Despite early marketing, unit/packaging/documentation do not carry the "Pro-Line" brand - Made in Korea by Cynex for Atari - Prior to the Atari version, released by Cynex as: Game Mate 2 CX43 Space Age Joystick, CA023100 - Introduced June 1983 (marketed for the Atari 2600) - Marketing/packaging also carry the "Pro-Line" brand - Made for Atari by Milton Bradley CX50 Keyboard Controllers: One Set, CA012758 - Introduced January 1978 (for the Atari VCS) - Marketed by Atari for use with the 400/800 from 1980 to 1981 - Box contains two units - Compatible with the later CX21 and CX23 - Manuals: - Atari 2600/2600A VCS Domestic (M/N) Field Service Manual FD100133 - Atari 2600-2600A PAL B/G Field Service Manual FD100047 CX70 Light Pen, CA016311 - Introduced June 1980 - RARE - Only offered by Atari for a few months in 1981 (InfoWorld 12/26/83-1/2/84) - At least some, if not all, units marked "Not For Retail Sale" - Shipped with CX4124 demonstration program cassette - Manual: Atari Light Pen Operator's Manual Model CX70 C016367 CX75 Light Pen - Announced June 1983, introduced January 1984 - Shipped with RX8054 AtariGraphics cartridge - Developed by Gibson Laboratories / Steve Gibson for Atari CX77 Touch Tablet - Previewed June 1983, introduced with AtariArtist January 1984 - Shipped with RX8053 AtariArtist cartridge and Atari 810/1050 Master Diskette II CX8104 (DOS 2.0S) disk (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, Atari Touch Tablet version) - Dual buttons for left- or right-handed use - they cannot be read independently - The Atari Touch Tablet With AtariArtist Software Owner's Guide C061794 - Industrial design: Tom Palecki CX78 Joypad Controller (Multi System Joypad Controller) - Introduced June 1988 - Two units shipped with all European PAL and Peritel PAL/RGB 7800 systems (1989-1992) - One unit shipped with late production (1991-1992) European PAL and Peritel PAL 2600 systems - Dual buttons for left- or right-handed use - they can be read independently by the Atari 7800 only CX80 Trak-Ball controller - Introduced June 1983 (marketed for Atari home computers) - Shipped internationally only (supplanted domestically by the CX22) - Identified by large triangular buttons (duplicate function for left/right hands) - Mode select switch at rear of unit, labeled JS and TB, selects JoyStick emulation or true TrackBall operation - Trackball mode is compatible with that of the CX22 Trak-Ball - Dual buttons for left- or right-handed use - they cannot be read independently - Unit colors: dark brown top housing, dark brown bottom housing (prototype: buff white bottom housing), dark brown cue ball - Unit label: "Atari Trak-Ball" - Manuals: - Atari Trak-Ball Owner's Manual CX80 C061761 - Atari CX80 Trakball Field Service Manual FD100750 - Box/Owner's Manual by Atari, Inc. International Division - Made in USA CX81 Atari I/O Data Cord (5 Ft.), CA015900-01 (SIO cable) CX82 B & W Monitor Cable, CA015900-06. Includes (thanks Laurent Delsarte): - Connection instructions - Phono (RCA-type) adapter, part no. C016828 - BNC adapter, part no. C016829 - UHF adapter, part no. C016830 CX85 Numerical Keypad, CA060140 / CA060413 - Announced January 1982 - Included with the CX419 Bookkeeper Kit; also sold separately - Package includes: - CX8139 Numerical Keypad Handler Master Program Diskette - Keyboard overlay for use with additional programs - User's Guide C060488 - Technical Reference Notes C061037 - Available: Atari CX85 Numeric Keypad Field Service Manual FD100176 November, 1982 - Made in Hong Kong CX86 Printer Cable, CA015900-02 (included with 825) (DA-15P to 20-pin dual Edge-on) CX87 Modem Cable, CA015900-03 (included with 830 modem) (Atari 850 DE-9P to standard RS-232 DB-25P DCE device (modem)) CX88 Terminal Cable, CA015900-04 (null modem cable) (Atari 850 DE-9P to standard RS-232 DB-25P DTE device (computer)) CX89 Color Monitor Cable, CA015900-05 Track & Field Arcade Controller, CA025462-001 - Introduced June 1984 - Designed by Wico for Atari - Shipped with Atari/AtariSoft Track & Field (Atari 2600, Atari home computers, Commodore 64, and Apple II versions) - Apple II version requires/shipped with Apple II Game I/O port adapter STM1 Mouse - Introduced January 1985 (for the Atari 130ST/520ST) - Atari ST/XE matching gray - Right mouse button can be read by Atari ST or Atari PC mouse ports only - Shipped with Atari ST/Mega/STe/Falcon desktop computers PCM1 Mouse - Introduced January 1987 (for the Atari PC1) - Physically/functionally identical to the STM1 - Early units: Atari PC1 matching gray - Later units: Atari PC/TT lines matching white - Right mouse button can be read by Atari ST or Atari PC mouse ports only - Shipped with Atari PC/TT desktop computers XG-1 Light Gun - Previewed January 1987, introduced February 1987 - Single unit shipped with the XE 2001 kit and the XE 4001 and XE 5001 XEgs packages, plus the 65XE game system package sold by Coelsa in Chile. Each of these kits/packages are detailed elsewhere in this FAQ list. ------------------------------ Subject: 6.4) What Kits/Add-A-Paks did Atari make for their 8-bit computers? This should be a complete listing of packaged kits, including "Add-A-Pak" kits, that Atari sold for their 8-bit computers, most comprised of products also sold separately. "All-In-One-Pak" and other system packages including a computer, the XE System console, or the XE System Keyboard, are detailed in the sections of this FAQ list introducing those computer models instead of here. CX418 The Home Manager * The Home Filing Manager CX415 * Family Finances CX421 CX419 The Bookkeeper Kit * CX414 The Bookkeeper * CX85 Numerical Keypad * Bookkeeper Kit Manual CX481 The Entertainer Contents: Star Raiders + Missile Command + CX40-04 joystick pair + The Entertainer Owner's Guide C017995 Box style 1: (thanks Bill Demian) Text on the box indicates Computer Chess as the second game complementing Star Raiders. The illustration on the box actually shows a Music Composer box underneath the Star Raiders box. Box style 2: (thanks Laurent Delsarte) Text on the box correctly indicates Missile Command as the second game complementing Star Raiders. One illustration on the box shows an unidentified box underneath the Star Raiders box; another illustration (in color) shows a Music Composer box underneath the Star Raiders box. Replaced in 1983 by KX7101 The Entertainer Kit CX482 The Educator * 410 Program Recorder * CXL4002 Atari BASIC cartridge * CX4112 States & Capitals cassette * The Educator Owner's Guide C017997 CX483 The Programmer v.1: * Atari BASIC CXL4002 * BASIC Reference Manual C015307 * Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide) book by Albrecht/Finkel/Brown C014385 * The Programmer Owner's Guide C017996 v.2: * Atari BASIC CXL4002 * BASIC Reference Manual C015307 * Inside Atari BASIC book by Bill Carris C060992 * The Programmer Owner's Guide C017996 * $5 rebate coupon for An Invitation to Programming 1, 2, or 3 CX484 The Communicator (thanks Laurent Delsarte) * 850 Interface Module unit * 850 Power Supply unit, boxed (CA014748) * SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) * 850 Interface Module Operator's Manual C015953 * 830 Acoustic Modem, boxed * TeleLink I cartridge CXL4015 * TeleLink I manual C014189-15 * Dow Jones Information Services User's Guide C017251 * One free hour access to each of: Dow Jones Information Service, The Source, CompuServe - Sold by Atari in the USA only CX488 The Communicator II * 835 Direct Connect Modem * 835 Power Adaptor unit C060479, boxed (CA060535) * SIO cable CA014122 (3-foot) * Modular telephone cable (RJ11 standard) * The Communicator II: Getting Started C024438 (User's Guide) * TeleLink II cartridge CXL4016 - On-board 1KiB (256 x 4 bit) nonvolatile static RAM (EEPROM) for saving the name, telephone number, and sign-on codes of two services in the cartridge memory - Supports both the 835 and 830 modems * TeleLink II Owner's Guide C061183 - Sold by Atari in the USA and Canada KX7097 Atari Logo kit * Atari Logo programming language cartridge RX8032, boxed - Quick Reference Guide C061583 * Atari Logo User Manuals BX4208, boxed - Reference Manual C061589 - Introduction to Programming Through Turtle Graphics C061590 KX7099 BASIC Tutor I Add-A-Pak * An Invitation to Programming 2: Writing Programs One and Two CX4106 including two cassettes * An Invitation to Programming 3: Introduction to Sound and Graphics CX4117 including two cassettes * Inside Atari BASIC book by Bill Carris C060992 * 101 Programming Tips & Tricks book by Alan North C061832 with cassette TX9033 KX7101 The Entertainer (1983 replacement for CX481 The Entertainer) Star Raiders + Pac-Man + CX40-04 joystick pair + The Entertainer Owner's Guide C017995 Same box as CX481 but features round black on yellow sticker: "Includes Pac-Man & Star Raiders" KX7102 Arcade Champ Add-A-Pak Pac-Man + Qix + 2 CX40 joysticks + cartridge storage case KX7400 Game Kit (Donkey Kong cartridge + two CX40 Joysticks) KX7401 Game Kit (Centipede cartridge + two CX40 Joysticks). (Released in West Germany only) XE 2001 kit: (English/French/Italian/Spanish) XG-1 Light Gun + Bug Hunt - Some packages shipped additionally with Barnyard Blaster: - Some of these packages were shipped in G1 Light Gun boxes: (The actual G1 never shipped. It was to be the same as the XG-1 but red/orange instead of XE gray, and to be marketed for use with the 2600/7800.) ------------------------------ Subject: 6.5) What graphics tablets were produced for the Atari? According to Wikipedia, a graphics tablet (or digitizing tablet, graphics pad, drawing tablet) is a computer input device that allows one to hand-draw images and graphics, similar to the way one draws images with a pencil and paper. At the time of the Atari computer the more popular term was: touch tablet Several graphics tablets were produced and marketed for the Atari 8-bit computers: o Animation Station by Suncom - Shipped with DesignLab disk (Suncom version of Blazing Paddles) - Fully compatible with the earlier, popular KoalaPad - Work surface is about the same size as the one on the Atari Touch Tablet - about 50% larger than the KoalaPad's - A list of compatible software is elsewhere in the FAQ list. o Atari Touch Tablet CX77 - Shipped with AtariArtist cartridge RX8053 (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, Atari Touch Tablet version) - Also shipped with Atari 810/1050 Master Diskette II CX8104 (DOS 2.0S) disk - Similar to the popular, earlier KoalaPad, but returns reversed y-position values compared to the KoalaPad/Animation Station tablets - Device measures 7.5" x 9.5" x 1.25" - Drawing surface measures 5" x 6.5" - A list of compatible software is elsewhere in the FAQ list. o KoalaPad Touch Tablet by Koala Technologies - Koala Model 004 for use with Atari computers - Atari version shipped with one of: - Micro Illustrator (disk) by Steven Dompier for Koala, (c)1983 (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, KoalaPad version) - KoalaPainter (cartridge) (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, KoalaPad version) - Device measures 8.5" x 6.5" x 2" - The square drawing area is 4.25" on each side. - Very popular - A list of compatible software is elsewhere in the FAQ list. o Kurta Graphics Tablet by Kurta Corporation - Very early device - 400/800 only: requires controller ports 1, 2, and 3 - Device measures 13" x 15.5" - Shipped with Kurta Demo Disk - Kurta Atari Graphics System, sold separately, includes software: o Road Map Distance Analysis o Length o Area - Calculation of areas (any shape) o Sound - display pen location by means of sound o Drawing o Graphics - See ANALOG #1 for a review (p. 16) and an ad (p. 17) o PowerPad by Chalk Board, Inc. - A unique and very large device - Device measures 17" x 19" x 1.5" - 12" x 12" square drawing area - Shipped without software - Cartridges released separately by Chalk Board for the PowerPad: - BearJam - Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush - LogicMaster - MicroMaestro - Micro Illustrator (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, PowerPad version) o Super Sketch by Personal Peripherals, Inc. (PPI) - Atari version - Shipped with Graphics-Master cartridge - A 10" X 14" tablet - Similar to the earlier VersaWriter - trace or freehand a drawing into the computer. - Planned Atari software from PPI for used with Super Sketch (released???): - In-Store Demo (disk) - Printer Utility (disk) - Business Presentor (disk) - Master Home Planner (disk) - Super Music Box (cartridge) o VersaWriter Drawing Tablet by Versa Computing, later by Peripherals Plus - Shipped with Graphics Software (2 disks) - Trace or freehand a drawing into the computer - Dimensions: 12" x 13.5" - See ANALOG #4 (1981) p. 46 for ad, p. 47 for review - See Creative Computing vol. 8 no. 4 April 1982 p. 79 for another ad. - Reviewed: SoftSide #45, November 1983, pp. 90-91 - Reviewed (with picture) in Atari Classics June 1993 pp. 26-28 ------------------------------ Subject: 6.6) What light pens were produced for the Atari? A light pen or light gun requires a cathode ray tube (CRT) television or monitor. Only one light pen or light gun may be used on the Atari at a time. Controller Jacks 1-3 on the 400 do not support a light pen / light gun. - Atari Light Pen CX70 (1980, shipped 1981) - Shipped with CX4124 demonstration program cassette - Symtec Light Pen (1982) - Edumate Light Pen by The Programmer's Institute/Futurehouse (1982) - Some later units shipped with Peripheral Vision software (1984) - Tech Sketch LP-10 Light Pen (no switch) - Atari package supplied with demo cassette - Tech Sketch LP-15 Light Pen (high resolution, with switch) - Earlier Atari package: Supplied with demo cassette - Atari packages: With Paint-N-Sketch Level I cassette, disk, or cartridge - Later Atari package: Micro Illustrator diskette included (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, light pen version) - Tech Sketch LP-10S Light Pen (with switch) - Earlier Atari package: Supplied with demo cassette - Atari packages: With Paint-N-Sketch Level I cassette, disk, or cartridge - Later Atari package: Micro Illustrator diskette included (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, light pen version) - Computapix PixStik (ad: YourComputer Feb84p12-13) - Atari version shipped with PaintBox (by Eamonn Walsh) and "3 free games" - Atari Light Pen CX75 (1984) - Shipped with AtariGraphics cartridge RX8054 by Gibson Laboratories / Steve Gibson for Atari - Stack Light Pen by Stack Computer Services (1984) - Later units shipped with LiteWriter software and 10 games: Othello, Seek and Destroy, Simon, Life, GO, Draughts, Drossword Twister, Lost in Labyrinth, Concentration, Shuffler - Hoyt Light Pen by Hoyt Corporation (ad: Compute#49Jun84p48) - released???? - McPen light pen by Madison Computer (1984) - Came with a disk with 4 BASIC programs - Koala Light Pen by Koala Technologies (1984, fall) - Box: "for Commodore 64" - Box sticker: "Contents work on Atari and Commodore 64 Computers" - Sold with KoalaPainter (light pen version) two-sided/flippy disk for Commodore 64 and Atari (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, light pen version) - Turbo Light Pen by Turbo Software for M.P.M. (Chile), 1989? - Shipped with 2 cassettes ------------------------------ Subject: 6.7) What light guns were produced for the Atari? Just two: - Atari XG-1 Light Gun (1987) - Best Electronics "The Best" Video Light Gun (1989) A light pen or light gun requires a cathode ray tube (CRT) television or monitor. Only one light pen or light gun may be used on the Atari at a time. Controller Jacks 1-3 on the 400 do not support a light pen / light gun. ------------------------------ Subject: 6.8) Is there a computer mouse I can use with my Atari? This section lists computer mouse devices marketed for, or most typically used with, the 8-bit Atari computers. Atari Mouse STM1 (1985) or PCM1 (1987) - While the Atari mouse was designed for the Atari ST series of computers, the device can also be used with an 8-bit Atari given appropriate software support. Though never popular, this became the standard mouse used with the 8-bit Atari as other announced mouse devices (see below) failed to materialize. Zobian Controls RAT (original version) - Marketed from late 1985 through late 1986 - Hardware was the Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Mouse #26-3025, with the addition of an interface for the Atari controller port. - To be shipped with software: Accu-Draw (Rat Trace) by Vision software, Control (RAT Control), BASIC subroutines, and (temporary promise) Atari-Artist - Never shipped? Zobian Controls SuperRAT (or SuperRat) - Marketed from late 1986 to 1987 - Hardware was the Commodore Amiga mouse (original "tank" version), provided with interface wired for 100% compatibility with the Atari STM1/PCM1 mouse. - Offered in two packages: 1) with Accu-Draw software 2) with RAOS (Rat Actuated Operating System) software package: Desktop, Screens 2.0, Accu-Draw - Never shipped? Some packages were shipped with a different Atari STM1/PCM1 compatible mouse. ------------------------------ Subject: 6.9) What voice/speech synthesis hardware is there for the Atari? Type 'n Talk (TNT) by Votrax (see CreativeComputing9/81p148-151) - RS-232 device with available cable for Atari 850 - Output: Includes mini-phone jack for 8-ohm speaker (not included) - Votrax SC-01-A Speech Synthesizer chip - Programmer controls unit using regular Atari 850 R: device handler Echo GP by Street Electronics Corp. (SEC), 1982 - RS-232 device with available cable for Atari 850 - Output: Built-in speaker, or optional external speaker - Texas Instruments TMS 5200 or TMS 5220 Voice Synthesis Processor (VSP) chip - Programmer controls unit using regular Atari 850 R: device handler ITalkII by RealTime Electronics, 1982 - Marketed by Greenbrier Marketing International - Connects to Atari 400/800 controller jacks 3+4 - Output: Routed via SIO to normal Atari Sound Output; also provides auxiliary output jack (phono jack) for optional external speaker - SIO port for daisy chain - SIO Audio Input signal is combined with the device's sound output - Votrax SC-01-A Speech Synthesizer chip - Draws its power from the Atari controller jacks - Software: Machine Language Driver, Word Editor, Sentence Builder, Dictionary, Word Blaster Voice Box by The Alien Group, 1982 - Built-in SIO cable - must end SIO daisy chain - Output: Routed via SIO to normal Atari Sound Output - Votrax SC-01-A Speech Synthesizer chip - Draws its power from the Atari - Cassette or Disk includes Random Sentence Generator and Talking Face Voice Box II by The Alien Group, 1983 - Built-in SIO cable - must end SIO daisy chain - Output: Routed via SIO to normal Atari Sound Output - Votrax SC-01-A Speech Synthesizer chip - Draws its power from the Atari - Disks include 5 games: Concentration, Stud Poker, Spelling, Acey Deucey, Green Goblins Cheap-Talk: Build Your Own Speech Synthesizer project - By Lee Brilliant, M.D., ANALOG #29, April 1985, pages 59-67 - Connects to controller jacks 1+2, or to controller jacks 3+4 (400/800) - Output: external speaker, or connects to SIO for output via normal Atari Sound Output - General Instrument SP0256-AL2 speech synthesizer chip - Draws its power from the Atari Atari Speaks project, by Kevin Griffin, Page 6 #19 Jan/Feb86 - Connects to controller jacks 1+2, or to controller jack 3+4 (400/800) - Output: Built-in speaker - General Instrument SP0256-AL2 speech synthesizer chip - Draws its power from the Atari Talking Typewriter project, by Bill Marquardt, ANTIC Jan87 - Connects to controller jacks 1+2 - Output: external speaker, or connects to SIO for output via normal Atari Sound Output - General Instrument SP0256-AL2 speech synthesizer chip - Draws its power from the Atari W.E. Electronics (W.E.E.) Speech Synthesiser - Allophone based (produces individual speech sounds rather than full words) - Cassette of demo software is provided which includes three programs: the complete alphabet, demonstration of words, guessing numbers - ------------------------------ Subject: 6.10) What sound digitizers/samplers were produced for the Atari? These are hardware/software analog/digital (A/D) audio conversion solutions that record an analog audio input signal as digital data for storage or playback. Some of these use the Atari's native 8-bit analog/digital conversion capability (potentiometer ports), and for playback most of these utilize the Atari's native support for 4-bit pulse-code modulation (PCM or "Volume Control Only" or "Volume Only") sound output. - Talk is Cheap project by Ed Stewart, Antic v2n4 Jul83 pp 64-66 - Device plugs into controller jack #3 - 8-bit sampling and 4-bit playback using native Atari capabilities - Variable sample rate up to about 4.5kHz - Parrot, by Tony Ramos for Alpha Systems, 1985 - Parrot Audio Interface (paddle-like device) plugs into controller jack 2 Includes mini-plug input jack for microphone, includes jumper wire for powered sound source - Sample rate of up to 8kHz; longer recording times reduce the sample rate - Software included: SAMPLER, EMULATOR, PLAYER, GUESSNUM - Uses .DIG digitized audio file format - Distributed separately: Parrot Demo, Pre-Recorded Sounds, Pop-N-Rocker - Voice Master, by Covox, 1985 - "Speech and music processor" - Functions: Speech synthesizer, word recognition, "Voice Harp" - Plugs into controller jack 2 - Shipped with headset that plugs into unit's Mike and Ear mini-phone jacks - Draws its power from the Atari - Software included: Demo program, Bargraph, Calculator, Clock, Blackjack, Composer, Calibrate - Software sold separately by Covox: - Speech Construction Set - Talking Disk - Digital-Mikrofon, by Zain, 1985? (Released?) - Input and output connectors, via joystick controller ports - Software included - See Happy Computer #11 Nov85 p130 - Replay, by 2 Bit Systems, 1986 - Cartridge device includes built-in cable with phono audio input jack - Sample rate selectable from 6kHz to 21kHz - 8-bit sampling depth; 4-bit playback with supplied software - Software included: Replay (sampling/playback), DigiDrum, DigiSynth, Echo - V2.0 Replay program with reverse and trigger options - Distributed separately: - Percussion Master - External D/A and filter, plugs into controller jacks 1 & 2 - Enhances Replay software with 8-bit playback - DigiDrum II (can use Replay samples) - Package later marketed by Gralin International, 1992 - Soundmeister, by Irata, 1986/1987? (Released?) - See ad in Atari Magazin 2/87 p9 - Released for the Atari ST instead? See: - Micro-Voice, by 2 Bit Systems, 1987 - Cable plugs into controller jack, records from a tape recorder/hi-fi - 8-bit sampling and 4-bit playback using native Atari capabilities - Software included: Micro-Seq, Micro-Synth, Echo, Sampler - Parrot II, by Tony Ramos for Alpha Systems, 1987 - Parrot II Audio Interface (paddle-like device) plugs into controller jack, has two input jacks, one for a microphone, one for a powered source - V 2.0 software enhanced for 130XE banked memory - Fully compatible with software for the original Parrot by Alpha Systems - Sound'N'Sampler, by Ralf David, 1987 - Device plugs into joystick controller port 1 - 4-bit sampling depth - 4-bit playback using native Atari capabilities - Software included: Digital-Data-Editor - Voice Master Junior, by Covox, 1988? - Plugs into controller jack - Built-in microphone - Draws its power from the Atari - Fully compatible with software for the original Voice Master by Covox - Sound Sampler, project by Andreas Binner and Harald Schoenfeld (PPP) for Atari Magazin, 1/89 pp.44-49; for corrections: 5/89 p.84 - Device plugs into two joystick controller ports - 67kHz sampling rate - 8-bit sampling depth - 4-bit playback using native Atari capabilities - Software: Sound Sampler (source listing), Sampler XL (boot file) - Antic Sampling Processor project by Steven Lashower, Antic v8n8 Feb/Mar90 - Loosely based on "Talk is Cheap" project (see above) - Device plugs into controller jack 2 - 8-bit sampling and 4-bit playback using native Atari capabilities - Sampling rate approaching 5kHz - MIMI Playback software feature requires Hybrid Arts MIDIMate interface - Sample Cartridge by Alphasys Hardware, 1991 - Two audio input phono jacks for sampling two signals/stereo at once (into single signal/mono audio) - 8-bit sampling depth - 4-bit playback with supplied software by Solarsystems - Software compatible with the Replay cartridge by 2 Bit Systems - A/D Converter, by Mirage, 1993 - Cartridge, with built-in cable to connect to a headphone output - 4-bit sampling depth - Software included: Audio Master - Supports XL/XE extended memory - ------------------------------ Subject: 6.11) What sound upgrades (stereo, 8-bit PCM, others) are there? This section lists programmable system modifications or devices that upgrade the audio capabilities of the Atari. Devices or modifications that manipulate the standard Sound Output beyond the software control of the Atari are not listed here. Bits 'N' Pieces: POPS, project by Lee S. Brilliant, ANALOG #66 Nov. 1988, pages 54-60 - External device connects to the Atari SIO port, using pin 1 (Clock Input) and pin 2 (Clock Output) to tap into the separate Atari audio voices independently, before the system mixes them into the normal single-channel Sound Output signal. - POPS provides either stereo (Left and Right) or three (Left, Center, and Right) audio output channels. - Two channel operation: POKEY voice 4 is output to the POPS Left Speaker (via SIO pin 2); POKEY voices 1-3 are output to the POPS Right Speaker (via the normal system Sound Output) - Three channel operation: POKEY voice 2 is output to the Left Speaker (via SIO pin 2); POKEY voice 4 is output to the POPS Center speaker (via SIO pin 1); POKE voices 1 and 3 are output to the POPS Right Speaker (via the normal system Sound Output) - Software: POKEY Player by Craig Chamberlain, modified by Lee Brilliant M.D. Pokey Stereo Upgrade project by Chuck Steinman, 12/16/1989 ("Gumby upgrade") - Achieves stereo output through the addition of a second POKEY chip, sometimes referred to as "Gumby" (name of sidekick to "Pokey" children's character). - Sources: - (original plain text file) - 8:16 Issue #10 (Sept/Oct 1990): - Mega Magazine ("MegaZine") #2 (fall 1991): - Modification projects for the original upgrade: - Atari 8-Bit in Stereo #2, by Frankenstein (Freddy Offenga / F#READY), Mega Magazine #3 (1992): - Add a stereo-mono switch to the original upgrade. - Programming guide - Software to update SoftSynth and World of Wonders - - Atari 8-Bit in Stereo #3 article by Frankenstein, Mega Magazine #5 (Winter 1993) - Modifications by Arianne Slaager (Alphasys) to the original upgrade: - Add a switch that optionally completely disables the upgrade (increases software compatibility) - Add a switch that optionally mixes both POKEY chip outputs into a single mono output channel. - - Compatible projects/products (require a second POKEY chip unless otherwise indicated) include: - Stereo upgrade/conversion kit by Micro Discount, 1992 - Sold with disk which modifies certain games to play music in stereo - Reference: DGS News-Disk #10 - StereoPLUS by Gralin International, 1994 - Stereo w "małym" Atari (Stereo in the "small" Atari), by Monsoft (Ireneusz Pelech / Irek), 2002. Former links (schematic diagram lost?): - or - Simple board for stereo upgrade by Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle), 2003 - Later known as: SimpleStereo upgrade v.1 - - Stereo, with Auto Stereo, by Michał Pasiecznik (Pasiu/SSG), 2004 - - Dual-POKEY Stereo Sound Board, by MEtalGuy66 (Ken Jones), 2006 - - - STEREO by C.P.U. (Robert Petružela (Bob!k) & Radek Štěrba (Raster)), 2006 - - Simple Stereo ("stereo upgrade FINAL"), by Przemyslaw Krawczyk (Lotharek), 2006-2019 - Uses the same schematic as STEREO by C.P.U. (2006) - or - - Stereo project by Pawel Nowak (Pajero/MadTeam), 2007 - - Stereo Expansion rev.1.2 (Stereo Prototyp 2008), by Wolfram Fischer (mega-hz), 2008 - - SimpleStereo v.2, by Candle, 2009 - Introduction: - Schematics: - Stereo Erweiterung rev.2.1 (Stereo Small 2010), by mega-hz, 2010 - - Evie, by Pasiu/SSG, May 2014 - Internal upgrade build around a Xilinx field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Features include emulated dual POKEY mode. - - TK-II-Stereo by Michael St. Pierre (Mytek), 2016 - - PokeyMAX, by Mark Watson, 2018 - A complete, pin-compatible replacement for the POKEY chip built around the Altera MAX10 FPGA chip. Features include dual POKEY mode. - - Simple Stereo v2, by Lotharek, 2019 - - PokeyMAX v2, by Mark Watson, March/April 2020 - A complete, pin-compatible replacement for the POKEY chip built around the Altera MAX10 FPGA chip (10M02, 10M04, or 10M08). Six versions, five of which include dual POKEY mode. - - PokeyMAX v3, by Mark Watson, June 2021 - A complete, pin-compatible replacement for the POKEY chip built around the Altera MAX10 FPGA chip (10M16). Features include dual POKEY mode. - - PTODT Stereo, by kkrs/PTODT (Polish Society for the Preservation of Technical Heritage), November 2022 - Sound output incorporates sounds from GTIA - - ShamaXL AME for 600XL/800XL by Алексей Семёнов (Aleksey Semenov), April 2023 - PBI device using an Altera MAX II CPLD chip to provide features including emulated dual POKEY stereo. - External or PBI power required on 800XL. - Two versions: 1. DAC PCM5102A AUDIO OUT 2. PWM AUDIO OUT - can directly connect headphones - - Issue 1.1, August 2023, - DAC PCM5102A AUDIO OUT version - Available: - SUBCART (variant of AVGCART) by tmp/MiscRetro, May 2023 - Cartridge device, build around a Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA - Optional DAC cable allows stereo POKEY emulation (PBI or ECI cable required) - - PTODT Stereo II, by kkrs/PTODT, December 2023 - Sound output incorporates sounds from GTIA, SIO and PBI/ECI - - More information: - Software supporting dual POKEY stereo: Stereo Blaster Pro ("programmable"), by Portronic (Armin Stuermer), 1994 Details from Andreas Koch, 16 Oct 2009: - Earlier/simpler Stereo Blaster and Stereo Phaser simply modify sound as output by the Atari. - This hardware plugged into the monitor port (which was then available again on the Stereo Blaster/Phaser/Blaster Pro itself) and gave two cinch outputs and via various paddles one could change the frequencies, amplitudes and other stuff, thus generate a sound that was similar to stereo. - The Stereo Blaster Pro could be programmed with two simple POKEs. Software: - "Stereo Blaster Pro" demo by Hermann Roettger / HU-Soft - Several feature demos: "Covox" 8-bit digital-to-analog converter. 1996? - Generates four 8-bit PCM audio voices = 4-channel, 8-bit audio - Based on the Covox Speech Thing for PC, which was released in late 1987. - Original project for the Atari is credited to Michał Psychol Lange. - Reference version by Zenon/DIAL: - Implementations use various memory addresses for software control, so Covox supporting software is not necessarily compatible with any given Covox hardware implementation. - Covox projects and supporting products: - Easy 4 channels * 8 bits Covox C/A, by Gumi/Tight, 1996 (and reprinted in Serious Magazine #3, 1998), - Covox, odsłona druga ("Covox, Part Two") by Pigula/Shpoon, NOP#1 (disk magazine), 1998, - Stereo Expansion rev.1.2 (Stereo Prototyp 2008), by Wolfram Fischer (mega-hz), 2008 - - SimpleStereo v.2, by Candle, January 2009 - Introduction: - Schematics: - uCovox ("micro-Covox"), by Paweł 'Pajero' Nowak, July 2009 - Add-on for the AKI Atari Keyboard Interface by Lotharek: - - - Very small size - - Covox, by Lotharek, 2010? - - SimCovox, by Simius, 2011 - A simple, single-channel "Covox" project via standard joystick ports - - Evie, by Pasiu/SSG, May 2014 - Internal upgrade built around a Xilinx field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Features include Covox implementation. - - RAM 320XE/576, by ctirad, for 130XE/800XE/65XE with ECI, December 2014 - A memory upgrade that plugs into Cartridge+ECI - Can be optionally equipped with Covox compatible stereo four channel DAC, mapped to base address $280. - - PIA Covox, or P-Covox, by Lotharek, 2018 - - PokeyMAX v2, by Mark Watson, March/April 2020 - A complete, pin-compatible replacement for the POKEY chip built around the Altera MAX10 FPGA chip (10M02, 10M04, or 10M08). Two of the six versions released include Covox support. - - PokeyMAX v3, by Mark Watson, June 2021 - A complete, pin-compatible replacement for the POKEY chip built around the Altera MAX10 FPGA chip (10M16). Features include Covox support. - - P-Covox v2, by Lotharek, 2022 - - ShamaXL AME for 600XL/800XL by Алексей Семёнов (Aleksey Semenov), April 2023 - PBI device using an Altera MAX II CPLD chip to provide features including Covox implementation: 4 channels in 1423 variants. - External or PBI power required on 800XL. - Two versions: 1. DAC PCM5102A AUDIO OUT 2. PWM AUDIO OUT - can directly connect headphones - - Issue 1.1, August 2023, - DAC PCM5102A AUDIO OUT version - Available: - SUBCART (variant of AVGCART) by tmp/MiscRetro, May 2023 - Cartridge device, built around a Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA - Optional DAC cable supports Covox (PBI or ECI cable required) - - Covox-supporting software: - Inertia 3.7, by Tebe/MadTeam, 1996 - Inertia 4.5, by Profi/MadTeam - Protracker 1.51, by Profi/MadTeam, 1997 - NeoTracker 1.7, by Epi/Tristesse, 2002-2007 - More: The rest of this section lists upgrades that add one or more real or emulated sound generation chips to the Atari computer other than an Atari POKEY chip. Slight-Sid (SlightSID), by Seban / Slight, October 2011 Cartridge device providing one (prototype) or dual (stereo final version) MOS Technology 6581/8580 SID (Sound Interface Device) chips to the Atari. - Software: - SID Player 1.00beta by Swiety - SlightSID Player by Chris 'xxl' Dudek, 2011 - SID Hardware Player for SDX by Jerzy Kut (Mono/Tristesse), 2014-2016 Evie, by Michal Pasiecznik (Pasiu/SSG), May 2014 Internal upgrade built around a Xilinx field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chip with features including emulated PSG (Programmable Sound Generator, specifically the Yamaha YM2149) and SID (Commodore 64 sound) chips. - Software: - SID Hardware Player for SDX by Jerzy Kut (Mono/Tristesse), 2014-2016 - PSG Hardware Player for SDX v.0.7, Jerzy Kut (Mono/Tristesse), 2014-2019 - Let's Emu! ZX Spectrum emulator by Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz - SlightSID Player by Chris 'xxl' Dudek SIDari, by tOri, September 2014 Attach a MOS Technology 6581/8580 SID (Sound Interface Device) chip to the Atari. - Software: - SID Hardware Player for SDX by Jerzy Kut (Mono/Tristesse), 2014-2016 YAMari, by tOri, February 2015 Cartridge device providing a Yamaha YMF262 FM Operator Type L3 (OPL3) synthesis sound chip to the Atari. - Software: - RAD Hardware Player by Jerzy Kut (Mono/Tristesse), 2014-2016 - X-Angel (Daniel P.) YAMari site: SONari, by tOri, May 2015 Cartridge device providing one or two General Instrument AY-3-8910 / Yamaha YM2149 PSG chips to the Atari. - Software: - PSG Player by Jerzy Kut (Mono/Tristesse) SAMari, by tOri, May 2020 Cartridge device providing two Philips SAA1099 sound generator chips to the Atari. TIGari, by tOri, August 2020 Cartridge device providing two Texas Instruments SN76489 Digital Complex Sound Generator (DCSG) chips to the Atari. NOMari, by tOri, April 2021 Cartridge device using a Xilinx XC9572XL CPLD chip to provide an emulated Swinkels SwinSID Nano (ATMEGA88) chip, itself a hardware replacement for the SID chip, to the Atari. PokeyMAX v3, by Mark Watson, June 2021 A complete, pin-compatible replacement for the POKEY chip built around the Altera MAX10 FPGA chip (10M16). Features include Dual SID and Dual PSG emulation. ------------------------------ Subject: 6.12) What types of memory upgrades are there for the Atari? Thanks to Andreas Koch for his earlier extensive work on RAM drive versions. This section attempts to list all commercial or hobbyist project upgrades to the amount of (volatile) random access memory (RAM) installed in the 8-bit Atari. Devices that use non-volatile mass storage media would be listed elsewhere in this FAQ list. 400/800 Memory Upgrades ----------------------- As intended by Atari, RAM management in the 800 is accomplished in hardware via the presence of one, two, or three 8KiB or 16KiB RAM Module boards in the computer's three RAM slots (filled front to back, 16KiB boards before 8KiB boards), for a system of 8KiB, 16KiB, 24KiB, 32KiB, 40KiB, or 48KiB of RAM. The 400 was designed to use a single internal 8KiB, 16KiB, or 32KiB RAM board of the same design as those for the 800 (though Atari only offered the 400 in 8KiB or 16KiB RAM versions). - 4KiB boards These make an additional 4KiB available to the computer in the 4KiB of memory address space (49152-53247 or $C000-$CFFF), unused by the 400/800 hardware or Operating System, directly beyond the normal 48KiB RAM address space as intended for use by Atari. These can be used with standard 8KiB, 16KiB, 24KiB, 32KiB, 40KiB, or 48KiB RAM systems. See also: 52KiB boards - Ramrod, by Newell Industries (800 personality board), 1982 - MEM/EX, by Prairie Physics (800 personality board), 1983 - Impossible!, by Computer Software Services (CSS) (400/800), 1984 - 4K Static RAM-Pac board also sold separately by CSS - The Gap, by Computer Support (400/800), 1985 - 8KiB boards Boards may be used in any 800 RAM slot or in the 400 internal RAM slot. - Atari CX852 (remove board from case for installation inside the 400) - 16KiB boards/upgrades Boards may be used in any 800 RAM slot or in the 400 internal RAM slot. - Atari CX853 (remove board from case for installation inside the 400) - JACC 16K (1980; first non-Atari memory expansion board) - Microtek / MPC Peripherals Corp. AT-16 / AMB-16 (no imprint on board; 1980) - Mosaic 8K to 16K RAM Expansion Kit (1980) - Tiny Tek Anderson Peripherals 16K Memory Board (fits in 800 only)(1981) - Intec 16K MM32001 (fits in 800 only)(1983) - Bontek 16K - 32KiB boards/upgrades A 32KiB board may be designed to work in the 400 internal RAM slot only, in the 400 and also in the 800 middle RAM slot, or in the 400, 800 middle RAM slot, or 800 first RAM slot. In the 800, a 32KiB board may be combined with a 16KiB board to achieve the maximum total of 48KiB main RAM. - Axlon RAMCRAM / RAMPOWER 32 (400 or 800 middle RAM slot; 1981) - Mosaic 32K RAM Board (400 or 800 first two RAM slots; 1981) - Optional Companion Board for use in the 800 without another RAM board - Mosaic Expander is the same but shipped with 16KiB and sockets for 16KiB RAM chips taken from a 16KiB board. Marketed for the 16KiB 400. - Mosaic Adapter is the same but shipped with no memory but sockets for 32KiB in RAM chips taken from two 16KiB boards. - Microtek / MPC Peripherals Corp. AT-32 / AMB-32 (400 or 800 middle RAM slot; 1981) - Some with no imprint; some with "MPC AT-32" imprint - Microtek AMB-32A (400 or 800 first two RAM slots) - board: "Microtek AMB-32" - "Slot Independent Memory Card" - Intec 32K Board MM1632 (400 or 800 middle RAM slot) (1981) - Tiny Tek Anderson Peripherals 32K Memory Board (400 or 800 middle RAM slot) (1981) - Bit 3 32K Memory Plus (400 or 800 first two RAM slots) - Tech-Data (TD) 32K (400 or 800) - Calisto Computers 32K (400) - Austin Franklin 32K Austin Board (400 or 800 first two RAM slots) - 800 installation without another RAM board requires 32K Loopback card - Bontek 32K - High Country MicroSystems (HCMS) Ram-Page 32K - Tara Computer Products 32K RAM Expansion Board (400 or 800 first RAM slot) (1982) - HardStuff 32K RAM Board - Memory Mill 32K Board (400 or 800) - Dynamic Technologies 32K board (400 or 800)(1982) - (Distributed by Jersey Systems) - 32K Loopback allows 32K to be used alone in the 800 - 48KiB boards/upgrades For use in the 400, the computer must be modified to support the S4 and S5 RAM chip select lines and, for continued cartridge support, the RAM deselect lines RD4 and RD5 as all supported in the 800. If used in the 800, these are designed to be the only RAM board installed. Also, these physically used 64KiB in DRAM chips because such designs were much simpler and less expensive than a design using chips actually totaling 48KiB. - Intec 48K MM6448 (400) (1981) - Dynamic Technologies 48K Memory Expansion Kit (400)(1982) - 48K Loopback allows 48K to be used alone in the 800 - Axlon RAMCRAM Plus 48K / RAMPOWER 48 (400)(1982)--2 installation options: - 40KiB available, or 48KiB with supplied board in cartridge slot - No computer modification required - 48KiB available (requires computer modification) - Sar-An Computer Products (SCP) 48K (400) - Neotechnic Industries (NTI) 48K Ram Kit (400 or 800) - Micro Systems Exchange (MSX) 48K Upgrade Kit (400)(1982) - Austin Franklin 48K Austin Board (400 or 800 slot 1) - 800 installation requires 48K Loopback card in slot 2 - Mosaic 48K Converter Kit (400) - Converts an Atari 8K or 16K RAM board into a 48K RAM board - Maplin/Mapsoft 48K RAM card (400) - Calisto Computers 48K (400) - Essence Peripheral 48K - Polly Products 48400 (400) - Hardsel Xtra HardWare XTRA48 (400 or 800) (1983) - Tara Computer Products 48K RAM (400) (1982) - A 48K Upgrade For Your 400, project by Claus Buchholz, MACE Newsletter, (Michigan Atari Computer Enthusiasts), 9/82 - Atari 400 48K Memory Modification Instructions, by Gary A. Crowell with Steven P. Davies, (c)1983 - Atari 48K RAM Expansion Kit (400) (June 1983) - Memory Mill 48K Board (400) - 5cFabrication Atari 400 48k Memory Card (2022) - 5cFabrication Atari 800 48k Memory Card (middle RAM slot) (2022) - Includes a Jumper Board for the first RAM slot - 52KiB boards/upgrades These have the same features/capabilities as 48KiB boards/upgrades but make an additional 4KiB available to the computer in the 4KiB of memory address space (49152-53247 or $C000-$CFFF), unused by the 400/800 hardware or Operating System, directly beyond the normal 48KiB RAM address range. The result is 52KiB of continuous, non-banked RAM available while still running the standard 400/800 OS in memory as well. - Tiny Tek Anderson Peripherals 48K/52K Memory Board (400 only)(1982) - Applied Computer Alternatives (ACA) cRAM by Cosmac Research (400 only) (1982) - Cartridge ROM and OS ROMs can both be replaced by RAM - ECRL 48K+4 (400)(1982) - Newell 48/52K Ram Board (400 or 800) - Hardsel Xtra HardWare XTRA52 (400 or 800) (1983) - 48/52 KByte RAM Card for Atari 400, by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh), 2017 - - 64KiB and up boards/upgrades Surpassing the limit of 52KiB continuous RAM address space available in the 400/800 requires a memory-banking scheme for using software-selectable memory banks that share a range of memory addresses within the normal 52KiB RAM address range. Atari never offered such a solution, but several different third-party schemes emerged. > "Axlon" bank-selection type Banks are 16KiB, visible at 16384-32767 ($4000-$7FFF). Bank selection is controlled by writing a bank number to ANY address in the ranges 4032-4095 ($0FC0-$0FFF) (mirror) OR 53184-53247 ($CFC0-$CFFF) (latter range recommended by Axlon; byte 53247 ($CFFF) used by popular convention). A value of 0 selects the main/normal bank, and values from 1 to 255 select an extended bank. Scheme supports up to 4080KiB of banked RAM (255 banks of 16KiB each) for a total system RAM potential of 4128KiB (4080KiB + 48KiB). - Axlon RAMDISK 128K Memory System / RAMPOWER 128 (800 middle RAM slot) (1981). Provides 8 16KiB banks of memory, one of which is available to the computer at a time as part of the normal RAM of up to 48KiB. With a total of 32KiB installed in the other two RAM slots, the total system potential is 160KiB. - Toggle switch supports configuration as 128KiB or 16KiB for added software compatibility - Shipped with CREATE utility that modifies Atari DOS 2.0S into: Axlon Memory Management System (MMS) with D4: RAM drive. - First 3rd-party RAM drive for Axlon banked memory: ADS Integrater (1983), detailed elsewhere in this FAQ List (800 personality boards) - Newell Industries 128K RAM Upgrade for 800 (800 middle RAM slot) Provides 8 16KiB banks of memory, one of which is available to the computer at a time as part of the normal RAM of up to 48KiB. With a total of 32KiB installed in the other two RAM slots, the total system potential is 160KiB. - Crystal Computer Products (CCP) 128 K RAMCard (800 middle RAM slot)(1986) Provides 8 16KiB banks of memory, one of which is available to the computer at a time as part of the normal RAM of up to 48KiB. With a total of 32KiB installed in the other two RAM slots, the total system potential is 160KiB. - Can be configured as 128KiB or 16KiB for added software compatibility, either via jumper pins or via optional hardware switch. - Crystal Computer Products (CCP) 256 K RAMCard (800 middle RAM slot)(1986) Provides 16 16KiB banks of memory, one of which is available to the computer at a time as part of the normal RAM of up to 48KiB. With a total of 32KiB installed in the other two RAM slots, the total system potential is 288KiB. - Can be configured as 256KiB or 16KiB for added software compatibility, either via jumper pins or via optional hardware switch. - Super Products SuperRAM (256KiB piggyback board for 16KiB board in middle RAM slot) Provides 16 16KiB banks of memory, one of which is available to the computer at a time as part of the normal RAM of up to 48KiB. With a total of 48KiB installed in the three RAM slots, the total system potential is 304KiB. - Magna Systems Ramcharger 256K (800 middle RAM slot)(1986) Provides 16 16KiB banks of memory, one of which is available to the computer at a time as part of the normal RAM of up to 48KiB. With a total of 32KiB installed in the other two RAM slots, the total system potential is 288KiB. Includes on-off switch for added compatibility. - Magna Systems Ramcharger 512K (800 middle RAM slot)(1986) Provides 32 16KiB banks of memory, one of which is available to the computer at a time as part of the normal RAM of up to 48KiB. With a total of 32KiB installed in the other two RAM slots, the total system potential is 544KiB. Includes on-off switch for added compatibility. - Axlon Compatible Atari 800 512K RAM Board, by 8-Bit Classics (2017) Available: - Magna Systems Ramcharger 1MiB (800 middle RAM slot)(1986) Provides 64 16KiB banks of memory, one of which is available to the computer at a time as part of the normal RAM of up to 48KiB. With a total of 32KiB installed in the other two RAM slots, the total system potential is 1056KiB. Includes on-off switch for added compatibility. - Incognito, by Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle'O'Sin), 2012 - 1MiB Axlon compatible memory expansion for Colleen mode - Device detailed elsewhere in this FAQ list (800 personality boards) - 5cFabrication The 1056 Board: PNP 48k + 1008k Axlon Compatible Upgrade For the Atari 800 (800 middle RAM slot), 2022 - Supplied with "Jumper Board" for front memory slot - 5cFabrication The 1056 Board: 48k + 1008k Axlon Compatible Upgrade For the Atari 400, 2022 - 5cFabrication Atari 800 "The Mega 4" Four MB Memory Card (4,128KiB), 2022 - 48KiB of base memory plus 4,080KiB of Axlon compatible banked memory - Supplied with "Jumper Board" for front memory slot > "Mosaic" bank-selection type Banks are 4KiB, visible at 49152-53247 or $C000-$CFFF. Writes to 65472- 65507 or $FFC0-$FFE3 enable specific banks (65472 or $FFC0 = bank 0, 65473 or $FFC1 = bank 1, etc.). Writes to 65280-65471 or $FF00-$FFBF, or to 65508-65535 or $FFE4-$FFFF, disable all banks. Scheme supports 36 banks, for a total system potential of 192KiB (48KiB + 36 banks of 4KiB). - Mosaic 64K RAM Select (400 or 800 any RAM slot) (400/800 version or early 400-only version) (1982) - Single board provides 48KiB "hard-wired" plus 4 banks of 4KiB addressed directly beyond the normal 48KiB limit, for 52KiB of continuous memory available to the computer. - In the 800, may be used in combinations including two 16KiB boards, one 32KiB board, one 16KiB board and one 32KiB board, or with one or two additional 64K RAM Select boards (total of 10 possible configurations). Each 64K RAM Select allows the computer to see all the memory of the other boards, makes enough of its own memory available to the computer to reach the continuous RAM limit of 52K, and makes the rest of its memory available to the computer in banks of 4KiB addressed directly beyond the normal 48KiB limit. Total system potential with three 64K RAM Select boards is 192KiB (48KiB + 36 banks of 4KiB). - Cable Kit/Cable Connectors Package #1 required in 400 or with first 64K RAM Select in 800. Many units supplied with: - SuperDrive by Starship Enterprises (c)1983 H.V. Stacey (Stace) - GENVDOS installation program modifies Atari DOS 2.0S to support a RAM drive for 64K RAM Select, and to support DUP.SYS and/or MEM.SAV residing on the RAM drive. - Cable Kit/Cable Connectors Package #2 required with 2nd or 3rd 64K RAM Select in 800; use of one 64K RAM Select board with one 32KiB board requires Companion Board in middle RAM slot in 800 - 48K Boot Fix program included for compatibility with software written to treat more than 48KiB available as not enough memory available. - Software sold separately by Mosaic: - Handyman by Holiday Software (software utility package; routines reside in bank select RAM; usable with BASIC and Assembler Editor) > Neither Axlon nor Mosaic bank-selection type (but very similar to Axlon) - "Suggestions for a 64K Modification" portion of A 48K Upgrade For Your 400 project by Claus Buchholz, MACE Newsletter (Michigan Atari Computer Enthusiasts), 9/82 64KiB Modification ("MACE Mod") provides one 16KiB bank of memory, bank- switched with the "middle" 16KiB of the 48KiB RAM, visible at 16384-32767 or $4000-$7FFF, for a system total of 64KiB RAM. Write a 1 to a memory location between $D700 and $D7FF (55040 to 55295 decimal) to enable the banked memory; write a 0 to the same location to enable the main/normal memory. - Atari 800 Plus 256K, project by David G. Byrd (1985-1987) (Inspired by the Buchholz 64KiB "MACE Mod" upgrade for the 400) 288KiB total memory for the 800: 48KiB of normal user memory and 240KiB of extended memory available in 15 banks of 16KiB visible at 16384-32767 ($4000-$7FFF). Bank selection is controlled by writing a bank number (0-15) to the bank select register 55040 ($D700). Value of 0 selects the main/normal memory. - First published in the July 1985 S.N.A.C.C Newsletter. (Southern Nevada Atari Computer Club) - Revision A - Oct 1985 - Rev D - Jan 1987 - for Ad Astra Ver 1.6, January/February 1987 - Credits Rodger King for circuit simplification and David Lloyd for improved circuit - Optional daughter board design for the circuitry added to the memory board - Type-in QUIKTEST.BAS Ver 0.1 included - 800 Plus 256K Software (two disks) offered separately, containing: - More elaborate version of QUIKTEST: - Extended Memory Diagnostics for 800 Plus - MACHDOS 3.7A (DSDD RAMdisk) with backup, restore, & disk compare - DOS 2.5A (two SSSD RAMdisks) - GENEMDE (patch for DOS 2.0S) - produces EMDE/OS (Extended Memory Disk Emulator Operating System) by H. V. Stacey (stace) (1983) with 240KiB RAM drive support for the 800 Plus 256K. - Two single pass disk copy utilities - COPY288K.BAS - Backup Atari 288K by Clifford Caywood - CPY800PL.EXE - patched 130XE copy utility by RICK + DAN - "As the world turns demo" - Rev E with Improved Refresh Circuit, by Perry Thuente, Feb 2022 - Also available for Atari 800 Plus 256K project: - PEEKPOKE.3 by Dan Wess 11/7/85 modifies the DOS 2.5 RAM drive for 256K XL or 800 Plus - ABDISKIO.XR1 is a modified DISKIO (utility by Bernard E. Oppenbeim) to use DOS 2.5 as modified for the 800 Plus 256K - MYDOS256 is a patch file to convert MYDOS 3.015 (MYDOS 3.x?) to MyDospls, including 946 sector double density RAM drive. By Ross Beers, originally put out by LAACE BBS. - MYDOS 4.0+ can be configured for a full 240KiB RAMdisk using the 800 Plus addressing - Available SmartDOS version with 800 Plus support - Axlon RAMDISK Compatible Modification for 800+ 256K, by CHAOS (Capitol Hill Atari Owner's Society) - Intec 64K MM6464 (400) - Explicitly supported by later versions of MachDOS. - Seems rather likely this is a commercialized version of the 48K/64K "MACE Mod" by Claus Buchholz; can anyone confirm???? - The WindHover Atari 400 SuperRam Modification project by Jay Torres and Jerry Rombert, (1985?) clone of the 48K/64K "MACE Mod" by Claus Buchholz - The Windhover Project memory upgrades for the 800, by Jay Torres. 96KiB/160KiB/288KiB version appeared in the Manitoba Atari Computer Club, October 1985; Windhover DOS sold separately. Essentially the same as the Byrd upgrade. WindHover 288K SuperRam version 1986 - Atari 800 512K RAM Card, by Bob Hays - With battery backup - > Others, bank-selection type unknown (WHO CAN VERIFY?????) - High Country MicroSystems (HCMS) Ram-Page 64K RAM (400 or 800) - Manufactured by MaxRam Datawave Corporation - Can add to existing memory in the 800 for up to 96KiB RAM - Hardsel Xtra HardWare XTRA64 (400 or 800) (1983) - HardStuff 64K RAM Board (400 or 800) - Memory Mill 64K Board (400 factory installed, or 800) (includes software) - Memory Mill 128K Board (800) (includes software) XL/XE Memory Upgrades --------------------- In Atari XL/XE computers, memory location 54017 ($D301), known as PIA Port B or PORTB, is used to manage access to portions of built-in ROM and RAM that share ranges of memory addresses. See another section of this FAQ list describing the Atari memory map and banked memory management for details. Memory upgrades that increase the RAM in the 16KiB 600XL to 32KiB or to 48KiB provide the computer with additional main memory only. Memory upgrades that increase the RAM in the 600XL to 64KiB (62KiB usable) are designed to give the 600XL the same RAM specifications as the 800XL. Memory upgrades that increase the RAM of a 64KiB XL/XE computer to 128KiB (126KiB usable) are designed to give the computer the same banked memory specifications as the 130XE. "The Quarter-Meg Atari 800XL" project by Claus Buchholz, Byte 9/85, designed before the release of the 130XE, used a system of 8 32KiB RAM banks available at 0-32767/$0-$7FFF, where banks were selected using PORTB bits 4-6 (bits which were unused in the 1200XL/600XL/800XL). In the 130XE there are 4 16KiB extended RAM banks available at 16384- 32767/$4000-$7FFF, where banks are selected using PORTB bits 2-3 and enabled for access by the 6502 and/or ANTIC chips using PORTB bits 4-5. Following the standard set by the 130XE, XL/XE memory upgrades to more than 128KiB RAM provide additional 16KiB extended RAM banks at 16384-32767/$4000- $7FFF, and the additional banks are selected using additional bits of PORTB. Depending on the design of the upgrade, this MAY result in loss of functionality otherwise associated with the co-opted bits of PORTB, such as loss of "true ANTIC banking" capability (independent access to selected banked memory by the 6502 and/or ANTIC; bits 4-5), loss of access to the internal Self Test program (bit 7), loss of access to internal BASIC (bit 1), or loss of access to the 16KiB of RAM "under" the Atari OS (bit 0). 32KiB system total, for the 600XL - RC Systems AM2, plugs into the PBI, 1984 - W.E. Electronics (W.E.E.) 16K Expansion Pack, plugs into the PBI, 1985 - May be upgraded from 16KiB to 32KiB (48KiB system total) 48KiB system total, for the 600XL - RC Systems AM1, plugs into the PBI, 1984 - FirstWare (Mosaic) 48K Expander (internal), 1984 - Expander Package Upgrade Kit upgrades 48K Expander to 64K - W.E. Electronics (W.E.E.) 32K Expansion Pack, plugs into the PBI, 1985 64KiB system total, for the 600XL unless otherwise indicated - 64KiB internal daughterboard by BOT Engineering, 1983. - Some 600XL units were sold in Canada with this upgrade pre-installed. - Atari 1064, plugs into the PBI, 1984 - Provides pass-through interface for additional PBI devices - Only 48KiB of 64KiB in DRAM chips is used; the computer's internal 16KiB RAM remains enabled as well for 64KiB system total - MPP MicroRam 64K Memory Board, plugs into the PBI, 1984 - RC Systems AM64, plugs into the PBI, 1984 - FirstWare (Mosaic) 64K Expander (internal), 1984 - W.E. Electronics (W.E.E.) 64K RAM Expansion, plugs into the PBI, 1985 - 600XL 64K Kit, by Computer Service Land (internal), 1986 - 600XL to 64K RAMKit, by Computer Support, 1986 - 600XL to 64K internal upgrade kit, York Computer Centre, 1987 - Atari 600XL to 64K RAM project by Ken Sumrall, 1987 - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + 64K (16KiB to 64KiB internal), 1987 - 64K Upgrade for 600XL project by Don Neff, February 1988 issue of Michigan Atari Magazine - Compy-Shop 64 K RAM for Atari 600XL - Atari Static RAM project by tOri, 2014 - SRAM memory replacement for XL/XE including 600XL/800XL/65XE/800XE - - SRAM Module 64KB, by Lotharek, 2019 - Memory replacement for XL/XE including 600XL/800XL/65XE/800XE - - SRAM Module 64KB Revised, by Lotharek, 2020 SRAM 64Kb v3, by Lotharek, 2021 - Memory replacement for XL/XE including 600XL/800XL/65XE/800XE - - 5cFabrication Atari 600XL 64k PBI Memory Upgrade, 2022 - Plugs into the PBI, uses SRAM, no external power necessary 128KiB system total (Atari 130XE banked memory standard) PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3 2 bank-selection bits allows selection of 2^2 = 4 16KiB memory banks. - Turbo-Freezer XL or XL 2 with 64KiB RAM, by Bernhard Engl, 1987. - For 600XL (64KiB) or 800XL - Draws power from PBI, from controller jack, or computer internal power - Built-in DOS supports 1050 Turbo/Turbodrive - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + XL to XE (800XL/600XL 64KiB to 128KiB) - True ANTIC banking - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + 128K (65XE 64KiB to 128KiB) - True ANTIC banking - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + XE-GM1 (XEgs 64KiB to 128KiB) (1988) - True ANTIC banking - 128k SRam memory substitute by Bernd Herale / BigBen, 2005? - For all PAL/NTSC Atari XL/XE. - Replaces built-in RAM. - All Ataris are 130XE compatible 192KiB system total PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,6 3 bank-selection bits allows selection of 2^3 = 8 16KiB memory banks. - Ron Boling 130XE project - Compy-Shop 192 K RAM for Atari 600XL (128K Ramdisk) (includes base RAM upgrade from 16KiB to 64KiB) - Compy-Shop 192 K RAM for Atari 130XE (128K Ramdisk) - Turbo-Freezer XL or XL 2 with 128KiB RAM, by Bernhard Engl, 1987. - For 600XL (64KiB) or 800XL - Draws power from PBI, from controller jack, or computer internal power - Built-in DOS supports 1050 Turbo/Turbodrive - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + 192K (130XE 128KiB to 192KiB), 1988-11-11 - True ANTIC banking - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + XE-GM2 (XEgs 128KiB to 192KiB) - For XEgs with IC's XE-GM1 128KiB upgrade already installed. - True ANTIC banking - TOMS 128KiB upgrade for 800XL 256KiB system total 4 bank-selection bits allows selection of 2^4 = 16 16KiB memory banks, but there are only 12 "extra" banks available because the computer's main 64KiB RAM has been REPLACED. Main memory may or may not be protected from bank selection. > "Newell" bank-selection type PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6 (only 12 banks available) PORTB bit 5 use is inverted relative to the "Rambo" type. - Newell Industries 256KXL for 800XL/1200XL, ANTIC 'E' required, 1985 - Main memory is protected from bank-selection. - ANTIC accesses main memory only - Optional toggle switch for manual control of whether ANTIC accesses main or banked memory when banking is enabled. - Shipped with MYDOS 4.x, which can be configured for a "Newell" type RAM drive - Supplied with patches for - SpartaDOS 3.2 RD.COM RAM drive (patched version known as RDNEW.COM) - Earlier versions of Paper Clip by Batteries Included - Modifications supplied by Newell 1. True ANTIC banking 2. Main memory (including RAM under the OS) can be bank-selected. - SCXM Sector Copier (1985) sold separately - NOTE: After the RAMBO XL gained strong marketplace acceptance, the Newell 256KXL was replaced with the Newell 256KXLE, see below. > "Rambo" bank-selection type PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6 (only 12 banks available) Due to the use of PORTB bit 5 (VBE), these may or may not support true ANTIC banking. Also, PORTB bit 5 use is inverted relative to the "Newell" bank-selection type. - 130XE-Compatible 800XL 256K Upgrade, project by Claus Buchholz - Revision of his "Quarter-Meg Atari 800XL" project - Main memory can be bank-selected. - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - Ramaster, by ABC Consulting, for 800XL - Commercialized version of the Buchholz 130XE-Compatible 800XL 256K - RAMBO XL by ICD, for 800XL or 1200XL, 1986 - Commercialized version of upgrade of same name by Madison Area Atari Users Group (MAAUG) published Oct-Nov 1985, itself a close derivative of the Buchholz 130XE-Compatible 800XL 256K Upgrade. - Main memory can be bank-selected. - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - North American market standard-bearer - Notably not for 800XL units with later "800XLF" motherboard - 800XE PLUS, by Triple "C" Computer, for 800XL or 1200XL, 1986 "It's entirely compatible with the 130XE" - 256k RAM for 800XL, by Computer Support, 1986 - "Includes Ramdisc software for all DOS systems" - "Full 130XE compatibility" - Allen Macroware XL 256K MacroRam board for the 800XL, 1986 - "includes multidensity Ramdisk" - Magna Systems Ramcharger 256K for 800XL or 1200XL, 1987 - ANTIC accesses main memory only - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + XL (800XL 64KiB to 256KiB), 1987 - "RAMBO XL compatible" - Yorky, design by Dave Malham for York Computer Centre (1987), then Richard Gore (1993), for 800XL or 64KiB 600XL - Plugs into the PBI - Uses the 600XL/800XL power supply; supplies power for the computer - 3-way switch: Off, 64K, or 256K - Wizztronics 256K 800XL, c1990 (by Steve Cohen) - Clone of RAMBO XL design, but for 800XL only - - Newell 256KXLE, for 800XL/1200XL, c1991 - NOTE: Replaced the earlier Newell 256KXL - True ANTIC banking - Shipped with MYDOS 4.5x and COPY256E sector copier - CSS Power Plus, later version for 800XL - Clone of RAMBO XL design, but for 800XL only - Atarimax 256k Memory Upgrade for 800XL and 1200XL - Clone of RAMBO XL - Reimaged Rambo XL 256k Memory Upgrade, by Bits of the Past, (2011?) - Clone of RAMBO XL - SuperRAM, by Super Products, for 600XL/800XL - No soldering required > "Compy-Shop" bank-selection type PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,6,7 (only 12 banks available) - Compy-Shop 192 K Ramdisk for Atari 600XL - Also upgrades base memory from 16KiB to 64KiB - Despite the use of PORTB bit 7, the internal Self Test program remains available. 320KiB system total 4 bank-selection bits allows selection of 2^4 = 16 16KiB memory banks. > "Atari Magazin" (Rambo) bank-selection type Bank-selection is the same as the Rambo type but with 16 banks available. PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6 Due to the use of PORTB bit 5 (VBE), these may or may not support true ANTIC banking. - The 130XE/320K upgrade by Scott Peterson, 1985 - Credits the 800/288K upgrade (D.G.Byrd) and the 800XL/256K upgrade (C.Buchholz) for inspiration - ANTIC accesses main memory only - Further modification by Tom Harker of ICD, 01/25/86: - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - Further modification by Ed Bachman, 1-3-90: - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - The Windhover SuperRam 130XE Upgrade, by Jay Torres/The Windhover Project - Published in the Windhover Newsletter 1985 - Clone of the 130XE/320K Upgrade project by Scott Peterson - The 65XE 130XE/320K Upgrade! by Scott Peterson (for the 65XE), 1986 - 100% compatible with the previous 130XE/320K upgrade by Scott Peterson - ANTIC accesses main memory only - Further modification by Ed Bachman, 1-3-90: - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - Magna Systems Ramcharger 320K for 130XE, 1987 - ANTIC accesses main memory only - Atari Magazin "320 KByte im Eigenbau" for 800XL, by Rolf Schmidtke, issue 1987n2p56; bugfixes/updates 1987n3p54, 1988n4p62, 1988n5p86 - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - Popular alternative to Compy-Shop upgrades in Europe - TOMS 192KiB upgrade for 130XE - TOMS 256KiB upgrade for 800XL - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + XE (130XE 128KiB to 320KiB), 1987 - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + 320K (65XE 64KiB to 320KiB) - CSS Power Plus, 130XE version or earlier version for 800XL - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - Detlefsen Enterprises 320K kit for 130XE using four 4-bit RAM chips, 2007 - RAM 320XL, by ctirad, for 600XL/800XL, 2010 - Plugs into the PBI - Standard mode ADDS 256KiB of expansion memory. This gives a 16KiB 600XL 272KiB system total, while a 64KiB 800XL has 320KiB system total. - Remapped base RAM mode DISABLES internal RAM, makes 64KiB main memory available from the RAM 320XL device, for 320KiB total - - SuperRAM, by Super Products, for 130XE - 5cFabrication Atari 600XL/800XL 320k PBI Memory Upgrade, 2022 - Plugs into the PBI; USB-C external power required for the 800XL only > "Compy-Shop" bank-selection type PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,6,7 Due to the use of PORTB bit 7, the internal Self Test program may or may not remain available. - The Atari 130XE Memory Upgrade project by Rich Andrews, alternate install - Self Test is lost via software control (PORTB bit 7) - Compy-Shop 256 K Ramdisk for Atari 800XL Compy-Shop 256 K Ramdisk for Atari 130XE - Internal Self Test program remains available - Popular alternatives to Atari Magazin upgrade in Europe - Supplied with Bibo-DOS - Megaram XL/XE, by Klaus Peters (1990?) Megaram XL/XE Rev. II, by Klaus Peters (1992) - Fix for refresh errors, modification for switchable Atari Magazin mode (with true ANTIC banking): > "Turbo-Freezer" bank-selection type PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,4,5 - Turbo-Freezer XL and XL 2 with 256KiB RAM, by Bernhard Engl, 1987. - For 600XL (64KiB) or 800XL - Draws power from PBI, from controller jack, or computer internal power - Two bank selection modes, determined by PORTB bit 6: 1=130XE standard 128KiB banked RAM (PORTB bits 2,3 used) 0=256KiB banked RAM (PORTB bits 2,3,4,5 used) - Both modes: True ANTIC banking optional, otherwise PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - Built-in DOS supports 1050 Turbo/Turbodrive > "Andrews" bank-selection type PORTB bank-selection bits used: 1,2,3,6 - The Atari 130XE Memory Upgrade project by Rich Andrews, standard install - Internal BASIC is lost via software control (PORTB bit 1) > Multiple bank-selection types supported - 256 kByte im 800XL project by Bernhard Pahl. - Two modes: Atari Magazin and Compy-Shop - - 256 kByte im 800XLF / 65XE / 800XE / XEgs project by Bernhard Pahl - Two modes: Atari Magazin and Compy-Shop - - 256 kByte im 130XE project by Bernhard Pahl - Two modes: Atari Magazin and Compy-Shop - - RAM-Erweiterung 256kB fur 130XE, by Heuser Family (2005) - Two modes: Atari Magazin and Compy-Shop - 512KiB system total 5 bank-selection bits allows selection of 2^5 = 32 16KiB memory banks, but there are only 28 "extra" banks available because the computer's main 64KiB RAM has been REPLACED. Main memory may or may not be protected from bank selection. If the PORTB bank-selection bits used include 2,3,5,6 then the upgrade is Rambo/Atari Magazin compatible; if they include 2,3,6,7 then the upgrade is Compy-Shop compatible. - 512K Atari 800XL/1200XL V1.1, by Dan Schmidt. For computers that already have a 256K RAMBO XL or Claus Buchholz upgrade installed. - NOTE: The original non-V1.1 version does not work! - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6,7 - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - Main memory can be bank-selected. - ShamaXL AME Issue 1.1, 600XL installation, by Алексей Семёнов (Aleksey Semenov), 2023 - Three RAM expansion modes: 576KiB, 320KiB, or off - 512KiB mode PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6,7 - 320KiB mode PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6 - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - PBI device 576KiB system total 5 bank-selection bits allows selection of 2^5 = 32 16KiB memory banks. If the PORTB bank-selection bits used include 2,3,5,6 then the upgrade is Rambo/Atari Magazin compatible; if they include 2,3,6,7 then the upgrade is Compy-Shop compatible. - The 130XE/576K upgrade, by Scott Peterson. (1986) Two modes: - 576KiB mode: PORTB bank-selection bits used: 1,2,3,5,6 - Internal BASIC is lost via software control (PORTB bit 1) - ANTIC accesses main memory only - Further modification by Ed Bachman, 1-3-90: - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - 130XE mode: 192KiB RAM - "100% compatible 130XE" - Irata Verlag 512K RAM 800XL RAMFloppy plugs into the 800XL PBI (1986) - Sold separately: 512K RAM BetriebsSystem Chip for 800XL + RAMFloppy - Magna Systems Ramcharger 576K for 130XE (1987) - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6,7 - ANTIC accesses main memory only - Self Test is lost via software control (PORTB bit 7) - Innovative Concepts Ramdrive + 576K (130XE 320KiB to 576KiB), 1987 - Upgrade for 130XE with IC's 130XE 320KiB upgrade already installed. - 512 kByte im 800XL / 800XE project by Bernhard Pahl - Based on Megaram XL/XE Rev. II, by Klaus Peters - Compatible with both Atari Magazin and Compy-Shop bank-selection types (PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6,7) - - 512 kByte im 130XE project by Bernhard Pahl - Compatible with both Atari Magazin and Compy-Shop bank-selection types (PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6,7) - - 512k SRam Extension by Bernd Herale / BigBen, 2005 - For XL/XE with at least 64KiB RAM. Four modes: 1. Memory expansion off 2. 256KiB "Compy Shop" mode (separate access for ANTIC and 6502) 3. 256KiB "Rambo/Atari Magazine" mode (no separate access) 4. 512KiB "Rambo" mode (no separate access) - Board layout with additional battery or battery backup by Wolfram Fischer (mega-hz), 2006 - 512k SRAM extension for Atari XL/XE, project by Matthias "Hias" Reichl, 2006-2010. For XL/XE with at least 64KiB RAM. Four modes: - 0KiB / off - 256KiB using PORTB bits 2,3,5,6 ("RAMBO/Atari Magazine") - PORTB bit 4 is selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - 256KiB using PORTB bits 2,3,6,7 "Compy Shop" with true ANTIC banking - 512KiB using PORTB bits 2,3,5,6,7 - PORTB bit 4 is selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - Project: - Available: 512 Kbytes SRAM SMD Memory Expansion V3.x - Hardware + Layout by Wolfram Fischer (mega-hz), 2011 - Optional two switches to select the desired operating modes or to switch them off completely. If the switches are not connected, the memory always works in 512KiB mode. - Optional battery backup - - 576k Atari 130XE Battery Backed Up RAMDISK - Project by Stephen J. Carden, 6/25/2006 - - Turbo-Freezer XL/XE 2011, by Matthias Reichl - Requires 64KiB and XL adapter board for PBI; XE adapter board for ECI - Draws power from PBI/ECI or from controller jack - Hardware switch enables/disables 512KiB RAM (battery backed) for a total system memory of 576KiB. - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6,7 - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - - RAM 320XE/576, by ctirad, for 130XE/800XE/65XE with ECI, 2014 - Plugs into Cartridge+ECI - All cards have a cartridge pass-through connector - Optionally, the ECI port pass-through connector can be added - Supports four RAM configurations: - 128KiB 130XE, 320KiB Rambo, 320KiB Compy-Shop, 576KiB Rambo - 130XE and 320KiB Compy-Shop modes: True ANTIC banking - - Sys-Check V2.2, by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh), 2015,2018,2019 - For XL/XE with PBI/ECI - Includes external 512 KiB Standard memory expansion using "Rambo" scheme - - AVGCART (Average Cart) by tmp, 2018 - When used with optional ECI/PBI cable - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6,7 - Can also provide extra 48KiB RAM to stock 16KiB 600XL machines - - 512 KB SRAM Memory Expansion V4.4, by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh), 2018 - For all XL/XE except 600XL (physical space limitation) - Default 512KiB Rambo mode - Can switch to 256KiB Compy-Shop mode (with true ANTIC banking) or switch the whole expansion off - - 576 KB SRAM Memory Expansion, by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh), 2019 - 64KiB base/main & 512KiB expanded memory for the Atari 600XL - Works in all XL/XE, but is specially made to work and fit in the 16KiB RAM 600XL. - Default 512KiB Rambo mode - Can switch to 256KiB Compy-Shop mode (with true ANTIC banking) or switch the whole expansion off - - ShamaXL AME Issue 1.1, 800XL installation, by Алексей Семёнов (Aleksey Semenov), 2023 - Three RAM expansion modes: 576KiB, 320KiB, or off - 576KiB mode PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6,7 - 320KiB mode PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,5,6 - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - PBI device. External or PBI power required. 1024KiB system total 6 bank-selection bits allows selection of 2^6 = 64 16KiB memory banks, but there are only 60 "extra" banks available because the computer's main 64KiB RAM has been REPLACED. - 1 Meg 1200XL Upgrade project, by Bob Woolley, San Leandro Computer Club (SLCC) Newsletter April 1992 p.10-12 - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 1,2,3,5,6,7 - Internal BASIC is lost via software control (PORTB bit 1) - True ANTIC banking 1088KiB system total 6 bank-selection bits allows selection of 2^6 = 64 16KiB memory banks. - Scott Peterson 1088XE project for the 130XE - April 1986 (initial release); Version 2.0(This one works!) June 1986 - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 1,2,3,5,6,7 - Internal BASIC is lost via software control (PORTB bit 1) - Internal Self Test program remains available - ANTIC accesses main memory only - Further modification by Ed Bachman, 1-3-90: - PORTB bit 4 used as selected bank enable for 6502/ANTIC together - Magna Systems Ramcharger 1088K for 130XE. (1987) - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 1,2,3,5,6,7 - ANTIC accesses main memory only - Self Test is lost via software control (PORTB bit 7) - Internal BASIC is lost via software control (PORTB bit 1) - Newell 1 Meg XL for 800XL/1200XL (1990) - Installation Method 1: (1088KiB accessible RAM) - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 1,2,3,5,6,7 - Self Test is lost via software control (PORTB bit 7) - Internal BASIC is lost via software control (PORTB bit 1) - True ANTIC banking - Installation Method 2: (1072KiB accessible RAM) - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,4,5,6,7 - Self Test is lost via software control (PORTB bit 7) - 6502/ANTIC simultaneous banked memory access is ALWAYS enabled; 16KiB of main memory is not accessible - Installation Method 3: (1072KiB accessible RAM) - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 0,1,2,3,5,6 - Internal BASIC is lost via software control (PORTB bit 1) - True ANTIC banking - 16KiB RAM under the Operating System is not accessible - Shipped with MYDOS 4.50 M1 and M1Copy Sector Copier, both for use with Method 1 installation - Newell Meg XL for 800XL/1200XL (1991), Meg 65 for 65XE (1991), or Meg 130 for 130XE (1991), 1MiB installations - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 1,2,3,5,6,7 - Self Test is lost via software control (PORTB bit 7) - Internal BASIC is lost via software control (PORTB bit 1) - Installation option: Toggle switch to select internal BASIC - True ANTIC banking - Shipped with MYDOS 4.50 M1 and M1Copy Sector Copier - Megaram XL/XE Rev. III 1MiB (Super-Megaram), by Klaus Peters, 1992 - 1MiB installation: - PORTB bits 2,3,6,7 and memory location 54784 ($D600) bits 0,1 - Optional hardware switches for manual selection of 4 banks of 256KiB - 256KiB installation, PORTB bank-selection bits used: 2,3,6,7 - Fix by Erhard Puetz for refresh errors on XL's without FREDDIE: - Satantronic 1MiB SIMM RAM expansion project for 800XL, 800XE, 130XE, XEgs by Dodo (Jozef Friedmansky). (2002,2007,2009) Internal upgrade, with or without switches, with or without GAL chip. - 1MiB mode uses PORTB bits 1,2,3,5,6,7 - 256KiB Compy-Shop mode - 256KiB Atari Magazin mode - 64KiB 130XE mode - Optional 0KiB 800XL/65XE mode - - 1024 kByte im 800XL project by Bernhard Pahl - PORTB bits: 1,2,3,5,6,7 - Two modes: 1024KiB without BASIC, or 512KiB with BASIC - 1MiB SIMM project for 800XL, 65XE, 130XE, 800XE, by Pasiu/SSG. (2004?) Internal upgrade works in two modes: - 512KiB Compy-Shop with true ANTIC banking - 1024KiB with 6502/ANTIC simultaneous banking - - mega-mem 1024KB for 800XL, 800XE/65XE, 130XE, 1200XL, by Matthias Reichl and Wolfram Fischer, 2009. 8 modes selectable with 3 switches: - 0KiB (off) - 64KiB 130XE compatible - 128KiB - 256KiB Compy-Shop compatible - 256KiB Rambo/Atari Magazin compatible - 512KiB with ANTIC access - 512KiB without ANTIC access - 1024KiB (built-in BASIC not available) - Without switches: 1024KiB without BASIC, or 512KiB with BASIC - - Ultimate 1MB, by Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle'O'Sin), for all 64KiB XL/XE RAM features: - RAM configurable with 4 modes of operation: - Disabled - 320KiB "Rambo" (Atari Magazine) - 576KiB "Compy-Shop" with True ANTIC banking - 1088KiB "Rambo" - Firmware BIOS and SIDE Loader by Jonathan Halliday: - - - Atari MegaRAM Cart project by Gianluca GP Renzi, 2019 - For Atari Bus EXtender for Atari XE Computers with ECI - - SUBCART (variant of AVGCART) by tmp, 2023 - When used with optional ECI/PBI cable - 4MiB system total 8 bank-selection bits allows selection of 2^8 = 256 16KiB memory banks. - Newell Meg XL for 800XL/1200XL (1991), Meg 65 for 65XE (1991), or Meg 130 for 130XE (1991), 4MiB installations (4064KiB accessible RAM) - PORTB bank-selection bits used: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - Self Test is lost via software control (PORTB bit 7) - Internal BASIC is lost via software control (PORTB bit 1) - Installation option: Toggle switch to select internal BASIC - 6502/ANTIC simultaneous banked memory access is ALWAYS enabled; 16KiB of main memory is not accessible - 16KiB RAM under the Operating System is not accessible - Installation option makes RAM under the OS available, but only usable if OS is first moved to RAM - Shipped with MYDOS 4.50 M1 and M1Copy Sector Copier ------------------------------ Subject: 6.13) What personality boards were produced for the Atari 800? This should be a complete list of personality boards released for the 800. Atari CX801 10K ROM Personality Module (1979) - 400/800 OS, C012399 Floating Point Package (FPP) + C012499 + C014599 - Early units: 400/800 OS Rev.A/NTSC - Most units: 400/800 OS Rev.B/NTSC Atari CX801-P 10K ROM Personality Module (1981) - 400/800 OS Rev.A/PAL, C012399 (FPP) + C015199 + C015299 L.E. Systems disk drive (1982) - Device is a personality board (oversized) for the 800 - Detailed elsewhere in this FAQ list (using industry standard floppy disk drives) Ramrod MMOS Custom Operating System Board, by Newell Industries (1982) - Five ROM chip sockets - Two sockets for standard 400/800 OS chips or direct replacements - One socket for standard 400/800 FPP chip or direct replacement - Two sockets for addressing the 4KiB byte block of memory at $C000 - Only one socket can address the entire 4KiB block. In order to use two 4KiB chips, a hardware toggle switch must be utilized. - These two sockets can be reconfigured to support standard 400/800 OS chips or direct replacements. A hardware toggle switch is then used to select between the two OS versions installed on the Ramrod. - Earliest units shipped with Supermon! by David Young and 4KiB RAM, and optionally also shipped with 8KiB EPROM (two 4KiB chips) - Other early units shipped with Omnimon! by CDY Consulting and 4KiB RAM, and optionally also shipped with 8KiB EPROM (two 4KiB chips) - Later/Most units shipped with both Newell OSN and (standard 4KiB) Omnimon! - "Ramrod 2" shipped with OSN but without Omnimon! - "Ramrod 3" shipped with neither OSN nor Omnimon! - Board designed by System Innovations for Newell RAM/ROM Personality Board, by Adam Peripherals (1982 - released?) - Provides both 10KiB OS ROM and 14KiB RAM - Requires 400/800 OS chips moved from a CX801 - By default, system operates from ROM at power on. - User can configure system with 48KiB external memory (3 CX853 16K RAM modules) as a 62KiB RAM system (no OS). - User can move OS from ROM to RAM to allow for OS modification - 4KiB of RAM at $C000-$CFFF available to cartridges - With OS in RAM and 48KiB external memory (3 CX853 16K RAM modules, no cartridges), system automatically configures itself as a 52KiB RAM system - Software provided for memory test, OS transfer from ROM to RAM, and an assembly language monitor residing at $C000 which can replace the Memo Pad Integrater, by ADS (1983) - For Corvus hard disk drive and/or Axlon banked memory - Software & hardware design by D.S.S.A. (David & Sandy Small and Associates); sales support by Adams Computer Systems, Inc. (Allan Adams) - Built-in software known as: smallDOS - RAM drive emulates a 90KiB single density DOS 2.0S disk (707 sectors) - RAM drive is about 2 times faster than the original Axlon MMS RAM drive - RAM drive can be designated as any drive without system reboot or using an application program - Can boot the Atari directly from the Corvus - The Corvus can boot directly into an application program using standard Atari AUTORUN.SYS techniques and programs - Resident Mount Table Editor (part of smallDOS) MEM/EX, by Prairie Physics (1983) - Requires 400/800 OS chips moved from a CX801 - Adds 4KiB RAM at $C000 - Switch/program-selectable write-protection - Shipped with COM/EX software utility package on diskette - Resides in MEM/EX RAM - Adds ten new direct-mode commands for use with Atari BASIC or Assembler Editor - Machine-language monitor Incognito, by Sebastian Bartkowicz (Candle'O'Sin), 2012 - 4 slots for OS separate for Colleen and XL/XE mode - 64KiB of flash memory for future GUI - 2 slots for BASIC/cartridge - Built-in, configurable CF card storage (works as PBI in XL/XE mode, and through SDX driver in Colleen mode) - Built-in FAT32 loader (SIDE) with both ATR and XEX file handling - SpartaDOS X - Onboard RTC - Real Time Clock - 1MiB Axlon compatible memory expansion for Colleen mode - 64KiB/320KiB/576KiB/1088KiB total memory available in XL/XE mode - Up to 52KiB of memory in Colleen mode (configurable) - Firmware BIOS and SIDE Loader by Jonathan Halliday: - A PBI implementation of Matthias Reichl's High-Speed SIO code which does not require OS patching and which works with external cartridges - The ability to set the system date and time from inside the BIOS setup utility - Expanded PBI BIOS settings on a dedicated menu page - System information page showing video standard, CPU speed, etc. - User-selectable BIOS hotkeys - Configuration profiles - BIOS plugin API for user-defined external device control - New, faster XEX loader supporting multiple FAT partitions, APT partition mounting and recursive searching - SIO2BT support (at up to 56kb/s) and high-speed SIO for PCLink and other serial devices - Built-in CIO "Z:" RTC device handler - Available: Atari 800 RAMROM 2022 Personality Card, by 5cFabrication, 2022 - Has sockets for Atari's 2 ROM chips and a Math Pack chip - Has a socket for a flash ROM chip - Can be configured to provide the following: - Up to 4 Operating systems on a flash ROM chip - Fast Chip can be installed on the flash ROM - 4K of extra RAM to provide 52k of Base Memory - Add-on firmware such as Omniview and Omnimon - 128K of Mosaic-banked memory - All RAM, on this card, can be configured with a CR2032 battery back-up - Compatible with Axlon cards if on-board RAM is disabled - Available: ------------------------------ Subject: 6.14) How can I upgrade my Atari to run CP/M or MS-DOS software? The CP/M operating system was first released by Digital Research in 1976, and by the early 1980s CP/M had become the dominant software platform for 8-bit computers that were based on the Intel 8080 microprocessor (including the Zilog Z-80). Sometimes referred retroactively as: CP/M-80 CP/M-86 arrived in late 1981 as a version of CP/M for 16-bit computers based on the Intel 8086 or 8088 (such as the IBM PC). Microsoft DOS, or MS-DOS, was released with the IBM PC (branded as IBM PC DOS) in August 1981, soon becoming the dominant software platform for 16-bit computers based on the Intel 8086/8088. As a 6502-based computer, the Atari itself is not capable of running CP/M or MS-DOS, but the following are add-ons for the Atari where the Atari system functions as a character-based terminal emulator providing an interface to 8080 or 8088 based hardware natively running the CP/M or MS-DOS operating systems and software applications. ATR8000, by Software Publishers / SWP Microcomputer Products (1982-1986) - 4MHz Z-80A microprocessor, 16KiB or 64KiB RAM - Connects to the Atari via SIO (includes 2nd SIO port) - Supplied with 64KiB RAM units and also sold separately (for 16KiB units upgraded to 64KiB): - CP/M 2.2 with ATR8000 CP/M Supplement and Auto-Term terminal emulator for the Atari (Lear Siegler ADM-3A emulation with 80 column display supported via 40 column movable window or via "AUTOBIT3" utility for Bit 3 Full-View 80 support) (5.25" or 8" disks) - Atari/Percom compatible disk drives not supported under CP/M - Sold separately by SWP: - Autoterm80 (ADM-3A emulation with 80 column display for any Atari) - Sold separately by Amiable Computer Enhancements (1984) or by Vintage Computer Center (2021): - DT-80 Atari/ATR8000 80-Column Dumb Terminal Emulator cartridge (ADM-3A compatible)(programmed by Claus Buchholz) CO-POWER, by SWP Microcomputer Products (1984-1986) - Upgrade for 64KiB SWP ATR8000 units - 5.33MHz 8088 microprocessor - CO-POWER-88: 128KiB or 256KiB RAM - CO-POWER-Plus: 256KiB, 512KiB, 768KiB, or 1024KiB RAM - To August 1, 1985: Supplied with MS-DOS (SWP OEM version; all but early units: MS-DOS 2.11) and RAM drive software for CP/M 2.2 (5.25" or 8" disks) - From August 1, 1985: Supplied with SWP PC-DOS Utility Disk (IBM PC format; IBM PC DOS 2.1 system disk required/not included) and a CP/M format disk with PC-DOS Load Files and RAM drive software for CP/M 2.2 - Sold separately by SWP for CO-POWER: - CP/M-86 (5.25" or 8" disks) RAM Charger, by Indus Systems/Future Systems, for Indus GT disk drive (1986) - 64KiB RAM upgrade - drive becomes Indus CP/M capable. Supplied with: - Indus CP/M Terminal disk - Atari format disk containing two programs: - 40 column ADM-31 emulator - 80 column ADM-3A emulator - One of two disks - each in CP/M format: - Indus CP/M BIOS disk (contains Indus/Future Systems CP/M BIOS only; CP/M 2.2 not included) - Boots to: FUTURE CPM 2.2 REV 1.0 - Indus CP/M Utility disk (contains CP/M 2.2 with Indus/Future Systems CP/M BIOS) - Boots to: INDUS CPM 2.2 REV 1.1 - Indus CP/M boot process: 1) Load the terminal emulator using the Atari 2) Insert the CP/M disk into the Indus 3) While holding down the "drive type" button, press the "error" button; this will boot up CP/M, which will ask you to hit the [RETURN] key to continue. - Indus CP/M supports an Atari printer and a second disk drive. - Indus GT drives with early ROM versions 1.00 or 1.10 must be upgraded to ROM version 1.20 to run Indus CP/M. - More on running Indus CP/M: SRAMCharger, by trub (2007) - 64KiB RAM upgrade project for Indus GT, LDW Super 2000, or CA-2001 disk drives; equivalent to the Indus GT RAM Charger by Indus Systems/ Future Systems; drive becomes Indus CP/M capable. - SRAM Charger, by Jurgen van Radecke (tfhh) (2018) - 64KiB RAM upgrade project for Indus GT, LDW Super 2000, or CA-2001 disk drives; equivalent to the Indus GT RAM Charger by Indus Systems/ Future Systems; drive becomes Indus CP/M capable. - Available: - More on running Indus CP/M: FujiNet - As of 2020-01-20, the #FujiNet firmware has support for CP/M, via the RunCPM software emulation layer. This provides a Z80 CPU, and enough of an emulation core to run almost all CP/M programs. RunCPM sources: - CP/M support is limited to the local SD card slot. - The Atari acts as a terminal. Two terminal options: 1) DT-80 Atari/ATR8000 80-Column Dumb Terminal Emulator cartridge (ADM-3A compatible) by Amiable Computer Enhancements (1984) or by Vintage Computer Center (2021) (programmed by Claus Buchholz) 2) An Atari MODEM program working over R:. Two steps: 1) Set the baud rate to 9600. 2) Start CP/M with the command ATCPM. - The currently selected FujiNet Printer is passed to CP/M's LST: device. - More on running CP/M on FujiNet: ------------------------------ Subject: 6.15) What were the Atari CP/M Module and 1090 XL Expansion System? The Atari CP/M Module (internally: Sweetpea, Sweet Pea, 1060) was introduced at the June 1983 Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago. Housed in a case resembling the 1050 disk drive, features were to include: Z-80 microprocessor (4.0MHz Z-80A), 64KiB RAM, CP/M 2.2 operating system (by Digital Research; supplied on diskettes for Atari disk drive), 80 column display capability (composite video output port for high resolution monochrome display; unit would also be able to use the Atari computer's display device in 40 or 80 column modes). Electrical and firmware design licensed from Add-on Computer Corp. CP/M software applications supplied on diskettes formatted for Atari disk drive (810 and 1050 formats both supported by the unit) were to be marketed separately (catalog supplied in the box with the unit) by Add-on Software, Inc., who expected to initially offer: Wordstar (MicroPro International), dBASE II (Allied Computer Services), Peachpak (Peachtree Software), Pascal/MT+ (Digital Research), CBASIC (Digital Research), SuperWriter (Sorcim), SuperCalc (Sorcim), Multiplan (Microsoft), MBASIC (Microsoft), and perhaps: MicroSort, Supersoft FORTH, Personal Pearl Database Manager. Atari confirmed the cancellation of the unshipped CP/M Module in January 1984. No more than a handful of prototype units may exist. Atari first previewed the Expansion Box at the June 1983 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Chicago. The Expansion Box was to provide eight expansion slots, two RS-232 ports, and a bi-directional parallel bus, and was expected to ship by the end of that year. Atari privately showed the (revised) 1090 XL Expansion System at the June 1984 CES (also in Chicago). The 1090 would connect directly to the PBI on XL computers and would accept up to five XL Expansion Cards (each 9"x5", with 50-pin card edge connector). The 1090 was to ship with one 1090/1 XL 64K RAM Card (promised to expand a 600XL to 80KiB, or expand a 600XL with 1064, an 800XL, or the promised 1450XLD to 128KiB). (Up to two 1090/1 cards were to be usable at the same time, making each of the 600XL/800XL or promised 1450XLD expandable to 192KiB.) A handful of prototypes exist, but the 1090 was never shipped. ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.1) What is the Atari Operating System? "An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is a vital component of the system software in a computer system. Application programs require an operating system to function." (Wikipedia 8/15/2012) Atari 8-bit computers were supplied with the proprietary Atari Operating System contained in Read Only Memory (ROM) as an integral feature of the computer. Major design elements of the Atari OS (derived here from De Re Atari): MONITOR Executed upon system power (Coldstart) or [RESET] keypress (Warmstart). Sets up memory management, initializes I/O Subsystem, sets up System Vectors, boots (loads software into RAM) from cassette or diskette if present, selects and launches program execution environment INTERRUPT PROCESSING STRUCTURE The OS processes 6502 interrupts as generated by events including: keyboard keystrokes, the [Break] key, some serial bus events, system timer timeouts, and the vertical blank interval on the television/monitor. An Interrupt ReQuest (IRQ) Handler and a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) Handler are both provided. SYSTEM VECTORS Design consideration allows for: - User programs to directly utilize OS routines - User programs to substitute for OS routines INPUT/OUTPUT SUBSYSTEM Multi-layered provision for user program access to hardware peripherals. Device Handlers may be added by user programs. Includes a complete Cassette Handler and a rudimentary Diskette Handler, but notably does not include a complete Disk Operating System. Described in greater detail in a separate section of this FAQ list. REAL TIME PROGRAMMING Hardware timers and system software timers are provided to facilitate predictable and controllable speeds of software routine execution. ROM CHARACTER SET Atari ASCII, or ATASCII. May be substituted by user programs. Described in greater detail in a separate section of this FAQ list. FLOATING POINT PACKAGE (FPP) Set of mathematical routines that use binary coded decimal (BCD) arithmetic to provide standard mathematical functions (+, -, *, /), exponential and logarithmic functions as well as conversion from ATASCII to BCD and BCD to ATASCII. Developed apart from the rest of the Atari OS by Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI) for internal use by Atari BASIC, but placed in operating system ROM by Atari for universal availability. Software can reliably determine the version of the Atari Operating System running as follows. (primary source: OS Manual XL Addendum, p.28) First, determine whether the system is running a 400/800 OS version or an XL OS version by checking the value of memory location $FCD8. In Atari BASIC, PEEK(64728) is the equivalent test. Read Result Means $A2 (162) 400/800 OS $4C (76) XL OS Then, if running a 400/800 OS version as determined above, now check the values of BOTH memory locations $FFF8 and $FFF9. In Atari BASIC, PEEK(65528) and also PEEK(65529) and interpret the results as follows: $FFF8 (65528) $FFF9 (65529) 400/800 OS Rev. Rev. Date ------------- ------------- --------------- --------- $FF (255) --> "Operating System 255"1979-04 (VERY RARE) $DD (221) $57 (87) --> Rev.A/NTSC 1979-06 (uncommon) $D6 (214) $57 (87) --> Rev.A/PAL 1979-06 (common) $F3 (243) $E6 (230) --> Rev.B/NTSC 1981-09 (common) $22 (34) $58 (88) --> Rev.B/PAL 1981-09 (NOT SHIPPED?) About "Operating System 255" -- A pre-production demo unit release, possibly a few thousand once existed. For more info see and and the 17-Nov-79 essay Atari_CASSETTE_TAPES.pdf found in post #2 in: If running an XL OS version as determined above, the Revision number of the XL OS is available at memory location $FFF7. In Atari BASIC, PEEK(65527) for the XL OS Revision number. XL OS Revisions released: XL OS (Dec.) Hex Rev. Date Shipped in Rev.A (10) $0A 1982-10-26 1200XL (all) Rev.B (11) $0B 1982-12-23 n/a * * From September 1983 service centers were authorized to upgrade the 1200XL OS to: XL OS Rev.B (see Tech Tip 18A, 9/29/83) Rev.1 (1) $01 1983-03-11 600XL (early/most) / 800XL (earliest) Rev.2 (2) $02 1983-05-10 600XL (later) / 800XL/65XE/130XE (most) Rev.3 (3) $03 1985-03-01 65XE/130XE (late) / 800XE (all) Rev.4 (4) $04 1987-05-07 XE System console (all) Rev.3B (59) $3B 1987-07-21 65XE Najm (earlier) Rev.3B (59) $3B 1987-07-21 09/22/88 - 65XE Najm (later) OS MANUALS FROM ATARI (FPP coverage included) - Operating System User's Manual - Author: Harry B. Stewart, NEOTERIC consultant for Atari - August 15, 1980 edition (pre-release edition) - November 1980 edition, (c)1980 - 215 numbered pages - Table of contents lacks page numbers - Contents of pages numbered 191 and 192 are reversed - The last two sections are: pp. 177-199 Appendix K. OS Database Variable Functional Descriptions pp. 200-215 Appendix L. Equate File (400/800 OS Rev.A source excerpt) - GREEN line-printed title page. Included in: - "Atari Personal Computer System Operating System User's Manual and Hardware Manual" November 1980 C016555 with ORANGE cover page - January 1982 edition, (c)1980 - 261 numbered pages - Identical to the earlier (c)1980 edition through page number 191 - Confusingly, this includes the portion of the superseded version of Appendix K from the earlier edition on pages numbered 177-191 - Pages marked 192 through 261 marked: "C016555 - Rev. 0.2" - Pages 192-197: Appendix K. Device Characteristics (content not included in the earlier edition) - Pages 198-261: Appendix L. OS Database Variable Functional Descriptions (complete revision of the Appendix K. from the earlier edition) - The Appendix L. Equate File content from the earlier edition is not included. - GREEN line-printed title page. Included in: - "Atari Personal Computer System Operating System User's Manual and Hardware Manual" January 1982 C016555 with YELLOW cover page - Mid-1982 edition, (c)1980 - Content same as (reverted to) November 1980 edition, see above - BRIGHT GREEN title page (with Atari logo). Included in: - "Atari Personal Computer System Technical Reference Notes includes: Operating System User's Manual and Hardware Manual" C016555 REV. 1 (mid-1982) with GOLD title page - (c)1982 edition - 273 numbered pages - Completely revised table of contents, including page numbers - Completely revised layout; content is heavily revised in some places - Includes Index (pages 271-273) - GRAY title page (with Atari logo). Included in: - "Atari Home Computer System Technical Reference Notes includes: Operating System User's Manual, Operating System Source Listing and Hardware Manual" C016555 Rev. A (late 1982) with BLUE title page - De Re Atari: A Guide to Effective Programming - C060070, (c)1981 edition (early version for registered developers) - APX-90008, (c)1982 edition (common version sold via APX) - Also published in German and French language editions - Operating System Manual: Supplement to Atari 400/800 Technical Reference Notes C024515 (ii+36 pages covers changes from the 400/800 OS to the XL OS) - REV. A with green cover: "Atari 1200XL: Atari Home Computer System" - White cover: "Atari XL Addendum: Atari Home Computer System" - Author (uncredited): Robert A. Peck OS SOURCE CODE PUBLISHED BY ATARI (excluding the FPP; see "What is Atari BASIC" FAQ section for FPP source code) - Operating System Source Listing C017893 / CA016557 (order#) - August 1981, (c)1981 - "This is the original June 1979 Atari 400/800 computer operating system listing" (page 1) - 131 numbered pages (5785 lines) + 24 un-numbered pages (Cross Reference) - Available: - Operating System Source Listing, (c)1982 - "This is the modified September Atari 400/800 computer operating system listing" (page 1) - "This is the Revision B EPROM version" (page 1) - 129 numbered pages (5805 lines) + 24 un-numbered pages (Cross Reference) - BLUE title page (with Atari logo). Included in: - "Atari Home Computer System Technical Reference Notes includes: Operating System User's Manual, Operating System Source Listing and Hardware Manual" C016555 Rev. A (late 1982) with BLUE title page - Available: - According to Mapping the Atari, Revised Ed. by Ian Chadwick, page 212, or : "Atari did produce a listed source code for the XL OS, although for some reason it was never published for public sale as it was intended...It is an excellent 500+ page resource document." OS DEVELOPER CREDITS AT ATARI (see "What is Atari BASIC" FAQ section for FPP credits) 400/800 OS Rev.A David Crane - Design/programming - graphic assistance routines (line draw, area fill) (also wrote: APX Outlaw/Howitzer) Alan Miller - Design/programming (also wrote: Basketball) Larry Kaplan - Design/programming (also wrote: Video Easel, Super Breakout) Harry B. Stewart - Documentation; Design input (NEOTERIC consultant for Atari; also wrote: APX Extended WSFN, Atari PILOT) Gary Palmer - Worked on the I/O portion (consultant for Atari) Ian Shepard - Developed the disk drive functions R. Scott Scheiman - ATASCII Rev.B Michael P. Mahar - Fix several problems R. Scott Scheiman - Fix several problems XL OS Rev.A Harry B. Stewart - External Reference Specification (NEOTERIC consultant for Atari) Lane Winner - ? R. Scott Scheiman - Handler Loader Y. M. (Amy) Chen - Relocating Loader; International Character Set Mike W. Colburn - Self Test Richard K. (Hud) Nordin - ? Rev.B R. Scott Scheiman - Fix several problems Rev.1 R. Scott Scheiman - Support for PBI and on-board BASIC Richard K. (Hud) Nordin - Support for PBI and on-board BASIC Y. M. (Amy) Chen - Support for PBI and on-board BASIC Rev.2 R. Scott Scheiman - Fix several problems Rev.3 ? - Self Test updated; Fix one problem Rev.4 ? - Support for detachable keyboard and on-board game Rev.3B ? - Arabic character set and right-to-left text entry Source code and further details for all known shipped and prototype versions of the Atari OS, based on disassembled ROM images combined with published source listings, was (amazingly) published by Tomasz Krasuski at ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.2) What modified versions of the Atari OS were released? This should be a complete list of modified versions of the Atari operating system ROM chips, or extensions to the OS released on ROM chips, released commercially by third-parties for the Atari. Replacement personality boards for the 800, as well as 400/800 OS "translator" programs distributed as software, are listed in separate sections of this FAQ list. Countless public domain modifications to the Atari OS have been produced as well. These are generally not listed here. For the 400/800/XL/XE --------------------- Fast Floating Point routines by Charles W. Marslett, 1981-1984 - Replacement for the Floating Point Package (FPP) component of the Atari OS - Revision history: - Revision A, ASCII--> Floating conversion of 9 digits only (like Atari), 19 November 1981. - Revision B, Returned to using REDARG in LOG (like Atari), to allow inclusion of SIN/COS/SQR constants for BASIC cartridge 27 November 1981. - Revision C, Eliminated use of DEGRAD and FRx in the FMUL/FDIV code and further speeded up FMUL by unrolling shift loop, 30-Nov-81 - Revision D, Inserted copyright notice in the ROM, 1-Dec-81 - Revision E, Added ASCII hex display routine, 4-Mar-82 - Revision F, modified EXP and LOG functions for the 600XL and 800XL BASIC ROM power routine bug, 17-June-84 - Marketed by Newell Industries as: Fastchip - Also incorporated into: - OmnimonXL by CDY Consulting - OmniviewXL by CDY Consulting - Omniview XL/XE (Omniview XE) by CDY Consulting - Omniview 256 by CDY Consulting - Ultra Speed Plus (US+) by Computer Software Services (CSS) - TurBoss by Integrated Logic Systems (ILS) - Source code available: - (Rev C) - (Rev F) - (Rev F) For the 400/800 --------------- Fastchip, by Newell Industries, 1981 - Replacement for the 400/800 OS C012399 Floating Point Package (FPP) ROM - Fast Floating Point routines by Charles W. Marslett (see above) - Early ad: Analog #8p93 - The first product release from Newell Industries Supermon!, by CDY Consulting (David Young), 1982? - Resident machine language monitor - Installs into the 4KiB byte block of memory at $C000. - Shipped with earliest Ramrod units by Newell Industries - For later released versions see: Omnimon! (1983?) Omnimon!, by CDY Consulting (David Young), 1983? - Resident machine language monitor - For earliest released version see: Supermon! (1982?) - Installs into the 4KiB byte block of memory at $C000. - Standard Version (4KiB): Has a HELP command (not present in other versions) - Shipped with Omnimon! piggyback board by The Peripheral Connection (Bill Williams) - Shipped with Newell Industries Ramrod personality board (800) - Advanced Version A (4KiB): Adds several utilities, plus support for Happy 810 Enhancement and Bit 3 Full-View 80 - Ramdisk Version R (4KiB): Most features of Advanced Version A, including Happy 810 Enhancement and Bit 3 Full-View 80 support, plus RAM drive for Axlon banked memory - Banked Version L (4KiB): Same as Ramdisk Version R with additional disk I/O facilities, but without debugging commands of Standard Version - Banked Version U (4KiB): Designed to complement Banked Version L. Includes debugging commands of Standard Version plus a mini-assembler and a relocate command. - 8K Omnimon! (1984) - Replacement for 4KiB Versions A/R/L/U - Supplied on an 8KiB chip with hardware toggle switch used to select between Version L and Version U. Characters on the screen are inverted to prompt the user to flip the switch when needed. OSN (O.S.'N'), by Wes Newell for Newell Industries, 1983 - Complete replacement 400/800 operating system - Shipped with Newell Ramrod 800 personality board - Shipped with Newell "Ramrod 2" (Ramrod with OSN but without Omnimon!) - OSN supplied on 2 4KiB chips or on one 8KiB chip. - Provides all graphics modes, including modes 12-15 that are not in the standard 400/800 OS - Cassette interface is programmable to any baud rate - Keyboard delay and repeat functions have been modified to allow for faster typing and cursor movement. - Cartridges can be disregarded on power up. Omniview (Omniview 400/800), by CDY Consulting, 1984 - Adds 80 column E: and S: OS device drivers, using 3-bit wide characters in ANTIC mode F (BASIC GR. 8). Software can also be optimized to write to the Omniview screen output routines. - RAM drive for Axlon banked memory (up to 1MiB). - Installs into the 4KiB byte block of memory at $C000. - Two versions: Omniview standard (4KiB) or 8K Omniview. - 8K Omniview consists of Omniview standard (4KiB) version + CDY Omnimon! standard (4KiB) version in an 8KiB bankable ROM. - On a CDY Omnimon! board, the Omniview chip replaces the Omnimon! chip - On Newell Ramrod board, the Omniview chip either replaces the Supermon!/ Omnimon! chip, or it can be installed alongside the Supermon!/Omnimon! chip through the use of a hardware toggle switch. - 1985 units supplied with SpeedScript 80 (based on Speedscript 3.0) - 1986- units supplied with OmniWriter (SpeedScript 80), offer to patch an AtariWriter Plus disk, patch instructions for Bit 3 Full-View 80 supporting versions of LJK Letter Perfect and LJK Data Perfect, and OmniTerm (based on VT-10-Squared) - Sold separately: VT100 emulator with Kermit (based on VT-10-Squared; later version not requiring OmniView known as: OmniCom) ROMDOS / RDOS, by Wordmark Systems - Equivalent to MYDOS 3.0 (described elsewhere in this FAQ list) - Installs into the 4KiB byte block of memory at $C000. - For Newell Ramrod personality board or CDY Omnimon! board OMNIDOS, by CDY Consulting / Wordmark Systems - Wordmark ROMDOS/RDOS (4KiB) and CDY Omniview standard (4KiB) on one 8KiB chip - Installs into the 4KiB byte block of memory at $C000. - For Newell Ramrod personality board or CDY Omnimon! board Impossible!, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1984 - 4K Static RAM-Pac board plugs in place of the C012499 OS ROM chip - Adds 4KiB RAM at $C000, hardware switch selectable - Shipped with disk containing copying software Ultimon!, by Computer Support, 1986 - 6502 Monitor/Debugger 80 Column Pack!, by Computer Support, 1986 - 80 column text mode using a Graphics 8 screen Super Chip!, by Computer Support, 1986 - Memory dumper with copying/archiving capabilities ROM-Wizard, by ????, date unknown - Supplied with a modified 400/800 OS with support for a built-in Monitor program, and with a P: handler supporting a printer interface (sold separately) that connects to controller jacks 3+4 - For the 800 only ---------------- Super800, by Super Products - Piggyback board for CX801 personality board - Run the 400/800 OS or the XL OS - Includes Supermon, by Super Products - 2 hardware switches: XL emulation on/off, Supermon on/off - Includes 16KiB RAM - Can use Super Products SuperRAM (800 version) - Used as Axlon banked memory when running the 400/800 OS - Used as Port B banked memory when running the XL OS For the 600XL/800XL/65XE/130XE/800XE (not 1200XL/XEgs unless specified) ------------------------------------ XL Fix ROM, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1984 - 400/800 OS translator based on the CSS XL Fix (which was released in disk or cassette versions earlier in 1984) - Access to 4KiB RAM at $C000 - Will work with 16KiB 600XL computers - Hardware consists of two printed circuit boards wired together. The smaller board replaces the Atari C061618 Memory Mangement Unit (MMU) chip, with a socket for the C061618. The larger board includes sockets for two XL OS ROM chips, intended for the XL Fix ROM and the standard Atari XL OS ROM. - A two-position hardware switch selects between the two OS chips. XL Boss, by Allen Macroware (Jerry Allen), 1984 - Single OS ROM chip version for 800XL/600XL (64KiB RAM required), or dual ROM chips version for 1200XL - Most entry points compatible with the 400/800 OS - Access to 4KiB RAM at $C000 - Can soft coldstart without clearing 4KiB RAM at $C000 - Can pass control to program stored in 4KiB RAM at $C000 (such as a machine language monitor) at any time - Run the OS from ROM or RAM (where it is easily modified) - Self Test program and PBI support removed - Fall 1984- units shipped with MacroMon XL (machine language monitor) disk - 1985- units shipped with dual operating system board - Toggle between XL Boss ROM and standard Atari XL OS ROM - For 800XL/600XL (64KiB RAM required) only (not for 1200XL) OmnimonXL, by CDY Consulting, 1984 - Single OS ROM chip includes: - OSNXL (OSN XL/XE) operating system by Newell Industries - Most entry points compatible with the 400/800 OS; programmable cassette baud rate; increased keyboard speed - Fastchip: Fast Floating Point routines by Charles W. Marslett (see above) - Resident machine language monitor - Also supplied with Newell Industries Ramrod XL (for 800XL/65XE/130XE) (Ramrod XL board plugs in place of the OS ROM chip; has 3 XL/XE ROM sockets and hardware OS select switch) OmniviewXL, by CDY Consulting, 1984 - Single OS ROM chip includes: - OSNXL operating system by Newell Industries - Most entry points compatible with the 400/800 OS; programmable cassette baud rate; increased keyboard speed - Fastchip: Fast Floating Point routines by Charles W. Marslett (see above) - Adds 80 column E: and S: OS device drivers, using 3-bit wide characters in ANTIC mode F (BASIC GR. 8). Software can also be optimized to write to the Omniview screen output routines. - Built-in ATRMON terminal emulator for use with the ATR8000 - 1985 units supplied with SpeedScript 80 (based on Speedscript 3.0) - 1986- units supplied with OmniWriter (SpeedScript 80), offer to patch an AtariWriter Plus disk, patch instructions for Bit 3 Full-View 80 supporting versions of LJK Letter Perfect and LJK Data Perfect, and OmniTerm (based on VT-10-Squared) - Sold separately: VT100 emulator with Kermit (based on VT-10-Squared; later version not requiring OmniView known as: OmniCom) Bibomon, by Erwin Reuss for Compy-Shop, 1984 - Later known as: "4K-Bibomon" - XL OS with added machine language monitor - Includes piggyback socket for standard XL OS chip and hardware switch Omniview XL/XE (Omniview XE), by CDY Consulting, 1985 - Single OS ROM chip includes: - Modified XL OS by Cal Com - Highly compatible with the 400/800 OS - Access to 4KiB RAM at $C000 - Reversed [OPTION] usage at startup - [CONTROL+1] replaced by [HELP] - No cassette handler - Fastchip: Fast Floating Point routines by Charles W. Marslett (see above) - Adds 80 column E: and S: OS device drivers, using 3-bit wide characters in ANTIC mode F (BASIC GR. 8). Software can also be optimized to write to the Omniview screen output routines. - Built-in ATRMON terminal emulator for use with the ATR8000 - 64KiB RAM drive for 130XE banked memory - Supplied with SpeedScript 80 (based on Speedscript 3.0) - 1986- units supplied with OmniWriter (SpeedScript 80), offer to patch an AtariWriter Plus disk, patch instructions for Bit 3 Full-View 80 supporting versions of LJK Letter Perfect and LJK Data Perfect, and OmniTerm (based on VT-10-Squared) - Sold separately: VT100 emulator with Kermit (based on VT-10-Squared; later version not requiring OmniView known as: OmniCom) 512K RAM BetriebsSystem Chip, by Irata Verlag, 1985? - XL OS with added RAM drive support for the company's 512K RAM 800XL RAMFloppy High Chip XL, by Irata Verlag, 1985 - XL OS with added buffered fast write with verify SIO for use with the company's High Speed Board 1050 (Happy 1050 Enhancement clone) High Chip XE mit RAMDisk, by Irata Verlag, 1985? - High Chip XL with added RAM drive for 130XE banked memory OldRunner Chip, by Irata Verlag, 1985? - 400/800 OS translator in ROM Supermon, by Will Visser for Super Products, 1985 - 400/800 OS translator, with enhancements - Disassembler; DOS functions; 4 color screen dump - Also included with Super Products Super800 XOS/80 Column Pack!, by Computer Support, 1985 - 600XL/800XL and 130XE banked memory separate versions - Revised XL OS, known as XOS!, with most entry points compatible with the 400/800 OS and various enhancements - 80 column text mode using a Graphics 8 screen XOS/Ultimon!, by Computer Support, 1985 - 600XL/800XL and 130XE banked memory separate versions - Revised XL OS, known as XOS!, with most entry points compatible with the 400/800 OS and various enhancements - 6502 Monitor/Debugger - Modern (2013) manual available: XOS/Fix!, by Computer Support, 1985 - Revised XL OS, known as XOS!, with most entry points compatible with the 400/800 OS and various enhancements Ultra Speed, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1986 - Universal support for high speed read/write with upgraded disk drives including Klone/Happy, Duplicator, and US Doubler - Numerous other OS enhancements - Chip shipped with piggyback socket and switch for hardware toggle between Ultra Speed and standard Atari XL OS XL/XE Boss II, by Allen Macroware (Jerry Allen), 1986 - For 130XE, 800XL, 1200XL - Based on Allen Macroware XL Boss (1984) with improved compatibility with the 400/800 OS (moved flag area) - Built-in MacroMon XL/XE V2.0 machine language monitor - Coldstart with custom OS - Disassembler included in MacroMon XL/XE - Coldstart and keep user OS - Create and save custom OS - Coldstart from console keys - BASIC off default - on with [OPTION] - Default key repeat rate doubled - Inverse key requires the [SHIFT] key to toggle (same as standard XL OS) - Dual operating system board - toggle between XL/XE Boss II ROM and standard Atari XL OS ROM Omniview 256, by CDY Consulting, 1986 - Same as Omniview XL/XE (see above) with added 192KiB RAM drive for Port B banked memory - Marketed for use with 800XL with Newell Industries 256KXL upgrade XOS/Super Chip!, by Computer Support, 1986 - 600XL/800XL and 130XE banked memory separate versions - Revised XL OS, known as XOS!, with most entry points compatible with the 400/800 OS and various enhancements - Memory dumper with copying/archiving capabilities 16K-Bibomon, by Erwin Reuss for Compy-Shop, 1986 - Add on board includes: - Bibomon 16K machine language monitor ROM (occupies 4KiB address space at $C000) - Oldrunner 400/800 OS ROM chip - Socket for standard XL OS ROM chip - Hardware clock - Centronics compatible printer port - Hardcopy Routine: Epson FX-80 and Okidata Microline compatible - mini-DOS: DOS 2.5 and OSS DOS XL compatible, plus Speedy 1050 high speed - Hardware switches used to select between XL OS / Oldrunner, between BASIC On / BASIC Off under Oldrunner, and between Bibomon or International character set under Oldrunner Expander / The Expanders, by R.G.T. for Synergy Concepts, (c)1986 - For computers with up to 512KiB of Port B banked memory (576KiB total system RAM) - XL OS with added Executive Program for managing up to four RAM drives - All RAM drives contain 707 sectors. RAM drive configurations supported: - One RAM drive of 90KiB (emulated SS/SD floppy disk drive) - Two RAM drives of 90KiB (emulated SS/SD floppy disk drives) - Three RAM drives of 90KiB (emulated SS/SD floppy disk drives) - Four RAM drives of 90KiB (emulated SS/SD floppy disk drives) - One RAM drive of 180KiB (emulated SS/DD floppy disk drive) - Two RAM drives of 180KiB (emulated SS/DD floppy disk drives) - Renumber drives and boot from any drive - Built-in mini-DOS QMEG-OS V3 (c)'87 S.Dorndorf (1987) - "Quarter-Mega Operating System" - For computers with 192KiB of Port B banked memory (256KiB total system RAM) - Three RAM drive configurations supported: 1) Two RAM drives of 90KiB each (emulated SS/SD floppy disk drives) 2) One RAM drive of 128KiB (emulated SS/ED floppy disk drive), one RAM drive of 64KiB (compatible with the DOS II+/D v6.x RAM drive) 3) One RAM drive of 180KiB (emulated SS/DD floppy disk drive) - Supports supplementary RAM drive of 5.25KiB dedicated to storage of DOS. - Intended for use with DOS II+/D v6.x - High speed support: US Doubler/UltraSpeed, Happy/Warp Speed - Machine Language Monitor (MLM) with disassembler - Disk copier - File loader (COM, BIN) - P2: Epson printer device driver supports full Atari ATASCII character set - P3: Epson printer device driver supports double density printing - Supports a computer modification, involving the installation of a second PIA chip, that adds a built-in Centronics parallel printer interface (addressed at $D6xx) to the Atari. - Not available: PBI/ECI support, Self Test, International character set XL-Fix Plus OS, by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1988 - Built-in Translator - highly compatible with the 400/800 OS, based on the CSS XL Fix ROM version (1984) - Built-in Binary file loader - based on Mach-Ten - Mach Menu writer - Reverse [OPTION] key when booting - Faster keyboard speed - Part of the CSS Ultra Speed Plus! Operating System Package, see: Ultra Speed Plus OS (US+), by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1988 Ultra Speed Plus OS (US+), by Computer Software Services (CSS), 1988 - Based on CSS Ultra Speed OS (1986) - Fast disk I/O w/modified drives: Super Archiver (1050), Happy (810 or 1050), US Doubler (1050), Duplicator (1050), Klone (1050), Density Doubler (1050), and XF-551 drive (unmodified) - RAM drive handler can emulate single or double density floppy disks, supporting Port B banked memory from 128KiB to 2MiB - Hi-speed disk I/O is switchable - Improved detection of cartridge swapping - Reconfigure & boot any drive, including RAM drive - With an optional hardware switch, make the RAM drive drive #1 at any time - Easy 1 & 2 megabyte RAM expansion - Keyboard lock - Screen DMA toggle (turn off screen) - Key click toggle - Internal BASIC toggle - Keyboard speed adjustable (key repeat rate) - Screen colors adjustable - Cold-start without RAM loss - Built-in mini sector copier (single or double density) - Built-in configuration editor - Reverse [OPTION] key when booting - Memory test routines - pinpoint defective RAM chips - On/Off Disk I/O sound - 38/40 Columns switchable - Memo-Pad mode built-in - FASCHIP: Fast Floating Point routines by Charles W. Marslett (see above) - Re-enables any OSS SuperCartridge on system reset - Not included: Cassette routines, International Character set, 1200XL function key routines, Relocating Handler routines, ROM&RAM check on bootup - Part of the CSS Ultra Speed Plus! Operating System Package - Module replaces OS ROM chip, with several additional solder points - Eliminates RAM chip discharge delay time - OS select switch installed through hole drilled in back of computer case - Optional "RAM drive 1" switch is installed through a second hole drilled in back of computer case - Three operating systems, switch-selectable: - Ultra Speed Plus OS - XL-Fix Plus OS - Standard XL OS - Turbo-OS, by DataQue Software (Chuck Steinman), 1989 - Shipped with DataQue Software Turbo-816 (65C816 16-bit microprocessor board) - Single OS ROM chip standard version or dual chip version for 1200XL - "Dual-Prom" installation option provides access to both the Turbo-OS and the standard Atari XL OS via a hardware toggle switch. - On the 1200XL, the Dual-Prom installation option can utilize either the standard dual-chip XL OS for the 1200XL (Rev.A or Rev.B), or a standard single-chip Atari XL OS (such as Rev.2) - Compatible with software that uses the published, legal entry points into the Atari XL OS and legal RAM locations - International character set and cassette device handler have been removed TurBoss, by Integrated Logic Systems (ILS), 1990 - Enhances the screen display list speed in Graphics Mode 0 - Fast Floating Point routines by Charles W. Marslett (see above) - D.E.Mon real-time monitor built in - Chip contains standard Atari XL OS as well, hardware switch selectable 25K Bibomon, by Klaus Peters / Elektronik und Software, 1992 - Add-on board is marked: Supermon V1.1 - Single chip includes two operating systems: Old OS (Oldrunner?) and XL OS - Board also includes Bibomon machine language monitor and optional Bibo-Assembler - Board includes socket for second OS chip - Firmware allows software control of combinations of OS (Old OS / XL OS / Optional OS), with choices of international character set, Bibomon with Bibomon DOS, Bibo-Assembler, and internal BASIC enabled - Universal Speedy 1050 high speed support APE Warp+ OS, by Atarimax (Steven J. Tucker), 1996 - Universal high speed SIO (3x), US Doubler emulation, other enhancements - Shipped 1996-2005 as part of APE Warp+ Quad OS Upgrade Module, containing APE Warp+ OS, standard XL OS, a public domain Atari 800 compatible OS, and standard XL OS with Reverse BASIC - Includes chip and 2 toggle switches - Beginning 2005 shipped as part of APE Warp+ 32-in-1 OS Upgrade Module - Module replaces OS ROM chip, with 3 other connections necessary - OS Selection Menu in ROM QMEG+OS 4.04 (c)'97 S.Dorndorf (1997) - "Quarter-Mega Plus Operating System" - For computers with 192KiB of Port B banked memory (256KiB total system RAM) - Explicitly supported: Compy-Shop, Megaram, Buchholz, ABBUC, Atari Magazin, Klan Atari, Newell - When used in 64KiB or 128KiB computers RAM drives are not available - Three RAM drive configurations supported: 1) Two RAM drives of 90KiB each (emulated SS/SD floppy disk drives) 2) One RAM drive of 128KiB (emulated SS/ED floppy disk drive), one RAM drive of 64KiB (optionally compatible with DOS 2.5 RAM drive) 3) One RAM drive of 180KiB (emulated SS/DD floppy disk drive) - High speed support: US Doubler/UltraSpeed, 1050 Turbo/Turbodrive, XF551 - Drive types automatically detected - Full support for large Bibo-DOS, Turbo-DOS, and MYDOS floppy disks, and MYDOS subdirectories - Machine Language Monitor (MLM) with disassembler - Disk copier - File loader (COM, BIN, BAS, CAS) - Boot from any drive - CAS simulator (read only; no boot cassettes) replaces full C: device handler - Not available: Self Test, International character set, standard C: handler TOMS OS, by TOMS - Two versions: with or without built-in Turbo 2001 high speed cassette handler - High speed support: 1050 Turbo/Turbodrive - International Character Set replaced with a set of Polish letters - Series of shortcut keys - Very compatible with standard XL OS - Standard installation includes three operating systems, switch-selectable: - TOMS OS - QMEG - Standard XL OS - See: MyBIOS ROM versions, by Sijmen Schouten (Mr. Atari), 2002- - ROM versions are a complete replacement OS for the computer - "The most compatible Atari XL/XE + 400/800 Operating system known" - For all types of MyIDE interface - 'E' version for external MyIDE; 'I' version for internal MyIDE 65C816 XL OS (DracOS), by Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, 2004- Top project goals: - Make possible to use the 65C816 native mode on Atari XL/XE computers without problems and with interrupts enabled. - Make the memory mapped at extra addresses ($010000-$FFFFFF) accessible and usable for programs. - Provide some more extra services related to the 65C816 such as new interrupt vectors, basic memory management routines etc. - Develop new system of entry points: current mechanism of making ROM calls is difficult to use, when the code resides above the address $FFFF. ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.3) What is the ATASCII (Atari ASCII) encoding standard? ASCII is an acronym for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Pronounced ask-ee, ASCII is a character and control code encoding standard used by computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. There are 128 valid codes in ASCII, including 95 printable characters (including the "space" character) and 33 control codes. The 8-bit Atari computers use a modified version of ASCII called Atari ASCII, or ATASCII. The ATASCII character set, contained in Operating System (OS) ROM, includes 256 printable characters. Each character is a matrix of 8 x 8 pixels. The XL OS contains both the standard ATASCII character set (as found in the 400/800 OS) and an alternate International Character Set, where 29 ATASCII standard "graphics characters" are replaced primarily with characters with European accent marks. ATASCII printable characters are a functional superset of ASCII, with a few exceptions: ATASCII lacks the left curly bracket, right curly bracket, tilde, and grave accent printable ASCII characters. The similarity between ATASCII and ASCII character coding facilitates exchange of text between the Atari and other computers or devices also using character encodings based on ASCII. 16 of the ATASCII character codes also have control code functions when processed by the E: Screen Editor device of the Atari OS. ATASCII control codes are quite different from ASCII control codes. The most important functional difference between ATASCII and other variations of ASCII is how a "newline" (line ending, end of line (EOL), line break) is coded. The Atari's ATASCII uniquely uses the single decimal character code 155 to indicate a newline. Thus, when exchanging text files between the Atari and other computing devices a "text conversion" is necessary in order for newlines to be recognized as expected both before and after transmission. The Wikipedia article on ATASCII provides links to several ATASCII/ASCII character tables, and a list of the ATASCII control codes. ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.4) How is the Input/Output subsystem of the Atari OS organized? Derived primarily from the Operating System User's Manual and De Re Atari. The Input/Output (I/O) subsystem of the Atari Operating System (OS) comprises a collection of software utilities/routines, offered at three different levels of abstraction (CIO, Device Handlers, SIO), that allow for user communication with local system and peripheral devices. Communications between adjacent levels of the I/O subsystem are carried via one of the three types of I/O system control blocks (IOCB, ZIOCB, DCB). Presented in order from the highest level to the lowest level: USER PROGRAM INPUT/OUTPUT CONTROL BLOCK (IOCB) Carries communications between a user program and Central I/O (CIO) - 8 IOCBs (#0-#7) are provided by the OS. - Each IOCB can be assigned to control any device/file. - IOCB #0 is assigned by the OS to the E: Screen Editor at power-up and system reset. - Software programming environments may reserve other IOCBs for internal use. For example, Atari BASIC uses IOCB #6 to interact with the S: device when using graphics modes other than zero, and uses IOCB #7 for I/O with the printer, disk drive, and cassette. (Patchett/Sherer, Master Memory Map, CENTRAL I/O (CIO) utility/routine Intended for user program access to system and peripheral devices. A device consists of one or more "files" where each file consists of a sequential collection of data bytes. Files are optionally organized into "records" which are delineated by the End Of Line character/byte ($9B). 8 basic functions provided by CIO: OPEN, CLOSE, GET CHARACTERS, PUT CHARACTERS, GET RECORD, PUT RECORD, GET STATUS, Special (handler-specific) Additional CIO features: - Device independence - Single entry point for all devices (and for all operations) - Device-independent calling sequence - Uniform rules for data transfers, regardless of actual device storage block sizes - Data access methods - Byte-aligned. Any number of bytes can be read or written, and the next operation will continue where the prior one left off. - Record-aligned. A single record of bytes can be read or written, and the next operation will continue at the beginning of the next record. - Multiple device/file concurrency - Up to 8 device/files can be accessed concurrently, each operating independently of the others. - Unified error handling - Device expansion: while the OS supplies several device handlers in ROM, CIO also supports the loading of additional CIO-compatible device handlers into RAM. ZERO-PAGE I/O CONTROL BLOCK (ZIOCB) Carries communications between higher-level CIO and lower-level device handlers. There is a single ZIOCB only. DEVICE HANDLERS Resident full device handlers provided by the Atari OS: - K: Keyboard Handler (read only) - S: Display Handler (read/write) Offers the special CIO commands DRAW and FILL. - E: Screen Editor (read/write) - Uses the K: Keyboard Handler and the S: Display Handler to provide "line-at-a-time" input with interactive editing functions, as well as formatted output. - C: Cassette Handler (read/write) - P: Printer (write only) - 400/800 OS: Supports a single printer device; any device number is ignored. All powered printers attached via SIO or the 850 parallel port respond to all print commands. - XL OS: Supports 8 different printer devices: P1:-P8: P: (no device number) is interpreted to mean: P1: Printer devices are associated with specific models of Atari printers as follows: P1: All printers attached via SIO or the 850 parallel port P2: 850 Interface Module parallel port (e.g., Atari 825) P3: 1025 Printer P4: 1020 Color Plotter P5: 1027 Printer P6: 1029 Printer P7: XMM801 Printer P8: XDM121 Printer Tomasz Krasuski contributes (May 2011): This feature is buggy in XL OS Rev.A/Rev.B/Rev.1. Behavior was fixed to reliable operation as of XL OS Rev.2. Also provided by the Atari OS: - Resident Diskette Handler - Not a full device handler / not CIO-compatible - Detailed in the section of this FAQ list introducing Disk Operating Systems - Generic Parallel Device Handler (XL OS Rev.1+) - Responsible for invoking the handler routines within the parallel device ROMs. Nonresident Handlers can be added to the system environment in several ways: - Loaded from diskette or cassette - Loaded from the ROM of an SIO device (850 interface, 1030 modem). May be loaded at system startup without disk drive ("bootstrap without disk drive"), may be loaded as part of a Disk Boot ("bootstrap with disk drive"), or may be loaded afterward. DEVICE CONTROL BLOCK (DCB) Carries communications between higher-level device handlers and lower-level Serial I/O (SIO). There is a single DCB only. SERIAL I/O (SIO) utility/routine Low-level communication with serial bus peripherals - Control of all Serial bus I/O, conforming to the bus protocol - Bus operation retries on errors - Return of unified error statuses on error conditions - Used by the OS-resident P: handler and the OS-resident Diskette Handler - Not used by the OS-resident K: S: and E: handlers (non-SIO devices) - While the OS-resident C: handler uses the SIO bus hardware, it does not use the SIO utility/routine. Any lower level (lower than CIO) access to a device by a user program involves the direct reading and writing of the hardware registers associated with the device. ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.5) What is attract mode? From the Atari Operating System User's Manual (1982) p. 215: Attract mode is a mechanism that protects the television screen from having patterns "burned into" the phosphors due to a fixed display being left on the screen for extended periods of time. When the computer is left unattended for more than 9 minutes, the color intensities are limited to 50 percent of maximum and the hues are continually varied every 8.3 seconds. Pressing any keyboard data key will be sufficient to remove the attract mode for 9 more minutes. Laurent Delsarte contributes: To launch the attract mode from BASIC, use a "POKE 77,128" To disable the attract mode from BASIC, use a "POKE 77,0" ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.6) What is the Atari cassette utilization/filesystem? (Section sources include: De Re Atari, OS Users Manual, XL Addendum) The following are characteristics of the cassette utilization/filesystem as implemented by the Atari Operating System. - Mark = 5327Hz (audible sound frequency) - Space = 3995Hz (audible sound frequency) - Bit = space(0) or mark(1) - Byte = 10 bits: - 1 start bit (space) - 8 data bits - 1 stop bit (mark) - Record = 6-132 bytes, as follows: - Speed measurement byte, first of two. Marker character = $55 (hex) - Speed measurement byte, second of two. Marker character = $55 (hex) - Control byte. One of three values: 1) $FC = Record is a full data record. 2) $FA = Record is a partially full data record, and the next record should be an end-of-file record. 3) $FE = Record is an end-of-file record. - Data bytes. 128 bytes for a full data record or an end-of-file record, or 2-128 bytes if a partially full data record, where the last byte is not really a data byte, but rather contains the number of actual data bytes (1-127). - Checksum byte - Pre-Record Write Tone (PRWT) = pure mark tone - Post-Record Gap (PRG) - Record Frame = PRWT + Record + PRG - Inter-Record Gap (IRG) = PRG + PRWT - Normal IRG Mode: Tape comes to stop after each record frame - Short IRG Mode: Tape is not stopped between record frames. (Short IRG Mode is supported by the Atari BASIC commands CSAVE and CLOAD.) - Normal IRG PRWT = 3 seconds of mark tone - Short IRG PRWT = 0.25 second of mark tone - Normal IRG PRG = Up to 1 second of unknown tones (motor stop/start time) - Short IRG PRG = pure mark tone, duration set by user program (may be zero) - File consists of: 1) 20-second leader of mark tone 2) Any number of data record frames (each frame contains one data record) 3) End-Of-File record frame (contains an end-of-file record) ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.7) What programs run only on the 400/800 (not the XL/XE) and why? Fandal site search for games requiring 400/800 OS Rev.B: Fandal site search for games requiring 400/800 OS Rev.A: Utilities reported to require the 400/800 OS: Atari Word Processor Atari File Manager 800+ Synapse Letter Perfect (before v6) LJK (all version 6.x releases OK on XL/XE) Mac/65 [ver. 1.00, orange] OSS (all releases after 1.00 OK on XL/XE) Monkey Wrench Eastern House Synassembler Synapse Text Wizard Datasoft VT-10-Squared Dave Bailey Note that while some 400/800 programs fail to run on the XL/XE at all, others, such as Atari's own Missile Command and Space Invaders cartridges, run on the XL/XE with only minor problems such as sound glitches. Many 400/800 programs incompatible with XL/XE computers can nevertheless be made to run flawlessly on the XL/XE using the Atari Translator (or equivalent) which is described in another section of this FAQ list. Also, modern programmers have hacked many of the above titles and released fixed versions for use with XL/XE computers. Thomas Richter contributes the following (16 Jan 2004): There are a couple of reasons why some games don't run on the XL/XE models. I try to order them by "likeliness", of course biased by my personal observations: 1) The printer buffer of the XL Operating System in page 3 is a couple of bytes shorter. The additional bytes are used for extended OS variables not available in the 800 series. Most prominent is the $3FA location, holding a shadow register of GTIA's TRIG3 signal. While a true joystick trigger line in the 400/800 series, this signal is used as "cartridge inserted" signal for XL/XE models. Unfortunately, the OS compares GTIA TRIG3 with the shadow register at $3FA in each vertical blank, running into an endless loop if the register contents don't match. This causes hangs for games using page 3 either as copy-buffer or for player-missile graphics. (Hangs by Ms. Pac-Man and Bacterion! are caused by this, and many others...) This is "fixable" either by the translator disk, or by a quick hack into the game, replacing the OS vertical blank or poking TRIG3 frequently into its shadow. The reason for the OS behavior might be that Atari wanted to prevent crashes if the cartridge is inserted or removed while the machine is running. The 400/800 is powered down when a cartridge is inserted, the XL/XE lacks the cover of the older models that triggered a little switch to interrupt the power line. 2) Similar to the above, writes to $3F8. This OS equate defines whether on a warmstart, the BASIC ROM shall be mapped back in. If its contents are altered, a program triggering a reset as part of its initialization will find itself then with 8KiB less RAM occupied by a BASIC ROM, making it crash. Similarly, writes to the cartridge checksum $3EB could cause a cold-start on a "reset initialization". This is fixable by the translator disk. 3) Some games use a four-joystick setup, or at least initialize PIA itself. If this happens inadequately, PIA Port B (PORTB) bit 0 gets changed, disabling the ROM, and thus crashing the machine. This is not fixable by the translator since it is a hardware issue. 4) Direct jumps into the OS ROM, not using the documented vectors in the $E450 area. Interestingly, this fault is not as common as it may sound since games hardly ever use the OS. It causes failures of some "serious applications", most notably "QS Forth" and applications compiled by it. This is fixable by the translator disk. ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.8) Why do some programs run only on the XL/XE (not the 400/800)? Section started by Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz. Software designed for the Atari XL/XE won't work on the 400/800 if: 1) It uses shadow RAM at $C000-$CFFF (4KiB) or $D800-$FFFF (10KiB). In other words, it requires 64KiB RAM. 2) It uses RAM expansions at $4000-$7FFF controlled by PORTB $D301. In other words, it requires at least 128KiB total RAM. 3) It uses XL OS vectors (routines) not present in the 400/800 OS. Some of these correspond to XL/XE specific hardware, such as the [HELP] key or the PBI/ECI interface. 4) Rather than using documented OS vectors, it "illegally" uses OS routines directly for routines that were located at different memory addresses in the 400/800 OS. 5) It uses the International Character Set. ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.9) How can I run older programs using the Atari Translator? While each later revision of the Atari Operating System (OS) was designed to be backward compatible with earlier versions, software incompatibilities were sometimes introduced. In particular, a number of programs written for the 400/800 OS versions do not run correctly or at all under the XL OS versions. In order to allow many "400/800-only" programs to be run on an XL (or later, XE) computer, Atari made the Atari Translator available via the Atari Program Exchange (APX) or Atari Customer Service. The auto-booting Translator diskette installs the 400/800 OS in RAM "under" the ROM-based XL OS in an XL/XE Atari computer. Once this disk has been loaded, the user is prompted to remove it and insert the application diskette (or cassette) and press the [SELECT] key. When this occurs the system undertakes a coldstart in the new, RAM-based 400/800 OS environment. The Translator disk is a two-sided/flippy disk, providing two slightly different versions of the Translator. The Side A Translator provides a version of the 400/800 OS that is slightly modified to allow the [RESET] key to be pressed without reverting to the XL OS on ROM. The Side B Translator provides an even higher degree of compatibility, including support for programs that boot the 850 interface, but the 400/800 OS in RAM would be disabled if the [RESET] key is pressed. Atari shipped two versions of the Translator disk: - Atari Translator DX5063 NTSC version: 400/800 OS Rev.B/NTSC - Atari Translator FK100807 PAL version: 400/800 OS Rev.A/PAL Translator programmers at Atari: - Greg Riker: Original version 83-03-20 - Joe Miller: Added graphics and code for [RESET] 83-09-15 Atari Translator partial source code: Similar "translator" programs from 3rd parties include: - XL Fix, by Computer Software Services (CSS), winter 1984 (ad Antic Apr84p102) - Disk or cassette versions (for 1200XL/600XL/800XL with 64KiB RAM) - Also included with CSS Miracle!. (1984) - OldOper ver. 1.0 by MasterSoft, April 1984 - The FIXXL by Belathiel (widely distributed by Antic magazine), 6/11/84 - The Emulator by ATCO int. systems (ATCO-IS) Stuttgart, version 4.0, 1984 - "Home-Made Translator" by Angelo Giambra, ANALOG July 1985 p.28-34 - Follow-up by D.D. Davids II to above article, ANALOG Sept. 1985 p. 6 - XOS/Translator!, by Computer Support, 1985 - Revised XL OS, known as XOS!, with most entry points compatible with the 400/800 OS and various enhancements - Also released in ROM version as: XOS/Fix! - Ultra Translator: Ultrafix/XL (400/800 OS Rev.B or Rev.A), by Tim Patrick - Revision 1.3, 1984/86 - Revision 2.0, 1984/86 - This version also produced on cartridge by Video 61 - Revision 2.2, 1984/86 - Super Translator, by Duplicating Technologies See a separate section of this FAQ list for 400/800 OS "translator" products sold on ROM chips (replacement operating systems) ------------------------------ Subject: 7.1.10) How can software detect NTSC versus PAL/SECAM computer types? Several techniques are available to programmers, as follows: 1) The XL OS (not the 400/800 OS) provides a flag called PALNTS at decimal memory location 98 (hex: $62). PALNTS indicates whether the CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA has reported itself to be NTSC or PAL/SECAM, where 0 means NTSC, or 1 means PAL/SECAM. In Atari BASIC, enter "? PEEK(98)" to determine the value of the PALNTS flag. 2) An approach which works on all 400/800/XL/XE systems is to use the same method used by the XL OS to set the value of the PALNTS flag described above. That is, to read and interpret the "PAL" memory flag, decimal location 53268 (hex: $D014). The value of PAL is provided by the CTIA/GTIA/FGTIA chip itself. Meanings are: Bit 1-3 clear (xxxx000x) = PAL/SECAM Bit 1-3 set (xxxx111x) = NTSC (Proper interpretation of the value returned by PEEK(53268) in Atari BASIC would thus be a bit of a programming challenge. This is left to the reader!) 3) Software may determine NTSC or PAL/SECAM by determining how many scan lines are being generated by ANTIC. This is done by monitoring the VCOUNT memory register. VCOUNT (54283 decimal, $D40B hex) is used by ANTIC to keep track of which line is currently being generated on the screen. Values reflect the line count divided by two. VCOUNT values range from zero to 130 for an NTSC ANTIC (131*2=262 scan lines), while VCOUNT values range from zero to 155 for a PAL ANTIC (156*2=312 scan lines). ------------------------------ Subject: 7.2.1) What is Atari BASIC? (Thanks to Laurent Delsarte for cartridge variation pics and testing.) BASIC is an acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Developed by John Kemeney and Thomas Kurtz in the mid 1960s at Dartmouth College, BASIC is one of the earliest and simplest high-level programming languages, incorporating components of FORTRAN and ALGOL. In October 1978 Atari contracted with Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI; headed by Bob Shepardson) to create a version of BASIC (as well as a File Management Subsystem) for the upcoming Atari personal computers. Credits: Paul Laughton - Main programmer (also wrote: FMS for DOS I and DOS 2.0S) Kathleen O'Brien - Floating point routines (also wrote: Assembler Editor) Bill Wilkinson - Preliminary specifications for the language; floating point scheme design Paul Krasno - Implemented the math library routines following guidelines supplied by Fred Ruckdeschel Mike Peters - Keypunching, operating While SMI developed Atari BASIC to occupy 10KiB of ROM, including a 2KiB Floating Point Package (FPP) for internal use by the language, Atari placed the FPP component in operating system ROM (memory locations 55296 to 57343 or $D800 to $DFFF) for universal availability. Thus, the Atari BASIC ROM was slimmed to 8KiB. Please see the "What is the Atari OS" section of this FAQ for further information about the FPP. Atari released 3 different Revisions of Atari BASIC: Revision A ---------- - Shipped with the 400 computer systems from 1979-1981 - Shipped with the 800 computer systems from 1979-1982 Atari BASIC Rev. A was produced by Atari on cartridge (CXL4002), standard 400/800-style brown label, which reads either "BASIC Computer Program" (early) or "BASIC Computing Language" (most). The cartridge was produced in mass quantities before SMI had finished debugging it. One place these bugs are documented is in this article by Steve Hanson from Compute! magazine, Oct. 1981: On February 25, 1981, the source code to Atari BASIC (including the FPP) was purchased from SMI by Optimized Systems Software (OSS), headed by former SMI employees Bill Wilkinson and Mike Peters. The Atari BASIC Source Book (Compute! Books, 1983, 0-942386-15-9), authored by Bill Wilkinson, Kathleen O'Brien and Paul Laughton, made the source code to Atari BASIC (Rev. A; and including the FPP) available to the public. Available: or or Revision B ---------- When the 600XL/800XL computers shipped in the fall of 1983 they included a newly debugged Atari BASIC Rev. B built-in on ROM. Unfortunately, while most existing bugs were fixed, Rev. B introduced a new bug more serious than any of the earlier problems. In his article in the June 1985 issue of Compute!, Bill Wilkinson writes: Each time you LOAD (or CLOAD or RUN "filename") a program, rev B adds 16 bytes to the size of your program. If you then save the program, the next time you load it in it grows by ANOTHER 16 bytes, and so on. The problem can be alleviated by periodically, if not exclusively, using LIST instead of SAVE or CSAVE to save your programs. Atari never produced Atari BASIC Rev. B on cartridge. "Revision C Converter: Type-in fix for buggy BASIC revision B" by Matthew Ratcliff was published in the September 1985 issue of Antic: Revision C ---------- Atari BASIC Rev. C is the final "fully debugged" version. It was first made available on cartridge from Atari Customer Service in June 1984 (free to 600XL/800XL owners still within warranty). The silver label on the first Rev. C cartridges reads "(c)1982 Atari, Inc." and "Made in U.S.A." Atari, Corp. also produced Rev. C on cartridge, using two different silver labels designs, both of which read "(c)1985 Atari Corp." and "Made in Taiwan". Rev. C was also built-in on ROM in late-production 800XL computers as well as the 65XE, the 130XE, the XE System console, and the 800XE. Determining Revision version ---------------------------- When running Atari BASIC, memory location 43234 ($A8E2, BASIC ROM) indicates which Revision of BASIC is running. At the READY prompt, enter: ? PEEK(43234) If the result is: You have Revision: Atari Part#: 162 A C012402+C014502 96 B C060302A 234 C C024947A All 3 versions of Atari BASIC may be available for download here: Manuals from Atari: (See the "What is the Atari OS" FAQ section for FPP documentation.) - Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide) C014385 by Albrecht/Finkel/Brown (c)1979, 332 pages (see: - Shipped with the 400 computer systems from 1979-1981 - Shipped with the 800 computer systems from 1979-1982 - BASIC Reference Manual (400/800 ed.), C015307, (c)1980, 120 pages - Authors: Carol Shaw and Keith Brewster - Shipped with the 800 computer systems from 1980-1982 - Inside Atari BASIC, C060992, Carris for Reston, (c)1983, 183 pages - Atari BASIC Reference Manual Update, C061038, (c)1982, 6 pages - BASIC Reference Manual (400/800/1200XL ed.), C061456 / BX4211, (c)1983, 126 pages - Atari BASIC Reference Guide For Experience Programmers, C061570, (c)1983, 14 pages - Atari BASIC Reference Guide, C061948, (c)1983 (international; 61 pages) ------------------------------ Subject: 7.2.2) How do I load/run or save an Atari BASIC program on cassette? To load and run an Atari BASIC program from cassette: 1. Insert the cassette into the recorder. 2. Use Rewind or Advance/F.Fwd on the recorder, if necessary, to bring the tape to the position where the program is located. 3. Boot the computer to the Atari BASIC READY prompt. 4. There are several possibilities for the next step, depending on how the program was saved, and whether you want to run the program or just load it into RAM. Enter one of the following four commands: a. CLOAD loads programs saved with CSAVE b. LOAD "C:" loads programs saved with SAVE "C:" c. ENTER "C:" loads programs saved with LIST "C:" d. RUN "C:" loads and runs programs saved with SAVE "C:" 5. The system buzzer sounds (to signal you to press Play on the recorder). 6. Press Play on the recorder. 7. Press the [RETURN] key on the computer keyboard. Tape motion starts, the program loads from the cassette into RAM, and then tape motion stops. Then, if you entered RUN "C:" above, the loaded program runs; otherwise a READY prompt is displayed. 8. You may press Stop on the recorder once the program is loaded, unless the program is designed to control further tape motion start/stop. 9. If the loaded program is not running yet (you did not enter RUN "C:" above), now enter the command: RUN To save an Atari BASIC program from computer RAM to cassette: 1. Insert a cassette into the recorder. 2. Use Rewind or Advance/F.Fwd on the recorder, if necessary, to bring the tape to the position where the program is to be recorded. 3. Enter one of the following three commands: a. CSAVE (short inter-record gap - fastest read/write speed - tokenized files) - According to Atari Tech Tip 5, 11/17/82, regarding the 400/800 computer models, pressing [RESET] does not reset the data I/O line in POKEY. Subsequent use of CSAVE is unreliable because the data I/O line is not clear, POKEY sends garbage, and the data stored is unrecoverable. Solution #1: Avoid using [RESET] before using CSAVE. Solution #2: Following use of [RESET], execute a serial bus command that properly resets POKEY and clears the data I/O line. Recommended: LPRINT (If a printer is not attached when the LPRINT is executed, an error 138 occurs. This is normal and does not interfere with the reset of POKEY and safe subsequent use of CSAVE.) b. SAVE "C:" (long inter-record gap - middle read/write speed - tokenized files) c. LIST "C:" (long inter-record gap - slowest read/write speeds - straight ATASCII - tape actually stops in between block reads/writes) 4. The system buzzer sounds twice (to signal you to press both Play and Record on the recorder). 5. Press both Play and Record on the recorder. 6. Press the [RETURN] key on the computer keyboard. Tape motion starts, the program is copied from RAM to the cassette, and then tape motion stops. 7. You may press Stop on the recorder once recording has finished. ------------------------------ Subject: 7.3.1) What is Atari DOS, and what versions did Atari release? The 8-bit Atari Operating System (on ROM) includes a rudimentary Resident Diskette Handler that provides several functions: 1. GET SECTOR data 2. PUT SECTOR data (without verify) (XL OS only) 3. PUT SECTOR data WITH VERIFY 4. STATUS REQUEST 5. FORMAT The unit of data transfer for the GET and PUT functions is one disk sector. 400/800 OS: 128 bytes/sector XL OS: 128 bytes/sector at system boot; 1-65536 bytes/sector supported after system boot The Resident Diskette Handler is utilized by the Atari OS in a disk boot, where data is automatically loaded from the boot sectors (128 bytes/sector) of the disk in powered disk drive number 1 into RAM on system startup, and then optionally executed. Advanced software programmers may utilize the Resident Diskette Handler for disk drive communications, though it is notably optional to do so. While the Resident Diskette Handler provides limited functionality, a full- featured Disk Operating System (DOS) on the Atari consists of a flexible combination of software components provided in the Atari OS on ROM with software components loaded into RAM from disk: 1) SIO (Serial I/O bus Utility) routine - Resident component of the Atari OS - Generalized low level communications with SIO bus devices, including disk drives - Typically utilized directly by a File Management Subsystem - Also utilized by the Resident Diskette Handler 2) FMS (File Management Subsystem) - Must be loaded into RAM from disk - Software for organizing and managing data stored on disks into named files, freeing users/user programs from the need to keep track of what data is located in what physical locations on the disk - Typically provides a Disk File Manager ("D:") device handler that is compatible with CIO - Typically utilizes SIO directly, but may utilize SIO by way of the Resident Diskette Handler, or may use neither 3) CIO (Central Input/Output Utility) routine - Resident component of the Atari OS - Generalized high level, device independent access to device handlers, including a Disk File Manager ("D:") device handler provided by a FMS 4) DUP (Disk Utility Package) or equivalent software program(s) - Optionally provided with a FMS - Typically a DOS menu program, but could take any form of software that provides a user interface to FMS management functions Those DOS components loaded into RAM from disk, that is, a FMS and any additional programs distributed with that FMS (such as a DUP), are generally what is referred to as a "DOS" on the Atari. The rest of this FAQ section describes the various DOS versions produced by Atari for use with their 8-bit computers: DOS I, DOS 2.0S, DOS 3, DOS 2.5, DOS XE DOS I ----- DISK OPERATING SYSTEM 9/24/79 COPYRIGHT 1979 ATARI - Contains two main parts: - A File Management Subsystem (FMS) - Developed by Paul Laughton (also wrote: Atari BASIC) for Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI) for Atari. - (Laughton had previously developed Apple DOS for SMI for Apple Computer in 1978.) - A Disk Utility Package (DUP) - Shipped with 810 disk drives manufactured until fall 1981. - Disk Utility Package (DOS menu) is loaded into memory with the FMS - Uses the OS-resident Diskette Handler for all disk communications - Disk drive type supported: Atari 810 (& compatible) - Disk utilization/filesystem: "DOS I" - 128 total bytes/sector, with 3 bytes of each sector used to address the next sector - 40 tracks * 18 sectors/track = 720 total sectors, with 11 sectors used for software control or unused by the FMS. - Data capacity per diskette: 709 sectors x 125 bytes/sector = 88,625 bytes/disk - Cannot read disks written with DOS II, which require a 3 sector boot - 11 special sectors: 1 Boot sector, containing the boot record accessed by the Atari OS at system power-up 360 Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) (sector usage) 361-368 File Directory (8 directory entries per sector) 720 unused by the FMS (FMS interprets the VTOC sector bit map as sectors numbered 0-719, ignoring nonexistent sector 0, while the Atari 810 drive uses sectors numbered 1-720) - Maximum of 64 files per diskette (8-sector File Directory) - Uses binary file format unsupported by any other DOS version for the Atari - D: Disk File Manager supports up to four 810 disk drives, D1: through D4: - To configure DOS I for fewer drives (freeing system environment RAM), adjust memory location 1802 ($70A or DRVBYT): 1. Boot the system to the BASIC READY prompt 2. Enter one of: - POKE 1802,1 (for a one drive system; saves 397 bytes) - POKE 1802,3 (for a two drive system, saves 258 bytes) - POKE 1802,7 (for a three drive system, saves 130 bytes) - POKE 1802,15 (for a four drive system; DOS I default value) 3. Go to DOS and use menu item H (WRITE DOS FILE) to write the DOS.SYS file (with the new value of location 1802) to disk, replacing any existing copy of DOS on that disk. - Can open up to 3 files simultaneously - Configurable by adjusting memory location 1801 ($709 or SABYTE) via the same process as described for adjusting the number of disk drives. Valid values for DOS I are 1-3 inclusive. Default is 3. - AUTO.SYS can be used to automatically poke data in RAM locations on system startup. - Files copied or duplicated in small buffer - Must redisplay menu before issuing new command - Can only write DOS system file to drive 1 - N. DEFINE DEVICE menu option: "The full implementation of this selection is not supported, so use it with caution." --DOS Reference Manual p.39 - DOS I is not compatible with the 850 Interface Module R: device handler - Disk File Manager Master Copy CX8101 disk contains: DOS.SYS (both the FMS with D: Disk File Manager and DUP with DOS Menu) - Manual: Disk Operating System Reference Manual C015200 - Not included in the CX8101 Master Diskette box, but was additionally boxed with 810 disk drives from fall 1981 to fall 1982. DOS 2.0S -------- DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION 2.0S COPYRIGHT 1980 ATARI - Shipped with 810 and 1050 disk drives manufactured from 1981-1983. Master Diskette also shipped with the Atari Touch Tablet. - FMS (DOS.SYS) component developed by Paul Laughton for Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI) for Atari, based on the Atari DOS I FMS. Released code version: "19-Aug-80" - Disk Utility Package (DUP.SYS -- DOS menu) is separate from the FMS, and optional for use of the FMS, freeing up memory for user programs when the DUP is not needed. Released code version: "ver 2.9 11/18/80" DUP component programmer: Keith Ball of Atari - Does not use the OS-resident Diskette Handler after system boot. - Utilizes SIO for disk drive communications - MEM.SAV file can be employed to preserve the contents of memory to disk when DUP.SYS is loaded. - Introduces support for AUTORUN.SYS binary file launch upon system boot (replaces AUTO.SYS of DOS I) - Introduces "Burst I/O" for large data transfers - Feature is slightly buggy. Bill Wilkinson offered a fix in Compute! #26 p170-172, but as published this bug fix also contained a bug. For the de-bugged bug fix see the book, Mapping the Atari (original or Revised edition) by Ian Chadwick, page 95. - Disk drive type supported: Atari 810 (& compatible) - Disk utilization/filesystem: "DOS 2.0 Single Density" - 128 total bytes/sector, with 3 bytes of each sector used to address the next sector - 40 tracks * 18 sectors/track = 720 total sectors, with 13 sectors used for software control or unused by the FMS. - Data capacity per diskette: 707 sectors x 125 bytes/sector = 88,375 bytes/disk - Special sectors: 1 Boot sector, containing the boot record accessed by the Atari OS at system power-up 2-255 Contiguous sectors following sector 1 are optional additional boot sectors (as specified in sector 1) for a maximum of 255 boot sectors. 360 Volume Table of Contents (sector usage) 361-368 File Directory (8 directory entries per sector) 720 unused by the FMS (same as DOS I) - Maximum of 64 files per diskette (8-sector File Directory) - Established standard binary file format supported by ALL other DOS versions for the Atari (exception: Atari DOS I) - By default, the CIO-compatible D: Disk File Manager supports up to two 810 disk drives, D1: and D2: - To configure DOS 2.0S for the number of 810 disk drives attached to the system (which affects system environment RAM), adjust memory location 1802 ($70A or DRVBYT): 1. Boot the system to the BASIC READY prompt 2. Enter one of: - POKE 1802,1 (D1:) - POKE 1802,3 (D1: and D2: -- DOS 2.0S default value) - POKE 1802,7 (D1:, D2:, D3:) - POKE 1802,15 (D1:, D2:, D3:, D4:) - POKE 1802,31 (D1:, D2:, D3:, D4:, D5:) - POKE 1802,63 (D1:, D2:, D3:, D4:, D5:, D6:) - POKE 1802,127 (D1:, D2:, D3:, D4:, D5:, D6:, D7:) - POKE 1802,255 (D1:, D2:, D3:, D4:, D5:, D6:, D7:, D8:) 3. Go to DOS and use menu item H (WRITE DOS FILES) to write the DOS system files (with the new value of location 1802) to disk, replacing any existing copy of DOS on that disk. - By default, can open up to 3 files simultaneously - Configurable by adjusting memory location 1801 ($709 or SABYTE) via the same process as described for adjusting the number of disk drives. Valid values for DOS 2.0S are 1-7 inclusive. Default is 3. - Files copied or duplicated into buffer which can be as large as user memory area - SAVE BINARY FILE has "/A" option allowing two files to be appended together - Can create load-and-go type file which enables you to select a file and have it automatically run without entering a RUN address - Diskette with bad sectors detected cannot be formatted - Screen margins are reset when DUP is entered - DUP: May enter another command or redisplay menu after a command - Can write DOS files to any drive - NOTE/POINT are available for random file access - Atari 810 Master Diskette II CX8104 or Atari 810/1050 Master Diskette II CX8104 disk contains: DOS.SYS FMS with D: Disk File Manager, loaded by OS-resident Diskette Handler on system startup DUP.SYS Disk Utility Package (DOS menu) AUTORUN.SYS Loads the R: device handler from an 850 Interface Module - Shipped with one Atari Formatted Diskette II CX8111 - Manuals: - Disk Operating System II Reference Manual C016347 (included in box) - Disk Utilities Listing, February 1981 C016558 (without binder) (DUP.SYS source code, early release) - DOS Utilities Source Listing (DOS II), August 1981 C017894 ("Disk Utility Programs (DUP) ver 2.9 11/18/80") - Available: - Atari 810 Disk Drive: An Introduction to the Disk Operating System C060054 - Atari 1050 Disk Drive: An Introduction to the Disk Operating System C061529 - On February 25, 1981, the source code to the Atari DOS 2.0S FMS (DOS.SYS) was purchased from SMI by Optimized Systems Software (OSS), headed by former SMI employees Bill Wilkinson and Mike Peters. - Inside Atari DOS (Compute! Books, 1982, 0-942386-02-7), authored by Bill Wilkinson, made the source code to the Atari DOS 2.0S FMS (DOS.SYS) available to the public. See: or - Modified versions of DOS 2.0S were widely created and exchanged among Atari users. Also notably, the first 3rd-party disk drive for the Atari, the Percom RFD40-S1, was initially (1982) distributed with a program ("BLD") to build Percom DOS 2.0P (double density version) from a copy of DOS 2.0S. DOS 3 ----- Atari DOS 3 Copyright 1983 - Shipped with 1050 disk drives manufactured from 1984 through early 1985. - Credits: ( (early versions probably for internal distribution only) M. W. Colburn 11/29/82 Release 2 M. W. Colburn 12/29/82 Release 3 M. W. Colburn 03/07/83 Release 4 (provide documentation, fix problems) R. K. Nordin 07/05/83 Release 9 (bring up to coding standard) R. K. Nordin 09/21/83 Release 10 (fix APPEND and NOTE/POINT problems) J. W. Clark/R. K. Nordin 03/20/84 Release 11 J. W. Clark/Y. T. Jang 05/01/84 - (An earlier "DOS 3" project had been undertaken in 1981, headed by systems software supervisor Brian Johnston with consultant Harry B. Stewart of NEOTERIC.) - Supports serial bus (SIO) and 1450XLD parallel bus Integral Disk Drives - Disk drive types supported: 1) Atari 810 (1450XLD: "small" mode) 2) Atari 1050 (1450XLD: "small" mode) - Disk utilization/filesystems: 1) "DOS 3 Single Density" - Sector = 128 bytes - Block = 8 sectors = 1024 bytes - Track = 18 sectors = 2304 bytes - Disk contains 40 tracks, or 720 sectors, or 90 blocks, with 3 blocks used for software control. - Data capacity per diskette: 87 blocks x 1024 bytes/block = 89,088 bytes/disk - Blocks 1-3 are used by the system as 24 special sectors: 1-9 Boot sectors, containing the boot record accessed by the Atari OS at system power-up 10-15 unused 16-23 File Directory 24 File Allocation Table (block usage) - Maximum of 63 files per diskette (8-sector File Directory) 2) "DOS 3 Double Density" (enhanced/dual density) - Sector = 128 bytes - Block = 8 sectors = 1024 bytes - Track = 26 sectors = 3328 bytes - Disk contains 40 tracks, or 1040 sectors, or 130 blocks, with 3 blocks used for software control. - Data capacity per diskette: 127 blocks x 1024 bytes/block = 130,048 bytes/disk - Blocks 1-3 are used by the system as 24 special sectors: 1-9 Boot sectors, containing the boot record accessed by the Atari OS at system power-up 10-15 unused 16-23 File Directory 24 File Allocation Table (block usage) - Backward compatible with DOS 3 Single Density - Maximum of 63 files per diskette (8-sector File Directory) - Keyboard Command Processor (KCP) is separate from the FMS, and optional for use of the FMS, freeing up memory for user programs when the KCP DOS subfunctions and the DOS menu are not needed. - KCP Overlay (DOS menu) is separate from the FMS and KCP, and optional for use of the FMS and KCP, freeing up memory for user programs when the DOS menu is not needed. - MEM.SAV file can be employed to preserve the contents of memory to disk when the KCP Overlay (DOS menu) is loaded. - Supports AUTORUN.SYS binary file launch upon system boot - File manager and buffers now take up less space than the DOS 2 equivalents. All utilities, such as COPY, INIT, DUPLICATE (all UTL files) are called into memory only as needed. Each is maintained in a separate file. - Provides a direct method for the user to modify the FMS parameters - Provides an online HELP feature - Compared to DOS 2: The NOTE and POINT commands return a pointer number relative to the start of a file (byte 0) rather than an absolute sector and byte location within the sector. - Master Diskette 3 (DX5052) contains: FMS.SYS FMS with D: Disk File Manager, loaded by OS-resident Diskette Handler on system startup. Contains subfunctions: ERASE FILE, RENAME FILE, PROTECT FILE, UNPROTECT FILE, LOAD KCP.SYS Keyboard Command Processor, loaded on system startup if a cartridge is present. Contains subfunctions: SAVE, GO AT HEX ADDRESS, TO CARTRIDGE, COPY FILE, INIT DISK, DUPLICATE DISK, ACCESS DOS 2 KCPOVER.SYS KCP Overlay, displays the DOS menu and process commands COPY.UTL COPY/APPEND utility DUPDISK.UTL DUPLICATE utility INIT.UTL INIT Disk utility CONVERT.UTL ACCESS DOS 2 utility, use to copy files from a DOS 2.0S disk to a DOS 3 disk HELP.UTL HELP utility HELP.TXT Text information displayed by the HELP utility HANDLERS.SYS Loads the R: handler from an Atari 850 Interface Module during system boot up, if this file is on the drive 1 diskette. - Manuals for DOS 3: - Atari Disk Operating System Reference Manual C062287 (100 pages) (makes no mention of the 1450XLD) - An Introduction to the Atari Disk Operating System C062288 (29 p) (makes extensive mention of the 1450XLD) - Atari DOS 3 Reference Manual Errata, 05/01/84 "Early versions of DOS 3 used a random access method that was incompatible with large files. To determine if you have an early version, boot your copy of DOS 3 with Atari BASIC, and execute the following BASIC command: PRINT PEEK(1816) If the value returned is '53', your copy of DOS 3 is the latest released. If the value returned is '51' or '56', Atari Customer Relations offered a program to update DOS 3 to the latest revision level." - Atari 1050 Disk Drive: An Introduction to the Atari Disk Operating System C024323 (international; 144 pages) DOS 2.5 ------- DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION 2.5 COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP. - Shipped with 1050 disk drives manufactured in fall 1985, and with XF551 disk drives manufactured in 1987-1988. - Developed by Optimized Systems Software (OSS - Bill Wilkinson) for Atari - Disk drive types supported: 1) Atari 810 (& compatible) 2) Atari 1050 (& compatible) 3) Atari 130XE RAM drive (65,408 bytes) for 130XE banked memory - Disk utilization/filesystems supported (detected automatically): 1) DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) "DOS 2.5 Enhanced Density" (or just "DOS 2.5") - 128 total bytes/sector, with 3 bytes of each sector used to address the next sector - 40 tracks * 26 sectors/track = 1040 total sectors, with 30 sectors used for software control or unused by the FMS. - Data capacity per diskette: 1010 sectors x 125 bytes/sector = 126,250 bytes/disk - Special sectors: 1 Boot sector, containing the boot record accessed by the Atari OS at system power-up 2-255 Contiguous sectors following sector 1 are optional additional boot sectors (as specified in sector 1) for a maximum of 255 boot sectors. 360 Volume Table of Contents (sectors 1-719 usage) 361-368 File Directory (8 directory entries per sector) 720 unused by the FMS (same as DOS I and DOS 2.0S) 1024 Extended Volume Table of Contents (sectors 720-1023 usage) 1025-1040 unused by the FMS (FMS uses a 10-bit sector address) - Maximum of 64 files per diskette (8-sector File Directory) - Backward compatible with DOS 2.0 Single Density 3) "DOS 2.5 130XE RAM drive" - 128 total bytes/sector, with 3 bytes of each sector used to address the next sector - 508 total sectors, with 9 sectors used for software control. - Data capacity: 499 sectors x 125 bytes/sector = 62,375 bytes - 9 special sectors: 360 Volume Table of Contents (sector usage) 361-368 File Directory - Maximum of 64 files (8-sector File Directory) - Backward compatible with DOS 2.0 Single Density - RAM memory locations 1802 ($70A or DRVBYT, the active drive map) and 1801 ($709 or SABYTE, the maximum number of concurrently open files) are utilized in the same way as by DOS 2.0S. - If the DOS 2.5 130XE RAM drive is enabled, the default value for SABYTE is 131, enabling D1:, D2:, and D8:, where D8: is the RAM drive. - DOS 2.5 (DX5075) disk contains: DOS.SYS FMS with D: Disk File Manager, loaded by OS-resident Diskette Handler on system startup DUP.SYS Disk Utility Package (DOS menu) RAMDISK.COM If present on startup disk with Port B banked memory: 1) Sets up a 64KiB RAM drive as D8: 2) Copies DUP.SYS to D8: and establishes MEM.SAV on D8: SETUP.COM External utility has 3 functional options: 1) Change current drive number 2) Change system configuration. 3 configurable options: i) Active drives number (1 to 4) ii) Max number of simultaneous files (1-7) iii) Disk writes with or without verify 3) Create an AUTORUN.SYS that does either one or both of: - Load the R: handler from an Atari 850 Interface Module - Load and RUN a BASIC program from the boot disk COPY32.COM Utility to copy files from a DOS 3 disk to a DOS 2.5 or to a DOS 2.0S disk DISKFIX.COM DiskFix Utility can be used to: - Unerase a file (under certain circumstances) - Verify the soundness of every file on a disk - Rename a file by number (solves problem of files with duplicate names) - Manuals: - Atari DOS 2.5: 1050 Disk Drive Owner's Manual C072033 - Atari DOS 2.5: XF551 Disk Drive Owner's Manual C033537 DOS XE ------ DOS XE DISK OPERATING SYSTEM COPYRIGHT 1988 ATARI CORP. VERSION 01.00 - Shipped with late production XF551 disk drives starting in 1989 - Developed by Bill Wilkinson for Atari. Known as "ADOS" prior to release - Requires an XL/XE; does not run on the 400/800 - Disk Utility Package (DOS menu) is loaded into memory with the FMS - Disk drive types fully-supported (with internal provision for up to 8 drive types): 1) Atari 810 (& compatible) 2) Atari 1050 (& compatible) 3) Atari XF551 (supports XF551 high speed) 4) Atari 130XE RAM drive (64KiB) for 130XE banked memory 5) SSDD 5.25" Single-Sided, Double Density (Percom compatible) - Disk utilization/filesystems: 1) "DOS XE" via the native D: Disk File Manager: - All disks are addressed in 256 byte (logical) sectors. - Simulates 256 byte sectors on 810 and 1050 disk drives, which have 128 byte physical sectors, by reading and writing physical sector pairs. - Five different types of sectors: 1) Boot sectors - Disk sectors 1-3 contain the boot record accessed by the Atari OS at system power-up. 128 bytes/sector. - Contains a 32 byte Drive Table describing the physical and logical layout of the disk. - The DOS XE 130XE RAM drive does not have boot sectors. 2) Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) sectors - Starts in sector 4 (one sector only for drive types supported by DOS XE). - The first 10 bytes give information about the current status of the disk and the rest is a bit map of the blocks on the disk. 3) Directory sectors - The first directory block immediately follows the VTOC sector(s). Additional directory blocks are allocated as needed and may be scattered throughout the disk, linked by a two-byte pointer at the end of each block. - Each entry contains the file name, information about the file (including creation date and last modified date), and up to 12 two-byte pointers which point to the file map blocks for the file. - Includes a six byte sector label, containing the File ID number, Volume number, and Sequence number. 4) File Map sectors - Contain from 1 to 125 two byte data block pointers. - Includes a six byte sector label, containing the File ID number, Volume number, and Sequence number. 5) Data sectors - 250 bytes allocated for data. - Includes a six byte sector label, containing the File ID number, Volume number, and Sequence number. - Files can be up to 8MiB long. - There is a limit of 1250 files per directory/subdirectory, but no theoretical limit to the number of directories. - There is an 80 character limit on pathnames. - Up to 64KiB sectors can exist on a single disk. (65536 sectors x 256 bytes/sector = 16MiB) - Data capacity per disk for fully-supported drive types: - AT810: 347 usable sectors * 250 bytes/sector = 86,750 bytes - AT1050: 507 usable sectors * 250 bytes/sector = 126,750 bytes - XF551: 1435 usable sectors * 250 bytes/sector = 358,750 bytes - 130RAM: 251 usable sectors * 250 bytes/sector = 62,750 bytes - SSDD: 715 usable sectors * 250 bytes/sector = 178,750 bytes (Note that when DOS XE reports free disk space it truncates the number of bytes free to the nearest 1000 "K" bytes. For example, an empty AT810 disk is reported by DOS XE to have 86 K bytes free.) - Filesystem analysis by James Bradford (2009): 2) DOS 2.0 Single Density via the optional DOS 2.x A: Disk File Manager 3) DOS 2.5 Enhanced Density via the optional DOS 2.x A: Disk File Manager - Disk File Managers can address up to eight drives (D1: to D8:, A1 to A8:). - Hybrid interface is both menu driven and command driven, including stacked command entry. - Batch files can be used to automate tasks; AUTOEXEC.BAT run automatically when DOS XE is booted. - RAM memory locations 1802 ($70A or DRVBYT, the active drive map) and 1801 ($709 or SABYTE, the maximum number of concurrently open files) are utilized in the same way as by DOS 2.0S and DOS 2.5. - DOS XE Master Diskette (DX5090) contains: DOSXE.SYS FMS with D: Disk File Manager, loaded by OS-resident Diskette Handler on system startup DOS2.SYS A: Disk File Manager for DOS 2.x filesystem support SETUP.COM External setup utility. Configures: - The number and type of drives - The number of file buffers - Installation of the 130XE RAM drive - Whether the RS-232 handler should be loaded automatically on system startup - Whether a BASIC program should be run automatically on system startup RDRIVER.SYS Used by DOS XE to load R: handler from 850 interface COPY3_XE.COM DOS 3 to DOS XE copy program WELCOME.BAS Sample program provided for experimentation with SETUP.COM - Manual: Atari DOS XE: XF551 Disk Drive Owner's Manual C300557 ------------------------------ Subject: 7.3.2) What is SpartaDOS X? The continuing development of various modern mass storage options for the 8-bit Atari computers has necessitated ongoing development of a supporting disk operating system (DOS). This section describes a modern, full-featured DOS for the Atari. SpartaDOS X 4.49 with Toolkit (7 Apr. 2020), by DLT - Past or present crew: Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz (Draco), GoodByteXL (documentation), Monika Wesolowska (Innuendo), Wojciech Szychowski (Lizard), Trub - Often abbreviated: SDX - No source code in common with disk-based SpartaDOS - 48KiB RAM required; more recommended - Needs at least a 128KiB ROM cartridge (v.4.40+ ; earlier versions 64KiB) - Supported platforms for running SDX: intSDX128 and intSDX128 "flash", IDE Plus 2.0 interface, Incognito, Maxflash 1MiB, Maxflash 8MiB, Maxflash MyIDE+Flash, MyIDE II RAM, MyIDE II ROM, SIC! Cartridge 256k, SIC! Cartridge 128k, SIDE HDD cartridge, SIDE2 HDD cartridge, SuperCart cartridge, Ultimate 1 MiB, Turbo Freezer 2005, Altirra and Atari800 emulators - Proprietary kernel does not rely on the Central Input/Output (CIO) portion of the Atari OS to communicate with devices. Standard Atari CIO communication is also supported for full software compatibility. - Disk utilization/filesystems: 1) SpartaDOS File System (SDFS) - SPARTA.SYS - SpartaDOS X versions 4.1x and 4.2x use SDFS 2.0 - Boot code stored in boot sectors 1-3 is not used with SDX. - The SDFS 2.0 standard is extended by SDX with support for hidden and archived directory entry (file) attributes. - SpartaDOS X versions 4.4x use SDFS 2.1 - Supports sector sizes > 256 bytes - Unlike SDFS 2.0 storage devices using 256 bytes/sector, boot sectors of storage devices using 512 bytes per sector can utilize the full size of the sector. In this case, the boot region takes only one sector, the one number 1. The first 42 bytes of this sector carry the disk descriptor - same as SDFS 2.0 with added support for larger sector sizes. The remaining portion of the sector is occupied by a new boot loader, able to handle 512-byte sectors and larger ones. 2) Atari DOS 2 - ATARIDOS.SYS - Supports subdirectories in MYDOS up to a size of ~16MiB (65535 sectors, 256 bytes each) - Supports the extended sectors of DOS 2.5 for read only. - Does not support the ability to create/delete, or set a working directory on MYDOS media 3) CP/M - CPMFS.SYS (as of SDX 4.46) - Read Indus CP/M 2.2 disks on Indus GT/LDW Super 2000/CA-2001 4) MS-DOS - FATxxx.SYS (as of SDX 4.46) - Read-only; hardware device must support 512-byte sectors - FAT12 media (floppies) without subdirectories - FAT12A.SYS - FAT12 only with full access to subdirectories - FAT12B.SYS - FAT16/FAT12 with subdirectories - FATFS.SYS (as of SDX 4.47) - Maximum disk size 2 GiB - DOS2DOS protocol support - PCLINK.SYS (as of SDX 4.43) - Direct read/write access to the PCLink server's filesystem (PCLink servers include: SIO2BSD, RespeQt) - Number of drives or partitions: up to 15 (8 before v.4.40) - Logical sector size: 128, 256, or 512 bytes (128 or 256 before v.4.40) - Number of sectors per disk: up to 65535 - Disk size: up to 32MB (16MB in versions before v.4.40) - Directory size: up to 32KiB - Number of directories: unlimited - Number of entries per directory: up to 1423 - File size: up to 16MiB - Number of files open at a time: up to 16 - Path length: up to 64 characters - Extended Memory: up to 1024KiB with Port B banked memory; up to 4032KiB with Axlon banked memory - RAMDISK.SYS driver utilizes Extended Memory to support up to 3 RAM drives - High speed support: Happy/Warp Speed, US Doubler/UltraSpeed, Indus GT/Synchromesh, Indus GT/Synchromesh II, XF551, 1050 Speedy - RS232.COM provided for loading the R: handler from the 850 interface ROM Old versions/release history: SpartaDOS X was originally developed by Mike Gustafson for ICD. ICD SpartaDOS X release history: (version numbering started with 4.0) - SpartaDOS X 4.17 9-12-88 - SpartaDOS X 4.18 10-29-88 - SpartaDOS X 4.19 1-16-89 - SpartaDOS X 4.20 2-06-89 - SpartaDOS X 4.21 7-10-89 The rights to SpartaDOS X were purchased from ICD by Fine Tooned Engineering (FTe, Mike Hohman) in 1993 (November?). FTe SpartaDOS X release history: - SpartaDOS X 4.22 11-05-95 DLT SpartaDOS X release history: - SpartaDOS X 4.39RC (1 Oct. 2006) - SpartaDOS X 4.41 (8 Feb. 2008) - SpartaDOS X 4.42 (25 Dec. 2008) - SpartaDOS X 4.43 (updated 14 Apr. 2011; first released 10 Apr. 2011) - SpartaDOS X 4.45 (4 Nov. 2011) - SpartaDOS X 4.46 with Toolkit (2 Jan. 2013) - SpartaDOS X 4.47 with Toolkit (10 Feb. 2015) - SpartaDOS X 4.48 with Toolkit (23 Jul. 2016) Developer's website: or or Manufacturers: - Atarimax - Lotharek ------------------------------ Subject: 7.3.3) What other 3rd-party DOS versions were released for the Atari? This section attempts to list all released 3rd-party "full-featured" DOS versions, beyond SpartaDOS X (which is described in another section of this FAQ list). This list is presented in chronological order by date of first (known) release. OSS CP/A - ATARI version 1.0 Copyright (c) 1981 OSS OSS OS/A+ ATARI version 1.0 Copyright (c) 1981 OSS (May 1981 Version 1.1) OSS OS/A+ - ATARI version 1.2 Copyright (C) 1981 OSS OSS OS/A+ - ATARI version 1.2e Copyright (C) 1981 OSS OSS OS/A+ - ATARI version 2.00 Copyright (C) 1982 OSS,Inc. OSS OS/A+ - ATARI version 2.10 Copyright (C) 1982 OSS,Inc. OSS DOS XL - ATARI version 2.20 Copyright (C) 1983 OSS,Inc. OSS DOS XL - ATARI version 2.30 Copyright (C) 1983 OSS,Inc. OSS DOS XL - ATARI version 2.30C Copyright (C) 1983 OSS,Inc. OSS DOS XL - ATARI version 2.30X Copyright (C) 1983 OSS,Inc. OSS DOS XL Atari v2.30 Axlon RamDisk Copyright (C) 1984 OSS,Inc. OSS DOS XL Atari v2.30C Axlon RamDisk Copyright (C) 1984 OSS,Inc. OSS DOS XL Atari v2.30 Mosaic RamDisk Copyright (C) 1984 OSS,Inc. OSS DOS XL Atari v2.30C Mosaic RamDisk Copyright (C) 1984 OSS,Inc. FTe DOS XL - ATARI version 2.30 Copyright (C) 1994 by FTe FTe DOS XL - ATARI version 2.30C Copyright (C) 1994 by FTe FTe DOS XL - ATARI version 2.30X Copyright (C) 1994 by FTe --------------------------------- - Developed by Optimized Systems Software (OSS), successor to Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI), developer of Atari DOS I and the File Manager System of Atari DOS II. - SMI had developed Apple DOS for Apple Computer in 1978. - SMI had released the OSS Control Program/Apple (CP/A), OSS Operating System (OS) and OSS Disk File Manager (DFM) for the Apple II in February 1980. - Introduced April 3-5, 1981 at the West Coast Computer Faire under the name CP/A (Command Processor/Advanced). - Version 1 - The DOS.SYS file on the CP/A disk is the Atari DOS 2.0S FMS (written by OSS) and CP/A. (There are no DUP.SYS or MEM.SAV files with CP/A.) - Programmer: Paul Laughton - Command line driven - Disk drive type supported: Atari 810 (& compatible) - Disk allocation/filesystem: Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density - Supplied with OSS EASMD - Editor/Assember/Debug - Version 2 - Primarily by Mark Rose, with collaboration of Bill Wilkinson and Mike Peters. - Command line driven, with optional menu available - Disk drive types supported: 1) Atari 810 (& compatible) 2) SSDD 5.25" Single-Sided, Double Density (Percom compatible) - Disk allocation/filesystems: 1) Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) "Atari DOS 2.0 Double Density" - Standard established by the unreleased Atari DOS 2.0D - 256 total bytes/sector, with 3 bytes of each sector used to address the next sector. - 40 tracks * 18 sectors/track = 720 total sectors, with 13 sectors used for software control or unused by the FMS. - Data capacity per diskette: 707 sectors x 253 bytes/sector = 178,871 bytes/disk - 13 special sectors: 1-3 Boot sectors, containing the boot record accessed by the Atari OS at system power-up. 128 bytes/sector. 360 Volume Table of Contents (sector usage) 361-368 File Directory 720 unused by the FMS (same as Atari DOS I and 2.0S) - Maximum of 64 files per diskette (8-sector File Directory) - Supports any mixture of up to 8 single and/or double density disk drives - No smart density switching. Drive 1 acquires the density of the booted master disk. DOS XL automatically asks each drive what density it is during the boot process. From then on, may use the CONFIG command to manually change a disk drive's density. - STARTUP.EXC batch file of DOS XL commands (ATASCII text) runs at system boot (after AUTORUN.SYS) - RS232.COM provided for loading the R: handler from the 850 interface ROM - Version 2.10 new utilities: CLRDSK, INITDBL, SDCOPY - Version 2.20 (DOS XL) announced release date: September 15, 1983 (OSS Newsletter, Summer 1983 p4) - Version 2.20: RS232FIX.COM provided as a debugged alternative to the R: handler contained in the ROM of the Atari 850 interface. - Version 2.20 can save 5KiB of user RAM by occupying memory which is bank-switched with an OSS SuperCartridge, via DOSXL.SYS - Version 2.30C is Version 2.30 with DOSXL.SUP enabled as DOSXL.SYS, which saves 5KiB of user RAM by occupying memory which is bank-switched with an OSS SuperCartridge - Version 2.30X is Version 2.30 with DOSXL.XL enabled as DOSXL.SYS, which saves 3KiB of user RAM by occupying memory available under the Atari OS (requires an XL/XE computer with at least 64KiB RAM). - BitWedge (BIT3.COM) Version 1.1 - 20DEC83 Copyright (c) 1983 by Harald E. Striepe - Provided by OSS for use with the Bit 3 Full-View 80 on the Atari 800. - For use under DOS XL Version 2.30 and up - v2.30 Axlon RamDisk. Version by Harald E. Striepe and OSS. - Same as Version 2.30 but with RAM drive support for Axlon banked memory. 883 single density sectors. - v2.30C Axlon RamDisk. Version by Harald E. Striepe and OSS. - Same as v2.30 Axlon RamDisk version but with DOSXL.SUP enabled as DOSXL.SYS, which saves 5KiB of user RAM by occupying memory which is bank-switched with an OSS SuperCartridge. - v2.30 Mosaic RamDisk. Version by Harald E. Striepe and OSS. - Same as Version 2.30 but with RAM drive support for Mosaic banked memory. From 371 sectors (one Mosaic 64K RAM Select board plus 32KiB of standard RAM) to 896 sectors (two 64K RAM Select boards plus a 32KiB board). - v2.30C Mosaic RamDisk. Version by Harald E. Striepe and OSS. - Same as v2.30 Mosaic RamDisk version but with DOSXL.SUP enabled as DOSXL.SYS, which saves 5KiB of user RAM by occupying memory which is bank-switched with an OSS SuperCartridge. - Version 2.30p is a patched Version 2.30 that fixes two bugs: 1) A boot disk created from the DOS XL menu couldn't boot unless the MENU.COM file was the disk. 2) A boot disk initialized in a drive other than 1 would always boot up with that drive number as the working drive at the initial command line prompt. - OSS published a patch to convert version 2.30 to version 2.30p in their Spring 1984 Newsletter. OSS then published a corrected version of the 2.30p patch in their Fall 1986 Newsletter. See: - Fall 1984- units (Version 2.30p): DOS XL with BUG/65 (debug program) - Version 2.35I1 is OSS DOS XL 2.30 plus GTSYNC.COM Synchromesh Engager - Also known as Version 2.35I - Supports Synchromesh 38.4 kbit/s on: Indus GT, LDW Super 2000, CA-2001, XFD601, XFD602 - Supplied by Indus Systems with the Indus GT (1984-1985) - "Put Synchromesh in High Gear" article by Richard Q. Fox (1985) modifies DOS XL 2.35I to increase boot speed through several changes, including engaging Synchromesh during boot, coining the result "Super Synchromesh" - Supplied by Future Systems with the Indus GT (1986), with the addition of: - RAM130.COM, written by Joseph Segura in 1985: a 64KiB RAM drive for 130XE banked memory. - Synchromesh (GTSYNC.COM) must be disabled to use RAM130. - INITSYNC.COM - Turns on Synchromesh during boot up - Supplied by Logical Design Works with the LDW Super 2000 (1987) and by California Access with the CA-2001 (1988), including RAM130.COM but without INITSYNC.COM and GTRPM.COM. - Described in the user manuals as: "DOS XL 2.35L" - Synchromesh II, by Future Systems (1986), supplied with RAM Charger 64KiB RAM upgrade for Indus GT and also sold separately, includes: - DOS XL Version 2.35I2, comprised of OSS DOS XL 2.30 plus GTSYNC.COM Synchromesh Engager - RAM buffering version. Supports: - Synchromesh II 68.2 kbit/s on Indus GT/LDW Super 2000/CA-2001 drives upgraded to 64KiB RAM - Synchromesh 38.4 kbit/s on Indus GT, LDW Super 2000, CA-2001, XFD601, XFD602 - RAM130.COM and INITSYNC.COM, plus GTRPM.COM speed checker utilities - Warp Speed DOS XL, including under cartridge, under ROM, and Axlon banked memory versions, was distributed by Happy Computers, Inc. for use with Happy 810 Enhancement (Rev 7 capable units) or Happy 1050 Enhancement - Shipped with: Amdek AMDC-II, Astra 1620 (earlier units), CA-2001, Concorde C-221M, Indus GT, LDW Super 2000, NCT 810 Turbo (earlier units), Percom AT88-S1, Percom AT88-S2, Percom AT88SPD (later units), BASIC A+ (later units), MAC/65 (later disk-based units), Trak AT-D2 (later units), Trak AT-D4 - Rights purchased from OSS by ICD in January 1988 (but ICD discontinued DOS XL in favor of their own SpartaDOS) - Rights purchased from ICD by Fine Tooned Engineering (FTe) in 1993 - FTe DOS XL 2.30 (including 2.30C and 2.30X) released on 6/22/94. They are identical to the OSS releases of the same versions. K-DOS By K-Byte Copyright 1981 Kay Enterprises Co. --------------------------------------------------- - By Kay Enterprises Co. (John Mathies, K-Byte general manager) (the makers of K-Razy Shoot-Out and K-Razy Kritters) - Disk drive types supported: Atari 810 (& compatible) - Disk allocation/filesystem: Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density - Command line driven - Memory resident OS/A+ version 4.0 (1982 - MC is still looking for a copy of this version) OSS OS/A+ - ATARI version 4.10 Copyright (C) 1982 OSS -------------------------------- - Port by Mark Rose of Apple DOS for the Apple II (which was developed by Paul Laughton for Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI), predecessor to OSS) - Requires, and runs on, only double density or larger disk drives. - Filenames can be from one to thirty characters long; all characters are valid except CTRL characters, RETURNs, and commas (,) - Disk allocation/filesystem: - Mapped file structure (true random access to data files) - Physical sectors of either 256 or 512 bytes - Disks with 128 bytes per sector would use pairs of sectors to emulate 256 byte sectors - To ensure compatibility with the Atari computer boot process, always reads and writes sectors 1, 2, and 3 in single density (128 byte) mode. - Sectors are grouped into blocks of n sectors in length, where n is a power of two between 1 and 128 - Files are at least one block in length, and up to 16MB long - Maximum number of files per disk depends on the disk capacity. For a single-sided, double density (180kB) disk the maximum is 105 files. - Disk drives ranging in storage size from 128kB to over 15MB - Interoperability with OS/A+ version 2: - ADOS command allows the user to access version 4 disks as Dn: while accessing version 2 disks as An:. - COPY24 command can copy version 2 files to version 4 diskettes, or vice versa. - Version 4.1 revised utility: COPY24 - Version 4.1 incorporates a workaround for the bug in early Percom double-sided disk drives where the drive cannot access the last four sectors of a DS DD disk by hiding the inaccessible sectors from the disk directory. See: - Version 4.2 (DOS XL Version 4) announced for fall 1983 released (never shipped). Sales of Version 4.1 resumed spring 1984 (OSS Newsletter Spr1984) - Shipped with: Percom RFD40-S1 (except early units), Percom RFD44-S1, Percom RFD40-S2, Percom RFD44-S2, Percom AT88SPD (earlier units), Percom Doubler, NCT 810 Turbo (1983 units) - Also sold by Software Publishers/SWP for use with ATR8000, 1982-1983 MYDOS ----- MYDOS 3.05 [reported to exist] MYDOS 3.07 -- copyright 1983,WORDMARK (August 16, 1983) MYDOS 3.08 -- copyright 1983,WORDMARK MYDOS 3.12 -- copyright 1983,WORDMARK ATR8000 RS232 Version, by C. Marslett MYDOS 3.09 (December 19, 1983) MYDOS 3.13 (August 8, 1984) MYDOS 3.010 - copyright 1983,WORDMARK MYDOS 3.011 - copyright 1984,WORDMARK MYDOS 3.16 [reported to exist] MYDOS 3.012 - copyright 1984,WORDMARK MYDOS 3.013 - copyright 1984,WORDMARK (4/19/84) MYDOS 3.18 -- copyright 1984,WORDMARK ATR8000 RS232 Version, by C. Marslett MYDOS 3.014 - copyright 1985,WORDMARK (February 18, 1985) MYDOS 3.19 -- copyright 1985,WORDMARK ATR8000 RS232 Version, by C. Marslett MYDOS 3.015 [reported to exist] MYDOS 3.016 - copyright 1985,WORDMARK MYDOS 3.016AX copyright 1985,WORDMARK Axlon RAMdisk version MYDOS 3.116 - copyright 1985,WORDMARK ATR8000 RS232 Version, by C. Marslett MYDOS 4.0 --- copyright 1985,WORDMARK MYDOS 4.2 --- copyright 1985,WORDMARK MYDOS 4.2C -- copyright 1985,WORDMARK MYDOS 4.3A (October 21, 1986) MYDOS 4.3B -- copyright 1986,WORDMARK MYDOS 4.50 -- Copyright 1988,WORDMARK (11/28/88 freeware, from Bob Puff) MYDOS 4.51 -- copyright 1989,WORDMARK (6/14/89) MyDOS 4.53/3 and 4.53/4 (David R. Eichel rel.ver.1/1/90) MyDOS 4.55 Beta (Lee Barnes March 17, 2003) ----------------------- - Versions 3.0-4.3B developed by Charles W. Marslett, 1982-1986 - Version 3.0 was the first version released, reflecting promotion of MYDOS as the next logical follow-up to Atari DOS 2.0. - Originally a side project that was created while developing the original firmware for Percom disk drives for the Atari. - Highly configurable: Full support for floppy disk drives supporting the Percom Configuration Block - Menu driven, modeled after Atari DOS 2 - First DOS for the Atari to allow for dynamic density changes (Percom compatible disk drives). - First DOS for the Atari to support larger capacity diskettes even in a single drive configuration (Percom compatible disk drives). - Consists of DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS (as in Atari DOS 2). - MEM.SAV file can be employed to preserve the contents of memory to disk when DUP.SYS is loaded (as in Atari DOS 2). - Disk drive types supported: 1) Atari 810 (& compatible) 2) SSDD 5.25" Single-Sided, Double Density (Percom compatible) 3) Atari 1050 (& compatible) (MYDOS 4.x versions) 4) Configurable (Percom compatible) - Floppy disk drives including double-sided, 8", and 80 track disks - High capacity drives (hard disks) (MYDOS 4.x versions) 5) RAM drive (MYDOS 4.x versions) Up to 1MiB, using either Port B banked memory or Axlon banked memory - Default: 64KiB for 130XE banked memory - Disk allocation/filesystem: "MYDOS" (Atari DOS 2.0 with extensions) - Single or Double Density: 128 or 256 total bytes/sector, with 3 bytes of each sector used to address the next sector. - All high capacity disks are large sector drives (256 bytes/sector) - Disk contains sectors numbered - 1 to 720 (810 or SSDD Percom drive types - Atari DOS 2.0 compatible) - 1 to 1040 (1050 drive type) - 1 to up to 4,015 (configurable floppy drives) - 1 to up to 65,535 (high capacity drives, i.e. hard disks) (MYDOS 4.x) - Special sectors: 1-3 Boot sectors, containing the boot record accessed by the Atari OS at system power-up. 128 bytes/sector. ..360 Volume Table of Contents (sector usage). Uses only sector 360 in Atari DOS 2 compatible mode (810 or SSDD Percom drive types), or expands to previous contiguous sectors as necessary. 361-368 File Directory (up to 64 files/subdirectories) - MYDOS versions after 3.08/3.12 include support for subdirectories, each containing up to 64 files/subdirectories 720 Sector available for use with 810 and SSDD Percom drive types (unlike Atari DOS 2.0) - Data capacity per diskette for standard drive types: - 810: 708 sectors x 125 bytes/sector = 88,500 bytes/disk - SSDD Percom: 708 sectors x 253 bytes/sector = 179,124 bytes/disk - 1050: 1027 sectors x 125 bytes/sector = 128,375 bytes/disk - 130XE RAM: 499 sectors x 125 bytes/sector = 62,375 bytes/disk - Versions 3.x sold commercially by SWP for use with the ATR8000: - 3.0x versions are the standard releases - 3.1x versions have an integrated R: handler for the ATR8000 serial port - Sold by SWP in disk-side or system disk builder pairs. Known version- pairs include: 3.08/3.12, 3.09/3.13, 3.011/3.16, 3.013/3.18, 3.014/3.19 - 3.2x versions were developed for use with the never-shipped SWP ATR8500 - ROMDOS 3.0 / RDOS 3.0 variants of MYDOS 3.0x - Versions: 0.0, 0.1 (1984), 0.11, 0.12, 0.14 RDOS/OSS(0.0) copyright 1984,WORDMARK RDOS/RAM(0.1) copyright 1984,WORDMARK - The ROM version of RDOS could be programmed in an EPROM and run from the memory at 49152-53247 ($C000-$CFFF) (i.e., Newell Ramrod personality board or CDY Omnimon! board) with or without a disk drive on the system. - The OSS SuperCartridge version provided most of the same features as the ROM version (taking only 400 bytes of the 48K memory space over that taken by the disk buffers allocated). - The third version was loaded into low RAM in the normal location at $0700 but it shared the same boot sectors as the ROM version and the under-the-cartridge version, permitting a disk to be built that would run it if no $C000 ROM were present and no OSS SuperCartridge were present either. - Version 1.4 added the ability to run under the XL/XE built-in BASIC. - OMNIDOS is Wordmark ROMDOS/RDOS and CDY Omniview on one 8KiB chip for Newell Ramrod personality board or CDY Omnimon! board - MYDOS 3.016 shipped with: Astra "Big D" (earlier units) - Versions 4.x have full read compatibility with the Atari DOS 2.5 format, but will only write to the first 720 sectors of the disk. - Versions 4.x shipped with RS-232 driver for the ATR8000 - MYDOS 4.x shipped with: SupraDrive, BTL Hard Disk System, TOMS 720 (on ROM), Newell 256KXL - Version 4.3 adds 'S' command to set the RAM drive number and adds 'V' to turn on and off write-verify. - Versions 4.5x include: - ATARI850.AUT - for loading the R: handler from the 850 interface ROM - ATR232.AUT - RS-232 driver for the ATR8000 - ATR232HD.AUT - RS-232 driver for ATR8000 with ATR hard disk interface - Bob Puff/Computer Software Services offers version 4.50 (first freeware release): - MYDOS 4.50T is TOMS version for running from ROM, offered on the TOMS TurboDOS 2001 cartridge, and on ROM in TOMS 720 and TOMS 360 disk drives - Charles Marslett/Wordmark Systems makes version 4.51 source code available: - MyDOS 4.53 was released by David R. Eichel on 1/1/90, making minor changes from the released 4.50 and 4.51 source code. - Supports multiple AUTORUNs at boot up (*.AR0 through *.AR9). (Support for the traditional AUTORUN.SYS is removed.) - Fixes broken Axlon banked memory RAM drive support - Version 4.53/3 gives 3 character file length/free sector count instead of the normal (for MyDOS) 4. - Version 4.53/4 is the same as 4.53/3, but uses a minimum of four characters in the sector count just like most versions of MyDOS. - More recent work on MyDOS by Lee Barnes is available, along with many earlier MYDOS versions, from Mathy van Nisselroy's MyDOS page: DOS-MOD (1983) TOP-DOS Version 1.0 (March 1984) (c) 1984 R.K.Bennett TOP-DOS v1.1 (c) 1984 R.K.Bennett TOP-DOS v1.20 TOP-DOS 1.3 (1984) TOP-DOS 1.4 (1984) TOP-DOS 1.5 (c) 1985 R.K.Bennett TOP-DOS 1.5a (c) 1985 R.K.Bennett TOP DOS 1.5 Plus (1986) TOP DOS Professional (1986) --------------------------- - Developed by R.K. Bennett for Sunny Software / Eclipse Software - Sold commercially by Sunny Software (original DOS-MOD release) or Eclipse Software (later DOS-MOD release and all releases of TOP-DOS) - DOS-MOD: Enhances Atari DOS 2.0S o Menu-driven, Full screen use o Command files o Expanded wildcard capability o Fixes 11 bugs in DOS 2.0S o Single and Double Density versions for: 1) Atari 810 (& compatible) 2) SSDD 5.25" Single-Sided, Double Density (Percom compatible) o Disk allocation/filesystems: 1) Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) Atari DOS 2.0 Double Density o DD version supports HELLO command file option on startup o DD version supports cartridge-bypass feature on startup o DD version can also run in the SD mode - TOP-DOS: Standalone product, includes all the features of DOS-MOD o Drive support: works with single density (SD 810 compatible), double density (DD Percom compatible) and double-sided double density (DSDD Percom compatible) drives. Supports 8" floppy disk drives. o Disk allocation/filesystems: 1) Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) Atari DOS 2.0 Double Density 3) "TOP-DOS Single Density" - Maximum 720 sectors for 5.25" disks, or 944 sectors for 8" disks 4) "TOP-DOS Double Density" - Maximum 720 sectors for 5.25" disks or 944 sectors for 8" disks 5) "TOP-DOS Double-Sided Double Density" (360KiB DSDD / "Quad" Density) - Maximum 1440 sectors for 5.25" disks or 1968 sectors for 8" disks o TOP-DOS -type disk allows TOP-DOS to alphabetize and compress the File Directory, to handle double-sided double-density drives, and to access up to 1968 sectors on 8" double density drives. o 1 to 8 disk drives o Reformat only the VTOC, on a previously formatted disk o RAM drive support: Axlon or Mosaic banked memory - Version 1.4 was a bug-fix release with no new features. - TOP-DOS 1.5: o RAM drive support: Port B banked memory, Axlon, Mosaic o 1050 Enhanced Density Support o "WISE" Density Control o High Speed Data Transfer (Happy Warp Speed) o Improved Status Display o Hex-Decimal Conversion o 90KiB buffer for one-pass disk duplication o Four-level command file nesting o Ad: Antic v4n9 Jan86 p.44 o Shipped with: Astra "Big D" (later units), Astra The "One" o Also distributed by Happy Computers, Inc., 1986- for use with Happy 810 Enhancement (Rev 7 capable units) or Happy 1050 Enhancement - TOP DOS 1.5 Plus: o Allows multiple RAM drives, SD or DD o Accesses Atari DOS 2.5 files o New sector number display and tone control o Better warp speed and group autorun control o BASIC enable/disable for XE/XL with built-in BASIC - TOP DOS Professional: o Up to 16MB disk capacity o Sub-directories o Sector read, write & compare o File compare - 1.5 Plus / Professional ad: Antic v5n2 Jun86 p.27 - Apparently released into the public domain, approximately 2005 DOS 4.0 (Copyright 1984 Michael Barall, released to the PD via Antic in 1986) ------- - Developed by programmer Michael Barall for Atari as QDOS, 1983-1984. - Existed as early as July 1983. (source code) - After the release version of Atari DOS 3 was finalized, QDOS was planned for release as Atari DOS 4. - Rights to QDOS reverted to Barall upon the July 1984 sale of Atari assets by Warner Communications. - Barall continued development of QDOS for Atari, Corp. into fall 1984, before Atari ultimately declined to acquire the software - Released by Barall into the public domain as DOS 4.0 through the Antic Catalog, first appearing in the February 1986 issue of Antic magazine. - Supports 8 physical drives (1-8), and 10 logical drives (D0:-D9:) - Supports serial bus (SIO) and 1450XLD parallel bus Integral Disk Drives - Data on the disk is physically organized into sectors: SD disks: sector = 128 bytes 2D or DD disks: sector = 256 bytes - Data on the disk is logically organized into blocks: SD disks: 6 sectors/block, or 768 bytes/block SS/2D or SS/DD disks: 3 sectors/block, or 768 bytes/block DS/DD disks: 12 sectors/block, or 3,072 bytes/block - Five disk drive types are supported by default: A. SS/SD 810: 708 sectors 708 sectors / 6 sectors/block = 118 blocks 118 blocks * 768 bytes/block = 90,624 bytes B. SS/2D 1050: 513 sectors 513 sectors / 3 sectors/block = 171 blocks 171 blocks * 768 bytes/block = 131,328 bytes C. SS/SD Percom (1450XLD: "large" mode): 708 sectors 708 sectors / 6 sectors/block = 118 blocks 118 blocks * 768 bytes/block = 90,624 bytes D. SS/DD Percom (1450XLD: "large" mode): 711 sectors 711 sectors / 3 sectors/block = 237 blocks 237 blocks * 768 bytes/block = 182,016 bytes E. DS/DD Percom (1450XLD: "large" mode): 708 sectors 708 sectors / 6 sectors/block = 118 blocks 118 blocks * 3,072 bytes/block = 362,496 bytes - Advanced users can create additional drive types - Allocation of blocks is controlled by the contents of a sector called the Volume Table of Contents (VTOC). (A large VTOC may occupy two sectors.) - File directory cannot contain more than 128 entries - Filesystem could support disks up to 384KiB (Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, AA Forums 2010.07.21) - DOS 2 to DOS 4 Conversion Program - DOS 3 to DOS 4 Conversion Program SmartDOS Beta Test Version 1.5R (C)1984 John Chenoweth & Ron Bieber SmartDOS (C)1984 John Chenoweth & Ron Bieber distributed by Rana Systems 6.1D SmartDOS (C)1984 John Chenoweth & Ron Bieber for The Programmer's Workshop 8.2D (affiliate of Astra Systems) -------------------- - Earlier versions were distributed as a utility to modify Atari DOS 2.0S - Disk drive types supported: 1) Atari 810 (& compatible) 2) SSDD 5.25" Single-Sided, Double Density (Percom compatible) - Disk allocation/filesystems: 1) Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) Atari DOS 2.0 Double Density - First Atari DOS to be "Density Smart" (changing between the disk drive's density settings dynamically, in accordance with the format density of the inserted media, without user-intervention) - Menu additions that allow sector copying, drive speed checking, bad sector testing, write verify on/off, and drive reconfiguration - Original Master diskette, shipped with earlier SmartDOS versions, contains: DOS.SYS, DUP.SYS, DEFAULT, ARCREATE.BAS, RS232.ARx, AUTORUN.SYS - DOS.SYS is Atari DOS 2.0S version under license from Atari. - Disk is used only to create a Working Master diskette. - Working Master diskette, created using the AUTORUN.SYS file on the Original Master diskette, or shipped with later SmartDOS versions, contains: DOS.SYS, DUP.SYS, DEFAULT, ARCREATE.BAS, RS232.ARx - DOS.SYS is proprietary SmartDOS version. - ARCREATE.BAS is used to create a file that will autorun a BASIC file upon system boot. - Multiple autoload file support, for files named *.AR1 through *.AR9 - RS232.ARx loads the R: handler from the 850 interface ROM. - Should be renamed RS232.AR1 to be autorun by SmartDOS - Supports both warm and cold re-boots of the system - Shipped with: Rana 1000, Astra 1620 (later units), Astra 2001, Astra 1001 Mach DOS v2.1 XL (c) 1984 stace Mach DOS v2.6 XL (c) 1984 stace MachDOS v3.7a (c) 1985 stace ------------------------------- - By Hadley V. Stacey - Pre-release name: MACH 2XH DOS - Early versions supplied with the NCT 810 Turbo (1984 units); later released directly into the public domain - Disk drive types supported: 1) Atari 810 (& compatible) 2) SSDD 5.25" Single-Sided, Double Density (Percom compatible) 3) DSDD 5.25" Double-Sided, Double Density (Percom compatible) - Disk allocation/filesystems: 1) Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) Atari DOS 2.0 Double Density 3) Double-Sided, Double Density - 1427 free sectors (360KiB) - Compatability with other Atari DOS 2 based DSDD formats UNCONFIRMED, DETAILS WANTED 4) RAM drive for banked memory. (MachDOS v3.7a) Types supported: 130XE (Port B), Axlon, Mosaic, Intec, 800+ (800 Plus 256K), M.A.C.E. ("MACE Mod") - Intelligent detection and support for double density and double-sided disks - Mach File disk image files - [SELECT] key toggles menu on-screen - There is no DOS.SYS or DUP.SYS files. The only file is MACH.SYS. - MEM.SAV workalike is named: MEMSAV.SYS - AUTORUN.SYS files are processed just like Atari DOS 2.0. SpartaDOS Version 1.1 Copyright (C) 1984 by ICD, INC. SpartaDOS Version 2.3b D Copyright (C) 1985 by ICD, INC. SpartaDOS Version 2.3b C Copyright (C) 1985 by ICD, INC. SpartaDOS Ver 2.3e 1-Nov-85 D Copyright (C) 1985 by ICD, INC. SpartaDOS Ver 2.3e 1-Nov-85 C Copyright (C) 1985 by ICD, INC. SpartaDOS Ver 3.2c 30-Jan-86 Copyright (C) 1986 by ICD, Inc. SpartaDOS Ver 3.2d 17-Feb-86 Copyright (C) 1986 by ICD, Inc. SpartaDOS Ver 3.2f 25-Feb-94 Copyright (C) 1994 by FTe SpartaDOS Ver 3.2g 04-Jun-94 Copyright (C) 1994 by FTe SpartaDOS Ver 3.2gx 04-Jun-94 Copyright (C) 1994 by FTe --------------------------------------------------------------- - Originally developed by Mike Gustafson of Spartan Software of Minnesota/ ICD, and shipped alongside US Doubler as ICD's first two products in 1984. - Version 1.1: o Supports 5.25" and 8" floppy disk drives, single- or double-sided, single, enhanced, or double density (35, 40, 77, or 80 tracks) o Supports 4 disk drives o SPCOPY command for single or dual drive transfers between SpartaDOS and/or Atari DOS 2 compatible formats o AT_RS232 R: handler for ATR8000 o Disk allocation/filesystem: SpartaDOS File System (SDFS) version 1.1 o 128 or 256 bytes/sector o Four sector types: - Disk descriptor - Sector 1. Among other data, includes indicator of the number of (consecutive) sectors in the main DOS boot. - Bit map. One or more sectors together containing a list of bits corresponding to all sectors on the disk, indicating whether each sector is currently in use. - Sector map. Lists of sector numbers of the data sectors used by a particular file or directory. - Data sectors. One of: - Directory data. The directory is a special file that contains entries about each file and each subdirectory it contains, including: filename, time/date, length, first sector map number, and status. The first entry in the directory contains: the first sector map of the parent director, the length of the directory, and the directory name. - File/User data o Up to 128 files per directory/subdirectory o Time/date stamping o Disks have volume names. Every disk must have a unique name. o Up to 16MiB per drive o RAM drive support: o RDAXLON.COM, supplied with SpartaDOS 2.3, sets up a 112KiB Axlon banked memory RAM drive - Several flavors of Version 1.1: o STD_HS.DOS (original name) or SPEED.DOS (later name) - Full version including UltraSpeed support o STD.DOS (original name) or STANDARD.DOS (later name) - Full version except without UltraSpeed support o RO_HS.DOS (original name) or NOWRITE.DOS (later name) - Miniature version; can only read from disk; UltraSpeed supported o RO.DOS (early distribution only) - Miniature version; can only read from disk; no UltraSpeed support o NOCP.DOS (later distribution(s) only) - No command processor (but can both read/write); UltraSpeed supported - Tries to load an AUTORUN.SYS file before it passes control onto the cartridge - Changes for Version 2.3, packaged as the SpartaDOS Construction Set, which was supplied with many ICD US Doubler units and also sold separately: o Requires a 64KiB XL/XE o An enhanced Atari DOS 2 handler: Can read, write, and run Atari DOS 2 formatted diskettes in both single and double density o Supports 8 disk drives o UltraSpeed High Speed built in o 14 new internal command processor commands o 8 new XIO functions o Extra 4KiB program area o RAM drives: - RDBASIC.COM sets up an 8KiB RAM drive on any XL/XE computer - RD130.COM sets up a 64KiB RAM drive for 130XE banked memory o Disk allocation/filesystem: SpartaDOS File System (SDFS) version 2.0. Relative to SDFS 1.1: - The first three sectors on the disk are boot sectors. They contain the program that loads in the DOS, links it into the system, and enters the command processor. Sector 1 also contains the disk descriptor data as in SDFS 1.1. - Only the first 128 bytes of each boot sector are used (same whether the disk is formatted in 128 or 256 bytes/sector) - Sector 1 disk descriptor data additions: - Volume sequence number (avoid problems with non-unique volume names) - Volume random number (avoid problems with non-unique volume names) - Sector number of the first sector map of the file to be loaded when the disk is booted (usually a DOS file) - Write lock flag - Sector 1 disk descriptor data no longer used: - Number of buffers reserved for sector storage - Number of sectors in the main DOS boot - Two flavors of 2.3 (2.3b, 2.3e) versions: o XD type (XD23B.DOS or XD23E.DOS) is the full powered DOS; recognizes the STARTUP.BAT file when booted and priority is given to DOS (rather than the cartridge). o XC version (XC23B.DOS or XC23E.DOS) is the same as XD versions except AUTORUN.SYS is recognized when booted and control priority is given to the cartridge. - Changes for Version 3.2, which was supplied with the ICD R-Time 8 and also packaged as the SpartaDOS Construction Set, which was supplied with many ICD US Doubler units and also sold separately: o Better time and date support (internal TD, TIME, DATE commands) o Internal R-Time 8 interface o Internal JIFFY clock interface (for non- R-Time 8 users) o Internal 32 character keyboard buffer (and KEY command) o Automatic mini-buffer system for fast byte PUT and GET functions o New vectors added for machine language support o Control returned to DOS if DOS was active during RESET o Supports both a STARTUP.BAT and an AUTORUN.SYS file o Compatible with BASIC XE, 1200XLs and many modified Operating Systems o BASIC ON/OFF command operation from within a batch file (not end only) o NOISY I/O flag recognized o Support for the Supra Hard Disk Interface o All command entry in upper or lower case o Full read capability for Atari DOS 2.5 type enhanced density format o New RAM drives: - RD.COM supports the standard 130XE, the 130XE with 64KiB RAM upgrade (from Ron Boling) and the 256KiB RAMBO XL upgrade for the 800XL and 1200XL computers. With the RAMBO XL, gives a 192KiB RAM drive. - RD260.COM supports the 800XL RAM upgrade to 256KiB as published in the September 1985 BYTE magazine by Claus Buchholz, giving a 192KiB RAM drive. - Several notable patches to SpartaDOS 3.2d have been developed, such as: o Bob Woolley created a patch utility program that will modify SpartaDOS 3.2d to support the XF551's high speed I/O o "SpartaDOS 3.2z" was the result of a patch developed and distributed by Computer Software Services (CSS, Bob Puff) for SpartaDOS 3.2d to allow SpartaDOS to support the CSS Multiplexer (MUX). See: - Rights purchased from ICD by Fine Tooned Engineering (FTe, Mike Hohman) in 1993 (November?). - FTe SpartaDOS 3.2g changes included: o Support for a ninth drive, D9: o D: means current working drive, instead of D1: o Full support for upper/lower case o CWD, CREDIR, DELDIR commands changed to CD, MD, RD o TDLINE Y2K bug fixed o 1200XL function keys work properly SpartaDOS 3.2gx differs only in that it locates the disk buffers under the OS to save RAM. 3.2gx is intended for use in systems that include a parallel device (MIO, Black Box); it is not compatible with BASIC XE nor any other programs using RAM under the OS. - Many disk-based SpartaDOS versions are available for download from Thunderdome, kept by SysOp Fox-1: Direct link: Happy-Computer DOS II+/D V:4.5M Copyright 1985 by Stefan Dorndorf DOS II+/D - Version 6.1 Copyright 1987 by Stefan Dorndorf DOS II+/D - Version 6.4 (c) '87 by S.D. XDOS 2.3 (p) 1990 S.Dorndorf XDOS 2.43 (c) 2009 by Stefan Dorndorf ------------------------------------------- - Early versions commonly known as "Happy-DOS" - First published in issue 3/1986 of Happy Computer magazine - "Extended Disk Operating System" - A compact yet more capable alternative to Atari DOS 2.5 - Version 2.3 added DOS 2.5/MYDOS enhanced density compatibility - Version 2.4 two versions: 1) XDOS 2.4N supports all standard Atari drives (810, 1050, XF551), and supports XF551 and Hyper-XF Hyper Speed high speed input/output. 2) XDOS 2.4F adds high speed input/output with: SIO2USB, SIO2SD, Speedy 1050, Happy 1050, 1050 Turbo - Disk utilization/filesystems (Version 2.4): 1) DOS 1 (not append) 2) DOS 2.0 3) DOS 2.5 4) DOS 2.2/2.3 (931 sectors format) 5) DOS XL 6) (Happy) DOS II + / D (All versions) 7) Bibo-DOS (except 360KiB format) 8) Turbo-DOS (except 360KiB format) 9) MyDOS (except sub-directories, disks with more than 1040 sectors, and append to MyDOS files) - RAM drive for RAM under XL OS ROM (14KiB) or for Port B banked memory (64KiB-256KiB). Explicitly supported: Atari 130XE, Buchholz/ABBUC, ATARI-Mag/Rambo, Compy-Shop/Megaram - Command driven - Can use batch files - D: Disk File Manager supports D1: through D9: - H: device of Atari800Win emulator is supported - Available: - Documentation: SuperDOS V2.9 (C) 1986 Paul Nicholls SuperDOS V2.E (C) 1986 Paul Nicholls (unofficial) SuperDOS V4.3 (C) 1986 Paul Nicholls SuperDOS V4.3E(C) 1986 Paul Nicholls (unofficial) SuperDOS V4.3T(C) 1986 Paul Nicholls (unofficial) SuperDOS 3.7T j_b (tm) 1987 (c) P.N (unofficial) SuperDOS V4.4 (C) 1988 Paul Nicholls (unofficial) SuperDOS V5.0 (C) 1988 Paul Nicholls SuperDOS V5.1 (C) 1988 Paul Nicholls SuperDOS V5.2 (C) 1988 Paul Nicholls SUPERDOS V5.2 (C)2012 JAMES BRADFORD ------------------------------------ - Developed by Paul Nicholls for Super Products (Australia), Happy Computers (USA), Technical Support (USA), Antic Arcade Catalog (USA) - Disk drive types supported: 1) Atari 810 (& compatible) 2) Atari 1050 (& compatible) 3) SSDD 5.25" Single-Sided, Double Density (Percom compatible) 4) SuperMax high speed (versions 4.x and up) 5) XF551 high speed (versions 5.x) 6) US Doubler UltraSpeed (versions 5.x) - Disk allocation/filesystems: 1) Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) Atari DOS 2.0 Double Density 3) Atari DOS 2.5 - Can use sector 720. Data capacity per diskette: 1011 sectors x 125 bytes/sector = 126,375 bytes/disk 4) "SuperDOS DSDD" (360KiB) (versions 5.x) - 253 data bytes/sector - Disk contains sectors numbered 1 to 1440 - 14 Special sectors: 1-3 Boot sectors, containing the boot record accessed by the Atari OS at system power-up. 128 bytes/sector. 360 Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) side 1 (sector usage) 361-368 File Directory (up to 64 files/subdirectories) 1024 VTOC sides 1 & 2 1040 Unused - 1426 sectors x 253 bytes/sector = 360,778 bytes/disk - Menu driven. Density-smart: Automatic density detection. - Fully RAM-resident. Highly configurable. - Supports four floppy disk drives and assumes that any drive reference above 4 is a RAM drive. - RAM drive support is provided for Axlon banked memory (128KiB or 256KiB) or Port B banked memory (256KiB or 320KiB). - V5.0 changes: 1. Full support for the Atari XF551 disk drive, including Double- sided/Double density and high speed transfer. 2. Complete XF551 compatibility with previous disk drives. Double density drives can read files on Double-sided disks (just as Single density drives can read Enhanced density disks). 3. High speed transfer and skewed sectors for US Doubler, XF551, and SuperMax. 4. Full sector count displayed, no more 999+. 5. Full support for Newell 256KiB memory upgrade for 800XL. 6. Hold down [Esc] during boot up to reserve the 130XE memory banks for your program. 256KiB and 320KiB computers can use BASIC XE and a RAM drive. 7. Bug in RAM drive reboot (coldstart) routine fixed. 8. The right margin is no longer set to 37. - Rights and source code purchased by James Bradford (1994?) - V5.2 (2012) changes: - Modded slightly to increase the RAM drive speed - Disabled the Axlon banked memory RAM drive support - Available: - Collection of official versions: Bibo-DOS V 5.1N (p) E.Reuss (c) 1987 COMPY SHOP Bibo-DOS V 5.2F (p) E.Reuss (c) 07/1987 Compy-Shop Bibo-DOS 5.4RF (p) E.Reuss (c) 06/1988 Compy-Shop Bibo-DOS 6.4RF (p) E.Reuss (c) 06/1988 Compy-Shop Bibo-DOS 5.4AN Turbo-BASIC-Version/R-Disk Jan/89 Bibo-DOS 7.0 (p) E.Reuss (c) 1990 by J.Kruszona -------------------- - XL/XE only - Densities supported: single, medium, double - Disk allocation/filesystems: 1) Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) Atari DOS 2.5 Enhanced Density ("Medium Density") 3) Atari DOS 2.0 Double Density Versions 6.x only: 4) "Bibo-DOS Quad Density" (MYDOS DSDD 360KiB format compatible) - 256 total bytes/sector, with 3 bytes of each sector used to address the next sector. - 80 tracks * 18 sectors/track = 1440 total sectors, with 13 sectors used for software control or unused by the FMS. - Data capacity per diskette: 1427 sectors x 253 bytes/sector = 361,031 bytes/disk - Maximum 64 files/disk, except quad density supports 128 files/disk - N versions without high speed support - F versions support high speed with the Speedy 1050 and Happy - R versions support 64KiB, 128KiB, or 256KiB RAM drive for Port B banked memory. - 130XE and Compy-Shop memory upgrade types supported by default; can also be customized to support other memory upgrade types Turbo-DOS XL/XE 1.5 (1988 February) Turbo-DOS XL/XE 1.7 (1988 August) Turbo-DOS XL/XE 2.0 (1989) Turbo-DOS XL/XE 2.1 (1990) Disk Operating System II Vers. XLE (P) 1990 Atari (Germany) ("DOS XLE") -------------------------- - Developed by Herbert Barth and Frank Bruchhaeuser for Martin Reitershan Computertechnik - All versions: Atari DOS 2.5 source code used by permission from Atari for portions of DOS.SYS file - Version 2.1 features: - Master-Disk produces 4 different versions: 1) Normal Version for 810, 1050, or 1050 Turbo 2) HS: Version for Happy 1050 or Speedy 1050 3) XF: Version for XF551 high speed 4) EX: Full version (features of all other versions) - Disk allocation/filesystems: 1) Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) Atari DOS 2.5 Enhanced Density ("Medium Density") 3) Atari DOS 2.0 Double Density 4) "Turbo-DOS Quad Density" (360KiB DSDD) - 256 total bytes/sector, with 4 bytes of each sector used to address the next sector. - 80 tracks * 18 sectors/track = 1440 total sectors, with 13 sectors used for software control or unused by the FMS. - Data capacity per diskette: 1427 sectors x 252 bytes/sector = 359,604 bytes/disk - DOS Converter utility supports access to files, up to 315 sectors long, on disks in the following formats: - DOS 2.0S & compatible - DOS 2.5 all formats - Turbo-DOS XL/XE all formats - DOS 3 all formats - DOS 4 Single & Enhanced Density - DOS 4 Double Density (single sided) - BIBOEIN.COM utility supports access to files on disks in the Bibo-DOS Quad Density (MYDOS DSDD 360KiB compatible) format - Maximum 64 files/disk, except quad density supports 128 files/disk - Supports 16KiB RAM drive on XL/XE with 64KiB RAM total - 64KiB, 128KiB, or 256KiB RAM drive for Port B banked memory - 256KiB RAM drive for IRATA or ICD Multi-I/O RAM - Toggle up to four 256KiB RAM drives for support of up to 1MiB total system RAM - "DOS XLE" is a version of Turbo-DOS XL/XE Version 2.1 supplied with an Atari DOS 2.5 style menu interface. Intended for distribution by Atari Computer GmbH in Germany (as a replacement for Atari DOS XE). - Known during development as: XF-DOS BW-DOS Ver. 1.00 (C) BEWESOFT 1994 BW-DOS Ver. 1.10 (C) BEWESOFT / ABBUC 1994 BW-DOS Ver. 1.30 (C) BEWESOFT 1995 BW-DOS TC 1.31b BEWESOFT & HJX 2020 BW-DOS 1.31b BEWESOFT & HJX 2021 BW-DOS 1.31 BEWESOFT, HJX 24-04-2021 BW-DOS 1.31 BEWESOFT 2021-12-18 BW-DOS 1.4 BEWESOFT 29-09-2022 ------------------------------- Versions 1.00-1.30 by Jiri Bernasek; versions 1.31 and 1.4 by Holger Janz - Disk allocation/filesystem: SpartaDOS File System (SDFS) version 2.0 - Directories may contain up to 1424 files or directories - Only SpartaDOS X (version 4.x) is able to use BW-DOS directories in full - other versions will work only with the first 126 files (the rest will be invisible) - Designed to be compatible with SpartaDOS, and to use as little memory as possible - Any disk with capacity up to 16MB is possible - Single file may up to 8MB long - Up to 5 files may be open at the same time - Five disk drives are supported (1, 2, 3, 4 and 8) - On XL/XE: Does not use the RAM under OS ROM - 130XE RAM drive - up to 1MB - XL RAM drive - 14KiB (RAM under OS ROM) - Menu program also supports the disk allocation/filesystems: 1) Atari DOS 2.0 Single Density 2) Atari DOS 2.0 Double Density 3) Atari DOS 2.5 - XF551 high speed - Micro-SpartaDOS 2.3 included - Version 1.00 (June 16, 1994) is the "basic version". - For computers with at least 48KiB RAM - Version 1.10 (July 14, 1994) is identical to Version 1.00 except for the message after boot. - Update #1 (April 1995; for BW-DOS 1.00 or 1.10) - "Thanks to Erhard Puetz" - New versions of: MENU, RAMDISK, DIRMAST - New commands: MOVE, RTIME8, ARGSRTC - Support for ICD R-Time 8 and ARGS RTC/P V2 clock cartridges - New driver: ARGSPRN - Support for the printer port of the ARGS RTC/P V2 cartridge - New program: BWDFUNCT.BAS - Version 1.20 (May 1995) - not released - Version 1.21 (July 1995) - not released - Version 1.30 / Update #2 (December 17, 1995): - "Thanks to Erhard Puetz and Olda Rezler" - Reading the last byte of a file is now indicated by status 3. - Installation of new "E:" drivers is now allowed. - The command "TYPE" is no longer limited to 64 characters per line. - The method of handling the allocation pointers (positions 18 and 20 in sector 1) was changed. The new method provides much better protection of the directory-area on disk, and so the directories are not mixed between data sectors as often as under older BW-DOS versions or SpartaDOS. This results in faster access to directories. 100% read/ write compatibility with every SpartaDOS versions 2.x and later retained. - New versions of: BACKUP, COPY, UNERASE - New commands: DOSDRIVE, NEWED - NEWED requires BW-DOS 1.20 or later. - New driver: RAMBOX (RAM drive for JRC RAMBOX cartridge, 32KiB-4096KiB) - Versions 1.31 by Holger Janz, April 2021, three variations: - XBW131.DOS version 1.31 - Version 1.31 always starts command processor after reboot. It does not automatically start an active cartridge after reboot. Use command CAR to run cartridge. - Command CWD is renamed CD. - Command CREDIR is renamed MD. - Command DELDIR is renamed RD. - XBW131B.DOS version 1.31 - Works with 16K but cannot be started from other DOS - XBW131TC.DOS version 1.31 - New driver: TCDRIVER - For The!Cart using D1: for flash disk F1: and D8: for RAM drive - New external commands: TCAR, TCDRIVER, TCFORMAT, TCRESTOR, TCSETDRV, TCSTORE - Version 1.31 by Holger Janz, December 2021 Changes from version 1.30: - Needs only 16KiB RAM. - Always starts command processor at boot (does not automatically start an active cartridge). - Sets left margin to 0. - Command CWD is renamed CD. - Command CREDIR is renamed MD. - Command DELDIR is renamed RD. - New external commands: COLD, MEMCLEAR, MEMX, POKE, SECOPY - Changes from Version 1.3 to 1.4 (by Holger Janz, September 2022) - Needs only 16KiB RAM (full function with 48KiB) - Always starts command processor at boot. It does not automatically start a cartridge. Use command CAR to run cartridge. - Sets left margin always to 0 - Command CREDIR is renamed MD - Command CWD is renamed CD - Command DELDIR is renamed RD - Command ERASE is renamed DEL - Command PROTECT is renamed LOCK - Command RENAME is renamed REN - Command UNPROTECT is renamed UNLOCK - New internal command MAN - Additional commands and driver by FJC, ICD, and FTe - Absolute address COMTAB (see chapter Page 7 and COMTAB) Real.DOS -------- by Integrated Logic Systems (ILS, Stephen J. Carden), 2002-2013 - Disk utilization/filesystem: SpartaDOS File System (SDFS) version 2.0 - XL/XE with 64KiB RAM required. Also designed to run on APE software and hardware, or with an emulator. - RealDOS contains both the MUX- and non-MUX SIOV. This DOS will realize how it is being called and will load the proper SIOV handler for your needs. RealDOS will configure itself by detecting your hardware configuration. - Fully supports: Black Box (all versions), ICD MIO, Ken Jones MIO, KPI interface, Supra Interface, IDEa, SIO2PC, APE Registered Version, SIO2SD, SIO2IDE, SIO2USB, S-Drive and The Multiplexer. - RealDOS was also designed to work with the Atari800Win emulator. - RealDOS does not support the cartridge version of the MyIDE product. - RealDOS Ver 1.0a 4-Apr-11 Copyright (C) 2011 by ILS, Inc. (Build 0030) Available: - RealDOS Ver 1.0a 5-May-13 Copyright (C) 2013 by ILS, Inc. (Build 0031) Available: - Information and downloads: ------------------------------ Subject: 7.3.4) What are Micro-SpartaDOS, MyPicoDos, and LiteDOS? A "miniature DOS" / "gameDOS" / "microDOS" is a DOS version that is designed to provide minimal capabilities. Typically, this type of DOS makes the disk bootable, and supports the launching of files on the disk. This section describes modern miniature DOS versions for the Atari. Micro-SpartaDOS (Micro-SD or MSDOS), 1990-2010 =============== Latest released version: Micro-SpartaDOS 4.6 (MSDOS46.OBX), 2010-09-07 - Disk allocation/filesystem: - SpartaDOS File System (SDFS) version 2.0 - Maximum number of directories entries is only limited by available RAM Versions by Jiri Bernasek (BEWESOFT): Micro-SpartaDOS 1.0 - February 1990 Micro-SpartaDOS 1.1 - February 1992 Micro-SpartaDOS 2.0, 2.1 - March-April 1993 Micro-SpartaDOS 2.2 - May 3, 1993 - "Thanks to Erhard Puetz and M.G.&Megasoft" - Version 2.2 supports also a high speed SIO for Speedy 1050, XF551 and the HDI. Micro-SpartaDOS 2.3 by BEWESOFT 1994 - Version supplied with BW-DOS versions 1.00, 1.10, 1.30 Versions by Tomasz Pecko ('pecus') and Pawel Kalinowski ('pirx'): Micro-SpartaDOS 2.3 modified, 2001 - Pecus modified version with multi disc operation. - Keys 1-8 - select working drive and read the main directory. Micro-SpartaDOS 3.0, 2005 - Supports multiple drives - This version supports XF551 drives with HS, Happy Warp/US-Doubler drives with High Speed, and Speedy HS (only in US-Doubler mode). - SIO2IDE interface support Micro-SpartaDOS 3.3, 2007 - Improved operation with KMK IDE - [SHIFT] permanently disconnects all accelerators during charging MSDOS (communication by standard procedures) - [SHIFT+digit] selects the drive and temporarily disables the accelerators for this drive (if they have not been turned off earlier) - Optimized code Micro-SpartaDOS 4.3, 2010-05-26 - Primarily by Pecus. It uses a novel approach to mapping index sectors. - Supports "quadruple" sectors (512 bytes long); expands the available partition size to 32MB. - Contains only the most popular Happy / UltraSpeed routines. - Holding [SHIFT] during booting turns off HS I/O entirely. - This version detects BASIC and QMEG. With QMEG the High Speed I/O is turned off as QMEG handles HS I/O by itself. Micro-SpartaDOS 4.5, 2010-06-12 - Several bug fixes - Screen colors and TURBO mode configurable per directory. - Supports drives 1-15. Micro-SpartaDOS 4.6, 2010-09-07 - Color change - and a little faster due to fewer screen opens Micro-SpartaDOS 4.7 (source code available) - Move through successive "screens" with a list of files using the keys "right"/"left" or "up"/"down" - adds "Backspace" as return to directory above Available: Sources: MyPicoDos ========= MyPicoDos 4.06 (C) 1992-2017 by Matthias Reichl A "game-DOS" for DOS 2.x/MyDOS compatible disks with the following features: - It supports loading of COM/EXE, BIN (boot image) and BAS files. - It works with single and double density (hard-) disks from 720 up to 65535 sectors. - Drives D1: to D8: can be accessed. - Disk allocation/filesystem: DOS 2.x/MYDOS compatible disks - It supports MYDOS style subdirectories. - It supports Bibo-DOS style long directories (128 files per disk). - It supports XF551 format detection. - Built-in high speed SIO code: compatible with UltraSpeed (Happy, Speedy, AtariSIO/SIO2PC/APE/...), Happy 810 Warp Speed, XF551 and Turbo 1050, up to 126 kbit/sec (Pokey divisor 0) - It supports displaying long filenames and a disk/directory title. - On XL/XE-type computers MyPicoDos can automatically switch BASIC on when loading a BASIC program, and switch BASIC off when loading a COM/EXE/BIN file. - Joystick support: either use arrow keys or a joystick to select the file. - Optional built-in atariserver (AtariSIO) remote console. - Separate "barebone" version without high speed SIO support and remote console support (for those who want to save space) - Separate boot-sector-only version "PicoBoot" supporting a single COM file on a disk - Separate "SDrive" version which configures the SDrive to use 110 or 126 kbit/s transfer speed. Available: LiteDOS-SE by Mr.Atari (Sijmen Schouten), 2018-2022 ========== - Previously known as TinyDOS - Uses only 2KiB RAM, leaving 4KiB more free memory (XL/XE with 64KiB: 8KiB more when using Turbo-BASIC XL or U-BASIC) - 1016 free sectors on an ED disk or 700 free sectors on a SD disk - Up to 1000 files on a disk/partition - Supports all drives (single/medium/double/XF/360KiB/720KiB) - Supports all partitions (0.5-16MB) - Boots in 2-3 seconds. - Disk allocation/filesystem: - Reads Atari DOS 2.0 2.5 MyDOS and other DOS 2 clones. - LiteDUP Disk Utility Package - 19.2 kbit/s Bluetooth support (SIO2BT compatible) - Available drivers and tools: - HSIO (Highspeed I/O) supporting serial devices up to 57.6 kbit/s - HDD driver for IDE hardware, like MyIDE / SIDE / XELCF - RAM drive for 64KiB machines and 130XE - ROMEmulator loads .ROM files as "soft cartridge" - LZ4-SE decompression driver, reads LZ4 binary/executables - INIT, formats/clears/updates LiteDOS to any disk or partition - XIO 39 loads binary files/executables - AUTOEXEC up to 10 files during start-up - Build 2022 February 7: - Fixed subdir following on MyDOS disks, upload date now in welcome message and LiteINIT. - Fixed some 400/800 bugs and non Atari-OS when entering DOS. - Fixed MAC/65 stack usage induced bug, some cosmetic bugs and added conditional BT-support. Available: ------------------------------ Subject: 7.3.5) What should I know about filenames and filename extensions? Atari disk operating systems generally support file specifications in the form of a filename of 1 to 8 characters, with an optional filename extension of zero to 3 characters. Valid characters for use in filenames/filename extensions: (varies somewhat by DOS version) - The letters 'A' to 'Z' - The digits '0' to '9' (Many DOS versions do not permit filenames to start with a digit.) - The underscore character ('_') (DOS XE,SpartaDOS,BW-DOS,RealDOS) - The "at" symbol ('@') (DOS XE) Spaces and other characters are generally not permitted. Filenames, including filename extensions, are generally arbitrary, but file naming conventions can be helpful. The most common method is to reserve specific extensions for certain types of files. The following list contains some of the more commonly used extensions and their typical corresponding file types. Filenames reserved by some DOS versions for files to be automatically run at system startup are listed here as well. File formats are binary unless described below as "text" where: - Binary format files are made up of a sequence of bytes of any value from 0-255. - Text format files (technically, a special case of binary files) are limited to printable/displayable alpha-numeric characters and symbols, organized into lines. .ACT Action! program source code .ALF AlfCrunch archive file containing one or more compressed files .AMP Antic Music Processor file .AMS Advanced MusicSystem file or Advanced MusicSystem II file .ARC Archive file containing one or more compressed files, compatible with the multi-platform SEA ARC format. On the Atari, best supported by SuperARC/SuperUnArc or the SpartaDOS X ARC external command. .ASM Assembler Editor program source code, LISTed. ATASCII text. .ASC ASCII text file .ATA ATASCII text file .BAS BASIC SAVEd program. Less common: .SAV .BAT Batch file of DOS commands (DOS XE,SpartaDOS,BW-DOS,RealDOS). ATASCII text. - AUTOEXEC.BAT batch file runs at system boot (DOS XE,SpartaDOS,RealDOS) - STARTUP.BAT batch file runs at system boot (BW-DOS) .BIN (1) File transferred using CompuServe CIS 'A' Protocol. Fully supported on the Atari by TSCOPE/MSCOPE/RSCOPE; also download support by Express! 3.x (file naming convention used on CompuServe before February 1987); or (2) a ROM dump file as described in another section of this FAQ list regarding file formats for entire disks/tapes/cartridges. .BXL BASIC XL SAVEd program .BXE BASIC XE SAVEd program .CMD Batch file of DOS Commands (XDOS). ATASCII text. .COM (1) Executable ('Load and Go') machine language (object code) program; or (2) DOS external Command (DOS 2.5,DOS XE,SpartaDOS,BW-DOS,RealDOS,XDOS) .CTB Compiled Turbo-BASIC XL program .DAT Data file (typically created/used by another program) .DCM Disk Communicator 3.2 disk image file. Less common: .DSK or .DC3 .DOC Documentation text file (perhaps ASCII or ATASCII) .DOS DOS system file (SpartaDOS,BW-DOS,RealDOS) .EXE Executable ('Load and Go') machine language (object code) program .HLP Help text file (perhaps ASCII or ATASCII) .LGO LOGO SAVEd workspace file. ATASCII text. .LST LISTed BASIC program. ATASCII text. Less common: .LIS .M65 MAC/65 SAVEd program source code .MIC Micro-Painter picture file ("uncompressed"; 62 sectors under DOS 2.0S). Format, minus color data, also supported by Illustrator versions using the filename PICTURE and [Insert] to save file or [Clear] to load file. .MUS Music Composer file .OBJ Object code (machine language) file (not 'Load and Go') .OBX Modern naming convention for an object code (machine language) file (not 'Load and Go'). Used to discourage modern computers from thinking that Atari .OBJ files might be MS-DOS/MS-Windows object code files. .PIC Micro Illustrator/KoalaPainter/AtariArtist "compressed" picture .PLT PILOT SAVEd program. ATASCII text. .PRN Text file formatted for copying to Printer (perhaps ASCII) .SAV File named MEM.SAV may be employed by DOS to preserve the contents of memory to disk when DUP.SYS (DOS 2.0,DOS 2.5) or KCP.SYS (DOS 3) is loaded into memory. .SCP SpartaDOS SCOPY disk image file. Used with SCOPY, an external command distributed with SpartaDOS 3.2. .SFX Self-Extracting archive file. Created with the CTH SFX program. .SYS DOS System file or driver - AUTO.SYS can be used to automatically poke data in RAM locations on system startup (DOS I) - AUTORUN.SYS binary file is launched on system boot (DOS 2.0,DOS 3,DOS 2.5,RealDOS,XDOS) - AUTORUN.SYS batch file of DOS commands runs at system boot (XDOS) .TUR Turbo-BASIC XL SAVEd program. Less common: .TBS .TXT Text file (perhaps ATASCII or ASCII) .UTL A DOS external utility program (DOS 3) .XEX Modern naming convention for an executable ('Load and Go') machine language (object code) program. Used to discourage modern computers from thinking that Atari .EXE files might be MS-DOS/MS-Windows executable programs. .XMO Binary file, uploaded/download using XMODEM file transfer protocol (file naming convention used on CompuServe before February 1987) Additional file extensions associated with Atari picture formats are listed at the website for RECOIL (Retro Computer Image Library), a viewer of pictures in native formats of the Atari 8-bit (and other platforms) for modern computers: Additional file extensions associated with Atari music formats are listed at the website for ASAP (Another Slight Atari Player), a player of Atari 8-bit music for modern computers: File extensions associated with Atari disk image, cassette image, or cartridge ROM formats normally used with Atari emulators, rather than on the Atari itself, are described elsewhere in this FAQ list. ------------------------------ Subject: 7.3.6) What Atari programs can use MS-DOS 5.25" or 3.5" diskettes? Except for recent versions of SpartaDOS X, Disk Operating Systems designed for the Atari are not designed to use MS-DOS format floppy disks directly, in part corresponding to the fact that disk drives designed for the Atari do not normally support such disk formats. This section highlights software programs designed to run on the Atari that allow the Atari to use an MS-DOS formatted floppy disk in combination with a disk drive also supporting such formats. Solutions involving modern storage devices with firmware that emulates Atari floppy disks, so that the devices can be used by Atari DOS versions using native Atari DOS filesystems, are described elsewhere in this FAQ list. IBMXFR IBM Transfer Program, by Happy Computers, Inc. - For use with the Happy 1050 Enhancement upgrade for the Atari 1050 - Can read/write 5.25" SS-DD MS-DOS format 180KiB floppy disks MSDOS, by Marek Bojarski of Navitron, 1989? - For use with the Tygrys 2000 (2000T) upgrade for the LDW Super 2000 or California Access CA-2001 disk drives - Can read/write 5.25" SS-DD MS-DOS format 180KiB floppy disks IBM DOS and IBM 360, by TOMS - Available on ROM in TOMS Turbo Drive LDW, TOMS Multi Drive LDW, and TOMS Multi Drive 1050 disk drive upgrades - Can read/write 5.25" SS-DD MS-DOS format 180KiB floppy disks IBMST, by TOMS - Available on ROM in TOMS 720/720C/720CR floppy disk drives for the Atari - Can read/write: - 5.25" SS-DD MS-DOS format 180KiB floppy disks - 5.25" DS-DD MS-DOS format 360KiB floppy disks - 5.25" DS-DD Atari ST (MS-DOS like) format 720KiB floppy disks IBMREAD.COM IBM/ST Transfer Utility, by Computer Software Services (CSS) - Supplied on disk with the XF Update, XF Single Drive Upgrade, and XF Dual Drive Upgrade for the Atari XF551 - With XF Update, can read: - 5.25" SS-DD MS-DOS format 180KiB floppy disks - 5.25" DS-DD MS-DOS format 360KiB floppy disks - With XF Single Drive Upgrade or XF Dual Drive Upgrade, can read: - 3.5" SS-DD MS-DOS format 360KiB floppy disks - 3.5" DS-DD MS-DOS format 720KiB floppy disks - Supports the increased sector density of the 'twister' ST disk formats (10 sectors/track) - Supports ASCII->ATASCII text conversion BBXFER.COM, version 1.9, by Computer Software Services (CSS) - Available on ROM in CSS Black Box/Floppy Board interface combination - Can read/write: - 5.25" SS-DD MS-DOS format 180KiB floppy disks - 5.25" DS-DD MS-DOS format 360KiB floppy disks - 5.25" DS-HD MS-DOS format 1200KiB floppy disks - 3.5" SS-DD MS-DOS format 360KiB floppy disks - 3.5" DS-DD MS-DOS format 720KiB floppy disks - 3.5" DS-HD MS-DOS format 1440KiB floppy disks SpartaDOS X, by DLT - Can read MS-DOS FAT12 (as of SDX 4.46) or FAT16 (as of SDX 4.47) format storage media, including floppy disks and hard disks - Hardware device must support 512-byte sectors - SDX detailed elsewhere in this FAQ list ------------------------------ Subject: 7.4) Are there Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for the Atari? Section started by: Andreas Koch Other contributors: Mathy van Nisselroy, Kathleen Ferrante G.O.S. by Total Control Systems (David Sullivan) - Public domain program released 1986 (written in Action!) Window XL/XE (c)1986, by Joerg Forg / Megamania Soft inc. - Andreas Koch writes: a Turbo-BASIC XL GUI with some nice add-ons, like calculator, editor and other things. RAOS (Rat Actuated Operating System) by Zobian Controls, 1987 Includes: - DOS.SYS - modified version from Atari DOS 2.0S - SYNTEL.SYS - Desktop program (earlier: Z-DOS; replaces DUP.SYS of Atari DOS 2.0S) - Designed by Bob Dolan and programmed by Brian Ernisse of Syntel - AUTORUN.SYS - SuperRat (or standard Atari mouse) driver - ACCU.RAT - Accu-Draw drawing program by Vision software - AUTORAT.BAS - Demonstrates how to write programs using the SuperRat (or Atari mouse) - Screens 2.0 - Windowing environment - Based on Screens by Joseph J. Wrobel for Soft Cellar (1986), which was itself based on T: A Text Display Device published by Wrobel via APX - DEMO.BAS - Demonstrates how to write programs using Screens 2.0 windows XL-TOS by Marc Ebner - Published in Atari Magazin, 1987/01 Jan/Feb, with supplements published in issues 3/4-87 Mar/Apr and 5/6-87 May/Jun. - Andreas Koch writes: the BASIC file, which consists of many data lines creates a short object code file); unfortunately this GUI only looks good, it loads almost nothing... GOE (cartridge), developed by Total Control Systems (David Sullivan) - Written in Assembly - Promoted by Merrill Ward & Assoc. / Shelly Merrill as "ST Jr." early 1988 - Demo version(s?) released by TCS fall 1988 - Full cartridge version never shipped. Diamond GOS, developed by Reeve Software / ReeveSoft (Alan Reeve) (co-marketed by USA Media / Shelly Merrill as "ST Jr." Aug 1988 - Apr 1989) - Supports: DOS 2.5 and compatible, SpartaDOS, DOS XE o Diamond GOS version 1 (1988) - Diamond DeskTop 1.0 (disk) DUP.SYS replacement o Diamond GOS version 2 (1989) package: - Diamond DeskTop 2.0 (cartridge) + Utility Diskette - Diamond Programmer's Kit (Programmer's Manual) - Diamond Paint (disk) o Diamond GOS version 3 (1991) package: - Diamond DeskTop 3.0 (cartridge) + utility diskette - Diamond Paint (disk) - Diamond Write (disk) Atari Desktop, by Piotr Bieniek (c) 1992 ABC Software (Poland) Andreas Koch writes: includes editors, converters, file copiers, sector copy, tape+turbo tape copy, small games, CMC finder and player and much much more; works with 64KiB RAM and keyboard input; disk manuals only in Polish language... Screen Aided Management (SAM) by RaindorfSoft for Power Per Post (Germany) - It is available in two different versions: a) Atari Magazin type-in listings or Lazy Fingers disks (public domain) b) Commercial version 2.0 which has many add-ons - Supports: Atari DOS 2.5 - V1.25i, 1994 is available from DGS, DGS SAM page: BOSS-XL by Mirko Sobe (MS Software) - Requires 64KiB XL/XE - Supports: ATARI-DOS, Turbo-DOS - Current Version: v4.5 Edition 2000 (primary development 1993-1997) - System Software: - File Manager (Desktop was the BOSS-XL V2.0) - BOSS-font editor (XE-version) - Icon Editor (XL-/XE-Version) - Written in Turbo-BASIC XL BOSS-XE by Mirko Sobe (MS Software) - Requires 64KiB XL/XE, 128KiB or more recommended - Supports: ATARI-DOS, Turbo-DOS - Current Version: v8.1 Edition 2000 (developed 1997-2000) - Written in Turbo-BASIC XL - System Software: - BOSS parameter - BOSS-font editor (XE-version) - Icon editor (XL / XE version) BOSS-X by Mirko Sobe (MS Software) - Requires 128KiB XL/XE, 256KiB or more recommended - Supports: MYDOS 4.50 and above; Atari ST Mouse - Current Version: 10:33, 2003 (developed 2000-2003) - Written in Turbo-BASIC XL - System Software: - File Manager - BOSS parameter - BOSS-font editor (X version) - Icon editor (X version for colored symbols) - BOSS-X framework - multiple screen savers ST-TOS a small BASIC program, that looks like a GUI; it can merely load BASIC files and do a few DOS commands, like lock, unlock, delete and such... BASIC desktop, a GUI written in BASIC just as a sample, what can be done with an 8-bit computer; this one loads BASIC and text files (maybe also ML files); DCS, the desktop construction set from Tom Hunt; there are 3 different versions available, a) for DOS 2.5, b) for MyDOS and c) for SpartaDOS; I have tested the SpartaDOS version, which worked with batch files and could easily load some ML files, text files and BASIC files (which were already on the DCS disk); it also works with high densities and/or hard disk partitions up to 16MiB and supports subdirs of course; hmm, freeware or shareware ?!? ATOS - GUI by Tom Hunt/Closer To Home. 1) Lets you use any demo or intro as a screen saver!! 2) Works with all Atari hardware, BB, MIO and Hard drives, SpartaDOS support 3) Lets you run files like full games and demos and then return back to the desktop. It uses Overlays. TRS Desktop by Tristesse (By Epi, Pin, Trub) (2005) - A graphic user interface for SpartaDOS X to be used with hard drives. - - GUI project demo, by Jonathan Halliday (2012) - A work in progress - GEOS 2.0 by Berkeley Softworks (Graphic Environment Operating System) - Originally for Commodore 64 (1986), also released for Commodore 128 (1987) and Apple II (1988) - Reverse engineered by Maciej Witkowiak and Michael Steil, 2016 - - Ported to 8-bit Atari by Maciej Witkowiak, 2022 - ------------------------------ Subject: 7.5) What should I know about R: and T: modem device handlers? The Atari computer Operating System does not provide a modem device handler. Modems can be connected to the Atari in several different physical ways: via an 850 interface or equivalent, via a joystick/controller port, or via the SIO port. For each way a modem can be connected to the Atari, application software code specific to that type of modem must be utilized by the computer to communicate with the modem. Some Atari programs, especially commercial telecommunications programs, simply support one or several specific modem types, incorporating the necessary modem-specific software routines internally. Some programs, especially earlier public domain/freeware/shareware programs, were released in several versions, each dedicated to a particular modem or modem type. Finally, as multiple modem types gained popularity, public domain/freeware/ shareware authors started abstracting the modem device handling software routine from the rest of their telecommunication programs, allowing for a single version of the main program to work with one or more separately- distributed modem handler routines. Users were then expected to combine an application with an appropriate modem handler in order to create a complete, working telecommunications software package. This section attempts to list all Atari modem device handler files that can be used in combination with telecommunications programs requiring such a handler. ==> R: modem device handler on 850 interface ROM The 850 contains an R: handler, supporting devices R1: through R4:, in its ROM. This R: handler supports the full range of capabilities of the RS-232 serial interface ports provided by the 850, but is typically used with an RS-232 serial interface modem. With no powered disk drive #1 present, the R: handler loads from the ROM of a powered 850 into computer RAM on system startup. An extended beep is emitted through the computer's audio signal as the handler is loaded. The R: handler can also be loaded from 850 ROM into computer RAM as part of a system Disk Boot or afterward by running a brief software utility for that purpose. Such utilities include: - AUTORUN.SYS, distributed with Atari DOS 2.0S (1980) - RS232.COM, distributed with OS/A+ and DOS XL by OSS (1982-1984) - RS232FIX.COM, distributed with DOS XL by OSS (1982-1984). Explicitly attempts to correct some of the known bugs in the 850 R: handler. - HANDLERS.SYS, distributed with Atari DOS 3 (1983) - RS232.ARx, distributed with SmartDOS by Rana Systems (1984) - Should be renamed RS232.AR1 to be autorun by SmartDOS - Supports both warm and cold re-boots of the system - AUTORUN.SYS, as generated by the Atari DOS 2.5 SETUP.COM utility (1984) - RS232.COM for SpartaDOS, distributed with ICD SpartaDOS and with the ICD P:R: Connection (1986) - RS232.SYS for Atari DOS 2, distributed with the ICD P:R: Connection (1986) - BOOT850.COM, distributed with AMODEM 7.4 and 7.5 by Trent Dudley (1987) - RDRIVER.SYS, distributed with Atari DOS XE (1988) - ATARI850.AUT, distributed with MYDOS 4.50 - X850.COM, distributed with ANSITERM by Robert Sinclair (1992) - PR.COM, distributed with ANSITERM by Robert Sinclair (1992) - RS232.COM, part of RealDOS - RS232.COM, part of SpartaDOS X Special to the P:R: Connection (popular 850 workalike): - PRC.SYS is an R: handler "translator" distributed with the P:R: Connection by ICD (1986). Allows some telecommunications programs (such as HomePak HomeTerm) with integrated support for 850-based modems, but that do not load or use the internal 850 R: handler, to work with the P:R: Connection. ==> R: modem device handlers for MPP-1000C, MPP-1000E, Supra 300AT, or Volksmodem VM1 with F Cable - MPPHAND.AUT, Version 1.0, by John S. DeMar, 1983(?) 'Smartmodem and "R:" Device Emulator, for the MPP-1000C Modem' - MPP 1000C Modem/850 Emulator by Jordan Chilcott. Three versions: - MPP850.DRV -- MPP Modem Driver Rev. 1.0 (c) 1984 Jordan L. Chilcott, Standard version tested with: AMODEM, AMIS, FORUM. (alias MDRIVE.XMO) - SMARTMPP.DRV -- MPP Modem Driver Rev. 1.0S (c) 1984 Jordan L. Chilcott Also supports "Smartmodem" features of MPP modems. (aliases SMDRV.XMO, AMDM6HD.MPP) - HOMEMPP.DRV -- MPP Modem Driver Rev. 1.0H (c) 1985 Jordan L. Chilcott For use with HomePak HomeTerm. (aliases HMDRVE.XMO, HMDRV.XMO) - HTM450.XMO -- Version modified for 450 baud - MPP450.DOC -- Documentation by Charles Johnson - MPP R: Driver - DRIVER.REG -- MPP R: Driver (c)1985 - DRIVER.HPK -- Modified for use with HomePak HomeTerm - DRIVER.SML -- MPP R: Short Driver (c)1985 - 300AT R: Handlers from Supra Corporation, Version 2.x, by Willie Brown and Mark White - RDRVR.30A -- SUPRA 300A R: Driver v2.2, c1986 - Full driver, includes a limited set of HAYES SMARTMODEM commands. - SRDRVR.30A -- SUPRA 300A R: Short Driver v2.0, c1986 - For BBS users, written to be short and only include the bare essential SIO calls. - MPPHNDLR.COM, by Trent Dudley, distributed with AMODEM 7.4 and 7.5, 1987. "I have rewritten this MPP R: handler to make its relocation routine compatible with SpartaDOS." - MPP850.HAN, by James Dillow (author of DeTerm MPP), 1988. - MPP.COM, by Bob Puff, modified version of MPP850.HAN by James Dillow, distributed with BobTerm 1.10 (6/89), 1.20 (4/1990), & 1.21 (4/27/1990) ==> R: modem device handlers for Supra 1200AT - RDRVR.12A -- SUPRA 1200A Driver v1.0 (c)1986 - 1200AT R: Handler from SUPRA Corporation Version 2.x, Willie Brown ==> T: modem device handler on 1030 modem ROM In addition to the ModemLink software program, the 1030 modem ROM also contains the T: modem device handler that can be loaded and utilized by user programs apart from ModemLink. The T: device handler does not use the SIO protocol for data transmission with the computer, creating potential conflict with other devices connected via SIO that also don't use the SIO protocol, including the C: cassette handler built into the Atari OS. Consequently, there should be no program recorder attached to the system when using a T: modem device handler. The handler supports tone dialing, but is not self-relocating, and thus must be loaded before Atari BASIC is initialized. Extensive T: handler details published by Russ Wetmore: Utilities to load the T: handler from the 1030 ROM include: - AUTO1030.SYS, by Russ Wetmore for Antic, August 1985 (alias THANDLR1.030) - BOOT1030.COM, by Trent Dudley, distributed with AMODEM 7.4 and 7.5, 1987 ==> T: modem device handlers for both 835/1030 (& XM301) and 850-based modems - '835/850 Handler' (alias AUTO1030.OBJ) by AMODEM author Jim Steinbrecher, distributed with his Atari MODEM-835/850 Ver. 4.2, 01-15-84 - TSHANDL.OBJ, by Ken Fowkes, is the T: handler code extracted from his DiskLink program (1984). ==> T: modem device handlers for the 1030/XM301 modems - HANDLER.OBJ, by Atari, distributed with the XM301 modem on the XE Term disk. A slight superset of the 1030 ROM T: handler; it too supports tone dialing but is likewise not self-relocating. Shipped fall 1985. ==> T: modem device handlers for the 835/1030/XM301 modems - THANDLER.COM, by Trent Dudley, distributed with AMODEM 7.4 and 7.5, 1987. A self-relocating version of the Atari XE Term T: handler. ==> R: modem device handlers for both 850-based and 835/1030/XM301 modems - R.BIN, by Joe Miller and Russ Wetmore for Star Systems Software, 1984/5(?) "A combined handler for 850-based and 835/1030 extensive modification of Joe Miller's original handler from his...TSCOPE. While TSCOPE uses a "T:" handler (standard for 835/1030 modems), R.BIN is installed as an "R:" device." Self-relocating. Does not support tone dialing on the 1030. - RHANDLR1.030 is identical to R.BIN but also executes RUN "D:MENU" after loading (perhaps for a disk of the month for an Atari user group). - 'RHANDLER2' (RHANDLR2 or RHAND2.BIN or RHAND2.AUT or ANO835) is a slightly modified version of R.BIN which also executes the BASIC command RUN"D:*.RUN" after loading. - RHAN1030.AUT and RHAND3.BIN are two different derivatives of 'RHANDLER2' where the provision to RUN"D:*.RUN" after loading has been removed. - ATARISRS.232, by JM/RW, is the R.BIN driver code extracted from VT-10-Squared, and then distributed with OmniCom, 1986-1987 - RBIN1030.BIN / RHANDLER.COM / R1030.XMO, by JM/RW/MG, are derivatives of ATARISRS.232, possibly/probably modified for SpartaDOS compatibility by Mike Gustafson. Distributed with AMODEM 7.4 and 7.5, 1987 ==> R: modem device handlers for the 1030/XM301 modems - SMARTT.COM, V7.14.86 by Joe Hitchens (author of VTERM) - HANDLER.XM, by James Dillow (author of DeTerm XM301) (1988?) - XM850.HAN, by James Dillow, based on his HANDLER.XM (1988?) ==> R: modem device handlers for the 835/1030/XM301 modems - XM.COM, by Bob Puff, modified version of XM850.HAN by James Dillow, distributed with BobTerm 1.10, 6/1989 - XM.COM (re-written), by Bob Puff, distributed with BobTerm 1.20 (4/1990) and 1.21 (4/27/1990) ==> R: modem device handlers for the R-Verter/SupraVerter Modem Adapter (SIO) Note that handlers designed for the Atari SX212 modem via SIO may also work with the R-Verter/SupraVerter. - The A.I.D. R-Verter was distributed with 4 different R: handler versions, originally written by Royce W. Powell, (c) April, 1984 by A.I.D.: - RHAND1.OBJ - R: handler supporting DSR & RD - nearly identical: RVDOSXL.COM (version for DOS XL?) - RHAND1C.OBJ - R: handler supporting DSR & CD - RHAND2.OBJ - R: handler supporting DSR & RD and translation tables - RHAND2C.OBJ - R: handler supporting DSR & CD and translation tables - RVHAND.XMO or RVHAND.OBJ, by Ron Hodges, for use with HomePak HomeTerm. A re-assembly of the file RHAND1C.SRC supplied with the R-Verter, but starting at a lower address ($1D00). (alias RVERTER.HND) - BOB-Verter 2.4 Fast Handler (RVERTER.COM), by Robert Puff, 10/16/89. Explicitly supports both the SX212 modem (via SIO) and the R-Verter/ SupraVerter interface cable. Distributed with BobTerm 1.20 & 1.21 ==> R: modem device handlers for the SX212 modem connected via SIO Note that handlers designed for the Atari SX212 modem via SIO may also work with the R-Verter/SupraVerter. - The SX-212 Companion!, by Marc Ingle and Tom Neitzel of S*P*A*C*E, based on the R-Verter R: handler, specifically to bring SX212 support to 850 Express! version 3.00p by Keith Ledbetter. Modifications by Tom Neitzel and Marc Ingle. December, 1987. Two versions: - LOADER.LOW (aliases: SX212A or SX212A.COM) This version loads at $1D00 and works with most DOSes in their standard configuration (generally 2 or 3 drives, with a LOMEM of $1D00 or lower). - LOADER.HI (alias: SX212A.HI) This version loads at $2000 and allows more memory for drive buffers but will reduce your terminal buffer by about 750 bytes. - SX_RHAND.COM, author/distribution unknown - SX212HND.COM (alias SX212HND.OBJ), SX212 R: Handler V1.0 by Trent Dudley, 1987? - HANDLER.OBJ, by Paul Swanson, distributed with Atari SX Express!, 1988 - SX212 ATH handler (SX212ATH.COM), by James Dillow (author of DeTerm SX212), 1988. (Distributed with AtariLink BBS.) - SX.COM is a modified version by Bob Puff, distributed with BobTerm 1.10, 6/1989 - BOB-Verter 2.4 Fast Handler (RVERTER.COM), by Robert Puff, 10/16/89. Explicitly supports both the SX212 modem (via SIO) and the R-Verter/ SupraVerter interface cable. Distributed with BobTerm 1.20 & 1.21 - SX.COM, by Robert Sinclair, distributed with ANSITERM, 1992 ==> R: modem device handler for the U-CALL modem interface - UCALL.OBJ, by Digital Devices, supplied on disk with the interface ==> R: modem device handler for the Datatari serial interface cable - BTDATARI.COM, by ABBUC ev, specifically for use with BobTerm ==> R: modem device handlers for the ATR8000 interface by SWP - MYDOS 3.1x versions have an integrated ATR8000 R: handler - MYDOS 4.50 includes: - ATR232.AUT - RS-232 driver for the ATR8000 - ATR232HD.AUT - RS-232 driver for ATR8000 with ATR hard disk interface - SpartaDOS from ICD (disk versions) shipped with an R: handler for the ATR8000 called: AT_RS232 ==> R: modem device handlers for the Multi I/O board (MIO) by ICD The MIO includes its own 850 R: handler emulator in ROM, which does not need to be loaded into computer RAM in order to function. Depending on the ROM version, this handler may or may not fully support the hardware flow control capability of the MIO hardware. - HYPERSPD.MIO HyperSpeed RS-232 accelerator Version 1.3a for Multi I/O, Copyright 1995, 1997 by Lenard R. Spencer. Full 19200 bit/s throughput with hardware flow control. ==> R: modem device handlers for the Black Box interface by CSS The Black Box includes its own 850 R: handler emulator in ROM, which does not need to be loaded into computer RAM in order to function. This handler supports the hardware flow control capability of the Black Box. - HYPERSPD.BB HyperSpeed RS-232 accelerator Version 1.3a for Black Box, Copyright 1995, 1997 by Lenard R. Spencer. Full 19200 bit/s throughput with hardware flow control. ------------------------------ Subject: 7.6) What should I know about using fast modems with the Atari? When using a modem supporting V.42bis or V.44 data compression, the computer's optimal communication port's speed setting would be 4 times the modem's maximum data transmission bitrate. Examples: 2400 bit/s V.22bis modem with V.42bis compression: 9,600 bit/s 9600 bit/s V.32 modem with V.42bis compression: 38,400 bit/s 14400 bit/s V.32bis modem with V.42bis compression: 57,600 bit/s V.34 or V.34bis modem with V.42bis compression: 115,200 bit/s V.90 or V.92 modem with V.42bis compression: 230,400 bit/s While Atari never marketed a modem faster than the 1200 bit/s SX212, the Atari is capable of supporting modem bitrates of up to 19200 bit/s, depending upon circumstances described here. Several factors come into play in using modems faster than 2400 bit/s with the Atari. Firstly, the top bitrate supported by a given software application on the Atari can be the determinative limiting factor. Many programs on the Atari may not support, or may not be able to keep up with, bitrates greater than 1200 bit/s or 2400 bit/s. Assuming the use of an Atari program that supports higher speeds, it will be useful to have an understanding of data flow control. Here is a definition of flow control from: Often, one modem in a connection is capable of sending data much faster than the other can receive. Flow control allows the receiving modem to tell the other to pause while it catches up. Flow control exists as either software (XON/XOFF) flow control, or hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control. With software flow control, when a modem needs to tell the other to pause, it sends a certain character, usually Control-S. When it is ready to resume, it sends a different character, such as Control-Q. Software flow control's only advantage is that it can use a serial cable with only three wires. Since software flow control regulates transmissions by sending certain characters, line noise could generate the character commanding a pause, thus hanging the transfer until the proper character (such as Control-Q) is sent. Also, binary files must never be sent using software flow control, as binary files can contain the control characters. Hardware, or RTS/CTS, flow control uses wires in the modem cable or, in the case of internal modems, hardware in the modem. This is faster and much more reliable than software flow control. Some/later 2400 bit/s modems, and probably all modems with 9600 bit/s speed capabilities and up, normally use V.42 standard error correction and V.42bis standard data compression. Subjectively, V.42/V.42bis are nice at 2400 bit/s, important at 9600 bit/s, and essential at any speeds beyond 9600 bit/s. V.42bis requires hardware flow control (and V.42 error correction). But with Atari equipment (except the MIO and Black Box) hardware flow control is not supported so V.42bis cannot be used and should be disabled. Standard Hayes modem command to disable V.42bis data compression: AT&C0 While V.42 error correction can technically work with either software or hardware flow control, for reasons described above it is typically only used when hardware flow control is available. Since Atari equipment (except the MIO and Black Box) does not support hardware flow control, V.42 should generally be disabled. Standard Hayes modem command to disable V.42 error correction: AT&K0 Note that disabling V.42 also has the effect of disabling V.42bis. Finally, hardware ports on the Atari have their inherent top bitrate limits. The serial ports of the Atari 850, for example, support a top bitrate of 9600 bit/s. Other modem interfaces for the Atari may support bitrates of up to 19200 bit/s. Clay Halliwell offers a tip on achieving 9600 bit/s through the 850 Interface: On 11 Feb 1996, Marc G. Frank said: > I'm having problems getting a modem attached to my Atari 850 to > communicate at 9600 baud. When I set my communications program to 2400 > baud, everything works fine. However, when I set it to 9600 baud, the > modem echoes my characters but doesn't act on them. The problem with the 850 is that some of them (like mine) don't produce a PERFECT 9600 baud signal. As a result modems can't train on it, and while they will echo characters back, for some nitpicky reason they won't pick up on the "AT" attention code. The solution is to do all your dialing at 2400 baud, but set the S37 register to force the modem to try to connect at 9600. Then switch your Atari to 9600 after connecting. ------------------------------ Subject: 8.1) How may a program behave on NTSC/PAL/SECAM computer versions? Every Atari computer unit is designed for compatibility with either the NTSC, PAL, or SECAM analog color video encoding standards. Some functional characteristics vary among these versions of the computers, so that software may behave differently depending upon whether the computer it is run on is an NTSC, PAL, or SECAM computer. PAL B and PAL I Atari computers differ only in the TV channel frequencies used by the RF signal produced. So in terms of software compatibility, all PAL Atari computers are indistinguishable. The FGTIA found in SECAM Atari computers is designed to be 100% software compatible with the PAL GTIA. This fact, along with the fact that SECAM computer models include a PAL ANTIC, mean that the PAL and SECAM versions of the Atari computers are completely software compatible, but with one practical exception: in GTIA Graphics Mode 1 (BASIC Graphics mode 9), while the GTIA can display 16 distinct luminances, the FGTIA can only display 8 distinct luminances. Thus the situation essentially simplifies down to just two sets of Atari computers that may have potential software compatibility issues between them: NTSC computers vs. PAL/SECAM computers. What might happen if you run a software program designed with an NTSC Atari on a PAL or SECAM Atari, or a program designed with a PAL or SECAM Atari on an NTSC Atari? There are a number of possibilities: 1) The program may run faster or slower than intended. In order to work with the different timings of the NTSC and PAL/SECAM video signal standards, components of the NTSC versions of the Atari computers run at slightly different speeds than they due on PAL/SECAM Atari computers. Software timing that is based exclusively on the 6502 clock rate would thus run nearly 1% faster/slower on the opposite type of Atari. This effect, while small, can be significant in applications that are computation- or timing- sensitive, such as music players, or in any programs designed to simulate real time. The screen refresh rate of the PAL/SECAM Atari computer is considerably slower than that of the NTSC Atari. A software routine that operates as a Vertical Blank Interrupt (VBI), executed during the times between screen frame refreshes, is thus executed at considerably different frequencies on NTSC machines vs. PAL/SECAM machines. Based on this effect alone, a VBI programmed on an NTSC machine would run 16.8% slower on PAL/SECAM machines. Conversely, a VBI programmed on a PAL/SECAM machine would run 20.2% faster on NTSC machines. (59.92Hz-49.86Hz=10.06Hz ; 10.06Hz/59.92Hz=16.8% ; 10.06Hz/49.86Hz=20.2%) These calculations ignore the above-mentioned 6502 clock rate differences, which would also come into play. 2) The program may exhibit some sort of "screen flickering" effect. The ANTIC display list is the software program responsible for the video display, horizontal scan line by horizontal scan line. There are 262 lines available in the (non-interlaced) NTSC video signal, while there are 312 lines available in the (non-interlaced) PAL/SECAM video signal. If software written on a PAL/SECAM machine sets up an ANTIC display list that is made up of more scan lines than are available in the NTSC video standard, the program will exhibit a "screen flickering" effect if run on the NTSC Atari. 3) The system may crash. NTSC and PAL/SECAM machines have different numbers of machine cycles available for execution of software routines designed as vertical blank interrupts (VBIs). An Immediate VBI must complete execution within the number of machine cycles available during the vertical blank time: NTSC: 2508 machine cycles (262 NTSC scanlines - 240 Atari scanlines) * 114 cycles/scanline PAL/SECAM: 8208 machine cycles (312 PAL/SECAM scanlines - 240 Atari scanlines) * 114 cycles/scanline 8208 - 2508 = 5700 PAL/SECAM machines have a total of 5700 more machine cycles available for Immediate VBIs than are available on NTSC machines. A Deferred VBI must complete execution within the number of machine cycles available from one vertical blank to the next. The number of machine cycles available for a Deferred VBI depends upon the ANTIC Display List in use, but the upper limit may be derived from the total number of machine cycles per frame: NTSC: 29859 machine cycles / frame PAL/SECAM: 35568 machine cycles / frame 35568 - 29859 = 5709 PAL/SECAM machines could have as many as 5709 more machine cycles available for Deferred VBIs than are available on NTSC machines. If there are not enough machine cycles available on an NTSC machine to execute a VBI that was developed on a PAL/SECAM machine, the NTSC system will crash. 4) The colors displayed by the program are not what was intended. When utilizing ANTIC graphics modes 2, 3, or F, NTSC Atari computers exhibit unique color artifacting effects that are not present on PAL/SECAM Atari computers. (Artifacting is discussed elsewhere in this FAQ list.) As a result, software that utilizes one of these high-resolution graphics modes can appear to be using very different colors on NTSC machines in comparison to PAL/SECAM machines. Also, the additional color frequency generation circuitry present in PAL/SECAM machines produces a color palette that is similar to, though different from, the color palette of NTSC Atari computers. These differences are subtle enough that they are generally not problematic. 5) The program may explicitly refuse to run on incorrect hardware. Software may be designed to determine whether the Atari is NTSC or PAL/SECAM, and refuse to run if the hardware present does not match what is expected. 6) The program may not load correctly at all. This would mostly likely result from copy protection techniques based upon precise hardware timing associated with disk drives, cassette recorders, or components of the computer itself, where the timing was not anticipated to vary depending upon NTSC vs. PAL/SECAM hardware. According to Jindroush (2/26/02), two examples of programs that run on NTSC machines but not PAL/SECAM machines as a result of timing-based copy protection techniques (probably based on vblank timing) are Transylvania and The Quest, both by Penguin Software. 7) The program may run fine on both NTSC and PAL/SECAM machines. Either the differences are too slight to matter, or the software may be sophisticated enough to detect NTSC vs. PAL/SECAM hardware, as described above, and act accordingly. An example of a program that alters its behavior depending upon detection of NTSC versus PAL/SECAM is Ghostbusters by Activision (checks the GTIA type). =-=-=-=-=-=-= Bottom line: Software written for NTSC machines (North America) will (almost) always work on PAL/SECAM machines (Europe), but software designed on PAL/SECAM machines sometimes won't work as intended on NTSC machines. Replacing the NTSC ANTIC chip in an NTSC Atari with a PAL ANTIC changes the screen refresh rate to 50Hz, allowing most of the PAL/SECAM-only European software to run on a North American NTSC Atari. However, make sure your display device can support a 50Hz video refresh rate first! North American Atari users might also obtain and use real European PAL or SECAM Atari machines, with a similar caveat concerning the display device. ------------------------------ Subject: 8.2) What programming languages are available for the Atari? Freddy Offenga has compiled a comprehensive list of programming languages produced for the 8-bit Atari. Please visit: ------------------------------ Subject: 8.3) What cartridges were released for the Right Slot of the 800? This should be a complete list of commercial cartridges produced for use in the Right Cartridge slot of the Atari 800. - ACE-80, programmed by Claus Buchholz for Amiable Computer Enhancements (1985) or by Vintage Computer Center (2021) (software-generated 80 column display) - Compatible with Atari BASIC, with patches available for: OS/A+, EASMD, Letter Perfect v.6, Data Perfect, Atari Logo - Note: There is also ACE-80XL, nearly identical but a standard Left Cartridge for any 8-bit Atari computer (48KiB RAM), also sold by Amiable Computer Enhancements (1985) or by Vintage Computer Center (2021) - Adapta-Cartridge B: by Microsota, Inc. - Austin 80 Console Software by Austin Franklin Associates (for use with the Austin 80 Column Video Processor Board) - Block (first right cartridge; first "backup" program hardware device) - Cartridge Maker by Radical Systems (EPROM burner) - KISS by Eastern House - Magic Dump by Geminisoft/Eric Wolz for Sar-An Computer Products (SCP) - Magic Dump II by Geminisoft/Eric Wolz for Sar-An Computer Products (SCP) - Monkey Wrench by Eastern House - Monkey Wrench II (original 800 version) by Eastern House - Note: There is also a Monkey Wrench II for Atari XL version that works with XL/XE computers except 1200XL - R-Time 8 by ICD (battery-backed clock, for left or right cartridge slots) - Real Time Cartridge by Sunmark - Right Cartridge which boots the Atari from the Corvus disk system. (by ????? Details????) ------------------------------ Subject: 8.4) What programs use paddle controllers? Programs that use the Atari CX30 Paddle Controllers: - Arkanoid (Taito)(Mike Hutchinson for Imagine, 1987; for The Hit Squad, 1987) - Arkanoid II (Prof Soft Amsterdam, 1987) - Asteraxis 2k (Waldemar Pawlaszek & Remigiusz Zukowski, 2001) - Avalanche (Dennis Knoble for APX, 1980) - Balloon Game (Kelly Jones & Bill Williams, 1984) - Balloon Pop (White Bag Software, 1986) (paddles support according to Antic) - Bird-Man-3D demo (AMC-Verlag) - Blazing Paddles (Baudville, 1986) - Block Buster (Bradshaw & Griesemer for APX, 1981; Quality Software, 1981) - Bomber (Lyren Brown, Jose Pereira, Marek Pesout, 2015) - Breakout / Breakout!!! / brkwall.bas (public domain, author unknown) - Burgers! (Douglas Crockford, 1983) - Bust Out (Dennis Debro, 1989) - Cascade (F. Neil Simms for ANALOG #28, March 1985) - Castle Crisis (Bryan Edewaard, 2004) - Checkers (David Slate for Odesta, 1982) - Chess 7.0 (Larry Atkin for Odesta, 1982) - Chicken (Mike Potter for Synapse, 1982) - Chiseler (John Scarborough for Compute!'s First Book of Atari Games, 1983) - Clowns and Balloons (Frank Cohen for Datasoft, 1982) - Comment Compter ("Counter" by Al P. Casper for Atari France) - Computer Quarterback (Dan Bunten for SSI, 1983) - Counter (Al P. Casper for APX, 1982) - David's Midnight Magic (David Snider for Broderbund, 1982) - Descente a Ski ("Downhill" by Mark Reid for Atari France) - Diamond Drop (Matthias M. Giwer for Compute!, 1983) - Downhill (Mark Reid for APX) - Dragonriders of Pern (Jim W. Connelley for Epyx, 1983) - Etch-1 (public domain, author unknown) - Frog (Stan Ockers 5/82 for A.C.E. Newsletter, July 1982) - Frog (Stan Ockers 6/82 for Antic, Oct/Nov 1982) - Golden Oldies Volume 1 v2.2 (Mike Fitch for Software Country, 1985) - Golden Oldies Volume 1 v2.3 (Mike Fitch, The Software Toolworks, 1987, (c)1985) - Hardwaretester/Peripheral Test 2.0 by Florian Dingler, 2008 - Horse of a Different Color V1.0 (Gus Makreas, 3/1/81) - Insomnia (Bob Fraser for APX, 1981) - IQ by David S. Maynard for CRL, 1987 - Kaboom! (Larry Kaplan & Paul Willson for Activision, 1983) - JunkYard Racing (Tim Gearin, 1999) - Landing Simulator (by Jake Jacobs for Creative Computing magazine, written for Apple II, Atari translation by Bruce Jordan) - Laser Game (public domain, author unknown) - Laser Wars (Mike Potter for Crystalware, 1981) - Lie Detector (Michael Krueger for Antic, 1986) - Livewire (Tom Hudson - ANALOG #12) - Livewire 2 (Tom Hudson - ANALOG #12 - Modified by Wolf) - Lost in Space (Sijmen Schouten, 2015) - Lunar Lander (Wes Newell) - Megaoids (Peter J. Meyer and Lance Ringquist for Video 61, 2016) - Midnight Strip (M. L. Clayton, 1982) - M.U.L.E. (Ozark Softscape for Electronic Arts, 1983) - Night Driver (Dudek, Szpilowski, Ziembik, 2008) - Nineball (Jay M. Ford for ZiMAG, 1982) - One on One! (Chris York for Compute!, 1983) - Pad 1.83 by Nelson Ramirez, 2014 - Paratroop Attack (David Plotkin for Compute!'s Second Book of Atari, 1982) - "Perfected Pong" see: Pong! ("Perfected Pong") below - Personal Fitness Program (Dave Getreu for APX, 1981) - Pinball Construction Set (Electronic Arts) - all pinball games created with Pinball Construction Set - PlatterMania (Michael Farren for Epyx, 1982) - Pong ("Super Pong")(Gary Domrow/Summit Software Group, ANALOG #39 Feb.1986) - [Pong] ("Pong 2",, public domain, author unknown) - Pong! ("Perfected Pong") (Bob Ayik for Antic, May 1988) - Pool 1.5 (Howard De St. Germain for IDSI, 1981) - Prisonball (John Scarborough for Compute! #77, October 1986) - Probe One - The Transmitter (Lloyd Ollmann for Synergistic Software, 1982) - Rain of Terror (Rob Schlortt and Eric Henneke, 2016) - RealSports Curling (Ryan Witmer for 5200, conversion by Homesoft, 2019) - Safe Cracker (Mike Starnes) - Space Arena (Fandal, 2009) - Space Bombs (John Y. Hsu, 1984) - Space Eggs (Dan Thompson for Sirius, 1981) - Speedblaster (Pinball Construction Set Game by MR Datentechnik) - Spy's Demise (Robert Hardy & Alan Zeldin for Penguin Software, 1983) - Stardust (MR Datentechnik) - Starshot (Matthias M. Giwer for Compute!, 1983) - States and Capitals (David J. Bohlke for SoftSide, 1980) - Stereo 3-D Graphics Package (Clyde Spencer for APX, 1982) - Super Ball (Compy-Shop) - Super Ball 2 (Compy-Shop) - Super Ball 3 (Compy-Shop) - Super Ball 4 (Compy-Shop) - Super Breakout by Larry Kaplan for Atari, 1979 - "Super Pong" see: Pong ("Super Pong") above - Stretch (public domain Gr. 15 pict. stretcher, author unknown) - Superski (AMC, 1994 - patch for paddles by HOMESOFT) - Surround'Em (Peter J. Meyer for Video 61, 2017) - Tempest Elite (Peter J. Meyer for Video 61, 2017) - Tile Smashers (Peter J. Meyer for Video 61, 2017) - Tilter (public domain, author unknown) - Uranium Core (Martin Stiby for Computer & Video Games mag, 1982/11) - Warlords (The Webbed Sphere BBS) - Wavy Navy (Rodney McAuley for Sirius, 1983) - Wayout (Paul Allen Edelstein for Sirius, 1982) - WildWest (Stan Ockers for ACE Newsletter, 1983) - Word Radar (Jerry Chaffin & Bill Maxwell & Barbara Thompson for DLM, 1984) - Worms? by David S. Maynard for Electronic Arts, 1983 - See also AtariMania lists of games & utilities that use paddle controllers: - See also Fandal site search for games that use paddle controllers: Note that the Atari Touch Tablet, the KoalaPad Touch Tablet, and the Suncom Animation Station are read by the computer in the same way that the computer receives data from paddle controllers, making software designed for graphics tablets at least somewhat usable with paddles as well. ------------------------------ Subject: 8.5) What programs use Keyboard Controllers? This should be a complete list of released programs designed to use the Atari Keyboard Controllers, Video Touch Pad, or Kid's Controller (which are all mutually compatible with each other). - Keypad Controller, by Thomas D. Newton for APX, 1982 - Keypad Controller, Rev. 2, by Thomas D. Newton for APX, 1982 - Rev. 2 contains an option for using the program with two-player games - Preschool Games, by Bob Polaro for APX, 1981 - See also AtariMania lists of games & utilities using keyboard controllers: ------------------------------ Subject: 8.6) What programs are designed to use a light pen? Contributors to this section: Bertrand M. (LEXX), Andreas Koch While the user experiences are quite different, the Atari computer reads the horizontal and vertical positions of a light pen or a light gun in the same way. Consequently, while software programs are usually designed for either one or the other, these two types of controllers can sometimes substitute for each other. A light pen or light gun requires a cathode ray tube (CRT) television or monitor. Only one light pen or light gun may be used on the Atari at a time. Also, on the 400, Controller Jacks 1-3 do not support a light pen / light gun, only controller port 4 can be used. This effectively makes many light pen / light gun programs incompatible with the 400. Programs designed for a light pen: - Alien Blast, Richard Gore for DGS, 1993 - Alphabet Construction Set (Playground Software) by Futurehouse - Alphabet Fun for the Young, by Tech Sketch - Alphabet Recognition, The Programmer's Institute/Futurehouse, 1982 - Animal Crackers (Playground Software) by Futurehouse - AtariGraphics by Steve Gibson for Atari, (c)1984 (RX8054, shipped with Atari Light Pen CX75 only) - Belegost, by Ondrej Cada, Mirek Fidler, Antonin Holik, Rudolf Kudla, 2016 - Blazing Paddles by Baudville, 1986 - Color For The Non-Reader, The Programmer's Institute/Futurehouse, 1982 - Computer Crayons (Playground Software) by Futurehouse - Concentration by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Crossword Twister by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Demonstration program cassette by Atari, 1980 (CX4124, shipped with CX70) - Different Shape Identification, The Programmer's Institute/Futurehouse, 1982 - Different Symbol Discrimination, The Programmer's Institute/Futurehouse,1982 - Draughts by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Go by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Hardwaretester/Peripheral Test 2.0 by Florian Dingler, 2008 - Hit the Mole, by Carsten Strotmann, 2004 - Kinderware, by Tech Sketch - Includes 6 programs: Math Fun, Alphabet Fun, Shapes and Colors, Memory Jogger, Connect-a-Dot, Simon Sez - KoalaPainter by Koala for Commodore 64/Atari (diskette) (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, light pen version) - Letter Sequence, The Programmer's Institute/Futurehouse, 1982 - Letter Tutor by Edgework for Atari, 1984 prototype - Life by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Light Pen Doodle by John and Mary Harrison for Antic, 1984 - Like Shape Identification, The Programmer's Institute/Futurehouse, 1982 - Like Symbol Discrimination, The Programmer's Institute/Futurehouse, 1982 - LiteWriter by Stack Computer Services - Little Red Riding Hood (Playground Software) by Futurehouse, 1983 - Lost in the Labyrinth by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Math Fun for the Young - Level I by Tech Sketch, 1983 - Math Fun for the Young - Level II by Tech Sketch, 1983 - Matrix by Dave Oblad, 1985 - Memory Jogger, by Tech Sketch - Micro Illustrator by Tech Sketch (diskette) (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, light pen version) - Name That Color, The Programmer's Institute/Futurehouse, 1982 - Number Fun for the Young, by Tech Sketch - Othello by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Paint-N-Sketch Level I by Tech Sketch, 1983 (shipped with many Tech Sketch LP-15 and LP-10S Light Pens) - Paint-N-Sketch Level II by Tech Sketch, 1983 - Peripheral Vision by Futurehouse - Shipped with Edumate Light Pen 1984 package for Atari/Commodore 64 - Seek and Destroy by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Shape and Color Recognition by Tech Sketch, 1983 - Shuffler by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Simon by Stack Computer Services, 1983 - Simon Sez, by Tech Sketch - Word Search, by Tech Sketch - See also AtariMania lists of games & utilities that use a light pen: ------------------------------ Subject: 8.7) What programs include CX85 Numerical Keypad support? This section started by Andreas Koch (entries with ";"). To do: use Zong issues 7/92- for further verification - Aquanaut (Zong 11/91) - Ball Harbour (Zong 8/1992); - The Big Quest (Zong 7/1992); - Blob (Zong 2/92) - Bomb Down, by The Roemer/U.N.O. - The Bookkeeper, by Atari, 1982 - The Brundles, by KE-Soft, 1993 (hold SPACE at boot for configuration) - Car Race (Zong 12/91) - Catch (Zong 6/92) - Click!, by Chris Martin, 2008 - Code table (Zong 11+12/1993); - Cursor Steuerung: Cursor 2 (Zong 1/92) - CX-85-Driver (Zong 7+8/1994); - CX-85-Keycode-driver (Zong 7+8/1995); - CX85 Reeve Key, by Alan Reeve, 1986 (free version of: Super ReeveKey) - Deepspace (Zong 11/91) - Donald-Demo (Zong 4/92) - Donald, by KE-Soft, 1992 - Drag Update Version, by KE-Soft, 1991 (see Zong 9/91 p22) - Dragon Fire, by Kemal Ezcan for Zong 1/93 - FlickerTerm 80 v.0.51, by LonerSoft (Clay Halliwell), 1995 - Gravitar (Zong 4/92) - Gulp (Zong 3/92) - Guzzler (Zong 1/92) - Hardwaretester/Peripheral Test 2.0, by Florian Dingler, 2008 - Hungry Goblin (Zong 5/92) - Hurdle Jumper (Zong 10/91) - Invaders (Zong 5+6/1993); - Johnny the Ghost, by Harald and Marcus Gitzel (Drachensoft), 1993, for Powersoft, 1994 - Joshi (Zong 3+4/1993); - Lasermaze-Demo (Zong 8/92) - Lasermaze, by KE-Soft, 1992 - Lost in the Antarctic (Zong 2/92) - Lundar Landing (Zong 1/92) - Magnetix (Zong 9/91) - Mampfman (Zong 8/1992); - Miner 1049er (Zong 4/92) - Minipac (Zong 3/92) - Minipac 2 (Zong 6/92) - Money Raider (Zong 2/92) - Monster Tracking (Zong 9/1992); - Numerical Keypad Handler Master Program Diskette CX8139, by Atari, 1982 - Explicitly promoted by Atari for use with VisiCalc - Disk contains two files: KEYPAD.OBJ and KEYPAD.SRC, which states: DEMONSTRATION OF CX-85 KEYPAD INTERRUPT HANDLER, FLORA P. NG, 3/08/82 - Disk is a boot disk. KEYPAD.OBJ loads and runs on system boot, then prompts the user to: "Insert your program diskette in drive #1 and press RETURN" - For keypad plugged into port 2 - Obst (Zong 1/92) - Pac-Man (Zong 11/1992); - The Pit (Zong 8/91) - Schlumpf (Zong 5/92) - Shoggoth (Zong 3/92) - Slurp (Zong 3/92) - Splat (Zong 9/91) - Super Miner II (Zong 12/91) - Super ReeveKey, by Reeve Software, 1986 (commercial version of: CX85 Reeve Key) (XL/XE only) - Swop (Zong 10/91) - Swop-Editor (Zong 11/91) - Transsylvania (Zong 3+4/1993); - Viro-Mania (Zong 2/1993); - VT850, by Curtis Laser, 1991 - Wassergnom II (Zong 1/92) - Zador Update Version, by KE-Soft, 1991 (see Zong 9/91 p22) - Zador II, by KE-Soft, 1992 ------------------------------ Subject: 8.8) What programs are designed for a true trackball controller? The following programs have a trackball mode designed for use with the the Atari CX22 or CX80 Trak-Ball controllers in true trackball mode. - Catch 88 by Simon Trew, 1991 - Supports Multi-Mouse Trakball Driver by Simon Trew - Centipede 5200 by Atari with trackball support by Peter Meyer, 2009 ([CONTROL+T] for trackball mode) - Contiki OS package for Atari, by Oliver Schmidt - Final Legacy by Atari, 1984 (optionally used in controller port 2 in the game's Sea-to-Air mode) - Hardwaretester/Peripheral Test 2.0 by Florian Dingler, 2008 - Knight Quest by Simon Trew, 1991 - Supports Multi-Mouse Trakball Driver by Simon Trew - Kriss Kross by Simon Trew, 1992 - Supports Multi-Mouse Trakball Driver by Simon Trew - Missile Command by Rob Zdybel for Atari, 1981. - [CONTROL+T] for trackball mode -- feature undocumented upon the program's release because Atari had not yet introduced a trackball controller. - Missile Command+ by Paul Lee, 2005 ([CONTROL+T] for trackball mode) - Multi-Mouse Trakball Driver by Simon Trew for New Atari User #42 1990 - Othello by Simon Trew, 1991 - Supports Multi-Mouse Trakball Driver by Simon Trew - PLATOTerm by Thomas Cherryhomes, 2018 - Slime by Steve Hales for Synapse, 1982 (press [T] for trackball mode) - Tempest Elite by Peter J. Meyer for Video 61, 2017 - Tile Smashers by Peter J. Meyer for Video 61, 2017 - Toy'Swap by Victor Parada, 2015 - See also AtariMania list of games that use CX22/CX80 trackball mode: - See also Fandal site search for games that use the CX22/CX80 trackball mode: ------------------------------ Subject: 8.9) What programs use: Touch Tablet or KoalaPad/Animation Station? Thanks to Andreas Koch for the initial version of this section, and for providing copies of some of the rare programs listed here. The Atari Touch Tablet and the KoalaPad/Animation Station tablets, while very similar, are slightly incompatible with each other in that y-position values are reversed. The following programs use the Atari Touch Tablet: - AtariArtist by Atari (cartridge) (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, Atari Touch Tablet version) - Shipped with the Atari Touch Tablet - Atari Rechner Simulation mit UPN, (c)1985 MTC Mouse Tecnology Corp. - CardStax 2.1 by David A. Paterson, 1993 - Catch 88 by Simon Trew, 1991 - Supports Multi-Mouse Touch Tablet Driver by Simon Trew - Chopin 2010 by Krzysztof Dudek (xxl), 2010 ("mouse cmi08" mode) - Click! (Chris Martin, 2008) - Colour Enhancer by David Blackshaw, (c) 1986/1987 Hillside Software - Contiki OS package for Atari, by Oliver Schmidt - Desktop Performance Studio (Virtuoso) - Diamond GOS by Reeve Software - Diamond Develop by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Diamond News Station by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Diamond Paint by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Diamond Write by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - DigiPaint 1.0 by Volker Eloesser - Dye by Christian Krueger, 2016 - ECKN+ by Christian Krueger for Berlin Softworks, 2008 - Hardwaretester/Peripheral Test 2.0 by Florian Dingler, 2008 - Hit the Mole by Carsten Strotmann, 2004 - Knight Quest by Simon Trew, 1991 - Supports Multi-Mouse Touch Tablet Driver by Simon Trew - Koala Cursor Demonstration Program by Karl E. Wiegers for Antic, Jan. 1985 (article name: "Touch Tablet Cursor" ; original filename: KOALA.BAS) - Kriss Kross by Simon Trew, 1992 - Supports Multi-Mouse Touch Tablet Driver by Simon Trew - Macro Edit / EDMAC (character set/screen editor) by John Oakley - Multi-Mouse Touch Tablet Driver by Simon Trew for New Atari User #42 1990 - Musorqa by Ron Torborg for ANALOG #34, Sept. 1985 - Othello by Simon Trew, 1991 - Supports Multi-Mouse Touch Tablet Driver by Simon Trew - Pixel Artist Deluxe version 1.3 by Art Horan, 1988 - PLATOTerm by Thomas Cherryhomes, 2018 - The Print Shop (Broderbund) - The Print Shop Companion (Broderbund) - QUICK Ed Character Editor by PPP - RAMbrandt by Bard Ermentrout - Rubber Stamp (XLEnt) - Smart Art II by Sean Puckett, 1984? - includes SMARTTAB.BAS patch for Touch Tablet/Koala support - includes TTCALIB.BAS Touch Tablet Calibration utility - Typesetter (XLEnt) - Xirius Defect by Martin Simecek, 2013 - Xirius Defect XXL by Martin Simecek, Jason Kendall, Zdenek Eisenhammer, 2014 - See also AtariMania lists of games & utilities using the Atari Touch Tablet: The following programs use the KoalaPad or the Animation Station: - Alphabet Construction Set (Playground Software) by Futurehouse - Animal Crackers (Playground Software) by Futurehouse - Blazing Paddles (Baudville, 1986) - The Brundles by KE-Soft, 1993 (hold SPACE at boot for configuration) - Click! (Chris Martin, 2008) - Computer Crayons (Playground Software) by Futurehouse - Desktop Performance Studio (Virtuoso) - DesignLab (Suncom version of Blazing Paddles; Distributed with the Suncom Animation Station) - Diamond GOS by Reeve Software - Diamond Develop by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Diamond News Station by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Diamond Paint by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Diamond Write by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - DigiPaint 1.0 by Volker Eloesser - Hardwaretester/Peripheral Test 2.0 by Florian Dingler, 2008 - Hong Kong, Kemal Ezcan for Zong 5/93 - Koala Cursor Demonstration Program by Karl E. Wiegers for Antic, Jan. 1985 (article name: "Touch Tablet Cursor" ; original filename: KOALA.BAS) - KoalaPainter (cartridge) (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, KoalaPad version) - Shipped with many KoalaPad units for Atari computers - Koala Sketch by Charles F. Johnson - Little Red Riding Hood (Playground Software) by Futurehouse - Macro Edit / EDMAC (character set/screen editor) by John Oakley - Micro Illustrator (disk) by Steven Dompier for Koala, (c)1983 Island Graphics (Illustrator product by Island Graphics, KoalaPad version) - Shipped with many KoalaPad units for Atari computers - News Station (Reeve Software) - Pixel Artist Deluxe version 1.3 by Art Horan, 1988 - Planetary Defense (Charles Bachand and Tom Hudson for ANALOG #17 March 1984) - Planetary Defense 2012 (Charles Bachand, Tom Hudson) - PLATOTerm by Thomas Cherryhomes, 2018 - The Print Shop (Broderbund) - The Print Shop Companion (Broderbund) - RAMbrandt by Bard Ermentrout - Reader Rabbit (The Learning Company) - Rubber Stamp (XLEnt) - Smart Art II by Sean Puckett, 1984? - includes SMARTTAB patch for Touch Tablet/Koala support - includes TTCALIB.BAS Touch Tablet Calibration utility - Trails! - Typesetter (XLEnt) - Word Search (original author unknown) - upgrade, screen output and Touch Tablet support by Warren Lieuallen 10/86 - See also AtariMania lists of programs using the KoalaPad/Animation Station: Note that the Atari Touch Tablet, the KoalaPad Touch Tablet, and the Suncom Animation Station are read by the computer in the same way that the computer receives data from paddle controllers, making software designed for paddles at least somewhat usable with graphics tablets as well. ------------------------------ Subject: 8.10) What programs are designed to use a light gun? While the user experiences are quite different, the Atari computer reads the horizontal and vertical positions of a light pen or a light gun in the same way. Consequently, while software programs are usually designed for either one or the other, these two types of controllers can sometimes substitute for each other. A light pen or light gun requires a cathode ray tube (CRT) television or monitor. Only one light pen or light gun may be used on the Atari at a time. Also, on the 400, Controller Jacks 1-3 do not support a light pen / light gun, only controller port 4 can be used. This effectively makes many light pen / light gun programs incompatible with the 400. Programs designed for a light gun: Alien Blast, Richard Gore for DGS, 1993 Barnyard Blaster, James V. Zalewski for Atari, 1987 Bembel Wo by Thorsten Butschke for Foundation Two, 1998 Bug Hunt, Alan Murphy and Rob Zdybel for Atari, 1987 Cementerio, Pelusa Software, 1989 Click!, Chris Martin, 2008 Comparando Figuras, Turbo Software/M.P.M., 1989? Crime Buster, Ron Andrzejewski & James Zalewski for Atari, 1988 Crossbow, Sculptured Software for Atari, 1988 Disparando a la Vocales, Turbo Software/M.P.M., 1989? Emboscada en el Desierto, Turbo Software/M.P.M., 1989? Fly Shooting, by Kemal Ezcan for Zong 2/93 Gangsters by Houra, Pesout, Stefek, Sterba, Svoboda, 2007 Gangstersville, Emanuele Bergamini for Lindasoft, 1988 Geisterschloss, KE-Soft, 1992 Guntris by Richard Gore, 1996 Hardwaretester/Peripheral Test 2.0 by Florian Dingler, 2008 Helocoptero de Combate, Turbo Software/M.P.M., 1989? Hit the Mole, by Carsten Strotmann, 2004 Invasion, Pelusa Soft Jezkovy voci, Frantisek Houra, 2016 Laser Gun, Turbo Software/M.P.M., 1989? Laser Math, Turbo Software/M.P.M., 1989? Light Gun Blaster, Andre Willey, Atari User Feb. 1988 Light Gun Blaster (enhanced) by Pedrokko Messe Hanau, Kemal Ezcan, 1995 Operation Blood, P. Kalinowski & P. Bulkowski of Our 5oft for Mirage and ANG, Light Gun Version by The Missing Link (ANG), 1993 Operacion Comando, Turbo Software/M.P.M., 1989? Pajaki II, Arkadiusz Lubaszka for ArSoft, 1996 Schiessen, L. Franzky (Abbuc magazine) Sharp Shooter, Matthew J.W. Ratcliff for Analog #76 9/89 Simon, Turbo Software/M.P.M., 1989? Sniper, Premysl Stefek, Radek Sterba, Petr Svoboda and Fandal, 2007 Special Forces (Operation Blood II), P. Kalinowski & P. Bulkowski of Our 5oft for Mirage and ANG, light gun conversion by Homesoft Tiro al Blanco, Turbo Software/M.P.M., 1989? Toy'Swap, Victor Parada, 2015 - See also Fandal site search for games that use a light gun: - See also AtariMania list of games that use a light gun: - See also ------------------------------ Subject: 8.11) What programs use a computer mouse? Programs that use the Atari Mouse (STM1/PCM1) or compatible (which would include the Zobian Controls SuperRAT): - 8Bit-Mouse (BPAUG) - Accu-Draw, by Vision software for Zobian Controls, 1987 - Artprog - Atari Rechner Simulation mit UPN, (c)1985 MTC Mouse Tecnology Corp. - Black Magic Composer by Sven Tegethoff for Ulf Petersen, 1991 - Bomb Down by The Roemer/U.N.O. - BOSS-X by Mirko Sobe / MS Software, 2003 - The Brundles by KE-Soft, 1993 (hold SPACE at boot for configuration) - The Brundles Editor by KE-Soft, 1994 - CardStax 2.1 by David A. Paterson, 1993 - Catch 88 by Simon Trew, 1991 - Supports Multi-Mouse ST Mouse Driver by Simon Trew - Celebrity Cookbook by David Sullivan/Total Control Systems for U.S.A. Media - Click! by Chris Martin, 2008 - Contiki OS package for Atari, by Oliver Schmidt - Copy F'n'F by Mirko Sobe / MS Software, requires BOSS-X - Crescent Solitaire, Zdenek Eisenhammer, Frantisek Houra, Marek Pesout, 2018 - Datenbank by Mirko Sobe / MS Software, requires BOSS-X - Diamond GOS by Reeve Software - Diamond Develop by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Diamond News Station by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Diamond Paint by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Diamond Write by Reeve Software, requires Diamond GOS - Enigmatix! by Stephen A. Firth for Page 6, 1993 - EORoid by Daniel Kolakowski for Wolf Software Ltd, 1994 - Facher Patience, by Kemal Ezcan for Zong 1/93 - with KE-Maus Beispielprogram - Fig-Forth by Matt Symonds for Pulsar Software, 1988 - FireBall (a Breakout game, requires SAM) - GOE demo by Total Control Systems/David Sullivan, 1988 - Guntris by Richard Gore, 1996 - Hardwaretester/Peripheral Test 2.0 by Florian Dingler, 2008 - Hong Kong, Kemal Ezcan for Zong 5/93 - Klony 2010 by Arkadiusz Lubaszka for ArSoft, 2010 - Knight Quest by Simon Trew, 1991 - Supports Multi-Mouse ST Mouse Driver by Simon Trew - Kriss Kross by Simon Trew, 1992 - Supports Multi-Mouse ST Mouse Driver by Simon Trew - Macao, by Alexander Klinner for Zong 5/94 - Mau Mau X by Mirko Sobe / MS Software, requires BOSS-X - Maus Calculator, by AMC Verlag, (c) by Peter Eilert - Maus-DOS, by Volker Matzat for Zong 5/93 - Minesweeper by Harald Schoenfeld for PPP, 1992 - Mine Sweeper by Raindorf Soft - Mine Sweeper 3 - Missile Command by Rob Zdybel for Atari, 1981. [CONTROL+T] for trackball/ mouse mode, according to Atari's 1987 documentation supplied with the XE game system (with Missile Command built-in). In fact, the game's (originally undocumented) trackball mode inadvertently also supports many, but not all, versions of the Atari STM1/PCM1 and compatible mouse. - M.O.S. (from Abbuc mag.) - MS-Copy 1.1 by Mirko Sobe / MS Software, requires BOSS-X - Multi-Mouse ST Mouse Driver by Simon Trew for New Atari User #42 1990 - Multi-Player by Madteam - Multi-DOS - Numblines by Jaroslaw Kucisz & Tomasz Kucisz for Utopia Software, 1997 - Operation Blood, P. Kalinowski & P. Bulkowski of Our 5oft for Mirage and ANG, 1992 - Othello by Simon Trew, 1991 - Supports Multi-Mouse ST Mouse Driver by Simon Trew - P-Graph(s) by ??? - Pad 1.2 (Padnoid) by Nelson Ramirez / New Age, 1995 - Pad 1.83 by Nelson Ramirez, 2014 - PLATOTerm by Thomas Cherryhomes, 2018 - QUICK Ed Character Editor by PPP - RAOS Desktop, by Syntel for Zobian Controls, 1987 - SAM (Screen Aided Management) by Power Per Post & Raindorf Soft (a GUI!) - SAM Budget (80 column spreadsheet program, requires SAM) - SAM Convert (text files to/from the SAM Texter format, requires SAM) - SAM Creator (SAM Painter files to/from Micro-Painter format, requires SAM) - SAM Designer (drawing and design / desktop publishing, requires SAM) - SAM Memobox (card filing program, requires SAM) - SAM Monitor (view and change memory, requires SAM) - SAM Painter (128 color paint program, requires SAM) - SAM Texter (80 column word processor, requires SAM) - Screens 2.0, by Zobian Controls, 1987 - Shanghai by Peter Sabath for Activision, 1987 - Special Forces (Operation Blood II), P. Kalinowski & P. Bulkowski of Our 5oft for Mirage and ANG, 1993 - Sprint XL (from Abbuc) - Tommingi by Tomek Borygo - Toy'Swap by Victor Parada, 2015 - TRS Desktop by Tristesse, 2006 - Unriagh II by Uwe Hartwig, 1986 - Vanish, Kemal Ezcan for Zong 7/93 - Vier gewinnt - See also Fandal site search for games that use the Atari mouse: - See also AtariMania lists of games & utilities using the Atari mouse: Programs that could use the original Zobian Controls RAT (which never shipped?): - Accu-Draw (Rat Trace), by Vision software for Zobian Controls (original version for original RAT; never shipped?) - Business Manager by Reeve Software, 1986 - Control (Rat Control) by Zobian Controls (never shipped?) - Master Disk Directory II by Zobian Controls (never shipped?) - Based on Master Disk Directory by Jason Leigh, Analog #37 Dec85 p99-108 - Rich Man's Word Processor, by Mark Rogalski for Computer Software Services - Earlier name: Writer80 - Also announced by Zobian Controls in RAT-compatible versions (never shipped): Super 3-D Plotter (Elfin Magic), Rambrandt, Atari-Artist (AtariArtist) Programs that use the Amiga mouse (original "tank" or 1352 models): - Black Magic Composer by Sven Tegethoff for Ulf Petersen, 1991 - Bomb Down by The Roemer/U.N.O. - Contiki OS package for Atari, by Oliver Schmidt - Crescent Solitaire, Zdenek Eisenhammer, Frantisek Houra, Marek Pesout, 2018 - Global War by P.M.M. Elfinger & D.J. Garbowski for L.K. Avalon, 1993 - Klony 2010 by Arkadiusz Lubaszka for ArSoft, 2010 - Multi-Player by MadTeam - Najemnik - Powrot by LK APM for Krysal Software - Operation Blood, P. Kalinowski & P. Bulkowski of Our 5oft for Mirage and ANG, 1992 - Pad 1.83 by Nelson Ramirez, 2014 - PLATOTerm by Thomas Cherryhomes, 2018 - Samurai's Game by Rafaell Soft for Krysal Software, 1992 - Special Forces (Operation Blood II), P. Kalinowski & P. Bulkowski of Our 5oft for Mirage and ANG, 1993 - TRS Desktop by Tristesse, 2006 - See also Fandal site search for games that use the Amiga mouse: Programs that use the Commodore 1351 mouse (mouse for Commodore 64/128): - Klony by ArSoft, 2006 ------------------------------ Subject: 8.12) What programs use Driving Controllers? Programs that use the Atari CX20 Driving Controller: - Megaoids by Peter J. Meyer and Lance Ringquist for Video 61, 2016 - Tempest Elite by Peter J. Meyer for Video 61, 2017 - Tile Smashers by Peter J. Meyer for Video 61, 2017 ------------------------------ Subject: 8.13) What games support 4 or more simultaneous players? a) The following games support 4 joystick head-to-head play on the 400/800: - 4-Player Volleyball, original for Apple II by Jim Hilger for SoftSide #34 July 1981, Atari translation by Bradley J. Bell - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves by Stuart Smith for Quality Software - Aliens, hack of John H. Palevich's Dandy, programmer unknown - Asteroids by Tod Frye for Atari - Basketball by Alan Miller for Atari - Battle Room (CIA vs. KGB) by SNACC - Dandy by John H. Palevich (Jack Palevich) for APX - Depth Warrior by Jack Chung for ROM magazine #7 Aug/Sep 1984 - Floyd of the Jungle by MicroProse (1982 and 1983 releases) - GEM by Joel Gluck - Killa Cycle by Simon Goodwin & David Muncer - Hockey by Gamma Software, (c)1981 - Major League Hockey by Thorn EMI - Major League Soccer by Thorn EMI - Maze War by Mark Price for ANALOG #36 Nov 1985 - Mouse Party by Bill Halsall for New Atari User #39 Aug/Sep 1989 - M.U.L.E. by Ozark Softscape for Electronic Arts - The Return of Heracles by Stuart Smith for Quality Software - Road Block / Roadblock by Brian Holness for Compute! v5n7 #38 July 1983 - Silicon Warrior, developed by The Connelley Group for Epyx - Sky Warrior by Jack Chung for ROM magazine #6 June/July 1984 - Soccer by Gamma Software - Survivor by Richard Carr for Synapse - Tank Battle by Fred Pinho for Antic v3n2 June 1984 b) The following games support 4 paddle head-to-head play: - Castle Crisis by Bryan Edewaard, 2004 - IQ by David S. Maynard for CRL, 1987 (same game as "Worms?") - JunkYard Racing (Tim Gearin, 1999) - Space Arena by Fandal, 2009 - Warlords by ?, year? (public domain version, unlicensed) - Worms? by David S. Maynard for Electronic Arts, 1983 c) The following game supports 4 joystick head-to-head play, using special 4-button keypad controllers linked together with RJ-11 jacks (standard phone jacks) to a box with 2 controller jack connectors: - PQ: The Party Quiz Game by Suncom d) The following game supports 4 joystick head-to-head play, using extra hardware called Quadrotron (from the German Atari Magazin 2/1989): - Quadro-Tron by H.Schoenfeld (4-player Tron-clone) e) The following games support multiple joystick head-to-head play, using extra hardware called Multijoy (multijoy4, multijoy8, or multijoy16 for up to 4, 8, or 16 players, respectively) which was developed by Radek Sterba / Raster & Atariklub Prostejov, see: or or - Acey-Duecey M4, original from L&S Computerware / Softsmith, patch by Fandal - Asteroids M4, original from Atari, patch by Matthias Luedtke - Astro4 Road by Frantisek Houra, Radek Sterba - Astrowarriors M4, original from Apogee Software, patch by Fandal - Atari Tennis M4, original from Atari, patch by Matthias Luedtke - Ate'em All by Frantisek Houra and Christian Krueger, 2016 - Basketball M4, original from Atari, patch by Matthias Luedtke - Battleroom M4, original by Steven Martin, patch by Fandal - Boulders and Bombs M4, original by Keith Dreyer for K-Byte, patch by Fandal - Bounce Ball M4, Jerzy Kasenberg, patch by Fandal - Bremspunkt by Thorsten Butschke, Rouven Gehm - Bugs Fight M4 by Michael Kalous and Petr Postava, 2019 - Card Grabber by Florian Dingler - Cervi by Radek Sterba - Cervi 2 by Radek Sterba - Cubes M8 by BAHA Software, 2019 - Dandy Dungeon M4, original from APX, patch by Matthias Luedtke - Drutt M4+, original by Wojciech Gorski, Jacek Grad, patch by Fandal - Dynakillers Unchained, original by Marek Chorvat, Robert Pecnik, and Marian Vybostok, patch by MatoSimi - Floyd of the Jungle M4, original from MicroProse, patch by Fandal - Fujiama Run by Matthias Luedtke, Stefan Niestegge - Gem M4, original by Joel Gluck, patch by Fandal - Helicops by Nils Feske, Frantisek Houra, Radek Sterba, Adam Wachowski - Hockey M4, original from Gamma Software, patch by Fandal - Hockey M8, original from Gamma Software, patch by Fandal - Ice-Hockey by Florian Dingler - Impact M4, original from David Buehler, patch by Fandal - Jail Break M4, original by James Stage Jr., patch by Fandal - Kde domov muj M4 by Michael Kalous and Petr Postava (2017) - Killa Cycle M4, original by Simon Goodwin and David Muncer, patch by Fandal - Killer 'Thello M4, original by Mark Price, patch by Fandal - Major League Hockey M4, original from Thorn EMI, patch by Fandal - Mashed Turtles by Zdenek Eisenhammer, Frantisek Houra - Maze War M4, original from ANALOG, patch by Fandal - Mouse Party M4, original by Bill Halsall, patch by Fandal - M.U.L.E. M4, original for Electronic Arts, patch by Matthias Luedtke - Multijoy 17Players Roulette by Marek Pesout and Zdenek Zubr (2021) - Multiloops by Antonin Holik and Rudolf Kudla (2017) - Multris by Radek Sterba (2001) - Multris 2k17 by Radek Sterba, patch by Fandal - Muxeso by Frantisek Houra and Marek Pesout, 2016 - Proto Basketball M4+, Atari original for 5200, conversion & patch by Fandal - Quadrotron M4, original by Oliver Redner, Stefan Wiegmann, patch by Radek Sterba - Rozstrel M4 by Michael Kalous and Petr Postava (2017) - Rubacka vo kopec, by Zdenek Eisenhammer, Frantisek Houra, Michal Szpilowski - Sails of Doom by R0ger, 2018 - Sheep-Race by Florian Dingler - Shootout 2 M4 by BAHA Software, 2019 - Shot'em All by Radek Sterba - Silicon Warrior M4, original from Epyx, patch by Fandal - Snakes and Ladders M4, oiginal by C. Harper, Kevin Harper, patch by Fandal - Soccer M4, original from Gamma Software, patch by Fandal - Soccer M4, original from Thorn EMI, patch by Fandal - Space Arena M4, by Frantisek Houra and Marek Pesout, 2014 - Survivor M4, original from Synapse, patch by Fandal - Table Football M4+, original by Anthony Wilson, patch by Fandal - Tag! M4, original by Richard Gore, patch by Fandal 2015 - Tank Battle M4, original by Dan Pinal for the book "Atari Graphics and Arcade Game Design" (1984), patch by Fandal - Tank M4 Battle, original by Harald Siegmund (1983), patch by Fandal - Up for Grabs M4, original by Ken Madell for Spinnaker, patch by Fandal - Wingman M4, original from MicroProse, patch by Fandal - Yahtzee M4, original by Gary L. Born, patch by Fandal - Zeppelin M4, original by William Mataga for Synapse, patch by Fandal - See also Fandal site search for games that use a Multijoy: ------------------------------ Subject: 8.14) What programs support Atari computer networking? This section started by Andreas Koch. There are two different hardware add-ons which provide a "computer- network" (two or more Ataris linked together). Thus, there is software that supports either one or the other hardware (namely GameLink or GameLink-II). The following software supports the networking hardware: - GameLink (by DataQue, 1990): - Computer Battleship, by John Babson and Bill Cleis, as patched by Rick Detlefsen for GameLink - Tic-Tac-Two (a tic-tac-toe clone) by DataQue, 1990 - GameLink-II (by DataQue, 1993) / Multilink (by Bewesoft): - Maze of Agdagon (full version, 2-8 players) by The AGDA Group, 1993 - Multi-Dash (2-8 players, XL/XE only) by Bewesoft; - Multi-Race (2-16 players, XL/XE only) by Bewesoft; - Multi-Worms (2-8 or 2-16? players, XL/XE only) by Bewesoft; - "Starter-kit" module to use in your own networking-games by Bewesoft (free use of this module is granted by Bewesoft/Jiri Bernasek); - Speed-Up by Radek Sterba - Speed-Up Gold by Radek Sterba ------------------------------ Subject: 8.15) What noncommercial telecommunications programs are there? This section lists widely-used or notable noncommercial telecommunications programs for the Atari. These programs could be used for accessing dial-up online service providers, or for connecting to a dial-up bulletin board system (BBS) hosted by another home computer. Such activities were very popular on the Atari computer, especially from the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s. AMISTERM, by Craig Chamberlain and Jim Steinbrecher, 3/17/82 - Early recommendation for accessing an AMIS BBS - Upload/download (text only) - Requires R: handler JTERM, by Frank C. Jones, 1982-1984 - Originally based on a short BASIC program by Henrique Veludo published in Compute! #9, Feb81 - Developed in cooperation with ARMUDIC BBS author Frank Huband - Upload/download (text only) - Requires R: handler - Version 3.1, June 19, 1982 - Version 3.2, July 10, 1982, published in Compute! #32, Jan83 - Version 3.8 published in Compute! #56, Jan85 - Added support for 1200 bps modems ATERM, by Marshall Abrams, 10/1982 - Simple terminal simulator (no specific terminal emulation) - Upload/download (text only) - Requires R: handler AMODEM, by Jim Steinbrecher, 1982-1984 - Designed for accessing RCP/M and Atari bulletin board systems, and as a replacement for AMISTERM. - XMODEM file transfers (standard protocol by Ward Christensen) - Early releases: the major versions <2.0, 3.0, 4.0> were released by the author, while the "sub-versions <3.1, 3.2, 4.1...> were mostly prepared as personal modifications by others. 4.0 was released in 10/82. - Atari MODEM Ver. 4.2 - AMODEM4.BAS:VER 4.2; 11-24-82 (AMODEM42.BAS) - Requires R: handler - Atari MODEM-835/850 Ver. 4.2 - AMODEM42.835:VER 4.2;01-15-84 (AMOD1030.BAS) - Requires T: handler; distributed with the author's 835/850 Handler (alias AUTO1030.OBJ) - Unofficial release "SUPERTERM 835/1030 MODEM" distributed with slightly modified version of the Steinbrecher 835/850 Handler (SUPRTERM.AUT) - "AMODEM Plus" -- various versions released by others based on AMODEM 4.2 - Example: AMODEM Plus Release 1.6, 7/15/83, by Matthew R. Singer TSCOPE / MSCOPE / RSCOPE, by Joe Miller, 1983-1986 - "This (limited-feature) telecom program was designed to be used with the CompuServe Information Service." - Supported some CompuServe VIDTEX terminal program functions, including: - UPL and DOW commands for file transfers using the CIS 'A' Protocol - Online color graphics - TSCOPE original release, 25 Dec 83 - Integrated T: handler supports both 850-based and 835/1030 modems - Does not work with the P:R: Connection interface - MSCOPE, 18 May 85 - Features of TSCOPE, but integrated modem driver is for MPP modems - RSCOPE, 15 Apr 86 - Features of TSCOPE without integrated modem driver, requires R: handler Kermit for the Atari Home Computer, 1983-1984 - Kermit upload/download file transfers, DEC VT52 terminal emulation - v1.1 by John Howard Palevich (Jack Palevich) (1984/01/09) - Official port of the Columbia University Kermit Project software - Released as Action! source code, compiles into one of two versions: - For the Atari 850 and the DC-Hayes Smartmodem, with auto-dial support - For the Atari 1030 modem - Requires R: or T: handler as appropriate - Available: - v1.2 Kermit/1030 release by John Howard Palevich (Jack Palevich), 1984 (aliases: KERMIT1030 or KBIN.HEX) - Requires T: handler - v1.3 Atari/850 Kermit release by Jim Dahlberg, 1984 - Requires R: handler TERM1030, by Matthew S. Arrington, 1984-1985 - XMODEM upload/download - Version 2.0 (1984?) requires T: handler - Distributed with TERM1030.AUT, a version of Steinbrecher's 835/850 Handler as slightly modified to automatically load and run a file named ".RUN" from disk after the driver is loaded. - Version 3.0 (1985) requires T: handler - Distributed with "Antic's T-handler for: TERM1030" (THANDLER.OBJ) which is a version of Steinbrecher's 835/850 Handler modified to work as AUTORUN.SYS on a DOS 2 disk with MEM.SAV created, in combination with TERM1030.BAS on that disk. - Ver. 4.2R by Rich Schmitt, 5/1/85 - Requires R: handler; R.BIN or 'RHANDLER2' recommended. DiskLink, by Ken Fowkes, 1984 (alias: Disk 'o Link) - Supports file transfers between two Atari computers running this program in 2 modes: ASCII text and modified XMODEM protocol. - Thanks to nonstandard XMODEM implementation, allows two users to type back and forth (in a somewhat halting fashion) DURING file transfer. - Integrated T: handler supports both 850-based and 835/1030 modems VT-10-Squared (VT10^2 or VT10SQ), by Alexander M. Stevens and David L. Bailey - DEC VT100 terminal emulation, 80-column screen (software handler) - Version 0.6, 1984? (VT100.OBJ) - Both 850-based and 835/1030 modems supported via integrated handler derived from R.BIN. - Instructions include a program to remove the integrated R.BIN to create VT10SQ.OBJ, either with an integrated MPP R: handler (distributed as the separate file MYHAND.OBJ), or without integrated R: handler to be used with the A.I.D. RHAND.OBJ R: handler for the R-Verter. - Version 0.7, 1985? - VT10SQ.XMO with integrated R.BIN, or VT10NH.XMO without R: handler - Adds some VT-100 features and corrects some bugs in order to facilitate operation with UNIX and the vi editor. - Adds a capability to transmit even or odd parity. - Version 0.7 modified for XL by K. Knutson - Earlier releases require 400/800 OS or OS translator - VT100 Terminal Emulator, modified and revised version by Alec Benson, 1986 (VT100.OBJ or VT100NR.OBJ) - Added VT52 emulation - OmniTerm version modified by CDY Consulting for OmniView AMODEM 7, by Trent Dudley, 1985-1987 - Rewritten from AMODEM 4.2 and AMODEM Plus releases - Requires R: or T: handler - AMODEM 7.0 (5/85) features joystick input, SHIFT-CTRL key macros, adjustable delay rate, XMODEM transfers. Exclusive R: handlers: - AMOD70.AUT loads the 850 R: handler - AMODMPP.OBJ R: handler for MPP modems. Derived from the DeMar handler. - AMODEM 7.1, 8/12/85 Exclusive modem device handlers: - R850.ATR (executable, not a disk image) loads the 850 R: handler - MPP.ATR (executable, not a disk image) R: handler for MPP modems. A modified version of the MPP Rev. 1.0 MINI R: handler which is compatible with XL/XE computers. (alias: AMD7HND.MPP) - T1030.ATR (executable, not a disk image) loads the 1030 T: handler - RBIN.ATR (executable, not a disk image) version of R.BIN combined R: handler for 850-based and 835/1030 modems - AMODEM 7.2, 12/1/85 Exclusive modem device handlers: - MPPHANDL.A72 R: handler for MPP modems (essentially identical to MPP.ATR) - AUTO1030.72 loads the 1030 T: handler - AMODEM 7.3 XE, requires BASIC XL or BASIC XE, 12/85 - AMODEM 7.2R, for the R-Time 8 cartridge, 2-Feb-86 Exclusive modem device handler: - MPPHANDL.AM7 R: handler for MPP modems (essentially identical to MPP.ATR) - AMODEM 7.4, 15-Mar-87, features XMODEM/CRC and YMODEM file transfers, word wrapping, an edit window, improved autodial scanning and macros; support for: SpartaDOS, R-Time 8, BASIC XE. - Distributed with modem device handlers: BOOT850.COM, MPPHNDLR.COM, BOOT1030.COM, THANDLER.COM, RHANDLER.COM - AMODEM 7.50, 14-Jun-87 (final release) - Distributed with modem device handlers: BOOT850.COM, MPPHNDLR.COM, BOOT1030.COM, THANDLER.COM, RHANDLER.COM Express!, by Keith Ledbetter, 1985-1986 - Strengths: auto-dialer and reliable XMODEM transfers - Version 3: XMODEM/CRC, ability to download .BIN files on CompuServe using XMODEM, VIDTEX mode for CompuServe cursor positioning, R-Time 8 support - Each version includes an integrated modem handler - Original version: 1030 Express! (September 1985) - Integrated T: handler - 850 Express! 3.0 release date: 9/24/86 (earlier releases include 1.1) - Integrated R: handler - 1030 Express! 3.0 release date: 11/1/86 (earlier releases include 2.0, 2.1) - Integrated T: handler - MPP Express! 3.0 release date: 12/1/86 (earlier releases include 1.1) - Integrated R: handler is Chilcott MPP handler - Also the basis for SX Express! from Atari (1988) and for the Express! cartridge from Orion Micro Systems (1990) VTERM V10.4.86, by Joe Hitchens, 1986 - DEC VT52 terminal emulation, 80-column pannable (40-column visible) screen, capture, Upload/download (text only) - Requires R: handler OmniCom, by CDY Consulting (David Young), 08/15/1987 (shareware release) - VT10SQ was used as an early model. - 80-column screen (software handler), VT100 emulation, XMODEM, Kermit, ASCII send, capture mode, screen dump - Requires R: handler. Distributed with the ATARISRS.232 variation of R.BIN as extracted from VT-10-Squared. - While 1986-1987 commercial versions required a CDY Consulting Omniview chip, the 08/15/87 shareware release runs on standard Atari hardware Kermit-65, by John R. Dunning, 1987-1990 - Kermit file transfers, VT100 or VT52 terminal emulation (or none), Atari standard screen, 80-column pannable (40-column visible) like VTERM, or 80-column graphics like VT10SQ - Port of Kermit-65 for Commodore 64 - Two versions of each release: - K65.COM or KERMIT.COM: Integrated 850 R: autoloader - K65NR.COM or KERMITNR.COM : Requires R: handler - Releases: 3.1 8/6/1987, 3.3 10/20/1987, 3.5 4/1990, 3.6 4/1990, 3.7 5/1990 DeTerm, by Jim Dillow, 1987-1988 - XMODEM file transfer, full Telenet PC Pursuit support, Breakout game playable while uploading, downloading or waiting for a connection - Several versions: DeTerm XM301 (DTXM) / DeTerm MPP (DTMPP) / DeTerm SX212 (DTSX) each have a built-in modem handler; DeTerm 850 (DT850) is to be appended to an 850 R: autoloader; DeTerm (plain) requires R: handler PC-Term, by Rick Hunter, 1988 - Designed especially for Telenet PC Pursuit - XMODEM, XMODEM/CRC, YMODEM, or C-MODEM (C-MODEM protocol by Jerry Horanoff of Carina Software Systems) file transfers - Dialer, capture, print-screen - 850-based or SX212 modem required (integrated SX212 handler by Jim Dillow) - Version 3.1, 10/14/88 BobTerm 1.2x, 1990-1993, shareware by Bob Puff - XMODEM, XMODEM/CRC, XMODEM-1k, CIS Fast XMODEM (BobTerm exclusive for use only on CIS), YMODEM, FMODEM (YMODEM but with 4KiB block size) file transfers - VT52 terminal emulation (odd or even parities) with CompuServe VIDTEX cursor positioning - Floating buffer size (depending on machine and DOS), chat window with recall, online/real-time clock, R-Time 8 support, dialing system - Modular design: distributed with an XEP80 driver and with a command processor module for SpartaDOS 3.2 or SpartaDOS X - Integrated 850 R: autoloader; also supports and distributed with separate R: handlers for most possible modem options, most written by Bob Puff - Version 1.21 final full release, 4/27/1990: - Version 1.22 05/1990 executable, final version update for real hardware: - Version 1.23 03/1993 executable, updated version for use with emulators (not for use with more modern Atari emulators or with real hardware): or - Earlier releases: v.1.02 4/1989, v.1.10 6/1989, v.1.20 4/1990 VT850, by Curtis Laser, 1991 - VT100 terminal emulation, with select VT102 features and VT200 series keyboard support. Capture file function. - Supports the XEP80 (controller jack 1) and the CX85 (controller jack 2) - Display is either 39 columns in GR.0 with custom character set, or 80/132 columns (authentic VT100 horizontal scrolling for >80 columns) on the XEP80 - Requires R: handler - Release versions: B0, B1 ANSITerm, by Robert Sinclair, 1991-1992 - IBM terminal emulation program with VT100 mode - ATARI, ASCII, or ANSI modes - XMODEM send/receive, dump, capture, dialer - Requires R: handler. Distributed with handlers for: 850, P:R: Connection, SX212 - Version 1.0 released 24-JUN-92 FlickerTerm 80, by Clay Halliwell, 1993-1995 - High speed ANSI terminal emulator - ASCII, IBM PC, or VT100 modes - 80-column screen uses two alternating Graphics 0 screens - Print-screen, Joystick/CX85 Keypad, macros - Requires R: handler - Releases: v0.37 07/07/94; v0.381 11/04/94; v.0.51 6/27/1995 Ice-T, by Itay Chamiel, 1994-2013 - Complete VT102 and ANSI-BBS emulation, including boldface/blink support - Supports up to 19,200 baud, with no data loss - 80-column screen (GR.8 software handler) - XMODEM/CRC, XMODEM-1k, YMODEM, YMODEM-g, ZMODEM download protocols - ASCII upload, 16KiB capture buffer, 16KiB scrollback buffer - Auto-dialer, with a directory of up to 20 numbers - Text file viewer, Fine scroll, Print screen - Requires R: handler - Ice-T 800 v1.1, October 1994: - Reduced features, but only requires 48KiB 400/800 - Ice-T XE 2.72, February, 1997 - Full feature set, requires an XL/XE with at least 128KiB RAM - Ice-T XE 2.73, April 14, 2012 - Available: - Ice-T XE 2.74, September 24, 2013 - Available: - Ice-T XE 2.75, October 1, 2013 - Available: - Ice-T XE 2.76, October 10, 2013 - Available: Term-80 / Term80, by Tom Hunt, 1995-1996 - (Not to be confused with the unrelated Term 80 by Mark Gamber, 12/1/88) - Designed for calling IBM ANSI bulletin boards at the highest speeds supported by the MIO and Black Box. Default 14,400 baud. - Hyperspeed R: handler by Len Spencer recommended for MIO users - Requires one of: 1- Modem connected to a Black Box or MIO 2- Either a hard drive (connected to a Black Box or MIO) or a RAM drive (modem connected to a P:R: Connection, 850, or similar interface) 3- Both a (hard drive or RAM drive) AND modem connected to a Black Box or MIO - Requires SpartaDOS (3.2d or 3.2g/gx) - 80-column screen (GR.8 software handler) - Dialer, YMODEM receive/send - Modular design, distributed with modules for: XMODEM/CRC and XMODEM-1k receive, capture, change baud rate - Releases: 8.15.95 Version 1.4 was 1st general release; 8.19.95 Version 1.5; 8.25.95 Version 1.6 - 5.24.96 Version 1.9 BETA was distributed to testers with several modules for use with Internet email and lynx servers via a dial-up telnet service. (Direct access to a telnet server is (was) sometimes provided as part of a dial-up SLIP/PPP account from an Internet service provider.) - Available: ------------------------------ Subject: 8.16) What programs can I use to host a BBS on the Atari? Contributors to this section include: Winston Smith, Steven Sturza, Chad Hendrickson, Don Fanning, Matt Singer, Pete Davis, Jeff Williams, Rod Roark "A BBS, plain and simple, is some hobbyist setting up their own computer to answer incoming calls from other hobby computers. The visiting person leaves messages on this computer for other visitors, plays games while visiting, sends and receives files, and all that." -- Greg Goodwin, 2005 The 8-bit Atari was popular for hosting a dial-up Bulletin Board System (BBS). This section attempts to list all BBS programs for the Atari. For most programs listed, a link is provided to the corresponding section at which is a comprehensive collection of BBS information, screenshots, and downloads collected by Jason Scott. o AMIS (Atari Message & Information System) AMIS was the first BBS program for the 8-bit Atari, created by lead programmer Tom Giese with other members of the Michigan Atari Computer Enthusiasts (MACE). Development and testing started in late 1981, and the MACE A.M.I.S. became the first 24 hours per day Atari BBS in February 1982 (original hardware: 48KiB Atari 800, Hayes Smartmodem, 850 interface, four floppy disk drives, 822 printer). Written in BASIC. The AMIS BASIC source code proved a popular starting point for a number of popular AMIS variations, including: * Fast AMIS, by Stan Subeck & Susie Subeck According to Antic v3n9Jan85: - Built-in modem commands for a Hayes Smartmodem. - Requires some modification to run with an MPP, Signalman Mark 7 or Mark 12 modem. - Requires a different method of auto-answer than other BBS programs, and demands a different setting of the modem's internal DIP switches. - Message files compact automatically. * Carnival BBS, by ??????? - "essentially AMIS with an overlay to allow for private messages and passwords." --Antic v3n9Jan85 - "demands a large amount of disk space and requires every bit of memory your system has." --Antic v3n9Jan85 * Reed Audio BBS, by Todd Gordanier, 1986 - A modified version of Carnival BBS that added multiple forum support & support for the Atari 1030 modem by way of a hardware ring detector (relay). (Wikipedia) * Comet AMIS, by Matt Pritchard and Tom Johnson - Home was Comet AMIS of Algonic, MI - Originally MPP AMIS by Matt Pritchard, for MPP modems only (John DeMar of New York State wrote the MPP drivers), then modified to be used with other types of standard modems. - Some heavy involvement of Trent Condellone in certain features - The final version featured many automated tasks, usage logs, passwords, private mail, multiple message bases and support for hard drives and MYDOS, and was on the cutting edge of AMIS/Atari 8-bit BBS technology. (Wikipedia) * AMIS XM301, by Mike Olin and Mike Mitchell (Catspaw Software Systems) - Written in BASIC XE (Wikipedia) * TODAMIS 1.0, by Trent Dudley, 1986 - for 1030/XM301 o ADCM BBS - Version 1.00 (C) 1985 ADCM Systems - (C) ADCM Systems Version 1.35 - January 15th, 1986 - For use with the Pocket Modem by BOT Engineering - jacobus writes (11/2010): "Features a command driven interface, private mail, public message board, upload and downloads. Handles up to 255 users up to 500 baud." "The author is Julius Oklamcak" - Info & download: o ARMUDIC, by Frank Huband From the Downtown Washington Atari Users Group of Washington, D.C. Greg Leslie writes "It was written (in BASIC with machine language subroutines) by Frank Huband, and the name came from the numbers used to dial the original BBS (276-8342). o ATABBS - Atari Bulletin Board System Rod Roark writes (3/12/03): This is really straining my memory -- don't recall exactly when I wrote the thing (maybe '80 or '81), but as far as I know ATABBS was the world's first BBS for the Atari 400/800. I ran it out of my condo in Atlanta on a 48KiB 400 with a 90KiB floppy drive and a 300 bit/s Hayes Smartmodem. The 48KiB memory module was a third party add-on, not Atari's. It was written in Atari BASIC with a few bytes of machine language thrown in. o AtariLink BBS -- program by Paul Sungenis and Darren M. Benfer, Version 1.43 (c) 1987-1988 Paul L.A. Sungenis From his blog at on 3/20/06: In 1985-1986 I wrote and eventually released the AtariLink BBS software. This came out of necessity, since most Atari BBS programs at the time (especially FoReM and its bastard children) didn't fully support the 1030 modem that I used (or the XM301 that followed afterward). I eventually adapted the program to work with Atari's 1200 bit/s SX212 modem when that was released, and in the process threw the program open to just about every modem out there. AtariLink floated in the wild, passed from BBS to BBS for a while, before an Atari magazine (I forget which one) distributed the software as its disk of the month. - Requires Atari BASIC; BASIC XE supported - Recommended SpartaDOS 2.3b/e or SpartaDOS X due to memory requirements. - Expandable with Door programs o ATKeep -- An Atari 8-bit version of CITADEL BBS, by Brent Barrett ATKeep is a Citadel-like BBS system for eight-bit Ataris. ATKeep runs under SpartaDOS and requires BASIC XE and 128KiB of RAM. Originally "MBBBS (Message Base Bulletin Board System) 1.0, March 24th, 1986" MBBBS was changed to Atari Keep, or, ATKeep for short, around version the time version 4.0 was released (June 15, 1986). ATKeep 7.0 finally took the aide and cosysop commands out of a menu section and put them into extended commands, where they belonged. It also added a SYSOP level command set. Users were no longer "users" "aides" or "cosysops," they had become level "A" (SYSOP) through level "Z" (READ ONLY). The system had become extremely complex. Public, hidden OR password protected PRIVATE rooms. Each room now had its own access level (thus keeping people of lower level from getting in EVEN if they knew the room name). Each room was assigned a RWRT (or Read WRiTe status), which determined who could enter messages in it, and whether or not public or private messages, or both were to be allowed. Before version 7.0, ATKeep only worked with the Atari 1030 or XM301 modems. ATKeep 7.0 was rewritten to accommodate the 850 or PRC interface allowing use of any Hayes compatible modem. ATKeep version 7.50 was released (1987), was version 8 released? o BBCS -- Bulletin Board Construction Set, by Scott Brause/Antic, 1985 A machine language program, developed as the Jersey Atari Computer Group (JACG) BBS system. BBCS was known for its great flexibility. The sysop was offered easy customization by the use of menus. Many BBSes before it required that you had to actually change the BASIC code in order to customize your BBS. Unfortunately, it also suffered from a reputation for stability problems. o BBS Express! -- 1986-1989, Keith Ledbetter/Orion Micro Systems Written in compiled Action!. 835/1030/XM301 and 850 versions. o BBS Express! Professional ("Pro!")--6.0b 1999, Lance Ringquist/Video 61 Version 1.0 released 5/8/1988 by Keith Ledbetter and Chris King from Orion Micro Systems. bf2k+ wrote (May 2010) that version 2.1a was the last version compiled by Keith Ledbetter before he sold it. Version 5.0 Copyright 1995 by K-Products (Bob Klaas) credited to: Stephen J. Carden, Keith Ledbetter, and Chris King Currently owned by Lance Ringquist/Video 61: Written in 100% machine language. Requires XL/XE, SpartaDOS 3.2+, hard drive highly recommended, or at least a large RAM drive. R-Time 8 is fully supported. SpartaDOS Pro Ver 3.3c 19-Dec-97 (S)hareware 1994 by FTe - SpartaDOS 3.3, originally derived from a disassembly of ICD SpartaDOS 3.2c, was developed by Stephen J. Carden with Ken Ames specifically to be an optimal environment for running BBS Express! Pro. - SpartaDOS 3.3c was released on cartridge by Video 61 in early 1998. o Carina BBS (Carina I), Carina Software Systems (Jerry Horanoff), 1986 - Highly modular, modifiable code written in Atari BASIC - Features Programmable Modem Operating Environment (MOE) - Supports XMODEM file transfers o Carina BBS version II (Carina II) (c)1988 Carina Software Systems (Jerry Horanoff) v2.5 upgrade (4/24/91) (c)1990 by Shadow Software (David Hunt) v2.6 (6/15/93) by Shadow Software (David Hunt) v2.7 (c)1995 by Shadow Software (David Hunt) - Requirements: Atari XL/XE computer, at least 500KiB of storage capacity (combination of disk drives and/or RAM drive), a modem, and SpartaDOS 2.3 or greater. - Recommended: 192KiB RAM drive or greater, R-Time 8 - Explicitly supported: MIO interface and a hard drive - A complete re-write of Carina BBS - Highly modular, modifiable code written in Atari BASIC - Programmable Modem Operating Environment II (MOE II) - VT-52 graphics support - Features proprietary C-Modem file transfer protocol, also supports: XModem, XModem CRC, YModem (1K X-Modem CRC), YModem Batch, ASCII, others o Commonwealth XL BBS -- (c)1985, 1986 by Smokey Layton - Expected to run under MYDOS 3 or higher. - Requires disk drive (including RAM drive) with 180KiB capacity or higher - Written in BASIC; BASIC XL supported - Has a control structure that is modeled after AMIS BBS programs o ECABBS -- Efficient Chips Atari Bulletin Board System by Matthew Jones, V2.0, 1983 - Originally a commercial release, then released to the public domain - Requires R: handler - Written in Atari BASIC o FoReM BBS -- Friends of Rick E. Moose BBS. Developed/sold by Matthew R. Singer. Versions that operate with the Atari 850, the ATR8000, and other configurations. Written in Atari BASIC. Matt Singer writes: FoReM BBS derived from an early AMIS. When multiple message areas were added the name was extended to FoReM 26M. Then, When OSS released BASIC XL the program was rehacked and called FoReM XL... Bill Dorsey wrote most of the Assembler routines (where is he now?). o FoReM MPP BBS -- developed by Matt Singer, modifications by Matt Ingram and Ted Rosner, sold by MPP. FoReM BBS version for the MPP direct-connect modems (MPP-1000C). (source: Micro of Monmouth Volume 3 Issue 10) o FoReM 26M BBS -- developed/sold by Matt Singer. FoReM BBS updated to support multiple message area. o FoReM XL BBS -- developed/sold by Matt Singer. FoReM 26M updated to take advantage of BASIC XL from OSS. o FoReM XE BBS -- developed by Matt Singer This version of FOREM BBS requires the commercial BASIC XE cartridge in order to run. It is in the public domain and can import and export messages from the Atari PRO! BBS EXPRESS-NET (7-bit text only, control ATASCII graphics are reserved for message data-structure bytes). o FoReM XE Professional BBS / FoReM XEP BBS -- by Len Spencer A re-write of FoReM XE BBS, last version was 5.4, Jan 5 1993. FXEP requires an XL/XE computer with at least 128KiB of memory, the BASIC XE cartridge from OSS/ICD, SpartaDOS 3.2 (this program will NOT work with any other version), and at least 500KiB of storage. o Madrona Marsh BBS -- written by Matt Arrington "very structured and very customizable at the same time" - Brian A. Diaz o MBBBS (Message Base Bulletin Board System) -- early name for ATKeep, see above o Nite Lite BBS -- Paul S. Swanson - First online: November 3, 1983. Ran completely in RAM. - Second version shifted the message base to a disk drive. - Third version added XMODEM uploads/downloads, support for a second disk drive, menus were shifted to disk, ran the first online text adventure - Fourth version shifted more of the system to disk, ran on the ATR8000 and double density disk drives. - Version 5.0, Copyright 1985 - Integrated support for Nite Lite Systems V:Handler (RAM drive) - Supports C-GUL protocol for graphics and sound using the C-GUL terminal program o OASIS (the commercial version) / OASIS Jr. (the public domain version) The original OASIS BBS System was written by Rich Renner and Ralph Walden with tech support and input from Leo Newman. It was first published by OASIS BBS Systems (Renner/Walden/Newman) in 1986, and distributed by Leo Newman. Later, the rights were transferred to Glenda Stocks/Z INNOVATORS, then later (1991) to Jeff Williams ("Alf"). All machine language. OASIS is very crash-resistant and comes with a "dial out" screen so that the Sysop can use the BBS as a terminal program to call and fetch files without having to bring the BBS down and reload a terminal program. OASIS supports "Door programs" which it refers to as "OASIS PAL modules". An excellent message system, and a complex file system. It consists of "file libraries" with suites of "file types". There is quite a bit of overhead involved in performing a download (which may be a good thing, as it discourages file hogs). OASIS IV performs networking. SpartaDOS 3.2x recommended, but any DOS supported. R-Time 8 clock cartridge supported. Glenda Stocks writes at : I purchased the source code rights to OASIS and began marketing the BBS software to Atari 8-bit enthusiasts around the world. I felt that I had the superior BBS software because I had programmed in the ability to run external programs, including online games and user surveys. I also had added color prompts for IBM clone users who called Atari boards running my OASIS software. Sometime in 1991...I sold the rights to OASIS to a man in Canada.. Jeff Williams ("Alf") writes: (12/6/02) OASIS was around prior to either PRO or BBS Express! IIRC. I don't know when exactly it showed up, version 3.09 was the first one I remember seeing. What made it nifty was it was very fast, being all assembler, and having some different features that things like Forem & Carina didn't have. Compared to something like Forem MPP at the time, it was kind of amazing. Ralph Walden sold it to Glenda Stocks, who chopped it up into modules and sold it as ver 4.7. PRO was out by then, and was a much more complete offering imo. Glenda wrote some modules for 4.7, but it never really went anywhere because the architecture was so cramped with her changes. Eventually she gave up and sold me the source. I looked it over and realized it was a mess and nothing was going to happen with it. I worked on a version 5 for a while, but never made much progress. o Puff BBS -- by Robert (Bob) Puff "came with a hardware component to both provide ring detect for the Atari (none existed in the modem) and to serve as a hardware key/dongle associated with the software." o SMART BBS -- by Marco Benton This program is written entirely in BASIC. It expects to be running under a SpartaDOS environment. This BBS program uses a "modem clock string" rather than an R-Time 8 cartridge in order to retrieve the current time. It also comes with an Atari BASIC game door called "Sabotage". o TART-BOARD -- by Bob Alleger Early Atari BBS. o TCPIP Express -- by ILS - Integrated Logic Systems - Stephen J. Carden This upgrade is to the BBS Express Professional. This version is designed to function on the Internet and Multiplexer, though neither is required. Targeted at the serious, big-system Internet SysOp. Will ONLY run on SpartaDOS 3.2x or greater or RealDOS. TDLINE must be installed, and the R-Time 8 is fully supported. Written in 100% machine language. o Technical Difficulties (or "TD") - Written by a pair of guys in the Miami area. - Worked with MPP modems. - Required The Translator disk. - Later became Technical Difficulties XE ("TDXE") and required BASIC XE. - From one of the authors: "It started out life as an AMIS system, but we added an account system and message forum to make it look and feel like a FoReM system." o XeBBS+ -- by Jonathan Taylor for the Atari 130XE / Expanded 800XL, required BASIC XE, designed to work with the SupraDrive hard disk. "used the Automatic Modem Processor (AMP) code from FoReM XE, but was otherwise written from scratch." - Jonathan Taylor o 835 & 1030 & XM301 Modem Bulletin Board -- by Gardner Computing (earlier) / Duplicating Technologies (DT)(later) Auto answer, XMODEM upload/download, sold with ring detector. Ads: ROM #9 Dec84/Jan85 p. 37; Antic v4n10 Feb 86 p. 44 ------------------------------ Subject: 8.17) What games support online action via modem? - Commbat, by Robert Schilling for Adventure International, 1981 - Computer Battleship, by John Babson and Bill Cleis - JellyBeans, by Chris Martin, 2004 - MIDI Maze, by Michael Park for Xanth F/X (prototype for Atari, 1989) - Supports XM301, SX212, or R1:(850) - Modem Chess, by Gary Heitz, 1986 - Tele-Chess, by Thomas McNamee and Pete Goodeve for Antic, May 1983 ------------------------------ Subject: 8.18) What Internet applications are there for the Atari? This section lists Internet applications supporting the Dragon Cart or Dracarys Ethernet devices, or supporting the N: device provided by SIO2BT (Bluetooth) and FujiNet (Wi-Fi). The following work with the Dragon Cart or the Dracarys Ethernet devices: - Contiki OS package for Atari, by Oliver Schmidt - WEBBROWS.COM - Text-based web browser with mouse support - WGET.COM - Downloads content from a web server and saves it as a file - IRC.COM - Internet Relay Chat client - WEBSERV.COM - Web server for static web pages - TELNETD.COM - Telnet daemon providing access to a simple shell for a Telnet client like PuTTY. - - IP65 package for Atari by Oliver Schmidt, Christian Groessler, Jonno Downes - Date65 - a Network Time Protocol (NTP) client. - Telnet65 - a Telnet client with a VT100 terminal emulation. The network part is based on IP65 and the terminal part is based on CaTer. - Tweet65 - post a tweet on Twitter. - - 8bit-Slicks, game by Anthony Beaucamp (8bit-Dude), Dragon Cart version - The following work with SIO2BT (Bluetooth) or FujiNet (Wi-Fi): Available at : - PLATOTERM - a Version of the PLATO terminal for IRATA.ONLINE, pre-configured to connect to IRATA.ONLINE - boot-disk-cc65-template - An example project that creates a single density (90K boot disk) that runs a program. - appkey-sample - CC65 sample code to write and read a FujiNet App Key - Capture_the_Flag - Patched version of Capture the Flag for #FujiNet - netcat, netcat-action, netcat-asm - Netcat examples in C, Action!, and 6502 assembly - boot-disk-cc65-template - example CC65 linker file, associated source files, and an example program that when compiled, creates a complete boot loadable program contained in an ATR image, ready to boot in any Atari 8-bit system - election2020 - US election tracker - LiteSAM - a handler that can be loaded at boot in any Atari DOS, to redirect the screen editor (E:) device output to also go to #FujiNet's built-in S.A.M. speech synthesizer, essentially giving you a screen reader - twitter - A Twitter client for #FujiNet - vt100 - A DEC VT100 emulator that uses N: Available at from Wojciech Bocianski (bocianu): - Simple UDP chat server - UDP shoutbox - chessNet - client - FujiNet_HSC - Hi Score Cafe client - weather - client - fujinews client - Fujinet news client - fujitalk-client - FujiTalk chat client Available at : - 8bit-Slicks, game by Anthony Beaucamp (8bit-Dude), FujiNet version ------------------------------ Subject: 9.1) What file formats for entire disks/tapes/cartridges are there? It is now common, especially when working on modern computers, to work with Atari software as files or "images" containing the data from an entire disk, data cassette, or cartridge as duplicated from the native media for the Atari. Here is a list of file formats, arranged by their associated filename extensions. These are all filename extensions used to name files containing entire 8-bit Atari floppy disk images, cassette tape images, or cartridge images. .A2R -Raw flux image format invented by John Keoni Morris for his Applesauce floppy drive controller hardware and software. Comparable to .SCP SuperCard Pro files and RAW KyroFlux stream files. .ATR -Image format invented by Nick Kennedy, for his SIO2PC project. Very similar to .XFD but with an added 16 byte header. Widely used format for images of 8-bit Atari disks for use on other computer platforms. Does not support custom formats as found on disks with copy protection. .ATX -Image format invented by Jorge Cwik (ijor), for VAPI project. Goal of Vapi is the preservation of Atari software in its original unmodified form, including custom formats used for copy protection. .ATX is a superset of .ATR, but .ATX supports images of 90KiB single density disks only. (format enhancements 2020) .BIN -(1) Same as .ROM, see below; or (2) a binary file as described in a separate section of this FAQ list regarding filename extensions. .CAR -Cartridge ROM image format invented for the Atari800 emulator (first introduced in Atari800 0.8.0). Format includes information about cartridge type. Contains the 'CART' signature at the beginning of the file. .CAS -Cassette image format invented by Ernest R. Schreurs, for his Digital Cassette Image system (includes CAS2SIO, WAV2CAS, and CAS2WAV MS-DOS utilities). See: - The .CAS format was extended by Tomasz Krasuski to support non- standard data (copy prevention mechanisms), for his A8CAS shared library, tools, and emulator patch. - More .CAS tools: Note that the .CAS format, both original and extended, only includes the digital track; it does not include the audio track. .DCM -Image format invented by Bob Puff for his Disk Communicator 3.2 utility. Intended for use on native Atari hardware. A compressed data format. DISKCOMM is at .DCM specs at: Comparable to the less commonly used .SCP SpartaDOS SCOPY format. .DD -Early filename extension used with double density disk images for use with the Xformer emulators. Superseded by the .XFD extension. .DI -Image format invented by Kolja Koischwitz & Christian Krueger for 800XL DJ, their 1050/XF551 disk drive emulator for the Atari ST/TT/Falcon. DRAFT-Data Recording Archival Flux formaT. Standard in progress by the Software Preservation Society (SPS), intended for archival preservation of flux transition stream information from floppy disks. .PRO -Image format invented by Steven Tucker for his APE ProSystem. Supports emulation of custom formats used for copy protection. .RAW -KryoFlux raw stream protocol file, protocol invented by Istvan Fabian for the KyroFlux USB-based floppy disk drive controller. According to the developer, these stream files are not intended for long term preservation; long term storage of disk data should instead be kept in the DRAFT file format, once the DRAFT standard is complete. - - Comparable to .SCP SuperCard Pro and .A2R Applesauce flux image files. .ROM -ROM dump file, raw with no header information. Typically a cartridge memory dump, but also used for an operating system memory dump. .SCP -Image format invented by ICD, for SpartaDOS. Used with the external SpartaDOS command SCOPY, distributed with SpartaDOS 3.2. Intended for use on native Atari hardware. A compressed data format. Comparable to the more commonly used .DCM format. .SCP -Flux image file format invented by Jim Drew for his SuperCard Pro universal floppy disk copier/imager/converter hardware/software for Windows PC. Comparable to RAW KyroFlux stream and .A2R Applesauce flux image files. .SD -Early filename extension used with single density disk images for use with the Xformer emulators. Superseded by the .XFD format. .WAV -Waveform Audio File Format is an audio file format standard, developed by IBM and Microsoft, for storing an audio bitstream on PCs. Though a WAV file can contain compressed audio, the most common WAV audio format is uncompressed audio in the linear pulse code modulation (LPCM) format. This format is suitable for archival preservation of information recorded on cassettes used with the Atari. .XFD -"Xformer Floppy Disk" image format invented by Emulators, Inc. (Darek Mihocka) for the Xformer emulators (ST, PC). Known earlier, before support for arbitrary disk sizes was added, as .SD or .DD depending on the density of the imaged disk. The format consists simply of a raw sector dump of a disk. Essentially superseded by the .ATR format. ------------------------------ Subject: 10.1) How can my PC's internal floppy disk drive use Atari diskettes? This section lists solutions for accessing an Atari format 5.25" floppy disk using a legacy PC with built-in standard floppy disk drive hardware. Atari-Link PC (AtariDsk) V1.2 (c) 95-12-09 ========================================== by HiassofT (Matthias Reichl) Ataridsk is a program for MSDOS-PCs that allows you to access Atari floppy disks in double density (180KiB). All you need is a PC (XT or 286 should be sufficient) and a 5.25" floppy drive. Features of this tool: * Menu driven user interface * Read, write and format Atari disks on the PC * Small size (only 35KiB) WriteAtr V0.92b =============== by HiassofT (Matthias Reichl) With WriteAtr you can write double density ATR-images to Atari floppy disks on your MSDOS-PC. You can also create ATR-images of double density floppy disks! All you need is a PC and a 5.25" and/or a 3.5" floppy drive. Version 0.92b added experimental support for the enhanced density (1040 sectors/128 bytes per sector) format. Please note: this format doesn't work with a lot of floppy controllers - use it at your own risk! MyUTIL ====== - By Mark K Vallevand - Based on Charles Marslett's UTIL. - - Includes SpartaDOS disk utility v0.1e to access 180KiB SpartaDOS disks ATARIO ====== - By Dave Brandman with Kevin White - Reads SS/DD 180KiB Atari disks. - (atario21.arc) SpartaRead ========== - By Oscar Fowler - Reads SS/DD 180KiB SpartaDOS disks. - UTIL ==== - By Charles Marslett - Reads/Writes SS/DD 180KiB Atari disks. - =============================================================== Here's some advice on using the above utilities from Hans Breitenlohner: There are two technical obstacles to interchanging disks between DD Atari drives and PC drives. 1. The Atari drive spins slightly slower (288 RPM instead of 300 RPM). If you format a disk on the Atari, then write sectors on the PC, it is possible that the header of the next physical sector will be overwritten, making that sector unreadable. (The next physical sector is usually the current logical sector+2). The solution to this is to format all disks on the PC. (Aside: Does anybody know how this problem is handled on the XF551? Is it also slowed down?) Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz answers: "The XF551 disk drive is not slowed down - these drives are spinning 300 rotations per minute. To prevent troubles with read/write disks formatted and written on normal Atari drives (288 rot/min), the main crystal frequency for the floppy disk controller is 8.333MHz (not 8MHz, as in 1050, for example)." 2. If the PC drive is a 1200KiB drive there is the additional problem of the track width. The following is generally true in the PC world: - disks written on 360KiB drives can be read on either drive - blank disk formatted and written on 1200KiB drives can be read on either kind - disks written on a 360KiB drive, and overwritten on a 1200KiB drive, can be read reliably only on a 1200KiB drive. - disks previously formatted on a 360KiB drive, or formatted as 1200KiB, and then reformatted on a 1200KiB drive to 360KiB, can be read reliably only on a 1200KiB drive. (All this assumes you are using DD media, not HD.) Solution: Use a 360KiB drive if you can. If not, format disks on the Atari for Atari to PC transfers, format truly blank disks on the PC for PC to Atari transfers. Jon D. Melbo sums it up this way: So a basic rule of thumb when sharing 360KiB floppies among 360KiB & 1200KiB drives is: Never do any writes with a 1200KiB drive to a disk that has been previously written to in a 360KiB drive....UNLESS... you only plan on ever using that disk in the 1200KiB drive from then on out. Of course a disk can be reformatted in a particular drive any time for use in that drive. As long as you follow that rule, you can utilize the backward compatible 360KiB modes that most 1200KiB drives offer. =============================================================== AnaDisk + DeAna =============== While the above mentioned utilities work with SS/DD 180KiB Atari-format disks or SS/DD 180KiB SpartaDOS disks, the following combination of utilities has been used successfully to read SS/SD 90KiB Atari-format disks. So if you only have standard Atari 810 and/or Atari 1050 drives, you could look into: AnaDisk, created by Chuck Guzis at Sydex, Inc. in 1987 - "Scan, edit, repair and copy just about any kind of diskette" - Version 2.01, November, 1989 - One source for AnaDisk 2.06 (1992): - Some have reported more luck with this than 2.07 - One source for AnaDisk 2.07 26-Aug-92: - Last free version, readily available, but sometimes described as buggy - Sold to New Technologies Inc. (NTI) by Sydex in March 2000. - More information: DeAna by Nate Monson Available: - Converts AnaDisk dump files from Atari format See for tips on using this combination of utilities. OmniFlop (as of 2007) ======== - By Sherlock Consulting (Jason Watton) - A 'universal' floppy disk reader, writer, and tester for the IBM PC or compatible, with built-in floppy drive hardware, which can handle alien floppy disk formats not normally supported by DOS, Windows and Linux. - OmniFlop on its own transfers disks between systems. If you want to access files, for example, on these disks then you need more - you will need to use OmniFlop to image the disk, then other software to interpret the filing system. OmniFlop alone only handles whole disks. - Features include, as of 2nd Sep 2007 v2.01m Release: - Read, write, and format Atari 8-bit format (90KiB). (Charles Doty) - Available: ------------------------------ Subject: 10.2) How can my PC with USB floppy disk drive use Atari diskettes? The following hardware/software solutions involve USB-based floppy disk drive controllers that interface a standard floppy disk drive (designed for legacy internal floppy disk drive controller) with a modern computer via USB interface. KyroFlux (2009) - By KryoFlux Products & Services Limited - Official hardware developed by The Software Preservation Society (SPS) - A USB-based floppy controller designed specifically for reliable low-level reads, sampling the magnetic flux transition timing, suitable for software preservation - Save as raw stream files (.RAW), or export to common sector formats including Atari 8-bit (XFD, both FM and MFM) - Compatible with USB 2.0 (high-speed) - Powered by USB interface (approx. 500mA). Drive requires its own power. - Shugart (with extensions) drive interface. 34-pin dual-row header connector. - Works with all major 3.5" and 5.25" drives - Works with selected 3" (e.g. Amstrad FDI-1) drives - Also works with 8" (e.g. Shugart 851; might require additional adapter) drives - Host software is currently Windows (XP and up, 32 and 64-bit flavours), Mac OS X and Linux. FC5025 USB 5.25" floppy controller, by Device Side Data (2010) - Connects to any computer's USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 port. - USB powered. Power from USB runs only the FC5025 itself; you must supply power to the drive mechanism separately. - Sold as a controller board only without a drive mechanism. - Tested to work well with the TEAC FD-55GFR drive and should also work with most other PC-style 5.25" drives. - The FC5025 is read-only. It cannot write to floppies. - The FC5025 may be unable to read disks that are damaged or copy-protected. - The FC5025 is intended for 5.25" disks only, not 3.5" or 8" disks. - Most PC-style drives can't read the second side of two-sided/flippy disks, unless the disk has a second index hole/timing hole corresponding to the reverse side. - The included software works on: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows - The included software supports types of disk including: Atari 810 SuperCard Pro by Jim Drew (2013) - USB device for PC. - Can automatically duplicate any disk that was written with the data starting and ending at the index pulse. "99% of Atari 400/800 commercial disks were created this way." - Device includes a standard 34 pin (17 x 2, .100" x .100") floppy drive interface. - Make backup copies of 5.25" or 3.5" floppy disks (including any Atari disk) directly to another disk, or store the data as a flux image file (.scp) Applesauce Floppy Drive Controller, by John Keoni Morris (2018) - Floppy drive controller for connecting vintage Apple II 5.25" and 3.5" floppy drives up to your modern computer via a USB connection. - Includes Applesauce Client Software for macOS - As of Version 1.37 (June 2020), supports FM and MFM encoded disks, and supports 40 track disks. As a result, can work with Atari format disks. - Fast Disk Imager can image an unprotected floppy disk. Supported formats include Atari DOS 2.0 and DOS 2.5. - The .A2R format is the raw flux images as recorded by the Applesauce hardware and software. Greaseweazle project by Keir Fraser (2019) - A USB interface and tool for reading and writing floppy disks in any format - There are two broad categories of Greaseweazle: - Greaseweazle F1: Based on the STM32F103 microcontroller and the "Blue Pill" development board. - Greaseweazle F7: Based on the STM32F730 microcontroller and a fully custom PCB. - When dumping disks it produces .SCP flux image files (SuperCard Pro) Project: Group: Greaseweazle F7 Plus USB Floppy Interface Flux Tool (2020) - Designed by Ant Goffart (with help from Keir Fraser, designer of original Greaseweazle F7). - Added stronger buffers for driving 5.25" drives with higher current pull-up resistors. - Integrated 5V switching regulator, so only a single 12V supply is required for drives needing both rails. - Choice of full-size or micro USB connector. =============================================================== Key software for making use of tools like KyroFlux and SuperCard Pro with Atari disks and disk images: a8rawconv by Avery Lee, 2014- - Convert from a raw disk image (RAW or SCP) produced by imaging hardware to a decoded Atari disk image (ATR or ATX). Raw images can be produced from physical floppy disks either by KryoFlux or SuperCard Pro imaging hardware. - Convert between ATR and ATX (either direction). - Convert from RAW to SCP. - Use a SuperCard Pro device to directly read from a floppy disk. - With a SuperCard Pro device, write images to physical disks. Version 0.94 (August 15, 2020) available: ------------------------------ Subject: 10.3) How can my PC use my Atari disk drive? This section describes hardware cables/interfaces designed to connect an Atari floppy disk drive to a modern PC, as well as software running on modern computers used with such devices. HARDWARE ======== ==> 1050-2-PC, by Nick Kennedy Hardware design: Additional cable/interface designs and sources: - (Frank Heuser) - 10502PC / SIO2PC-USB (Lotharek) - Atari8Warez SIO2PC/10502PC Dual-USB ==> APE ProSystem, by Steven Tucker - The ProSystem hardware is a cable designed to allow connection of a stock 1050 disk drive directly to a PC's serial port for use by the companion ProSystem software. Latest version: Atarimax Universal SIO2PC/ProSystem interface, USB or RS-232/Serial versions SOFTWARE for 1050-2-PC and/or ProSystem cable/interface ======== ==> 1050-2-PC function of SIO2PC 4.x, by Nick Kennedy - Requires 1050-2-PC cable - Software allows direct sector I/O with the Atari drive and can be used to create disk images which will emulate copy protection schemes when run on SIO2PC. - Supports the .ATR disk image format. - SIO2PC home page: ==> APE ProSystem, by Steve Tucker - The ProSystem software program is used to create (protected or unprotected) .PRO format disk images. These disk images can then be accessed by the Atari using Steven Tucker's Atari Peripheral Emulator (APE) cable/software. - ==> atarixfer module of AtariSIO package, by Matthias Reichl, 2002- Used to read/write disk images from/to a Atari drive connected to your Linux box with an 1050-2-PC cable or an APE ProSystem cable. Requires a 2.2, 2.4, 2.6 or 3.x series Linux kernel (with enabled module support) and a serial port with a 16550 or 16C950 compatible chip. Supports the .ATR disk image format. ==> ALibPc, by Ray Ataergin - Used to make ATR archives from Atari 8-bit computer disks, and to create real Atari 8-bit disks from ATR archives. - High-speed disk drive upgrades like US Doubler, Speedy and Happy are supported in either regular or high speed. - Recommended software for Atari8Warez SIO2PC/10502PC Dual-USB interfaces. - AspeQt-A8W Edition is not required but highly recommended for full integration of the two applications - Other versions/forks of AspeQt are not supported - 10502PC devices supported at regular speed are: - Atari8Warez SIO2PC/10502PC Dual-USB - Lotharek 10502PC/SIO2PC-USB - AtariMax Universal SIO2PC/ProSystem Interface (RS232 serial version only) - Any other 10502PC device based on either RS232 or VCP serial port technology - Devices supported at high speed are: - Atari8Warez SIO2PC/10502PC Dual-USB - Lotharek 10502PC/SIO2PC-USB ------------------------------ Subject: 11.1) What is the history of Atari's 8-bit computers platform? Information presented here is derived as directly as possible from sources published or produced in the original time period. While also consulted extensively, modern historical retrospectives (including books, oral histories, and especially websites) are utilized chiefly as pathways to primary sources. Key sources for 1977-1978: Credit to Tomasz Krasuski for finding sales figures in Polish periodicals: For a comprehensive Atari history: 1972 June 27: Incorporation of Atari, Inc. December: Atari dba Syzygy shipped Pong (the coin-operated game; first commercial production units). (WSJ 3/18/74 for date) 1975 February 16-18: Atari previewed consumer Pong at the American Toy Fair in New York. July: MOS Technology announced the MCS6502 microprocessor, samples to ship September 1975, and announced that the 6502 and other MCS6500 family microprocessors would be second sourced by Synertek. August?: Sears introduced Tele-Games Pong by Atari on page 410 of the Wish Book for the 1975 Christmas Season. September 16-19: MOS Technology introduced the MCS6502 microprocessor at WESCON (Western Electronic Show and Convention) in San Francisco. October: Atari formally established a Consumer Games Division. December: (after Dec. 25) Engineer Joseph C. Decuir, previously a research assistant at the San Francisco Institutes of Medical Sciences, joined Atari and would work with senior engineers Steve Mayer and Ron Milner at Atari's Cyan Engineering to help debug a concept prototype programmable video game project (later: Stella project). 1976 January 7-9: Atari introduced Pong (C-100) during the 4th annual Winter Consumer Electronics Show. (TVDigest 11/24/75 p8, 1/12/76p11) March: Atari VP Research and Development Al Alcorn established an advanced products group chartered to further develop the prototype programmable video game project invented at Atari's Cyan Engineering by Steve Mayer and Ron Milner, comprised of: Synertek engineer/Atari consultant Jay G. Miner (MOS/LSI design), Atari engineer Joe Decuir (logic design; previously of Atari's Cyan Engineering where he had helped debug the concept prototype), and mathematician/programmer Larry Wagner (software & systems architecture; previously of Singer Business Machines). The project would become known as: Stella July: MOS Technology announced a series of new chips in the 6500 family, including the MCS6520 PIA. (November: Commodore International acquired controlling interest in MOS Technology, and MOS Technology became a subsidiary of Commodore.) 1977 Spring: Synertek engineer/Atari consultant Jay Miner and Atari engineers Joe Decuir, Steve Mayer, and Ron Milner, originators of the Atari Stella project (soon to be introduced as: Video Computer System (VCS)), started conversing about a follow-up project. Consensus was that the next logical progression was to build a home computer that would be "a terrific game player." (Joe Decuir in Stella at 20 tape 19 00:20) May: Brad Stewart joined Atari (Consumer) as a Rosemary project (game system based on the Signetics 2650 microprocessor; product never introduced) programmer. Also joining Atari for the project: engineer/programmer R. Scott Scheiman. Chip engineering technician Steve Smith would join Atari as well ("Video Frog" project; same project?); Smith had been interviewed by lab supervisor Craig Hansen. (Bob Brown remained Atari (Consumer) director of microelectronics.) June 5-8: At the 11th annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Atari introduced the CX2600 Video Computer System (VCS). July 25: John D. Vurich, previously National Semiconductor product marketing manager (and prior to that, chief engineer at Mirco Games, Inc.), had joined Atari (Consumer) as new product manager (personal computer). (TVDigest 7/25/77 p11) August 9: Atari "Colleen" computer project broad specifications as proposed by Atari Cyan Engineering senior engineer Steven T. Mayer and Atari (Consumer) engineer Joe Decuir were accepted by Atari decision makers and contributors including Synertek engineer/Atari consultant Jay Miner, Atari (Consumer) director of microelectronics Bob Brown, Atari (Consumer) director of engineering M. John Ellis, Atari (Consumer) new product manager (personal computer) John Vurich, and Atari VP research and development Al Alcorn. (Decuir 1977 engineering notes p65-74) Miner would be Colleen project chief engineer. Fall?: Engineer Richard Simone, previously LSI design manager at National Semiconductor, joined Atari (Consumer) as LSI Design Manager. (Bob Brown remained Atari (Consumer) director of microelectronics.) Hires by Simone would include (all from National Semiconductor): Douglas G. Neubauer, Steve Stone, Mark Shieu, Delwin Pearson Fall?: Atari and Dorsett Educational Systems reached a licensing agreement that would bring Dorsett's Talk & Teach Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) System to Atari "Colleen" computer. November 29: Upon considering updated pricing estimates for the Atari "Colleen" computer project, Atari engineers considered targeting products at three consumer price points: "Colleen" would be the complete computer system, "Candy" would use the Colleen chipset but would be a non-expandable game player (no keyboard, no interface, potentially Atari VCS compatible), and "Elizabeth" would be the same as Colleen but with a 13-inch color monitor. (Decuir 1977 engineering notes p106-110) December: "Several other new personal computers, in the PET/TRS-80 price range, are coming soon...Atari (another video game manufacturer), and a European and Japenese [sic] company are also expected to enter the competition." (Micro #2 Dec77 p18; reprinted from "Northwest Computer Club News" Oct77) December 21: Atari "Colleen" computer project managers conducted design reviews of the 3 chips and system. Jay Miner remained project chief engineer; Joe Decuir would assume responsibity for ANTIC; George McLeod would focus on the next generation TIA (later: CTIA); Doug Neubauer would focus on POKEY; Scott Scheiman would focus on the digital system as a whole; Al Miller would be applications programmer and focus on hardware/software interface; Howard Bornstein would work on the system monitor/resident firmware. (Decuir 1978 engineering notebook p1) 1978 January 11: Planned Atari "Colleen" features included 4KiB RAM, 2 ROM cartridge ports, built-in keyboard, audio cassette I/O, serial port, and bus expansion, while "Candy" features would include 4KiB RAM, 1 ROM cartridge port, plug-in keyboard (joystick ports 3&4), audio cassette I/O, no serial port, no bus expansion. Project managers included: Al Miller, John Ellis, Jay Miner (project chief engineer), John Vurich, Joe Decuir, Howard Bornstein, Wade Tuma, Niles Strohl, Scott Scheiman (Decuir 1978 engineering notebook p3) January: "Other manufacturers are also looking at TV games as the way to enter the home-computing market. Atari is said to be working on a programmable unit featuring color graphics; it will use either custom chips or a 6502 micro." (ROM v1n7 Jan78 p60) January 31: Industrial designer John Hayashi (with previous experience as an Atari (Consumer) project engineer) had joined Atari (Consumer) as director of Industrial Design and Graphics (reporting to VP Consumer engineering John Ellis). (Decuir 1978 engineering notes p7; ArtOfAtari p306) Winter: Atari acquired the right to port Microsoft BASIC M6502 8K Version to the upcoming Atari personal computers ("Colleen"/"Candy"). See: Winter: Bob Brown, previously Atari (Consumer) director of microelectronics, would become director of research. John Ellis, previously Atari (Consumer) director of engineering, was promoted to VP engineering (assuming microelectronics from Brown). February 17: Software suggested by Atari (Consumer) programmer Larry Kaplan for demonstration on "Colleen"/"Candy" for January 1979 included: chess, BASIC, resident operating system, 2 action games (examples: 4 Player Tank, Super Bug), income tax preparation / personal finance, menu planning, demonstration cartridge (point of sale), support of: printer, floppy disk, cassette, Dorsett system (Decuir 1978 engineering notes p35) March: Ray Kassar, president of R.E. Kassar Corporation and Warner Communications senior marketing and management consultant for several weeks, was named general manager of Atari's Consumer Division (replacing VP research and development Al Alcorn in the role). The appointment was on a temporary, 6-month basis, and Kassar was free to return to R.E. Kassar Corp. as needed. (NYT 1/5/79, HowTheyAchieved, Merch 6/78) March: Peter N. Rosenthal, previously a molecular biologist and cancer researcher, joined Atari (Consumer) as a marketing research associate (personal computers). March: Atari (Consumer) hired computer programming consultant David Gjerdrum of PRODATA to port Microsoft BASIC M6502 for the Atari "Colleen"/"Candy" computer project. (Inside Atari DOS p.iv-v) (Wade Tuma remained Atari (Consumer) engineering manager; consultant Jay Miner remained "Colleen"/"Candy" project chief engineer.) April 20: Educational technology consultant Liza Loop of the LO*OP Center ("Learning Options Open Portal") gave an invited presentation to the Atari "Colleen"/"Candy" project engineering team. (Decuir 1978 engineering notes p71) Atari would proceed to hire Loop to write user manuals for the upcoming Atari personal computer systems. She interviewed with Atari (Consumer) engineering manager Wade Tuma. June?: Peter Rosenthal, previously Atari (Consumer) marketing research associate (personal computers), became Atari (Consumer) Manager of Software Planning (personal computers). July 6: "Candy", the reduced feature set version of the Atari "Colleen" computer, was still planned as a console with external plug-in keyboard. (Decuir 1978 engineering notes p84) July 10: Rather than a dedicated audio cassette I/O interface, Atari now planned the cassette interface on "Colleen" to be incorporated into the computer's 13-pin serial port. The cassette I/O interface on "Candy" was now planned to use the same form factor as the "Colleen" serial port. (Decuir 1978 engineering notes p88) August: Carol Shaw joined Atari (Consumer) as microprocessor software engineer (game designer/programmer). August: Atari (Consumer) hired Harry B. Stewart of NEOTERIC as a systems software consultant for the "Colleen"/"Candy" project. Stewart was hired by director of software development George Simcock. (Consultant Jay Miner remained "Colleen"/"Candy" project chief engineer.) September: Bob Polaro, previously a software engineer for Commodore, joined Atari (Consumer) as a software engineer. September/October: Steve Bristow, previously Atari (Coin-Op) VP Engineering and Plant Manager Pinball Production, became Atari (Consumer) VP engineering, Consumer Game (electronic toys & games) and Home Computer product lines. (Bristow resume) (John Ellis remained Atari (Consumer) VP engineering.) Reports to Bristow would include Niles Strohl (engineering manager, home computer line). The Atari "Candy" console, the reduced-feature version of the "Colleen" computer project, would be redesigned to incorporate a built-in monopanel keyboard, and would be marketed as a personal computer rather than as a game console. September/October: Atari "Colleen"/"Candy" computer project system monitor/resident firmware and BASIC development efforts were essentially re-started. Veteran Atari (Consumer) programmers assigned to the new effort would include: Alan Miller, Larry Kaplan, David Crane. (Harry Stewart remained systems software consultant for Atari; George Simcock remained Atari (Consumer) director of software development; consultant Jay Miner remained "Colleen"/"Candy" project chief engineer.) October 6: Atari contracted with Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI, headed by Bob Shepardson) to create both a version of BASIC (would ship as: Atari BASIC) and a File Management Subsystem (FMS) for the upcoming Atari personal computers ("Colleen"/ "Candy"). The contract called for delivery by April 6, 1979. November 28: Warner Communications (WCI) announced that its Atari division was entering the personal-home computer industry with the "general purpose" Atari-400 System (project "Candy"; 57 key monopanel keyboard, single cartridge slot, cassette recorder capability), and the "specialized" Atari-800 System (project "Colleen"; dual cartridge capability, user expandable RAM to 48KiB, optional peripherals including floppy disk drive and 40-column printer). A library of software was to consist of applications such as: personal financial management, income tax preparation, household and office record keeping, and computer aided instruction in over 20 subject areas including math, English, history, literature, economics, psychology, and auto mechanics. Software was also to include games for one to four players such as: basketball, chess, life, kingdom, lemonade stand, fur trader and stock market. The computers were to be user-programmable using languages including BASIC. Michael Shea was Atari marketing director; Emanuel Gerard was a member of the Office of the President, WCI. (PR) Reportedly the 400/800 would retail for $450/$900; the FORTRAN programming language was also planned. (TVDigest 12/4/78 p11) December 14: Atari held a press conference in New York to unveil two personal computer systems, the Atari-400 ($500; 4KiB RAM) and the Atari-800 ($1,000; with internal 8KiB OS ROM Module, internal 4KiB RAM Module, 410 program recorder, 4 joystick controllers, Basketball cartridge, Atari BASIC cartridge, Atari 800 Operators Manual, Atari BASIC Programming Guide). Hands-on demonstration: Basketball. The computers were designed to pass FCC tests for use with home TV, and they were expected to ship August 1, 1979. Atari said it was studying connecting the computers with the Warner Amex QUBE two-way interactive cable television system in Columbus OH. In addition to the already designed printer & floppy disk drive, future peripherals including chord music module and drawing pen were planned. (TVDigest 12/18/78 p11; onComputing Fall79 p51-53 with photos; Atari 800 Operators Manual 1978 version) December: Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI) delivered working versions of Atari BASIC and a disk File Management System (FMS) to Atari. (Project leader: SMI contract programmer Paul Laughton.) (George Simcock remained Atari (Consumer) director of software development.) December 28: Manny Gerard, office of the president of Warner Communications with responsibility for Atari, instituted a change of leadership at Atari. Nolan Bushnell, previously Atari chairman and co-CEO, became creative consultant. Joe Keenan, previously Atari president and co-CEO, became Atari chairman (replacing Bushnell in the role). Ray Kassar, previously Atari (Consumer) general manager (temporary basis while remaining president of R.E. Kassar Corporation), joined Atari on a permanent basis as president (replacing Keenan in the role) and CEO (replacing Bushnell and Keenan in the role). 1979 January 8: Donald D. Kingsborough (of D.K. Associates, Inc., previously (Atari (Consumer) sales representative for Northern California (TCWp457)) had joined Atari (Consumer) as Director of Sales & Marketing, in part replacing Michael Shea (marketing) who departed the company. (TVDigest 1/8/79p12; Fun p381) January 6-9: At the Winter CES in Las Vegas (Las Vegas Convention Center, Hilton hotel, and Jockey Club hotel), Atari previewed the Atari-400 Personal Computer (8KiB RAM; approximately $500) and the Atari-800 Personal Computer (8KiB RAM; approximately $1,000). Previewed for the 400/800: cassette tape drive (410; to be sold separately for the 400; to be supplied with the 800). Previewed for the 800: high speed floppy disc (810), 40-column printer (820). Software shown or promised included: business & household management applications; over 20 Educational Library subjects including: Algebra, Basic Psychology, Counseling Procedures, Economics, Spelling, Vocabulary Builder, Auto Mechanics, Spanish, Great Classics, Sociology, Accounting, Statistics, U.S. History, Carpentry, Basic Electricity, Zoology; thinking games: Chess, Backgammon, Business Simulations, Fur Trader, Stock Market Simulation, Space Adventure, Superman; action games: Four Player Basketball, Super Bug Driving Game, Game of Life, Fire Truck, Four Player Tank. Also shown or promised: Atari BASIC (SMI) and Atari Disk BASIC (port of Microsoft BASIC). Atari (Consumer) programmer Larry Kaplan and chip engineering technician Steve Smith led the live demonstrations of the 400/800 at the show. Don Kingsborough was Atari (Consumer) Director of Sales & Marketing. Emanuel Gerard represented the Office of the President, WCI. (CreativeComputing 4/79p16 photo, p62-63 PR; The Intelligent Machines Journal Issue 2, 79 Jan 17; Merch 1/79) January: Atari ran an advertisement for the 400/800 on pp. 54-55 of Merchandising, vol. 4, no. 1, January 1979. January: Don Kingsborough, previously Atari (Consumer) director of sales & marketing, became VP sales & marketing. Peter Rosenthal, previously Atari (Consumer) Manager of Software Planning (personal computers), became marketing manager of personal computers (CCv5n8 Aug79p58), replacing John Vurich who departed the company. Rosenthal would report to Kingsborough. (Vurich and former Atari chairman and co-CEO Nolan Bushnell would together establish Axlon Incorporated on 3/26/1980). February: Synertek engineer/Atari consultant Jay Miner departed the companies (Atari Inc.: Business is Fun, p. 386) (to Custom MOS, Inc., which would change its name to ZyMOS in November 1980). February: Atari (Consumer) hired UC Berkeley doctoral student Ted M. Kahn, who had previously worked with the Learning Research Group at Xerox PARC (under Alan Kay), as a personal computers educational marketing consultant (essentially replacing consultant Liza Loop in the role). Kahn would report to marketing manager Peter Rosenthal. March 26: Atari had asked the U.S. FCC to extend the comments deadline on Texas Instruments' February 1979 petition for a waiver of the Class I TV Device rules, in what was widely seen as an attempt to delay market introduction of the TI home computer. The FCC agreed to extend the deadline to March 30. (TVDigest 3/26/79) Winter/Spring: Atari (Consumer) LSI design director Richard Simone departed the company (to Maruman Integrated Circuits). Winter/Spring: Atari canceled Atari Disk BASIC (port of Microsoft BASIC M6502 8K Version to the Atari-800), and Atari (Consumer) computer programming consultant David Gjerdrum of PRODATA departed the company. April 9: In joining others including Apple Computer, Interact, Mattel, and Radio Shack, Atari had registered its opposition to Texas Instruments' RF devices waiver request from the US FCC by submitting a 60-page report accompanied by technical data showing that TI standards could cause massive interference in urban areas, and claiming that "TI simply presented the Commission with its self-serving appraisal of what it considered 'reasonable standards' for home computer manufacturers, and asked for authority to produce & market a computer line satisfying its own standards." (TVDigest 4/9/79 p11) April: Atari chip engineering technician Steve Smith departed the company (to Custom MOS, Inc.). April: Rob Zdybel joined Atari (Consumer) as a game programmer. (George Simcock remained Atari (Consumer) director of software development.) April 16-June 30: Direct-mail "refund" promotion to all known (US) Atari VCS owners. Each of "hundreds of thousands" of owners would receive a blank check good for $2 on purchase of any of 28 VCS game programs. In addition, consumers were asked to answer 3 questions about Atari's new personal computers. Winners drawn from correct responses would receive Atari 400 & 800 computers and $100 computer merchandise certificates. (TVDigest 3/12/79p12; Merch 4/79) Spring: As Atari shifted international consumer sales/marketing from the former Atari International Division to the Consumer division, Anton Bruehl, previously a VP of one of the Burlington Industries' international divisions, would join Atari (Consumer) as VP international sales/marketing. May 11-13: At the 4th West Coast Computer Faire, held in San Francisco's Civic Auditorium & Brooks Hall, Atari showed/again promised the 400 computer (8KiB RAM; $549.99) and 800 computer (8KiB RAM with 410 program recorder; $999.99). Again shown/promised for the 400/800: 410 program recorder; for the 800: 810 disk drive ($749.99), 820 printer. Business & household management software shown/promised (titles not finalized): income tax preparation guide, personal financial management, record keeping, charge account management, personal capital investment management, mailing list/address book, computerized appointment calendar, inventory management, accounts payable, touch-typing trainer, payroll. Over 20 Educational Library subjects were again shown/promised including: Algebra, Economics, Auto Mechanics, Sociology, U.S. History, Zoology, Counseling Procedures, Vocabulary Builder, Basic Psychology, Spelling, Spanish, Accounting, Carpentry, Great Classics, Statistics, Basic Electricity, World History. Entertainment software shown/promised: Chess, Backgammon, Business Simulations, Stock Market Simulation, Space Adventure, Four-Player Basketball, Super Bug Driving Game, Game of Life, Super Breakout. Programming language: Atari BASIC. Demonstrations were led by Atari (Consumer) programmer Larry Kaplan. (4/79 400/800 flyers; Kilobaud Microcomputing 9/79 p52-54 includes photo; CreativeComputing 8/79p66 photo; Intelligent Machines Journal 79 Jun 11 p8) May 21: In response to Texas Instruments' technical reply to the U.S. FCC regarding its Class I waiver request, which said its interference standards exceeded Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA) standards, Atari had filed a follow-up noting that CBEMA standards were for commercial computers up to 30 meters from a TV, enclosing photos of broken-up TV pictures reportedly caused by a home computer with TI standards. (TVDigest 5/21/79 p13) May/June: Mike Lorenzen joined Atari (Consumer) as a game designer/ programmer. (George Simcock remained Atari (Consumer) director of software development.) June 3-6: At the Summer CES in Chicago Atari promised that the 400/800 base units would ship fall 1979, and featured a firmed 400/800 product line including suggested retail prices. 400 system (8KiB RAM) with BASIC cartridge and Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide): $549.99; 800 system (8KiB RAM) with BASIC cartridge, Education System Master Cartridge, Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide), 410 Program Recorder, and Guide to BASIC Programming cassette: $999.99; 810 Disc Drive: $749.99; 820 Printer: $599.99; 410 Program Recorder: $89.99; 8K RAM Memory Module: $124.99; 16K RAM Memory Module: $249.99; Driving Controller Pair: $19.95; Paddle Controller Pair: $19.95; Joystick Controller Pair: $19.95; ROM cartridges: Educational System Master Cartridge, Basketball, Game of Life (would ship as: Video Easel), Super Breakout, Super Bug (never shipped), Atari BASIC, Assembler Debug (would ship as: Assembler Editor), Music Composer, Computer Chess, Home Finance (earlier: Checkbook; never shipped); Educational System cassette programs: U.S. History, U.S. Government, Supervisory Skills, World History (Western), Basic Sociology, Counseling Procedures, Principles of Accounting, Physics, Great Classics (English), Business Communications, Basic Psychology, Effective Writing, Auto Mechanics (never shipped), Principles of Economics, Spelling, Basic Electricity, Basic Algebra; BASIC game and program cassettes: Guide to BASIC Programming (would ship as: An Invitation to Programming 1: Fundamentals of BASIC Programming), BASIC Game Programs (compilation never shipped); diskettes: Blank Diskettes (would ship as: 5 Diskettes), Disk File Manager (would ship as: Master Diskette). (CreativeComputing 8/79p26, launch kit) June 15: Atari announced U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Type I approval for the Atari 400 and Atari 800 personal computer systems, along with the Atari Program Recorder (410). It was the 29th consecutive Atari product approval by the FCC. (PR) June: Atari microcomputer systems engineer Joe Decuir departed the company. (Fun p387) (Decuir had established Standard Technologies Corporation on 7/7/78.) June: Completion date for the Atari 400/800 Operating System Rev.A. June: Atari (Consumer) programmer Larry Kaplan departed the company. (TCWp483) (He would help form Activision, which would be established on 10/1/79, and would join Activision in December 1979.) Month?: Georgia A. Marszalek joined Atari (Consumer) as manager of marketing communications (personal computers) (reporting to marketing manager Peter Rosenthal). July 2: The Atari 400/800 were offered for $549.95/$995.00 on page 774 of the JCPenney Fall And Winter 1979 catalog. (TVDigest 7/2/79) July: Robert A. Hovee, previously of Questor, joined Atari (Consumer) as personal computers sales & marketing VP, in part replacing Donald Kingsborough who departed the company (to return to his sales representative business, D.K. Associates; he would establish D.K. Marketing, Inc. on 10/01/1980, and S.K.U., Inc. on 5/11/81). Peter Rosenthal, previously personal computers marketing manager, would be promoted to director of marketing for personal computers (reporting to Hovee). Summer: Atari determined that the production version of the Atari 400 would feature the full Serial I/O interface as found on the Atari 800. (Previously: the 400 was to feature an audio cassette I/O interface using the same form factor as the full SIO interface on the 800.) Summer: Engineer Rob Fulop joined Atari (Consumer) as a game designer/programmer. August: Atari (Consumer) senior programmer / game designer Alan Miller departed the company. (TCWp483) (He would co-found Activision on 10/1/79.) August: Atari (Consumer) senior programmer / game designer David Crane departed the company. (TCWp483) (He would co-found Activision on 10/1/79.) August: Tod Frye joined Atari (Consumer) as a game designer/programmer. (Frye in Atari 50) John Eckstrom joined Atari (Consumer) as a programmer (operating systems, computer line). (Harry Stewart remained systems software consultant for Atari; George Simcock remained Atari (Consumer) director of software development.) August: Atari (Consumer) chip design engineer Doug Neubauer departed the company (to Hewlett-Packard). (Compute! #3 Mar/Apr 80 p75) August?: On pages 654-655 of the Wish Book for the 1979 Holiday Season Sears featured the Atari 400 personal computer system ($549) and accessories. Summer/Fall: The Atari plant at 1173 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale CA, previously home of Atari (Coin-Op) pinball production, was repurposed for 400/800 computer line manufacturing. Brad C. Saville would be Atari (Consumer) manufacturing manager (personal computers). September 4: Chris C. Crawford, previously an instructor with the University of California Extension, and designer of the self-published game Legionnaire for Commodore PET, joined Atari (Consumer) as a game designer/programmer. (Crawford was recommended for hire by Atari (Consumer) programmer Rob Zdybel.) September 4: The New York Times reported on p. D7, "Atari Inc., the maker of home video games, will introduce two new personal computer systems in the fall. The inaugural ad campaign, created by Doyle Dane Bernbach, will break in October in 12 national publications. TV commercials will also be aired in Los Angeles in November and December." September: Raymond E. Kassar, previously Atari president and CEO, would become Atari chairman and CEO, replacing Atari chairman Joe Keenan who announced his departure from the company. September?: Dennis Koble, previously Atari (Consumer) engineering manager for Consumer Games (electronic toys & games), became Atari (Consumer) software manager (new position, reporting to director of software development George Simcock). September 18: In response to petitions from Texas Instruments filed February 1979, and in rejection of expressed opposition from several companies including Atari, the U.S. FCC adopted an Order Granting Waiver in Part which granted Texas Instruments authority to apply for and receive certification of and to market its TI-900 RF modulator, to be effective 30 days after publication. (FCC 79-557; 44 FR 62339) TI would be able to market its home computer, the TI-99/4, effective November 23, 1979. September 24: Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (contract programmer Paul Laughton for SMI) completed the File Management Subsystem (FMS) for the Atari personal computers. (George Simcock remained Atari (Consumer) director of software development.) October: Atari shipped the 400 personal computer system (NTSC; 8KiB RAM) and the 800 personal computer system (NTSC; 8KiB RAM), each boxed with the BASIC Computing Language cartridge (Atari BASIC by SMI) and the Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide) book; also supplied with the 800 and also shipped separately (for 400 owners): the 410 program recorder and the Educational System Master Cartridge (Dorsett Educational Systems). (Byte 3/80p110 for date) October: "Atari's production lines were stalled for about a week in October due to yield problems at one of its chip suppliers, Synertek. The low yields at the semiconductor manufacturer resulted in significantly reduced delivery of the MPU [the 6502 microprocessor] to Atari, resulting in about a 3-week delay in getting the computers into the marketplace." Electronic News, December 10, 1979, p. 83. Fall?: Stephen N. Davis joined Atari (Consumer) as a product marketing manager, and Carol Abbott joined Atari (Consumer) as software product manager (each reporting to director of marketing (personal computers) Peter Rosenthal). November 8: Atari filed a Motion to Stay the effective date (November 23, 1979) of the Order Granting Waiver in Part that the FCC had granted to Texas Instruments on September 18, 1979. November 9: Dale Yocum, previously of Telesensory, had joined Atari (Consumer) to establish and manage a 400/800 programmers group as Applications Software Manager (personal computers). Yocum had been hired by software manager Dennis Koble, but would report directly to director of software development George Simcock, while Koble would remain software manager for game software (still reporting to Simcock). November: Sears, the U.S. national retailer, began test marketing the Atari 400/800 in its retail stores throughout California and the 400 in its stores in the Chicago area. (Electronic News, December 10, 1979, p. 83; Byte 4/80p115 for date) In its retail stores, for the 400/800 Sears offered 8 Computer Program Library cassettes, software developed by The Image Producers: Target Chase (7671), Baseball (7672), Stock Challenge (7673), Memory Maze (7674), Roman Checkers (7675), Oil Wells (7676), Frame Up (7677), Bingo Duel (7678). These were likely the first third-party products for the 400/800. November: Conrad C. Jutson, previously Texas Instruments marketing manager for personal computers, joined Atari (Consumer) as a personal computers sales manager. (Compute#5p16) Craig A. Conway would also join Atari (Consumer) as a personal computers sales manager. (Robert Hovee remained Atari (Consumer) VP sales & marketing for personal computers.) November 20: The U.S. FCC denied Atari's Motion to Stay the effective date (November 23, 1979) of the waiver granted to Texas Instruments on September 18, 1979, saying Atari hadn't presented any new evidence. (FCC 79-754; TVDigest 11/26/79) November 21: Regarding the FCC's November 20 denial of Atari's Motion to Stay the effective date (November 23, 1979) of the waiver granted to Texas Instruments on September 18, 1979, Atari sought judicial review and a court stay from the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit. (Atari v. FCC, No. 79-2376) November 23: The waiver granted by the FCC to Texas Instruments on September 18, 1979 to sell an independent RF modulator for home computers & video games (and effectively the TI-99/4 computer system) went into effect, and TI began sales of the TI-99/4. Atari filed a petition with the FCC requesting reconsideration of the TI waiver. November/December: Atari shipped: Basketball, Super Breakout, Computer Chess, the 810 disk drive with 810 Master Diskette (DOS developed by SMI), and the Talk & Teach Educational System cassettes (Dorsett Educational Systems): U.S. History, U.S. Government, Supervisory Skills, World History (Western), Basic Sociology, Counseling Procedures, Principles of Accounting, Physics, Great Classics, Business Communications, Basic Psychology, Effective Writing, Principles of Economics, Spelling, Basic Electricity, Basic Algebra November/December?: Lane Winner, previously of Versatec, joined Atari (Consumer) as an applications programmer (personal computers). Winner would report to applications software manager Dale Yocum. November/December: Kathy Forte joined Atari (Consumer) as an applications programmer (personal computers). Forte would report to applications software manager Dale Yocum. December 6: In Atari v. FCC, No. 79-2376, the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit denied Atari's motion for stay. (Atari's November 23 request for reconsideration by the FCC remained active.) December 10: "Atari is funneling large quantities of its 400 and 800 personal computers and software to Sears, Roebuck, while retail computer stores have been faced with late hardware deliveries and received very little, if any, software." (Electronic News, December 10, 1979, p. 83.) December: Chris Crawford, previously an Atari (Consumer) game designer, transferred to the personal computer application programmers group (reporting to applications software manager Dale Yocum). December: Steve Bristow, previously Atari (Consumer) VP engineering, Consumer Game (electronic toys & games) and Home Computer product lines, would remain VP Engineering, Consumer Game product line (electronic toys & games). (Bristow resume) John Ellis remained Atari (Consumer) VP engineering, re-assuming computer product line engineering from Bristow. (Niles Strohl remained engineering manager, computer line, now reporting to Ellis.) 1980 January 5-8: At the Winter CES in Las Vegas, for the 400/800 (now $629.95/$1079.95; previously: $549.99/$999.99) Atari introduced the 825 printer, 830 modem, and 850 interface (each due summer 1980), again promised the 820 printer, introduced Video Easel (previously: Game of Life), 3-D Tic- Tac-Toe, Star Raiders, Assembler Editor (previously: Assembler Debug; April), Music Composer (March), and Personal Finance (previously: Home Finance; July; never shipped), featured Basketball and the Talk & Teach Educational System, again promised Introduction to Programming (previously: Guide to BASIC Programming), and announced Kingdom, Blackjack, Biorhythm, and Hangman. (InterfaceAge 2/80p49; InfoWorld 2/18/80p17 with photos; Merch; C015700 Rev.1; Touch the Future flyers; 12/79 400/800 flyers; price list) Atari announced a license agreement to market 8 personal capital investment management application programs designed by Control Data Corporation from CDC's Cyberware library, including: bond yield, bond price and interest, bond switch, stock rate of return, stock dividend analysis, stock charting, mortgage analysis, portfolio analysis (WSJ Jan8p37; TVDigest 1/14/80p13) (would ship as the four titles: Mortgage & Loan Analysis, Bond Analysis, Stock Analysis, Stock Charting). January?: Atari shipped 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe. January: Conrad Jutson, previously an Atari (Consumer) sales manager for personal computers, was promoted to VP Sales & Marketing, Personal Computers, replacing Robert Hovee who departed the company. (TVDigest 1/21/80p14; source) Craig Conway, previously also an Atari (Consumer) sales manager for personal computers (reporting to Hovee), would become national sales manager for personal computers (reporting to Jutson). January 21: Atari and Control Data Corporation (CDC) announced an agreement for the repair of Atari personal computers through the nationwide network of Control Data Service Centers. Under terms of the agreement, CDC would furnish a variety of repair services to owners and distributors of the Atari 400 and 800 personal computer systems, including warranty repair, safety and engineering changes, equipment upgrades and annual service contracts. Repair centers for Atari computers were being established in CDC's existing nationwide network of field service locations. Approximately 20 centers were open in California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas and Washington, with more scheduled. (Dr. Dobb's Journal) Winter: Bob Smith (Robert G. Smith) joined Atari (Consumer) as a programmer. He was hired by, and would report to, game software manager Dennis Koble. Winter: Dave Johnson, previously of Interact Electronics, joined Atari (Consumer) as a programmer (hired by director of software development George Simcock; reporting to applications software manager Dale Yocum). Winter: At IBM, the company's recently-created Entry Level Systems unit proposed a quick entry into the personal computer market by presenting to the IBM executive board a prototype "Personal Computer" based on the Atari 800, along with a proposal to acquire the necessary technology by acquiring Atari. The presentation was actually a ploy by the group to win support for developing a personal computer independent of the rest of the company's standard lengthy and elaborate product development process. The ploy was successful, ultimately leading to the August 12, 1981 introduction of the IBM 5150 Personal Computer (IBM PC). (see: Delete: A Design History of Computer Vapourware, by Paul Atkinson, 2013, pp. 86-91) February 11: The Sears spring-summer catalog featured the Atari 400 at $549, and the Atari 800 at $999. (TVDigest 2/11/80p10) February?: Atari shipped Video Easel and Star Raiders. March 14-16: Atari did not attend the 5th West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco, although Atari retail training staff and support personnel were present assisting several 400/800 dealers. (Compute #4p6) March?: Atari shipped: Music Composer March: Science Research Associates (SRA, the subsidiary of IBM) and Atari announced that SRA would develop educational computer courseware in reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, intended for Atari personal computers used in the home; Atari would have the right to market this software. Additionally, SRA would have primary responsibility for the sale of Atari personal computers and services to the educational community (public and private, pre-school through university level). (Compute#4p76; InfoWorld 3/31/80p2) March/April: Tandy Trower, previously of WICAT (World Institute for Computer- Assisted Teaching), joined Atari (Consumer) as an evaluator of 3rd party software titles (personal computers). He was hired by Atari (Consumer) director of marketing (personal computers) Peter Rosenthal. April 9: Atari's November 23, 1979 petition to the U.S. FCC to rescind the waiver of Class I TV rules granted to Texas Instruments was rejected by the commission. (FCC 80-191; TVDigest 4/7/80 p11; 4/14/80 p12) Atari and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) would appeal the FCC's decision to the United States District of Columbia Court of Appeals (Byte 4/80p115), which would reject the appeal. (Byte 5/80p146) April 23: George Simcock remained Atari (Consumer) director of software development. For the 400/800 product line: Dale Yocum remained applications software manager (reporting to Simcock), Tandy Trower remained an evaluator of 3rd party software titles (reporting to director of marketing Peter Rosenthal), Carol Abbott remained a software product manager (reporting to Rosenthal), Keith Ball was a systems software programmer (reporting to Simcock). Georgia Marszalek, previously manager of marketing communications (personal computers), had become a software product manager (reporting to Rosenthal). Brian Johnston, previously an Atari (Consumer) game developer (electronic toys & games), was serving as a systems software programmer on an interim basis (reporting to Simcock). Sally Bowman, previously a school psychologist for the Scottsdale Unified School District (Arizona), had joined Atari (Consumer) as manager of marketing communications (personal computers; replacing Marszalek in the role). Spring: For the 400/800 Atari shipped: An Invitation to Programming 1: Fundamentals of BASIC Programming (Program Design, Inc. (PDI); previously: Introduction to Programming), Kingdom, Blackjack, Biorhythm, Hangman (6/1/80 price list) May 12: Atari (Consumer) senior layout engineer Steve Stone had departed the company and established Macro Dienamics, Inc. (MDI) May?: Dennis Koble, previously Atari (Consumer) game software manager, was promoted to director of software development, replacing George Simcock who departed the company (retired). Brian Johnston, previously Atari (Consumer) game developer (electronic toys & games), would become systems software supervisor, computer line (new position; reporting to Koble). Systems software consultant Harry Stewart would now report to Johnston (previously: to Simcock). (Dale Yocum remained applications software manager, computer line, now reporting to Koble.) May 19: Steve Bristow, previously Atari (Consumer) VP engineering, Consumer Games (electronic toys & games), would become Atari (Consumer) VP engineering, assuming the role from John Ellis who had departed the company. (Niles Strohl remained engineering manager, computer line, now reporting to Bristow.) May 20-22: Atari featured the 400/800 personal computer systems at the 1980 National Computer Conference's (NCC) Personal Computing Festival at the Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim CA. Also at the show, Personal Software introduced the Atari 800 version (and the Commodore PET/CBM version) of VisiCalc by Software Arts. (The original Apple II version had shipped Oct. 1979.) (Byte 5/80p280-281; BostonGlobe5/27) June 15-18: At the Summer CES in Chicago, for the 400/800 ($630/$1,080) Atari introduced: 815 dual disk drive with DOS 2.0D ($1499.95; fall; never shipped), 822 printer ($449.95; summer), and Light Pen (CX70; $74.95; summer), again promised the 820 printer ($599.95; summer), 825 printer ($999.95; summer), 830 modem ($199.95; summer), and 850 interface ($219.95; summer), introduced Mortgage & Loan Analysis (Control Data Corporation (CDC)), Bond Analysis (CDC), Stock Analysis (CDC), Stock Charting (CDC), An Invitation to Programming 2: Writing Programs One and Two (Program Design, Inc. (PDI)), An Invitation to Programming 3: Introduction to Sound and Graphics (PDI), Astrology (never shipped), Conversational French (EMI / Longman), Conversational German (EMI / Longman), Conversational Spanish (EMI / Longman), Mailing List, Touch Typing, Calculator, Graph It, Statistics I, Energy Czar, States & Capitals, European Countries & Capitals, TeleLink I, Space Invaders (title by Taito), and again promised Assembler Editor. (No longer promised: Personal Finance.) Atari also previewed The Atari Accountant series (by BPI; would consist of: General Accounting System; Accounts Receivable System; Inventory Control System; each package in the series would require the 815 dual disk drive; series never shipped). Also, Atari had modified the 800 personal computer system package. The 800 would now ship with one CX853 16KiB RAM module installed (previously: one CX852 8KiB RAM module); the 410 program recorder and Educational System Master Cartridge were removed from the package; the BASIC Reference Manual was added to the package. (CC Sep80p30; Compute#5p4-5; TVDigest 6/2/80 p11; 6/1/80 price list) Months?: Jeff Burton joined Atari (Consumer) as International Market Manager, and Nancy Garrison, previously of Revlon, joined Atari (Consumer) as international marketing manager for computer software. (Anton Bruehl remained Atari (Consumer) VP international sales/marketing.) July 1: Date of the internal Atari document: "Atari PCS Applications Software Standards" REV 1.0 by Dale Yocum (application programmers group manager). July: Date of Atari Lease Agreement for 1196 Borregas Ave, Sunnyvale CA (future home of the future Atari Computer Division). July 29: Warner Amex Cable Communications announced a fall 1980 project in collaboration with Atari, Inc. and CompuServe that would provide a minimum of 100 subscribers to the Warner Amex two-way interactive QUBE service in Columbus, Ohio, with access to data from CompuServe through the use of provided Atari computers. (Warner Amex Cable Communications PR) Summer?: Atari shipped the 820 printer. Summer?: Atari (Consumer) game designer Carol Shaw departed the company (to Tandem Computers). Summer: Dennis Koble, previously Atari (Consumer) director of software development, would remain director of game software development. John R. Powers, III (John Powers), previously of The Authorship Resource, Inc. (ARI; established by Powers and Joe Miller on 4/1/77 to develop the OS and software for the CyberVision home computer), joined Atari (Consumer) as director of applications and systems software development. Reports to Powers would include applications manager Dale Yocum and systems software supervisor Brian Johnston. (Steve Bristow remained Atari (Consumer) VP engineering.) Summer: Atari donated 18 800 computers and 810 disk drives to the Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley CA, for their Math and Computer Project. The donation was arranged by Atari educational marketing consultant Ted Kahn. (AtConn Fal81 p12-15) August 19: Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (contract programmer Paul Laughton for SMI) completed the File Management Subsystem (FMS) for Atari DOS II. (Brian Johnston remained Atari (Consumer) systems software supervisor.) September: Roger H. Badertscher joined Atari to be president of the new Personal Computer Division, which would be spun off from the Consumer Division. Badertscher was previously VP and general manager of the microprocessor division of Signetics, an electronics semiconductor manufacturer, and he had developed the business plan for the new division. (InfoWorld 7/26/82p29 for date) Bruce W. Irvine, previously of Control Data Corporation (CDC), would join Atari (Personal Computer) as VP software (software engineering; reporting to Badertscher). Reports to Irvine would include director of applications and systems software development John Powers. Bill Kaiser, previously of Atari (Consumer), would be Atari (Personal Computer) director of finance. Niles Strohl, previously Atari (Consumer) engineering manager, computer line, would be Atari (Personal Computer) director of engineering. Kevin McKinsey, previously Atari (Consumer) industrial designer, would be Atari (Personal Computer) manager of industrial design and graphics. Brad Saville, previously Atari (Consumer) manufacturing manager (personal computers), would be Atari (Personal Computer) operations manager. The second floor at 1272 Borregas Ave, Sunnyvale CA would remain home of both Atari (Consumer) and Atari (Computer) engineering departments, with Atari (Coin-Op) engineering remaining on the first floor. (OnceUponAtari p25) September: David Staugas, previously of Exidy, joined Atari (Personal Computer) as a systems software programmer (reporting to systems software supervisor Brian Johnston). September: The Atari Customer Service Department, located at 1346 Bordeaux Dr, Sunnyvale CA, would expand to also occupy 1340 Bordeaux Dr, Sunnyvale CA. (see winter 1981 400/800 software manuals) Also, the unit began offering Customer Software Support for Atari 400/800 users. (AtariConnection v1n1p24) Jerry Jessop, previously manufacturing technician (400/800 line), would be Customer Service supervisor (400/800). September 15-December 31: Atari-sponsored dealer promotion: Free 410 plus Educational System Master Cartridge and choice of one Talk & Teach series title with purchase of 400 computer. Or, free CX852 8KiB RAM module with purchase of 800 computer (which shipped with one CX853 16KiB RAM module installed). September 16-18: Wescon/80, Anaheim CA, featured speakers including Peter N. Rosenthal, Atari (Personal Computer) director of marketing. September 29: Atari had appointed SSC&B Inc. to handle its personal computer division. (NYT 9/29) October: Chris Crawford, previously an Atari (Computer) applications programmer (having completed Energy Czar and SCRAM; reporting to applications software manager Dale Yocum), was promoted to supervisor of a new Software Development Support Group (technical support to outside programmers; reporting to director of applications & systems software development John Powers); the group would eventually include: Lane Winner, Jim Cox, Mike Ekberg, John Eckstrom (previously: operating systems programmer), Kathleen Armstrong/Kathleen Pitta, Gus Makreas, Amy Chen (Amy Liu), Bob Fraser, Jim Dunion October: Ken (Charles) Balthaser, previously designer and programmer at The Authorship Resource, Inc. (ARI), was hired as a consultant programmer by Atari (Personal Computer) (speech synthesis peripheral project; never introduced). (Niles Strohl remained Atari (Personal Computer) director of engineering.) Fall?: Atari shipped: 822 printer, 825 printer, 830 modem, 850 interface, CX70 Light Pen, Assembler Editor (SMI), TeleLink I (original "small box" release with 1 hour of access to CompuServe), Space Invaders (original cassette/"small box" release), States & Capitals, European Countries & Capitals, Mortgage & Loan Analysis, Energy Czar Fall: New production Atari 810 disk drives would ship with the newly-completed Disk Operating System Reference Manual. (Analog #1p23) Fall: At Atari (Personal Computer): Conrad Jutson, previously Atari (Consumer) VP Sales & Marketing, Personal Computers, was VP Sales & Marketing. Craig Conway, previously Atari (Consumer) national sales manager for personal computers (reporting to Jutson), would be national account manager (still reporting to Jutson). Keith E. Schaefer joined Atari (Personal Computer) as National Sales Manager (replacing Conway in the role). Fall: At Atari (Personal Computer): Christopher P. Bowman, previously director of media services at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, joined the company as national manager of educational marketing. Robert A. Kahn, previously an educational computer applications consultant (and prior to that, director of the Computer Education Project at the University of California, Berkeley), joined the company as manager, educational software products. Brenda K. Laurel, previously Manager, Educational Product Design at The Authorship Resource, Inc. (ARI), joined the company as a software specialist for educational applications. Tandy Trower, previously Atari (Consumer) evaluator of 3rd party software titles (personal computers), became a software product manager. (Peter Rosenthal remained director of marketing, reporting to VP Sales & Marketing Conrad Jutson.) Fall: Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI) contract programmer Paul Laughton joined Atari (Personal Computer) as a systems software programmer. (Brian Johnston remained Atari (Personal Computer) systems software supervisor.) November/December?: Atari (Personal Computer) applications programmer Kathy Forte departed the company. Atari reportedly lost $10 million on sales of computer equipment of $13 million in 1980 (InfoWorld 9/14/1981) Atari had sold 35,000 400/800 computers through 1980. (source?) 1981 January 6: Warner Amex Cable Communications, Atari, and CompuServe jointly announced the availability of the CompuServe Information Service to Columbus OH subscribers of the Warner Amex QUBE two-way interactive cable television system. An Atari 800 personal computer was lent to the subscriber as part of the service. January 8-11: At the Winter CES in Las Vegas Atari announced that the 400 would now ship in two versions: original 8KiB RAM version at the new list price of $499.95 (previously: $630), or new 16KiB RAM version for $630. For the 400/800 Atari introduced: Asteroids, Missile Command, SCRAM (A Nuclear Power Plant Simulation), Atari PILOT, Conversational Spanish, Atari Accountant: General Accounting System (BPI; with Business Manager's Companion Guide by Arthur Young & Company; package never shipped), Atari Accountant: Accounts Receivable System (BPI; never shipped), Atari Accountant: Inventory Control System (BPI; never shipped), Atari Word Processor. Also announced: Personal Fitness Program (ultimately released via APX), Personal Financial Management System. Again promised: An Invitation to Programming 2, An Invitation to Programming 3, Astrology (never shipped), Conversational French, Conversational German. (CC Mar81p54; Analog#1; 1981 Software Catalog) January: Niles Strohl, previously Atari (Computer) director of engineering, would be Atari engineering manager, advanced technology. Gene B. Rosen (Gene Rosen) would join Atari (Computer) as VP engineering (replacing Strohl in the role). (ComputerWorld 3/16/81p74) January: Atari (Computer) marketing established a Users' Group Support Program; Earl Rice would be Manager, Users' Group Support. January 27: Engineer Larry Plummer, previously of Heath Zenith where he had been director of advanced development, Zenith computer business group (and before that, director of computer products, Heath computer engineering group), would join Atari (Computer) as director of electrical engineering (reporting to VP engineering Gene Rosen). January/February: First issue of A.N.A.L.O.G. 400/800 Magazine, published by Lee Pappas and Mike DesChenes. 4000 copies printed. Winter: Atari shipped: Bond Analysis, Stock Analysis, Stock Charting, Mailing List, Touch Typing, Graph It, Statistics I (Analog#2p47) Winter: Atari Customer Support released: Technical User Notes (C016555), Atari 400/800 Operating System (OS) listing (with binder; CA016557), Atari 400/800 Disk Operating System (DOS) listing (without binder; C016558). (AtariConnection Spr81p21, Compute #12p80) Winter?: Brenda Laurel, previously software specialist for educational applications, would remain a software product manager. Mark O. McCrackin would join the company as a product manager for educational marketing (replacing Laurel in the role). (Robert Kahn remained Manager, Educational Software Products; Tandy Trower remained a software product manager; Peter Rosenthal remained director of marketing.) Winter: Onflo International Limited would become Atari's 400/800 line distributor in Hong Kong. February 2: Atari had announced that Conrad Jutson, previously Atari (Computer) VP Sales & Marketing, was promoted to (corporate) VP consumer market planning. (TVDigest) Peter Rosenthal, previously Atari (Computer) director of marketing (reporting to Jutson), would be Atari (Computer) VP business planning (new position). Atari announced that Rigdon Currie, previously of Xerox subsidiary Diablo, had joined the company as VP marketing for the Computer Division (Compute!#11p168; TVDigest) (replacing Jutson in the role). Mark A. Lutvak, previously product program general manager at Memorex, would join Atari (Computer) as director of product marketing (replacing Rosenthal in the role; reporting to Currie). Product marketing manager Stephen Davis would depart the company (to Corvus Systems Inc.), and software product manager Carol Abbott would depart the company. Tandy Trower, previously a software product manager (reporting to Rosenthal), would be promoted to software marketing manager (replacing Rosenthal in the role; reporting to Currie). February: J. Fred Thorlin had joined Atari (Computer) as director of software product acquisition (new position; reporting to VP software Bruce Irvine). (Thorlin's first charge: finalize a contract with Microsoft to bring Microsoft BASIC to the Atari product line.) Dale Yocum, previously Atari (Computer) applications software manager (reporting to director of applications & systems software development John Powers), established and would serve as manager of the new Atari Program Exchange (new position; reporting to Thorlin). Ken Balthaser, previously an Atari (Computer) consultant programmer in engineering (speech synthesis peripheral project), joined Atari (Computer) as applications software manager (replacing Yocum in the role; reporting to Powers). February: Andrew Soderberg, previously a partner at a computer retailer called Computer Connection, joined Atari (Computer) as an assistant software product manager (reporting to software marketing manager Tandy Trower). February: Atari (Computer) systems software programmer Dave Staugas departed the company (and returned to Exidy). (Brian Johnston remained systems software supervisor.) February 25: The source code to Atari BASIC (including Atari OS Floating Point Package (FPP)), the FMS component of Atari DOS 2.0S (DOS.SYS), and the Atari Assembler Editor were purchased from Shepardson Microsystems, Inc. (SMI) by Optimized Systems Software (OSS) (recently established by Bill Wilkinson, Mike Peters, Kathleen O'Brien, and Atari (Computer) systems software programmer Paul Laughton). ( March?: Atari VP research and development Al Alcorn departed the company. (Alcorn would establish Cumma Research, Inc. on 2/2/83.) March: Douglas A. Chorey, previously a senior analyst at Control Data Corporation (CDC), joined Atari (Computer) as System Project Leader. (Bruce Irvine remained VP software.) March?: Atari (Computer) published the premier (Spring 1981) issue of The Atari Connection, a glossy magazine started/headed by Atari (Computer) marketing communications manager Sally Bowman in support of the 400/800 computers. March: Bill Bartlett, previously of Electronic Data Systems (EDS), joined Atari (Computer) in marketing as a product manager (The Atari Accountant). Winter/Spring: Atari (Computer) established division headquarters operations (including engineering, previously on the second floor at 1272 Borregas Ave.) in a new building at 1196 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale CA. (AtariExplorer v1n1 Spr81) March/April: Atari Customer Service (home consumers) established a Regional Service Center at 43 Belmont Dr., Somerset NJ. 1346 Bordeaux Dr., Sunnyvale CA, the existing home of Customer Service, would also serve as a Regional Service Center. April 2-30: Atari-sponsored dealer promotion: Free $100 subscription to The Source with purchase of Atari Communicator System: choice of 400 or 800 computer with 850, 830, and TeleLink I. April 3: Adjacent to the 6th West Coast Computer Faire (April 3-5, San Francisco Civic Auditorium and Brooks Hall), at a private hospitality suite for Atari computer users' group officers and their guests, Atari announced the Atari Software Acquisition Program (ASAP), involving the creation of regional software-acquisition centers where freelance programmers would be supported by Atari in developing software for Atari computers. The first ASAP Center was expected to open in the Sunnyvale CA area in mid-May (it would open in October). Atari also announced the Atari Program Exchange (APX), a free quarterly mail-order catalog of user-written software (first/Summer Edition due for publication June 1). Thirdly, Atari announced the ASAP Contest, where programs accepted for the APX catalog would qualify for $100,000 in prizes to be awarded over the coming year, including a grand prize of $25,000 cash. About 20 persons attended the event, on behalf of about 30 total groups registered with Atari Users' Group Support. Bruce W. Irvine remained Atari (Computer) VP software. (Compute! #12 5/81 p8 & p150; Computer Business News 5/18/81p22) April 3-5: Also at the West Coast Computer Faire, Optimized Systems Software (OSS) introduced BASIC A+, CP/A (would shortly be renamed to: OS/A+), and EASMD (enhanced, disk-based versions of Atari BASIC, Atari DOS 2.0S and Atari Assembler Editor, respectively). April: Paul V. Cubbage, previously of The Wollongong Group, joined Atari (Computer) as acquisition manager (new position; reporting to director of software product acquisition Fred Thorlin). April: Opening of Future Center at the Capital Children's Museum, featuring "tomorrow's classroom" of 20 Atari 800 computer systems donated by Atari. With further support from Atari, the project would additionally include the "Communications" hands-on exhibit (November 1981), the SuperBoots educational software development effort, and computer enhancements of other exhibits. (AtConn v1n4 p9-10; AtConn v2n1 p7-8) The project was facilitated by Atari educational marketing consultant Ted Kahn. April 23-24: An Atari Seminar for developers. The Atari Software Development Support Group (technical support to outside programmers) included: Chris Crawford (graphics), Lane Winner (BASIC, cassette), Mike Ekberg (OS, DOS), Kathleen Armstrong (Kathleen Pitta) (Forth), Jim Cox (graphics & utilities), Gus Makreas (assembly language), John Eckstrom (Pascal) April 25-28: At Greenfield Community College (MA), the year-long TEME (Totally Enclosed Modular Environment) project in human ecology culminated in an elaborate 72-hour simulated space flight mission. Led by instructors Gregg Vouros and Dan LaRose, the team of students had built a full-size flight deck mock-up, habitation module, and observation lab, incorporating an Atari 800 computer system that was donated by Atari, running software designed by student Mike Tepper who had received 3 days of free training at Atari in California. (AtariConnection Summer81 p8-9; Florida Today (Cocoa FL) 4/25/81 p10A) Spring: 6-week pilot of the IEC-Atari Mobile Computer Van Project, a collaboration between the Industry-Education Council of Santa Clara County (CA) and new IEC member Atari, serving one community college and 14 schools in 6 school districts. Atari had supplied 18 complete Atari 800 computer systems (van capacity: 15 systems), and the Atari Advanced Products group had designed and produced portable carrying cases for the systems, and also handled the interior and exterior design of the van. Curriculum was developed by Computer-Using Educators (CUE). During fall 1981 the van would serve 49 separate schools, 165 separate classes, and 4,950 students. The project was facilitated by Atari educational marketing consultant Ted Kahn. (AtConn v2n1 p14-16) May 1: Atari's suggested retail price for the 400 with 16KiB RAM, now to be marketed as The Basic Computer, was reduced to $399 (previously: $630). The 8KiB RAM version of the 400 would no longer be offered. (The 800 Personal Computer System (with 16KiB RAM) retail price remained $1,080.) May 1-August 31: Atari offered a free CX853 16K RAM Module ($99.95) with purchase of an Atari 800 personal computer; offered the 825 printer at $800 instead of $1000; and offered the 850 interface at $170 instead of $220 May 4-7: At the National Computer Conference in Chicago, Atari announced that the 8KiB Atari 400 was being discontinued and that the price on the 16KiB version was being reduced to $399 (was $630); also, the Atari BASIC cartridge and Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide) book would no longer be included with the now "mass market packaged" 400. Other price reductions: CX852 8KiB RAM module now $49.95 (was $124.95), CX853 16KiB RAM module now $99.95 (was $199.95), 820 printer now $299.95 (was $449.95). Atari also introduced: Personal Financial Management System (PFMS; $74.95), Dow Jones Investment Evaluator ($99.95; never shipped), Atari Microsoft BASIC ($89.95), Program-Text Editor (would ship as a standalone title via APX), Sorcim Macro Assembler (the latter two titles would ship together as: Macro Assembler and Program-Text Editor). Also introduced: Conversational Italian (EMI / Longman). Additionally, new production units of TeleLink I would include one hour of time on each of: Dow Jones Information Service, The Source, CompuServe (previously: CompuServe only). (Compute #13p158) May: Atari (Computer) software development support group Manager, Compilers (Pascal) John Eckstrom departed the company. May: William Carris (Bill Carris), previously Director of Atari Technical Services (customer service), became Atari (Computer) national sales training manager. Jon D. Ebbs joined Atari as director of Customer Service (replacing Carris in the role; reporting to Atari EVP Dennis Groth?). Atari would phase out its partnership with Control Data Corporation (CDC) for 400/800 service at Control Data Service Centers and would launch a new nationwide network of Authorized Atari Computer Service Centers. The Atari Regional Service Centers at 1346 Bordeaux Dr, Sunnyvale CA and at 43 Belmont Dr, Somerset NJ would continue to operate as support for the service network. (AtariConnection v1n3p21; Analog #4p9; Compute 9/81p145) James W. Prather would join Atari Customer Service as manager of field service. David S. Wilson would join Atari Customer Service as manager of Customer Support. John H. Hahn would join Atari Customer Service as manager of Technical Support. Jerry Jessop, previously supervisor, Customer Service home computers group, would join Atari (Consumer) engineering as a Senior Technical Associate. June 1?: Atari released the Atari Program Exchange (APX) Software Catalog Summer Edition 1981, introducing: Newspaper Route Management Program, The Computerized Card File, Text Formatter (FORMS), Lemonade, Mugwump, Avalanche, Outlaw/Howitzer, Preschool Games, Roman Checkers, Space Trek, Castle, Wizard's Gold, Sleazy Adventure, Alien Egg, Chinese Puzzle, Sultan's Palace, Anthill, Centurion, Tact Trek, Comedy Diskette, Graphics/Sound Demonstration, FIG FORTH (also known as "Coin-Op Forth" or "Colleen Forth"; never shipped), Sound Editor, BASIC Program Compressor (MASHER), BASIC Cross-Reference Utility (XREF), BASIC Renumber Utility (RENUM), Disk Fixer (FIX), Variable Changer, Character Set Editor, Extended WSFN, Supersort. APX also introduced several hardware products: DE-9S with DE51218 Shell (controller plug), 5-pin DIN connector, 13-pin I/O plug, 13-pin I/O socket, DA-15P with DA110963-2 Shell (850 printer plug), DE-9P with DE110963-1 Shell (850 serial plug), 2716 EPROM cartridge. APX location: 155 Moffett Park Dr., Sunnyvale CA June: Atari (corporate) established the Atari Institute for Educational Action Research, which would award grants of Atari home computer products, cash stipends, and/or consulting services to selected individuals and non- profit institutions or organizations interested in developing new educational uses for computers in schools, community programs, or in the home. Ted M. Kahn, previously Atari (Computer) educational marketing consultant, who had written the business plan for the Institute at the request of Atari EVP Dennis Groth, joined Atari as the Institute's executive director; Groth would serve as the Institute's chairman. The Executive Committee would eventually include Groth, Atari chairman and CEO Raymond E. Kassar, Atari VP and chief scientist Alan Kay, Atari (Home Computer) president Roger Badertscher, Atari (Home Computer) VP research and development Steve Mayer, Atari (Home Computer) VP business planning Peter Rosenthal, and Warner Communications VP corporate affairs Roger Smith. The Board of Advisors would include: Dean Brown, Judy Collins, Hugh Downs, Marian Wright Edelman, Roger C. Faxon, W. Tim Gallwey, Sam Gibbon (consultant, Children's Television Workshop and Bank Street College of Education), Herbert Kohl, Paul Trachtman, Heinz von Foerster, William (Sandy) Wagner (founder of Computer-Using Educators), Karl Zinn. (Atari Action v1n1 Fall82; Compute 10/81 p174) June: Leslie Wolf joined Atari (Computer) in marketing as a data processing specialist. June 21: Atari was establishing an Advanced Development Laboratory in New York City, to pursue "advanced consumer products for the education, entertainment and professional markets." Projects were anticipated in areas including computer graphics, system architecture, telecommunications, and computer languages. (NYT 6/21/81 pF41) June/July: Atari software manager, advanced technology, Bob Smith departed the company (to Imagic). Atari (Consumer) game designer/programmer Rob Fulop departed the company (to Imagic). June/July: Programmer Mike Lorenzen transferred from Atari (Consumer) to the Atari (Personal Computer) operating systems software group. (Brian Johnston remained systems software supervisor.) Month?: Engineer Tim McGuinness, previously of MDS Quantel, joined Atari (Computer) where he would be a senior electronics test and design engineer. Month?: Jeffrey Sarnoff joined Atari (Computer) as a software architect. Month?: In West Germany, Steve Molyneux, previously of American Express Military Banking, joined Atari Elektronik Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH as computer software development manager. He was recruited by Atari (Consumer) international marketing manager for computer software Nancy Garrison. Month?: Dave Menconi joined Atari Customer Service as a technical support specialist (AtariExplorer Fall81p21 for title) (reporting to manager of technical support John Hahn). Month?: The Atari Software Development Support Group released De Re Atari. Atari made the book available to registered developers. Summer?: J. Peter Nelson joined Atari (Computer) as public relations manager. Summer?: Stanford MBA student Kenneth R. Wirt began working for Atari (Computer) in sales. (Marquis) Summer: Atari sold the rights to their Talk & Teach series of educational software titles, plus the Educational System Master Cartridge, back to the developer, Dorsett Educational Systems. Summer: By mid-1981 Atari had sold over 50,000 400/800 computers to date. (InfoWorld 9/14/1981) Summer: Atari shipped: Atari 810 Master Diskette II (DOS II version 2.0S developed by SMI/Atari), Conversational Spanish, Conversational French, Conversational German, An Invitation to Programming 2, An Invitation to Programming 3, SCRAM (A Nuclear Power Plant Simulation), Missile Command, Asteroids, Atari Word Processor, plus TeleLink I new "large box" version with one hour of time on each of: Dow Jones Information Service, The Source, CompuServe August 1: In the UK, Atari distributor Ingersoll Electronics shipped the Atari 400/800 computers (new UK versions for PAL I; £345/£645 incl. VAT; both with 16KiB RAM). August 12: Atari announced the appointment of Young & Rubican, New York, to handle advertising for the company's personal computer products. SSC&B, a division of Interpublic, had previously handled advertising for Atari's Computer Division. (PR) August: James Alan Cook (Jamie Cook) joined Atari (Computer) as VP and Counsel. August: Atari (Computer) launched project Z800 (later: Sweet-16; would lead to: 1200XL computer). August 26: Date of the internal Atari document "Z800 Product Specification, Revision 1" reflecting early work that would lead to the release of the 1200XL computer. See: Summer/Fall: Atari (Consumer) international sales and marketing operations were spun off into a new division of Atari, Atari International. Anton Bruehl, previously Atari (Consumer) VP international sales/marketing, would be president of Atari International. Gerd Stoecker joined Atari International (as director of international finance?), and Claude Nahum joined Atari International as manager of financial planning & analysis (reporting to Stoecker). Jeff Burton remained Market Manager; Nancy Garrison remained marketing manager for computer software. September 1?: Atari released the Atari Program Exchange (APX) Software Catalog Fall Edition 1981, introducing: Data Management System, Financial Asset Management System, Decision Maker, Banner Generator, Personal Fitness Program (previously announced for Atari's main 400/800 product line), Blackjack Tutor, Mapware, Video Math Flashcards, Dice Poker, 747 Landing Simulator, Eastern Front (1941), CodeCracker, Domination, Terry, Bumper Pool, Reversi, Minotaur, Lookahead, Babel, Wizard's Revenge, Chameleon CRT Terminal Emulator, Diskette Librarian, Disk Fixer (FIX) Rev. 2, BASIC Utility for Renumbering Programs (BURP), BASIC Utility Diskette, Screen Dump Utility, Load 'n Go, BLIS, Developer's Diskette. APX also announced their full software product line for sale via download from CompuServe MicroNET. One hardware product was modified: DE-9S with DE110963-1 Shell (controller plug). September 1: New production Atari 810 disk drives would contain an External Data Separator Board. (810 Field Service Manual p.1-9) September 1-October 31: Atari offered a free Atari Word Processor with the purchase of an Atari 800, 810 disk drive and two additional 16K RAM Memory Modules. September 3-7: Atari computer distributor Adveico launched the Atari 400/800 (new PAL versions for PAL B/G; L. 985.000 / L. 1.990.000) in Italy at SIM- Hi.Fi in Milan. (MCmicrocomputer #1 back page; #2 p19-20 for prices) September 10-12: Atari distributor Ingersoll Electronics introduced the Atari 400/800 at The 4th Personal Computer World Show at the Cunard Hotel, Hammersmith, London. September 14: Barry K. Berghorn, previously of Memorex, had joined Atari (Computer) as sales & marketing VP, replacing Rigdon Currie who had departed the company. (ComputerWorld 9/14/81 p84; TVDigest 1981p.dxxx/530) September: Atari opened their Advanced Development Laboratory at: 300 E. 42nd St., New York NY. Steven T. Mayer, previously Atari Cyan Engineering senior engineer, became Atari VP research and development (replacement for the departed Al Alcorn), and had transferred from Cyan Engineering to establish and head the new Atari NY Lab. (WCI PR 7/13/84 except year) Advanced Development Group personnel involved with 8-bit Atari projects would eventually include: Gregg Squires (manager of hardware engineering; previously of Racal Vikonics), Robert (Bob) Card (hardware engineer; previously of Racal Vikonics), Steven Ray (previously of Racal Vikonics), Joel Moskowitz, Philippe des Rioux, Glenn Boles September: Atari (Consumer) programmer Brad Stewart had departed the company (and joined Imagic). September 18-23: At SMAU in Milan, Atari computer distributor Adveico continued the launch of the Atari 400/800 in Italy. (MCmicrocomputer #1 back page) September/October?: At Atari (Computer) in software: John Powers, previously director of applications and systems software development, would remain director of applications & development systems (still reporting to VP software Bruce Irvine). Lou R. Tarnay, formerly of GTE Sylvania, joined Atari (Computer) as systems development manager (operating systems and telecommunications; assuming the role from Powers). Brian Johnston, previously systems software supervisor (reporting to Powers) became a product coordinator (reporting to product coordination manager Paul E. Liniak). Paul Laughton, previously a systems software programmer (reporting to Johnston), would be promoted to operating systems supervisor (replacing Johnston in the role; reporting to Tarnay). September/October?: At Atari (Computer) in software: Fred Thorlin, previously director of software product acquisition (including ASAP and APX), became director of product review and research (new position; still including APX). T.J. Gracon (Tom Gracon), formerly of Control Data Corporation (CDC), joined Atari (Computer) as director of software product acquisition (replacing Thorlin in the role). Paul Cubbage, previously acquisition manager (reporting to Thorlin), would be product review manager (still reporting to Thorlin). (Bruce Irvine remained Atari (Computer) VP software.) October: Dr. Alan Kay, previously a Xerox Fellow at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), joined Atari as VP/Chief Scientist. (InfoWorld 5/21/84 for date) October: Atari announced that the promised Atari Accountant small business accounting system and 815 dual disk drive (which was to be required for the accounting system) were both cancelled. A new home accounting system for the Atari 800 (would ship as: The Bookkeeper) would be designed expressly for the home market, would work with the 810 disk drive, and was to be ready for delivery in the first quarter of 1982. (InfoWorld 10/19p37; Compute 11/81p167) October: Atari (Computer) software marketing manager Tandy Trower departed the company (to Microsoft, to manage the company's range of BASIC products). Brenda Laurel, previously an Atari (Computer) software product manager (reporting to Trower), would be promoted to manager, software strategy and marketing (essentially replacing Trower in the role, but reporting directly to division president Roger Badertscher). October 15-18: The third annual Northeast Computer Show (NCS) at the Hynes Auditorium, Boston MA was attended by 50,000. For the 400/800 Atari featured Missile Command, Asteroids, the Atari Word Processor, Personal Financial Management System, States & Capitals, Conversational Italian, Conversational French, Conversational Spanish. "The Future of Personal Computers" forum on Oct. 15, sponsored by the Boston Computer Society, featured panelists including Atari (Computer) VP business planning Peter Rosenthal (standing in for Atari (Computer) president Roger Badertscher), Microsoft president William H. Gates (Bill Gates), Commodore president H.E. James Finke, Radio Shack VP Jon Shirley, IBM Personal Computers director Philip Estridge, and Apple Computer president A.C. (Mike) Markkula. (Infoworld 11/9/81p1,6; BCS PR 10/6, 10/13) October 20: At Atari (Computer), direct reports to VP software Bruce Irvine included: T.J. Gracon (software product acquisition), Paul E. Liniak (product coordination), Fred Thorlin (product review and research (APX)), J.P. Romanos (Jim Romanos) (product test), John Powers (applications & development systems), Lou Tarnay (systems development), vacant (international). (Also: Leslie Wolf, word processing specialist.) Reports to Thorlin included product review manager Paul Cubbage and APX manager Dale Yocum. Reports to Powers included Ken Balthaser (applications) and Chris Crawford (development support for outside programmers). Reports to Tarnay included Paul Laughton (acting supervisor, operating systems). October 20: Atari, Inc. was awarded U.S. patent 4,296,476 for 18 claims by inventors Steven T. Mayer, Jay G. Miner, Douglas G. Neubauer, and Joseph C. Decuir regarding their "Data processing system with programmable graphics generator" (the Atari 400/800 hardware platform). October 26: Atari had opened its first regional software-acquisition center (earlier: ASAP Center). (InfoWorld 10/26/81 p1; ComputerBusinessNews 10/19/81p8) The center was managed by Steven H. Gerber, and was located in the 4,000 ft2 location that also housed the Atari Program Exchange (APX): 155 Moffett Park Dr., Sunnyvale CA. (Bruce Irvine remained Atari (Computer) VP software.) Fall: At Atari (Computer), Keith Schaefer was promoted from National Sales Manager to sales VP (TVDigest 1981p.dcclxv) and Don Kurtz (of the Kurtz & Tarlow agency) would be hired as director of marketing services (see AtariConnection Sum82), together replacing VP sales & marketing Barry Berghorn who departed the company (to Via Video, Inc.). Fall: Gary Furr, previously of GTE Sylvania, joined Atari (Computer) as a software product manager. Fall: Mark Cator joined Atari (Computer) as a marketing specialist, users' group support. (Earl Rice remained Manager, Users' Group Support.) Fall: Sally Bowman, previously Atari (Computer) manager, marketing communications, would become manager, direct marketing (and would remain responsible for The Atari Connection magazine). Ted Richards joined Atari (Computer) as Editor of The Atari Connection (new position, reporting to Bowman). Fall: K-Byte, Division of Kay Enterprises Co., released K-Razy Shoot-Out, the first third-party ROM cartridge for the Atari 400/800. (SoftSide Mar82p71) Fall: In West Germany, Atari Elektronik Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH shipped the Atari 400/800 (PAL versions for PAL B/G). November 1: New production Atari 810 disk drives would ship with the Revision C ROM and with DOS II version 2.0S (replacing the original Atari DOS I). (Antic Oct.82;ConnectionV2n2p1-2) (Many existing units would be serviced with this ROM upgrade.) November: Chemical Bank began testing their prototype Pronto electronic home banking system in about 200 homes in the New York area. Homes were provided Atari computers with prototype client software developed with Atari as part of the project. November: The Atari 400/800 NTSC versions would now ship with the GTIA chip rather than the earlier CTIA. (Antic Oct.82) (Many existing units would be serviced with this upgrade.) (PAL and UK 400/800 units had only shipped with GTIA.) November: The Atari 400/800 began shipping with the 400/800 OS Rev.B, improving peripheral I/O control routines. (Antic Oct.82;ConnectionV2n2p1-2) (Many existing units would be serviced with this upgrade.) November 17-20: Atari distributor Ingersoll Electronics featured the Atari 400/800 at Compec '81 (Computer Peripheral and Small Computer Systems Exhibition), Grand Hall, Olympia, London. November/December: For the 400/800 Atari shipped the Starter Kits The Communicator, The Entertainer, The Programmer, and The Educator, and shipped: Conversational Italian, Calculator, Atari PILOT (Educators' Package and Home Package). Space Invaders, previously released on cassette, was now re- released on cartridge ("large box" version). December 1?: Atari released the Atari Program Exchange (APX) Software Catalog Winter Edition 1981, introducing: Bowler's Database, Family Cash Flow, Weekly Planner, Enhancements to Graph It, Hydraulic Program (HYSYS), Keyboard Organ, Morse Code Tutor, Player Piano, Atlas of Canada, Hickory Dickory, Letterman, Mathematic-Tac-Toe, My First Alphabet, Number Blast, Presidents of the United States, Quiz Master, Stereo 3-D Graphics Package, Attank!, Blackjack Casino, Block 'Em, Caverns of Mars, Dog Daze, Downhill, Memory Match, Pro Bowling, Reversi II, Solitaire, Source Code for Eastern Front (1941), Space Chase, Atari Program-Text Editor (also released in Atari's main product line in package with Macro Assembler), Dsembler, Extended fig-FORTH, Insomnia (A Sound Editor), Instedit, Supersort Rev. 3, T: A Text Display Device, Ultimate Renumber Utility, Word Processing Diskette (Text Formatter (FORMS) + Atari Program-Text Editor). APX sales via CompuServe MicroNET had been discontinued. Dale Yocum was APX Manager. December 14: Bill Carris was Atari (Computer) national sales training manager. (InfoWorld) December?: Steve Gerber, previously manager of Atari's lone regional software-acquisition center (located at APX headquarters, Sunnyvale CA) was promoted to Atari (Computer) director of software product acquisition (reporting to VP software Bruce Irvine), replacing T.C. Gracon who departed the company (to co-manage the entertainment and learning center, Computer Capers, with Helen Gracon). December: Atari Corporate Research (headed by Atari VP/Chief Scientist Alan Kay) established a Games Design Research Group. Chris Crawford, previously Atari (Computer) Software Development Support Group supervisor (development support for outside programmers), became Manager, Games Design Research Group. (John Powers remained Atari (Computer) director, applications & development systems, reporting to VP software Bruce Irvine.) December?: Linda S. Gordon, previously of Hellman, Jordan Management Company, joined Atari (corporate) as VP special projects (assistant to the president; reporting to Atari chairman/CEO Kassar). December: Steven T. Mayer was VP of research and development at Atari. (NYT 12/24/81 pD2; NYT 12/31/81 pD2) December 30: Atari said that it would cut the retail price for the 800 home computer (with 16KiB RAM and newly "mass market packaged") to $899 from $1,080. Other prices were increased: The Entertainer to $110 and The Educator to $166. Atari claimed to have sold 300,000 400/800 computers in 1981. (InfoWord 6/14/82 p.57) The installed base of Atari 400/800 computers was estimated by Future Computing, Inc. to be just over 100,000. (January 1983) 1982 January 1?: The Atari Computer Division would now be known as the Atari Home Computer Division (HCD), and it adopted the advertising slogan, "We've brought the computer age home." January 5: In advance of the opening of the Winter CES on January 7, for the 400/800 Atari (Home Computer) announced: Pac-Man (title by Namco; 2nd quarter 1982), Centipede (2nd quarter 1982), Caverns of Mars (originally developed for APX; 1st quarter 1982), The Bookkeeper, The Home Filing Manager. J. Peter Nelson was Atari (Home Computer) spokesperson. (PR) January 6: Atari announced the publication, Atari Special Editions, a catalog of more than 400 products for the Atari computers from 117 vendors. January 7-10: At the Winter CES in Las Vegas, for the 400 ($399/16KiB RAM) and 800 ($899/16KiB RAM) Atari introduced Pac-Man (title by Namco; to ship in May -Analog#6p13), Centipede (June -Analog#6p13), and Caverns of Mars (which had only just been added to the APX product line as of December 1981; it would be the first APX title to be transferred into Atari's main product line), announced The Bookkeeper, The Home Filing Manager, the CX85 Numerical Keypad (price tba), The Bookkeeper Kit (price tba) and The Home Manager Kit (price tba), and again promised: Dow Jones Investment Evaluator (never shipped), Personal Financial Management System, Atari Macro Assembler and Program-Text Editor, Atari Microsoft BASIC. Following the 400 packaging theme introduced in 1981, the 800, 810, and 410 would now ship in silver/full color packaging. January?: Atari Consumer Product Service (CPS; previously: Customer Service; still headed by Jon Ebbs) had opened two new Regional Service Centers at 5400 Newport Dr Ste 1, Rolling Meadows IL and at 2109 E Division St, Arlington TX. Operations at 1340/1346 Bordeaux Dr, Sunnyvale CA (home of Customer Support and a Regional Service Center) would move to 1312 Crossman Ave, Sunnyvale CA. (A fourth Regional Service Center remained at 43 Belmont Dr, Somerset NJ.) Dave Wilson (previously: manager of Customer Support) would be manager of Customer Relations (representatives and specialists; still reporting to Ebbs). Bill Bartlett, previously an Atari (Home Computer) product marketing manager, would be supervisor of customer relations specialists (reporting to Wilson). Dave Menconi, previously a Customer Service technical support specialist (reporting to manager of technical support John Hahn) became a software analyst, Atari (Home Computer) Users' Group Support (reporting to group manager Earl Rice). January 16: Atari held its first annual Star Award ceremony at San Francisco's Maxwell's Plum restaurant in Ghiradelli Square. The Star Award and ASAP Contest $25,000 grand prize went to Fernando Herrera for his APX title, My First Alphabet. Star Award of Merit winners: Ronald Marcuse & Lynn Marcuse, Sheldon Leemon, Greg Christensen (AC Spr82p12) January 19-22: Atari distributor Ingersoll Electronics featured the 400/800 at the third annual Which Computer? Show, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, England. January 25: Internal Atari memo by systems software consultant Harry Stewart reflected that the project previously known as "Z800" was now known as: "Sweet-16". See: Winter?: Atari shipped Atari Microsoft BASIC (programmer at Microsoft: Ric Weiland) and the software development package, Macro Assembler and Program-Text Editor. (Macro Assembler developed for Atari by Sorcim; Program-Text Editor also released via APX) February: Atari VP/chief scientist Alan Kay, with manager of Administration for Corporate Research W. Chris Jeffers, founded the Atari Sunnyvale Research Laboratory, which would serve as the primary home of Atari Corporate Research. Systems Research Group research scientists would eventually include: Jim Dunion, Brenda K. Laurel (previously: Atari (Home Computer) Manager, Software Strategy and Marketing), Jeffrey Sarnoff (previously: Atari (Home Computer) software architect). The recently-established Games Design Research Group would be housed in the new lab, and would eventually include Chris Crawford (group manager), Valerie Atkinson, Douglas Crockford, Bob Fraser, Randall Smith, Larry Summers, Kim Whitmore, Aric Wilmunder. The Research Engineering Group (projects including Amy digital audio chip) would eventually include: Douglas Crockford, Scott H. Foster (digital audio), Jim Leiterman, Tim McGuinness, Sam Nicolino (digital audio), John Howard Palevich (Jack Palevich) (digital audio), Gary Sikorski (Digital Audio group manager; director of Research Engineering, 1983-84), Dale Yocum (director of Research Engineering, 1982-83; previously: APX Manager), Thomas G. Zimmerman (digital audio). Atari (Home Computer) director of product review and research (including APX) Fred Thorlin would additionally become APX general manager (replacing Yocum in the role). February: New production Atari 810 disk drives would ship in the significantly-revised "810 Analog" design. (Happy Computers ads for date, e.g., Analog#18p14) February 18: Atari established the subsidiary, Atari International (U.K.) Inc., to assume the Atari consumer products business from distributor Ingersoll Electronics. Anthony Jones, previously of Ingersoll (where he had headed the 400/800 marketing group since its inception), would be the founding Managing Director. (Operations would launch in April.) March 1: Atari had completed remastering and replacing inventory of all cassette-based products to reduce background noise on the cassettes, improving compatibility with the newer Transtek/Hong Kong version of the 410 program recorder. (Tech Tip 5) March 1?: Atari released the Atari Program Exchange (APX) Software Catalog Spring Edition 1982, introducing: Family Budget, Diskette Mailing List, Isopleth Map-Making Package, RPN Calculator Simulator, Advanced Musicsystem, Sketchpad, Cubbyholes, Musical Computer--The Music Tutor, Starware, Wordmaker, Block Buster, Atari Pascal Language System (by MT MicroSYSTEMS for Atari), Extended fig-FORTH Rev. 2, GTIA Demonstration Diskette, Instedit (Microsoft BASIC version), Keypad Controller, Speed-O-Disk. APX also introduced the book, De Re Atari. (Dale Yocum had still been APX Manager at printing date.) March 12: At Atari (Home Computer) in software, Lou Tarnay remained systems development manager. Reports to Tarnay included telecommunication supervisor (acting) John Curran, operating systems supervisor Paul Laughton, and software architecture consultant Harry Stewart. The telecommunication group included Joseph B. Miller III (Joe Miller; formerly of The Authorship Resource, Inc. (ARI)), Vincent Wu, and Gin Pao Lu. March 15: Atari had announced Atari Computer Camps, "the first effort by a major home computer manufacturer to fully sponsor summer camps for 10 to 18- year-olds interested in computers." Atari was to conduct eight camp sessions during summer 1982, two in each of four locations: Pennsylvania (East Stroudsburg State College), North Carolina (Asheville School), Wisconsin (Lakeland College) and southern California (University of San Diego). Each session would last four weeks. While Atari would provide the computer expertise and have ultimate oversight over the camps, day-to-day operation would be handled for Atari by Specialty Camps, Inc., an organization which had run both theme (Weight Watchers) and traditional camps for 25 years. Linda Gordon was Atari (corporate) VP of special projects; Atari (Home Computer) Educational Software Products Manager Robert A. Kahn was Atari Computer Camps Curriculum Director; Ray Kassar remained Atari chairman and CEO; Peter Nelson was manager of public relations for Atari's home computer division. (AtariAge My/Jn82p6; DrDobbsMy82p14; InfoWorld 3/15/82p43; Interface Age 6/82 p26) March: Steve Mayer, previously Atari VP research and development, became VP research and product development. March: Atari (Home Computer) formed a special projects engineering group. Engineer Ajay Chopra, previously of Burroughs Corporation, would join Atari (Home Computer) as a special projects engineer. Jim Tittsler, previously director of software development at International Remote Imaging Systems (and before that, a software engineer at Heath Company, where he had reported to Larry Plummer), joined Atari (Home Computer) as a special projects engineer. (Larry Plummer remained Atari (Home Computer) director of electrical engineering.) March: Atari Star Raiders for the 400/800 was awarded Computer Game of the Year by Electronic Games magazine. (EG 3/82 p49) March 19-21: At the 7th West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco, Atari held their second annual invitational hospitality suite for Atari computer users' group officers and their guests, where Atari introduced APX Atari Pascal Language System. About 80 persons attended, on behalf of 15 of the 200 total groups registered with Atari Users' Group Support. At Atari (Home Computer), Don Kurtz was director of marketing services; Earl Rice was manager of the users' group support program; Bonnie Umphreys was Pascal's product manager. (AtariConnection v2n2p1) Also at the Faire, Percom introduced the first alternative to the Atari 810, the Percom RFD-40S1 (with matching slave drive RFD-40A1). (Analog #6p8) March 26: Atari established the subsidiary, Atari Special Projects, Inc. (joint ventures with Club Mediterranee SA and/or with Specialty Camps Corp.), with offices at 1196 Borregas Ave, Sunnyvale CA (also home to the Home Computer division and Corporate Research). Atari (corporate) VP special projects Linda Gordon would additionally be president of Atari Special Projects, Inc. April 7: Date of first draft of the Atari Sweet-16 Home Computer Product Specifications document. Specific computer models planned: "1000" (16KiB; later: "1200"; never shipped) and "1000X" (64KiB; later: "1200X"; would ship as: 1200XL) See: April: Atari shipped Caverns of Mars (cartridge). (Video Take-Out 4/82) April: Bob Fournier was Atari (Home Computer) entertainment product manager. (Brenda Laurel remained Manager, Software Strategy and Marketing.) April: Thomas M. McDonough joined Atari as VP marketing in Atari's home computer division (NYT 12/19/82 for date), replacing director of marketing services Don Kurtz who departed the company (remaining with the Kurtz & Tarlow agency). April: Atari launched the subsidiary, Atari International (U.K.) Inc., taking over the Atari consumer products business from distributor Ingersoll Electronics. The unit had been set up by financial controller John Constantine and founding managing director Anthony Jones. Graham Daubney would be product manager; product support would be headed by Jon Norledge. April 16: "The Electronic and Computer Technician Vocational Education Incentive Grants Act" hearing before the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, included testimony by Steven Mayer, Atari VP research and product development. April: First issue of Antic, The Atari Resource magazine, published by James Capparell. April/May: Atari shipped, then promptly pulled from the market for further development, Personal Financial Management System. (see Analog #9p118, plus C017535revC) Spring?: Atari (Home Computer) applications programmer Dave Johnson departed the company (to Axlon). Spring?: Atari (Home Computer) software product coodinator Brian Johnston departed the computer (to Fox Video Games). (Paul Liniak remained manager of product coordination/software conversion.) May 1: Through Atari Special Projects, Inc., Atari began supplying both equipment and instructor training for the Club Mediterranee computer classroom at Club Med Ixtapa in Mexico (replacing Computer Camp of Santa Barbara CA, which had the role since the classroom opened in November 1981). (Atari did not take on the other existing Club Med computer classroom at Club Med Kamarina, Sicily, which had opened in May 1981.) A second Atari computer classroom was planned for Club Med Eleuthera, the Bahamas. (InfoWorld 7/12/82 p14-16) May 12-13: Initial meetings between Atari chairman Ray Kassar and Rick Trow of Rick Trow Productions (RTP). Would lead to "Computers: Expressway to Tomorrow" traveling multimedia assembly program for schools, under a contract covering the 1982-83 (including fall 1982 focus group / touring unit and winter 1983 national launch) and 83-84 school years, with an option for the 84-85 school year. May: For the 400/800 Atari shipped Pac-Man (Roklan). May: Atari opened its second regional software-acquisition center, managed by Jerry Connelly, at: 57 John F. Kennedy St., Cambridge MA. Bruce Irvine remained Atari (Home Computer) VP software. While plans for additional centers were not announced, Atari was considering opening a "satellite facility" in New York City in the near future. (InfoWorld 5/24/82 p9) May: The Atari (Home Computer) special projects group (engineers Ajay Chopra and Jim Tittsler) would engage in a project to develop a combination Atari 800/SUN workstation. (Larry Plummer remained Atari (Home Computer) director of electrical engineering.) May?: Robert A. Kahn, previously Atari (Home Computer) Educational Software Product Manager, became Atari Director of Special Projects (Atari Computer Camps and Club Med initiatives; reporting to Atari (corporate) VP special projects Linda Gordon.) Dr. Sueann Ambron, Ed.D, previously assistant professor of educational psychology at Stanford University, joined Atari (Home Computer) as manager of educational software products (replacing Kahn in the role). (Brenda Laurel remained Manager, Software Strategy and Marketing.) May: Ken Wirt (Kenneth R. Wirt), previously of PBS (and more recently working full time for Atari on an internship while a second-year Stanford MBA student), joined Atari (Home Computer) as a sales manager. (Sales&Marketing Management 12/03 p56) (Keith Schaefer remained VP sales.) May: Engineer Rich Pasco, previously a researcher at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), joined Atari (Home Computer) as Manager of VLSI Development. May 17: Atari Consumer Product Service (CPS) would fold Atari's nationwide network of Authorized Atari Computer Service Centers, Independent Service Centers (VCS service), and four Regional Service Centers together under the new Atari Service Factory Authorized Network branding. May 25: Paul Cubbage remained Atari (Home Computer) Manager, Product Review. June 1?: Atari released the Atari Program Exchange (APX) Product Catalog Summer Edition 1982, introducing: Bowler's Database Rev. 2, Data Base/Report System, Family Vehicle Expense, Recipe Search 'n Save, Calculator (moved from Atari's main product line), Astrology, Blackjack Tutor Rev. 1.1, Going to the Dogs, Algicalc, Elementary Biology (by MECC), Frogmaster, Instructional Computing Demonstration (by MECC), Metric and Problem Solving (by MECC), Music I--Terms & Notation (by MECC), Polycalc, Three R Math System, Block 'Em Rev. 2, Castle Rev. 1.1, Checker King, Galahad and the Holy Grail, Jax-O, Jukebox #1, The Midas Touch, Pushover, Rabbotz, Salmon Run, Seven Card Stud, BLIS Rev. 1.1, Cosmatic Atari Development Package, Insomnia (A Sound Editor) Rev. 1.1, Instedit Rev. 1.1, Microsoft BASIC Cross-Reference Utility, Player Generator, Utility Diskette II. Fred Thorlin was APX general manager; product review: Paul Cubbage. June 6-9: At the Summer CES in Chicago, for the 400 ($349/16KiB RAM; previously: $399) and 800 ($899/16KiB RAM), Atari introduced Atari Speed Reading (title by Otto & Kamm), announced Music Tutor I (would ship as: AtariMusic I), Juggles' Rainbow (by The Learning Co.), Juggles' House (by The Learning Co.), and TeleLink II (never shipped as a standalone release; would ship as part of The Communicator II kit only) and introduced The Bookkeeper Kit ($249.95; Bookkeeper program plus CX85 Numerical Keypad), The Communicator II kit (price tba; new 835 modem with TeleLink II), The Home Manager Kit (price tba; Personal Financial Management System + The Home Filing Manager). The APX title, My First Alphabet would be re-released as part of Atari's standard product line. Again promised: The Bookkeeper (standalone program), The Home Filing Manager, Personal Financial Management System (PFMS now to ship winter 1983), Centipede. Atari also introduced the Electronic Retail Information Center (ERIC; an Atari 800 home computer linked to a videodisc player; inventor: Larry Nicholson of Atari Cyan Engineering; project manager: engineering technician Dan Corona), one of several models of point of purchase merchandising displayers for retailers. Keith Schaefer was VP of sales for Atari's Home Computer division. June: Steve Mayer, Atari VP research and product development, would additionally serve as Atari (Home Computer) VP research and development (acting head of the division), replacing Atari president Home Computer Division Roger Badertscher who departed the company (NYT 8/25/82) as would VP software (software engineering) Bruce Irvine. (Badertscher and Irvine would co-found Mindset Corporation on 9/27/82.) John Hagel III, previously of The Sequoia Group (founder and CEO), would join Atari (Home Computer) as VP strategic planning (reporting to Mayer). Chris J. Horseman, previously of Thorn EMI (and independent developer as Centaursoft), would join Atari (Home Computer) as VP software engineering (replacement for Irvine in the role). (Antic 7/83 for title) Lou Tarnay, previously director of systems development (reporting to Irvine), would become director of software development (reporting to Horseman), assuming applications development from John Powers who would depart the company (to Convergent Technologies). Doug Chorey, previously executive assistant to the VP of software, would be software support supervisor (new sound engineering and video graphics group; reporting to Horseman). Reports to Chorey would include sound engineer Brad Fuller. Thomas McDonough, previously Atari (Home Computer) VP marketing, would become SVP sales and marketing (assuming responsibilities for sales and software marketing). Brenda Laurel, previously Atari (Home Computer) Manager, Software Strategy and Marketing (reporting to Badertscher), would join Atari Corporate Research in Systems Research. Bill Carris, previously Atari (Home Computer) director of sales training, would become Atari (Home Computer) director of software marketing (replacing Laurel in the role; reporting to McDonough). Carris would assume responsibility for the Atari (Home Computer) Software Development Support Group (development support for outside programmers; previously: reported to Powers). VP sales Keith Schaefer would now report to McDonough. June: Stephen M. Race (Stephen Race), previously a consultant for Arthur D. Little Inc., would join Atari International as hardware product manager (computers and accessories), in part replacing Jeff Burton who departed the company (to Electronic Arts). (Nancy Garrison remained marketing manager for computer software.) June 28: Engineer John Skruch joined Atari (Home Computer) in software product engineering (manufacturing). June/July: Dave Stubben, previously Atari (Coin-Op) director, electrical engineering (reporting to VP engineering Lyle Rains), became Atari (Home Computer) VP engineering, replacing Gene Rosen who departed the company. (Stubben resume) June/July?: At Atari (Home Computer), Kevin McKinsey, previously manager of Industrial Design and Graphics, would remain manager of industrial design (reporting to VP engineering Dave Stubben). John Fox Haag would become manager of publications and packaging design (source) (assuming the role from McKinsey), reporting to SVP of sales and marketing Thomas M. McDonough. Month?: Stephen D. Arnold (Steve Arnold) joined Atari (Home Computer) as a software product manager (reporting to director of software marketing Bill Carris). July 9: Release of the Walt Disney feature film TRON, with sound effects design and synthesis by Frank Serafine, Serafine FX Studios, who derived some of the sound effects from sounds generated by an Atari 800. (Atari Connection v2n2 Sum82 p9-10; Compute! #28 9/82 p18-22) July 14: In what was believed to be the largest single order for home computers by a school system, Dade County (Florida) had placed an order for 426 Atari 800 Home Computers and peripherals. "This order brings the total number of Atari Home Computers in use in Dade County schools to approximately 650," said Thomas McDonough, SVP of sales and marketing for Atari's Home Computer Division. July: Atari Corporate Research established the Atari Cambridge Research Laboratory at Five Cambridge Center, 8th floor, Cambridge MA (Kendall Square district; adjacent to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)). The lab's Director would be Cynthia Solomon, previously VP, Research & Development/Co-Founder of Logo Computer Systems, Inc.; administrative manager: James Russell Davis; business manager: Greg Gargarian. Researchers at the 35- person lab would eventually include: Max Behensky, Peter Cann, Susan Cotten, Jim Davis (James Raymond Davis), Lisa Delpit, Gary Drescher, Annette Dula, Michael Grandfield, Mark Gross, Ken Haase, Stephen Hain, Edward F. Hardebeck, Jay Jones, Susan Kroon, Jaron Lanier, David Levitt, Dan Melnechuk, Henry Minsky, Julie Minsky, Margaret R. Minsky, Bill St. Clair (Jan84-Mar84), Nancy Smith, Tom Trobaugh, Lauren Young. Chief consultant: Marvin Minsky July: Graham Daubney, previously Atari International (U.K.) Inc. product manager, would remain software manager. (source) Les Player, previously of Digital Microsystems. joined Atari International (U.K.) Inc. as Technical Services Manager (service, repair, and technical training; assuming the role from Daubney). Player would establish a network of Atari Independent Service Centres across the UK, plus an Atari Service Centre (incorporating national Customer Support/Product Support) which would be managed by George West and located at the subsidiary's headquarters in Slough. July: Atari shipped Centipede. (Video Take-Out 4/82) July?: Industrial designer Regan L. Cheng transferred from Atari (Consumer) to the Home Computer division (where he would report to manager Kevin McKinsey). July 26: In the U.S. Atari had cut the retail price for the Atari 400 (16KiB RAM) to $299 (previously: $349). (InfoWorld 7/26/82p22; ChangingTimes 8/82p26; Compute 9/82p6) July 26: InfoWorld estimated between 250,000 and 300,000 Atari 400/800 computers had been sold to date. Summer: First year of Atari Computer Camps, held at 3 locations: "Camp Atari-- San Diego" at the University of San Diego (CA), "Camp Atari--Ashville" at the Asheville School (Asheville, NC), and "Camp Atari--East Stroudsburg" at East Stroudsburg State College (PA). (Camp was canceled at the fourth announced site, "Camp Atari--Sheboygan" at Lakeland College in Sheboygan WI.) Pricing: $1590/4 weeks or $2790/8 weeks. Summer: At Atari (Home Computer): Jeff Schwamberger (formerly of The Authorship Resource, Inc. (ARI)) was Manager of the Software Standards Group. (Atari Connection Summer82 p13) Summer: Jim Paige was Atari (Home Computer) national education sales manager (Atari Connection Summer82 p23) as Atari had taken the sale of Atari personal computers and services to the educational community in-house (previously: outsourced to Science Research Associates (SRA)). (Keith Schaefer remained Atari (Home Computer) VP sales.) Summer: The Atari (Home Computer) Software Development Support Group (development support for outside programmers) had been renamed, the Atari I/O Seminar Services Group. (AtariConnection Sum82p2,4) (Bill Carris remained director of software marketing.) Summer: Atari Consumer Product Service (CPS) Technical Support operations (John Hahn, manager) were moved from 1312 Crossman Ave, Sunnyvale CA (which would remain home to Customer Relations and a Regional Service Center) to: 845 W Maude Ave, Sunnyvale CA August 11: Approximately 1,370 Atari Home Computers and peripherals, valued at more than $3 million, had been ordered by the U.S. Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) under a competitive Request for Proposal. Thomas M. McDonough was Atari (Home Computer) SVP of sales and marketing. (PR) August: Industrial designer Tom Palecki, previously of Xerox, joined Atari (Home Computer). (He would report to industrial design manager Kevin McKinsey.) August 15-October 15: "Taste The Thrill Of Atari At McDonald's" promotion. 50 grand prize deluxe packages would each include a 5200, an 800 with peripherals, and a Centipede coin-operated game. August 18: Atari, Inc. and Merchandising Corp. of America announced an agreement under which Atari was granted worldwide exclusive rights to market coin-operated and home video games based on E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, the film directed by Steven Spielberg. (PR) August 24: John C. Cavalier was named Atari president Home Computer Division (replacing the departed Roger Badertscher). (NYT 8/25) Cavalier was previously VP and general manager of American Can's Dixie and Dixie/Marathon unit, makers of consumer paper products. The new Home Computer Division headquarters would be located at 30 E. Plumeria Dr. (Previous division headquarters: 1196 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale CA) August 29-December 31: "Atari Announces Discount Fares to the Computer Age. Save up to $60" promotion. In the U.S., for the purchase of an Atari 400 ($299/16KiB), Atari offered a rebate of $10 for each purchase of up to six additional Atari computer products. August 30: Atari had announced their Advanced Development Laboratory in New York City. Dedicated to the exploration of microprocessor-based products in electronic publishing and transactional services for home computers, the lab would be responsible for development of advanced products for Atari, and also function as a focus for joint research projects with other subsidiaries of Warner Communications Inc. Opened in September 1981, the Atari NY Lab, home of the Atari Advanced Development Group, had been established and was headed by Steven T. Mayer, Atari VP research and product development. Atari employed 30 at the site. Summer/Fall?: The Warner Communications L.A. Lab R&D unit (QUBE cable television system development), located at 3701 Oak St., Burbank, CA ("Fantasy Trailer" on the Warner Bros. Ranch), was shifted to Atari Corporate Research. Engineer Steven J. Davis would remain director of the Atari L.A. Lab, now as Atari director of advanced research (reporting to VP/chief scientist Alan Kay). Others at the L.A. Lab would eventually include: Todor Fay, H. Robert Newman (Rob Newman), Jim Wiefel Summer/Fall: Atari shipped The Bookkeeper Kit and My First Alphabet. August/September: The Atari Consumer Product Service (CPS) Regional Service Center previously at 43 Belmont Dr, Somerset NJ was moved to: 12 B World's Fair Dr., Somerset NJ August/September: At Atari (Home Computer), engineer Ajay Chopra would be reassigned from the special projects group to the Sweet-16 project (with engineer Dave Sovey and director of electrical engineering Larry Plummer). Engineer Carl Goy, previously of Heath Zenith where he had been manager of Heathkit & printer engineering, Zenith computer business group (and before that, engineering hardware manager, Heath computer engineering group, reporting to director of computer products Larry Plummer), joined Atari (Home Computer) as a special projects engineer (replacing Chopra in the role). The special projects unit (Goy and Jim Tittsler) would abandon efforts to develop a combination Atari 800/SUN workstation to instead launch an effort to develop a combination Atari 800/IBM PC compatible computer (project Shakti/25601; later: 1600; would become a joint venture with Toshiba). (Larry Plummer remained Atari (Home Computer) director of electrical engineering.) September 1?: Atari released the Atari Program Exchange (APX) Software Catalog Fall Edition 1982, introducing: Family Cash Flow Rev. 2, Message Display Program, Stock Management, Text Analyst, Calculus Demon, Counter, Easygrader, Flags of Europe, Math*UFO, Spelling Genie, Word Search Generator, Cribbage, Dog Daze Rev. 1.1, Mankala, Snark Hunt, Dunion's Debugging Tool (DDT), FORTH Turtle Graphics Plus, fun-FORTH, Keypad Controller Rev. 2, Mantis Boot Tape Development System, Mapmaker. Fred Thorlin was APX general manager; product review: Paul Cubbage. September 3-5: Atari exhibited in the Technology Fair at the Us Festival held at Glen Helen Regional Park, San Bernardino County, CA. (SoftSide #36p14- 16; Unuson PR 8/10, 8/17, 8/23, 8/31) September 8: Chemical Bank announced it would provide the first major home banking and information system commercially available in the country, called Pronto. Pronto would initially require an Atari home computer system, but programs would be developed for most major personal computers on the market. September 10-12: Atari featured the 400/800 at the 5th Personal Computer World (PCW) show at the Barbican, London. September: At Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ, the 80 freshmen in Science and in Systems Planning were required to purchase an Atari 800. (SoftSide #43p26) September: Unimport Ibérica, S.A. was established to launch and serve as distributor of the Atari 400/800 in Spain. September 17: Date of the internal Atari document, "Atari 600 Home Computer Liz: Low Cost Computer Specification" September 22-October 1: At the SICOB (Salon international d'Informatique, telematique, Communication, Organisation du bureau et Bureautique) show (stand 162-163) at the CNIT in Paris/La Defense, P.E.C.F. Atari launched the 800 (6 500 F/16KiB; 7 500 F/48KiB; PAL version modified for Peritel) and introduced the 400 (3 800 F) in France. (L'OrdinateurIndividuel #40p6, #42p80, #46 for prices) September 29: Date of a late draft of the internal Atari document, "Sweet-16 Product Specification". Specific computer models indicated: "1200" (16KiB; earlier: "1000"; never shipped) and "1200X" (64KiB; earlier: "1000X"; would ship as: 1200XL), with both models now sharing the same case design. Plans now called for manufacture of only the "1200X". October 1: Florida National Banks of Florida, Inc. announced that it would test Pronto, the in-home banking and information system, licensed from Chemical Bank of New York, in selected markets beginning in the first quarter of 1983. Atari home computers had been utilized for initial Pronto testing, though eventually the software would be adaptable to most of the personal computers on the market. (PR) October 11: Atari had announced plans to produce home computers in Hong Kong and Taiwan, beginning January 1983. Production would take place at facilities already producing games for Atari. Employment at Atari's plant in Hong Kong would grow from 700 to 1000. Atari said computers produced in the Far East would be marketed there, while the U.S. market would be served from its home facilities in Silicon Valley. (Electronics News 11-Oct-82) October?: Anthony Jones, previously Atari International (U.K.) managing director, would become a group product manager for Atari Inc. (Sunnyvale CA headquarters). Graham Clark, previously of Rank Xerox, would join Atari International (U.K.) as managing director (replacing Jones in the role); Eric Salamon, previously of Mars Confectionery, would join the company as marketing director. October: Atari established a Software Development Centre at Atari International (U.K.) Inc. (Graham Daubney remained software manager for Atari International (U.K.)) Jon Norledge, previously product support manager (reporting to Atari Service Centre head George West), would be development manager (reporting to Daubney). (I/O #4 p4) Shamus Kelly would become product support manager (replacing Norledge in the role; reporting to West). October 22-December 31: In the U.S. Atari offered two 16KiB RAM modules free with the purchase of an Atari 800 computer system ($899/16KiB standard; 48KiB RAM total with the additional modules). (InfoWorld 11/8/82p15; VGU 11/82) October 30: Atari had announced that its Hong Kong distributor, Onflo International, had been awarded a contract to supply 300 Atari 800 computer systems to Hong Kong secondary schools. (NYT 10/30) November 4: Dry Dock Savings Bank of New York and Atari jointly announced that Dry Dock would offer depositors the opportunity to receive Atari 800 computer systems in place of cash interest or to purchase the computer systems at specially reduced prices. The offer would begin Nov. 8th and run through the end of the year. (PR) November 10: Date of the internal Atari (Home Computer) document, "Atari Logo: A Proposed Plan" by Bonnie A. Umphreys, software product manager. November: Atari began producing new 810 disk drives with the "center flip door" drive mechanism by Tandon, instead of the "push button, sliding door" mechanism by MPI used in the original design. (Antic May 83) Technical documentation would refer to the new design as the "810T Analog". November 15: Atari announced they had obtained an exclusive worldwide license for the development, manufacture and distribution of Nintendo's "Donkey Kong" and "Donkey Kong, Jr." video games for Atari's Home Computer. John Cavalier remained president of the Atari Home Computer Division; Keith Schaefer remained Home Computer Division VP sales; Helen Gray remained Atari VP corporate communications. (PR) November 16-19: Atari featured the 400/800 at Compec '82, Olympia hall, London. November 18-20: At the Amusement & Music Operators Association (AMOA) show in Chicago, Atari introduced the Atari Coin Executive coin accounting system (ACE; never shipped), which incorporated an Atari 800. November?: Atari (Home Computer) programmer Mike Lorenzen departed the company (to Activision). November/December?: Atari Computer Camps literature for 1983 ((c)1982) mentioned: Atari VP/Chief Scientist Alan Kay, Atari Computer Camps Executive Director and (corporate) VP Special Projects Linda Gordon, Atari Software Consultant Wayne Harvey, Atari Educational Consultant Patricia Tubbs, Atari Computer Camps Executive Director Dan Schliftman, Atari Computer Camps Camp Administration Coordinator Illeen Berg, Atari Computer Camps Executive Director Mike Sparber, Atari Business Manager Robin Bernheim, Special Projects Director Robert Kahn, Atari Computer Camps Personnel and Camper Records Director Flip Shulman, and Computer Camps Site Selection and Facility Director Tony "Big T" Sparber. December 1?: Atari released the Atari Program Exchange (APX) Product Catalog Winter Edition 1982-83, introducing: FOG Index, Real Estate Cash Flow Analysis, Text Analyst Rev. 2, Astrology Rev. 1.1, Earth Science (by MECC), Easygrader Rev. 1.1, Geography (by MECC), I'm Different!, The Magic Melody Box, The Market Place (by MECC), Monkey Up a Tree, Music II--Rhythm & Pitch (by MECC), Music III--Scales & Chords (by MECC), Prefixes (by MECC), Typo Attack, Air-Raid!, Game Show, Gridiron Glory, Melt-Down, Phobos, Pushky, Quarxon, Rabbotz Rev. 1.1, Yahtman, BASIC/XA, Deep Blue C Compiler, Deep Blue Secrets, Disk Fixer/Load 'n Go, Diskmenu, Music Player. Product review: Paul Cubbage. Fred Thorlin, previously Atari (Home Computer) director of product review and research (reporting to VP software engineering Chris Horseman), was now APX Director (previously: APX General Manager; still reporting to Horseman). APX operations had been moved from 155 Moffett Park Dr., Sunnyvale CA to 3281 Scott Blvd, Santa Clara CA. December 1?: Sherwin Gooch, previously Associate Director, Center for Music Research, Florida State University, joined the Atari (Home Computer) communications products group (reporting to manager John Curran). December 2: At Atari (Home Computer), Lou Tarnay was director of software development (reporting to VP software engineering Chris Horseman). Direct reports to Tarnay included Paul Laughton (systems products), John Curran (communications products), Ken Balthaser (entertainment and education products), Joseph B. Miller (advanced development). Reports to Laughton included Scott Scheiman (operating systems development) and Jim Cox (advanced consumer product development). Reports to Balthaser included Clyde Grossman (entertainment product development) and Vincent H. Wu (amusement product development). December 6: Atari announced that Parisian, Inc., a chain of nine stores in Alabama with headquarters in Birmingham, was substituting an "electronic catalog" for its Christmas catalog to promote its holiday selection as well as to help make the public more familiar with home computers. Approximately 1,700 gift suggestions had been programmed into Atari 800 computers. Store employees would help customers key in responses to four questions asked by the electronic catalog about the person the customer is shopping for, and the catalog would suggest three Christmas gifts and a stocking stuffer, each tailored to suit the tastes of the gift recipient. Two to four of the systems had been installed in each of Parisian's nine stores. (PR) December 13: At the Plaza Hotel in New York City Atari introduced the 1200XL home computer ("well under $1,000"), 1010 program recorder ($99; winter 1983), 1020 printer/plotter ($299; winter 1983), and 1025 printer ($549; spring 1983), promised the 835 modem apart from The Communicator II kit (spring 1983), and again promised the CX85 Numerical Keypad (spring 1983), The Home Manager kit (The Home Filing Manager + Family Finances; winter 1983), and The Communicator II kit. The Programmer kit was updated to include the new Inside Atari BASIC book (instead of Atari BASIC (Wiley Self-Teaching Guide)), and the Entertainer kit was updated to include Pac-Man (instead of Missile Command). The 800 would now ship with 48KiB RAM standard, and the 400 computer, 410 program recorder, 810 disk drive, 830 modem, and 850 interface module were to remain available as well. For 400/800/1200XL Atari introduced VisiCalc (by Software Arts for VisiCorp; previously released by Personal Software, the earlier name for VisiCorp), Galaxian (title by Namco), and Defender (title by Williams Electronics), again promised Atari Speed Reading (to ship imminently), Juggles' House (January), Juggles' Rainbow (January), and TeleLink II (again promised apart from The Communicator II kit), and announced: E.T. Phone Home! (March), Qix (title by Taito; February), Dig Dug (title by Namco; April), AtariWriter (earlier: Word-Wise, see ANALOG #9p17; March), Family Finances (enhanced combination of the two APX titles, Family Cash Flow and Family Budget; replacement for the canceled Personal Financial Management System; March), Timewise (RLM Micro Systems for Atari; based on Weekly Planner from APX; March), Eastern Front (1941) (updated version on cartridge; previous version released by APX), Star Trux (never shipped), Superman III (never shipped), AtariMusic I (previously: Music Tutor I), Microsoft BASIC II. Atari also announced the Disney Education Series, to consist of 5 programs developed & published by Disney, and distributed by Atari, featuring Mickey Mouse, Peter Pan, and the Cheshire Cat. Keith Schaefer was VP of sales and John Cavalier was Atari president Home Computer Division. (Analog#9 p 17, 117-118; VGU 1/83; PR) December 14: Date of internal memo from Atari software architecture consultant Harry Stewart titled "6402 Floppy Disk Controller Protocol" regarding the built-in disk drive for the "6402" computer under development (would be introduced as: 1450XLD). See: December: Atari shipped: Galaxian, Defender, Atari Speed Reading (Learning Multi-Systems, Inc.) December: Atari International (U.K.) Inc. had established a network of Independent Service Centres, supported by the Atari Service Centre at company headquarters in Slough, using the Atari Service Factory Authorised Network branding. December 19: Atari (Home Computer) SVP of sales and marketing Thomas M. McDonough had departed the company. (NYT 12/19/82) (to Kenyon & Eckhardt). Keith Schaefer, previously Atari (Home Computer) VP sales, would be promoted to SVP sales, replacing McDonough in part. December/January: First issue of Page 6 magazine, the U.K.'s first Atari computer magazine. Published by Les Ellingham. Winter 82/83: First issue of I/O, later known as Input/Output, the magazine of the Atari Home Computer Club (Atari International (U.K.)). Atari sold 400,000 of its 400 and 800 computers in 1982, according to The Yankee Group, a Boston-based computer consulting firm, accounting for 17 percent of all home computer sales. (Washington Post 5/24/1983 pD7) The worldwide installed base of Atari 400/800 was estimated by Future Computing, Inc. to be about 500,000, with about 425,000 in the U.S. (January 1983). 1983 January 6-9: At the Winter CES in Las Vegas, for the 400 ($299/16KiB RAM), 800 ($679/48KiB RAM/no longer with Atari BASIC cartridge and books; previously: $899/16KiB RAM standard with Atari BASIC cartridge and books) and 1200XL (not yet shipped; $899) Atari introduced Mickey in the Great Outdoors by Walt Disney Productions, Paint (SuperBoots Software from Capital Children's Museum via Reston), and Donkey Kong (title by Nintendo), and featured or again promised: 1010 program recorder, 1020 printer/plotter, 1025 printer, Juggles' House (to ship imminently), Juggles' Rainbow (to ship imminently), AtariMusic I, AtariWriter, Family Finances, Timewise, VisiCalc, Dig Dug, Eastern Front (1941) (cartridge), E.T. Phone Home!, Qix, Star Trux (never shipped), Superman III (never shipped), Microsoft BASIC II, The Home Manager kit, The Communicator II kit. (see 2/1/83 price list) Atari hired two teenagers, Robert Allbritton and John Dickerson (via family connections with Atari CEO Ray Kassar), to help pitch Atari computers at the show. January 7: Date of the internal Atari document, "Atari 600 Home Computer Liz: Low Cost Computer Specification, Revision Two". The 600 was projected to be available with either 16KiB RAM or 64KiB RAM. (Would ship as: 600XL and 800XL). January 15: At the 2nd annual Atari Star Award banquet, held at San Francisco's St. Francis Hotel, Atari awarded the Atari Star Award and $25,000 Grand Prize to David Buehler for his APX title, Typo Attack. Star Special Award of Merit winners: Douglas Crockford, Harry Koons & Art Prag, Lee Actor. Paul Cubbage, head of the APX Software Review team, represented APX, and Atari (Home Computer) SVP sales Keith Schaefer made the announcement and presented the award. (AC Spr83p10) January: John Hagel, previously Atari (Home Computer) VP strategic planning, became Atari (Corporate) VP strate